Perfect Laws of Attraction (Manufaction)

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The key takeaways are that the book discusses the Law of Attraction and how all of life is made up of energy. It also mentions using a 30 day journal to transform one's life.

The book is about understanding the Law of Attraction and how to apply it to attract what you want in your life.

The book discusses techniques like gratitude journaling, visualization, eliminating self-sabotage, and surrendering to the process.

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“Law of Attraction 30 Day

Journal” Did you get it? If

not, please do before moving


Chapter One: The Universe Is Listening

Chapter Two: Why Positive Thinking

Doesn’t Work

Chapter Three: Why Treasure Maps

Don’t Lead to the Gold

Chapter Four: Fueling the Engine of


Chapter Five: The Choice that will

Change Your Life

Chapter Six: What You Really Want To

Chapter Seven: Eliminating Self-


Chapter Eight: Taking It to the Next


Chapter Nine: The Secret of Surrender

Chapter Ten: Living the Law of




30 Day Journal” SEE IT HERE

When I first committed to understanding

the Law of Attraction, I used this exact
journal daily… and it

As a way to thank you for investing in

yourself with this book…
I pass my 30 Day Law of Attraction
Journal on to you… for FREE.

I do ask just one thing…Use it.


FREE - 30 Day

All of life is energy.

T he western world woke up to

the realization that all of life is

energy ever since Albert Einstein

published the equation that rocked our

world: E = MC2.

But what does it mean? It means that

all of life — every quark, atom and

molecule, every blade of grass, mote of

dust and ray of the sun — is made up of

energy. And of course, it means that we

are made up energy, too. And while the

Universe is ever-expanding, we are an

expression of the dynamic, creative,

extraordinary power of the Universe to

create and expand itself.

The Law of Attraction is the magnetic

property that enables this creation. For

us humans, it means that the Law of

Attraction is responding to the thoughts,

words, feelings and actions that we hold

and express every moment of our lives.

The Law of Attraction is working all

the time. You don’t have to command it,

attract it, conquer it or get good at using

it. The Law of Attraction is the property

that propels how the stars are born,

determines what you do for a living, and

decides where you were born. It’s what

sets the tides, powers asteroids and fuels

earthquakes. The Law of Attraction is

behind everything that you experience,

pleasant or unpleasant, joyous or

horrendous. It is always in play.

The Law of Attraction is an

equalopportunity principle. It does not

judge what you think or imagine or do, it

gives equal weight to whatever you put

out in
the world. As Henry Ford said,

“Whether you think you can or you think

you can’t: You’re right.” Whether you

are spending time thinking about what

you want or what you don’t want, your

thoughts ping the universe to attract

more of what you are thinking about.

And all things that happen to you come

in response to these pings, in response to

the vibrational invitation that you

project. All of the people in your life, all

of the chapters of your career and jobs,

all of the good health or bad health that

you experience are out-picturings of the

thoughts that you have held at one time

or another.
As you recognize the role and power of

the Law of Attraction, your reality will

shift because you will discover how

powerful YOU are. You’ll come to know

your very thoughts as energy: energy

that can be focused, clarified and molded

into things, experiences and events.

YOU can choose to manifest

what you want in life — in relationships,

your bank account, your work

experience, your health, or whatever

arena you choose — and find the

happiness and fulfillment that you seek.

But the Law of Attraction is not just

another feel-good exercise to fix your

life or your circumstances. By working

with it, you will likely find yourself

transformed. As your circumstances

improve, as you tap into your innate

power to generate what you want in life,

and as you discover how to play with this

power, you will very likely be changed

by it.

Working with the Law of Attraction is

a spiritual journey that, if you stick with

it, can lead you to a deeper connection

with your own Spirit and with the laws

of the Universe.

This book is a journey for you to

discover the tremendous capacity you

have within you to harness the Law of

Attraction so that you can be happier,

healthier and more fulfilled. How you

can achieve your goals and have fun

along the way. How your heart can be

filled with the love you desire, how your

body can relax in a stable and

comfortable life, and how your spirit can

express its truest, highest calling. By

participating whole-heartedly in the Law

of Attraction, you will discover many of

the secrets of the Universe within


Every day in every way I am getting

better and better

M ind over matter is moot.

Affirmations are all washed

up. While the promise of positive

thinking has been around for a long time,

it just doesn’t deliver.

But it sure is an integral part of popular

culture these days. “Think positive.”

“Act as if.” “You can do it.” Discussions

of positive thinking can be traced all the

way back to the early 1800s when there

was a flurry of

writings about the power of the mind and

of keeping an affirmative attitude. In his

essays, Ralph Waldo Emerson promoted

the importance of self-reliance and

reasoned that our perception of reality

can alter our reality. Ernest Holmes,

founder of the Science of Mind

movement, wrote several books about

the power of the mind and stated very

plainly: “thoughts are things.” By 1898,

Success Magazine was launched by

Orison Swett Marden and became one of

the most popular and influential

magazines in American history.

Philosophers threw their hat in the ring

along with the others. The great William

James said: “The greatest discovery of

my generation is that man can alter his

life simply by altering his attitude of

mind.” Not long after that, a pharmacist

by the name of Émile Coué, studied

hypnotism and autosuggestion in his

spare time and told his patients to repeat

a certain affirmation several times a day:

Every day in every way I am getting

better and better. This simple sentence is

considered to be one of the first

positive-thinking mantras or


Perhaps the best-known author of

positive-thinking wisdom is Napoleon

Hill, whose book Think and Grow Rich,

first published in 1937, has become one

of the most successful books of all time.

Hill lays down several effective tools to

help you succeed in life, based on

positive-thinking principles. His formula

includes discussions about clarity of

vision, working with others, how to

handle defeat, healthy habits, and of

course, keeping a positive mental

attitude. He describes the benefit of

working with others to generate the

vision and energy towards that goal, and

discusses other attitudes and actions that

can propel the process. Of all of these

directives, the one that has seen the

greatest result, according to professional

motivational speakers who work with

them frequently, is to ‘know very clearly

where you want to go.’

These assertions of the power of the

mind are inspiring, uplifting and very

often helpful, but they fall short of really

performing the miracles so many of us

seek! After all, if having what you want

in life is as simple as thinking positively,

then a lot more people would have what

the want in life.

Here’s why.
If you could isolate a thought, spin it

with positive energy and project it out to

the universe, no doubt it would come

back to you like a boomerang, fully

manifested, instantly.
But the problem is that our thoughts

don’t live in a vacuum. Quite the

opposite. At any one moment, our minds

are filled almost to capacity with

thoughts, feelings, memories, hopes,

fantasies, fears, anxieties, projections

and more. Our minds are incredibly rich

with knowledge, data and experiences,

lessons we’ve learned, conclusions

we’ve drawn, attitudes, and reactions.

So if each of these thoughts has an

energetic potential to magnetize its

likeness, you can imagine how hard it is

for any one of them to take shape in your

reality. If thoughts are the medium for

you to attract the experiences you want,

then you can see how much competition

you have for your dreams to come real.

Like a solo violin trying to be heard

above the roar of an entire orchestra,

your well-intentioned thoughts about

what you want in your life compete with

the myriad of intentions and reactions in

your mind, each resonating with its own

fervor and feelings.

And so far, we’ve only mentioned the

thoughts that you are conscious of!

According to Sigmund Freud and Carl

Jung, the subconscious mind and the

unconscious mind contain vastly more

content than what we perceive

consciously. Freud used the terms

“subconscious” and “unconscious”

somewhat interchangeably, so we don’t

have to get too technical about their

differences. He described the

unconscious mind as our personal

reservoir of traumatic memories, painful

emotions, repressed urges and ideas ~

the stuff we don’t usually process well

on a conscious level. After years of

research, Jung even broadened the

definition further to include the

‘collective unconscious’: a layer of

awareness that we share with the entire


So yeah, you have a whole universe of

consciousness between your ears! Each

thought — no matter its source, no

matter when it was generated or why—


thought resonating with its own

signature having the potential to attract

its likeness into your experience. Now

that’s a lot of potential.

This is why affirmations —

carefullyconstructed positive phrases

that express an intended outcome —

don’t live up to their promise.

Taking a cue from “Every day in every

way,” millions of people use

affirmations to help them attract the

experiences they want in their lives. To

construct an affirmation, it is

recommended that you keep it in the

present tense. Use “I am” and “he is”

statements instead of “I will” or “he

will” ones that describe future events.

The reason is that the mind lives only in

the present, and an effective affirmation

will reflect what is happening at any one

moment in the present. Also, it is

advised to avoid negatives of all kinds.

Avoid the word “not” as in “not fat” and

use “thin” or even “healthy” instead. The

mind cannot grasp the absence of

something, which is what “not” implies.

