The 18 week semester schedule covers topics in ICT including introduction to computers and their components, operating systems, number systems, data structures, algorithms, data communication models, the internet, HTML, computer programming languages, artificial intelligence, and ERP software. Key topics to be covered include computer hardware and software, application and system software, Microsoft Office applications, operating systems, memory classification, databases, computer security, social media, data transmission, network topologies, the world wide web, and software development phases. The schedule includes class work, assignments, mid and final term exams.
The 18 week semester schedule covers topics in ICT including introduction to computers and their components, operating systems, number systems, data structures, algorithms, data communication models, the internet, HTML, computer programming languages, artificial intelligence, and ERP software. Key topics to be covered include computer hardware and software, application and system software, Microsoft Office applications, operating systems, memory classification, databases, computer security, social media, data transmission, network topologies, the world wide web, and software development phases. The schedule includes class work, assignments, mid and final term exams.
The 18 week semester schedule covers topics in ICT including introduction to computers and their components, operating systems, number systems, data structures, algorithms, data communication models, the internet, HTML, computer programming languages, artificial intelligence, and ERP software. Key topics to be covered include computer hardware and software, application and system software, Microsoft Office applications, operating systems, memory classification, databases, computer security, social media, data transmission, network topologies, the world wide web, and software development phases. The schedule includes class work, assignments, mid and final term exams.
The 18 week semester schedule covers topics in ICT including introduction to computers and their components, operating systems, number systems, data structures, algorithms, data communication models, the internet, HTML, computer programming languages, artificial intelligence, and ERP software. Key topics to be covered include computer hardware and software, application and system software, Microsoft Office applications, operating systems, memory classification, databases, computer security, social media, data transmission, network topologies, the world wide web, and software development phases. The schedule includes class work, assignments, mid and final term exams.
1 Class Work Introduction to computer We can learn about
Brief history of computer introduction of CPU Elements/Components (ALU, CU, computer out put and Registers, Cache Memory etc.) input CPU element Parts of Computer System (Input devices, Output devices etc.) Printers and Scanners Hardware Vs. Software
2 Class Work Application Software Vs. System Software Week 2 we
Uses, Types and Limitations of Application understand Software application software System Software, its importance and its types and it's uses types and limitation also the (Utilities, Device Drivers etc.) system software 3 Class Work & MS Word with basic commands In week 3 we have Assign-1 MS Excel with basic features including studies Ms word with financial, logical and text functions Visualizing basic commands Ms data in excel (column charts, bar charts, pie Excel with basic feature charts)
4 Class Work Ms power point In week 4 we have
Student presentation on any topic from privous week in studies MS power Ms power point point
5 Class Work Introduction to opreating system In Week 5 we
Types rules and function of os understand Installation of window opreating system Operating system and Components of os types 6 Class Work & Test-1 Introductions to number system and its types In week 6 we Inter conversion between number system understand number system and its types 7 Class Work Memory classification In week 7 we Memory types understand about RAM and ROM memory classification Introduction to data base and DBMS and types 8 Class Work Types of data base In week 8 we have studies introduction to data base with types
9 Mid Term Paper setting and marking marks ------------
10 Class Work Security, Encryption/Description, privacy In week 10 we learn
Social issues of IT intellectual property about computer virus Computer virus and worms and worms social Social media pltforms and its cons and pro media pltforms Awareness about uses of social media 11 Class Work Data structure In week 11 we have Algorithm studies about data Psiudo codes structure phase of software development 12 Class Work Data communication model In week 12 we learn Medium about data Data transmission and its mod communication and Digit and analogue transmission model Network topologies LAN : WAN :MAN 13 Class Work & Internet Assign-2 Word wide web Browser and URL Search engines Internet service provider Email creation and uses 14 Class Work HTML and basic tages In week 14we Making simple HTML pages understand about Silent side and server side basic knowledge about HTML 15 Class Work & Test-2 Computer programming languages and it's types In week 15 we have Note pad studies computer Integrated development environment and it's programming importants and functions languages and types
16 Class Work Artificial intelligence In week 16 we have
Application of artificial intelligence studies about artificial intelligence and application 17 Class Work Introduction to ERP In week 17 we Student orientation on CMS understand about ERP software 18 Final Term Paper setting and marking ----------- Exam