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Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project


Mobile computing has so many distinguished characteristics. To mention some, its wireless
connectivity, small screen size, battery power usage, and its functionality suited to the mobile
user. Because of this nature, developing mobile applications are inherently different from
desktop or web based applications [2].

These days the numbers of mobile users are increasing and a lot of applications, and services
generate a lot of data, and information to mobile users. These mobile users are professional
people who can be executive, sales people, service engineers, teachers, etc. In general everyone
is becoming a mobile service user. These users are using different applications; among the many
applications used by many users are productivity applications. Our team member will build a
productivity application named android based smart appointment reminder.

Building an appointment reminder application will solve some of the problem face by many
people such as forgetting. Forgetting is a common complaint or factor that everyone shares. For
this reason, Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder application helps you to remember
your important meeting dates and place.

The purpose of this project for the development of ASAR application spanning requirements
gathering, analysis, user interface design, data base development and deployment of the
application on Android powered mobile devices. The goal is to efficiently build Android Based
Smart Appointment Reminder application for android users by detecting their locations.

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project


1. Project Initiation and Planning

In this initiation and planning phase we choose about which title will be develop, assess the
size of the project that will develop, the problems that it will address and establish rules and
procedures to support and manage each activity of the project that we will develop.

1.1 Background Information

For the past few years, android based mobile applications were almost not applicable.
According to the information from the Android website, android based mobile devices are
increasing by 53% every year and becoming an open standard for mobile devices, considering
them as a key lever to development of android based application. Thus, android is born from this
purpose in order to bring about an open standard operating system that will run on most
hardware devices [8].

Considering the open nature and easy availability of android based development tools,
building an efficient smart appointment reminder is key for reaching large number of mobile
users which have different hardware devices.

Know day’s any appointment agreements are manually or mind work. But this system is not
well. For better appointment management and time usage, an efficient smart appointment
reminder application is a key. It helps to monitor appointment place and time.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Identifying statement of the problem is the clear study of the problem with the existing
system and putting them in the precise statement. In many case mobile application system has
brought new opportunities to the government, business companies, and educational institution
and even to individual person. Now a day, mobile applications play an important role in the
development of the country in respects of social, economical and political levels.

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Accordingly users need to get enough information about each and every smart service
using mobile applications. From these mobile application the user need will be to get service like
appointment reminder mobile application.

Appointment handling, as most of us know, are composed time and place. Sometimes it is
necessary to be notified about the appointment on time. However, forgetting an appointment
time and place is becoming a common thing for most people because of workload, long time
appointment time, and appointment overlap. Considering growth of usage of android powered
mobile devices, create an Android based smart appointment reminder which notifies the
appointee his/her appointment based on his/her current location and mood transportation to
appointment place is a solution for the specified problem. However, within the current android
based mobile application it is not possible to be notified about the appointment based on current
location and mood of transport.

1.3 Objective of the project

In order to handle the problem indicated above, our team sets the following general and
specific objectives that at least minimize the existing problem in appointment reminder mobile

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of this proposed application is to design and develop android based
mobile application appointment reminder and for partial fulfillment of bachelor degree of
computer science.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

This project is developed to help users by reminding appointment using mobile simply by
detecting current location and retrieving the appointment position .This particular project,
android based smart appointment reminder deals with the problem reminding an appointments
looks like an alarm clock setted. The specific objectives of this project are listed as follow:
 Avoiding paper based appointment setting by providing automated based appointment

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

 Avoid an appointment time lost and notifies appointment based on transportation mood.

 Avoid forgetting an appointment

 It prevents to the user from stress and confusion.

 Notifies users the type of problem facing

 To introduce users currently using address and the coming ones

 Learn new skills for mobile application development

 The developed application will be used for future developments in different operating

1.4 Scope and limitation of the project

1.4.1 Scope of the system

Scope: -the do's and don'ts of the project.

 Define the boundaries of the project and provide the functions for all projects.
 Defines what part of business problem is to be studied, analyzed, designed, constructed
and ultimately improved.

The project will include android development environment setup, user interface design,
database design, coding, testing and deployment of application on android based devices. In
other words, it is a complete life cycle of a full mobile application development. This project will

• Appointment creation, edition, and deletion

• Develop a mini database for handling transportation availability

• Develop an algorithm that detects location and notify users’ appointment based on
transportation mood.

1.4.2 Limitations of the system

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Defines what the proposed application is not going to perform or what is not including in the
proposed application. Due to lack of time, budget, access and different academic loads on the
project developer group the project cannot encompasses the following activates:-

 Works in android operating system only.