You’re wanting to manifest something

that exists, not something that doesn’t

exist. Of course, always spin what might

be a negative experience into its positive

counterpart. Say “My mother-in-law has

found the perfect place to live in town

and is happy there” instead of “My

mother-in-law isn’t happy living with us

and is moving out.”

Here are a few examples of

affirmations about topics common to

many of us:

I am attracting my perfect love

relationship into my life I am working at

a new job I love and I’m earning $3000

per month I am losing weight and feeling

good about myself

My wife and I are saving enough money

for a down payment on a new home My

employees respect me and I am effective

at work I am taking an hour for myself

each day to unwind

and relax I am healing

my relationship with my mother and

we are getting along I am eating healthy

foods and my body feels energetic and

You probably have tried it in one way

or another. Maybe you’ve looked in the

mirror and tried to convince yourself that

you’re beautiful or attractive or

successful, and tried to ignore the knot in

your gut, the hurt in your heart, or other

tensions or discomforts you felt in your

body that screamed “No way!” But if

‘mind over matter’ actually worked,

you’d see the results in a matter of time.

But mind over matter doesn’t work, and

for very good reason. In fact, recent

research studies have shown that more

often than not, when people use

affirmations, the opposite happens to

them. Why is that?

Here’s what happens. When you assert

something positive (even if you ARE

beautiful or attractive or successful!) and

if any part of you, hidden in your

subconscious mind, disagrees with it,

you are setting off a war within you over

who’s right. If you’ve got a number of

parts of yourself that think the worst

about yourself —most of us do — you’re

throwing down the gauntlet with all of

those other parts of yourself. Even

worse, by doing so, you fuel the very

thoughts you want to conquer. Soon, you

may notice that not only didn’t things get

better, but some of your worst fears

actually came true in one way or another.

While the mirror exercise hasn’t done

much for anyone, it reveals a lot about

how our minds work. After all, those

screaming voices, contracted muscles

and even waves of nausea are each parts

of you expressing themselves and having

something to say, too. They want to be

heard, and won’t go down without a fight

if provoked! Ignoring them does not

make them go away. And it shouldn’t.

Because all of those dissenting voices

are parts of you that have been conceived

and generated through your life

experience (and possibly previous life

experiences) and are there to help you

avoid pain and suffering, to point out

when danger is on the horizon. They are

a part of your survival mechanism, and

they are trying to be of service to you the

only way they know how.

About 2400 years ago, a man named

Siddhartha Gautama went on a spiritual

path, determined not to stop until he was

able to know for himself the true

meaning of life. After years of

meditation and sacrifice, he achieved a

transcendent state of enlightenment,

experiencing an unshakable, irrefutable,

profound sense of oneness with the

universe and an understanding of how

life as we know it is created. After some

prodding by his disciples, the man who

would be known from then on as the

Buddha, or enlightened one, agreed to

teach others about what he had seen

within himself. And what was the first

point that he made?

Life is suffering.

Yup. Of all the profound truths he

could feed his spiritually hungry

followers, he started with that. It’s what

he told the throngs of seekers who had

travelled for miles, most of them

barefoot, living on a few grains of rice

per day, meditating and seeking the

wisdom of this great Master.

Here’s how he described it: If you look

closely at the workings of your own

mind, you’ll discover that it is always in

a discord with what is. You are either

wanting something you don’t have, or

not wanting what you do have. The grass

always looks greener, the achievements

you seek are ahead of you, the wife is

making you unhappy today, the job

doesn’t quite fit, and so forth. In other

words, we are interminably unhappy and

‘suffering’ because we want things to be

other than the way that they are. We’re

constantly at odds with what is, not

finding peace or contentment in the


Much of what we have attracted in our

lives is not done by deliberate intent, but

comes about by default, as a result of

what we have thought about and focused

on in the past, whether we want it or not.

Chronic thoughts about unwanted things

invite, and attract, matching experiences.

So keeping a positive attitude is a very

potent and important practice to lay the

groundwork for working with the Law of

Attraction. Since all of our thoughts

generate our experiences, staying aware

of when your thoughts go negative, and

putting them back on a positive track

will help to populate your future

experiences with positive ones.

And by the way, don’t allow yourself

to beat yourself up if you have a

tendency to go negative in life. That just

adds another layer of self-judgment that

does you no good. Do the best you can

to stay positive and read on for more

insights and practices to help you turn

that around.

As a single method to attract specific

experiences, people, achievements and

things that we desire in our lives,

thinking positively falls short. We’ll

explore what else is necessary to really

propel your desires to become your new


It is by going into the abyss that you

find your treasure

— Joseph Campbell
W ith our minds a jumbled

cauldron of memories,

feelings, conclusions and strategies,

perceptions and reactions, patterns and

habits, we have a task before us to single

out a thought or two, project it onto the

screen of the Universe, and dare to say

— like Jean-Luc Picard aboard the

Enterprise — “Make it so!”

Treasuring mapping is a tool that has

gained popularity in this country to

supposedly help people manifest what

they want in life. Otherwise known as a

vision board, the idea is to cut out photos

and inspiring words from

magazines or print out online images that

you like that depict the things that you

want to create in your life. Then arrange

them in a pleasing way and paste them

up on a poster board. When you’re done,

hang the board on the wall in plain view

so that you can seed your subconscious

mind with the images and get the law of

attraction working for you.

Treasure maps frequently contain

images of houses, smiling families, piles

of cash, cars, exotic lands, and other

desireables, along with uplifting words

like “Empowerment” and “Live your

dream!” And they can be helpful in a few

ways. By keeping visual cues and

reminders of what you want around you

in your living or workspace helps you to

repeatedly generate thoughts about your

desired outcome. Repetition is one

powerful practice that helps to activate

The Law of Attraction and we’ll discuss

it further in Chapter 11.

The time you take and the steps you go

through to create your treasure map can

be valuable in getting the process started.

By sorting through images, you are

forced to define more precisely what it is

you want to attract in the first place. Do

you want a house with a yard or a porch?

Or both? Do you want a new puppy

that’s small and cuddly or large and

playful? Do you want to earn $1000 per

month or $10,000? Just like when you go

shopping in a store, the more you know

about what you want, the easier it will be

to find it.

As you take time to cull and categorize

the images you want for your treasure

map, you’re bound to have a variety of

feelings arise. You’ll feel excited,

perhaps, and inspired. More importantly,

you might easily become aware that you

have fears and reactions that you harbor

about bringing the thing you want into

your field of experience. That’s useful!

Notice what pushes your buttons. See if

you can hear what some of the uninvited

voices in your head say about your

ability to obtain what you want. Or better

yet, what are they saying about your

worthiness or readiness for it?

That’s all good stuff!

Remember our lone violin, trying to be

heard above an orchestral cacophony of

other instruments, other voices, trying to

bring something into being with the Law

of Attraction? Joseph Campbell was

right when he said: “It is by going into

the abyss that you find your treasure.”

When we explore the abyss of our

subconscious mind, we can free the

treasure within. When we take the time

to look into our limiting beliefs and

negative thought patterns, our

conditioned responses from years and

years of learning and habit, we can quiet

the din of dissenting voices and free up

our ability to attract what we want. You

can mute those out-of-tune voices that

directly conflict with your desired

outcome, shut down the ones that

disempower your vision, quiet the ones

that disempower you in general, and lay

the groundwork to accelerate your

effectiveness with the Law of Attraction.

But that’s exactly why treasure maps

rarely bring about an activation of the

Law of Attraction, and why people

rarely manifest what they have on their


Let’s say you have a picture of a happy

healthy, attractive couple, holding

hands, staring at a picturesque sunset.

And next to it, you have a picture of the

BMW 335 that you’ve always wanted.

Because these images are placed

together, and when you see one, you see

the others, your mind reads it as one


creation. It does not separate the picture

of cash from the image of the couple

from the image of the healthy athlete.

For your mind, it becomes an all-or-

nothing proposition. It’s one creation, in

a sense.

However, since you are a human being,

chances are exceedingly high that you

are going to have subconscious cultural

conditioning about any (and likely all) of

these objects of your desires. After all,

you aren’t currently enjoying these

things in your life, which means that for

one reason or another you have not been

resonating with them. Their very

absence is an indication that the parts of

you that are pushing them away are

winning over those parts that wanting to

attract them. It could safely be said that

your vision board is a map to the

dissenting parts of you that do not want

those things around! And it doesn’t

make for a much of a fertile field for

attracting what you want.

