Sustainability 11 01230
Sustainability 11 01230
Sustainability 11 01230
Methodology for Determining the Location of
Intermodal Transport Terminals for the Development
of Sustainable Transport Systems: A Case Study
from Slovakia
Ján Ližbetin
Department of Transport and Logistics, Faculty of Technology, Institute of Technology and Business in České
Budějovice, 37001 České Budějovice, Czech Republic;; Tel.: +420-387-842-190
Received: 30 January 2019; Accepted: 20 February 2019; Published: 26 February 2019
Abstract: A high-quality infrastructure and technical base is a vital factor in the development of
intermodal transport in transport systems. Intermodal transport terminals are the most important
component of a combined transport infrastructure, providing an essential connection between
different modes of transport. This article deals with the issue of where to locate intermodal transport
terminals within a transport network. In reality, this decision comes down to the potential of a
particular location (e.g., an industrial park) and the critical role of private investors. These are mostly
subjective factors, whereby little or no consideration is given to objective criteria. Within this context,
it is extremely important that decisions are taken with regards to the development and construction
of public networks, and economically neutral intermodal transport terminals by independent subjects
are based on a non-discriminatory approach. In other words, it is essential that such terminals are
built in places that comply with the stated priorities of the transport policy of a specific state. In this
article, the author puts forward a method for determining the location of terminals that are based
on the optimisation of several influential factors. The specified methodology is applied to a case
study in Slovakia. The theoretical part of the article deals with the nature of the method to be applied.
The discussion part involves a case study concerning the (potential) location of intermodal transport
terminals in the Slovak Republic.
Keywords: intermodal transport; intermodal transport terminal; location; sustainability; case study
1. Introduction
The importance of the issue addressed is indisputable. The sustainability of a transport system in
any state or a unit (e.g., the EU) consists in a harmonized use of available transport infrastructures
capacities, the completion of several smaller shipments into a bigger one, and the transportation of
goods for longer distances using modes of transport with greater capacity. This objective is achievable
by operating intermodal transport chains. To ensure that intermodal transport is attractive and evolving,
it is necessary to build quality and available infrastructure. Intermodal transport terminals are the
most necessary element of transport infrastructure for intermodal transport. The terminal location and
capacity depend on their future use and intermodal transport development.
Intermodal transport terminals (ITTs) are one of the most essential components of combined
transport infrastructure, providing a vital connection between individual modes of transport. They
represent a systemic point, at which the mode of transport (rail, water, road) and the handling of
intermodal transport units (large containers, swap bodies, road semi-trailers, and transport units),
change [1].
Within the European context, in particular with regards to the situation in countries of the Visegrad
group, and in this case in the Slovak Republic (SR), one of the main reasons for the slower development
of combined transport is the existing number, condition, and technical facilities of the ITTs situated
nationwide [2]. With the exception of a new terminal in Žilina–Teplička, these terminals are basically
private trans-shipment points for container transport (onward transport of containers from seaports to
inland points) with non-discriminatory access to customers. In addition, the majority of the terminals
were built in the 1980s (i.e., before the official establishment of the SR) when their primary operations
corresponded to the original concept of progressive transport systems, namely the conveyance of
large twenty-foot containers. Furthermore, no economically neutral terminals focused on continental
transport systems (transport of swap bodies and road semi-trailers) have been constructed [3,4], which
is a highly restrictive factor in the development of a combined transport infrastructure in the SR.
In 2001, a nationwide combined transport development project [5] foresaw the need for the
construction of 13 ITTs, of which 5 should be of international importance. Assuming the SR covers an
area of 49,034 km2 , this equates to approximately one terminal per 3772 km2 , which is slightly more
than in Austria and almost twice the density in Germany [6].
The objective of the contribution is to propose a methodology of locating intermodal transport
terminals so that the existing transport infrastructure is effectively used and the potential of using
terminals is considered. The methodology also considers the complex coverage of the area. An accessible
and functioning intermodal transport terminal is a necessary condition for the development of a
sustainable intermodal transport system.
The proposed methodology offers an exact solution for terminals placement in the Slovak Republic,
taking into account the relevant factors that could affect the future use of the terminal. Of course, the
methodology is applicable to any state.