 It need high accuracy GPS and it is not work without the internet connection
 Restricted in areas.
 Requires devices that are not available around( Such as GPS)
 Varies when varies the distance in between the cellular towers.
 Other mobile operating system may be considered after the completion of this project
as a second phase or future development.

1.5 Methodology and Software used

Methodology is the way or mechanism in which we gather the information’s to develop the
system. To develop appropriate android based appointment reminder mobile application the
current system must investigate thoroughly and enough information has to be gathered.

1.5.1 Systems analysis and design methodology

A. In Analysis and Design:- Object Oriented System Analysis and Design (OOSAD)
using Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Visio Software. Because of the
following reasons:
 These techniques enable to reduce the communication gap between user and
 These techniques enable designers to model the real world accurately.
 These techniques have usability features (it allows to use codes repeatedly on other
 Allows full exploitation of the power of object-based and object-oriented
programming languages
 Object-based models appeal to the workings of human cognition, and hence the
human input into the development of a software system is likely to be more natural
and less error prone.
B. In Implementation

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

 Graphics design tools (like Photoshop, paint)

 Database (like Sqlite)
 Programming language (Java)
 Development tools (Eclipse, ADT)
The model that we will use in our system development life cycle is the waterfall model which
constitutes the following phases:
 Project Initiation and Planning
 Requirement elicitation
 Analysis
 Design
 Implementation
 And Testing

1.5.2 Data Collection Methodology

Methods and methodology we employed in these projects to gather necessary information
(requirements/facts). The project team has used the following techniques mainly for gathering
requirements and for describing the proposed application.

 Review related works

 By Observing the existing problem
 By discussing and analyzing the problems with project team.

1.5.3 Development environment, programming tools and resource required

In this project, we will use following resources to achieve the project objectives.
Data and information
 Internet(Email and website( ))
 Books (2008_Ed_Burnette_Hello_Android, mobile computing principles text book
and From_OO-SAD lecture note)
Computer Software like
 MS-office, MS-project, paint, Visio, Java, Sqlite database server, Eclipse, ADT
and Android SDK,
Computer Hardware like

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

 Server, Personal computers, Switch, Printers, Different wires and related equipment’s
 External storage devise:-

 Flash disc 1-16 GB and Compactable CD-ROM 700 MB

Based on requirements, the analysis, design and implementation of the system will be
performed using the above computer hardware and software, and object oriented analysis and
design (using UML).

1.6 Feasibility study

Feasibility analysis enables the system to determine ether or not the project can be
developed, evaluates and identifies the newly developed system. Therefore, the feasibility
analysis of our project involves the following feasibility:

1.6.1Economic Feasibility
Economic Feasibility is about identifying the costs and benefits related with developing the
project. That is why it is sometimes called Cost-Benefit Analysis. It encompasses resources like
hardware cost, software cost and time. Here, in determining benefits, there are two cases for
benefit analysis such as Intangible and Tangible and in determining cost analysis One
time(initial) cost and recurring costs. The following are the tangible and intangible benefits and
one time and recurring cost that we have identified in this project.

A. Tangible benefit: - are those our project benefit that can convert into monetary
values. For this project, we have identified the following tangible benefits (per year).
 Decrease in labor cost
 Reduced Stationary Cost
 Reduction of error.
 Reduce cost of our project.
 Improved flexibility of our project
B. Intangible benefits: are those our project benefit that cannot convert into monetary
 Knowledge gain by project developer.

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

 Increasing the competitiveness of the individual

 More timely, updated, and accurate information
 Better appointment management
 Improved productivity
 Improving the morale of our team.
 Facilitating information processing of our team
 Faster decision making on the team member.
C. One time(initial)cost:- are costs incurred at the time of developing our project.
For this project, we have come up with the following tangible costs and intangible
 Tangible cost
Tangible costs are those costs that can be accurately put in numeric and measurable form, i.e.
in dollars and with certainty. These costs include the cost of equipment’s such as computers,
server, terminals and the costs of other resources which can be covered by the departments

One time cost worksheet In Birr

Transportation 100
Stationary device 15,645
Other Hardware and soft ware 500
Total 16245

 Intangible Costs

Intangible costs are costs that will be incurred during the project but are difficult to be
represented in monetary terms. The intangible costs involved in this project are:-
 Time and effort of the development team.
D. Recurring costs:-are costs those incurred to use and maintain our project once

So, generally the benefit analysis of our project greater than from the cost analysis of our
project. Therefore our team decided the proposed project is economically feasible.

