Whiting Williams QMR 2013
Whiting Williams QMR 2013
Whiting Williams QMR 2013
Purpose – This paper seeks to demonstrate the importance of uses and gratifications theory to social
media. By applying uses and gratifications theory, this paper will explore and discuss the uses and
gratifications that consumer receive from using social media. This paper seeks to provide a better and
more comprehensive understanding of why consumers use social media.
Design/methodology/approach – Exploratory study was conducted. 25 in-depth interviews were
conducted with individuals who use social media.
Findings – This study identified ten uses and gratifications for using social media. The ten uses
and gratifications are: social interaction, information seeking, pass time, entertainment, relaxation,
communicatory utility, convenience utility, expression of opinion, information sharing, and
surveillance/knowledge about others.
Research limitations/implications – Limitations are small sample size. Research implications are
that uses and gratifications theory has specific relevance to social media and should be given more
prominence. Uses and gratifications theory helps explain the many and varied reasons why consumers
use social media.
Practical implications – This paper helps organizations to understand why consumers use social
media and what gratifications they receive from social media.
Originality/value – This paper makes the contribution that uses and gratifications theory has
specific relevance and should be given more prominence within the area of social media. This paper
also provides a rich and vivid understanding of why consumers use social media.
Keywords Social media, Web 2.0, Consumer generated media, Uses and gratifications theory,
Uses of social media, Exploratory study, Qualitative study, In-depth interviews
Paper type Research paper
Social media is a critical area of interest for marketing scholars and practitioners.
Recent research has shown that 88 percent of marketers are using social media and
that they are spending over $60 billion annually on social media advertising (Gil-Or,
2010; Smith, 2011). Successfully making contact with consumers via social media is
predicted to show great returns for marketers in the coming years (Okazaki et al., 2007).
Despite the importance of social media, there is little understanding of how and why
Qualitative Market Research: An consumers use social media.
International Journal Uses and gratifications theory, which has its roots in the communications literature,
Vol. 16 No. 4, 2013
pp. 362-369 can be an integral part of developing better scales and measurement instruments for
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited social media marketers. The basic premise of uses and gratifications theory is that
DOI 10.1108/QMR-06-2013-0041 individuals seek out media that fulfill their needs and leads to ultimate gratification
(Lariscy et al., 2011). Uses and gratifications theory has specific relevance to social Why people use
media, but it has not been given prominence in the marketing and social media
literature. Therefore, this paper seeks to apply uses and gratifications theory to help
social media?
explain why consumers use social media. In particular, this research seeks to:
demonstrate the importance of uses and gratifications theory to social media;
to apply uses and gratifications theory to social media; and
to identify the uses and gratifications that consumers receive from using social
By applying uses and gratifications theory, this research seeks to provide a better and
more comprehensive understanding of why consumers use social media.
We begin by briefly summarizing the literature on social media and uses and
gratifications theory. Next, we describe the methodology used and the research
findings. Last, the article discusses the implications and conclusions of the current
Literature review
Social media is defined as “a group of internet-based applications that build on the
ideological and technical foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and
exchange of user generated content” (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010, p. 61). Social media
includes a multitude of sources of online information that are created, circulated and
used by consumers to educate one another about products, services, and brands
available in the marketplace (Murugesan, 2007). Current examples of social media
platforms include social networking sites like Facebook, photo sharing sites like Flickr,
video sharing sites like YouTube, business networking sites like LinkedIn, micro
blogging sites like Twitter, and numerous others. Social media sites are inexpensive
and, more often than not, completely free to use.
Uses and gratifications theory is relevant to social media because of its origins in
the communications literature. Social media is a communication mechanism that
allows users to communicate with thousands, and perhaps billions, of individuals all
over the world (Williams et al., 2012). The basic premise of uses and gratifications
theory is that individuals will seek out media among competitors that fulfills their
needs and leads to ultimate gratifications (Lariscy et al., 2011). Studies have shown that
gratifications received are good predictors of media use and recurring media use (Kaye
and Johnson, 2002; Palmgreen and Rayburn, 1979). Uses and gratifications theory has
also been used extensively within the study of politics and the dissemination of
political messages (Blumler and McQuail, 1969; McLeod and Becker, 1974). While
widely used in other disciplines, uses and gratifications theory can also be relevant in
helping to explain social media uses.
Among the uses and gratifications frameworks available in the literature, this study
focused on four: Palmgreen and Rayburn’s (1979), Korgaonkar and Wolin’s (1999),
Papacharissi and Rubin’s (2000) and Ko et al. (2005). The Palmgreen and Rayburn
(1979) scale was selected because it was the first to look at both uses and gratifications
simultaneously and because it looked at television viewing which is somewhat
similar in nature to social media. The Palmgreen and Rayburn (1979) scale was also
selected because many previous studies have used this scale (Barton, 2009; Leung,
2007). The Korgaonkar and Wolin (1999), the Papacharissi and Rubin (2000)
QMRIJ and the Ko et al. (2005) frameworks were selected because they looked at uses and
16,4 gratifications with respect to the internet.
