Barbas 2011
Barbas 2011
Barbas 2011
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Metabolomics, understood as a data driven strategy trying to find markers of a situation under study with-
Received 7 October 2010 out a priori hypothesis, has rapidly caught the attention and evolved from the simple pattern recognition
Received in revised form 31 January 2011 strategy, which was a great innovation at its origins, to the interest for the final identification of markers
Accepted 1 February 2011
responsible for class separation, i.e., from data to knowledge. Due to differences in physico-chemical
Available online 3 March 2011
properties and concentrations of the metabolites, but also due to differences in matrix properties, cross-
platform approaches are proving to increase the capability of information. Once more techniques do
not compete. This is the scene where capillary electrophoresis (CE) has its niche to provide information
mainly on polar or ionic compounds in biological fluids.
Pattern recognition General advantages and disadvantages of CE for sample fingerprinting will be discussed and methods
Biomarkers will be classified depending on the detection system (UV or MS) as this strongly affects all the conditions.
Recent developments will be presented in different biological fluids, although urine is without a doubt
the preferred sample for CE analysis.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823
2. CE–UV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
2.1. Data pre-treatment in CE–UV fingerprints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825
2.2. Data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825
2.3. Selected applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825
3. CE–MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
3.1. Interfaces and MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
3.2. Selected methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
3.3. Data treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
3.4. Metabolite identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830
1. Introduction
Metabolites include wide variations in chemical (molecular
weight, polarity, solubility) and physical (volatility, charge) prop-
The metabolome has been defined as the qualitative and
erties. The degree of diversity includes ionic polar compounds, such
quantitative collection of all low molecular weight molecules
as oxalate, low molecular weight (MW), volatile organic metabo-
(metabolites) present in a cell that are participants in general
lites (urea), to the higher MW, polar (carbohydrates) and non-polar
metabolic reactions and that are required for the maintenance,
(terpenoids and lipids) metabolites. In addition, concentrations also
growth and normal function of a cell [1].
extend over an estimated 7–9 orders of magnitude in concentration
Metabolite analysis is not new; what is really new is the way
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 913 724711; fax: +34 913 510475. we approach the problem. An omics technology has come to
E-mail address: (C. Barbas). mean an approach capable of generating a comprehensive data
0731-7085/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
824 C. Barbas et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 55 (2011) 823–831
set of whatever is being measured be it, genes (genomics), tran- (vi) Multiple modes can be applied on the same sample to generate
scripts (transcriptomics), proteins (proteomics), or metabolites a broader picture what is closer to a real “omic” technique.
(metabol(n)omics). This is not only a new terminology, but also a
real new approach to the analytical problem and with very different Main drawbacks
analytical requirements.
Thus with all metabolites as a goal in metabolomics, the tech-
(i) Robustness is a weak point. That means in practice shifts in
nological obstacle seems to be the limiting step, being increasingly
retention time which complicate serial analysis.
recognized that the combination of several techniques is currently
(ii) Sensitivity, because the volume of sample injected is in the
the only possible approach.
nanoliters range and the cell pathway (the capillary diameter)
Capillary electrophoresis has been considered a newcomer to
is very narrow in UV. In MS commercially available interfaces
the analytical tool box in metabolomics for years and honestly
require a sheath liquid which dilutes the analyte bands.
the adjective is becoming old-fashioned. CE is a technique that
has not succeeded to get the main stream in analytical labora-
tories due to some drawbacks, but with a really high analytical The preparation of samples for metabolomic analysis when a
potential for those who accomplish an expertise on it. Through this general fingerprint is the objective should be minimal to prevent
review we will critically discuss strengths and drawbacks of CE for any loss of metabolites. However, many important endogenous
metabolomics. metabolites exist at very low concentrations in biological systems
Classical analysis, both metabolite target analysis and metabolic and the use of sample preconcentration techniques is often neces-
profiling [2], is developed with the expectation that a measurement sary to increase the sensitivity for the low-abundance endogenous
or combination of several measurements of related compounds metabolites. However, this topic is out of our focus.
reveals something about a specific problem or situation. For exam- The aim of this review is summarizing the state-of-art of cap-
ple, changes in oxalate and citrate reveal kidney problems. The illary electrophoresis applied to biological sample fingerprinting.
analytical tools from sample treatment to the analytical method Due to the fact that the detection system is the component that
and adequate standards for calibration are specifically selected. most affect method development, data treatment and possible out-
In an “omic” methodology the expectation is that the response come of the measurements that will be the criterion for organizing
pattern of numerous analytes, both known and unknown, is reflec- the review.