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

1.6.2Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility is assessing the ability of our team to construct the proposed application.
We have viewed the technical feasibility of the project in four different angles.
A. Project Size
The size of this project is medium for the development team members but it becomes a bit
difficult to accomplish all the project works since there are other courses our teams taking while
developing this application.
B. System Requirements
The project will be less risky since:
 The requirements are more structured
 The requirements do not seek some secured information like personnel that make it
easy to obtain.
 The requirements are free from personal judgment and bias.
C. Technology
On the basis of technologies, this project is less risky because we are using standard

D. User Group
On the basis of user group the project is risky for some reasons like:-
 The user group is not familiar with the application area that we are dealing with.
Generally our team members are new to the developing environment of mobile application
but we will trays to understand the scope, objectives including specific objectives and limitations
of the proposed application well. As a result we will try to develop the ASAR mobile application
successfully within proposed time and required functionality. So that, the project is technically

1.6.3Operational Feasibility
Operational Feasibility deals with the degree to which the proposed application solves
business problems. The proposed application will solve the problems in the following ways.
 By providing a new and reliable means to handling appointment
 By providing up to date and accurate alert to the appointment
 Better management of time

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

The mentioned functionalities of the proposed application do not change the problem
structure and procedures. If in case the problem structure changes, the application is flexible to
adapt to the new organizational structure. Thus, it makes the project less risky.
But, after developing the ASAR at the last time we will imagine that it solves the above
mentioned functionalities .So ,the entire team member expects the application to be operationally

1.6.4Schedule Feasibility
Schedule Feasibility is concerned with analyzing the expected completion date of the project
and the constraints that may bring change to this date. We have so many fixed schedule to work
together the project with all group within each day and for the simplicity and fast developing
purpose we also follow work break down structure on the team member.
So, the project team members think that the project will be finished within the specified
time, unless and otherwise there are unexpected delays in the middle. These delays could be
absence of one or more project team members, unavailability of the advisor to consult, scope
creep and the change in the academic schedule of the university. These delays might force to
extend the completion date of the project. This makes the project less risky. In general, the
project is less risky as a result of the reasons specified in each of the feasibility analysis studies.

1.7 Beneficiaries Of The Project

User:-are any person that uses the developed application .So, after developing the android based
mobile application any person can beneficiary.

By the following ways:-

 Remained their appointment time early

 Can get necessary information about the appointment
 Remained their appointment place

The developers or team members

 Obtain knowledge and experience from it.

 Use it for partial fulfillment of degree program.
 Gain income if it is complete
Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

1.8Project Management Plan

This is a process of devising and maintaining a workable scheme to accomplish the business
need that the project was undertaken to address.

1.8.1Scope Management Plan

 Statement of work
Statement of work is a document prepared for our user to describe what the project will
deliver and outlines all work required to complete the project .We prepare it to assure that both
of us gain a common understanding of the project.
Date: June /5/ 2014
Statement of Work

Project Name: ASAR

Project Sponsor: Ambo University Computer science Department

Project Objective: Develop ASAR and partial fulfillment of bachelor degree

Project Purpose
The purpose of the project are the following
 Allow user to set appointment on android devices
 Provide automatic notification of appointment time and place
 User appointment management
 Requirement Specification and Analysis Document
 Logical Design Document
 Physical Design Document
 Application Prototype

Measurable success factors:

 The project should be completed before June , 2014.
 The project should provide all the deliverables listed above.

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Project Parameters
 Since most of the project team members are not experienced in doing such a job,
we may face some problems like delay on schedule
 Unable to obtain some material resources like computers, internet connectivity
sufficiently on time.
Throughout the lifetime of the project we assume that
 We will get the necessary resources for the project.
 Members of the project team will continue till the end of the project.
 The project will not encounter any scope creep.
Project .what if. plans:
 If we do not get the necessary resources at hand, we will make use of other
opportunities .E.g. using computers and internet in other ways .
 If one or more members of the project withdrew we will incorporate other
individuals or decrease the scope of the project.
 If some users do not cooperate with us, we will make them understand the
benefits they will get from the new application.
 If the project faces scope creep, we will avoid some optional functionality.

 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

A Work Breakdown Structure is an outcome oriented analysis of the work involved in the
project that defines the total scope of the project.

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Fig Work break down structure diagram

1.8.2Time Management Plan

Time management deals with the timely completion of the project considering the time
required for each activity in the work break down structure (WBS).

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Fig Gant chart

1.8.3Cost Management Plan

Cost management plan provides a rough idea of what a project will cost until it is completed.
In this Cost management plan, we tried to determine what resources (with tangible costs) and
what quantity of each resource should be used to perform project activities and their estimation
of the cost.

