Assessment Learning 2. M3
Assessment Learning 2. M3
Assessment Learning 2. M3
Module III
Meaningful Performance-Based Assessment
Designing performance assessment entails critical processes which start from the tasks
that the teacher wants to assess. A well-designed performance assessment helps the student to
see the connections between the knowledge, skills, and abilities they have learned from the
classroom, including the experiences which help them to construct their own meaning of
knowledge. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
In this module, the students will be guided to the following steps that will develop a
meaningful performance assessment-both process and product that will match to the desired
learning outcomes.
Basically, the teacher should select those learning targets which can be assessed by
performance which fits to the plan along with the assessment techniques to be utilized for measuring
other complex skills and performances.
1. Deep Understanding
The essence of performance assessment includes the development of students’ deep
understanding. The idea is to involve students meaningfully in hands-on activities for extended periods
of time so that their understanding is rich and more extensive than what can be attained by more
conventional instruction and traditional paper-and-pencil assessments. This focuses on the use of
knowledge and skills.
2. Reasoning
Reasoning is essential with performance assessment as the students demonstrate skills and
construct products. Typically, students are given a problem to solve or are asked to make a decision or
other outcome, such as a letter to the editor or school newsletter, based on information that is
3. Skills
In addition to logical and reasoning skills, students are required to demonstrate communication,
presentation, and psychomotor skills. These targets are ideally suited to performance assessment.
Psychomotor Skills describe clearly the physical action required for a given task. These may be
developmentally appropriate skills or skills that are needed for specific tasks: fine motor skills (holding a
pen, focusing a microscope, and using scissors), gross motor actions (jumping and lifting), more complex
athletic skills (shooting a basketball or playing soccer), some visual skills, and verbal/auditory skills for
young children. These skills also identify the level at which the skill is to be performed.
Generally, deep understanding and reasoning involve in-depth, complex thinking about what is
known and application of knowledge and skills in novel and more sophisticated ways. Skills include
student proficiency in reasoning, communication, and psychomotor tasks.
4. Products
These are completed works, such as term papers, projects, and other assignments in which
students use their knowledge and skills.
Learning targets which require students to demonstrate process include the procedures of
proper handling/manipulating of microscope, or steps to be done when in an earthquake drill.
Mathematical operations, reciting a poem, and constructing a table of specification are other examples
of this target.
Example of process oriented performance-based assessment in which the main domain is Oral
Language and Fluency (Enclosure No. 4, Deped Order No. 73, s, 2012)
Content Standard: The students demonstrate oral language proficiency and fluency in various
social contexts.
Task: Oral-Aural Production (The teacher may use dialogs or passages from other
written or similar texts).
Specific Competencies:
1. Observe the right syllable stress pattern in different categories.
2. Observe the use of the rising and failing intonation, rising intonation, and the combination
of both intonation patterns in utterances.
3. Demonstrate how prosodic patterns affect understanding of the message.
Usually, the learning objectives starts with a general competency which is the main target of
the task, and it follows with specific competencies which are observable on the target behavior or
competencies. This can be observed also in defining the purpose of assignment for product-oriented
performance-based assessment.
Assessment of products must be done if the students will produce a variety of better ways to
produce products include building a garden, conducting classroom-based researches, publishing
newspaper and creating commercials or power point presentation.
Having a clear understanding of the purpose of assessment, the next step is to identify
performance tasks which measure the learning target you are about to assess. Some target imply that
the tasks should be structured; others require unstructured tasks.
On the other hand, tasks should be meaningful and must let the student be personally involved
in doing and creating the tasks. This could be done by selecting a task which has personal meaning for
most of the students. Choose a task in which students have the ability to to demonstrate knowledge
and skills from classroom activities or other similar ways. These tasks should be of high value, worth
teaching to, and worth learning as well.
In creating performance tasks, one should specify the learning targets, the criteria by which you
will evaluate performance, and the instructions for completing the task. Time must also be included to
complete the tasks. Participation of groups must also be considered in crafting performance tasks.
Some tasks require cooperative or collaborative learning or in group tasks. With this, the number of
tasks must be given an attention as well, as a rule, the fewer the number of tasks, the fewer targets can
be assessed in a given performance.