tive of a situation and the comprehensive nature of the data set There are several previous reviews with different coverage of the
enables evaluation of systemic response. As an example, the urine topic that can be complementary: Monton and Soga [4] described
fingerprint obtained with capillary electrophoresis of mice infected technical considerations and selected metabolomic applications of
with schistosomiasis can be clearly differentiated from controls CE–MS; Ramautar et al. [5] demonstrated the applicability of CE
[3]. The end point to increase the knowledge about the pathol- in different fields of metabolomics research with illustrative clin-
ogy should be the identification of the specific biomarkers, being ical, bacterial and plant examples. The authors mainly focus on
chemometrics a compulsory tool to approach data treatment. selected groups of metabolites, i.e. metabolic profiling, more than
Capillary electrophoresis in the simplest mode, capillary zone comprehensive fingerprinting, the review was later updated [6].
electrophoresis (CZE) is a separation technique based, on the differ- Barbas et al. reviewed the field of CE fingerprinting including four
ential transportation of charged species in an electric field through main blocks: sample treatment, analytical methods, chemometrics
a conductive medium. Therefore, primary candidates for CE separa- and applications heading focuses in urine, plasma, organic matter
tion are ions. Since CE is based on a different separation mechanism and plant extract studies [7]. Within a specific set of compounds, a
to HPLC it also shows different selectivity and has been considered recent review focuses on the analysis of nucleosides as metabolites
orthogonal and complementary to chromatography. Within CE sys- of either oxidative DNA damage or RNA’s turnover that are used as
tems, selectivity can be modified by changing the polarity, coating the potential tumor markers [8].
the capillaries or modifying the electrolyte. In MEKC, neutral solutes
will partition with the micelles in a chromatographic way and 2. CE–UV
selectivity differences can be caused by changing the nature and
concentration of the surfactant. There is a huge bunch of possibili- CE with UV detection is a really simple tool, when compared
ties, although some of them are limited by the detection technique to more sophisticated ones such as 1 H NMR or mass spectrometry.
employed, mainly in the case of mass spectrometry. Nevertheless, it has proved to be very useful for many applications
Main advantages of capillary electrophoresis compared with and it would be an easy to transfer technique for field and routine
other analytical techniques used for biofluids fingerprinting: analysis.
In a pioneering work Hanna-Brown et al. showed how sul-
phated b-CD-modified MEKC can be used to provide a useful tool
(i) Small sample requirement (a few nanolitres), which is par- for urine fingerprinting, allowing for separations of more than 80
ticularly well-suited when analysing valuable biological fluids signals in under 25 min [9]. In addition, Barbas and coworkers [10]
through different analytical techniques. showed that CE separations performed with reverse polarity, using
(ii) Minor sample treatment. Just enough to avoid capillary polyacrylamide-coated capillaries, can provide the separation of
clogging, because capillaries are rinsed after each run and over 60 signals in urine samples in around 25 min. They also proved
apparently no irreversible retention is produced. That is good that the possibility of measuring the same samples in CE operat-
for a true metabolomic approach. ing with both two different polarities and buffer systems affords
(iii) Ability to separate compounds in aqueous media. The main the exciting opportunity of having a truly holistic metabolomics
components of biological fluids display high polarity and approach, since all compounds in a given sample can then be
water-solubility which makes them hard to retain on reversed- resolved and detected in one or other mode, with the only limi-
phase stationary phases. That makes it a suitable technique tation being UV sensitivity [11]. By using urine from control and
alternative to HPLC. diabetic rats, the complementarity of both CE methods, regarding
(iv) Capability of providing information complementary to mass, the compounds detected in each one, was proved, and both were
because analytes migration is based on mass to charge ratio. validated for a selected set of compounds with migration times
(v) High efficiency which means high resolution across the total migration time window (for each mode). Com-
C. Barbas et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 55 (2011) 823–831 825
pounds fitting these criteria were, for the normal polarity CD–MEKC variables obtained with selectively designed, time and reagent con-
method: urea, creatinine, allantoin, hippuric acid and uric acid (as suming methods [24]. Once developed, the methodology can be
representative of cations and neutral compounds eluting first, fol- easily applied for a rapid in vivo screening of extracts with potential
lowed by only large anions or weak acids at the end of the profile); in vitro activity.
and for the reverse polarity CZE method: oxalic, citric, benzoic Among them, Dunaliella salina extracts were tested [25]. This is
and hippuric acids (showing mainly short chain organic acids from a microalga with high content in carotenoids that can be extracted
smaller to higher m/z). via an environmentally clean process such as supercritical fluid
extraction with CO2 . Five doses of D. salina extract with in vitro
2.1. Data pre-treatment in CE–UV fingerprints antioxidant properties were intragastrically administrated to adult
male streptozotocin (STZ) diabetic rats. D. salina extract induced
Once obtained the omic fingerprint, before pattern recognition changes showed up by the multivariate analysis. Results of the
methods can be used for classification, preprocessing techniques treatment from most of the parameters can be considered bene-
for the denoising, baseline removal, normalisation and alignment ficial for diabetic animals; although an increase in hyperglycemia
of electropherograms must be applied. and 8-isoprostane excretion when STZ treated animals received the
CE in comparison to high performance liquid chromatography extract was observed.
