Documentation PHENIX LIBERTY Anglais V05.00

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The programs PHENIX Liberty

Wireless stimulation and biofeedback

More than 150 programs tested by
thousands of daily users
for static or mobile neuro

FIEEC Fédération des Industries Électriques,

Électronique et de Communication

Therapeutic actions Assessments

WITH: VIVALTIS is ISO 13485 certified by LNE/GMED. The PHENIX Liberty is a Class IIb device designed muscular reprogramming
and manufactured according to Directive 93/42/EC. Its compliance with the Directive is validated
• analgesic ASSESSMENTS OF PERINEAL • 1 central unit and its 15 ‘’ touch screen AWARD
• Integrated DAL software, DAL network by the presence of a label marked CE 0459.
• anti-inflammatory SPHINCTER AFFLICTIONS compatible
• 1 ergonomic console on wheels with keyboard
2012 for perineal
• decontractants and spasmolytics Women - Men - Children
• draining and trophic
• 1 POD Stim/Bio 2 channels
• 1 stylus rehabilitation

• galvanic/iontophoretic ASSESSMENTS OF NEUROPERIPHERAL • 1 bag of 4 electrodes 50 x 50
The PHENIX USB Neo The PHENIX Liberty is a medical device
• joint movement AFFLICTIONS • 1 bag of 2 elastomer electrodes 55 x 70 FIEEC Fédération des Industries Électriques,

Électronique et de Communication
• 1 probe connection and PHENIX Liberty wi- designed and manufactured to meet
• muscular strengthening • 3 straps
reless technology has the international and regulatory requi-
• strengthening muscle haemophilia • 1 standard power supply medical
• 1 user manual won the FIEEC award rements. Technicians VIVALTIS, who are
Perineal disorders
(Federation of Electrical, specialized in your device, are at your
Pathologies AWARD Electronic and Commu- disposal monday to thursday from 8 am
nication Industries). to 6 pm and friday from 8 am to 5 pm.
• stress urinary incontinence • Electrostimulation
• amyotrophic 2012 By phone : +33 (0)4 67 27 15 43
• mixed urinary incontinence 2 stimulation channels per POD
Maximum current: 100 mA
• circulatory and trophic • bladder instability Setting in steps of 0.5 mA
• muscular contractures

V5-2018-ANG - Except typographical errors. Photos and illustrations are not binding. The technical information in this document is for information purposes
• dyssynergies Pulse width: 30 µs to 300 ms
Frequency: 1 Hz to 400 Hz
• dermatological • postpartum disorders Excitomotor, analgesic, trophic, neuroperiphe- INNOVATION
• gastrointestinal transit • anorectal disorders ral currents
VIVALTIS chose Montpellier, regional capital because of the international influence of its Medical
Optional interferential POD (2000 Hz carrier)
• pregnancy • episiotomy pain • Biofeedback University and research centres. This proximity fosters a regular cooperation between its
• morphoaesthetic • muscles and tendons pain -
2 biofeedback channels per Pod
Scale: 0 to 2000 µv on 3 levels of gain engineers with the teams of Montpellier University and the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier-Nîmes.
• neurological peri and postpartum Display types: guide curves and/or bar graph
Biofeedback Sound
• osteoarticular and tendons • preparation for urethrovesical surgery Integrated recreational function More than 30.000 therapists worldwide, using devices PHENIX every day, are testament to its
• perineal sphincter and anorectal • reprogramming of the locking reflex • Measurements
reliability. The PHENIX Liberty range is enriched by their experience.
CPU: 35 x 33 x 14 cm
• perineal sphincter urinary and genital POD: 8 x 5 x 2 cm
• post-traumatic MALE PERINEUM Console measurements with the Liberty and
the PODs: height 145 cm, base width 57 cm,
• respiratory • Incontinence after prostatectomy depth 40 cm
• rheumatological • Preparation for prostate surgery
• sports