Phase Cost Type Price in Birr

Project Initiation and Planning Transport 123
Stationery 12
Analysis Transport 200
Stationery 5000
Design Transport 100
Stationery 300
Implementation Transport 400
Stationery 6000
The hole document Hard Copy Print 100

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Total ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13035

1.8.4Quality Management Plan

Project quality management is needed to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs and
requirements for which it was undertaken. Quality management is viewed from different
perspectives; some of these perspectives are the following:
A. Functionality: The application should give the required service properly to the user.
B. System Output: Finally the application should be produce some out put.
C. Performance:
 The system should support notification of appointment if GPS is unavailable based on
time after 5 attempts
 The system should handle an increasing number of appointments, at least 5% per year.

1.8.5 Communication Management Plan

A communication Management plan is designed to ensure timely and appropriate
generation, collection and dissemination of project information. The following table shows a list
of communication plans of the project.
Stake Holders Document Type Document Format Contact Person Due
Advisor Project Soft copy Mr.Tilahun Nov/23/2013
introduction Mr. Wondimagegn Nov/29/2013
Advisor Analysis phase Soft copy Mr.Wondmagegn Dec/13/2013
report and Mr.Tilahun Dec/8/2013
Advisor Design phase Soft copy Mr.Wondmagegn Jan/15/2014
report and Mr.Tilahun
Department Phase I report Hard Copy Department Feb/16/2014
Advisor Implementation Proto type application Mr.Wondmagegn June 2014
phase report and Mr.tilahun
Department Implementation Proto type application Department head June 2014
Final Report
Advisor Presentation Oral Mr.Wondmagegn Jan/15/2014
and Mr.Tilahun
Examiner Presentation Oral and Assigned by the Feb/26/2014

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Documentation department(Examin
application er)
Examiner Presentation Oral and Proto type Examiner June 2014
Implementation test

1.8.6 Assessing risk

Risk is measured by the degree of uncertainty in the quantitative estimates established for
resources, cost, and schedule. If project scope is poorly understood or project requirements are
subject to change, uncertainty and risk become dangerously high. But our team member are
understood the proposed system project scope clearly. This means the uncertainty and risk
become minimized.

The team member has adopted different system of advising as well as checking its successful
accomplishment to protect the system from failure. Some of the problems that we might face
while doing this project would include:-

 Damage on the computer that we work on

 Lack of references and internet connection.
 Shortage of equipment
 Shortage of enough time to develop the system
So that the above problems might require some kind of management and we had put some
methods down:-
 We would have backup CD and flash so that, the data could not be loss.
 We would use antivirus if we might get the updated one
 As much as possible we would try to used day and nights
 We would use lecture note as a reference.

1.9 Project Organization

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Our project organized in two main phases. The first phase of our project include chapter one
of project up to chapter four which includes introduction about the existing system, prior related
work system information, proposed system information System and Modeling using OO(Object
Oriented)Paradigm for phase one and Design OO (Object Oriented paradigm) and system
implementation for second phases.

1.9.1 Team organization

Team organization refers to how the group members are structured to do the given project.
In our team every task must be done by every person of the group. As we know there is three
type of Team organization; Centralized-control team, Decentralized-control team and Mixed-
control team organization. We do not select Centralized-control Team organization because it
has problems like chief programmer(CP) overloaded, consumption of time ,single point of
failure, success depend on skill and ability of CP, size and complexity of the problem and soon.
For this reason we choose the Decentralized control Team organization since the entire members
are at the same level, responsible to do the project, job satisfaction, for reviewing each other’s
work, reduce time consumption and the member will fully knowledgeable.

Chapter 2
Related Work

In this section the project development team will express works that are related to the
proposed application such as android fundamentals and appointment related application
(Calendar, Alarm, GPS, and Location Reminder). Moreover, we will explain what is missed
from this application and what we can take and integrate with our proposed application.

2.1Android Fundamentals
2.1.1 Android - History

Android is an operating system based on the Linux kernel and designed primarily for touch

screen mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computer. Initially developed by Android,
Inc., which Google backed financially and later bought in 2005. Since the introduction of
Android in 2007, Google’s flagship open-source OS for mobiles, the dynamics of the mobile

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

phone industry have changed completely [9].For this reason we need to develop ASAR
application and let as describe some basic android terms that we will use in the development of

I. Android Framework Components

An Android application is a package which consists of loosely coupled components which are
connected to each other at runtime. The components are the basic building components of any
Android application. All these components work together in collaboration by responding to
events or Intents or Android system [9].

