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1.1 Introduction:
Managing runoff in urban areas offers many challenges for engineers, landscape
architects, and planners.
As cities grow, the amount of impermeable surfaces increases which do not allow
water to infiltrate into the ground. Examples of impervious surfaces are asphalt roads,
concrete sidewalks, parking lots, building roofs, and areas of highly compacted soils
such as in subdivisions.
If not properly managed, the storm water runoff produced by these impermeable
surfaces can have negative effects on nearby surface waters. Storm water must be
managed in such a way that it prevents or minimizes these negative impacts for urban
One method of storm water management is to reduce runoff by increasing
infiltration through the use of permeable or pervious pavement. Permeable pavement
allows storm water to percolate through the pavement and infiltrate the underlying
soils thereby reducing runoff from a site, unlike standard pavement which prohibits
Permeable pavements are alternative paving surfaces that allow storm water
runoff to filter through voids in the pavement surface into an underlying stone
reservoir, where it is temporarily stored and/or infiltrated.
A variety of permeable pavement surfaces are available, including pervious
concrete, porous asphalt and permeable grid pavers and interlocking concrete pavers.
While the specific design may vary, all permeable pavements have a similar structure,
consisting of a permeable surface pavement layer, an underlying stone aggregate
reservoir layer and a filter layer or fabric installed on the bottom.
The thickness of the reservoir layer is determined by both a structural and
hydrologic design analysis. The reservoir layer serves to retain storm water and also
supports the design traffic loads for the pavement.
In low-infiltration soils, some or all of the filtered runoff is collected in an under
drain and returned to the storm drain system. If infiltration rates in the native soils
permit, permeable pavement can be designed without an under drain, to enable full
infiltration of runoff.
the ground water or is collected through under drains and discharged to storm water
Pervious concrete, also known as porous concrete (enhanced porosity) or gap-
graded concrete has little to no fine aggregates. Pervious concrete mixes consist of
cement, single sized coarse aggregate and water (water/cement ratio ranging 0.3 to
It is reported that, the 28-day compressive strength of such mixes range from
800 psi to 3,000 psi based on compressive strength testing. In addition, pervious
concrete mixes vary among batch manufacturers with varying strengths and
permeability rate.
2.1 Optimal Mix Designs for Pervious Concrete for an Urban Area
(Stephen A. Arhin Ph.D, P.E., PTOE, Rezene Madhi, Ph.D1, Mr. Wasi Khan)
Pervious concrete is mixture of cement, aggregate, and water that provide a
level of porosity which allows water to percolate into the sub-grade. It differs from the
conventional concrete since it usually contains a smaller amount of fine aggregate.
There is typically single size aggregate in pervious concrete which provides larger air
void than conventional concrete to increase the rate of infiltration. Most jurisdictions
have different pervious concrete mix designs. This research was aimed at developing
and testing five design mixes of pervious concrete to identify the appropriate mix
which would provide the maximum compressive strength with an acceptable
permeability rate and flexural strength for the District of Columbia. Based on the
results, a design mix with a compressive strength of 3,500 pounds per square inch (psi)
with a maximum coefficient of permeability of 57.8 inches per hour (in/hr) was
identified as the optimum. In-situ infiltration tests conducted of the pervious concrete
installed at 3 locations in DC with the optimal pervious concrete mix yielded average
infiltration rates between 86.1 and 208.7 in/hr
2.2 National Ready Mix Concrete Association
(Tennis, Lemming, David Akers And Michael Lemming)
The environmental benefits of pervious concrete include the removal of
pollutants from surface run-off and replenishment of ground water sources. The
pervious concrete traps fluids such as oil and anti-freeze from automobiles, inhibiting
them from flowing into nearby water sources during rainstorms. Although pervious
concrete is not usually used for roadways that convey high traffic volume, its surface
can improve safety during rainstorms by eliminating ponding, spraying, and risk of
hydroplaning. Pervious concrete could have compressive and tensile strengths ranging
from 500 to 4,000 psi and 150 to 550 psi, respectively.
2.3 Development of High Quality Pervious Concrete Specification For the State of
Maryland Conditions (Amde, A and S. Rogge)
In February 2013, the State of Maryland examined various mixes to develop
high quality pervious concrete for the State's specification. The research was
conducted using material from recent projects in the State of Maryland with the
primary focus on specific admixtures that could be used to enhance the performance of
pervious concrete. The admixtures used were cellulose fibre, a delayed set modifier,
and a viscosity modifier. Samples of the pervious concrete were tested for density,
void content, compressive strength, split tensile strength, permeability, freeze-thaw
durability, and abrasion resistance. Fully saturated, 50% saturated, 0% saturated, and
dry hard-freeze tests were investigated for freeze-thaw durability. The mixes with
cellulose fibre resulted in significant increases in resistance to freeze-thaw activities.
