Investigation of The Material Removal Efficiency D
Investigation of The Material Removal Efficiency D
Investigation of The Material Removal Efficiency D
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Understanding physical processes accompanying ablation is necessary for the optimal use of Femtosecond Laser pulse material
processing. The current work describes the implementation of a molecular dynamics based approach, developed for simulating the
Laser ablation process of iron at a molecular level. A measure of material removal is formulated and utilized to estimate the effect
of energy and pulse width on material removal. Evaluation of the model is based on comparison with experimental results. Ablation
efficiency dependence of Laser Fluence is discussed.
© 2012
© 2012 The
The Authors.
Authors. Published by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
B.V. Selection
Selection and/or
and/or peer-review
Professor G.
Professor G. Chryssolouris.
2212-8271 © 2012 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of Professor
D. Mourtzis and Professor G. Chryssolouris.
472 P. Stavropoulos et al. / Procedia CIRP 3 (2012) 471 – 476
at monitoring the movement of an atom within a system. mechanism and shock wave propagation [10], their
Each particle in the ensemble of N particles is treated as dependence on the initial temperature, the pulse duration
a mass point, interacting through force fields, which in [11] and the mechanism and velocity distribution of
turn, have been derived from interacting potentials. MD molecules or plume, ejected during laser ablation [12].
works through the solution of Newton’s equation of According to [13], the results from the MD modelling of
motion. Therefore, the evolution of the system can be the ultrashort laser pulse ablation of metals (Al, Ni and
calculated in certain time steps, where the total in- Fe), are reported at fluences, and range from the
formation (particle positions, velocities, kinetic and threshold of ablation up to 0.5 J/cm2.
potential energies) of the system is available for each In the present study we define as laser ablation
time step. All further properties as temperature, pressure efficiency the ratio of the ablated material volume to the
and autocorrelation functions can be determined without energy of the laser pulse.
any additional parameters [5]. The reaction process of a Section 2 provides the molecular dynamics model
laser beam with a bulk solid is the interaction between describing the implemented algorithm and the simulation
the electromagnetic field of light and the electric field of details of model including the material and laser beam
the atoms or molecules of the solid material. The light properties. In section 3 the experimental setup, that
absorbed by the solid material can be divided into three validates the model, is determined. The results from the
categories depending on the level of the light energy: 1) molecular dynamics model and the experiments are
The excitation of the electronic state of atoms and presented and discussion in section 4 with special
molecules of the lattice particles, 2) The excitation of the emphasis given on the laser ablation efficiency.
intermolecular vibration state of the lattice molecules
and 3) The excitation of the intermolecular or inter 2. Molecular Dynamics
atomic vibration of rotational state of the lattice
molecules. 2.1. General Description
The majority of the interacting potentials used in MD,
are based on the Pair Potential Approximation (PPA). After energy has been absorbed by the material, the
This is so, due to the fact that PPA provides a good electro and lattice temperatures rise greatly. When the
description of the material’s properties and also material temperature is high enough, certain phase
consumes less computing time than do the potentials change processes occur and part of the material is
utilizing three or more body terms [7]. Potential removed from the bulk. Complicated thermal and
functions that have been “phenomenologically” derived, mechanical processes take place and many factors con-
often present a more realistic view of the atomic tribute to the material being removed. Temperature is the
interactions than do the potentials having been dominant factor that leads to material separation and
exclusively derived. The following types of potentials consequently, to its removal. The electrons and the
fall into the phenomenological category: Buckingham, lattice are heated strongly by the laser irradiation in
Morse, Lennard-Jones (Mie’s reduced form) and Barker order for the increase in the lattice temperature to be
potentials for Krypton and Xenon. Among the above high enough for melting and evaporation to occur. Since
potential functions, the Morse Potential Function (MPF) the lasers, used in micro/nano processing are operating
is considered to be more appropriate for its application in the femtosecond range, the irradiated material is
to metals [5]. The embedded-Atom Method (EAM) is a assumed to be going from a solid to a gas phase without
semi-empirical, many-particle potential for computing having first gone through a melting phase [19]. The
the total energy of a metallic system. The influence [8] target to be irradiated is considered to be of BCC
of the MPF and EAM based potential, on the description structure, at an initial constant environment temperature.
