No. 25

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DLP No.: 25 Learning Area: Health Grade Level: 7 Quarter: Duration:

Third 60 mins
Learning Competency/  The learner discusses the types, sign, symptoms, and prevention, treatment Code:
ies: and professional care in managing common mental health disorder. H7PH-IIIf-h-40

Key Concepts/ It is important to remember that mental illnesses/ disorders are diagnosed. Only professional
Understandings to be physicians may determine the illness being experienced by an individual. In terms of treatment and cure, a
Developed: professional physician may decide on whether to give the patient medication or subject him or her to routine
therapy sessions.

1. Objectives
Knowledge Give the different signs and symptoms of the common mental disorder

Skills Make a slogan about how to treat or how to prevent a person with mental illness

Attitudes Display awareness of the different signs and symptoms prevention and treatment of the common mental

Values Demonstrate appreciation on the importance of preventing, diagnosing and treating mental
2. Content/ Topic Prevention, Coping and Treatment of Common Mental Disorders

3. Learning MAPEH 7 Curriculum guide, p. 69

Resources/ Materials/ Teacher’s Guide, p. 405-408
Equipment Learner’s Material, p. 364-367
Power point Presentation, TV/projector (Optional)

4. Procedures
4.1. Introductory Simple Recall!
Activity ( 5 mins.) 1. What is mental illness? Triggers?
2. What are the different common mental disorders/ illnesses?
3. Give different triggers and warning signs of the common mental disorders/ illnesses.

4.2. Activity Group activity:

( 15 mins ) 1. The teacher will group the students into 4 and assign one topic to each group.
 Group 1: Major Depressive Disorder
 Group 2: Bipolar Disorder
 Group 3: Schizophrenia
 Group 4: Post- traumatic Stress Disorder
2. Each group shall read the descriptions of each mental illnesses on page 365-366 of the learner’s material.
4. They are going to discuss in front of the class the different signs and symptoms, prevention and treatment
of the mental disorder/ illness assigned to them.
5. Each group will assign one or two members to present and discuss their work.

4.3. Analysis (8 Ask the following questions?

mins. ) 1. How do you find the activity?
2. What are the different signs and symptoms of the common mental disorders discussed by each group?
3. How to prevent these mental disorders/ illnesses?
4. What the treatment needed to overcome mental disorders/ illnesses?
5. How to treat persons with mental disorders/ illnesses?
6. Why is it important to know the different signs and symptoms, prevention and treatment of common mental
disorders/ illnesses?

4.4. Abstraction The teacher will then give a brief discussion about signs and symptoms, prevention and treatment of the
( 10 mins. ) common mental disorders/ illnesses.

4.5. Application Group Activity:

( 10 mins. ) 1. Using the same group, each group will make a slogan about how to prevent or how to treat common
mental disorders/ illness.
2. The teacher may set his/ her own guidelines in making a slogan.
3. The group will write their slogan in a 1/2 size cartolina.
4. Each group will present there work in the class.

5. Assessment Direction: Select one mental disorder from the box. Describe it and provide three (3) common signs and
(Test) symptoms.
( 7 mins. ) Major Depressive Disorder Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia
Obsessive- compulsive disorder Post- traumatic Stress Disorder
Mental disorder: ________________________________________________________________

Description: ____________________________________________________________________

Common Signs and Symptoms:


6. Assignment
(Preparing for the new Study for the summative test.
( 3 mins. )
7. Wrap- up/
Concluding Activity
( 2 min. )

Prepared by:

Name: Reycel C. Castro School: Sabang National High School

Position/ Designation: Teacher I Division: Danao City

Contact Number: 09261893509 Email address:

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