Review of the four previously mentioned frameworks and scales revealed some
common themes. The seven themes that will be discussed are:
(1) social interaction;
(2) information seeking;
(3) pass time;
(4) entertainment;
(5) relaxation;
(6) communicatory utility; and
(7) convenience utility.
These themes will be explained in the following paragraphs.
Social interaction
Relying on uses and gratifications literature, this usage theme is defined as using social
media to communicate and interact with others. The title of this theme comes from
Ko et al.’s (2005) research on social interaction motivation and web site duration. Their
scale items included “meet people with my interests” and “keep up with what is going
on”. Other uses and gratifications researchers have also had a category similar to social
interaction. Similar constructs in the literature are social motivation (Korgaonkar and
Wolin, 1999), interpersonal utility (Papacharissi and Rubin, 2000), and companionship
(Palmgreen and Rayburn, 1979). After reviewing the literature, we preferred the term
social interaction because it was narrower than interpersonal utility but broader than
Information seeking
This uses and gratifications theme is defined as using social media to seek out
information or to self-educate. The title of this theme comes from Papacharissi and
Rubin’s (2000) research on information seeking and internet usage. Korgaonkar and
Wolin (1999) also had a similar construct called information motivation which they
defined as how consumers use the web for self-education and information. Our
categorization of this theme includes both information seeking and self-education.
Pass time
This uses and gratifications theme is defined as using social media to occupy time and
relieve boredom. The title of this theme comes from Palmgreen and Rayburn’s (1979)
research on uses and gratifications for television viewing. Papacharissi and Rubin
(2000) also had a construct called pass time which they used when investigating
internet motives. Items in their scale included statements such as “use the internet
when I have nothing better to do” and “to occupy my time”.
This type of social media usage is defined as using social media to provide
entertainment and enjoyment. Both Palmgreen and Rayburn (1979) and Papacharissi
and Rubin (2000) had an entertainment dimension in their scales. Korgaonkar and
Wolin (1999) also had a related factor for internet use which they called escapism. Why people use
They defined escapism as pleasurable, fun, and enjoyable. social media?
This social media usage category is defined as using social media to relieve day-to-day
stress. Palmgreen and Rayburn (1979) included this dimension in their uses and
gratifications of television viewing. Korgaonkar and Wolin (1999) also included 365
relaxation in their dimension of entertainment. Based on the uses and gratifications
scale development of Palmgreen and Rayburn (1979) we believe that entertainment and
relaxation are two separate constructs. Relaxation provides relief from stress while
entertainment focuses on enjoyment.
Communicatory utility
This category of social media use is defined as communication facilitation and
providing information to share with others. This form of usage was investigated by
Palmgreen and Rayburn (1979) with television viewing. Korgaonkar and Wolin (1999)
also had a similar construct labeled socialization motivation for using the internet.
They describe their construct as a facilitator of interpersonal communication and
actions and its usefulness in terms of conversational value. This construct is different
from the previously discussed social interaction construct. Communicatory utility
helps facilitate communication instead of providing social interaction.
Convenience utility
This category of social media usage is defined as providing convenience or usefulness
to individuals. Papacharissi and Rubin (2000) had a construct called convenience for
internet uses and Ko et al. (2005) had a convenience motivation factor for interactive
advertising. Korgaonkar and Wolin (1999) also had the word convenience in some of
their scale items such as “enjoy the convenience of shopping on the web”.
Research methods
Due to the limited amount of literature on uses and gratifications theory and its
relationship to social media, an exploratory study was conducted. The exploratory
study consisted of 25 in-depth interviews with individuals ranging in age from 18 to
56 years old. The in-depth interviews were designed to elicit responses in terms of the
uses and gratifications of social media. Individuals were asked questions such as why
they use social media, why their friends use social media, what they enjoy about social
media, and how often they use social media. A total of 25 individuals participated in
the interviews. The breakdown for gender was 52 percent females and 48 percent
males. Responses ranged from 150 words to 1,000 þ words.
This paper demonstrates the importance and usefulness of uses and gratifications
theory to social media research. The application of uses and gratifications theory to
social media helps explain the many and varied reasons why consumers use and like
social media. The findings from the in-depth interviews provide a very rich and
comprehensive understanding of why consumers utilize social media. These findings
can help businesses to more effectively market to and communicate with its existing
and potential customers.
QMRIJ The current study identifies ten uses and gratifications for using social media. The
16,4 ten uses and gratifications found in this study are social interaction (88 percent),
information seeking (80 percent), pass time (76 percent), entertainment (64 percent),
relaxation (60 percent), communicatory utility (56 percent), expression of opinions
(56 percent), convenience utility (52 percent), information sharing (40 percent), and
surveillance and watching of others (20 percent).
368 This research contributes to the extant literature in several ways. First, the paper
makes the contribution for academics and practitioners that uses and gratifications
theory has specific relevance and should be given more prominence in social media
research and social media marketing. Second, the paper’s qualitative design provides a
rich and vibrant understanding of how and why consumers use social media. Last, this
research provides both academics and the business community with a wealth of
knowledge about the ever expanding world of social media.
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