AndroidManifest.xml file

Every Android application has a "manifest" file which contains a list of all activities, intents
and permissions which the application includes. The AndroidManifest.xml file is the starting
point of any application. It mentions the permissions that are installed as part of the application.


Intent is an abstract description of action that is to be performed. The function

startActivity() is used to start an intent. Its most significant is in the launching of different
activities, where it plays the role of a connector between different activities. The most important
components among the components of an application - activities, broadcast receivers and
services are activated through intents.


An Activity is basically a single screen that the user views with a user interface. An
application can consist of multiple activities. Whenever the user touches an appropriate button on
the screen, the android system, depending upon the program either launches a new activity or
performs another action.

SQLite Database

SQLite is an open source database which is embedded into Android. SQLite supports
standard relational database operations. The major advantage of SQLite is that it requires
approximately only 250 Kbytes of memory at runtime. SQLite is available on every Android

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

running device and does not require any additional setup. Data can be accessed, updated, inserted
into the tables with simple queries[7].

Content Providers

Content Providers are the application components that are used to store and retrieve data and
make it accessible to the other applications. Some sample content providers are the Contacts
Content provider, media list, etc. Content providers are the only way to share data across
multiple applications. Each content provider manages data in simple table on a database and has
a public URI that uniquely identifies its dataset [7].

I. Architectural Overview
The Android environment is built on top of a Linux kernel and includes a set of C/C++
libraries, the Android Runtime environment, an Application Framework and a set of core
applications as described in the diagram below.

Fig2.1 Android Architecter [9]

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

2.2 Prior Related Work (Current Related Application Description)

As we know now days there are so many ways to remember any appointment to the user.
Among these applications we will try to describe some of application they are related to ASAR.
These applications are related to ASAR in deferent angles and all have their own drawbacks and
advantages. These applications are lists below:

2.2.1 Location Reminder: is an efficient and accurate location based reminder application. It
is the perfect travel reminder Application that reminds you of your place or area as you go. The
Application is a completely free location reminder, full-featured alarm that notifies when you
arrive in the surrounding area of a location.

Functional Requirement

 Sense the location of the user

 Notifies sms to the user

Non Functional Requirement

 Give accurate information to the user about he/she exists

 Prevent the user from stress
 Hardware consideration
 Minimal space

2.2.2 Alarm reminder:-is used to the mobile application user to remind appointment time
based on which can be set. it reminds or notifies to the use only the appointment time.

Functional Requirement

 Set alarm
 Delete alarm
 Update alarm
 View alarm
 Notifies alarm

Non Functional Requirement

 Reliability
 Usability
 Accuracy

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

 Error handling

2.2.3 GPS Tracker is an application that enables you to record any track you passed using the
GPS device on your Android powered phone . GPS Tracker uses the Google Maps interface for
displaying recorded tracks. A GPS receiver estimates position by measuring satellite signal’s

time difference of arrival

Functional Requirement

 Track the location of the user

 Guides and control the user

Non Functional Requirement

 Shows user location

 Prevent the user from stress

2.2.4 Calendar: - simply reminds to the user year, month, date and time.

2.3 Prior Work Defiance’s

It’s a truth that human race enjoys technology and taking advantage of it. However, this
situation comes up with some drawbacks such they remind at the exact time of appointment. As
the result if we are in other place we will not reach on time. These drawbacks when combined
with living under stress make people more depressed. Let as see the drawbacks one by one on
each applications:-
 Location Reminder: - this reminder notifies to the user only the current
location or place of the user available. But it is not notifies the appointment
place, appointment type ,the transportation mood and the appointment time
 Alarm reminder:-it notifies or reminds only the appointment time but it is
not notifies the appointment place, appointment type, the transportation
mood and the appointment time also notifies on the exact time.
 Calendar reminder:-it remind to the user only the calendar such as year,
month, day and time. But it does not reminds appointment details such as the
appointment place, appointment type ,the transportation mood and the
appointment time
Generally we will image that the drawbacks of all application solves ASAR application.

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

2.4 Practice to preserved from the related work

All applications have their own advantageous side. So ASAR preserves the advantageous
service such as reminding time, place and can take some of the required functional requirement
and non functional requirement from the prior related work listed above, then combing them to
form ASAR application etc..

2.5 Business Rules

A business rule is a principle or policy in which the system operates accordingly .It deals with
access control issues, reliability issues, and policies of the organization. The following are the
business rules found in the system:
BR 01 Only users of the mobile with required version of android operating system are allowed to
set appointment and remind.
BR02 Only intended user of mobile should delete, view and update appointment
BR03 The system must delete automatically the setted appointment after reminding.