Another shortcoming of vision boards

and treasure maps is that they give some

people a false sense that the board itself

has magic powers to magnetize what

they want. They might have the board

hanging near their desk in their office or

within view when they’re lying in bed,

but if they are not committing

themselves to taking time to focus on

each image, give attention and love to

their vision, or feed it with energy, then

the board isn’t much more than a pretty

picture on the wall. Even worse, it can

lead people to forget that the power to

create what they want is within them —

all the time — not in something outside

of themselves.

If you want to manifest a new home, a

happy relationship, a healthy body, then

make the most of the Law of Attraction

as described herein. But start with one

area of your life. Dig in and focus on one

thing at a time and attend to it with love,

patience, and humility along with the

practices you’ll learn in this book. The

Universe is listening!


That’s been one of my mantras — focus

and simplicity.

—Steve Jobs
S o if we essentially house a

chaotic collection of an infinite

number of thoughts and reactions in our

consciousness — and since the life we

live appears to be a fairly orderly one —

how does the Universe select from

all of those thoughts floating in our being

and choose which ones to manifest in our

I’m so glad you asked. For the answer

is the first seed of empowerment, the

beginning of living a life of choice and


The Law of Attraction responds to

what we give most attention and energy

to. It’s what we spend the most time

thinking about that invites and attracts

matching experiences. Attention is

focused consciousness, and with our

consciousness we activate our thoughts,

like strumming a guitar, and get them

ringing with resonance. The more

intensely we do so, and the more

repeatedly we do so, the more loudly

those strings will sound, and the greater

power of resonance they will hold to

attract an experience.
Bringing focus to a thought is the first

step. Focusing on a thought or image can

go a long way to make it stand out from

the crowd. Spend a few minutes every

day just focusing on what you want. It’s

no wonder that successful entrepreneurs

like Steve Jobs sings the praises of focus

as it keeps people aligned with their

Then, to increase the resonance of a

thought even further, bring emotion into

the picture. Emotional energy juices a

thought, resonating its potential, and gets

it to ‘sing’ louder. Emotions, after all,

can energize people to jump up and

down with joy, paint a big smile on their

face with happiness, or even hit a fist

into a wall with anger. Emotions are

essentially thoughts that have been

excited and animated so much that we

feel them in our bodies.

You can use any emotion to empower

a thought; any emotion works as well as

any other. Emotion is an equal

opportunity energy source, and that can

work for you or against you. On the one

hand, it means that you have choices

about what emotion you want to use. On

the other hand, it means that fear is as

effective as love and that anger is as

effective as joy to magnetize

experiences into your life. And you

know what that means. When you obsess

over your

fears, and let them run rampant in your

mind and body, you are essentially

inviting whatever it is you fear to be

made manifest, calling on the Law of

Attraction to match your experience.

Likewise, if you harbor anger,

resentment or hatred towards others, for

whatever reason that may seem

justifiable to you, you are fueling the

system to bring you more of exactly that

which you are angry about. You are

essentially asking for more of what you

think you’re rejecting.

Fear is a powerful emotion and

probably fuels the vast majority of

experiences we have on the planet. We

have vast stores of fears in our

subconscious mind, generated from our

own life experiences, from the biases

and expectations that we’ve absorbed

from our culture and environment, from

species memory, and potentially from an

extensive set of recollections from past

lives. If you look around at the stage

settings of your life, and you find that

much of it you don’t want, you are

seeing an expression of some of the fears

that you harbor in your subconscious

Anger is also a magnetic stimulant.

Have you ever walked into a room and

felt someone’s anger even before you

saw their face? It virtually emanates out

of a person’s skin. Anger can build and

escalate and engage even innocent

bystanders, igniting people it gets in

proximity to. As an attracting medium,

anger is potent. Like everything else in

your experience, it is also reflecting

something about you. If you find that

you spend a lot of time around angry

people, it is extremely likely that you

harbor feelings of anger in yourself.

In later chapters, we’ll discuss how

you can use the cues from your outer

experience like breadcrumbs on a trail,

to help you find and bring to light some

of the fears that are resonating from

within your subconscious mind. By

doing so, you can release them and

release yourself from the grip they have

on you.

Now that you know how emotions can

light the spark of the Law of Attraction,

use it wisely. First, select a thought of

something you want to magnetize into

your life. Start by focusing on it. Take

some time with it and think about it

without distraction. Set an intention to

have it be center of your attention for a

short while. Say No to interruptions or

tempting diversions for that period of


Then add emotion. Think about what

you want to attract in your life and allow

yourself to get excited about it! Fill

yourself with joy, relief, gratitude, and

love. Take several minutes, repeatedly

throughout the day and imagine what

you want, feeling the enthusiasm and joy

you’d feel from having what you are

attracting in your life. Pump it up!

Add consistency and repetition. Focus

and emotion can empower a thought, but

not when done in isolation. You’ll need

to make it part of a consistent practice

that you maintain over a period of time.

Don’t forget love! Love is very likely

the most powerful force in the Universe

~ so bring it into this practice! Fill your

whole body and being with love as you

think about what it is you want to attract

into your life.

While there’s a lot more to the Law of

Attraction than these principles, they can

be an immensely powerful place to start.

With commitment, repetition and time,

you’ll be amazed at what you will attract

into your life.


Whether you think you can or you think

you can’t, you’re right.

—Henry Ford
A ll of the people, experiences,

life events, and things that

come to you in your life come as a

response to the resonance of your

thoughts, feelings and intentions. When

you look around you now, you can get a

picture of what you have invited into

your life by way of vibrational resonance

in the past. For whatever thoughts and

ideas that you have given attention to,

with focus, repetition, intensity or other

factors, the Universe recognizes them as

invitations and

requests to manifest and attract into your

life. Whether you think you want them

or not.

Fortunately and unfortunately, what

manifests doesn’t manifest

instantaneously. We’ve got a buffer of

time between the point at which a

powerful thought is projected and when

it shows up in life. That time difference

is part of what keeps us in the dark about

how the Law of Attraction works. We

don’t see the cause directly followed by

its effect, and when we do experience the

effect, we don’t know how to trace it to

its cause. This time lag is an easy out: if

every time you thought a negative

thought, a brick fell out of the sky and hit

you on the head, you’d clean up your

thinking pretty fast.

Sometimes we start out with positive

thoughts and beliefs, only to succumb to

the beliefs of those around us, planting

negative thoughts in our minds. A child

may hold a healthy sense of her

selfworth, for example, but if others

around her repeatedly claim that she is

less than that, she will eventually adopt

that perspective and unconsciously

resonate with it. After a while, she’ll

begin to attract evidence of it in her

world, since it will be reflected in her

outer reality soon enough, in effect now

seeming to prove the lie to be true. Over

time, she would not be able to

distinguish the truth about her

worthiness from what is false, for she

will accumulate experiences in her life

that act it out, and she’ll want to believe

what she is seeing.

Thinking negative thoughts and

complaining about our experiences is

very seductive but it focuses on what we

don’t want, fueling it. In the meantime,

we think that our negative perspectives

are the innocent result of us, like

Monday morning quarterbacks,

harmlessly judging our lives and

experiences from an objective position

and seeming to tell it like it is.

“The traffic is impossible today.”

“I can’t do anything right.”

“My wife doesn’t understand what I

really need.”

“I’m not good enough.”

“This job is killing me.”

These sentiments sure do seem to be

true. But negative thinking and

complaining focuses your mind and

energy precisely on what you don’t

want. Many of us practice it religiously.

If it gets to be a chronic activity, then the

personality takes on a certain attitude

and disposition that you identify with

and that feels comfortable, but that

continually emits negativity, attracting

more negative circumstances to you. It

also holds you in a position of

preempting positive experiences and any

of the actual solutions that you’re

looking for.

Try this out: Say out loud one of the

complaints you frequently repeat to

yourself. Then follow it with the words:

“You’re right.” How does it feel?

Depressing, right? But all you did was

agree with yourself!

The Universe will always agree with

you. It is always saying Yes to your

vibrational wishes. It is always saying,

“You’re right.” So you get to decide

what you want to be right about. After

all, you’re the one that keeps repeating

these things over and over like a mantra.

You are not a detached, objective

witness of life, after all. You are a

participant. What you say about the

world, if it said with enough focus and

energy, will come about in your field of

experience. Now’s the time to choose

what you want to be true, what you want

to experience and what you want to

create for yourself in your life.

Negative thinking comes in other

forms besides simply thinking negative

thoughts. It can also do damage in the

form of incessant problem-solving.

Now, in the complex world we live in,

there is of course a useful need and a

place for solving everyday problems.

But if your mind is filled all day with

how to fix your health, your finances,

your relationship, or something else,

then you are actually getting in the way

of the very solutions you seek. After all,

just to get started looking for solutions to

a problem, you invest quite a bit of

energy into feeling helpless in the face of

it, into investigating its moving parts,

into looking at the variables. You are

committing yourself to the perception

that it is a problem in the first place.

