February 2023

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Pastor’s Pause: “Love Is The Greatest”

There are three things that will endure - faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love.
- 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NLT)

February may be a short month but there are certainly many things that happen during the month.
At the beginning of the month many folks wait to see what the groundhog’s prediction will be for
the arrival of Spring. Also, there are those who making preparations to watch the outcome of the
Super Bowl. We also celebrate the birth of two great presidents - Abraham Lincoln and George
Washington, we celebrate Valentine’s Day - a day of and for love, and it is Black History Month.

Jesus spoke often about the need for us to love our neighbor. He actually gave the mandate in the
form of a commandment, which we know as “The Greatest Commandment” - Love your neighbor
as yourself (Matthew 22:39). The apostle Paul takes up the subject in his letter to the church at
Corinth when he tells them, “Love is the greatest.” How do we share this love with others?

There are many opportunities for the churches of the Sudlersville Charge to share the love of
Christ. I see this happening on Sunday mornings as we gather for worship, at our monthly food
pantry, in our Bible studies, and in the Sunday school classes at St. Paul’s. We continue to
explore ways we can share Christ’s love in some of the outreach opportunities that come our way
through the prayer ministry and the work of the charge wide Evangelism Team. As we continue
through this year of 2023, may we continue preparing ourselves to share the love of Christ.
Love is the greatest and we need to share it every day with someone else - a family member,
a neighbor, a co-worker, even a stranger.

Pastor Bonnie

Birthdays: Anniversaries:
2/1 Zach Schmidt 2/8 Lee & Lollie Dixon
2/4 Greg Clark 2/19 John & Billie Carroll
2/4 Mark Eck 2/19 Hans & Jennie Schmidt
2/6 Wayne Holden
2/7 Buck Dashiell
2/7 Kay Nickolson
2/8 Richard Phillips
2/13 Pastor Bonnie
2/15 Amy Taylor
2/17 Breah Elgin
2/17 Joe Kreis
2/20 John Carroll, Sr.
2/24 Norma Weller
2/25 Jesse Whalen

Ash Wednesday Service

Wednesday, February 22nd, 7:00PM
at St. Paul’s UMC, Ingleside, MD
For those who cannot attend, we
will have packets of ashes with
February 2nd – 5:00PM @ Carletto's. liturgy available at the office.
What’s on your mind? Come sit and
chat with Pastor Bonnie!

Lenten Bible Study: Lenten Daily E-Mail Devotion Begins February 22nd
March 1st through April 5th If you would like to receive a daily devotion during Lent,
9:30AM at Calvary-Asbury UMC please send your email address to Pastor Bonnie
6:30PM at St. Paul’s UMC at: pastorbonnie.sumc@outlook.com
Books will be available soon

Ways You Can Participate in Black History Month
Resource: The General Commission on Religion and Race

No matter your heritage, culture, or racial background, Black history is

EVERYONE’s story. Here are some ways you, your family, and your congregation
can celebrate and participate in Black History Month.

1. Patronize a local or online Black-owned business.

2. Attend church, Bible study, or worship at a historically Black church and experience the
Gospel from another vantage point.
3. Attend or co-host a Black history or Black culture event in your community,
in partnership with a Black congregation.
4. Learn more about “Black Harry” Hosier (c. 1750-1806), an African-American Methodist
preacher and evangelist.
5. Research other Black United Methodist leaders from our church’s heritage.
6. Fearlessly learn more about how racism has and still affects Black people around the world
and start confronting racism.
7. Donate to a Black nonprofit or empowerment organization in your community.
8. Watch a film by and about the heritage and lives of Black people. Titles to consider:
“Antwone Fisher,” “Malcolm X,” “If Beale Street Could Talk,” “Hidden Figures,” “The Hate
U Give,” and “One Night in Miami.”).
9. Watch and discuss documentaries one about the Civil Rights movement and other series on
the challenges and triumphs of Black people. Suggestions: “Eyes on the Prize,” and Henry
Louis Gates’ recent series, “The Black Church: This Is Our Story. This Is Our Song.”
10. Visit a landmark about the lives of local Black heroes in your area.
11. Read a contemporary book by a Black author.
12. Seek out and talk with a Black elder (75 or older) about their experience in your community.
13. Donate to one of the 12 United Methodist-related historically Black colleges and universities
in the United States and Zimbabwe.
14. Learn about an unsung hero of Black history.
15. Explore the breadth of Black music, from jazz to hip-hop, and gospel to southern African folk
16. Call out racism and prejudice aimed at Black people and other People of Color in your church
and community.
17. Learn about “colorism” and how it plays out in our society.
18. Learn the lyrics to “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing”.
19. Read Dr. King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” The letter can be found here:
Letter from Birmingham Jail (csuchico.edu)
20. Read a biography of an influential Black figure, such as Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, Shirley
Chisolm, Kobe Bryant, Michelle Obama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Justice Thurgood Marshall,
the Rev. Joseph Lowery.
21. Register and vote.

Pastor’s In Pastor’s In
9:30Am– Bible 5PM– Table
Study @ CA Talk @
6:30PM– Bible
Study @ CA


12PM– Lunch & Pastor’s In Pastor’s In
Visioning @ CA Pastor’s In 6:30PM–
Evangelism Mtg.
7PM– Lions 9:30Am– Bible @ CA
Club @ CA Study @ CA

6:30PM– Bible
Study @ CA

Boy Scout 9AM-1PM

Sunday 9AM-1PM 9AM-1PM
Pastor’s In
Pastor’s In Pastor’s In
5:15PM– Girl
Scout s @ CA

Transfiguration 9AM-1PM
Pastor’s In Wednesday
Sunday Pastor’s In

7PM– Lions 9AM-1PM

Club @ CA Pastor’s In

7PM– Service
@ SP

Pastor’s In
10AM– Food
5:15PM– Girl 6:30PM– Food
Scouts @ CA
Pantry @ CA
7PM– Ruritans
@ CA
Sudlersville United
Methodist Charge
Prayer List
Robyn Allen, Esther Blackiston, Barbara Bostic,
Pastor: Bonnie Shively Sam Carroll, Charlie Conley, David Conley,
Parsonage Phone: 410-438-6127
Cell Phone: 410-739-0301 Alton Darling, Buck & Judy Dashiell, Charlotte Dukes,
EJ Elliott, Spencer Everett, Kari Faust,
Church Office: Ed Henry & Family, Doug Lanter, Bettye Larrimore,
P.O. Box 202 Donald Littleton & Family, Alex Lorenz,
103 North Church Street Rev. Linda Mariner, Joey McHenry, Pam Richards,
Sudlersville, MD 21668
Phone: 410-438-3816 Wyatt Russum, Aaron Seeney, Ralph Starkey,
Hours: Monday– Thursday: Dave Turner, Jacob & Nicole Walmsley, Jimmy Wilson
9:00 AM-1:00PM
Email: office@sudlersvilleumc.org Caroline —Little girl with cancer
Situation in the Ukraine
Facebook.com/sudlersvilleumc Our Churches
Website: http://www.sudlersvilleumc.org/
Those Serving in the Military
Jeffery Coleman, Garrett Faber,
JT Larrimore, Alex Lorenz,
Erik O’Brien, Alex Walls

Any information you

would like in the bulletin
or announcements,
needs to be sent to
the office no later then
Wednesday’s @ Noon.

Pastor’s Visitation

If you or someone you know would

like a visit from the pastor, please
contact Kari in the church office.

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