Rectifiers 2sp
Rectifiers 2sp
Rectifiers 2sp
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Properties of Electrical Signals
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Example 1: Let us calculate the DC component of the half-wave rectier output shown
Solution: DC component of the signal given by its time-average in one period. However
in the case of the half-wave rectier output shown in the gure above, second half-cycle
of the signal is zero. So, we only need to integrate rst half-cycle of the signal.
Z T /2
VDC = Vm sin(2πt/T )dt
T 0
Z π
1 2πt
= Vm sin θ dθ . . . using change of variables θ =
2π 0 T
= [− cos θ]π
= 0.318 Vm
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Properties of Electrical Signals
Example 2: Let us calculate the DC component of the full-wave rectier output shown
Solution: DC component of the signal given by its time-average in one period. However
in the case of the full-wave rectier output shown in the gure above, the period of the
output signal is T2 .
Z T /2
VDC = Vm sin(2πt/T )dt
T 0
Z π
1 2πt
= Vm sin θ dθ . . . using change of variables θ =
π 0 T
= [− cos θ]π0
= 0.636 Vm
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Example 3: Let us calculate the DC component of the triangular waveform shown below.
Solution: DC component of the signal given by its time-average in one period. In this
case the integral of the waveform in one period is the area of the triangle present
(Vm T /2) in one period as seen in the gure above.
VDC = v(t)dt
T 0
1 Vm T
T 2
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Properties of Electrical Signals
Example 4: Let us nd the AC component of the triangular waveform shown below.
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I The idea of eective current and voltage values comes from the need for writing the
average power as a multiple of voltage and current values just like the Watt's law, i.e.,
where Veective and Ieective are the eective voltage and current values, respectively.
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Properties of Electrical Signals
I Thus, eective voltage value Veective is given as the root-mean-square (RMS) of the
voltage signal, i.e., s
Veective = Vrms = v 2 (t)dt
T 0
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I Thus, eective current value Ieective is given as the root-mean-square (RMS) of the
current signal, i.e., s
Ieective = Irms = i2 (t)dt
T 0
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Properties of Electrical Signals
Vrms = (A + B cos ωt)2 dt
T 0
= A2 + (
( + B 2 cos2 ωt2 dt
T 0
B2 T
1 2 T
= A t 0 + (1 + cos 2ωt) dt
T 2 0
B2 B 2 sin 2ωt
=A + +
2 2T T 0
= A2 +
So, s
Vrms = A2 +
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I We can generalize the result of Example 5 for the RMS value Vrms of a general AC+DC
signal v(t) where
v(t) = VDC + vac (t),
Example 6: Calculate the RMS value of the triangular waveform shown below.
m t,
0 ≤ t < T /2
v(t) = T
2Vm −
t, T /2 ≤ t < T
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Properties of Electrical Signals
2Vm 2
T /2 2Vm 2
2 1
Vrms = t dt + 2Vm − t dt
T 0 T T /2 T
2 Z T /2 Z T !
1 4Vm 2 1
= t2 dt + 4Vm2
1 − t + 2 t2 dt
T T2 0 T /2 T T
4Vm2 t3 T /2 4Vm 2 t2 t3
= + t− +
T3 3 0 T T 3T 2 T /2
4Vm2 T
3 4Vm 2 T 3T 7T
− +
3 24
T T 2 4 24
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Example 7: Calculate the RMS value of the ideal half-wave rectier output given below.
Z T /2
2 1 2
Vrms = Vm sin2 (2πt/T )dt
T 0
1 2 π
= Vm sin2 θ dθ . . . using change of variables θ =
2π 0 T
2 Z π
V 1
= m (1 − cos2θ )dθ
. . . using trigonometric identities
2π 0 2
So, the RMS value of the ideal half-wave rectier output is given by
Vrms =
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Properties of Electrical Signals
Example 8: Calculate the RMS value of the ideal full-wave rectier output given below.
