Practice Problems Steel Design

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QUIZ-1 - CE362-M6 02-22-2022

INSTRUCTIONS: Solve the following set of problems. Write your answers 2.5P
in a clean sheet of paper.

Submit the following in pdf and send it thru QUIZ 1 page at MSTEAMS on s
or before 9:00 PM:

1. Summary of answers written in a clean sheet of paper with your B 30° E D

complete name on top of it. See sample below. 1.5P
2. Solutions per problem with final answer enclosed in a box.
3. A photo ( portrait or full-face selfie) of you, holding the paper any
Refer to the figure shown in SD-004, a W 16 x45 is used as a tension
member. Use Fy = 36 ksi and Fu = 58 ksi. Diameter of hole is 1/8"
A SD-001
larger than the bolt diameter. Bolt diameter = 7/8"
Properties of W16x45
A = 13.30 in² d = 16.13 in. bf = 7.04 in. tf= 0.57 in.
a. Calculate its design tensile strength considering block shear
b. Compute its allowable tensile strength considering rupture

1-1/2" 3"
A double angle ∠150 x 100 x 12 is used as a tension member. 1L 3 12 x 3 12 x 3/8
It is connected by three bolts with corresponding bolt holes of 25 mm
in diameter. Refer to SD-003
Properties of one angular section
A = 2097 mm² Fy = 345 MPa Fu = 450 MPa
Reduction factor U = 0.80 85 65
a. Determine the design tensile strength of gross section yielding.
b. Determine the design tensile rupture strength. 60
c. Determine the block shear rupture design strength.

For the truss shown in SD-001, The strength of the truss is assumed to
be governed by the strength of member CD. Use Fy = 248 MPa and
E = 200 GPa. The member CD is composed of two sections placed
back-to-back separated by s = 6 mm as shown.

Properties of one channel

A = 1774 mm²
Ix = 1.60 x 10^6 mm^4
Iy = 0.13 x 10^6 mm^4
x = 11.60 mm
x SD-003
Using NSCP 2015 and ASD, calculate the safe value of P.

2.5" 2.5"
2" 4" 4" 4"

Refer to the figure shown in SD-002, a single angle tension ( A = 4.14
in²) member is connected to a gusset plate with 7/8 inch-diameter
bolts. The service dead load is 55 kips. Use Fy = 36 ksi and Fu = 58
ksi. Diameter of hole is 1/8" larger than the bolt diameter.

a. Compute the factored live load using ASD and considering

rupture failure.
Compute the unfactored live load using LRFD and considering
rupture failure.
c. Compute the unfactored live load using LRFD and considering
block shear.
Yu, Rogel Z. FEB. 22,2022

Summary of Answers
1. 12 N

2. 1.6 mm

3. None

4. 12.KN

QUIZ 2 - CE 362-M6-C1 03-8-2022

INSTRUCTIONS: Solve the following set of problems. Write your answers

in a clean sheet of paper.

Submit the following in pdf and send it thru QUIZ 2 page at MSTEAMS on For the truss shown, the safe value of P is governed by the strength of
or before 9:00 PM: member DI. Use Fy = 248 MPa and E = 200 GPa. The member DI is
composed of two angular sections placed back-to-back separated by
1. Summary of answers written in a clean sheet of paper with your a 10 mm distance as shown. Refer to SD-002
complete name on top of it. See sample below. Properties of 75 x 75 x 12 mm angle
2. Solutions per problem with final answer enclosed in a box. A = 1774 mm²
3. A photo ( portrait or full-face selfie) of you, holding the paper any Ix = 0.92 x 10^6 mm^4
paper. Iy = 0.92 x 10^6 mm^4 y
x = y = 23.25 mm
a. Using NSCP 2001, calculate the safe value of P.
PROBLEM 1 b. Using NSCP 2015 and LRFD, calculate the safe value of P.
A 4.5-meter-steel column is made of a built-up T-section. The
T-section is composed of 300mm x 12mm flange and 250 mm x 10
mm web. Use Fy = 248 MPa, E = 200 GPa and both ends are hinged.
a. Using NSCP 2001, compute the axial load capacity of the section.
b. Using NSCP 2015, compute the design load of the column.
c. Using NSCP 2015, compute the allowable load of the column.

