The document contains a list of all project titles for Python, Java, and MATLAB projects. It includes 57 Python project titles, 31 Java project titles, and 13 MATLAB project titles, each with a short description. The titles cover a wide range of topics including machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, cybersecurity, healthcare, and more.
The document contains a list of all project titles for Python, Java, and MATLAB projects. It includes 57 Python project titles, 31 Java project titles, and 13 MATLAB project titles, each with a short description. The titles cover a wide range of topics including machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, cybersecurity, healthcare, and more.
The document contains a list of all project titles for Python, Java, and MATLAB projects. It includes 57 Python project titles, 31 Java project titles, and 13 MATLAB project titles, each with a short description. The titles cover a wide range of topics including machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, cybersecurity, healthcare, and more.
The document contains a list of all project titles for Python, Java, and MATLAB projects. It includes 57 Python project titles, 31 Java project titles, and 13 MATLAB project titles, each with a short description. The titles cover a wide range of topics including machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, cybersecurity, healthcare, and more.
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S. No Python Project Title TTSP1 A Comparative Study on CNN based Low-light Image Enhancement TTSP2 A deep learning approach in predicting products’ sentiment ratings a comparative analysis TTSP3 A machine learning based credit card fraud detection using the GA algorithm for feature selection TTSP4 A Machine Learning-Based Classification and Prediction Technique for DDoS Attacks TTSP5 A Novel Time-Aware Food Recommender-System Based on Deep Learning and Graph Clustering TTSP6 A Research on Online Education Behavior and Strategy in University TTSP7 A Thread based Machine Learning Framework for Cyber Security Operations Center TTSP8 Accuracy and efficiency of automatic tooth segmentation in digital dental models using deep learning TTSP9 An Efficiency Fabric Pattern Classification Using Transfer Learning Convolutional Network TTSP10 An Old Photo Image Restoration Processing Based on Deep Neural Network Structure TTSP11 Analysis of Object Detection Performance Based on Faster R-CNN TTSP12 AST-MTL An Attention-Based Multi-Task Learning Strategy for Traffic Forecasting TTSP13 Automatic Traffic Density Control System with Wireless Speed Limit Notification TTSP14 Blood Bank Management System using Global Position System TTSP15 Comparative Study of Stock Price Prediction using Machine Learning TTSP16 Credit Card Fraud Detection Using State-of-the-Art Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms TTSP17 Crop Yield Prediction using Machine Learning Algorithm TTSP18 Cyber-Bullying Detection in English Languages Using Machine Learning TTSP19 Deep Learning Based Sentiment Analysis On COVID-19 Public Reviews TTSP20 Deep Learning for Finger Vein Recognition A Brief Survey of Recent Trend TTSP21 Deep Sentiment Analysis A Case Study on Stemmed Turkish Twitter Data TTSP22 Detecting High Frequency Oscillations for Stereo electroencephalography in Epilepsy via Hyper graph Learning TTSP23 Detection of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and its Subtypes using Deep Learning TTSP24 DL-GuesS Deep Learning and Sentiment Analysis-Based Crypto currency Price Prediction TTSP25 Driver Drowsiness Prediction Based on Multiple Aspects Using Image Processing Techniques TTSP26 Empirical Analysis for Crime Prediction and Forecasting Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques TTSP27 Face Recognition Open CV Based ATM Security System TTSP28 Hardware Implementation of Multimodal Biometric using Fingerprint and Iris TTSP29 Identification of Significant Eye Blink for Tangible Human Computer Interaction TTSP30 Machine Learning Based Heart Disease Prediction System TTSP31 Machine Learning in Precision Agriculture A Survey on Trends, Applications and Evaluations Over Two Decades TTSP32 Machine learning methods for sign language recognition A critical review and analysis TTSP33 Modeling and Predicting Cyber Hacking Breaches TTSP34 A joint framework for underwater sequence images stitching based on deep neural network convolutional neural network TTSP35 Selection of optimal wavelet features for epileptic EEG signal classification with LSTM TTSP36 Real-time Facial Expression Recognition Based On Edge Computing TTSP37 Extensible Android Malware Detection and Family Classification Using Network-Flows and API-Calls TTSP38 Research on The Framework of Library Management System Based on Internet of Things TTSP39 Role of Technology in the Development of Smart and Secure