Z T /2
2 2 2
Vrms = Vm sin2 (2πt/T )dt
T 0
1 2 π
= Vm sin2 θ dθ . . . using change of variables θ =
π 0 T
2 Z π
V 1
= m (1 − cos2θ )dθ
. . . using trigonometric identities
π 0 2
So, the RMS value of the ideal full-wave rectier output is given by
Vrms = √ ∼= 0.707 Vm
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Example 9: Calculate the RMS value Vac(rms) of the AC component of the triangular
Solution: We are going to use the combined RMS equation with the already calculated
DC and RMS values of the triangular waveform as follows
2 2 2
Vac(rms) = Vrms − VDC
Vm 2 Vm 2
= √ −
3 2
Vm2 V2
= − m
3 4
V 2
= m.
So, the RMS value of the AC component of the triangular waveform is given by
Vac(rms) = √
2 3
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Properties of Electrical Signals
Example 10: Calculate the RMS value Vac(rms) of the AC component of the ideal
half-wave rectier output.
Solution: We are going to use the combined RMS equation with the already calculated
DC and RMS values of the ideal half-wave rectier output as follows
2 2 2
Vac(rms) = Vrms − VDC
Vm 2 Vm 2
= −
2 π
Vm2 V2
= − m
4 π2
So, the RMS value of the AC component of the half-wave rectier output is given by
1 1
Vac(rms) = Vm − 2 ∼
= 0.386 Vm
4 π
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Example 11: Calculate the RMS value Vac(rms) of the AC component of the ideal
full-wave rectier output.
Solution: We are going to use the combined RMS equation with the already calculated
DC and RMS values of the ideal full-wave rectier output as follows
2 2 2
Vac(rms) = Vrms − VDC
Vm 2 2Vm 2
= √ −
2 π
Vm2 4V 2
= − 2m
2 π
So, the RMS value of the AC component of the full-wave rectier output is given by
1 4
Vac(rms) = Vm − 2 ∼
= 0.308 Vm
2 π
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Half-Wave Rectier
Half-Wave Rectier
I Generating a waveform with a non-zero mean value, i.e., non-zero DC component, from
an AC waveform (i.e., a zero-mean time-varying signal) is called rectication. The circuits
which perform rectication are called rectiers. This is a crude AC to DC conversion.
I A half-wave rectier recties only half-cycle of the waveform, i.e., circuits conducts only
for one-half of the AC cycle, maintaining the average of the output signal non-zero.
I A half-wave rectier circuit is the same as the series clipper circuit shown below.
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I Sample input and ideal output waveforms for an half-wave rectier are given in the gure
I The DC voltage output of the half-wave rectier is the DC component of the output
waveform and as calculated before it is given by
VDC(half-wave) = Vm ∼
= 0.318 Vm
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Half-Wave Rectier
I The output of the half-wave rectier for VD(ON ) = 0.7 V is shown below
I When the diode is OFF, maximum negative voltage between the terminals of the diode
is the negative peak value −Vm . So, the peak-inverse-voltage for the half-wave rectier is
given by
PIV(half-wave rectier) = Vm
Thus, we need to select a diode with a PIV rating greater than Vm , i.e., PIVdiode > Vm ,
to use in our half-wave rectier circuit.
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Full-Wave Rectier
I A full-wave rectier recties both cycles of the waveform producing a higher DC output
as shown below
I The DC voltage output of the full-wave rectier is the DC component of the output
waveform and as calculated before it is given by
VDC(full-wave) = Vm ∼
= 0.636 Vm
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Full-Wave Rectier
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Here, D1 operates on the positive half-cycle and D2 operates on the negative half-cycle of
input vi .