While the pain and suffering of the

situation may be very real for all those

involved, the negative attention does not

help you create the improved outcome

you want to see in your life.

So try a different approach. Set aside

15 minutes a day and visualize the

painful situation resolved and the

problem healed. As you imagine it, fill

yourself with a positive feeling like joy

and gratitude. After all, how great would

you feel if you were living that reality?

Bask in those good feelings as you

envision your desired outcome: your

body healed, your rent paid, a

relationship harmonized, or whatever

you desire. Avoid visualizing with the

intention of correcting what is wrong or

deficient, because if you do, your

thoughts will be diluted with the

negative side of the equation. Instead of

fueling the problem, trying to figure out

how to fix it, imagine the best possible

outcome you want for yourself.

Then, the next time you find yourself

complaining about the situation, flip into

visualizing the healed experience you

want to create. Bathe in feelings of

exuberance, joy, and gratitude as you

imagine yourself in the new reality.

Keep activating your ‘choice’ muscle,

releasing the negative reactions and

stepping into the positive experience of

your visualization. It may seem

challenging at first: you’ve likely got a

very well-ingrained, habitual thinking

pattern. But when you think about it, you

realize that no one is making you feel

what you’re feeling. Quite the opposite:

you have an infinite array of choices of

how you can respond to the situation

you’re in. Regardless of how intense the

feeling feels or how true the thoughts

sound, you have the power to choose.

Negative thinking can also do its

damage through other, less obvious

ways we act, such as manipulation and

control. When you try to make your

circumstances better by trying to control

or manipulate other people, you are

actually banking on the negativity of the

situation. Of course, there are certainly

experiences in life that are frustrating

and disempowering, and it is easy to

come to the conclusion that the only way

to get what you want or need is to

manipulate others. But when you feel

compelled to control or manipulate

others, you are being driven by

underlying, unconscious beliefs that

claim that you are less than you are.

They’ll tell you that you are not powerful

enough, not important enough, or not

good enough to simply ask for and get

what you want. Or that you don’t have

what it takes to receive the kindness,

attention or benefit that the person

you’re trying to control seems to

withhold from you. These underlying

thoughts and beliefs lie in your

subconscious mind, driving your

experience, seeding your unhappiness,

and motivating your controlling


But like the Chinese finger puzzle, the

more you push, pull or manipulate, the

more you are trapped, and the further

away you get from achieving what you

want. In other words, when you try to get

what you want through coercive

behavior, you are empowering the very

seed thoughts that put you in your

experience in the first place, setting

yourself up to live through more of it in

your future. Your attention to them

brings more like them into your

You simply cannot get to where you

want to be by controlling or eliminating

the unwanted.

So what choice do you have?

Your choice — in every moment — is

to be a co-creator of your life, and not

just a victim of your experiences, which

are after all the manifestation of your

very own thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

You may not be able to change the past,

but you can change your future; what

you think about and focus on now invites

and attracts your future experiences.

Right now — each now moment — is

the most powerful moment you have,

and in each moment you can make the

most powerful choice a human being can

make in life: to be a co-creator of your

life, rather than just a victim of your

circumstances. You empower yourself

by taking responsibility for your

thoughts, feelings, energy and focus of

attention. And you set the intention in

each moment to raise your awareness, to

be more conscious of what you think and

feel, and to choose a positive vibe over a

negative one.

You have the choice to allow yourself

to feel your feelings this time, instead of

stuffing them, ignoring them or even

trying to make them go away with food,

alcohol, prescriptions, drugs, risky

behavior, television, or any other

unconscious behavior. Give the feeling

the attention it is asking for and bring the

light of your awareness to it. Within

every feeling is a seed thought; a feeling

has a source and it is a thought. For

example, you don’t just feel sadness in

isolation. You feel sad that something

has occurred. You feel sad usually

because you perceive loss in your life

and you feel not whole because of that

loss. Similarly, you don’t feel anger in

isolation. You feel anger because

something happened. Anger is often a

‘cover’ feeling that obscures more

intense feelings of helplessness or hurt.

Give yourself the compassion you

need by spending a few moments being

present to these kinds of feelings. You

don’t have to bask in the feelings or

belabor them. You don’t have to

dramatize them or create a story around

them. Those things don’t help. You want

to introduce yourself to the feeling and

let it introduce itself to you. Oftentimes,

with healthy attention, the feeling will

subside and you can get back to your

positive attitude.

It’s completely counterintuitive, of

course: facing the feelings that are at best

uncomfortable, and at worst,

excruciating. But like the proverbial

monster in the closet, there really isn’t

anything solid behind the scary façade

that your darker emotions project.

Bringing the light of your awareness to

these feelings weakens their power, and

loosens you from their grip. Asking

yourself any of the following questions

can help:

Where is the feeling located in my body?

If I rated it 1-10 in intensity, what would

it be right now? If it had a color, what

would that be? What is the feeling trying

to say to me? What experiences does it

remind me of?
For highly intense and chronic

feelings, you may want to use one or

more of the numerous release techniques

that are designed to help you extract all

the unconscious tendrils of your heavier

emotions from your subconscious mind

and heal them. Methods like the

Emotional Freedom Technique, EMDR,

Thought Field Therapy, the HART

technique, somatic practices,

forgiveness practices and others can be

tremendously helpful. Or you may

choose to see a professional therapist to

help you dig deep and get out from under

the weight of some of your emotional

burdens. Whatever method you choose,

it will help you reconnect with the peace

and wellbeing within you. Let it be part

of your greater commitment to bring

awareness to all that you are.

So while you keep a positive attitude,

you are catching your negative thinking

as it happens, choosing to focus and

bring energy to the positive things in

your life and imagining the joyful,

healed, positive experiences that you

want to create. You are embracing what

is in the present moment, as it happens to

show up.

And you are taking responsibility for

your entire range of thoughts and

feelings. You aren’t just trying to sow

positive seeds in an already-dense

garden of negativity. You’re pulling up

the weeds as you go, looking at what’s

there, deciding what stays and what

goes, so you can enjoy a field of positive

vibes that flourish throughout your life.

You’re doing great!

At the center of your being you have the

answer; you know who you are and you

know what you want.

—Lao Tzu
The big thing is that you know what you

—Earl Nightingale

Y ou’re probably thinking that

you already know what you

want to attract and manifest in your life,

right? You wouldn’t be reading this

book if you didn’t have some thoughts in

your head about wanting a new

relationship or a new car, a new job or

better health.

So why this chapter? The Law of

Attraction works best if you know what

you want. Like ordering a meal at a

restaurant, you don’t want to wait until

the food finally arrives, only to say “Oh,

that’s not what I wanted!” This chapter

will help you get a clearer sense of what

you really want, and revs up your

powers of attraction.

Besides, the Universe is wiser than all

of us put together. So, if you go about

‘asking’ for something, trying to get the

Law of Attraction working for you, but

other parts of you, perhaps higher and

wiser parts of you, don’t really think it’s

the best thing for you, well, it just won’t

show up in your life. Your higher self

and other parts that aren’t in agreement

with you will trump your efforts. But if

you take time to see what your heart

really desires, the stars are much more

likely to align with your wishes.

The irony is, it’s really super easy to

know what you don’t want. Just look at

your long list of life complaints. You

know exactly what you don’t want. Yet,

of course, if you harp on those negative

perspectives, you feed the vicious cycle

of reacting to the very experience that

you yourself have set in motion with

your thoughts and vibrations. So you get

more of the same. And then you

complain some more. And then you get

more of the same….

But the list of what you don’t want can

actually be a good place to start to figure

out what you do want. Check it out for

yourself. Make a list of the top ten things

in your life that you don’t want. Then,

for each one, flip it around and write

down what would be present if you had

it the way you wanted it.

For example:
I don’t want my boyfriend to look at

other women becomes

I want to be in a happily monogamous


I don’t want my job to exhaust me so

much becomes

I want to have fun and be energized by

my job
I don’t want to have to worry about

money becomes

I want to be financially comfortable and


This is an extremely valuable step

because your mind cannot conceive of

the absence of something. (Try it. Try

not thinking about a cut on your finger.

For as long as you attempt it, another

part of your mind is checking in and

asking: “Am I thinking about the cut on

my finger?” Gotcha.) So as long as you

are asking the Universe to take

something away from your experience,

you are not going to create a resonance

of what you do want. You’ll just be

reminding the Universe, and bringing

attention to, what you don’t want. This

exercise gets you to formulate and

clarify what you do want to create in

your life so that you can focus on and

attract it.