2.6 Players in the existing system (on related works)

The existing system will have an actor that interacts with the application which is called user and
GPS sensor.

Chapter Three
3. Proposed Application
3.1 Over view of the Proposed Application
After careful observing and analyzing the problem of this type mobile application our team
decide to design and develop the android based smart appointment reminder as a solution. The
new mobile application is a faster, accurate and a bit more personal application, specially
designed to make your appointment application better and also user may view the contents of
any appointment at any time and place as they needed.

The proposed application will use the major functionality of the prior related work application
to advance the prior related work .This means that ASAR provides information to the user about
the appointment time and appointment place based on transportation mood.

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

3.2 Functional Requirements

Functional requirement is requirement that deal with the function processes of the
application. i.e. The main or the basic tasks that the application must do. The application to be
developed should be able to support the following:
 Update existing appointment details.
 Cancel appointment details
 Reminds your day of appointment through Sending SMS or vibrating a sound.
 User Set unlimited number of appointment details.
 Select date of appointment, transportation mood and appointment place. 
 Detect or sense/Track current location.
 User View appointment detail.

3.2.1Essential Use Case Modeling

Essential Use Case Model is one of the Unified Modeling Language artifacts which is
intended to capture the essence of problems through technology-free, idealized and abstract
descriptions. It also highlights what its users are trying to accomplish.

Fig3.1 Essential Use Case Model

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

3.2.2 Essential User Interface Prototyping

Essential User Interface Prototyping is a model or a prototype of the user interface (UI) for
a system. It represents the main ideas behind the UI but not the exact
Appointment Title details. Essential UI prototypes demonstrate UI requirements in a
Input Field technology independent manner.

Appointment Place
Field Information Appointment Date
Input Field
Add Appointment Button
Appointment Time
Input Field

Appointment User Interface

Appointment Place
Appointment Time
Output Field Date
Delete Button Output Field
Output Field Place
Appointment Time
Input Field Date
Input FieldField

View Appointment Information

Appointment Title
Output Field

View Button

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Edit Appointment Information
Input Field
Gps Information
Appointment Title
Input Field Longitude
Input Field

Edit Button
Delete Appointment Information
Appointment Title
Icon PlaceTransportation Mood Information
Input Field
Destination Place
Vehicle Name Input Field
Input Field

3.2.3 Essential User

Interface Flow Diagram
Essential user interface flow
diagram shows the relationships
among the major user interfaces
like reports and forms that
compose the application. It is how
the user would interact and access
the application. That means how
information would flow
between the user and the software.
The proposed application has
several user interfaces to
communicate easily with the
user. The user interface requirements
for the proposed application are: -

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

 Application will provide graphic user interface for all functionality

 The user interface should provide processing message to users to indicate that status of an
 The application would prompt for a password to secure it from unauthorized persons.
 The application would provide error for invalid inputs

Fig.3.2 Essential User Interface Flow Diagram

User interface description

User interface name Identifier Description:
Home page UI-1 This page is used to hold and operate any activity and
action in the user mobile
Lock page UI-2 This page is the most important and key user interface
to the mobile application .It is the interface where the
mobile users prevents access to the mobile application
by asking the valid key or password. It protects the
security of the application.

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Un lock pad page UI-3 It is the interface where the mobile user gives access to
the mobile application by entering the valid key or
Activity page UI-4 Holds multiple activities of the mobile.
ASAR Application page UI-5 This user interface is collects a list of activities and
View appointment page UI-6 This user interface helps to the user to see the
appointment details that can be get any information
from the android reminder.
Set appointment page UI-7 This page is used to the user to set the detail
appointment needed information.
Update appointment UI-8 This page used to the user to Update/edit appointment
page detail information.
Cancel appointment UI-9 This user interface helps to the user to cancel
page appointment he/she cannot need.
Notifies appointment UI-10 This user interface helps to the user to show any
page notification interfaces
Remind appointment UI-11 User interface that reminds the user
Press key UI-12 Any keys used to unlock the locked interface

3.2.4Domain Modeling
Domain Modeling is the task of discovering the classes that represent the things and
concepts contained in the ASAR. In this modeling, we use Class Responsibility Collaborators
(CRCs), since they are well suited for domain modeling during requirements gathering. CRCs
have three sections which are:-
 Class name: - It is the name of a group of similar objects in ASAR.
 Responsibility:-is anything that a class knows or does in ASAR application.
 Collaborators: - are lists of classes that interact with the class for information that is
used to full fill a responsibility. Generally our proposed application domain modeling
looks like below.