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Full-Wave Rectier
I Using the ideal diode model, operation of the center-tapped transformer full-wave rectier
are shown for positive and negative cycles in the top and bottom gures below,
I When the diodes are OFF, maximum negative voltage between the terminals of the
diodes are twice the negative peak value. So, the peak-inverse-voltage for the
center-tapped transformer full-wave rectier is given by
PIV(center-tapped) = 2Vm
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I When the diodes are not ideal, i.e., VD(ON ) 6= 0, the DC voltage output of the
center-tapped transformer full-wave rectier is approximately equal to
VDC(center-tapped) ∼
= Vm − VD(ON ) = 0.636 Vm − VD(ON )
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Full-Wave Rectier
Here, D2 and D3 operate on the positive half-cycle, and D4 and D1 operate on the
negative half-cycle of input vi .
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I Using the ideal diode model, operation of the full-wave bridge rectier are shown for
positive and negative cycles in the top and bottom gures below, respectively.
I When the diodes are OFF, maximum negative voltage between the terminals of the
diodes are equal to the negative peak value. So, the peak-inverse-voltage for the full-wave
bridge rectier is given by
PIV(bridge) = Vm
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Full-Wave Rectier
I The positive half-cycle operation and full output of the full-wave bridge rectier for
VD(ON ) = 0.7 V is shown below
When the diodes are not ideal, i.e., VD(ON ) 6= 0, the DC voltage output of the full-wave
bridge rectier is approximately equal to
VDC(bridge) ∼
= Vm − 2VD(ON ) = 0.636 Vm − 2VD(ON )
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Rectier Summary
Summary of the rectier circuits is given in the table below.
Rectier Ideal Output Realistic Output PIV
Half-Wave Rectier VDC = 0.318 Vm VDC = 0.318 Vm − 0.5 VD(ON ) Vm
Homework 1: Compare the center-tapped transformer rectier and bridge rectier listing their
advantages and disadvantages. Which one is more preferable and why?
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Voltage Regulation and Ripple Factor
A block diagram containing the parts of a typical power supply and the voltages at various
points in the unit is shown in shown above.
1. The mains AC voltage (120 Vrms 60 Hz in USA, and 230 Vrms 50 Hz in Europe), is
connected to a transformer, which steps that AC voltage down to the level for the
desired DC output.
2. A diode rectier then provides a full-wave rectied voltage.
3. Full-wave rectied voltage is then ltered by a simple capacitor lter to produce a
DC voltage. This resulting DC voltage usually has some ripple or AC voltage
4. Finally, obtained DC voltage is regulated to obtain a desired xed DC voltage. The
regulation circuit takes a DC voltage and provides a somewhat lower DC voltage,
which remains the same even if the input DC voltage varies or the output load
changes. Although one of the simplest regulators is a Zener regulator, usually an
integrated circuit (IC) voltage regulator unit is used for voltage regulation.
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Voltage Regulation and Ripple Factor
Voltage Regulation
I An important factor in a power supply is the amount the DC output voltage changes over
a range of loads. The voltage provided at the output under no-load condition (no current
drawn from the supply) is reduced when load current is drawn from the supply (under
load). The amount the DC voltage changes between the no-load (NL) and full-load (FL)
conditions is described by a factor called voltage regulation (VR) given by
%VR = × 100
Example 12: A DC voltage supply provides 60 V when the output is unloaded. When
connected to a load, the output drops to 56 V. Calculate the value of voltage regulation.
VN L − VF L 60 − 56
Solution: %VR = × 100 = × 100 = 7.1%.
VF L 56
I The smaller the voltage regulation, the better the operation of the voltage supply circuit.
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Voltage Regulation and Ripple Factor
Ripple Factor
I The ltered output shown above has a DC value and some AC variation (ripple). The
smaller the AC variation with respect to the DC level, the better the lter circuit's
operation (or the better the power supply). This ratio is called the ripple factor (r)
expressed by
%r = × 100
where Vr(rms) the RMS value of the AC ripple voltage vr (t) uctuating around the DC
value VDC at the output.
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Voltage Regulation and Ripple Factor
Example 13: Calculate the ripple factor of the ideal half-wave rectier output below.
Example 14: Calculate the ripple factor of the ideal full-wave rectier output below.