(HPLC) or gas chromatography (GC) produces less reproducible Schistosoma mansoni infection in mice has been fingerprinted
results, what may pose a problem in long lasting projects. Variations using CE to study the capabilities of this technique as a diagnos-
in migration time – a function of electroosmotic flow (EOF) inside tic tool for this parasitic disease [3]. Results were compared with
the capillary, sample loading, wall interactions and physical errors ultra high performance liquid chromatography–MS (UHPLC–MS)
(such as injection irreproducibility or temperature variations) – by applying the same set of multivariate analysis tools [26]. Prin-
may lead to poorly reproducible data and preclude their appropri- cipal component analysis of the aligned data provided a time
ate interpretation [12] This is the most challenging point, while all trajectory where the infection was observed after 30 days with
the others share methodology with HPLC data pre-treatment and UPLC–MS and CE. Orthogonal partial least-square discriminant
are well established. analysis models were validated for sensitivity and specificity. Mul-
Several methods have been proposed for signal alignment tivariate data analysis derived from two different detection systems
without prior knowledge of the compounds present; dynamic showed that CE–UV and UPLC–MS found equivalent results. In
time warping (DTW) [13]; correlation optimised warping (COW) addition a validation was performed with samples from two sets
[14,15]; parametric time warping (PTW) [16,17]. The choice of a of mice infected in an inter-laboratory experiment where differ-
suitable method depends on the problem at hand. The DTW uses ent infection methods and animal husbandry procedures were
distance as a measure of similarity of two signals. However, in employed in order to establish the core biological response to
case of chromatographic signals, DTW is sensitive to different peak a S. mansoni infection. CE data were analysed using principal
intensities. Therefore Nielsen proposed another approach, where component analysis [27]. Validation of the scores consisted of per-
the correlation coefficient is used as a similarity measure of two mutation scrambling (100 repetitions) and a manual validation
signals. PTW is based on a parametric model of warping functions method, using a third of the samples (not included in the model)
that are created for calibration samples and then used in the cor- as a test or prediction set. The validation yielded 100% specificity
rection of a whole batch of data. Different experiments have shown and 100% sensitivity, demonstrating the robustness of these mod-
that the COW offers a better similarity measure [18,19]. els with respect to deciphering metabolic perturbations in the
Soria et al. [20] achieved alignment by combining the use of mouse due to a S. mansoni infection. A total of 20 metabolites
reference peaks with a method that uses information from multiple across the two experiments were identified that significantly dis-
wavelengths to align electropherograms to a reference signal. criminated between S. mansoni-infected and noninfected control
Bro et al. [21] suggested handling retention time shifts using samples.
the PARAFAC2 model. There is no need to align signals to equal Working with this model, chemometric tools have been applied
length prior to data modeling, because the model does not assume to improve information extraction, which is probably the weak
parallel elution profiles. In this approach a covariance matrix of elu- point of the technique: Matlab-based software employing the Pear-
tion profiles preserving its ‘inner-product structure’ from sample to son’s correlation algorithm was applied to urine electropherograms
sample is used. PARAFAC2 is not a method for aligning as such, but from 20 mice infected with the schistosoma parasite [28]. The
it allows treating retention time shifts in chromatograms. It should fingerprints were the sum of electropherograms analysed with nor-
be stressed that the method is suited for trilinear data, it means mal and reverse polarity, in two different modes MEKC and CZE
that it cannot be used for the univariate signals [22]. and with two different capillaries (uncoated and polyacrylamide
coated) to provide a broad picture of the samples. Hippurate, a
2.2. Data analysis metabolite that was depleted in the infected group and is present
in both polarities, was chosen as a test variable; it correlated with
Data analysis is performed with common multivariate data anal- itself to a p value of ≤0.001. Phenylacetylglycine, was positively cor-
ysis tools with each data point or peak area as a variable and using related to three metabolites in its same pathway. The study shows
both non-supervised such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) that the autocorrelation matrix is able to provide extra information
and supervised such as Partial Least Square Discriminant Analysis from data files acquired by CE analyses.
(PLS-DA) methods. There is no difference regarding data treatment Correlations were not only established within the same tech-
with other metabolomic tools and the question is out of this review. nique, but also with 1 H NMR. The two sets of metabolic profiles
were first processed and analysed independently and were subse-
2.3. Selected applications quently integrated using statistical correlation methods in order
to facilitate cross assignment of metabolites. These correlation
Urine fingerprints from control and diabetic rats have shown analyses facilitated structural elucidation using the identification
the clear effects of an antioxidant treatment on diabetic animals power of one technique to enhance and validate the other, but also
[23], which were not seen in controls, in a rapid, simple and cost- highlighted the enhanced ability to detect functional correlations
effective way without identifying a single marker. Classification between metabolites, thereby providing potential for achieving
was supported by that produced after PCA and PLS-DA of target deeper mechanistic insight into the biological process [29].