Gps Activity

Knows longitude Location Manager [27]

Knows latitude
Knows current location
Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Location manager
Knows Request location update Appointment
Knows Type Location Manager
Knows time Transportation mood
knows date
knows place
Knows on create Appointment
Transportation mood Knows on start
Knows Vehicle name Map activity Knows on pause
Knows Vehicle identity Gps activity Knows on resume
Knows Starting place Appointment
Knows Destination place
Knows Circulation place

Map Activity

Knows zoom in Location manager

Knows zoom out

3.3 Non-Functional Requirement

Non-Functional Requirements are those requirements that have nothing to do with the
functionality of the system but they determine the performance of the whole application. Some
of the none functional requirements are: -

 The application should provide requirements definition, analysis, and design documents
 At any given time, the application should able to create any number of appointments
 The application can be quickly performed the work.
 The application must be reliable.

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

 The application must be low-cost.

 The application must have reusable components and code.
 The application will be use minimal space.
 The application must be support new technology
 The application should have error handling mechanism
 When users make some error:
 The application must have capacity for error handling.
 The application should display error message if the user input invalid character.
 The application must be recoverable from the error and error tolerable and
minimizes number of message box display.
 Response time:
 The application connects to user mobile within minimum period of time.
 The users have to get services from the application rapidly.
 The application should meet what the user expects and transparent to users.
 Availability: The application should easily be available at any desired time.
 Robustness: The application should able to fault tolerate (hardware and software
 Usability: - our application can easily be used and operated by any non-technical or
technical user as the application uses a GUI.
 Security: our application will use user validation during loading the application to
insure that the user application is valid or not.
 User interface: The application will provide user interfaces that are compatible with
Android platform.
 Hardware consideration: The new system will operate on android powered devices.
The operating system version will use is .

Chapter Four
4 System Modeling Using OO (Object Oriented) Paradigm
In this chapter, we are used different system diagram modeling to model the new proposed
application, such as use case diagram model, Activity diagram model, and sequence diagram
model using object oriented paradigm.

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

4.1 Use Case Diagram For New System

A use case diagram is a high level requirements overview that shows one path of activity
from start to finish. Use cases are designed to model a systems behavior without delving into its
inner-workings. So, the use case diagram for android based appointment remainder mobile user
application used to retrieve current detail information without describing how the interaction
works in a detailed manner. An actor typically initiates a use case and derives some benefit from
its use. This benefit may be realized by the actor who initiated the use case, but it could also be a
different actor. An actor may be an actual person, another system, or even a hardware device, but
it always represents a set of roles that will be interacting with the system from the out said [2].
So the use case diagram the proposed system is shown below:-

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Fig 4.1 Refined Use Case Diagram Modeling For New Application

Use Case Description

Use case name: Select appointment detail

Identifier UCI:-1
Description: The user can selects appointment time, transportation mood and

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Actor User
Pre-condition: Before appointment selection
1. The user first think when, where and what type of
Basic course of action: appointment with how will agree.
2. After that the user selects the transportation mood from
the list of transportation exists on the ASAR.
3. The user submits the selected transportation.

Extends: --
Includes: --
Post condition: Appointment selected

Use case name: Set appointment

Identifier UCI:-2
Description: Allows user to set appointment detail such as appointment time,
place , transportation mood and appointment type.
Actor User
Pre-condition: Appointment not setted.
1. User presses the appointment reminder application from the
Basic course of action: mobile application list.
2. The application displays list of appointment reminder
application icons.
3. The users select the set appointment icon and then press the
4. The application displays the set appointment page.
5. The user enters the appointment details.[A1][A2]
6. The users press the ok button.
7. The application send acknowledgement message to the user
such as the appointment is sated.

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

8. The appointment is sated.

Extends: --
Includes: Unlock key pad
Post condition: the appointment reminder is setted
Alternate course of action: A1
1. The application displays wrong data entry.
2. The application resumes at step 4.
1. The application displays required field missing message.
2. The application resumes to step 4.

Use case name: Update appointment

Identifier UCI:-3
Description: Allows user to update or edit appointment details such as
appointment time, place and type which can be set before.
Actor User
Pre-condition: The appointment must be set before.
1. The users initiate the appointment reminder application
Basic course of action: from the mobile application list.
2. The system displays list of application icons.
3. User chooses the sated appointment which can be need to be
update or edit and update it.
4. The system displays the update appointment page.
5. The user inters the appointment details such as appointment
time, place, organization and appointment type.[A1]
6. The user press ok button.
7. The system send acknowledgement message to the user.
8. The appointment is updated.
Extends: --

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Includes: Unlock key pad

Post condition: update previously sated appointment
Alternative course of A1: The application displays wrong data entries.
action: : The application resumes at step 4.

