Wonderful Grace of Jesus
Wonderful Grace of Jesus
Wonderful Grace of Jesus
Grace of Jesus
Haldor Lillenas
1. Wonder ful grace of Je sus, Great er than all my sin; How shall my tongue de
2. Wonder ful grace of Je sus, Reach ing to all the lost, By it I have been
3. Wonder ful grace of Je sus, Reach ing the most de filed, By its trans form ing
scribe it, Where shall its praise be gin? Tak ing a way my bur den,
par doned, Saved to the ut ter most; Chains have been torn a sun der,
pow er, Mak ing him God’s dear child, Pur chas ing peace and heav en
Sett ing my spir it free; For the won der ful grace of Je sus reach es me.
Giv ing me lib er ty; For the
For all e ter ni ty— And the
Won derful the match less grace of Je sus, Deep er than the might y roll ing
the roll ing sea; Won der ful grace, all suf
sea; High er than the moun tain, spark ling like a foun tain,
Public Domain
fi cient for me, for e ven me; Broad er than the scope of my trans
All suf fi cient grace for e ven me! trans
gres sions, Great er far than all my sin and shame; Oh, mag ni fy the pre cious
gres sions, sing it! my sin and shame;
Name of Je sus, Praise His Name!
2 Public Domain