1. Focus on learning outcomes that require complex cognitive skills and student performances.
2. Select or develop tasks that represent both the content and the skills that are central to
important learning outcomes.
It is important to specify the range of content and resources students can use in performing
task. In any event, the specification of assumed content understandings is critical in ensuring that a task
functions as intended.
3. Minimize the difference of task performance on skills that are irrelevant to the intended
purpose of the assessment task.
The key here is to focus on the attention of the assessment. Example is the ability to
read complicated texts and the ability to communicate clearly are both important learning
outcomes, but they are not necessarily the intent of a particular assessment.
4. Provide the necessary scaffolding for students to be able to understand the task and what is
Challenging task often involve ambiguities and require students to experiment, gather
information, formulate hypothesis and evaluate their own progress in solving a problem.
However, problems cannot be solve in a vacuum. Students need to have a prior knowledge and
skills required to address the problem.
5. Construct task directions so that the student’s task is clearly indicated.
Vague directions can lead to such a diverse array of performances that it becomes
impossible to rate them in a fair or reliable fashion. By design, many performance-based tasks
give students a substantial degree of freedom to explore, approach problems in different ways,
and cover up with novel solution.
6. Clearly communicate performance expectations in terms of the criteria by which the
performances will be judged.
Specifying the criteria to be used in rating performance helps clarify task expectations for a
student. Explaining the criteria that will be used in rating performances not only provides
students with guidance on how to focus their efforts, but helps to convey priorities for learning
1. Uses reading skills and strategies to comprehend and interpret what is read.
2. Demonstrate competence in speaking and listening as tools for learning.
3. Construct complex sentences.
Your friend is going through a difficult time. You have tried talking about the issue but
to no avail. After much thought you recall a book you had read where the character went
through a similar experience as your friend. How might the book help your friend deal with the
problem? What other sources of information or resources could you find to help your friend?
What might be some strategies your friend could use? Use your writing skills to compose a
letter to your friend as to why he should read the book or resources you have collected. Be
sure your letter contains examples from the readings, your feelings and encouragement.
As a problem solver, devise a plan to meet with your friend to identify possible
solutions to the problem after he has read the materials. Be sure you are considerate of
feelings and outline steps you’ll take to make sure your discussion is one of collaboration.
You will be assessed on your ability to make informed decisions, your ability to create a
letter with complex sentences, your ability to solve problem and your ability to work
collaboratively with a peer.
Adapted from Educational Planning, Portland Public Schools
Example 4: Performance task for product-oriented performance-based assessment
Performance Task
Barangay Luntian is celebrating its 50th anniversary with the theme “Kalikasan Ko, Mahal
Ko”. The barangay captain called for a council meeting to discuss the preparations for the program.
As a councilor, you are asked to take charge of the preparation of “Natural Beverage” for the
guests. This healthful drink should promote your locally produced fruits or vegetables as well as
health and wellness. On your next council meeting, you will present your plan for the preparation
of the drink and let the council member do the taste testing. The council members will rate your
drink based on the following criteria: Practicality, Preparation, Availability of materials,
Composition of solution (drink).
Crafting tasks for both process and product-oriented performance-based assessments needs
careful planning. Engagement, elaboration, and experience are some factors to consider in making
authentic tasks which make it different to traditional assessment. Tasks should also center on the
concepts, principles and issues that are important to the context of the subject matter. Moreover,
teachers must know what they want to observe before performance criteria can be identified.
There are different useful ways to record the assessment of students’ performance. Variety of
tools can be used for assessment depending on the nature of the performance it calls for. As teacher,
you need to critically examine the task to be performed matched with the assessment tools to be
utilized. Some ways of assessing the students’ performance could be the utilization of anecdotal
records, interviews, direct observations using checklist or likert scale, and the use of rubrics especially
for the performance-based assessment.
Rubrics nowadays have been widely used as assessment tool in various disciplines, most
especially in the field of education. Different authorities define rubrics as:
Set of rules specifying the criteria used to find out what the students know and are able to do
so. (Musial, 2009)
Scoring too that lays out specific expectations for assignment. (Levy, 2005)
A scoring guide that uses criteria to differentiate between levels of student proficiency.
