dsm09 15jan23
dsm09 15jan23
dsm09 15jan23
सेवा म / To
Sub: Deviation Settlement Account for the week of 09/01/23 to 15/01/23 - Reg
महोदय /Sir,
समय पर संशोधत कीय िवुत िनयामक आयोग (िवचलन समाधान तं और संबं धत मामले) िविनयम, 2022, और
सीईआरसी (अनुषग
ं ी सेवाएं ) िविनयम, 2022 के अनुसार एसआरएएस डेटा पर िवचार करते ह ए देय / ाय िववरण के
साथ 09/01/23 से 15/01/23 तक क अवध के लए िवचलन िनपटान लेखा िववरण इसके साथ भेजा जाता
है।सॉट कॉपी फाइल एवं एसआरपीसी क संगिणत फाइल से संबं धत िववरण, ा मूल डेटा एवं और 15 िमनट-समय
लॉक-वार संगिणत डेटा भी एसआरपीसी वेब साइट www.srpc.kar.nic.in पर उपलध ह।
The Deviation Settlement Account Statement with payable / receivable particulars in line
with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Deviation Settlement Mechanism and
related matters) Regulations, 2022, as amended from time to time and duly considering
SRAS data as per CERC (Ancillary Services) Regulations, 2022, for the period is sent
herewith. Details of soft copy files and description relating to computed files of SRPC,
which are in zip format, giving data, basic and computed, 15 minutes-time block-wise are
also available at SRPC web site, www.srpc.kar.nic.in.
Note: Postfacto DSM components is adjusted with the SR beneficairies only keeping the
schedules to the beneficairies of other region from NPCIL stations unchange.
1. Chief Engineer (Commercial),APPCC,Vijayawada
2. Chief Engineer,SLDC,TSTRANSCO,Hyderabad
3. Additional Director (Projects),PCKL,Bengaluru
4. Chief Engineer,SLDC,KPTCL,Bengaluru
5. Chief Engineer (SO),KSEBL,Kalamassery
6. Chief Engineer (Regulatory Cell),TANGEDCO,Chennai
7. Chief Engineer,TANTRANSCO,Chennai
8. Chief Engineer (Commercial),TSPCC ,Hyderabad
9. Chief Engineer,SLDC,TSTRANSCO,Hyderabad
10. Executive Engineer (SCC/SLDC),Electricity Department,Puducherry
11. Executive Director,SRLDC,Bengaluru
12. CGM,SR-I,PGCIL,Secunderabad
13. CGM,SR-II,PGCIL,Bengaluru
14. Executive Engineer,Elect. Department,GOA
15. GM (Commercial),NTPC,Seundrabad
16. AGM (Commercial),NTPC Talcher Stg-II,orrissa
17. GM (Commercial),NTECL,Tiruvallur
18. DGM,Commercial,NLCIL,Neyvelli
19. DGM,NTPL,Tuticorin
20. CM,Planning,NNTPP
21. CCO,SEIL,Hyderabad
22. Sr. Vice President (Finance),MEL,Secundrabad
23. General Manager (Projects),Simhapuri Energy Ltd,Hyderabad
24. Chief Operating officer,Lanco,Hyderabad
25. GM (Finance),Coastal,Tamilnadu
26. GM (Power-Sale),IL&FS TNPCL,Chennai
27. GM(Commercial),seilp2,Nellore,AP
Inter Regional
28. GM,Market operation, WRLDC
29. GM,Market operation, ERLDC
Payable To
Under drawl Over drawl Postfacto
Final Charges Pool/
Entity Charges Charges Charges
(Rs) Receviable
(Rs) (Rs) (Rs)
From Pool
States/UT/Drawee entities
62550128 -49141438 -34995 1,33,73,695 Receivable
Karnataka 51380110 -173594275 -1829254 12,40,43,419 Payable
Kerala 7987086 -19451010 -1096314 1,25,60,238 Payable
Tamil Nadu 98099735 -90826680 -4025816 32,47,239 Receivable
Telangana 77584177 -87025037 -490700 99,31,560 Payable
Puducherry 20510462 -2566300 -245551 1,76,98,611 Receivable
PGCIL(SR) 480965 0 0 4,80,965 Receivable
503544 0 0 5,03,544 Receivable
69200 -237 0 68,963 Receivable
Goa(SR) 0 -11134 0 11,134 Payable
Over Under Payable To
for Drawl
Injection Injecton Final Charges Pool/
Entity without
Charges Charges (Rs) Receviable
(Rs) (Rs) From Pool
NTPC,RSTPS 635642 -7926190 0 72,90,548 Payable
NTPC,RSTPS-III 752156 -1846535 0 10,94,379 Payable
NTPC,Talcher-II 261078 -6841861 0 65,80,783 Payable
NTPC,Sim'dri-II 2800425 -4172273 0 13,71,848 Payable
NTPC,Sim'dri-I 2853506 -8440954 0 55,87,448 Payable
NTECL 638476 -1487582 0 8,49,106 Payable
NLC, II Stage I 1486021 -425331 0 10,60,690 Receivable
NLC, II Stage II 1218231 -504575 0 7,13,656 Receivable
NLC, I Expn 448187 -827278 0 3,79,091 Payable
NLC, II Expn 50420 -1749257 -7662331 93,61,168 Payable
NTPL 1368361 -3875884 0 25,07,523 Payable
NTPC,Kudgi-Stage I 5023943 -7502241 0 24,78,298 Payable
NNTPP 1131815 -20050869 0 1,89,19,054 Payable
General Sellers
SEIL Project 1 203389 -2128310 0 19,24,921 Payable
MEPL 0 0 -636346 6,36,346 Payable
SEL -36388 -861280 -485329 13,82,997 Payable
LKPPL 0 0 0 0 Payable