826 C. Barbas et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 55 (2011) 823–831
In even more challenging assays CE–UV was used in human injection of only 0.1% of the total content from a single metacere-
experiments where differences are not only due to disease or treat- bral cell. Expected neurotransmitters are detected within the cells,
ment but also genetic, environmental, nutritional and every kind of as are compounds that have molecular masses consistent with all
differences exists. of the naturally occurring amino acids (except cysteine).
CE–UV was used to detect possible differences in urine of dia- Regarding the ionization process, electrospray ionization (ESI)
betic children as compared to controls [30]. Afterwards, children enables direct transfer of molecules from the liquid phase to the
were enrolled in a trial to evaluate the effect of a special addi- gas phase and it is in practice the only ion source employed in
tive containing rosemary extract, vitamin E and PUFAs added to metabolomics.
their standard diet through the meat to test a possible nutraceuti- Almost all types of mass analyzers have been coupled to CE.
cal effect. Clear differences could be observed between treated and However, the typically narrow peaks resulting from CE separations,
non-treated diabetic children and some of the metabolites asso- in addition to sample complexity require high mass accuracy and
ciated could be identified. Fig. 1 shows the most representative high resolution to be able to resolve closely migrating components
metabolites identified in urine for each CZE in reverse polarity and with similar nominal masses. For that reason TOF are used in most
MEKC in normal polarity. of the applications.
CE was also employed to fingerprint bile collected at 10 min Obviously the CE–MS coupling offers the structural identifica-
increments in the donors and in the recipients [31]. The elec- tion capabilities of both mass spectrometer and migration time
tropherograms of these samples were aligned and normalised relationship to structure. Nevertheless, buffer systems and, there-
using correlation optimised warping algorithms and modelled fore, separation modes have the typical constrains of MS, which are
with multivariate techniques. The resulting metabolic signatures restricted to volatile buffers such as acetate and formiate. Recently
were compared; in general donors and recipients showed dis- Veuthey et al. [34] have reviewed fundamental concepts instru-
tinct fingerprints and clustered separately. This study proposes mental considerations and applications of the most widely used
CE fingerprinting of human bile as a promising technique to help coupling in metabolomics: CE–TOF/MS.
unravel the complex metabolic pathways involved during trans-
plantation. 3.2. Selected methods
Different strategies have been developed and successfully
applied with CE–UV for profiling a specific set of compounds Due to technical limitations both in CE migration and MS ion-
such as nucleosides, hormones and others in human biofluids, ization a comprehensive analysis requires two or more sets of
however the review will focus on non-target metabolite finger- conditions, which have been optimised for different compound
printing. groups, and then concatenate the results. Amino acids, amines and
nucleosides are analysed as cations using a very low pH electrolyte
3. CE–MS
This was the case for Ramautar et al. [36] while studying urine
of chronic patients with complex regional pain syndrome. Com-
When coupling these two techniques the final result depends
pounds with a higher number of amine groups in their structure,
strongly on the characteristics of the interface system and type of
such as lysine or arginine, migrated first (10–11 min). Next a group
mass spectrometer.
of metabolites comprising amino acids (e.g., valine, leucine, threo-
nine, pro line), vitamins (e.g., carnitine) and amines (e.g., creatine
3.1. Interfaces and MS and N-methylnicotinamide) migrated together with small pep-
tides like phenylalanine–glycine (12–14 min). Subsequently, the
Regarding the electrical interfacing, there are two types of slower migrating amino acids comprising phenyl moieties (such
instruments: (i) with the CE outlet capillary connected at ground as phenylalanine and tyrosine) migrated and then nucleosides like
and the electrospray voltage applied from the MS, which makes CE guanosine (14–17 min). Acidic metabolites, such as hippuric acid,
separation conditions independent from MS operation conditions, are slightly anionic at pH 1.8 and, therefore, migrate just after the
(ii) the end of the capillary is at a high voltage and it is reduced or EOF. Similarly Minami et al. detected 953 peaks from blood plasma
increased by the electrospray voltage. In addition to the closure of samples in mice. Among these peaks, 44 peaks exhibit significant
the electrical circuit, a hydraulic flow rate is required to form the circadian oscillations [37].
