Lý Thuyết Lý Thuyết Dịch
Lý Thuyết Lý Thuyết Dịch
Lý Thuyết Lý Thuyết Dịch
Text styles
Translation methods
b. Connotative equivalence
o SL and TL words should produce the same communicative values in
the mind of native speakers of the two languages.
o The connotation transmitted by means of the word choices
(especially where there is a specific choice between synonymous
expressions), with respect to level of style (register), the social and
geographical dimension, frequency, etc.
o Also called “Stylistic equivalence”
Evluation and Attitude (Sự trốn tránh và thái độ):
die, pass away, kick the bucket
Formal (Trang trọng)
Slang (student langugae, Military usage, Aristocracy
Pragmatic equivalence