English Gr.7 LP Wk16.Jan
English Gr.7 LP Wk16.Jan
English Gr.7 LP Wk16.Jan
AMPS Definition of Learning: The environment is conducive to learning, the students are active self-directed and collaborative learners, the teachers are effective
facilitators, and the instructional leaders are supportive mentors.
Teacher Names: Weekly Lesson Dates: (Total Time for Each Daily Unit Title: 3
Ogechi Elekwa 13-02-2023 Lesson)
14-02-2023 45 Minutes
Priority/ R.I.7.5 Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the
Power/Focus development of the ideas.
Standards W.7.1.a (Introduce claim(s), acknowledge alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically.)
ary Skills/
Sessions Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6
Reading Vocabulary AND Reading Reading Literature or Reading Literature or Grammar Lesson Grammar Lesson Guided
Reading Information Reading Information (Language Standard/ Application/ Reading Reading/
Comprehension Skill: Comprehension Skill: May be from Comprehension Skills Raz-Kids/
Focus Area Analyzing text structure Analyzing text structure previous grade Jigsaw Practice CAFE
using unseen levels due to Reading
informational text learning gaps) Application using Stations/
More practice on authentic material. Library
sentence structure Period
Success Standard Code: R.I.7.5 Standard Code: R.I.7.5 Standard Code: R.I.7.5 Standard Code: L.2.b Standard Code: L.2.b
Success Criterion:
Success Criterion: Success Criterion: Success Criterion: Success Criterion:
Criteria I can apply correct
I can determine the text I can determine the I can determine how I can apply Capitalization
(Measurable and Punctuation
structure the author uses to text structure the major sections of a text correct
I Can when writing.
organize a text. author uses to contribute to the main Capitalization,
I can identify signal words organize a text. idea or to the Punctuation,
that is
for different text structures I can identify signal development of the Spelling
displayed in
words for different main idea .
text structures
Formative/ _ Teacher Feedback _ Teacher Feedback _ Teacher Feedback _ Teacher Feedback _ Teacher Feedback
_ Peer Feedback
Summative _ Peer Feedback _ Peer Feedback _ Peer Feedback _ Peer Feedback
_ Self Feedback
Assessments _ Self Feedback _ Self Feedback _ Self Feedback _ Self Feedback
Differentiated Extend/ Challenge: Extend/ Challenge: Extend/ Challenge: Extend/ Challenge: Extend/ Challenge:
Correct the Sentence
Small Group/ Play the Flocabulary video a Challenge students to Students to summarize in Correct the passages
Whole Group second time in "Discussion write two responses to the their own words the to be worked on by Worksheet
Instruction Mode," pausing to discuss the same prompt using two meaning of main idea and students.
questions as they come up. different text structures. explain text features. Develop: Rewrite the following
sentences worksheet
Develop: Correct the passages
What are three examples to be worked on by Reinforce:
Develop: of topics you might write Develop: students. Capitalization print
MCQs culled from Quizzizz will about using this text Students to summarize in Reinforce: 7B.pdf
be answered by learners. structure? their own words the Rewrite the sentence
meaning of main idea and activities to be done
Reinforce: Reinforce: explain information text by students.
If students struggle with text Signal Words Should be features.
structure: reinforced. Reinforce:
Take it back to a sentence level.
Can the students identify a
cause-and-effect relationship in
one sentence? Repeat this for
the other text structures.
Cross- Problem Solving Science and Technology N/A Public Speaking Public Speaking
National Public Speaking Technology N/A N/A
Agenda/ UAE
SOD 1. Allow additional time to Challenge students to tell a . Reinforce
Accommodatio read story (two responses) to capitalization and
ns 2. Provide vocabulary lists the same prompt using punctuation rules.
with user-friendly two different text
definitions structures.
SOD Allow the use of a laptop or iPad Allow the use of a laptop . Use of capitalization
Modifications for answering questions instead or iPad for answering and punctuation
of writing with pen and paper. questions instead of posters( visuals)
writing with pen and
Re-visit Success Re-visit Success Criteria Re-visit Success Criteria Re-visit Success Criteria Re-visit Success Use worksheet on Re-visit
Criteria/ Exit Criteria capitalization and Success
Ticket/ punctuation that Criteria
integrates dialogue.