2. Literature Review
The European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related
Installations (AGTC) is the underlying document that defines combined transport in Europe [7]. Annex
II thereof contains a list of objectivess (terminals) in relation to the participating countries. Those listed
in the SR are historically linked to container trans-shipment points constructed by Czechoslovak
Railways. Annex IV sets out the technical and technological requirements for the listed terminals,
whereby one of the requirements is their economically neutrality, i.e., non-discriminatory access
of terminal operators to individual customers. Unfortunately, none of the operational terminals in
Slovakia currently fulfil this requirement.
The indisputable importance of intermodal transport for securing a sustainable transport system
is noted e.g., in the contribution [8]. The author points to the environmental advantages of intermodal
transport chains, the necessary cooperation between the individual modes of transport, and the
importance of intermodal transport terminals accessibility. Those are the factors most affecting the
sustainability and development of the transport system.
In the paper [9], the authors state that, confidence in intermodal transport has not yet been defined.
There are many different approaches to the concept of trust. However, the authors have integrated
them with the paradigm shift in light of the challenges of sustainability.
The issue of the ITTs and their location has been addressed by several authors [10–16]. An
interesting perspective on the location of a terminal is put forward by [10], whereby the most suitable
location is determined in relation to the various parties involved (investors, users, local administration
and inhabitants). Such parties often have conflicting goals and interests, which makes it necessary to
define a large number of criteria for the overall evaluation. As a result, the authors propose a new
hybrid Multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDM) model that combines Fuzzy Delphi Methods in
order to support the decision making process. They add that the proposed model was developed in a
fuzzy environment (in order to overcome the ambiguities and conflicts in, and between, evaluation
criteria, sub criteria, and decision alternatives) and applied to the terminal located in Belgrade.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1230 3 of 17
Unfortunately, this approach neither solves the need for a comprehensive network of terminals
nationwide, nor does it ensure serviceability of an entire territory, but merely determines the need for
the terminal in the location of interest.
A specific methodology for locating ITTs in Croatia is discussed by [11]. The authors base their
findings on relevant qualitative criteria (indicators) for intermodal terminals: Flexibility, safety, reliability,
time, and availability. On the grounds of such indicators, and in accordance with European transport
policy, the authors further developed and evaluated the following localisation criteria: Legislative,
environmental, commodity flow, spatial, technical, technological, and organisational. These criteria were
subsequently sub-divided and evaluated, using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results
show that the commodity flow criterion (followed by the spatial criterion) is the most influential when
it comes to selecting a particular end-point. The author therefore considers this criterion to be decisive,
but goes on to include other preferred evaluation criteria in his proposed model.
Although another paper, in [12], points out the significance of the application of mathematical
solutions to locational problems and examines several mathematical models, as defined in [13,14], it
does note their considerable complexity and the time-consuming nature thereof.
It is within this context that this article sets out a new programming model that generates quicker
results. However, it does not discuss the input data for the model, but only the calculation process itself.
3.1. Theoretical Basis for Developing a Mathematical Model for Determining the (Al)Location of ITTs
In the past, the strategies employed to determine the number and location of ITTs in the SR,
followed by the examples of other European countries, and were also influenced by factors, such
as their likely potential and their even geographical distribution across the SR [17]. However, such
decisions tended to be biased and based on subjective criteria, and not supported by exact methods,
for example, through the inclusion of optimisation criteria in the decision-making process. At present,
several mathematical and optimisation methods exist for determining the appropriate (optimal)
location of terminals on the basis of defined optimisation criteria [18,19].
The main issue of the location of intermodal transport terminals can generally be equated to
that of determining the location of service centres within a given network. It can be argued that
the total transport capacity for collections and deliveries by road in terms of intermodal transport
units is dependent on the number and location of ITTs. However, the optimisation criterion here is
to minimise the overall transport capacity for collections and deliveries (expressed in thousands of
tonne-kilometres, i.e., tkm). This implies that combined transport potential (expressed in thousands of
tonnes) must be taken into account. Consequently, putting forward a proposal for a specific method, to
determine the optimal number and location of terminals, is a complex task, which requires a number
of factors underlying the choice of terminal location to be simultaneously considered.