Public Voting Systems – a Review of Literatures TTSP40 Segmentation and classification on chest radiography a systematic survey TTSP41 Skin Cancer Classification Using Image Processing and Machine Learning TTSP42 Smart Online Voting System TTSP43 Spectral Feature Fusion Networks With Dual Attention for Hyper spectral Image Classification TTSP44 Symptoms Based Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques TTSP45 Umber Related Data Analysis using Machine Learning TTSP46 Verifiable and Secure SVM Classification for Cloud-based Health Monitoring Services TTSP47 Video behavior Possible Identification and Recognition of Abnormalities and Normal Behavior profiling for anomaly detection Using CNN Model TTSP48 A Lightweight Multi-Source Fast Android Malware Detection Model TTSP49 On the Dynamics and Feasibility of Transferred Inference for Diagnosis of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma: A Perspective TTSP50 Real-time visual inspection system for grading fruits using computer vision and deep learning techniques TTSP51 Predicting The Likelihood Of Survival Of Titanic’s Passengers By Machine Learning TTSP52 Automatic Detection of Liver Cancer Using Hybrid Pre-Trained Models TTSP53 Targeted Ensemble Machine Classification Approach for Supporting IoT Enabled Skin Disease Detection TTSP54 A Systematic Analysis on Blockchain Integration With Healthcare Domain Scope and Challenges TTSP55 CNN-Based Object Recognition and Tracking System to Assist Visually Impaired People TTSP56 A Deep Learning Model for Earthquake parameters Observation in IoT System-based Earthquake Early Warning TTSP57 A Comparative Analysis and Predicting for Breast Cancer Detection Based on Data Mining Models JAVA PROJECT LIST S. No Java Project Title TTSJ1 A Fast Density Peak Clustering Method with Auto select Cluster Centers TTSJ2 A Finger Vein Feature Extraction Method Incorporating Principal Component Analysis and Locality Preserving Projections TTSJ3 Forensics chain for evidence preservation system: An evidence preservation forensics framework for internet of things-based smart city security using block chain TTSJ4 Recent Trends in Underwater Visible Light Communication (UVLC) Systems
TTSJ5 A per formant protocol for distributed health records databases
TTSJ6 A Novel Approach For Rank Fraud And Malware Detection In Google Play TTSJ7 A Survey of AI-Based Facial Emotion Recognition Features, ML & DL Techniques, Age-Wise Datasets and Future Directions TTSJ8 A survey on video streaming in multipath and multi homed overlay networks TTSJ9 Big Data with Cloud Computing Discussions and Challenges TTSJ10 Comparative Study Of Google Search Engine Optimization Algorithms Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird TTSJ11 Comparative study of various approaches, applications and classifiers for sentiment analysis TTSJ12 Effective Management for Block chain-Based Agri-Food Supply Chains Using Deep Reinforcement Learning TTSJ13 Enhancing Security of Health Information Using Modular Encryption Standard in Mobile Cloud Computing TTSJ14 Key Management Scheme for Secure Channel Establishment in Fog Computing TTSJ15 PICF-LDA a topic enhanced LDA with probability incremental correction factor for Web API service clustering TTSJ16 Predicting Ayurveda-Based Constituent Balancing in Human Body Using Machine Learning Methods TTSJ17 Predicting student’s dropout in university classes using two-layer ensemble machine learning approach A novel stacked generalization TTSJ18 Premium Quality or Guaranteed Fluidity Client-transparent DASH-aware Bandwidth Allocation at the Radio Access Network TTSJ19 Research Trends, Challenges, and Emerging Topics in Digital Forensics A Review of Reviews TTSJ20 Search Rank Fraud and Malware Detection in Google Play TTSJ21 Secure De duplication With Identity Broadcast Encryption TTSJ22 Security and Privacy Issues in Autonomous Vehicles A Layer-Based Survey TTSJ23 Smart Online Voting System TTSJ24 Social Engineering Attacks Prevention TTSJ25 Survey On Pharmacy Management System TTSJ26 TABE-DAC Efficient Traceable Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme With Dynamic Access Control Based on Block chain TTSJ27 Three Level Security System Using Image Based Authentication TTSJ28 Verifiable and Secure SVM Classification for Cloud-based Health Monitoring Services TTSJ29 Research and Development of Attendance Management System Based on Face Recognition and RFID Technology TTSJ30 Wireless Sensors Application in Smart English Classroom Design Based on Artificial Intelligent System TTSJ31 Improving the usability of faceted exploratory search tools