The cellulose fibre in the mixture bonded the cement and course aggregates thereby
improving the tensile strength of the pervious concrete. In addition, the delay set
modifier admixture was determined to increase the compressive strength which was
attributed to lower water cement ratio. Its effect on strength and durability, however,
was determined to be minimal.
2.4 Compressive Strength Pervious Concrete Pavements. Storm water
Management Academy University of Central Florida
(Chopra, Manoj, Wabielista Marty and Ann Mulligan)
In 2007, a study conducted in Florida investigated the compressive strength
and permeable characteristics of pervious concrete. The study revealed that the
strength of pervious concrete not only relies on the compressive strength, but the soil
strata below it. In addition, the researchers compared the compressive strength of
conventional concrete and pervious concrete. The results of the analyses showed that
pervious concrete has lower compressive strength than conventional concrete. The
researchers concluded that pervious concrete can only support light traffic loadings.
The authors determined that the following factors affect the strength and permeability
of pervious concrete: compaction, aggregate size, water cement-ratio, and aggregate
cement ratio. The tests were conducted in a laboratory with varied concrete mixtures
and cylinders. The outcome of the experiment validated the fact that permeable
concrete has lower compressive strength than conventional concrete
2.5 Review of Permeable Pavement Systems.
(Scholz, Miklas, and Piotr Grabowiecki)
The authors indicted that the life span of pervious pavement depends on the
size of air voids in the pavement. The synthesis contends that the life span of pervious
concrete is usually shorter than the typical concrete pavement. However, in most
cases, after many years of usage, the pervious pavements were determined to be more
effective in containing and infiltrating the runoff. Consequently, the pavement reduced
Permeable pavement for storm water management
zinc and copper levels while infiltrating the runoff. While impervious surfaces have a
high potential for increasing pollution in water bodies, porous or permeable pavements
are generally noted to reduce pollutants. The study also reports that the long term cost
of permeable pavements with regards to its maintenance and operations are yet to be
2.6 Fly Ash Applicability in Pervious Concrete. The Ohio State University
An experiment was conducted to determine the potential application of fly ash in
pervious concrete. Natural sand and fibre was also included in the mix to test the
potential for enhancing the strength of the pervious concrete. The study investigated
six batches of pervious concrete with varying aggregates, cement, and fly ash. Each
mix was analysed, and the mix with the high compressive strength and high
permeability was chosen. The mix proportions were taken from mix designs used in
earlier studies. Compressive tests were carried out on mixtures with the following fly
ash content: 0%, 2%, 9%, 30%, and 32% by weight of total cement material. For
mixtures with 2% and 32% fly ash, a falling head permeability test was conducted.
The use of fly ash was determined to significantly increase the strength and durability
of the pervious concrete. The study concluded that it was possible to achieve a
concrete which was permeable and whose strength meets the pavement design
specifications. The study concluded that for the mixture with 2% fly ash, the achieved
compressive strength was 2,300 psi with a permeability rate of 184.25 in/hr. and 15%
voids. In contrast, the pervious concrete mix with 32% fly ash had a compressive
strength of 2,000 psi and a permeability rate of 297.64 in/hr. at void content of 15.8%.
Further analysis of the mix with 2% fly ash indicated a higher strength of cement
bonding. The failure of the specimen containing 32% fly ash indicated that admixtures
resulted in a weaker cement bonding
2.7 Long-term storm water quantity and quality performance of permeable
pavement systems. (Booth, Derek, and Benjamin Brattleboro)
In 2003, a long term study of storm water quantity and performance of
permeable pavement systems was launched which provided the opportunity for
evaluating the long term effectiveness of the permeable pavement. Impervious
surfaces have long been implicated in the decline of watershed integrity in urbanized
areas. Most of these impervious areas serve as a vehicle for pollutant to migrate into
ecosystems and streams. Research conducted in Reston, Virginia observed the
Permeable pavement for storm water management
behaviour of permeable pavement over six year duration. Four pairs of different
permeable pavements were constructed in that study. Soil properties were studied prior
to picking the site. The pavements were 9.8 ft. wide by 19.7 ft. long. Mechanisms
were installed to collect both subsurface and surface runoff. After precipitation events,
water samples were collected and analysed. The permeable pavements studied had
differing results, but the general trend in reduction of storm water pollutant was
observed for the most porous specimens that met the minimum requirement. Runoff
performance was very good.