While developing a mathematical model for determining the location of ITTs, it is essential to
take into consideration the level of potential in their service areas. Existing terminals, trans-shipment
points and transport infrastructure must therefore be included in such an assessment, which implies
that terminals should be built in areas with good road and railway infrastructure links.
Within the context of this study, the location of the ITTs within the given transport network will
be determined on the basis of the road network, which is based on the need to minimise the costs of
collections and deliveries within the service areas under consideration. With respect to the extent and
solution of the task, as well as the required quality of the road infrastructure, the full length and breadth
of the road network is not taken into consideration. More specifically, this has been limited to 1st and
2nd class roads and important 3rd class roads that connect them. The actual network is represented by
a graph structure, whereby the final set of significant points are referred to as vertices and the final
set of lines joining (some of) those vertices, and which represent communication links, are referred
to as edges. The simplest graph structure is one generated with non-oriented edges (graph) [20].
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The vertices in this network are formed by road junctions, road endings or other important points,
particularly points (places), where possible transport potential can be found, or created, i.e., mostly
in the vicinity of large or major towns (cities), or directly inside them. Owing to these conditions,
essentially all district towns (on assuming the existence and/or possible future construction of potential
resources for combined transport) and some other towns (given their geographical location) are taken
into consideration.
Each vertex in the network is assigned a non-negative number (the so-called vertex weight) which
expresses the significance of the given vertex [21]. Each edge, which represents a road section, linking
two adjacent vertices, is also expressed as a non-negative number that indicates the length of the given
edge, i.e., the distance in kilometres between the two adjacent vertices.
Object/Indicator X1 X2 ... Xm
1 X11 X12 ... X1m
2 X21 X22 ... X2m
... ... ... ... ...
N Xn1 Xn2 ... Xnm
weights of indicators P1 P2 ... Pm
Source: Author.
In Table 1:
Xij —is the value of the j-th indicator in the i-th object;
m—is the number of indicators;
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1230 5 of 17
It should be noted that the aforementioned indicator expresses the significance of the vertex being
examined, which will have a major influence on the decision about the location of a terminal at the
given vertex. It is therefore relevant to select such characteristics (indicators) that best reflect the
specifics of the situation at the given vertex, i.e., to take into account all the factors that influence and
determine if an ITT should be located there [25].
variants are then compared, on the basis of the comprehensive coverage of the area under consideration,
and the size of the service area of each terminal. Within this context, the decisive criterion for
determining the number of terminals is the maximum distance that needs to be covered by road
transport for tax exemptions for motor vehicles (sometimes referred to as road tax) to be applied to
combined transport users. In the SR, this is legally embodied in the Motor Vehicle Tax Act No. 361/2014
Coll., which, for the purposes of defining combined transport refers to Act No. 514/2009 Coll., on Rail
Traffic, states that the maximum distance for collections and deliveries by road is 150 km. As a result,
the optimal number of terminals is conditioned by the comprehensive coverage of their relevant service
areas and the maximum distance by road between each terminal, i.e., 150 km.
The allocation task can be solved through the application of graph theory. From the mathematical
viewpoint, the minimum value for the criterion function should be found. The proposed solution for
the allocation task (relationships, algorithms) was developed according to [30–34], and is thoroughly
described in [35].
The criterion function for locating the intended terminal points within a particular network is
defined as follows: A certain k set of Dk terminal points (|Dk | = k) shall be viewed as the vertex
optimal location of the k terminal points within the G = (V, H) network provided that:
f ( Dk ) = min{ f ( Dk )} (2)
The criterion functions were defined in order to express the amount of traffic involved in the
network operations (collections and deliveries by road). Return journeys to terminals are assumed to
take place along the same routes, in which case the terminals (terminal points) may be only placed at
vertices [36].
In terms of combinatorics, the task discussed here is of the Ck(p) type [31]. It is necessary to
determine a certain combination of the k-th class of p elements for which the criterion functions are
minimised. Using the well-known Hakimi algorithm [37,38], the optimisation process for locating
terminal points (intermodal transport terminals) within the given network can be solved by applying
an iterative algorithm. However, this algorithm assumes assigning a distance matrix, which requires
the determination of the minimum distances between all vertices and the generation of a network
distance matrix. In order to determine such distances, the shortest path routing algorithm can be used
in accordance with [39].
