Final Paper PB I Class X

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Section A

1. Which of the following are combination reactions?

i. 2KClO3 2KCl + 3O2
ii. MgO + H2O Mg(OH)2
iii. 4Al + 3O2 2A12 O3
iv. Zn + FeSO4 ZnSO4 + Fe
(a) (ii) and (iii) (b) (i) and (iii) (c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv)

2. What is the normal breathing rate in an adult man at rest?

(a) 15-18 times / minute (b) 10-15 times / minute
(c) None of these (d) 20-25 times / minute

3. An iron nail was kept immersed in an aluminium sulphate solution. After about an
hour, It was observed that:
(a) the colourless solution changes to light green
(b) the solution becomes warm
(c ) the solution remains colourless and no deposition is observed on iron nail
(d) grey-metal is deposited on the iron nail

4. In an experiment to determine the focal length of a convex lens, a student obtained the image
of a distant window on the screen. To determine the focal length of the lens, she should
measure the distance between the .
(a)None of these (b) lens and the window only
(c)lens and screen only (d)screen and the window only

5. Match the following with correct response

Column A Column B
(i) Insects (a) Gills
(ii) Earthworm (b) Trachea
(iii) Fishes (c) Lungs
(iv) Mammals (d) Skin

(a) (i) - (a), (ii) - (c), (iii) - (b), (iv) - (d) (b) (i) - (d), (ii) - (a), (iii) - (c), (iv) - (b)
(c) (i) - (c), (ii) - (b), (iii) - (d), (iv) - (a) (d) (i) - (b), (ii) - (d), (iii) - (a), (iv) - (c)

6. A student is to find the focal length of a (i) concave mirror, (ii) convex lens by using a distant object.
He will observe that the screen is on the same side as the object

(a) in both the cases (b) in case (ii) but not in case (i)
(c) in case (i) but not in case (ii) (d) in neither of the two cases

7. What Colour did we obtain on mixing red, green and blue light?

(a) Magenta (b) Black (c) Cyan (d) White

8. Out of the four experimental set-up shown below, which one will demonstrate the evolution of
carbon dioxide during respiration of germinating seeds?

. .

(a) III (b) II (a) IV (d) I

9. Which of the following phenomena is not the result of total internal reflection?

(a) Looming (b) Sparkles of the diamond

(c) Mirage (d) Twinkling of stars

10. Equal volumes of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide solutions of same concentration are
mixedand the pH of the resulting solution is checked with a pH paper. What would be the colour
obtained? (You may use colour guide given in Figure

(a) Red (b) Blue (c) Yellowish green (d) Yellow

11. Match the following with correct response.
Column A Column B
(i) Epiglottis (a) Blood coagulation
(ii) Platelets (b) Sphygmo manometer
(iii) An instrument used to check normal activities of the heart (c) Electro cardiograph
(iv) An instrument used to measure the blood pressure of the (d) Covers wind pipe
human heart while swallowing food

(a) (i) - (a), (ii) - (c), (iii) - (b), (iv) - (d) (b) (i) - (c), (ii) - (b), (iii) - (d), (iv) - (a)
(c) (i) - (b), (ii) - (d), (iii) - (a), (iv) - (c) (d) (i) - (d), (ii) - (a), (iii) - (c), (iv) - (b)

12. Roasting is a method of heating ore:

a. In the absence of water
b. In the presence of water
c. In the absence of air
d. In the presence of air
13. Match the following with correct response.
(a) Atmospheric refraction (i) Twinkling of star
(b) Scattering of light (ii) Rainbow
(c) Dispersion (iii) Red colour of rising sun
(d) Tyndall effect (iv) White colour of clouds
a. (a) - (i), (b) - (iii), (c) - (ii), (d) - (iv)
b. (a) - (ii), (b) - (iv), (c) - (i), (d) - (iii)
c. (a) - (iii), (b) - (ii), (c) - (iv), (d) - (i)
d. (a) - (iv), (b) - (i), (c) - (iii), (d) - (ii)

14Covering with black paper strips should be tested for presence of

a. O2 in leaf
b. Starch in leaf
c. Water in leaf
d. CO2 in leaf

15. Find the incorrect statement:

A. Convex mirrors are used by the dentist to see the large images of teeth of patients.
B. Convex mirrors are used as rear-view mirrors in cars, motorcycles, scooters, etc
C. Concave mirrors are used for shaving purpose.
D. Concave mirrors are used by doctors to focus light inside the ear or inside the mouth for medical
a. (C)
b. (A)
c. (B)
d. (D)
16. The reaction H2 + Cl 2HCl represents___________.
a. Combination
b. Reduction
c. None of these
d. Oxidation

