forbiddenLandsQuickStart 25
forbiddenLandsQuickStart 25
forbiddenLandsQuickStart 25
The lava ate his stilts and Berde’s fear didn’t leave him until
he reached the ledge. The thief whistled silently to himself,
kicked off the smoldering clogs that remained and ventured
into the hold as a servant among others, directing his steps
without haste towards the treasury.
roleplaying game is a conversation. attribute that is connected to that skill. If you
The Gamemaster describes the scene, have some sort of gear that may be helpful, you
you describe how your PCs behave, the will get extra dice from that as well.
GM describes how any NPCs react, you reply, Then you roll all the dice at once.
and it goes back and forth. That is how the sto-
ry is told and progresses. But sooner or later, a
decisive situation will arise, a point of no re- SIXES MEAN SUCCESS
turn, a conflict that conversation alone cannot To succeed with your action, you must roll at
resolve. Then it’s time to break out the dice and least one six. A six is called a success, and these
use one of your skills. are marked in the rules with a symbol of two
crossed swords: x. If you roll more than one
x you can achieve additional effects in some
cases – this is specified by each skill.
There are sixteen skills in total in the game,
and they are all described later in this chapter. ONES WEAR YOU DOWN
Every skill is connected to one of the four attri- Ones can be bad for you – they can mean that
butes: Strength, Agility, Wits, and Empathy. you suffer damage, exhaustion, fear, or that
When you perform an action, you first de- your weapon has been damaged. Ones have
scribe what your player character does or says. no effect on your first roll, only if you choose
Then you grab a number of six-sided dice equal to push your roll (see below). A one is called a
to your skill level plus your current score in the bane, and is marked with a skull symbol: l.
chapter 3