Lý Thuyết Lý Thuyết Dịch

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Gist: It refers to the main idea of the text

2. Readership refers to those reading the text
3. Intention of the text: This means the author’s attitude or objective
4. Setting: It is the place where the text is published
5. Last reading: It’s the later analysis of the text’s cultural aspects.
6. Formal language: This languge features long sentences and more advanced
7. Informal language: This kind of language is used in everyday conversations with
friends or family.
8. Denotation: It is the literal meaning or dictionary meaning
9. Connotation: It is underlying or referential meaning

Text styles

1. Narrative: This text style features a sequence of events

2. Discussion: This text style feature thoughts, ideas, opinions, facts and figures
3. Description: This text style features linking verbs, adj, and nouns.
4. Dialogue: Cuộc hội thoại

Stylistic scale (Scale of formality)

1. Officialese (phong cách hàn lâm): used in government documents, hard to

2. Official (phong cách nghiêm túc)
3. Formal (Phong cách lịch sự)
4. Neutral (Phong cách trung lập)
5. Informal ( Phong cách giản dị)
6. Colloquial (Phong cách hội thoại)
7. Slang (tiếng lóng)
8. Taboo (Phong cách cấm kị)

Translation methods

1. Word-for-word Translation (interlinear translation) (DỊch đối từ)

 SL word-order is preserved
 Non- grammatical
 Words are translated by the most common meaning out of context
 Useful in: info about the SL, Language learning (mechanics of the
language, Pre – translation process of difficult text in order to gain the
sense of meaning, The structure of the SL and TL are similarly equivalent.
2. Literal Translation (DỊch theo ngữ pháp, DỊch nghĩa đen, Trực dịch)
 SL grammatical structures are converted to their nearest equivalent in
the TL.
 Words are translated singly, out of the context.
 Useful for pre-translation process, basis for poetry translation for poet
who dóe not understand the SL.
3. Faithful Translation (Dịch trung thành, dịch bám sát nội dung)
 This method reproduces the precise contextual meaning of the original
and deals with the constraints of the grammatical structures. Its aim is
to be completely faithful intentions and the text-realization of the SL
 Useful for Literary translation and draft translation
4. Semantic Translation (Dịch ngữ nghĩa)
 Semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and
syntactic of the TL allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original
 Emphasize on loyalty of the SL
 Useful for high status texts: Religious texts, legal texts, political speeches)
 More flexible than faithful Trans, more natural, focus on aesthetic
features of the SL
5. Communicative Translation
 It attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such
a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and
comprehensble to the readership.
 It’s freer than the semantic translation, gives priority to the effectiveness
of the messages to be communicated, it focuses on factors such as
redability and naturalness, and finally both the content and the language
are really acceptable and comprehensible to the readers.
 Used for informative texts (Ads,
6. Equivalence in translation
a. Quantitive equivalence (định lượng/ mức độ tương thích giữa SL và TL)
 One – to – one equivalence: only one way to translation
 One – to – many equivalence
 One – to – part – of one equivalence: only partial equivalents are
 Nil equivalence: No equivalent is available
b. Meaning – based equivalence
 Denotation equivalence
o Denotative equivalence is one in which the SL and TL
words refer to the same thing in  the real world. This is
the referential identity between SL and TL units.
o This is equivalence of the extra linguistic content of a
text, otherwise called ‘content invariance” (nội dung bất
o Examples: 
 a rabbit 
 the great fire of London 

b. Connotative equivalence
o SL and TL words should produce the same communicative values in
the mind of native speakers of the two languages.
o The connotation transmitted by means of the word choices
(especially where  there is a specific choice between synonymous
expressions), with respect to level  of style (register), the social and
geographical dimension, frequency, etc.
o Also called “Stylistic equivalence” 
 Evluation and Attitude (Sự trốn tránh và thái độ):
die, pass away, kick the bucket
 Formal (Trang trọng)
 Geographical
 Euphemism
 Slang (student langugae, Military usage, Aristocracy
 Pragmatic equivalence

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