(McMillan, 2007)
Descriptive scoring schemes that are developed by teachers or evaluators to guide the analysis
of products or processes of students’ effort. (Brookhart, 1999)
The scoring procedures for judging students’ responses to performance tests. (Popham, 2011)
Three Important Features of Rubric used to Assess Students’ Performance (Popham, 2011):
Evaluative criteria: These are the factors to be used in determining the quality of a students’
Descriptions of qualitative differences for evaluating criteria: For each evaluative criterion, a
description must be supplied so qualitative distinctions in students’ responses can be made
using the criterion.
An indication of whether a holistic or analytic scoring approach is to be used: The rubric must
indicate whether the evaluative criteria are to be applied collectively in a form of holistic scoring
or on a criterion-by-criterion basis in the form of analytic scoring.
Rubrics are used also to communicate how teachers evaluate the essence of what is being
assessed. Rubrics not only improve scoring consistency, they also improve validity by clarifying
the standards of achievement the teacher will use in evaluating.
Some questions which the teacher should address in the development and scoring of rubrics as
suggested by Nitko (2011):
Types of Rubrics:
The structure of a rubric change when measuring different learning targets. generally, rubrics
can be classified into two major types: analytic and holistic rubrics.
Analytic Rubric – requires the teacher to list and identify major knowledge and skills which are
critical in the development of processor product tasks. It identifies specific and detailed criteria
prior to assessment. Teachers can assess easily the specific concept understanding, skills or product
with a separate component. Each criterion for this kind of rubric receives a separate score, thus
providing better diagnostic information and feedback for the students as a form of formative
Category 4 3 2 1
Characterization Voice, facial Voice, facial Voice, facial Voice, facial
expressions and expressions and expressions and expressions and
body language body language body language body language
clearly contribute often contribute sometimes rarely contribute
to the selected to selected contribute to to selected
character. character. selected character.
preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does not
completely pretty prepared somewhat seem at all
prepared and has but might have prepared, but it is prepared to
obviously needed a couple clear that present.
rehearsed. more rehearsal. rehearsal was
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often mumbles
and distinctly all and distinctly all and distinctly or cannot be
(100-95%) the (100-95%) of the most (94-85%) understood or
time, and time, but the time, and mispronounces
mispronounces mispronounces mispronounces more than one
no words. no words. no words. word.
volume Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume is loud Volume often too
enough to be enough to be enough to be soft to be heard
heard by all heard by all heard by all by all audience
audience audience audience audience
members at least members at least members at least members .
90% of the time. 90% of the time. 80% of the time.
Holistic Rubric – requires the teacher to make a judgement about the overall quality of each student
response. Each category of the scale contains several criteria which shall be given a single score that
gives an overall rating. This provides a reasonable summary of rating in which traits are efficiently
combined, scored quickly and with only one score, thus, limiting the precision of assessment of the
results and providing little specific information about the performance of the students and what
needs for further improvement.
5 Excellent. The students clearly describes the question studied and provides strong reasons
for its importance. Specific information is given to support the conclusions that are drawn
and described. The delivery is engaging and sentence structure is consistently correct. Eye
contact is made and sustained throughout the presentation. There is strong evidence of
preparation, organization and enthusiasm for the topic. The visual aid is used to make the
presentation more effective. Questions from the audience are clearly answered with
specific and appropriate information.
4 Very Good. The student described the question studied and provides reasons for its
importance. An adequate amount of information is given to support the conclusions that
are drawn and described. The delivery and sentence structure are generally correct. There
is strong evidence of preparation, organization and enthusiasm for the topic. The visual
aid is mentioned and used. Questions from the audience are answered clearly.
3 Good. The student describes the question studied and conclusions are stated, but
supporting information is not as strong as 4 or 5. The delivery and sentence structure are
generally correct. There is some indication of preparation and organization. The visual aid
is mentioned. Questions from the audience are answered.
2 Limited. The student states the question studied, but fails to fully describe it. No
conclusions are given to answer the question. The delivery and sentence structure is
understandable but with some errors. Evidence of preparation and organization is lacking.
The visual aid may or may not be mentioned. Questions from the audience are answered
with only the most basic response.
1 Poor. The student make a presentation without stating the question or its importance.
The topic is unclear and no adequate conclusions are stated. The delivery is difficult to
follow. There is no indication of preparation or organization. Questions from the audience
received only the most basic, or no response.