The iterative algorithm computation method using the Hakimi algorithm is shown schematically
in Appendix Figure A1.
4. Results
In the previous section, the process of developing the mathematical model for determining the
allocation of ITTs was theoretically described. Following from the theoretical basis, the proposed
model was applied to the existing conditions in the SR.
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for ITTs to be located at road junctions, within the service areas, whereby every aspect of terminal
operations should be sufficiently accessible to all end points.
5. Discussion
When considering an option with five terminals, 80% of the total potential is located within their
service areas at a distance of up to 150 km (this also being the maximum distance for road transport in
terms of tax relief for motor vehicles). With six ITTs, there is 85% potential within the same distance,
with 7 terminals this stands at 95%, and with eight ITTs, all relevant vertex are located within 150 km
of the nearest terminal, as illustrated in Appendix Figure A2 below.
Using mathematical optimisation methods, it can be stated that the research results essentially
confirmed the original concept for terminal locations [5], and identified other possible areas for the
location of new ITTs. The towns of Trnava and Nitra hold great potential, with large industrial parks
(and a new terminal in Nitra) being built there.
In Central Slovakia, the construction of an intermodal transport terminal in Zvolen is being
considered after its location was confirmed under an allocation programme.
The location of the intermodal transport terminals should be decided by the state by means of the
Ministry of Transport. In terms of European directives (COUNCIL DIRECTIVE on the development
of the Community’s railways 91/440/EEC), the intermodal transport terminals are a part of railway
transport infrastructure. Access to the infrastructure must be non-discriminatory. The construction
and development of the infrastructure is also the state competence.
The construction and operation of intermodal transport terminal networks can be ensured by
the private sector, which is fully responsible for deciding whether to build the terminal in a given
location, but is required to operate the terminal in terms of the aforementioned directive, that is, in a
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1230 9 of 17
non-discriminatory way, under economically neutral conditions. Of course, it is still about the network
of, so-called, public and open intermodal transport terminals.
The objective of the intermodal transport terminal operators is to build a quality transport
infrastructure in order to ensure the sustainable growth of transport system in the state, or its territory.
It would be possible to evaluate the above options from the economic standpoint as well, but this
would require a detailed analysis. Such an analysis would be complicated by the difficultly associated
with defining the operating costs of individual ITTs. This is because each of them would operate in
a different way, and is likely to show varying levels of performance or output. Despite this, it could
be argued that a larger number of ITTs would possibly generate greater demand for their services,
thereby increasing the total potential of combined transport. However, an economic evaluation was
not the objective of this study.
There are also non-economic effects that need to be taken into consideration when it comes to
the construction of new ITTs. Developed and high-quality transport infrastructure is a pre-requisite
for an increase in combined transport in relation to the total transport, irrespective of whether this
concerns import, export, or transit. This reduces the unfavourable effects of road freight transport,
emissions, accident rates, congestion on international corridors, thereby ensuring the sustainability of
the transport system.
Finally, locating ITTs must be carried out sensibly (with regards to the efficiency and use of each
terminal), whereby it is necessary to be able to respond flexibly to the ever-changing transport market.
Evidence of this approach is the creation of large industrial parks in a number of locations across
the SR, which form potential sources for combined transport as well (e.g. Nitra). Unfortunately, the
SR did not adequately respond to these sources in the past, which resulted in the establishment of
private (non-public) trans-shipment points for combined transport (Púchov, Sládkovičovo, Dunajská
Streda). The top priority of the transport policy of the SR should, therefore, be the construction and
modernisation of terminals in areas with such transport potential, so that future carriers can make full
use of the public terminals and their services. As a result, they would not be forced to build their own
non-public trans-shipment points that are not in accordance with the AGTC and would have access to
services based on non-discriminatory practice or a economically neutral approach.