2.8 Pervious Concrete Mixture Proportions for Improved Freeze-Thaw
Durability. (Cavern, J.T., V.R. Schaefer, M.T. Suleiman, and K. Wang)
The pervious concrete mix was developed using Portland cement, sand, and
polypropylene fibres. The engineering properties of the aggregate, porosity,
permeability, strength, and freeze-thaw durability of pervious concrete mixtures were
analysed. The experiment was conducted using 14 different mixtures according to the
ASTM Standard C666-97.Statistical Analyses were conducted to identify the
statistical significance of observed differences. The results revealed that using sand
increased strength while decreasing permeability and using fibre increased the optimal
porosity of the concrete more than the mix without the fibre.
2.9 Increasing Exfiltration from Pervious Concrete and Temperature
Monitoring. (Tyner, J.S., W.C. Wright, and P.A. Dobbs)
The optimum soil conditions that could improve infiltration rates of pervious
pavements were investigated in 2009. Four types of soil conditions were studied: no
treatment of soil, trenched-soil trenched, ripped- subsoil, and boreholes. The research
used 23 x 49 feet rectangular field site with predominately clay sub soil. Infiltration
data was collected over a period of two years. The results showed an improvement in
the infiltration rate of the pervious pavements on a treated sub grade compared to the
control group without treatment
2.10 Pervious Concrete–When it Rains, it drains
(James, Bob)
In a 2010 study conducted recommended the use of pervious concrete as a
solution for managing storm water runoff. They recommended that pervious concrete
should have air void content 15% to 30%; 100 to 120 lbs. /ft3 for unit weight; and
2,500 to 3,500 psi for strength. The report recommended an infiltration rate: 0.1-0.5
in/hr. The researchers also discussed the potential environmental disasters and the
Permeable pavement for storm water management
effect, decrease the amount salt needed on pavement during icy or snowy conditions,
and condense the number or area of drainage facilities needed to sustain a newly paved
The purpose of this research is to illustrate the aspects of permeable pavement’s
sustainability and drainage performance, specifically for the urban area of Peoria
2.13 Literature summary:
Permeable pavement allows storm water to percolate through the pavement and
infiltrate the underlying soils thereby reducing runoff from a site, unlike standard
pavement which prohibits infiltration.
The use of fly ash was determined to significantly increase the strength and
durability of the pervious concrete.
Infiltrated water from pervious pavement has significantly lower level of zinc,
cooper, motor oil, and lead and diesel fuel when compared to runoff from an
impervious asphalt pavement.
Types of permeable pavers:
Permeable interlocking concrete pavers (PICP) and clay brick pavers (PICBP) as well
as concrete grid pavers (CGP) are similar in installation and function but are made
from different materials.
PICPs are solid concrete blocks that fit together to form a pattern with small
aggregate-filled spaces in between the pavers that allow storm water to infiltrate.
These spaces typically account for 5 to 15 percent of the surface area. PICBP as the
same as PICP’s except the material is brick instead of concrete.
4.1 Design mix or Calculations:
4.1.1 Design mix for 1m3 volume (as per IS 10262:2009):-
• Water: 170kg
By considering the above design mix of the permeable pavers, we have taken the
material proportion by just comparing the values of each item.
We casted concrete cubes of dimension 10 * 6 * 2.5 inch. The volume for the cubes
came out to be 0.002458m3.
In similar manner when we compare all the values to the standards provided in IS
10262:2009, we get our
For achieving strength and permeability, we did slight alterations for every cube.
The cube 2 had more fly ash and fewer admixtures. In similar manner, we have
deliberately changed the proportions and kept variety of proportions for 4 cubes so
that we have a variety of results to choose from. The proportions are as follows-
Based on these readings of the casted cubes we will be performing the tests on cube.
We will be performing two types of test based on the properties of the concrete for
strength and permeability, which is mentioned below.
4.3 Tests:
4.3.1 Compression testing of the cube:
Compressive strength of concrete cube test provides an idea about all the
characteristics of concrete. By this single test one judge that whether Concreting has
been done properly or not. Concrete compressive strength for general construction
varies from 15 MPa (2200 psi) to 30 MPa (4400 psi) and higher in commercial and
industrial structures.