0 No oral presentation is attempted.
3.3 Rubric Development
Task Description – involves the performance of the students. Tasks can be taken from
assignments, presentations and other classroom activities. Task description are being set in
Community Development
Task Description. Each student will make a 10-minute presentation on his/her observations,
experiences, analysis and interpretation of developing community. Student may use his/her own
community as a sample and look into its changes in the past 10 years. He/she may use any form or any
focus of presentation, but it’s a must to have a thesis statement, not just an exposition. The
presentation should include table, graphs, photographs, maps, landmarks, and conclusions for the
Scale – describes how well or poorly any given task has been performed and determine to what degree
the student has met a certain criterion. Generally, it is used to describe the level of performance. Some
commonly used labels compiled by Hubs and Freed (2000) are listed below:
Community Development
Task Description. Each student will make a 10-minute presentation on his/her observations,
experiences, analysis and interpretation of developing community. Student may use his/her own
community as a sample and look into its changes in the past 10 years. He/she may use any form or any
focus of presentation, but it’s a must to have a thesis statement, not just an exposition. The
presentation should include table, graphs, photographs, maps, landmarks, and conclusions for the
Dimensions – is a set of criteria which serves as basis for evaluating student output or performance.
The dimensions of rubric lay out the parts and how tasks are divided into its important components as
basis also for scoring the students.
Community Development
Task Description. Each student will make a 10-minute presentation on his/her observations,
experiences, analysis and interpretation of developing community. Student may use his/her own
community as a sample and look into its changes in the past 10 years. He/she may use any form or any
focus of presentation, but it’s a must to have a thesis statement, not just an exposition. The
presentation should include table, graphs, photographs, maps, landmarks, and conclusions for the
Community Development
Task Description. Each student will make a 10-minute presentation on his/her observations,
experiences, analysis and interpretation of developing community. Student may use his/her own
community as a sample and look into its changes in the past 10 years. He/she may use any form or any
focus of presentation, but it’s a must to have a thesis statement, not just an exposition. The
presentation should include table, graphs, photographs, maps, landmarks, and conclusions for the
Usually, a rubric should contain a mechanism for assigning score for each output or
performance. A numerical value is assigned at each level of performance. In the given performance
task measuring product-oriented output, a rubric in assessing students’ performance withrating
corresponding scoring scheme is being suggested below:
Criteria 4 3 2 1 Weight Rating
(25) (18.75) (12.50) (6.25)
Availability of
Component of
Total Score
Example of rubric assessing process-oriented performance:
This is the final step in performance-based assessment, determining the learning outcomes of
the students. The main objective of rating the performance is to be objective and consistent. Be sure
also that the scoring system is feasible as well. In most of the classroom situations, the teacher is both
the observer and the rater. If there are some important instructional decision to be made, additional
raters must be considered in order to make scoring more fair.
1. Generosity Error – occurs when the teacher tends to give higher scores.
2. Severity Error – results when the teacher use the low end of the scale and underrate student
3. Central Tendency Error – the students are rated in the middle.
On the other hand, halo effect occurs when the teacher’s general impression of the students affects
scores given on individual traits or performance.
Students on the other hand, can assess their own progress. Student participation need not to be
limited to the use of assessment instruments. It is also useful to have students help develop the
instrument. In some practices, students rate themselves and compare their ratings with the
teacher-in-charge. With this, the teacher can elaborate and explain to each student the reasons for
rating and discuss the gap between the rating most especially in an individual conference.
Follow-up conference, peer and self-evaluation of output enable teachers to understand better
curriculum and instructional learning goals and the progress being undertaken towards the
achievement of the goals. These too can better diagnose the strengths and limitations of the
students and most importantly, this activity develop self-reflection and analysis skills of both the
teachers and the students.
3.4 Activity/Exercises
1. From the discussion of the steps in designing performance-based assessment, choose a topic
related to your field of specialization and create a performance based-assessment following the
guidelines and principles of creating meaningful performance-based assessments.
Topic: ______________________________________________________________
General Competency:
Specific Competencies:
Create a scoring rubric from the task formulated. Show how each element of writing and
implementing scoring are presented. Follow strictly the steps presented in designing rubric.
Title : ____________________________________________________________________________
Scale Score