This methodology is focused on locating intermodal transport terminals (hubs for intermodal
transport units between the individual modes of transport). Intermodal transport terminals are basic
(central) elements of logistic centres, and gateway terminals. The issue in locating public logistic centres
are thus closely related with the location of intermodal transport terminals. This practice shows that
the construction of an intermodal transport terminal is often followed by its extension by various
warehouses and distribution centres. The existence of a terminal (available transport infrastructure)
causes a synergistic effect in the form of further warehouses construction, thus extending the services
provided by the terminal by other logistic services. The methodology, however, is focused on the
substantial part of such centres—terminals, whose construction supports the development of sustainable
transport systems in the area. Intermodal transport terminals must be compatible with all transport
systems (which means being able to adapt to transhipment of sea containers, swap bodies, or intermodal
road semi-trailers).
6. Conclusions
In the past, the concept of placing terminals was not based on any exact methodology. In Slovakia,
for example, the concept of placing terminals was based on the example of terminals placing in Germany,
and no criteria and factors affecting the proper terminal location were taken into consideration. Some
current methodology for designing the concept of placing terminals are described in Chapter 2 of the
contribution; however, none of them is based on the factors that the proposed methodology includes.
The basic idea of the methodology (and its minimalist function) is to minimize the movement of road
vehicles on the road, when collecting and delivering consignment within the Terminal Catchment
Area. The reason is to minimize the negative effects of road freight transport in terms of external costs.
Moreover, a “bonus” for road hauliers, in the form of road tax relief, is considered.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1230 10 of 17
Such methodology has not been published and can, therefore, be described as a new/different
view of the methods for placing intermodal transport terminals.
The next step in the future should be solving the financial issue of the construction of
intermodal transport terminals. The construction could be supported, for example, by Operational
Program Transport.
Appendix A
Appendix Figure A1 contains an iterative algorithm flowchart. The algorithm was used to develop
a mathematical model for locating intermodal transport terminals.
Table A1 and Table S1 contains a table of the potential of individual vertices determined by
converting the potential of the respective region.
Table A2 and Table S2 contains a table with the initial matrix of objects. The matrix contains
composite indicators for the individual vertices, according to which the weights of the individual
vertices are determined in the mathematical model.
Potential of Composite
Object C.T.T. Rw.N. Ro.N.
Combined Transport Indicator
Indicator Weights 0.3 0.2 0.5
Bratislava 202,495,806 1 1 1 404,991,612
Malacky 8,511,487 0 1 0 102,137,844
Kúty 1,653,254 0 1 1 2,479,881
Holíč 4,557,866 0 0 1 59,252,258
Skalica 5,909,698 0 0 0 5,909,698
Senica 831,194 0 0 1 10,805,522
Pezinok 1,004,036 0 1 0 12,048,432
Senec 7,142,347 0 1 1 107,135,205
Dunajská Streda 9,280,144 1 1 1 18,560,288
Trnava 27,420,268 0 1 1 41,130,402
Galanta 6,320,728 0 1 1 9,481,092
Sered’ 6,832,232 0 1 1 10,248,348
Hlohovec 917,967 0 1 0 11,015,604
Piešt’any 118,742 0 1 0 1,424,904
Nové Mesto nad Váhom 6,089,622 0 1 1 9,134,433
Myjava 3,750,362 0 0 1 48,754,706
Trenčín 16,555,924 0 1 0 198,671,088
Dubnica nad Váhom 747,054 0 1 1 1,120,581
Ilava 1,569,568 0 1 0 18,834,816
Púchov 5,410,482 0 1 1 8,115,723
Považská Bystrica 12,330,164 0 1 1 18,495,246
Bytča 3,248,865 0 1 1 48,732,975
Žilina 24,112,809 1 1 1 48,225,618
Kysucké Nové Mesto 4,673,025 0 1 0 560,763
Čadca 747,684 0 1 1 1,121,526
Prievidza 15,114,638 0 1 1 2,267,1957
Partizánske 71,687 0 1 0 860,244
Topol’čany 826,378 0 1 1 1,239,567
Nitra 2,468,562 0 1 1 4,937,124
Šurany 298,659 0 1 0 3,583,908
Nové Zámky 1,193,755 1 1 1 17,906,325
Šal’a 702,157 0 1 0 8,425,884
Komárno 1,054,557 0 1 1 15,818,355
Hurbanovo 230,822 0 1 0 2,769,864
Štúrovo 326,851 1 1 1 4,902,765
Levice 1,044,866 0 1 0 12,538,392
Šahy 1,737,524 0 1 1 2,606,286
Vráble 272,229 0 0 1 3,538,977
Zlaté Moravce 391,164 0 1 0 4,693,968
Žarnovica 1,409,958 0 1 1 2,114,937
Žiar nad Hronom 4,251,237 0 1 1 63,768,555
Banská Štiavnica 2,342,809 0 0 0 2,342,809
Hontianske Nemce 320,445 0 1 1 4,806,675
Krupina 1,687,677 0 1 0 20,252,124
Zvolen 9,364,115 0 1 1 140,461,725
Hronská Dúbrava 85,452 0 1 0 1,025,424
Banská Bystrica 17,652,959 0 1 1 264,794,385
Turčianske Teplice 191,828 0 0 0 191,828
Sustainability 2019, 11, 1230 14 of 17
Potential of Composite
Object C.T.T. Rw.N. Ro.N.
