Pradeep Mini Project-1
Pradeep Mini Project-1
Pradeep Mini Project-1
1.1 General
Any construction project to begin with starts with the Layout of the building or structure followed
by Design and Analysis of the structure which is succeeded by cost estimation and planning for
the said project. This project involves the layout, detailed estimation and cost estimation of a G+1
residential building.
For completing the project very popular Civil Engineering software's such as AutoCAD and
Microsoft Excel for Cost Estimation have been used.
AutoCAD Architecture allows designers to draw 3D objects such as walls, doors and windows,
with more intelligent data associated with them rather than simple objects. The data can be
programmed to represent products sold in the building industry, or it can be extracted into a file
for pricing material estimation etc.
In this project AutoCAD has been used extensively for drafting and modelling for the structure.
Also, the various detailing for the foundation has also been completed using AutoCAD. Use of
AutoCAD has drastically reduced the drafting time when done manually thus saving time which
can be used in other productive work
Excel is a typical spreadsheet which is nowadays widely used in cost estimation and also
sometimes for planning purposes. Excel has various inbuilt calculation tools which can be used
for complex calculation. Apart from that one can also input one's own formula for special
calculations. The user interface is very friendly and easy to use. There are around Rows: 1,048,576
Columns: 16,384, which makes it easier for the user to enter a large amount of data into a single
spreadsheet. Also, there are features like the auto correct which make changes to the entire
document if there is an error in inputting an entry. This makes the job the less redundant and easier
for the Estimator.
The key objective of cost estimation is to arrive at an accurate cost and schedules so as to avoid
schedule slips and cost overruns: Cost estimation goes beyond preparing approx. costs elps in
preparing schedules, manage human resource, support assessment and decision making. The wide
range of topics in cost estimation represents the crossing of various fields such as project
management, business management and engineering. Cost estimation recognizes and pays
attention to the relationship between cost and physical dimension of what is being built.
In a construction project there are several types of estimators such as building estimator, electrical
estimator, quantity surveyor etc. The work of an estimator is very important because they help in
planning, managing the project cost, investment appraisal, risk analysis etc. Estimators also help
in budgeting, planning and monitoring a project.
2.1 AutoCAD
AutoCAD or Computer Aided Design is a very helpful tool in drafting and designing any structure.
AutoCAD uses a Graphical User Interface for the purpose of drafting and designing any structure.
The software has various inbuilt tools for complex drafting. Also, AutoCAD can be used for 2D
and 3D design and also for perspective design.
With the help of AutoCAD all the drafting for the project has been done. It has made the life of a
drafter quite easy than the conventional drafter using paper and pencil. It has made possible to
make easy changes in the drawing as and when required. Also, various commands such as COPY,
OFFSET, ROTATE, MOVE have made the tedious process of redundant work quite easy and
Also, one of the important features of AutoCAD is the import and export feature which allows
users to move their plans drawn using AutoCAD to other design software's such as STAAD Pro
and ETABS with the help of DXF file format which has in turn reduced load on the designer. Also,
structural designs made on STAAD and ETABS are also exportable to AutoCAD for minute
detailing required.
The benefit of using Excel for an estimation project lies within the formulas. By entering different
line items for costs, you can easily calculate the total cost of each item, and multiply across floors
or drawings to calculate estimates faster.
Excel also opens the floor for anyone working on any project, to create their own version or make
edits which can make it hard to have a consistent process and approach. Excel is arguably the most
powerful product in the Microsoft Office suite, and it's one of the most common and long-standing
programs in existence. From complex computing to custom sheets and organization, this single
program can be used for every aspect of construction estimation.
MS Excel provides greater flexibility and compatibility across devices and operating systems.
Arranging, analyzing and presenting your data with MS Excel is easy. It involves the benefits Of
Layout our data, Easy to reformat and rearrange data, process data and analyze with graphs and
charts, conditional formatting.
• Amidah Zaiden, Fatariah Zakaria & Ahmad Nizam Othman (University Saints Malaysia,
Penang, Malaysia) 2012: This study shows how AutoCAD can be an effective tool in
increasing the performance of students of various levels. It helps in proper visualization of
the project to be undertaken and thus help students in learning Engineering Design better.
The study also shows how AutoCAD increases the efficiency of the student/designer.