electrospray and two approaches have been developed, one the On the other hand, carboxylic acids, phosphorylated carboxylic
sheath flow interface, is commercially available and the other the acids, phosphorylated saccharides, nucleotides, and nicotinamide
sheathless interface has many publications, because dilution occurs and flavinadenine coenzymes can be analysed as anions using an
at the mixing point, sensitivity tends to be compromised but is still alkaline BGS and a cationic polymer-coated capillary (SMILE(+)) to
under research. This problem can be avoided with a review by Zam- reverse the EOF and prevent deleterious current drops [38]. For
fir [32] summarizes the state of the art. In any case, the optimization anions analysis Harada et al. [39] proposed a different approach
of a number of parameters: sheath liquid flow rate and composi- based on pressure-assisted capillary electrophoresis coupled to
tion, nebulizing gas, electrospray voltage, temperature, and some electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The feature of this
others are part of the method development in CE–MS. method is that CE polarity is inverted from conventional CE analysis
One of the recent developments in interfaces for metabolomics for anions, where the inlet of the capillary is at the anode and the
[33] is related to a method that enables metabolomic fingerprinting outlet at the cathode. Moreover, an ordinary fused silica capillary
of single cells and subcellular structures. A nebulizer-free coaxial was chosen instead of a specific cationic polymer-coated capillary
sheath-flow interface completes the circuit and provides a stable (SMILE (+) capillary). A robust and inexpensive analytical method
electrospray, yielding a signal with a relative standard deviation of was established from the above-mentioned CE polarity and non-
under 5% for the total ion electropherogram. Detection limits are coated fused silica capillary. A trimethylamine acetate electrolyte,
in the low nanomolar range (i.e., 50 nM (300 amol)) for a number pH 10.0, provides a high resolution between isomers. Electrolyte
of cell-to-cell signaling molecules, including acetylcholine (ACh), flow using an air pump after electrophoresis enables the compre-
histamine, dopamine, and serotonin. Single-cell electropherograms hensive and simultaneous analyses of sugar phosphates, organic
are reproducible, with a large number of metabolites detected; acids, nucleotides and a CoA compound. According to the authors
more than 100 compounds yield signals of over 104 counts from the method can be used as a de facto standard for metabolome analysis.
C. Barbas et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 55 (2011) 823–831 827
Fig. 1. Relevant metabolites identified in children urine samples by capillary electrophoresis for each CZE in reverse polarity and MEKC in normal polarity method. (A)
Electropherogram profile for urinary sample obtained using the normal polarity CD–MEKC method. Peak identification: 1. Urea; 2. Creatinine; 3. Guanidinoacetate acid; 4.
Ornithine; 5. Histidine; 6. Tyrosine, 7. Metionine; 8. Serine; 9. Phenylalanine; 10. 5-Methyluridine; 11. 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoate/glutamine; 12. Tryptophan; 13. Asparagine;
14. Phenaceturate; 15. Uridine; 16. Hippurate; 17. -Phenyllactate; 18. Guanosine; 19. p-Hydroxyphenyllactate; 20. Quinaldate; 21. Inosine; 22. Urate; 23. Pyrogluta-
mate; 24. -3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine; 25. Isovanillate; 26. 3-Nitro-l-tyrosine. (B) Electropherogram profile for urinary sample obtained using the reverse polarity CZE
method. Peak identification: 1. Chloride; 2. Nitrate; 3. Oxalate; 4. Fumarate; 5. Trans-aconitate; 6. 2-Ketoglutarate; 7. Malate/Succinate; 8. Isocitrate; 9. Glutarate; 10.
Citrate; 11. Acetoacetate; 12. Lactate; 13. O-Phospho-l-Serine; 14. Glycerate; 15. 2-Hydroxybutyrate; 16. Benzoate; 17. 3-Hydroxybutyrate; 18. Pyroglutamate; 19. 2,5-
Dihydroxybenzoate/glutamine; 20. 2,3-Dihydroxybenzoate; 21. Aspartate; 22. -Phenyllactate; 23. Quinoline-2-carboxylate; 24. Glutamate; 25. Hippurate; 26. Urate; 27.
p-Hydroxyphenyllactate; 28. Homovanillate; 29. Vanillylmandelate/2-aminoadipate; 30. Glucuronate (from [30]).