only. VIVALTIS reserves the right to change its products and may do so without notice.
• Rehabilitation of anal continence reflexes Pod: 80 g BERLIN
• POD battery
• Erectile Dysfunction BRUSSELS
Lithium Polymer long-life
• Electrical supply safety category PARIS
The PHENIX Liberty complies with the MILAN
• Retentions IEC60601-1 standard on safety regulations
• Encopresis for medical electrical equipment, the standard
• Dissynergies
on electromagnetic compatibility IEC 60601-
BARCELONA Wireless link Integrated PC
1-2 and the standards EN 300 440-2 and
• Freed up space • No risk of OK
Etc. EN 300 328 following recommendation OK
no configuration required,
1999/519/CE for wireless communication • Unparalleled
and the safety standard for nerve and muscle accuracy and stability no problem of communication
stimulators IEC 60601-2-10.
• Static
 or mobile neuro
Warning: not all printers can be connected Perineal rehabilitation muscular reprogramming
to your PHENIX Liberty. We advise you to contact
our technical department (Tel: +33 (0)4 67 27 48 89 -
Touch screen Treatment wizard using
Email : before choosing a printer. The PHENIX® devices are designed and manufactured by: Osteoarticular clinical signs
• Simple and instant
Rheumatology selection and settings • Simplicity and efficiency

Drainage and trophicity


Parc Euréka - 200, rue de Thor - 34000 Montpellier - Tél. : +33 (0)4 67 27 15 47 - Fax : +33 (0)4 67 27 15 49 -
SARL au capital de 249 520 € - Siret 42381946500034 - APE 2660Z - N° Intracommunautaire FR61423819465
PHENIX Liberty The daily ergonomics The treatment POD UNIVERSAL
Universal POD allows connection
from a peripheral to your device :

Revolutionary ergonomics wizard Pelvimeter, manometer or anorectal evaluation

and rehabilitation kit.
It is delivered as standard, with the order of one
of these devices.

« Wireless technology frees up the

treatment area around your patient.
The PHENIX Liberty is composed of a central unit with a 15’’ colour touch
screen, one POD stim/bio, one POD universal and an ergonomic and mo-
bile console.
Setting up the POD is very simple and
the launch of the protocol is at your
fingertips or you can use the stylus » POD MULTIPATIENT
A POD stim/bio is a mobile unit for stimulation and biofeedback, which Quality of the stimulation Multiply the electrostimulation applications of your
By removing the latency between the negative pulse PHENIX Liberty with one or more independent PODs.
communicates with the CPU wirelessly. Each POD stim/bio has two sti- and the positive pulse, repolarization of the cell is Each POD MultiPatient enables you to treat a patient
immediate and stimulation becomes more comfortable,
mulation channels and two biofeedback channels. In stimulation, it is allowing unprecedented muscle recruitment.
while your Liberty is used to treat another patient. From
your Liberty (even during treatment) you can transfer a
possible to use up to 3 additional PODs stim/bio, available as an option. For joint and muscle rehabilitation the wireless link stimulation program in 2 seconds to your POD MultiPa-
between the CPU and POD installed on the patient tient. You can therefore start your treatment in another
revolutionizes the practice of electrotherapy. All box or at home.
Using this unique architecture the PHENIX Liberty combines the perfor- exercises in motion are now possible in stimulation A POD MultiPatient has two stimulation channels
mance of a digital device and the flexibility of a miniaturized unit. and biofeedback.
(analgesia, strengthening, drainage, trophicity ...) and
can also be used with the Liberty as a second treat-
ment POD for programs requiring 4 stimulation chan-