• Murat Gunduza (2015) have studied an early cost estimation model for hydroelectric
power plant projects. The main indicators considered and studied in this paper are the
amount of energy generated in a hydroelectric power plant and the cost of investment and
there by decide whether a project investment is feasible or not. Cost of the project is
calculated by detailed hydrological study, site investigation, good basin planning,
geotechnical survey and various tests of the soils. Multiple regression method and artificial
neural network analysis are taken for the validation. The models are developed by the data
collected from forty-nine hydroelectric power plant projects and five projects are used for
the validation of the models. Comparisons of validation results revealed that the regression
model had a 9.94%, and neural network model had 5.04% prediction accuracy. In this paper
the neural network shows more prediction accuracy than the regression analysis.
• B.N Dutta: In Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering (Theory and practice including
specification and valuation), B.N Dutta has focused on various methods of estimating and
costing of quantities. It emphasizes on the calculations of quantities of materials, tools,
equipment, labors etc. and cost associated with them. It consists of numerous examples of
estimation of buildings, RCC works, culverts, bridges, etc. Method of preparing
preliminary estimates, analysis of rates, specification, methods of measurements have been
dealt in detail with illustration. Many technical data have been included.
3.2 Estimation and its types:
• Preliminary estimate.
• Rough cost estimate based on plinth area.
• Rough cost estimate based on cubic contents.
• Detailed estimate.
• Annual repair estimate.
• Special repair estimate.
• Revised estimate.
• Supplementary estimate.
Among all these estimates I have preferred Detailed Estimate as the estimate is divided
into subheads and quantities of various items are calculated individually. In the end of detailed
quantities, an abstract of cost giving quantities of each item and rate of every item according to the
sanctioned schedule of rates is made and then attached.
3.2.1 Methods of Estimation: There are two methods of estimation they are:
• Centre line method: This method is suitable only if the offsets are symmetrical and the
building is more or less rectangular in shape. The Centre line of the building determined
carefully after doing deductions for repeated measurements. To find out total length of
Centre lines of walls long and short to be found out and then this length to be multiplied
by breadth and depth.
• Long wall short wall method: To find out the external length of walls running in the
longitudinal direction generally the long walls out to out and internal length of walls
running in the transverse direction in to in and multiplying the length, breadth and height
of the wall.
Of these two methods I preferred the long wall short wall method as computation easy and
this method is appropriate to calculate quantities as per my plan.
3.2.2 Abstract of cost:
The estimated cost of each and every individual item of work is calculated by multiplying
the quantity by the specified rate taken from standard schedule of rates in tabular form known as
"Abstract form", then adding all together to get the actual estimated cost.
Finally, we calculate the quantities of each item of work and the summary of the cost and
then cost is evaluated.
Salient Features of the Project: -
4. Specifications:
Structural details:
Thickness of slab-150mm
Grade of concrete-M20
D1 = (1 x 2.1)
D2 = (0.9x2.1)
Windows: W1 = (2.5x1.4)
W2 = (2.5x1.4)
Ventilators: V1 = (0.5x0.6)
V2 = (0.35x0.35)
The cost of each item is worked out from the quantities that already computed in the
detailed measurement from a workable rate. The total cost is worked out in the prescribed
form, the rates are taken from standard schedule of rates (TS 2022). For the Abstract cost
CPWD Schedule of rates has been followed and a total cost of Rs 5,709,543 has been
Table 7.1: Abstract of cost
TSR 2022RS
1 CARRIAGE OF 14850.00
2 EARTH WORK 21966.00
4 RCC WORK 306396.00
5 BRICK WORK 837200.00
6 FLOORING WORK 33916.00
7 WOOD WORK 103535.00
8 STEEL WORK 1152523.00
9 FINISHING WORK 112796.00
10 PAINTING WORKS 108400.00
TOTAL 3383082.00
5.3 Total cost:
The contingencies charges of 3% and work charges of 1.5% are added to the total cost of
This project includes the layout of G+1 residential building, Drafting using AutoCAD and
concludes with the cost estimate for the entire project.
The main object of estimate is to know the required quantity of material, labor and cost before
actual execution.
The cost estimate for the project has been calculated using long wall short wall Method in
Microsoft Excel. For the Abstract cost CPWD Schedule of rates has been followed and a total cost
of Rs 5,966472.4 has been calculated. Which includes material costs, labour charges, water
charges and contractor’s profit.
• Estimation and costing in civil engineering by B.N. Dutta (25th revised edition)
• GHMC building permissions and bye laws (
• Standard schedule of rates (TS 2021-2022)