Only one paper has used pressurized capillary electrochro- ment. Significant differences in urinary metabolic profiles were
matography CEC (pCEC) with gradient elution for the metabolomic observed between the high energy diet-induced obesity rats and
study of urinary samples [40] as an alternative chromatographic the healthy control rats at the 6th week postdose. Multivariate sta-
separation tool with higher degree of resolution, selectivity, sen- tistical analysis revealed the differential metabolites in response
sitivity, and efficiency. The pCEC separation of urinary samples to the diet, which were partially validated with the putative stan-
was performed on a RP column packed with C18, 5 m par- dards
ticles with an ACN/water mobile phase containing TFA. The Soga et al. [41] for the first time published the approach for the
effects of the acid modifiers, applied voltage, mobile phase, and comprehensive and quantitative analysis of charged metabolites by
detection wavelength were systematically evaluated using eight capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry with the two methods
spiked standards, as well as urine samples. A typical analyti- applied on the same samples. Their method enabled the determi-
cal trial of urine samples from Sprague Dawley rats exposed nation of 352 metabolic standards and its utility was demonstrated
to high-energy diet was carried out following sample pretreat- in the analysis of 1692 metabolites from Bacillus subtilis extracts,
828 C. Barbas et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 55 (2011) 823–831
revealing significant changes in metabolites during B. subtilis sporu- obtained from 215 individuals (69 oral, 18 pancreatic and 30 breast
lation. cancer patients, 11 periodontal disease patients and 87 healthy
Benavente et al. [42] also investigated a heterogeneous mix- controls) using capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spec-
ture of biologically relevant compounds in body fluids covering a trometry (CE–TOF-MS). They identified 57 principal metabolites
broad range of physicochemical properties to optimise separation that can be used to accurately predict the probability of being
conditions in fused-silica capillaries. A running electrolyte contain- affected by each individual disease.
ing 50 mM of acetic acid and 50 mM of formic acid at pH 2.5 was Untargeted metabolomic analyses were performed by
used for the CE separations. A sheath-flow electrospray interface CE–ESI–MS on irradiated leukocytes exposed to increasing
was employed for CE–ESI–MS analysis. Sheath liquids containing doses of radiation emitted from a Taylor source, which were
80:20 (v/v) methanol/water with 0.1% (v/v) of acetic acid or 60:40 subsequently incubated for 44 h to allow for cellular recovery
(v/v) isopropanol/water with 0.5% (v/v) of ammonia were selected [48]. CE–ESI–MS analysis of filtered white blood cell lysates was
for optimum detection in positive and negative ESI modes, respec- performed to quantify changes associated with 22 intra-cellular
tively. metabolites, which were consistently measured in leukocytes
The usefulness of noncovalently coated capillaries with layers across all radiation levels.
of charged polymers was investigated by Ramautar et al. [43] to Most cancer cells predominantly produce energy by glycolysis
obtain global electrophoretic fingerprints of urinary metabolites rather than oxidative phosphorylation via the tricarboxylic acid
covering a broad range of different compound classes in a highly (TCA) cycle, even in the presence of an adequate oxygen sup-
repeatable way. Capillaries were coated with a bilayer of polybrene ply (Warburg effect). However, little has been reported regarding
(PB) and poly(vinyl sulfonate) (PVS), or with a triple layer of PB, the direct measurements of global metabolites in clinical tumor
dextran sulfate (DS) and PB. The bilayer and triple layer coatings tissues. Capillary electrophoresis time-of-flight mass spectrome-
were evaluated at acidic (pH 2.0) and alkaline (pH 9.0) separation try was applied to simultaneously measure their levels in tumor
conditions, thereby providing separation conditions for basic and and grossly normal tissues obtained from 16 colon and 12 stom-
acidic compounds. A representative metabolite mixture and spiked ach cancer patients [49]. Quantification of 94 metabolites in colon
urine samples were used for the evaluation of the four CE methods. and 95 metabolites in stomach involved in glycolysis, the pen-
Approximately, 600 molecular features were detected in rat urine tose phosphate pathway, the TCA and urea cycles, and amino
by the PB–DS–PB CE–MS method whereas about 300 features were acid and nucleotide metabolisms resulted in the identification of
found with the PB–PVS CE–MS method. With regard to the analysis several cancer-specific metabolic traits. Extremely low glucose
of anionic compounds by CE–MS, in general analyte responses were and high lactate and glycolytic intermediate concentrations were
significantly lower than that for cationic compounds, most proba- found in both colon and stomach tumor tissues, which indicated
bly due to less efficient ionization and to ion suppression effects enhanced glycolysis and thus confirmed the Warburg effect. Sig-
caused by the background electrolyte. nificant accumulation of all amino acids except glutamine in the
Lately Soga’s group [44] optimised the method in the negative tumors implied autophagic degradation of proteins and active glu-
mode using a platinum electrospray ionization spray needle. They tamine breakdown for energy production, i.e., glutaminolysis. In
proved that the material in the spray needle had significant effect addition, significant organ-specific differences were found in the
on the measurement of anions. A stainless steel spray needle was levels of TCA cycle intermediates, which reflected the dependency
oxidized and corroded at the anodic electrode due to electrolysis. of each tissue on aerobic respiration according to oxygen availabil-
The use of a platinum ESI needle prevented both oxidation of the ity.