Compressive strength of concrete depends on many factors such as water-cement
ratio, cement strength, quality of concrete material, and quality control during
production of concrete etc.
Procedure: Compressive Strength Test of Concrete Cubes (IS 4031)
For cube test two types of specimens either cubes of 15cm X 15cm X 15cm or 10cm
X 10cm x 10cm depending upon the size of aggregate are used. For our project works
cubical moulds of size 25cm x 15cm x 6.25cm are used.
This concrete is poured in the mould and tempered properly so as not to have any
voids. After 24 hours these moulds are removed and test specimens are put in water
for curing. The top surface of these specimens should be made even and smooth. This
is done by putting cement paste and spreading smoothly on whole area of specimen.
These specimens are tested by compression testing machine after 7 days curing or 28
days curing. Load should be applied gradually at the rate of 140 kg/cm2 per minute till
the Specimens fails. Load at the failure divided by area of specimen gives the
compressive strength of concrete. Apparatus for Concrete Cube Test:
Hand Mixing
(i)Mix the cement and fine aggregate on a water tight none-absorbent platform until
the mixture is thoroughly blended and is of uniform colour
(ii)Add the coarse aggregate and mix with cement and fine aggregate until the coarse
aggregate is uniformly distributed throughout the batch
(iii)Add water and mix it until the concrete appears to be homogeneous and of the
desired consistency
Sampling of Cubes for Test
1. Clean the mounds and apply oil
2. Fill the concrete in the moulds in layers approximately 5cm thick
3. Compact each layer with not less than 35strokes per layer using a tamping rod
(steel bar 16mm diameter and 60cm long, bullet pointed at lower end)
4. Level the top surface and smoothen it with a trowel
Curing of Cubes
The test specimens are stored in moist air for 24 hours and after this period the
specimens are marked and removed from the moulds and kept submerged in clear
fresh water until taken out prior to test.
Precautions for Tests
The water for curing should be tested every 7 days and the temperature of water must
be at 27+-2oC.
Procedure for Cube Test
1. Remove the specimen from water after specified curing time and wipe out
excess water from the surface.
2. Take the dimension of the specimen to the nearest 0.2m
3. Clean the bearing surface of the testing machine
4. Place the specimen in the machine in such a manner that the load shall be
applied to the opposite sides of the cube cast.
5. Align the specimen centrally on the base plate of the machine.
6. Rotate the movable portion gently by hand so that it touches the top surface of
the specimen.
7. Apply the load gradually without shock and continuously at the rate of 140
kg/cm2/minute till the specimen fails
8. Record the maximum load and note any unusual features in the type of failure.
M20 13.5 20
M25 17 25
M30 20 30
The strength of concrete increases with age .Table shows the strength of concrete at
different ages in comparison with the strength at 28 days after casting.
1 day 16%
3 days 40%
7 days 65%
14 days 90%
28 days 99%
TABLE NO.4 Methods:
A single steel ring with dimensions (20cm diameter and 17 cm tall) is inserted 2cm
into the soil surface. It is with 2L of fresh water by sealing with a plastic sheet,
pouring the water over the plastic and pulling the plastic slowly. The initial height is
measured once all the water is released and time initiated. Further water level (height)
measurements are taken at 15-second interval for the first few minutes and, after 2
minutes another 15 seconds is added to the interval period (subject to intensity of
infiltration) .This process is continued until all the water has infiltrated or a steady
state rate is recognisable. The single ring infiltrometer was used at all 10 sites within
the study area and at the soil pit
Infiltration is the action of water passing through the filter media or porous media and
permeability is the measurement of that water which is been passed through the filter
media or porous media at certain time period.
So we consider the single ring infiltrometer test for measurement of infiltration rate of
our cubes casted earlier. We followed the some guidelines of experiment performed on
ground, but with different dimensions (i e dimension of cubes considered) and with
different medium through which it pass. Keeping our aim same as single ring
infiltrometer experiment; we took a ring of Dia. = 10.5cm and carried out the test to
find infiltration rate of cubes casted. Also, as per ASTM C1701 (Standard paper of
America) we get formula to find the rate of infiltration of porous concrete. The
formula as followed;
K = 126,870in (constant)
From the compression and infiltration rate ass tested for our pavements, we selected
the cube 3 for our project model.
The reason for selection the cube 3 is that it has maximum possible compression as
well as infiltration rate as needed.