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Capacitor Filter
Capacitor Filter
I A very popular lter circuit is the capacitor-lter circuit shown above. A capacitor is
connected at the rectier output, and a DC voltage is obtained across the capacitor.
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Figure on the left above shows the output voltage of the ideal full-wave rectier before
the signal is ltered,
while gure on the right above shows the resulting waveform after the lter capacitor is
connected at the rectier output.
Notice that the ltered waveform is essentially a DC voltage with some ripple (or AC
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Capacitor Filter
I When we analyse the capacitor lter output shown on the left above,
Time T1 is the time during which diodes of the full-wave rectier conduct, charging the
capacitor up to the peak rectier voltage, Vm .
Time T2 is the time interval during which the rectier voltage drops below the peak
voltage, and the capacitor discharges through the load.
Since the charge-discharge cycle occurs for each half-cycle for a full-wave rectier, the
period of the rectied waveform is T /2 (one-half the input signal frequency).
I The ripples of the ltered voltage can be approximated by a triangular waveform as
shown on the right above, where the output waveform has a DC level VDC and a
triangular ripple voltage Vr(rms) as the capacitor charges and discharges.
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Let us derive the expression for the ripple factor of the capacitor lter output shown above
1. Charging period T1 and discharging period T2 together constitute the whole period T /2.
T2 = − T1
2. Peak-to-peak ripple voltage Vr(p-p) is given by
Vr(p-p) = 2 (Vm − VDC )
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Capacitor Filter
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Capacitor Filter
Due to Vr(p) = 3Vr(rms) and Vm = VDC + Vr(p) , we obtain VDC
VDC VDC 1 1 1
= = = √ = √
1 + Vr(p)
Vm VDC + Vr(p) V 3Vr(rms)
1+ 1+ 3r
V 1 V
9. For light load (i.e., r < 6.5%), DC = √ ratio approaches to one, i.e., DC ∼
= 1.
Vm 1 + 3r Vm
So, expression for the ripple factor r reduces to
= √
2 3fripple CRL
Vr(p-p) ∼
fripple C
Thus, the larger the capacitor the smaller the ripple voltage and ripple factor.
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Capacitor Filter
Since the total discharge must equal to total charge, the following relation can be used
(assuming constant diode current during charging period):
IDC T2 = Ipeak T1
Ipeak = IDC
where T2 ∼= T for a half-wave rectier as shown above. Similarly, T2 ∼ = for a full-wave
I Note that fripple = f for a half-wave rectier, and fripple = 2f for a full-wave rectier.
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Example 15: (2004-2005 MI) A power-supply circuit is needed to deliver 0.1 A and an
average of 15 V to a load. The AC source available is 230 Vrms with a frequency of 50 Hz.
Assume that a full-wave rectier circuit is to be used with a smoothing capacitor in
parallel with the load as shown in the gure above. The peak-to-peak ripple voltage is to
be 0.4 V. Allow VD(ON ) = 0.7 V for the forward diode voltage drop.
a) The turns-ratio n = N1 /N2 that is
b) The load resistor RL , and
c) The approximate value of the smoothing
capacitor C .
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Capacitor Filter
Solution: For a full-wave bridge rectier, DC voltage drop due to the diodes is 2VD(ON ) .
a) As VDC = 15 V and Vr(p-p) = 0.4 V, peak value Vm of the AC voltage at the
secondary terminal of the transformer is given by
Vm = VDC + Vr(p-p) /2 + 2VD(ON ) = 15 + 0.4/2 + 2(0.7) = 16.6 V.
Thus the turns ratio n is given by
√ √
VAC(p) 2VAC(rms) 2(230)
n= = = = 19.6.
Vm Vm 16.6
b) As VDC = 15 V and IDC = 0.1 A, RL is given by
VDC 15
RL = = = 150 Ω.