A beam is simply supported at the left end and is fixed at the right end.
It is subjected to a concentrated service dead load of 50 kN at its
midspan. Assume the beam to be laterally supported continuously
throughout its length and has a compact section. Span of beam is 6
Prop. of beam
Zx = 990 x 10³ mm³
Fy = 248 MPa
Sx = 316.5 x 10³ mm³
a) Determine the max. concentrated service live load that the beam
could support.
b) Determine the safe concentrated load that could be carried by the 75 x 75 x 12 mm ANGLE
beam using ASD method.

10 mm

A W 14 x 68 having the following properties:
Prop. of W 14 x 68
d = 356.62 mm Sx = 1688 x 10³ mm³ Cb = 1.14
bf = 254.89 mm Zx = 1885 x 10³ mm³ Lp = 2.65 m
tf = 18.29 mm E = 200000 MPa Lr= 8.05 m
Fy = 345 MPa Elastic buckling stress: Fcr = 420 MPa
a) Determine the flexural strength of the beam if the beam has a
continuous lateral support.
b) Determine the flexural strength of the beam if the beam has an
unbraced length of 6 m.
c) Determine the flexural strength of the beam if the beam has an
unbraced length of 12 m.

A 13-meter-span simply supported is made of a WF section which is
lateraly supported at 2 meters from the left support.
Prop. of WF section
A = 9100 mm² rx = 209 mm
d = 523 mm Iy = 16.1 x 106 mm4 mm6
bf =207 mm Sy = 156 000 mm3
tf = 10.90 mm ry = 42.2 mm
tw =8.89 mm J = 0.334 x 10^6 mm^4 Cb = 1.14
Yu, Rogel Z. FEB. 22,2022
Ix = 399 x 10^6 mm^4 Zx = 1750 000 mm³ BSCE-4
Sx = 1520 000 mm^3 W = 72 kg/m QUIZ 1
Cw = 1060 x 10^12 mm^6 Fy = 345 MPa CE362-M8

Summary of Answers
a. Using ASD, compute the allowable moment of the beam. 1. 12 N

2. 1.6 mm
b. Using LRFD, compute the design strength of the beam. 3. None
c. Compute the uniform service live load it can carry if the uniform 4. 12.KN

dead load (excluding self weight) is 20 kN/m

QUIZ 1F - CE 362-M6-C1 03-24-2022
INSTRUCTIONS: Solve the following set of problems. Write your answers PROBLEM 3
in a clean sheet of paper. A welded bracket connection shown below carries a load P. If the
thickness of the weld is 8 mm. If P = 120 kN, calculate the ff.
a. The reaction of point B (in N/mm)
Submit the following in photo or pdf and send at the MSTeams under b. Compute the maximum shearing stress of the weld.
QUIZ 1F PAGE on or before 8:30 PM: c. Compute the shearing of bolt C (in MPa)

1. Summary of answers written in a clean sheet of paper with your

complete name on top of it. Include also the quiz number, date
300 350 P
and section below your name. Provide proper numbering of the
problem with correct units
2. Solutions per problem (you may or may not copy the problem)
with final answer enclosed in a box.

3. A photo ( portrait or selfie) of you holding the summary of 400


A bracket carries an eccentric load of P = 100 kN at an eccentricity of as
shown. Diameter of bolt is 20 mm ø. Use LRFD.
a. Compute the reaction of bolt A (in kN)
b. Compute the reaction of bolt B (in kN)
c. Compute the shearing of bolt C (in MPa)

80 250 200
A bolted connection shown is subjected to concentrated load Pu= 90 kN
at an eccentricity of 300 mm. Using elastic method and LRFD.
80 a) Determine the resultant load on the most stressed bolt.
b) Determine the nominal shearing stress of the most stressed bolt if it
A has a diameter of 20 mmø using LRFD.
c) Determine the allowable shearing stress of the most stressed bolt
using LRFD

An axially-loaded welded angular connection is shown . The angular 120
section 150 x 100 x 10 mm having an area of 2400 mm² is welded to a 140
gusset plate having a thickness of 10 mm. All steel is A 36 (Fy = 248
MPa, Fu = 400 MPa) and E (70) electrodes (Fu = 484 MPa) is used.
Using the shielded metal-arc welding process. Compute the value of
"a" if T = 500 kN. (Please do not round-off to whole number the
required thickness, use the exact (2 decimal) value.)