5.1 Cube Casting:
For our project model we casted concrete cube of dimensions 22*22*2.5 inch. The
volume of the cube is 1210 inch.
According to the IS 10262:2009, for , we require cement (OPC)240kg. Now by
comparing this value to our volume of cube, we require 4.12 kg of cement.
In similar way when we compare all the values to the standard provided in
IS10262:2009, we get our project model cube
Model cube:
Cement: 4.12 kg.
Fly ash:2 kg.
Coarse aggregate: 33 kg.
Admixture: 0.0244 kg.
Water: 3 kg.
6.1 Application of permeable pavement:
Permeable pavements are generally used to pedestrian and light to medium vehicle
E.g.: Greenways, sidewalks, driveways, and overflow parking lots are ideal locations.
Permeable pavement has also been used in agricultural facilities such as horse washing
It can be used for architectural view for landscaping of the particular project.
6.2 Results:
6.3 Discussion:
6.3.1 Applicability:
Permeable paving systems are appropriate for parking areas, parking lots, drive
aisles, private alleys, sidewalks, courtyards and plazas. 13 Driveways
6.3.2 Installation:
The first step is to have your old driveway is removed. Your contractor should take
care of this. After that, the subsoil is compacted.
A heavy fabric is then laid on top of subsoil and afterwards covered with two
layers of rock.
The heavy fabric called the geotextile prevents the rocks from being carried down
into the soil.
The rock layers, meanwhile, are compacted thoroughly. And then, on top of that, a
layer of pea gravel is spread and levelled out. After that, the stones are set.
Finally, another layer of pea gravel is swept between the gaps of stones. And
you’re ready to test your new driveway paving.
6.3.3 Grading:
In order to optimize water infiltration through the permeable paving system, the
slope of the surface area should range from 0.5 per cent to 2 per cent.
6.3.4 Spacing:
When designing a permeable paving system utilizing Open Jointed and Open Cell
Paving Blocks (pavers) as described below for parking spaces above the minimum
number required, the permeable area shall have a minimum perviousness of 10
If a permeable paving system is being designed for stormwater management
purposes, additional criteria will need to be met in accordance with applicable City
and State regulations.
6.3.5 Maintenance:
The overall maintenance goal for a permeable paving system is to prevent clogging
of the void spaces within the surface material.
A permeable paving system can last you a lifetime when maintained properly.
Cleaning is simple you wouldn’t have to dedicate your entire Saturday mornings
for it.
You also wouldn’t to hire someone. All you need to do is sweep or vacuum as
needed or at least three to four times a year to ensure that no debris is stuck
between the gaps.
Fig.No.15 Sweep
Fig.No.16 Vacuum
7.1 Merits:
1. Managing Runoff:
Increasing the amount of storm water infiltrated can result in lower stream flow
levels after storm events, increased stream base flow due to increased groundwater
recharge, and increased stream stability through reduced stream velocities and
peak flows.
As permeable pavement eliminates standing water, other noticeable benefits
include improved braking, reduced hydroplaning on roadways, and resistance to
freeze/thaw conditions.
4. Durable:
For homeowners who are looking for longevity, permeable pavers offer a great
This system eventually pays for itself. It’s designed to handle light weight, which
makes it deals for light traffic areas such as parking spaces and walkways
Fig.No.19 Durable
5. Ideal Patio Surface:
Your patio is where you entertain guests or relax by yourself or with your loved
This outdoor living spaces should not only look inviting, it should as well be able
to hold for many years without you worrying about maintenance.
6. Water Efficient:
Permeable pavers for the landscapes doesn’t require water to keep them looking
This system also helps to keep surrounding area cool as water goes straight to the
soil below.
Irrigation demand to support nearby soil and plant life hence is minimized.
7.2 Demerits:
It is more expensive to install as compared to traditional pavements.
The maintenance requirements of permeable pavement are quite different. It is
prone to clogging if the water in the reservoir isn’t drained out properly. The sand
and fine particles that can block the space between the pavers must be removed
using an industrial vacuum. It can even clog when you sand for ice during the
winter. If you do not cater to clogging quickly, it will cause the water and
pollutants to run off the surface, defeating the purpose of installing permeable
They aren’t as strong as traditional or asphalt pavements. If you put consistent
pressure (like heavy vehicle braking) on it, then the pores of the pavement will
collapse. Due to this, permeable pavement isn’t ideal for building airport runways
and highways.