metals and needle corrosion. Sensitivity using the platinum needle
increased from several- to 63-fold, with the largest improvements 3.3. Data treatment
for anions exhibiting high metal chelating properties such as car-
boxylic acids, nucleotides, and coenzyme A compounds. Baseline correction, dataset normalisation and alignment, and
As a model study, human urine samples, obtained after the detection of significant differences between metabolite pro-
intake of coffee, tea, or water, were analysed with capillary files through multivariate data analysis can be performed with the
electrophoresis electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spec- same tools as used for LC–MS. However, optimised software tools
trometry (CE–ESI–TOF-MS) [45]. In the model study highly for CE–MS are needed [50] because of the sometimes large varia-
significant differences due to beverage intake were obtained among tion in migration time between runs and the wider variety of peak
the 10 first principal components. shapes in CE–MS data compared with LC–MS or GC–MS. There-
A differential metabolomics strategy by capillary fore, we implemented a stand-alone application named JDAMP
electrophoresis–electrospray ionization–mass spectrometry (Java application for Differential Analysis of Metabolite Profiles),
(CE–ESI–MS) to assess the efficacy of nutritional intervention which allows users to identify the metabolites that vary between
to attenuate oxidative stress induced by strenuous exercise two groups. Soga’s group has developed JDAMP with that purpose.
[46]. Time-dependent changes in global metabolism of filtered
red blood cell lysates by CE–ESI–MS were measured to reveal 3.4. Metabolite identification
a significant attenuation of cellular oxidation associated with
high-dose oral N-acetyl-l-cysteine intake relative to a control. A major obstacle in metabolomics remains the identification and
Untargeted metabolite profiling allowed for the identification and quantification of a large fraction of unknown metabolites in com-
quantification of several putative early- and late-stage biomark- plex biological samples when purified standards are unavailable.
ers that reflected oxidative stress inhibition due to nutritional Sugimoto et al. [51] have developed a method to identify unknown
intervention, including oxidized glutathione (GSSG), reduced peaks based on the predicted migration time (tm) and accurate
glutathione (GSH), 3-methyl-histidine (3-MeHis), l-carnitine (CO), m/z values. They developed a predictive model using 375 stan-
O-acetyl-l-carnitine (C2), and creatine (Cre). dard cationic metabolites and support vector regression. The model
Saliva is another readily accessible and informative biofluid, yielded good correlations between the predicted and measured tm.
making it ideal for the early detection of a wide range of diseases Using the trained model, they subsequently predicted the tm for
including cardiovascular, renal, and autoimmune diseases, viral 2938 metabolites available from the public databases and assigned
and bacterial infections and, importantly, cancers [47]. The authors tentative identities to noise-filtered features in human urine sam-
conducted a comprehensive metabolite analysis of saliva samples ples. While 38.9% of the peaks were assigned metabolite names by
C. Barbas et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 55 (2011) 823–831 829
Table 1
CE applications for biofluid fingerprint in metabolomics.
Urine, blood, liver and Diabetes CD–MEKC 25 mM sodium tetraborate decahydrate, 75 mM [25]
plasma SDS and 6.25 mM sulphated bcyclodextrin, pH 9.50, 2.25%
(v/v) HFIP, 20 kV, 20 C. CZE polyacrylamide coated
capillary, 0.2 M phosphoric acid, pH 6.10, 10% MeOH,
−25 kV, 20 C
Red blood cell Theoretical work CE–ESI–MS electrolite 1.4 M formic acid, pH 1.8, sheath Amino acids, amines, [52]
liquid 1:1 MeOH/H2 O with 0.1% FA, 25 kV, 20 C peptides,
Urine Schistosoma MECK 25 mM sodium borate, 75 mM SDS and 6.25 mM Hippurate and [28]
sulphated b-cyclodextrin, pH 9.5, 18 kV, 20 C and CZE 0.2 M phenylacetyl-glycine
phosphate, 10% MeOH, pH 6.2
Tumor tissues Colon and stomach cancer CE–TOFMS cationic – BGE 1 M formic acid. SL 1:1 95 metabolites [49]