We are not suggesting that you use

these statements as affirmations, by the

way. These are just starter ideas to help

you begin to get a sense of what you

really want. Even more importantly, they

help paint the picture of what you want

to experience in your life. We’re going

to take that and run with it later to help

you energize and bring to life the

thoughts that describe what you most


Here’s the secret: almost everything

you want, you want because you think it

will give you a certain feeling. Feelings

like esteem, confidence, sense of worth

and value, feelings of importance and

significance, feelings of approval or

being attractive. Or feelings of peace,

contentment, and joy. What we really

want, underneath it all, is to feel good in

all of its variations.

Thankfully, the Law of Attraction

feeds on full-body, juiced up feelings to

put your request into play. So as you

define what you want, you define what

feeling you want to go for to activate the

Law of Attraction.

Check it out: Let’s say you think you

really, really want a 2002 red Corvette

Z06. You’ve done your research. You’ve

compared features and you’ve taken one

for a test-ride. You know that you would

be so happy with that car! But would you

be? Let’s find out.

Ask yourself: What is it that I want to

feel by having this car? For sure, it

would be a lot of fun to drive! But what

else would you want the car to help you

feel? Successful? Important? Arrived?

Impressive? Sexy? Attractive?

Powerful? Did you just say “Yes” to all

of those? Um hum, sure you did! But,

logically speaking, do you really think

that you can extract feelings of success,

importance, sexiness, power and all the

rest from a piece of machinery, as

beautiful as might be? You might feel

those things temporarily, but surely if

some tragedy happened in your life, you

wouldn’t feel them for long.

Of course, you can’t get those feelings

just by associating with the vehicle. But

it is tremendously valuable to know that

these are feelings that you lack and that

you are seeking to fill. And to be happier

in life, you’ll want to find meaningful

ways to validate those feelings within

you, from within. You might even

discover that you want to focus on

experiencing more of those feelings with

the help of the Law of Attraction, even

more than the car. Either way, they are

the emotions you’ll want to resonate and

pulsate with when it’s time to do your

Law of Attraction work.

Next question: If I were to already feel

successful, important, arrived, sexy, etc.,

would I still want the car? One thing is

very likely: if you already felt those

things, you probably won’t feel like you

need the car as much as you do


If you are having financial troubles and

you’re stressed about money, it will be

very helpful for you to clarify for

yourself what you really want so that you

can finally lift the burdened feelings you

carry. So ask yourself: What is it that you

think you want, financially speaking? A

raise? A new job? A

windfall? That’s all well and good, but

let’s see if it passes the endurance test: If

a miracle were to occur tomorrow and

you got what you want, it would surely

feel great. But if a catastrophe were to

occur the following day, and the raise or

the job fell through, you’d end up in the

same emotional boat as you’re in today.

It is much more effective to aim for the

underlying feeling tone of what you want

in your life. As we demonstrated in the

previous exercise, it likely reflects the

deeper truth of what you really want.

What feeling tone do you want to

manifest in your life? Some people refer

to it as “financial stability and security”

or “financial comfort, support and ease.”

Use that or another phrase that feels right

for you.

A lot of people think that what they

really want is money. But you won’t

have to dig very deep to discover that

most people have parts of themselves

that don’t want money. Most of us

unconsciously hold numerous negative

beliefs about money, all of which will

fight your attempts to attract “money”

into your life. Think of what you may

have picked up subconsciously from

movies, books and the internet, or from

your parents, siblings or grandparents

who most likely were just trying to give

you some wisdom in life. Read through

the list below and see if you have

absorbed any of the following limiting

(untrue) beliefs. As you read each one,

pay attention to your body signals. If you

experience a tightening of your gut,

tension in our jaw, your heart feeling

more heavy, or any similar physical

responses, take note. A part of you

agrees with what you’re reading.

Money doesn’t grow on trees

Rich people are bad, selfish or


It’s wrong to be selfish

If I have a lot, other people have less
Other people will suffer if I get what I


It’s not spiritual or Godly to be wealthy

It is easier for a camel to go through

the eye of a needle than for a rich man to

enter the kingdom of God

You have to work hard to earn your

Money is a big responsibility and I

can’t handle it

Click here to learn more

It will be extremely helpful for you to

clear and heal as many of these beliefs

that you took on as a part of your social

conditioning. The techniques mentioned

in Chapter 5 and others like them can

help you do this.

Here’s another way to discover what

you really want for yourself in your life.

Do you ever feel any pangs of jealousy

or envy when you hear about the

successes of other people? Do you ever

feel badly about yourself when you find

out about someone else’s victories or

joys in life? These are clues to what you

are wanting for yourself. In either case,

ask yourself what it is that the other

person seems to be feeling that you want

to feel? And what would you be doing if

you could imagine yourself feeling that?

Now that’s something your heart is

really wanting.

The last gate of exploration into what

you really want is to ask yourself what

your heart most desires. No matter how

well you work with the Law of

Attraction or how much energy and

effort you put into it, if your heart is not

aligned with what you ask for, you won’t

attract it. So do some soul searching and

meditate on what your heart really wants

for you. In your heart of hearts, maybe

you’re feeling that a new car is not for

your highest good at this point in time

after all. Maybe there’s an important

lesson to learn at your workplace and a

deeper part of you feels that it’s best to

stick it out a little longer. Or maybe you

have an inner knowing that it would

serve you best to heal some of your

codependencies before you hook up with

the next new relationship.

Again, by getting a sense of what

feeling tone you want to expand and

experience more in your life, you can’t

go wrong. In the case of the new car,

maybe what you’re really wanting are

feelings of safety, ease, grace and being

taken care of, when you’re traveling here

and there to do the things that you do to

take care of yourself. You can focus on

those as the feeling tone of what you

want in your life. If your workplace is

uncomfortable, perhaps the feeling tone

you want to have for yourself is

belonging, respect and harmony and you

can focus on attracting those. If you have

codependencies, you might be well

served to deepen your feelings of

honoring and valuing yourself and

feeling good enough.

Finding out what you really want deep

down will help you attract what you

really want. Doing so will help to bring

you those experiences that express the

feeling tones that matter the most to you.

Your only problem is that you’re too

busy holding on to your unworthiness.

—Ram Dass

W e’ve already discussed in

some measure the role that

negative, limiting thoughts can play in

defeating our attempts to attract what we

want into our lives. While on one level,

we can become aware of the thoughts

that lie more on the surface of our

consciousness, and shift them from a

negative spin to a positive one. But on a

a deeper level, we have untold numbers

of thoughts in our subconscious and

unconscious minds, many of which keep

us stuck in old patterns in our day-to-day

experiences. Entrenched in our lower

consciousness, they hold tremendous

sway in our life experience as they create

opposite, resonance-canceling

vibrations that disrupt the good vibes of

our fledgling positive intentions. But we

can turn the tables and take back our

power from these troublemakers. Instead

of relegating them to the netherworlds of

our subconscious mind, we can take

steps to bring them to light, heal some of

the most cumbersome ones, and clear the

air for the thoughts we want to empower

and spin into our new reality.

There are three belief/feeling states

that we in the Western world are

especially vulnerable to and that play

havoc with our attempts to live a joyful,

creative, fulfilled life. These are

unworthiness, shame and lack.

While these feelings and the beliefs

that underpin them run rampant in our

culture, they are not innate to all human

psychology. They are not natural, not

required, and not necessary. They are

more simply a set of psychological

patterns that we have absorbed from our

human environment, adopting them into

our psyches. But they don’t serve our

happiness, our worthiness or our highest

good. And thankfully, they can be


The belief in one’s own unworthiness

is ubiquitous in our society. It usually

comes from feelings of anger, blame or

fear turned inward. It’s a way that we

attack ourselves and repeatedly punish

ourselves with all the force we can rally.

You may have been abused or neglected

as a child and came away with the

unconscious conclusion that you were

treated that way instead of being loved

because you weren’t worthy of it. That’s

one way that the psyche survives

traumas: by drawing conclusions —

right or wrong — that help make a

situation make sense. Or you may have

been given the message from family

members, teachers or religious leaders,

either directly and verbally or indirectly

and nonverbally, that you weren’t

worthy of love or acceptance or

belonging. And you buried that belief in

your mind as a reference point for

survival in the future. Or you may have

been ashamed about things you’ve done

or situations you’ve experienced, and

you funneled those feelings into a sense

of unworthiness.

The important thing to remember

about unworthiness is that it is not a state

of mind or a state of being. It is

something that you tell yourself or that

you believe. It is not a truth; it is a

perspective. And like any perspective, it

can be replaced with a higher, more

truthful one.

What’s more, underneath your belief in

your own unworthiness, if you have it

(and most of us do) is a great and deep

sorrow. For when you let yourself

believe in your own unworthiness, you

unknowingly, innocently, unwittingly

betrayed the truth of your self: that you

are unlimited, infinite, powerful and

glorious. And that you are, and you have,

all that you need. By embracing the

illusion of your own unworthiness, you

turned away from something very, very

important: you. The shame of this

existential turning pervades the

consciousness of so many of us. But it

can be healed.