17 A lighted and an un-lighted building are focused using a concave mirror to get images of brightness
BL and BU respectively. Then:
a. BL = BU = 0

b. BL > BU

c. BL = BU

d. BL < BU

18. What is the spectrum?

a. None of these
b. The band of 5 colours.
c. The band of 6 colours.
d. The band of 7 colours.
19. Light waves are
a. Electrical waves
b. Electromagnetic waves
c. None of these
d. Mechanical waves
20. Name the organ involved in the process of ingestion in the case of Amoeba
a. Tentacles
b. Tongue
c. Pseudopodia
d. None of these

21. Which one of the following types of medicines is used for treating indigestion?
a. Antacid
b. Antiseptic
c. Antibiotics
d. Analgesic
22. In the following diagram of the stomatal apparatus, which parts are incorrectly labelled ?

a. II and III
b. I and V
c. I and IV
d. IV and V
23. If f1 and f2 are the focal lengths of two lenses, what is the relation for equivalent focal length? a.




24. What is the value of refractive index of the medium if the critical angle of incidence in a denser – rarer inter face
is equal to 45o?
a. 3.25
b. 2.0
c. 1.414
d. 2.414
Section B
25. Which of the following salts does not contain water of crystallisation?
a. Washing soda
b. Blue vitriol
c. Baking soda
d. Gypsum
26. Raw materials used for the manufacture of baking soda (NaHCO3) is
a. NaCl, H3O, CO2 NH3

b. NaCl, H2O, CO2, NH3

c. NaCl, NH4Cl , CO2, NH3

d. NaOH, H2O, CO2, NH3

27. Phenomenon responsible for the twinkling of stars

a. Atmospheric refraction
b. Internal refraction
c. None of these
d. Regular refraction
28. Galvanisation process involves elements of zinc and iron. Which of the two metals is sacrificing its life to
save the life of the other?
a. None of these
b. Both sacrifice each other’s life
c. Zn
d. Fe
29. A pH range from 7 to 14 indicates
a. basic nature decreasing
b. basic nature increasing
c. acidic nature decreasing
d. acidic nature increasing
30. Four test tubes containing solutions (I), (II), (III) and (IV) are shown below along with their colours. Zinc
sulphate is contained in

a. II
b. IV
c. I
d. III
31. Assertion (A): When zinc is added to dilute hydrochloric acid, hydrogen is given off.
Reason (R): Hydrogen chloride molecules contain hydrochloric acid and hydrogen atoms.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
32. Assertion (A): Different metals have different reactivities with water and dilute acids.
Reason (R): Reactivity of a metal depends on its position in the reactivity series.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
33. Assertion (A): Blood of insects is colourless.
Reason (R): The blood of insect does not play any role in transport of oxygen.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
34. Assertion (A): It is impossible to see a virtual image.
Reason (R): The rays that seen to emanate from a virtual image don't, in fact, emanates from the image.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of the assertion.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
35. Assertion (A): A rainbow always appears on the same side as the sun.
Reason (R): A rainbow is a natural spectrum that occurs after a shower.
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
36. Four experimental set-ups are shown below to study the reaction of HCl and NaOH on zinc and sodium
The set-ups that would results in a rapid evolution of gas would be
a. III and IV
b. I and III
c. II and IV
d. I and II
37. A student obtained a sharp image of the grill of a window in the laboratory on a screen, using a convex lens.
For getting better results, her teacher suggested focusing on a distant tree instead of the grill. In which direction
should the lens be moved for this purpose to get a sharp image on the screen?
a. behind the screen
b. very far away from the screen
c. towards the screen
d. away from the screen

38. An experimental set-up is given below to demonstrate that CO2 is given out during respiration.Four
students made the following observations marked I, II, III and IV :
I. Level of water remained the same in both the beaker and the delivery tube
II. Level of water increased in the delivery tube
III. Level of water gets reduced in both the beaker and the delivery tube
IV. Water ascends into the delivery tube and back flows into the beaker.