Permeable pavers permit the movement of storm water through the surface and filters
pollutants from the water. The pavers are separated by joints filled with small stones
that allow the water to infiltrate back into the soil subgrade. This is in contrast to
traditional pavers where water picks up oil and additional chemicals before washing
into the street, where it overloads storm drains and pollutes waterways. Permeable
pavers are ideal for driveways, sidewalks, parking areas, courtyards and plazas.
Minimum Cost of Permeable Pavers per Square Foot: $4.00=257.76INR
Maximum Cost of Permeable Pavers per Square Foot: $6.00=386.64INR
The cost of permeable pavers is approximately $4.00 to $6.00 per square foot, with the
cost varying slightly with the availability of materials. As an example, the cost of an
average-sized permeable driveway is approximately $5,000 or more, including
installation. Although these costs are generally 10 to 20 per cent higher than costs for
non-permeable pavers, the cost is offset by the elimination of the requirement for
detention basins and additional storm water infrastructure. Also, the longevity of
permeable pavers is about 20 to 30 years; repaving will likely be required every 15 to
25 years for those pavers existing in cold weather conditions. Some local governments
provide tax breaks to property owners who install permeable pavement systems. This
is due to the cost savings as a result of decreased investments in reservoirs and storm
sewer extensions. Fortunately, permeable pavers require very little maintenance,
usually just periodic removal of debris from joints with a small wet-dry vacuum. In
general, permeable pavers are an excellent alternative to traditional pavement systems
due to their excellent runoff control and significant positive environmental impacts.
The ideal pervious concrete mix is expected to provide the maximum compressive
strength, and the optimal infiltration rate.
Especially for pervious concrete used on roadways, there is the need for it to be
able to withstand various traffic loadings while providing adequate infiltration to
reduce surface runoffs.
From the results of the analysis, the design Mix is recommended of cube 3.
Also the compression test of this cube is more than that of readymade non-
permeable pavers that are in use currently.
The content of fly ash is lowered in design mix, it will increases the infiltration
rate as shown in graph 3.
As the excess rain water is allowed to flow away, we can collect this water by
harvesting it. We are trying to introduce the idea of harvesting the water on
grounds of rain water harvesting.
This may prove advantageous on ground level and can be further treated and
reused. By installing underground treatment plant below this paving system we
can reuse water in particular area.
In general, porous asphalt and pervious concrete are cost competitive,
particularly where larger areas are involved. This is primarily due to the fact
that no drainage is required.
For smaller areas, such as the driveway, where drainage was not included in
the cost, non-porous alternatives were less. The most expensive alternative in
all scenarios were permeable interlocking concrete pavers.
Gravel reinforced with a geo-cellular grid tended to be the least expensive.
This low initial cost comes with the drawback that periodic maintenance of the
surface will be needed to maintain the gravel surface.
We can increase the depth of paver to increase the resistance of heavy load
1. Amde, A.and S. Rogge. "Development of High Quality Previous Concrete
Specification for the State of Maryland Conditions." (2013), in press.
2. Booth, Derek, and Benjamin Brattleboro. "Long-term storm water quantity and
quality performance of permeable pavement systems"(2003): 4369-4376.
3. Chopra, Manoj, Wabielista Marty, and Ann Mulligan. "Compressive Strength
Pervious Concrete Pavements" Storm water Management Academy University
of Central Florida. (2013), in press.
4. James, Bob. "Pervious Concrete–When it Rains, it Drains” (2010)
5. Jin, Na. "Fly Ash Applicability in Pervious Concrete."(2013), in press.
6. Cavern, J.T., V.R. Schaefer, M.T. Suleiman, and K. Wang." Pervious Concrete
Mixture Proportions for Improved Freeze Thaw Durability.” J. ASTM Int...
No. 2 (2008).
7. Schaefer, V., and K. Wang. Mix design development for pervious concrete in
cold weather climates. Ames, IA: National Concrete Pavement Technology
Centre, 2006.
8. Scholz, Miklas, and Piotr Grabowiecki. "Review of Permeable Pavement
Systems” (2007): 3830-3836.
9. Tennis, Lemming, David Akers, and Michael Lemming. "Pervious Concrete
Pavement” National Ready Mixed Concrete Association. (2004): 36.
10. Tyner, J.S., W.C. Wright, and P.A. Dobbs. “Increasing Exfiltration from
Pervious Concrete and Temperature Monitoring." (2009): 2636-2641
11. IS 10262:2009 for design mix of concrete.
12. IS 4031 compressive strength of concrete.
13. ASTM C1701 Infiltration test