In her groundbreaking book, Daring

Greatly, Brenée Brown defines shame as

“the intensely painful feeling or

experience of believing that we are

flawed and therefore unworthy of love

and belonging.” Feelings of shame and

thoughts about one’s unworthiness often

go hand in hand; where one is seen, the

other is likely to be nearby. Those who

are convinced of their own terribly

flawed nature, inflict shame upon

themselves as a matter of course,

repeatedly, and punishingly. And that

won’t leave much room for attracting

loving, satisfying, joyful or successful

experiences in life.

The belief in lack is another pervasive

and corrosive perspective that underlies

the consciousness of most of us. You can

see it in action in feelings of competition

and jealousy, and in fears about limited

money, ability, time or potential. But

there are very few real limits in life; you

have an unlimited array of choices in

each moment.

It will serve you greatly to heal these

powerful unconscious feelings and

beliefs — unworthiness, shame, and lack

— for they will undermine your attempts

to attract what you want in life and they

will undermine your very joy and

happiness. Find ways to forgive yourself

and have compassion for yourself as a

human being who is doing your best in a

world that doesn’t give you a user

manual to guide you around all the sand

traps it can put in your path. Forgive

yourself for being human and give

yourself the compassion you are truly

worthy of.
Use meditation and awareness tools to

undermine the hold that beliefs in

unworthiness, shame and lack have on

you. Engage in healing practices or work

with professional therapists and

practitioners to dig deep and get to the

bottom of the subconscious beliefs that

drive most of what you do and most of

what you feel. Discover the freedom of

releasing them from your fundamental

emotional and mental coding.

When you clear these underlying

premises in your psyche, your world will

shift dramatically. You will begin to give

yourself far more permission to live

a life of success, joy, love and

fulfillment. You’ll find things you want

coming your way more easily as the

dampening vibes of unworthiness no

longer play out. You’ll find a lot more

love reflected in your world as you

resonate with more self-love, freed from

the grip of unconscious negative beliefs

and perspectives. And your focused

work with the Law of Attraction will be


Let’s see if we can uproot some

feelings of lack right here. Ask yourself

the following question:

Exactly how much happiness am I

willing to accept from the Universe?

Be honest. The question is to be asked

of all of you, all parts of you, so let it

sink in first. What’s your answer? And

how freely, unequivocally, immediately,

and fully did you answer the question

with: “As much as it will give me!” Or

did you answer the question with

hesitation or doubt, weakness or

uncertainty? If you are not 100% all in

on this one, as your true answer to the

question, then there are parts of you that

are working against your very

abundance. Let’s take a closer look.

Let’s dig deeper. How would you

answer any of these questions related to

living a life of abundance and


Are you worthy of it?

Are you deserving of it?

Are you ready for it?

Are you capable of handling it?

Would it be wrong or selfish for you to

accept it lavishly?
Do you think others will have less if

you have more?

Would you feel guilty if you were rich?

If you answered No to any of the first

four questions or Yes to any of the last

three questions, then you are holding

untrue, negative beliefs in your

consciousness that will pretty effectively

limit your ability to attract abundance

and prosperity. Try having a heart-

toheart with yourself and talk out these

feelings and beliefs. Be the devil’s

advocate and the angel’s advocate too.

Let the parts of you that feel

undeserving, not ready, and so forth have

their say and express themselves. (Do

this one part at a time. Don’t try to do

several at once, if possible.) Then come

back as your own nurturing parent, and

reassure that part of you that he or she is

deserving, or is ready. See if you can let

the intensity and feeling dissipate until

the false belief no longer feels true in any


To counteract any tendency you have

to see the glass as half-empty, to see

yourself lacking, choose to take on an

attitude of abundance. See the richness

of life all around you. And be grateful for

it. See the infinite ways in which you are

being taken care of, pampered, loved,

heard, supported and embraced in your

life. And be grateful for them. Get your

heart to smile more. Appreciate the

details in everything and everyone,

including yourself.
If you experience a lot of jealousy and

enviousness of other people and their

possessions — or their successes, or

their happiness — here’s how to unravel

it. Write a list of all of the people that you

have any sort of jealousy towards,

anyone who brings up thoughts in you

that you are less than they are. Ready?

Title the list: “I Am Grateful For Your

Success!” Then look at each name on

your list and choose to feel gratitude for

their possessions, their successes and

their happiness. If they have brought

wonderful experiences into their lives,

that means that you can too. The Law of

Attraction is an equal-opportunity

principle, remember? So fill yourself

with gratitude and tell the Universe —

and mean it! — that you are grateful for

the success that the people on your list

allowed themselves to actualize in their

lives. It is a blessing that it is possible at

all. Do this practice every day, keeping

your list updated with new names as you

discover your mind targeting them with

jealousy or envy. Notice how your heart

is lifted when you do this, and your

capacity for happiness expands.

The point is that your joyful feelings

are the measure of your capacity to

receive what you want. Do we need to

repeat that? Your joyful feelings are the

measure of your capacity to receive what

you want. So fill yourself with joy. Find

reasons to be grateful and joyful; find

reasons to feel appreciative and

fortunate. The Universe is listening.

And, as we know, the Universe is

reflecting back to you the thoughts and

feelings that you hold and express. So

amp it up a notch, generate more

pleasant feelings, and watch how your

world starts to feel more prosperous,

more magical and more abundant.

Click here to learn more


Imagination is the beginning of
creation. You imagine what you desire,

you will what you imagine and at last

you create what you will.

—George Bernard Shaw

Visualize this thing that you want, see

it, feel it, believe it, make it your mental

blueprint and begin to build. —Robert

W e’ve already said

energizing a thought can

empower it to manifest. Once you have


faced some of your fears, released many

of the limiting and sabotaging thoughts

in your consciousness, and clarified

what you really want, then the thought is

fortified and is better able to take root

and express itself lavishly in your life


Now you’re ready to take it to the next

level. Now it really gets fun!

Life is energy and you are an energy

generator. You are an astounding being

with the capacity to come up with a

thought, focus on it, create a swirl of

energy with it, intensify it, and bring it to

life! The Tuning Fork exercise,

described below, guides you to do this.

When you do the exercise, you’re going

to visualize the thought and image of

what you want. Then you’ll build up an

energy bath around it, charge yourself up

like a battery, vibrate with it and

resonate with it until your being is

singing like a tuning fork.

Before you get started with the

exercise, take the following steps so that

you’ve got all cylinders pumping and

working in your favor:

• Create an experience
Expand the idea of what you want to

attract into your life into a

threedimensional virtual-reality

experience. For example, if you want a

new car that costs $25,000, what is it that

you want to experience with that car?

Maybe you want to imagine it all shiny

and beautiful in your garage or in your

driveway, as you stand there admiring it,

proud of your accomplishment? Or

maybe what

really turns you on is the idea of driving

along the coastline with your girlfriend

in the passenger seat? (If you don’t have

a girlfriend or spouse right now, then it’s

best to leave one out of this picture for

now. Otherwise, you’re trying

to magnetize two realities and that

can slow everything down at this stage.)

• Animate it
Get a sense of what you might do in the

experience that would be congruent with

it. For example, if you want to attract a

love relationship, and it were to

materialize now, you might be sitting

and talking with each other, dancing at a

local music venue, or enjoying a meal at

a restaurant. You’re going to want to

throw a few different scenes into the pot

of your visualization to animate it and

activate it.
• Get clear on the
feelings associated
with the experience
What are the feelings you’ll likely feel

once you have the red corvette?

Exuberance, excitement, pleasure, joy?

Exactly. If you’re wanting to have more

money in your bank account, then the

feelings associated with it might be

financial stability, a sense of security,

feeling taken care of. If you want to

manifest better physical health, then the

associated feelings might be aliveness,

pleasure, expansion, and self-

sufficiency. Remember these feelings.

You’ll use them in the exercise.

• Don’t confuse the
means with the ends
Sometimes people confuse the end

result of what they want with the means,

tools, or steps it might take to achieve it.

For the purposes of the visualization

exercise below, you’ll want to project

out to the Universe the final result of

what you want in all its glory, and let the

Universe figure out the best way for that

to come about. So if you’re desiring that

red corvette, then it’s the car itself that

you want to experience in your life, not

the $25,000 that it would likely cost to

purchase it. Focus on the car, not the

money. If you want good health and

wellness in your body, then visualize

that, not the medicines, exercise or other

regimens that might get you there.