Which one of the above is the correct observation?

a. IV
b. III
c. II
d. I
39. The light from a distant object on passing through the convex lens (f-focal length):
a. converges at 2f
b. appears to diverge from focus
c. converges at focus (f)
d. appears to diverge from 2f
40. Calcium phosphate is present in tooth enamel. Its nature is
a. Acidic
b. Neutral
c. Amphoteric
d. Basic
41, Out of the four rays shown to fall on the concave mirror, the incorrect one is:

a. I
b. IV
c. III
d. II
42. With an increase in the thickness glass slab the lateral displacement:
a. remains same
b. increases
c. decreases
d. zero
43. In the diagram of the stomatal pore given below, the marking corresponding to the chloroplast is :

a. B
b. C
c. D
d. A
44. A student determines the focal length of a device X, by focusing the image of a far off object on the screen
positioned as shown in the figure below:

The device X is a :
a. Convex mirror
b. Concave mirror
c. Concave lens
d. Convex lens
45 A star-shaped black paper was used to cover a leaf in a destarched plant as shown below. The plant was left in

sunlight for four hours and then the leaf was plucked, black paper removed and tested forthe presence of starch.
The areas which turned blue-black when iodine solution was added were
a. I, III, IV
b. only II
c. I, II, III, IV
d. only IV
46 On regular reflection from the surface XY, the reflected ray will go along:

a. A
b. D
c. B
d. C
47. Among the following, which scatters least?
a. Torch light
b. Incandescent lamp light
c. Laser beam
d. Sun light
48. Generally, non-metals are not lustrous. Which of the following nonmetal is lustrous?
a. Iodine
b. Nitrogen
c. Sulphur
d. Oxygen
Section C

Question No. 49 to 52 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

Read the following and answer any four questions:

A schematic representation of any chemical reaction with the help of symbols and formulas of various
species is called a chemical equation. A chemical equation should include all the information regarding the
reaction-it should represent a true chemical change, it should be balanced, it should be molecular and it
should represent the change in temperature.

49. Select the combination reaction

a. All of these
b. Ca + H2O Ca(OH)2
c. 2H2 + O2 2H2O
d. C + O2 CO2
50. Which of the following is not a thermal decomposition reaction?
a. 2FeSO4 Fe2O3 + SO2 + SO3
b. CaCO3 CaO + CO2
c. Pb(NO3)2 2PbO + 4NO2 + O2

d. NaCl(aq) Na+ + Cl-

51. The formation of polythene from ethane is an example of
a. Displacement reaction
b. Decomposition reaction
c. Polymerisation reaction
d. Neutralisation reaction
52. Which of the following elements undergoes corrosion?
a. Platinum
b. Silver
c. All of these
d. Gold

Question No. 53 to 56 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

In human beings, the process of intake of essential nutrients in the form of food takes place through an
entire system known as the digestive system. The human digestive system constitutes a long tubular
structure called the alimentary canal and various digestive glands associated with it. These glands
secrete different digestive enzymes.

53. Only two of the following statements accurately describes what happens in the mouth.
A. Amylase breaks down large starch molecules into smaller maltose molecules.
B. Chewing increases the surface area of food for digestion.
C. Saliva emulsifies fat into smaller droplets.
D. Teeth break large insoluble molecules into smaller soluble molecules.

Which statements are correct?

a. A and B
b. C and D
c. B and C
d. A and D
54T. he gall bladder of a patient is removed because of gall bladder stones. Which kind of nutrient in the
diet should be avoided?
a. Fats
b. Carbohydrates
c. Proteins
d. Vitamins and minerals

55. In which order do these events occur in human nutrition?

a. Digestion Ingestion Assimilation Absorption
b. Digestion Ingestion Absorption Assimilation
c. Ingestion Digestion Absorption Assimilation
d. Ingestion Absorption Assimilation Digestion

56. The diagram shows the human digestive system. Identify the structures which secrete digestive

a. A, B, C, and D
b. A, B, C, and F
c. A, C, and E
d. B, C, and D

Question No. 57 to 60 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

n the electrolytic refining of copper. The electrolyte is a solution of acidified copper sulphate. There are an
anode and cathode. Refining is carried out by passing an electric current.
57. The anode is .
a. refined copper
b. impure copper
c. pure strips
d. none of these
58. Anode mud consists of:
a. pure metal
b. insoluble impurities
c. soluble impurities
d. impure metal
59. Which of the following are refined electrolytically: (A) Au, (B) Cu, (C) Zn, (D) K
a. B and C
b. B, C and D
c. A, B and C
d. A and B

60. On passing, electric current Cu is deposited on:

a. bottom of anode
b. cathode
c. bottom of cathode
d. anode

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