Chemistry SA Unit1 Balance Criteria A
Chemistry SA Unit1 Balance Criteria A
Chemistry SA Unit1 Balance Criteria A
Name:__________________________________ Date:_____________
CRITERIA A-Knowing and understanding
The questions in this test will be used to give you a criterion A level, it is divided into three
Section A: A question that will assess your application of scientific knowledge and how you use
Section B: Questions that will assess how you apply scientific knowledge and understanding to
solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations.
Section C: A question that will assess how you analyse information to make scientifically
supported judgments.
You should attempt all of the questions.
Achieved SECTION
Level A B C
2. Balance the following chemical equations and show your solving procedure.
Section B:
3. For each of the following chemical reactions, examine the reactants and products and
their states of matter, balance the reactions and decide how the changes in the reaction
conditions will affect the position of the equilibrium.
3.1 The Haber process describes the industrial production of ammonia gas on a large
N 2 ( g )+ H 2 ( g ) ⇌ NH 3 ( g )
What is the source of the reactants nitrogen and hydrogen used in this process?
This reaction is not taking place regularly. Why not? In order for the reaction to happen what
need to be done?
Predict the effect of the following changes on the position of the equilibrium in the Haber
SO 3 ( g ) ⇌ SO 2 ( g ) +O2 ( g )
Predict the effect of the following changes on the position of the equilibrium:
Section C:
5. How can imbalanced relationships produce both local and global effects?
Criterion A: Knowing and understanding
Maximum: 8
At the end of year 3, students should be able to:
i. describe scientific knowledge
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar
iii. analyze information to make scientifically supported judgments.
i. recall scientific knowledge i. recall scientific knowledge and partially solves section A.
1-2 ii. apply scientific knowledge and ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to suggest
understanding to suggest solutions to solutions to problems set in familiar situations in Section B.
problems set in familiar situations
iii. apply information to make judgments and partially answer
iii. apply information to make section C.
i. state scientific knowledge i. state scientific knowledge and solves section A partially
ii. apply scientific knowledge and
understanding to solve problems set ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to suggest
3-4 in familiar situations solutions to problems set in familiar situations in Section B.
iii. apply information to make iii. apply information to make scientifically supported
scientifically supported judgments. judgments and partially answers section C.
ii. apply scientific knowledge and ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve
understanding to solve problems set problems set in
familiar situations Section B and suggest solutions to
5-6 familiar situations and suggest problems set in unfamiliar situations Section B
solutions to problems set in
unfamiliar situations iii. interpret information to make scientifically supported
judgments in Section C.
iii. interpret information to make
scientifically supported judgments
The student is able to: The student is able to:
i. describe scientific knowledge i. describe scientific knowledge and fully answer Section A
ii. apply scientific knowledge and ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve
understanding to solve problems set problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations by fully
7-8 in familiar and unfamiliar and correctly answering questions in section B.
iii. analyze information to make scientifically supported
iii. analyze information to make judgments while fully answering Section C.
scientifically supported judgments.