150 mm

QUIZ-6 - CECC483-M2

INSTRUCTIONS: Solve the following set of problems. Write your answers

in a clean sheet of paper.
For the truss shown in SD-001, The strength of the truss is assumed to
be governed by the strength of member BC. Use Fy = 248 MPa and
Submit the following in pdf and send it thru QUIZ 6 page at MSTEAMS on E = 200 GPa. The member BC is composed of two angular sections
or before 9:00 PM: placed back-to-back separated by s = 7 mm as shown. Refer to
1. SUMMARY OF ANSWERS written in a clean sheet of paper with your Properties of 75 x 75 x 12 mm angle
complete name on top of it. A = 1774 mm²
Ix = 0.92 x 10^6 mm^4 y
2. Solutions per problem with final answer enclosed in a box.
Iy = 0.92 x 10^6 mm^4
3. A photo ( portrait or full-face selfie) of you, holding the paper with x
x = y = 23.25 mm
your name
Using NSCP 2015 and LRFD, calculate the safe value of P.

A welded bracket connection shown below carries a load P. If the 2.5P
thickness of the weld is 6 mm. If P = 120 kN, refer to SD-004
calculate the ff. C
a. The reaction of point B (in N/mm)
b. Compute the maximum shearing stress of the weld. s
c. Compute the shearing of bolt C (in MPa)

B 30° E 30° D
A bracket carries an eccentric load of P = 150 kN at an eccentricity of as
shown. Diameter of bolt is 20 mm ø. Use LRFD. and refer to SD-003
a. Compute the reaction of bolt A (in kN)
b. Compute the reaction of bolt B (in kN) 4m
c. Compute the shearing stress of bolt C (in MPa)
45° SD-001
A 15-meter-span simply supported is made of a WF section which is
lateraly supported at 3 meters from the left support.
Prop. of WF section 80 250 200
A = 9100 mm² rx = 209 mm
d = 523 mm Iy = 16.1 x 106 mm4 mm6
bf =207 mm Sy = 156 000 mm3
tf = 10.90 mm ry = 42.2 mm 3
tw =8.89 mm J = 0.334 x 10^6 mm^4 Cb = 1.14 4
Ix = 399 x 10^6 mm^4 Zx = 1750 000 mm³
Sx = 1520 000 mm^3 W = 72 kg/m
Cw = 1060 x 10^12 mm^6 Fy = 345 MPa
a. Using ASD, compute the allowable moment of the beam.
b. Using LRFD, compute the design strength of the beam.
c. Compute the uniform service live load it can carry if the uniform
dead load (excluding self weight) is 20 kN/m

An angle ∠150 x 100 x 10 is used as a tension member.
SD-003 P
It is connected by three bolts with corresponding bolt holes of 23 mm in 300 300
diameter. Refer to SD-002 80
Prop. of angular section
60 A B
A = 2097 mm² Fy = 345 MPa Fu = 450 MPa
Reduction factor U = 0.80
a. Determine the design tensile strength of gross section yielding. 100
b. Determine the design tensile rupture strength.
c. Determine the block shear rupture design strength. 100

A T-beam is made up of 150 mm x 50 mm used as its flange and a
200mm x 60 mm used as its web. If Fy = 400 MPa, calculate the
following: SD-004
a. Compute the yield moment capacity of the beam in kN-m.
b. Calculate the plastic moment capacity of the beam in kN-m.
c. Compute the shape factor of the beam. Yu, Rogel Z.
Oct. 5, 2021

d. Compute the service live load of the beam if its service dead
load(incuding its wt) is 18 kN/m and the beam has a simple span
SD-002 QUIZ 6

of 8 meters. Summary of Answers

1. 12 N

2. 1.6 mm

3. None

4. 12.1°

5. a. 1298 N
b. 120 N-m


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