Quality of the biofeedback

The latest generations of amplifiers provide fluidity for biofeedback POD INTERFERENTIAL
curves, signal purity and unprecedented insensitivity to Interferential currents have the capacity to
Wireless Biofeedback Simple but expert software environmental interference. In addition to these intrinsic qualities, pass through tissue better and to reach deeper
The POD stim/bio is placed on the OKpatient. Clip- The software is designed to meet all needs and OK the wireless link adds to these exceptional qualities. muscle layers.
ped to a strap it is connected to the probe and/or to the all practices. You can select a program based on
electrodes. As there are no wires between the patient and the disease or therapeutic action, and you can also make
the CPU, biofeedback is enriched by numerous exercises use of the expertise of your PHENIX Liberty. On a screen
which were difficult to carry out on a wired device. Each of multiple-choice questions you easily and quickly select THE PHENIX® PELVIMETER
stim/bio POD instantly transmits and displays the biofeed- the clinical signs presented by the patient and the software The PHENIX® pelvimeter is a proprietary mea-
The stimulation and surement instrument with a range of func-
back curves on the screen. Rehabilitation can be conduc- suggests the therapeutic actions and appropriate treat- biofeedback POD is a two tional and organic pelvic floor parameters.
ted orthostatically and orthodynamically without interfe- ment programs. channel telemeter. It enables the origin of dysfunctions to be
This is the ideal tool for detected and guides the selection of rehabili-
rence induced by cables. proprioceptive exercises
tation techniques. The PHENIX® pelvimeter is
Touch screen regardless of patient
also a digitally operated working tool.
position and particularly
Wireless electrostimulation No more buttons, no more mouse - the PHENIX for upright pelvic floor
The absence of wires between CPU OK and patient Liberty is controlled by finger and stylus. Selections and muscle training.
simplifies session management and provides lots of flexi- settings are simple and instant. The PHENIX® MANOMETRIC MODULE
bility for electrostimulation treatments which can now be In many therapeutic situations it may be useful to use an inflatable probe (vagi-
integrated into exercise training. All in one device You observe, question and evaluate the clinical signs:
nal or anal) connected to a manometric module.
PHENIX one, two or three channel digital manometric module allows you to
The PHENIX Liberty has a comparison tool that is very easy to
The PC card is integrated into the CPU. There is no more implement and communicate. It is based on the recorded biofeedback • Urogynaecology: SUI, urge incontinence, leakage, pain ... display recorded pressures of the balloons on the screen and to practice bio-
Electrostimulation OK
risk of conflict, no configuration required, no problem of sessions and takes into account of both quantitative (average EMG • Physiotherapy: pain, inflammation, amyotrophy, oedema... feedback exercises for:
value) and qualitative (percentage of targets achieved) aspects.
and biofeedback associated communication. You gain in time, security, space and The wizard finds the answers and organizes them into a - rehabilitation of sphincter deficiencies;
coherent and global treatment. - evaluation of anal continence reflexes;
With patients who have difficulty OKintegrating a ­efficiency.
- rehabilitation of constipation;
motor scheme, the combination of stimulation and Wire- - rehabilitation of anal-rectal dissynergies (RSSR work).
less biofeedback can create for a few seconds a senso- A product which is scalable and With the wireless technology of the PHENIX Liberty the use of a manometric
rimotor ­experience. The patient can easily reproduce it configurable to suit your needs module and an inflatable sensor becomes easier.
under feedback as in orthostatics than in orthodynamics. Up to 4 PODs stim/bio and up to 4 PODs MultiPatients,
Examples: learning the physiological refocusing of the depending on your needs.Today the Pelvimeter, tomorrow THE ANORECTAL EVALUATION AND REHABILITATION KIT
shoulder, learning of the perineal locking reflex, etc.) the manometric module. Updated by internet. Socket for 1 PHENIX digital manometric module
second screen. Wifi networking. 1 control pedal Control pedal 3 channels digital
1 double balloons anal probe manometric module
Secure communication protocol NOVELTY 1 syringe - 1 spreadsheet software
(worldwide patent) A world innovation
All the treatment parameters of the PODs stim/ The PHENIX Liberty was the first wireless Any therapist who has carried out an anal
profile and determined the thresholds trig-
bio can be changed in real time using the CPU. Treat- electrostimulation/biofeedback combination. Super Ludik’ software gering RAIR and RSSR will have encounte-
ment data are transmitted using a secure and patented You asked us, so we conceived it. Motivate your patient by transforming a stimulation session red difficulties of all kinds (technical aspects,
Decoaptation exercise for shoulder under electrostimulation and biofeedback.
protocol. This technology ensures total ­security, free from The patient becomes aware of his/her disrupted physiological condition and and biofeedback into a moment of play. Your patient remains taking measurements, records, compliance
Double balloons probre
interference and without risk to the environment (emitted changes it by analytical and recordable voluntary action. Visual contraction focused on his feelings, he reaches the goal and progresses. with hygiene rules).The PHENIX KIT guides
power < 10 mW). guides stimulate muscle recruitment intensity and quality. Biofeedback enables you on-screen, so you can work with your hands free and
the patient to take an active role in the rehabilitation and the functional objective trigger the measurements taken and recordings with the pedal. At the end of
is achieved more quickly. the evaluation a rehabilitation session that takes account of the set values is
automatically prepared.

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