H2 O/MeOH, 0.5 M reserpine, 30 kV, 20 C CE–TOFMS
anionic, cap cationic polymer-coated SMILE (+) – BGE
50 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.5, SL ammonium acetate
(5 mM), 1:1 MeOH/H2 O, 1 M reserpine, −30 kV
Neurons Study of neural functions CE–ESI–MS electrolite 1% formic acid, sheath liquid 1:1 Neurotransmitters [33]
MeOH/H2 O with 0.1% FA, 20 kV including acetylcholine
(ACh), histamine,
dopamine, and
Mouse liver Oxidative stress CE–TOFMS negative mode-coated with a cationic polymer Anionic metabolites [44]
BGE 50 mM acetic acid (pH 3.4), SL 5 mM ammonium
acetate in 50% (v/v) methanol–water containing 0.1 M
Hexakis, −30 kV, 20 C
Red blood cell Oxidative stress CE–ESI–MS cationic mode – BGE 1.0 M formic acid, pH 1.8, Glutathione [54]
SL 0.1% formic acid in 1:1 MeOH/H2 O – negative mode –
BGE 50 mM ammonium acetate pH 8.5, SL 5 mM
ammonium acetate in 1:1 MeOH/H2 O, 30 kV, 20 C
Urine Diabetes CE–UV Antioxidants [23]
Urine Urinary tract infection CE–TOFMS capillaries noncovalently coated, electrolite 1 M Amino acids [55]
formic acid, pH 1.8, sheath liquid 50/50 H2 O/MeOH 0,1%
FA, 30 kV, 25 C
Urine Steroid hormone MEKC–ESI–MS partial filling Steroids [57]
Plasma, urine and Complex regional pain PB–DS–PB coating: BGE, 200 mM sodium phosphate (pH Organic acids and [58]
cerebrospinal fluid syndrome 6.0); injection, 35 mbar for 10 s; detection, UV at 200 nm, amino acids
−10 kV, 25 C – PB–PVS coating: BGE, 1 M Formic acid (pH
1.8); sample injection, 90 mbar for 90 s; preinjection,
ammonium hydroxide (12.5%) at 50 mbar for 9 s; 30 kV,
25 C
Saliva Oxidative stress Microchip 30 mM borate buffer, pH 9.5, 30 kV DHBA [56]
Urine Diabetes CD–MEKC and CZE Antioxidants [11]
Urine Schistosoma mansoni EKC 25 mM sodium borate, 75 mM SDS and 6.25 mM Many [3]
infection sulfated b-CD, pH 9,5, 18 kV, 20 C. CZE coated capillary
0.2 M phosphoric acid, 10% MeOH, pH 6,2, −20 kV, 25 C
Human bile Liver transplantation 10 mM sodium borate, 10 mM sodium dihydrogen, Bile acids [31]
phosphate adjusted to pH 7 with diluted phosphoric acid,
to which 50 mM SDS, 5 mM b-CD and 5 mM HP-b-CD, 10%
(v/v) CAN, 20% MeOH, 25 kV, 30 C
Rat urine New method to improve CE–ESI–MS BGE 1 M FA. SL 50/50 H2 O/MeOH 0.1% FA, 30 kV Carboxylic acids [59]
positive charge in acids
E. coli Strategy to find CE–ESI–ITMS BGE 1 M FA. SL 1:1 H2 O/MeOH, 0,1% FA. Amino acids [60]
low-abundance 23 kV, 20 C
Urine Obese rats CEC with gradient elution [40]
Human red-cell Hypoxia Mathematical model compared with CE–MS Metabolites of [61]
Human cerebrospinal Neurobiological disorders CE–ESI–TOFMS – modification of the silica-wall with Kynurenic acid [62]
fluid 1-(4-iodobutyl)4-aza-1-azoniabicyclo[2,2,2]octane iodide,
also named M7C4I, has successfully been used to
deactivate the fused silica wall and generate a stable
reversed electroosmotic flow
Mouse liver Acetaminophen-induced CE–TOFMS cationic – BGE 1 M formic acid. SL 1:1 Ophthalmic acid [63]
hepatotoxicity H2 O/MeOH, 0.5 M reserpine, 30 kV, 20 C CE–TOFMS
anionic, cap cationic polymer-coated SMILE (+) – BGE
50 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.5, SL ammonium acetate
(5 mM), 1:1 MeOH/H2 O, 20 M PIPES, 1 M reserpine, −30 kV,
20 C
E. coli Discover novel enzymatic – Sugars/sugars [64]
activities phosphates
Urine Study of urine stability Sodium borate/SDS/sulphated b-cyclodextrin Urea, creatinine, [65]
(25/75/6.25 mM), pH 9.50; 18 kV, 20 C, 5 s (0.5 psi); 200 nm phenylalanine,
hippuric acid, uric acid
830 C. Barbas et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 55 (2011) 823–831
Table 1 (Continued)
In vitro assay Approach designed to CE–ESI–MS cationic polymer (polybrene)-coated capillary Glycolysis metabolites [67]
reconstitute a metabolic – BGE 50 mM ammonium acetate, pH 8.5 – SL 5 mM
pathway ammonium acetate in 50% (v/v) methanol–water, −30 kV,
20 C
E. coli C-13-labeling experiment CE–TOF-MS Amino acids [66]
Bacilus subtilis extracts Changes during B. subtilis 1692 metabolites [41]
Bacilus subtilis extracts Comprehensive analysis of CE–ESI–MS cationic polymer (polybrene)-coated capillary 32 carboxylic acids [68]
metabolic intermediates – BGE 50 mM ammonium acetate, pH 9.0
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