You’re going to project the “what” of

what you want and let the Universe

figure out the “how.” It works in

mysterious ways,

after all.
• Have fun with it
Do other things to enhance feelings of

expectation and excitement about

bringing the experience you want into

your life. You can journal about all the

things you want to do with your

newfound health or your new place to

live. You can create a mini treasure map

of images that get you enthused and then

review them with relish regularly. You

can talk to supportive friends and share

your vision and ideas, and ask them to

get excited with you.

Click here to learn more

• Be grateful in advance
Open your heart with gratitude for the

experience that you are about to have.

Let the gratitude swirl in your heart and

then swell out to others around you.

Thank everyone and everything that is

making it possible for what you want to

be in your life. Including yourself.

Gratitude is love and love is the most

powerful force in the Universe!

The Tuning Fork

Warning! This is a powerful practice!

If you have not done the work described

in earlier chapters to heal and release

sabotaging thoughts, beliefs and

withheld emotions, this step might bring

stuff up for you! Make sure you do some

soul-searching so that as much of you as

possible is aligned with creating what

you want. This works!

Imagine yourself in the experience you

want to create and really immerse

yourself in it. Let yourself see your

surroundings, hear the sounds of the

people, animals or other things that

around you in the scene. See yourself

moving around, interacting with others,

doing what you would do in the

experience you want to bring to yourself.

What you’re doing is visualizing an

entire scene for what you want, and

creating a virtual-reality experience right

in your own body. Let yourself step into

the arena of what you are creating and let

it build an aura of its own.

Page through a few scenes of the

experience, imagining yourself engaged

in a few activities that include or revolve

around the new reality that you’re

attracting into your life. As you do so,

feel the feelings you’ve identified

earlier. Fill your body and being with

excitement, joy and gratitude. Especially


Let the intensity increase. Let the

feelings expand, swirl, and rise. Enjoy

the pleasure of the feelings for several

minutes. Notice how real it feels. End

with more gratitude.

Important: As you do this exercise, if

you notice parts of you protesting —

contraction in your gut, heaviness in

your heart, headaches, confusion, or

other uncomfortable feelings — then

stop what you’re doing and re-group.

These are cues from your subconscious

mind that one or more parts of you are

not in alignment with what you are

focusing on to create. Honor these parts

of yourself and take the time to

investigate before resuming the exercise.

Do NOT try and push through it. Your

subconscious mind is quite powerful and

will have its way one way or the other.

So take some time to do any of the

release techniques described or

mentioned earlier in this book. If the

feelings persist, you may want to seek

help from a health


Congratulations! You are now

beginning to master the Law of

Attraction! You are surely seeing results

in your life and attracting more of what

you desire. Great! There’s just one more

step to really bring it home.

Click here to learn more


The creative process is a process of

surrender, not control.

—Julia Cameron
T here’s an old parable about a man

who lived in a small town that

one day was besieged with emergency

warnings about a terrible storm coming

its way. The local officials

ordered everyone to evacuate

immediately. But the man decided to

stay put, saying to himself, “I will trust

God, for I know that God will send a

divine miracle to save me.”

On their way out of town, some

neighbors stopped by and offered him a

ride in their car, but the man turned it

down, saying, “No thanks. God will save


As the man stood on his porch

watching the waters turn into rivers, a

friend paddled by in his canoe and

pleaded with the man to join him and

save himself. But the man again said,

“No thanks! God will save me!”

The floodwaters surged and the man

was forced to retreat to the second floor

of his house. A police motorboat

puttered by his window. They shouted to

him that they could rescue him from the

rising waters, but the man refused their

help, saying, “I have faith that God will

help me!”

The waters swelled higher and the man

had to climb onto his roof. A helicopter

spotted him and dropped a rope ladder

for him to climb to safety. Once again,

the man refused any help.

So the man drowned. And when he got

to heaven, he asked God, “I put my faith

in you. Why didn’t you save me?” And,

of course, God said, “Gosh, I sent you a

warning, a car, a canoe, a motorboat and

a helicopter. What exactly were you

waiting for?”
This delightful story depicts the truth

of so many of us. Aren’t most of us

oblivious to the gifts that the Universe is

sending us all of the time? Aren’t we

sometimes unaware of the uncountable

ways that we are taken care of?

Remember: the Universe is listening —

and responding —to everything you are

asking for, consciously, subconsciously,

and unconsciously at every moment. Are

you noticing?

There’s another, more subtle message

to this fine tale, as well. That is: You are

not alone. You are partnered with the

Universe to co-create your experience

and manifest your dreams. Any time you

find yourself efforting too hard,

problem-solving, and worrying, you are

forgetting that it is not for you to

conceive and generate your experiences

all by yourself. You are forgetting that

you have an immensely powerful,

invisible partner in this journey of your

life with you. While you are here on this

planet to create and experience your

unique human identity, you are in a

dance with the infinite forces of the

Universe to do just that. You are not


Yet most of us act as if we are in this

thing called life, alone, most of the time.

Maybe we consult our spouse or parent

or respected friend and share the burdens

of decision-making and taking care of

our needs. Even so, we spend most of our

waking hours taking actions and making

decisions unilaterally. Some confuse

‘being responsible’ with taking care of

things themselves, and they don’t think

to consult their invisible partner to help

them when they need it. But they could.

You can call it your ego: that sense of

having a unique, independent, separate

identity that lives somewhere between

your ears and that makes the judgments,

draws the conclusions, designs the

strategies and makes the decisions in

your life. Up until this point, just about

everything that you’ve wanted to attract

into your life has been driven by the

desires of your ego, motivated by the

fears of your ego, and limited to the

finite conceptual perspectives of the

mind of your ego. It’s not a bad thing.

It’s simply part of being human, after all.

It’s just that it has limited scope to really

manifest a glorious life for you.

But there’s another way to work with

the Law of Attraction besides taking the

role of single petitioner, trying to wrestle

a few more bits of gold to enjoy in life

from the Universe’s supposed goldmine

of potential. Or only trying to satisfy the

pleasures and appease the fears of your

ego. Instead of projecting images out to

the Universe like letters to Santa Claus,

hoping the things you want will show up,

just as you imagined, all ribboned and

ready to unwrap, you can use the power

of the Universe to bring you what you

most want in an even more powerful

way. You can live an evolved

partnership with the Universe, letting the

Universe decide what is best, how is best

and when is best. That’s when surrender

comes into play and that’s when the

magic really happens.

The idea of surrender freaks some

people out because they think it requires

that they give up control. But you will

always have complete control over how

much control you want to give up. In

fact, you’re always in control; you just

get to choose what it is you want to

surrender! It’s just that when you choose

to hand things over, you are no longer

the Boss of the issue or the Supervisor of

the creation. It’s not your personal

achievement any longer; you’re simply

the junior partner along for the ride.

And what freedom that is!

As far as the Law of Attraction is

concerned, when you surrender to the

spiritual forces of the Universe, you

surrender your insistence that you know

what is best. You’re no longer the endall

be-all of what you’re creating.

Instead, you ask the Universe to engage

its Wisdom and manifest what is best for

the Highest good, whatever that may be.

You admit you don’t know everything

and that Something Else knows more.

You also surrender the demand that

things have to happen on your timetable.

Instead, you let things unfold in Divine

time. Finally, you let go of your silly

insistence that A has to happen before B

and B before C, and instead you allow

things to evolve in their highest order, in

their highest way. You bow to the clear

truth: the Universe knows best!

The secret of surrender is that when

you turn your desires and wishes over to

Higher Forces, you are no longer simply

focused on your own personal

happiness, seeking your own personal

sunrise. You engage your spiritual heart

and open yourself to the highest and best

for all. You sign up with the Universe to

do what is best for the Highest Good and

Greatest Good for all, not just yourself.

And this step will supercharge your

ability to manifest — but only when you

really mean it!

Here’s another thing that will happen

when you surrender. When you let go of

trying to get what you want as your

personal achievement, you won’t coddle

it and worry about it and stress over it as

much. You won’t obsess over it and

micro-manage it. After all, guess what

kind of vibes those things resonate with!

Right! They are drenched with the

negative vibes that interfere with and

nullify your attempts to manifest what

you desire in your life.

Here’s the secret

• In times of struggle, ask the

Universe for guidance about what

to do instead of going it alone. Let

the answers come to you in any

form, at any time. Someone you

know may give you the perfect

advice, maybe you get a message

through something you see online,

maybe it just pops into your head.

There are unlimited ways guidance

can come to you. Stay open.