IDC 0.1
c) As VDC
VDC +Vr(p)
= 15
15.2 = 1,
∼ then Vr(p-p) ∼
fripple C
. So, capacitor C is given by
C= = = = 2.5 mF.
fripple Vr(p-p) 2f Vr(p-p) 2(50)(0.4)
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Additional RC Filter
It is possible to further reduce the amount of ripple across a lter capacitor by using an
additional RC lter section as shown above.
The purpose of the added RC section is to pass most of the DC component while
attenuating (reducing) as much of the AC component as possible. Figure on the next slide
shows a full-wave rectier with capacitor lter followed by an RC lter section.
Thus, adding an RC section will further reduce the ripple voltage and decrease the surge
current through the diodes.
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Additional RC Filter
As ripple component of the capacitor lter is much smaller than the DC component, the
operation of the lter circuit can be analysed using superposition for the DC and AC
components of signal.
I So, we are going to rst use the DC equivalent circuit (i.e., DC analysis) in order to
obtain VDC 0 .
I Then, we are going to use the AC equivalent circuit (i.e., AC analysis) in order to obtain
rms) .
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DC Operation
DC equivalent circuit, where both capacitors are open-circuit for DC operation, of the
additional RC lter stage is shown above.
Thus, DC output of the RC lter stage is given by
0 RL
R + RL
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Additional RC Filter
AC Operation
where Z 0 is the parallel impedance of the capacitor C2 and the load RL , i.e.,
Z 0 = ZC ||RL , Z = q RL XC
RL2 + X2
and ZC = −jXC with XC = and ω = 2πfripple .
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0 ∼ 1 XC
Vr( rms) = s Vr(rms) = q Vr(rms)
R2 2
R2 + XC
1+ 2
I Additionally if 2
1, then the above expression further reduces to
0 XC
Vr( rms) ≈ Vr(rms)
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Additional RC Filter
Example 16: Consider the circuit above with fripple = 50 Hz, C2 = 10 µF and RL = 2 kΩ.
Let us calculate XC and |Z 0 |
1 1
XC = = = 318 Ω,
2πfripple C2 2π(50)(10µ)
Z = q RL XC (2k)(318)
= p = 314 Ω.
2 2 (2k) 2 + (318)2
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RL 5k
VDC = VDC = 150 = 136.4 V.
R + RL 0.5k + 5k
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters Additional RC Filter
As RL XC ,
XC 159
Vr( rms) = q Vr(rms) = √ 15 = 4.55 V
2 2 5002 + 1592
R + XC
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I If we want the DC voltage drop to be smaller but AC ripple drop to be higher, we can
achieve it by replacing the resistor R with a component such that its DC resistance is
small while its AC resistance is high. Such a component is an inductor.
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters π -Filter
π -Filter
Example 18: For the π-lter shown in the gure above, the output DC voltage and
current are given as 200 V and 50 mA. Also VDC(C1 ) = 210 V, Vr(C1 ) = 12 Vrms and the
frequency of the ripple voltage fripple = 100 Hz. In order to satisfy r0 ≤ 2%, determine
the values of RL , R` , L and C2 . Explain any assumptions you make.
NOTE: R` denotes the DC resistance of the coil.
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Solution: As VDC
0 = 200 V and IDC
0 = 50 mA, the load RL is given by
RL = VDC 0
/IDC = 200/50m = 4 kΩ.
0 0
R` = (VDC − VDC )RL /VDC = (210 − 200)/200 = 200 Ω.
rms) ≤ 4 Vrms.
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Rectiers and Voltage Regulating Filters π -Filter
XL − XC Vr(rms) 12
We know that ≥ 0 = = 3, so XL is given by
XC Vr(rms) 4
So, let us select XL = 1.7kΩ and nd the value of inductance L as follows
XL XL 1.7k
L= = = = 2.7 H.
ω 2πfripple 2π(100)
Dr. U. Sezen & Dr. D. Gökçen (Hacettepe Uni.) ELE230 Electronics I 28-Feb-2017 57 / 57