S. No Matlab Project Title TTSM1 A Comparative Study on CNN based Low-light Image Enhancement TTSM2 A Comprehensive Survey and Taxonomy on Image Dehazing Based on Deep Learning TTSM3 A Deep Learning Framework for Leukemia Cancer Detection in Microscopic Blood Samples Using Squeeze and Excitation Learning TTSM4 A joint framework for underwater sequence images stitching based on deep neural network convolutional neural network TTSM5 License Plate Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network–Back to the Basic With Design of Experiments TTSM6 A Survey of AI-Based Facial Emotion Recognition Features, ML & DL Techniques, Age-Wise Datasets and Future Directions TTSM7 Application of region based video surveillance in smart cities using deep learning TTSM8 Attention-based network for effective action recognition from multi-view video TTSM9 Automatic Traffic Density Control System with Wireless Speed Limit Notification TTSM10 Convolutional Neural Network Hand Gesture Recognition for American Sign Language TTSM11 Deep Learning for Finger Vein Recognition A Brief Survey of Recent Trend TTSM12 Design of Diversified Low Power and High Speed Comparators using 45nm Cmos Technology TTSM13 Driver Drowsiness Prediction Based on Multiple Aspects Using Image Processing Techniques TTSM14 Facial Expression Detection by Combining Deep Learning Neural Networks TTSM15 Hybrid Beam forming With Reduced RF Chain Based on PZF and PD-NOMA in mm Wave Massive MIMO Systems TTSM16 Indian traffic sign detection and recognition using deep learning TTSM17 IOT Based Solar Panel Tracking System with Weather Monitoring System TTSM18 Computationless Palm-Print Verification Using Wavelet Oriented Zero- Crossing Signature TTSM19 Design and Feasibility Verifcation of 6G Wireless Communication Systems with State of the Art Technologies TTSM20 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing With Index Modulation Based on Discrete Hartley Transform in Visible Light Communications TTSM21 Performance Analysis of AF Cooperative Relaying Networks with SWIPT TTSM22 Predicting The Likelihood Of Survival Of Titanic’s Passengers By Machine Learning TTSM23 Real-time license plate detection for non-helmeted motorcyclist using YOLO TTSM24 Research on the Core Technology of Education Big Data Based on Data Mining TTSM25 Revealing Influence of Meteorological Conditions on Air Quality Prediction Using Explainable Deep Learning TTSM26 Role of Technology in the Development of Smart and Secure Public Voting Systems – a Review of Literatures TTSM27 Secure Data Transmission and Image Encryption Based on a Digital-Redesign Sliding Mode Chaos Synchronization TTSM28 Semi-Supervised Image-to-Video Adaptation for Video Action Recognition TTSM29 Brain tumor detection and classification using machine learning: a comprehensive survey TTSM30 Smart Online Voting System TTSM31 Spectral Feature Fusion Networks With Dual Attention for Hyper spectral Image Classification TTSM32 Survey on Device to Device (D2D) Communication for 5GB6G Networks Concept, Applications, Challenges, and Future Directions TTSM33 The Neural Network Models Effectiveness for Face Detection and Face Recognition TTSM34 Variable pilot assisted channel estimation in MIMO OFDM system with STBC and different modulation modes TTSM35 SAR Ship Detection Based on End-to-End Morphological Feature Pyramid Network
TTSM36 Deep Learning-Assisted Index Estimator for Generalized LED Index Modulation OFDM in Visible Light Communication TTSM37
S. No PHP Project Title TTSP1 Automation of Exam Hall Allotment and Seating Arrangement
S. No VLSI Project Title TTSV1 Efficient Homomorphic Encryption Accelerator With Integrated PRNG Using Low-Cost FPGA
S. No Embedded Project Title TTSE1 Bluetooth based Home Automation using Adriano TTSE2 Development of LPG Leakage Detection Alert and Auto Exhaust System using IOT TTSE3 IOT Based Health Monitoring System TTSE4 IOT-Based Water Management Systems Survey and Future Research Direction TTSE5 Network Security Surveillance System for Jewelry Shop TTSE6 Smart Embedded Framework using Adriano and IOT for Real-Time Noise and Air Pollution Monitoring and Alert system TTSE7 SWAP Smart Water Protocol for the Irrigation of Urban Gardens in Smart Cities TTSE8 Underground Cable Fault Detection TTSE9 Parallel inverter control using diferent conventional control methods and an improved virtual oscillator control method in a standalone microgrid TTSE10 LG Fault Detection on Transmission Line TTSE11 Smart Borewell Child Rescue System Through Wireless Monitoring Using Artificial Intelligence TTSE12
S. No Android Project Title TTSA1 A Comparative Study on School Bus Safety and Security TTSA2 Design and Application of Learning APP for Ideological and Political Course Based on Android & SSH TTSA3 Examining the macro-level factors affecting vehicle breakdown duration TTSA4 Smart Shopping Application using IOT and Recommendation System TTSA5 Smart Bus Ticketing System through IOT Enabled Technology
S. No Mechanical Project Title TTSMec1 Mechanical Properties of Sustainable Metal Matrix Composites A Review on the Role of Green Reinforcements and Processing Methods TTSMec2