• Ask that all you do is of service to

the Highest Good

• Ask that what you want comes in a

way that is for the Highest Good

for you and everyone concerned

• Ask that things come as you ask, or

better, according to what is its

highest expression

• Ask for the welfare, health,

fulfillment and joy for your family

and friends
• Ask for the health, safety and

welfare of all the people in the

country, the hemisphere or the


• Ask that you be an open vessel of

love on the planet

Love. The most powerful force on the

planet. If you were to resonate with love

all of the time, and resonate all that you

desire with love, then the Law of

Attraction would be child’s play in your

hands. The funny thing about love is that

we are culturally conditioned to think

that to ‘love’ means to hold on to

something. You fall in love with

someone and you want to marry them

and be with them for the rest of your life.

You see something at the store that you

love and you want to take it home and

own it. But love can also be profoundly

expressed through letting go: letting

your child go off to college, letting your

friend have different likes than you,

giving something that you cherish as a

gift to someone you love. As far as the

Law of Attraction is concerned, you

embrace your desires with love, and then

lovingly let go of them. You hand it over

to the Universe to be returned to you in

the perfect reflection of love.

Now go for it!


Most of us are just about as happy as we

make up our minds to be.

—William Adams

W e are culturally conditioned

to seek happiness from

things outside of ourselves: in the friends

we have, the car we drive, the

fashionable clothes we wear, the

successes we achieve, the house we

inhabit, and/or the money we have in the

bank. In so doing, the majority of us

keep waiting through each moment of

our lives for our outer circumstances to

make us happy: for better health, a more

attractive body, a loving relationship, a

better job, and so forth. But in so doing

we confuse the cause and effect of how

things really work. It is happiness that

generates our good experiences, not the

other way around. The Law of Attraction

wouldn’t work if it were any other way.

In fact, you are the architect of your

reality. The blueprints are in your hands

and the design is being developed with

each breath you take and each thought

you think. Everything you experience

comes from within your own being and

the Law of Attraction is the medium that

allows that to happen.

The Law of Attraction begins and ends

with choosing the thoughts, feelings,

attitudes and resonance that you embody

every moment and every day. It’s a

deeper practice than thinking positive

thoughts; it’s a choice to keep

rechoosing a positive attitude, a positive

perspective, and positive feelings. Over

and over and over and over again. One

of the fastest ways to set the stage for the

Law of Attraction is to focus on any

subject — no matter what it is — that

consistently feels good to you. This

creates a foundation of positive feelings

that will support you attracting whatever

it is you want.

Use the tools described in this book to

hone your skills and to forge your

consciousness into a positive vessel for

the Law of Attraction. Do your

homework and clear your subconscious

and unconscious sabotage patterns that

get in the way of you having what you

want in your life. Use whatever

techniques support you to resonate and

sing with positive vibes. Visualize what

you want to attract in 3-D and bring as

much passion and juice to it as you can.

Then let it go, and give the whole

intention up to the Universe to decide to

bring it to you in the best and highest


Living the Law of Attraction isn’t just

about being positive; it’s about being

present. That means getting out of your

head and into the lush expanse and

abundance of everything around you:

your very own co-creation. Aligning

with the Law of Attraction is putting

yourself on a path of consciousness and

of deepening spirituality. You can’t

ignore the Universe and its presence in

your life, your heart and your mind,

when you begin to work closely with the

Law of Attraction, for It is the Master

Player on the other side of the ping pong

table, playing along with you, reflecting

back to you, building your life with you.

More than that, the Universe (otherwise

known as Spirit, your Higher Self, God,

Allah, Yahweh, Great Spirit, or

whatever you choose to call It) can

become your guide to finding the highest

and deepest joy and bliss that a human

can come to know.

To get the most out of the Law of

Attraction, choose to be at peace with

what is, instead of being at war with it.

Whenever possible, be more present to

your experience, instead of reacting to it.

Transform the challenges of your current

experience by letting go of your

habituated negative perspectives about

what is making you suffer — your

complaints, criticisms and frustrations

— and bring your focus to whatever

positives there are around you. Don’t

expect it to turn around overnight. Keep

it up, and commit to it. In so doing, you

release your resistance to better

circumstances that are waiting in the

wings to become your new reality.

As a path of consciousness, the Law of

Attraction reminds you to keep the faith

in the face of adversity. It reminds you to

stay positive, because what you embody

now will have its time too. It reminds

you that you are not a victim of your

circumstances (even though it

sometimes feels like you are.) If you

were a victim, you’d have no choices.

But each moment you have the choice to

bring forth whatever attitude you want to

bring. So notice when you’re going it

alone and getting bogged down in trying

to solve the problems of your life. Then

hand it over to the Universe and open

your heart to the guidance it gives.

To harness the power of the Law of

Attraction, you make it a daily practice

and let it shift your reality into a dance

of co-creation. You don’t have to do

more; just dream better. You don’t have

to work harder; just love more. Bring

excitement, celebration, appreciation

and joy into your activities. Raise your

spirits, raise your thoughts, and raise

your awareness of the infinite creation

around you. Radiate love and gratitude

towards everything you interact with,

and it will come back to you profoundly.

To master the Law of Attraction, hand

over the reins to the Powers that Be and

become a willing vessel to attract and

actualize the highest good for yourself

and for all those whose lives you touch.

Now that’s something to celebrate!
















When I first committed to
understanding the Law of Attraction, I
used this exact journal daily… and it

As a way to thank you for investing in

yourself with this book…

I pass my 30 Day Law of Attraction

Journal on to you…
for FREE.

I do ask just one thing…Use it.


FREE - 30 Day
My Law of Attraction

N ow that you have in your hands

all the pieces of the puzzle to

work with the Law of Attraction and

magnetize your heart’s desires, you’re

ready to get started making miracles!

Simply understanding these profound

principles theoretically isn’t enough;

change happens when you make them an

integral part of your life, your thoughts,

your responses to experiences, and your

whole way of being in the world.

Making real and lasting change in your

life requires repetition, focus, and

To help you really bring it all home, we

give you your own Law of Attraction

Journal, designed to inspire you and

provide a repetitive platform and a fun,

focalizing tool to attract what you want

in your life. Use your Journal to keep a

record of what you’re discovering and

how your awareness is growing as you

work. Write down your reflections and

what you notice coming back to you in

your life. Acknowledge your

achievements and forgive your

imperfections. And record every miracle

that comes your way!

Your Journal is your 30-day jumpstart

to working powerfully with the Law of

Attraction. It includes 30 pages, one for

each day, for you to write down:

• What you’re focusing

on to attract into your
You might focus on one thing for the

whole 30 days. Whatever you choose,

writing it at the top of the page will keep

you focused
• What exercises you
did that day
Keep a record of what you’re doing.

It’ll keep you on track and boost your

confidence too.

Click here to learn more

• Your
discoveries, healings
Write down every little thing you did

well. Mention the times when you let go

of negativity or chose to resonate with

joy or other positive feelings. Record

how you’re feeling and if the world is

responding to you any differently.

Click here to learn more

• What you’re grateful

Write down at least twenty things

you’re grateful for. Really. If it’s hard

for you to come up with twenty things,

then it’s especially important that you do

this! A smile on someone’s face. Your

comfortable mattress. The TV that lasted

far longer than it should have. The meal

someone cooked for you. There is so

much to be grateful for; take a moment

to acknowledge them. (You can repeat

one day to the next if you need to.)

Click here to learn more

• The day’s signs,
messages and miracles
Write down any results you’re

experiencing, the big ones and the small

ones! Note down surprises and

unexpected gifts, signs and

encouragements along the way.

Before you start using your Journal,

make a list of all of the techniques and

exercises in this book that call to you.

Then come up with a ballpark figure of

the amount of time you think you need

or want to devote to each exercise.

Finally, decide how frequently you are

choosing to do your Law of Attraction

work. Perhaps you only have 15 minutes

in the morning or maybe a half hour at

night. Maybe you can fit in a whole hour

at lunchtime. Or maybe your life is full

to the brim and you can only realistically

give yourself a half hour, three times a

week. Come up with an interval of time

that feels comfortable to you; if you are

unrealistic and you overcommit, you’re

just setting yourself up for failure. That

won’t serve you. Instead, check with

your logical side and your feeling side

and find the happy medium. Make a

commitment to yourself for whatever

frequency and length of time that feels

good to you.

Working with your Journal every day

is a gift you give yourself, after all. It is

an act of deep love to set your intentions,

arrange your life, and make the

commitment to bring yourself what you

most want in your life. It will focalize

your creative thoughts, open your mind

and heart to virtually unlimited

possibilities, and help you realize your

most fervent dreams and your deepest

desires. Congratulations in advance for

all of your successes and for your

dreams come true!

When I first committed to
understanding the Law of Attraction, I
used this exact journal daily… and it

As a way to thank you for investing in

yourself with this book…

I pass my 30 Day Law of Attraction

Journal on to you…
for FREE.

I do ask just one thing…Use it.

FREE - 30 Day
Click here to download for free

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