Use case name: Cancel appointment

Identifier UCI:-4
Description: Allows users to cancel or delete appointment which can be sated
Actor User
Pre-condition: The appointment must be setted before.
1. The user press or initiates the appointment reminder
Basic course of action: application from the mobile application lists
2. The system displays list of application icons.
3. The user chooses the sated appointment and then presses
cancel or delete appointment icons.
4. The system sends acknowledgement message to the user
such as the appointment deleted.
5. The system deletes the setted appointment.

Extends: --
Includes: Unlock key pad
Post condition: the appointment is deleted or canceled

Use case name: View appointment

Identifier UCI:-5
Description: The user views or sees the appointment detail which can be
remind by the appointment reminder application.
Actor User
Pre-condition: Appointment must setted and the appointment reminder
Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

application must send or remind to the user.

1. Reminder remind to the user through sending sms or
Basic course of action: vibrating tone.
2. The user presses the view appointment icons.
3. The system displays the appointment detail which can
receive from the reminder.
4. The user sees the appointment detail.
5. The users remind and go to the appointment.
Includes: Unlock key pad
Post condition: Appointment viewed and remind by the user.

Use case name: Unlock key pad

Identifier UCI:-6
Description: The user first work is initiate or Unlock key pad to do any
mobile activity.
Actor User
Pre-condition: Mobile must be Locked key pad before.
1. The user press ok menu to initiate the mobile application
Basic course of action: 2. The mobile application displays the lock page interface
3. The user press the required key to unlock the locked key
4. The application unlocks the key pad.
Extends: ------
Includes: -------
Post condition: Unlock the mobile key pad
Alternative course of A1: The application displays incorrect key pressed message.
action The application resume at steep 2

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Use case name: Remind appointment

Identifier UCI:-7
Description: The GPS sensor remind the appointment to the user by sending
sms or vibrating tons with the consideration of current location
of the user and the appointment place through detecting latitude
and longitude.
Actor GPS sensor
Pre-condition: Appointment detail must be setted before and not remind.
1. The GPS initiate to sense current location of the user.
Basic course of action: 2. The GPS calculates longitude and altitude of the current
position of the user.
3. The GPS considers the appointment place, time and
transportation mood.
4. The applications remind the appointment detail to the
user before.
Extends: View appointment
Includes: -------
Post condition: The appointment will remembered to the user.

Use case name: Sense/ Detect current location

Identifier UCI:-7
Description: The GPS sensor detects or retrieves the current position of the
user and compared to the appointment place using latitude and
Actor GPS sensor
Pre-condition: The user current location cannot detect and appointment will not
1. The user initiate the menu
Basic course of action: 2. The GPS initiate to sense current location of the user.
3. The GPS calculates longitude and altitude of the current

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

position of the user.

4. The GPS detects or sense the current location of the user.

Extends: ------
Includes: -------
Post condition: The current location of the user detected

4.2 Sequence Diagram

The Sequence diagrams our proposed application show a succession of interactions between
classes or object instances over time. A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that
emphasizes the time ordering of messages. It also shows the processing described in a single
scenario [2].

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Fig 4.2Sequence Diagram For Set Appointment

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Fig Fig4.3Sequence Diagram for Update Appointment Use Case

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Fig 4.4 Sequence diagram for delete appointment use case

Fig 4.5 Sequence diagram for view appointment use case

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Fig 4.5Sequence diagram for sense current location use case

4.3 Activity diagram

The purpose of the activity diagram is to model the procedural flow of actions that are part of
a larger activity. In projects in which use cases are present, activity diagrams can model a
specific use case at a more detailed level [2].

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

Fig 4.7Activity Diagram

[1] Google Maps in Android[2013,Dec,21]

Android Based Smart Appointment Reminder Final Year project

[2] Android Coding and Documentation

Books (2008_Ed_Burnette_Hello_Android, mobile computing principles text book and

From_OO-SAD lecture note)
[3] Android Development Tutorial [2014,Jan,1]

[4] Google Directions API [2014,Jan,2]

[5] Android Developer Guide

[6] SMS Messaging in Android

[7] Android SQLite and Content Providers

acquirers-chose-smart.html, 20,2013]




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