Combined Transport Indicator
Indicator Weights 0.3 0.2 0.5
Martin 16,902,999 0 1 1 253,544,985
Vrútky 204,723 0 1 0 2,456,676
Dolný Kubín 5,616,531 0 1 1 84,247,965
Kral’ovany 133,515 0 1 1 2,002,725
Námestovo 2,296,458 0 0 0 2,296,458
Tvrdošín 2,679,201 0 1 1 40,188,015
Ružomberok 8,527,158 1 1 1 17,054,316
Liptovský Mikuláš 9,328,248 0 1 0 111,938,976
Brezno 4,863,643 0 1 1 72,954,645
Detva 3,232,934 0 0 1 42,028,142
Lučenec 6,059,971 0 1 1 90,899,565
Vel’ký Krtíš 3,012,183 0 0 1 39,158,379
Slovenské Ďarmoty 113,936 0 0 0 113,936
Fil’akovo 2,214,631 0 1 0 26,575,572
Rimavská Sobota 534,075 0 0 1 6,942,975
Poltár 1,303,143 0 0 0 1,303,143
Hnúšt’a 1,630,709 0 0 1 21,199,217
Tornal’a 1,730,403 0 1 1 25,956,045
Rožňava 4,573,536 0 1 1 6,860,304
Revúca 2,855,521 0 0 0 2,855,521
Poprad 11,966,306 0 1 1 17,949,459
Spišská Nová Ves 9,268,908 0 1 1 13,903,362
Levoča 3,121,969 0 0 0 3,121,969
Spišský Štvrtok 543,576 0 0 0 543,576
Kežmarok 274,9419 0 0 0 2,749,419
Stará L’ubovňa 3,524,323 0 0 1 45,816,199
Sabinov 2,652,556 0 1 0 3,1830,672
Bardejov 7,182,764 0 0 1 93,375,932
Svidník 2,667,458 0 0 1 34,676,954
Prešov 19,804,758 0 1 1 29,707,137
Spišské Podhradie 918,456 0 0 1 11,939,928
Margecany 487,344 0 1 1 731,016
Gelnica 1,490,148 0 1 0 17,881,776
Moldava nad Bodvou 2,314,884 0 1 0 27,778,608
Košice 56,232 1 1 1 112,464
Trebišov 543,576 0 1 0 6,522,912
Slovenské Nové Mesto 253,044 0 1 0 3,036,528
Michalovce 9,540,696 0 1 1 14,311,044
Sobrance 149,952 0 0 0 149,952
Dobrá pri Č.n.T. 9,372 1 1 0 159,324
Vranov nad Topl’ou 4,947,464 0 0 1 64,317,032
Strážske 1,068,408 0 1 1 160,2612
Humenné 7,532,961 0 1 1 112,994,415
Snina 4,597,267 0 0 0 4,597,267
Medzilaborce 1,438,043 0 1 0 17,256,516
Stropkov 2,324,712 0 0 0 2,324,712
Explanatory notes: C.T.T.—Container Trans-shipment Terminal. Rw.N.—Railway Node. Ro.N.—Road Node.
Sustainability 2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 20
Sustainability 2019, Figure A2 contains a proposed locations of intermodal transport terminals in the
11, 1230 15 of 17
Slovak Republic (SR). Source: Author.
Figure A2. Contains a proposed locations of intermodal transport terminals in the Slovak Republic
(SR). Source: Author.
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