of the properties and the ultrashort laser ablation process The lattice structure of pure Fe changes with the increase
of Fe by MD Simulation technique, has been studied. of temperature. Until 11180 K the crystal structure is off
The accuracy of both potentials in evaluating the melting BCC. After this temperature has been reached and up to
temperature, the linear thermal expansion coefficient and 16630 K the structure is transposed to FCC. From 1663 0
the compression behaviour of Fe, is calculated [9]. K and above the form is of BCC again. It is safe to
Numerous studies have been conducted for the assume that the crystal structure of pure Fe is constant in
decomposition of metals during the FL ablation, the BCC form, due to the ultrafast heating of the bulk
following different approaches, varying from analytical material, provided by the femtosecond Laser pulses. The
mathematical modeling to simulation and experimental incident laser beam irradiates the target as shown in
studies. Studies have applied Hybrid MD Simulations, Figure 1, with a uniform temporal distribution. The laser
Classical MD or MD, combined with the Two beam propagates along the Z axis, perpendicularly to the
Temperature Model (TTM), in order to investigate the surface of the target. The laser beam intensity is
laser ablation phenomena, such as the heat transfer considered being spatially uniform and has Gaussian
P. Stavropoulos et al. / Procedia CIRP 3 (2012) 471 – 476 473
temporal distribution. The number of photons, Assuming that the target is infinitely large, in the lateral
corresponding to the laser energy, is deposited to the directions, the Periodic Boundary Conditions (PBC)
material exponentially, following the Beer-Lambert law. were applied. The top surface of the target, where the
This photon energy is transferred to the atoms of the laser beam irradiates, has been subjected to the Free
system within a characteristic time, the time for the Boundary Conditions (FBC) allowing particles to move
electron lattice energy transfer and the establishment of and be removed. At the bottom surface, the Reflecting
equilibrium temperature. The energy deposited to the Boundary Conditions are applied (RBC) to ensure
system’s atoms contributes to their kinetic energy being velocity damping. The laser beam has a Gaussian profile
increased. This work uses an MD developed approach in time and space [15]. However, it is the combination of
implemented in a code, based on the Morse Potential the uniform distribution in space and the Gaussian
Function for the simulation of laser ablation processes. distribution in time that is preferred [16]. A number of
The approach and the implementation code, as illustrated photons corresponding to the energy produced by the
in previous study [14], consists of four basic sections. laser are deposited into the bulk material target. The
Phase change and material removal will be illustrated deposition is exponential and follows the Beer Lambert
from the MD retrieved data. The Morse Potential law. By absorbing photons, the particles of the crystal
Function is being used for the description of the inter- increase their kinetic energy and consequently, their
atomic potential and the potential energy within the velocity is also increased. Hence, their new velocities
system’s particles. The initial positions of the atoms are have to be recalculated following their irradiation. The
determined according to the BCC lattice and the initial particle removal criterion is based on the cohesive
velocities are randomly ascribed to the atoms according energy, one of the most significant factors in an MD
to the Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution at room simulation, as it determines the amount of energy that
temperature. can be absorbed by an entity.
Table 1. Parameters of Fe
300K room temperature. The ablation is investigated up The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is used for
to several tens of femtoseconds. The Periodic Boundary observing the ablated area while the laser Scanning
Conditions (PBC) have been applied, in the X and Y Microscope (LSM) for measuring the ablation depth.
directions of the computational domain, for simulating The ablation depth per pulse is evaluated by measuring
an infinite medium. A velocity dampening technique is the total depth of the drilled hole and divided by the
applied, at the bottom of the computational cell along number of pulses used.
with the RBC, in order to prevent the artificial ablation
effects that may arise from the shock wave reflection. Table 4. Properties of Fe Samples [17]
The number of photons, corresponding to the laser
Material R% α (cm-1) 1/α Tm (K) Tv (K)
energy, is deposited in the material exponentially (nm)
following the Beer-Lambert law. The laser wavelength is
99.99% 65 0.54 x 18.5 1811 3145
set at 800 nm. The pulse duration, the total interaction
Fe 10
time of the laser and the material are fixed for all
experiments, whilst the laser fluence ranges from 0.1
J/cm2 to 30 J/cm2. 4. Discussion of the Results
Fig. 4. Computation and experimental ablation depths vs applied laser As it is defined in chapter 1, laser ablation efficiency
fluence for the second ablation region from 0.1 to 1 J/cm2 is considered the ratio of the ablated material volume to
the energy of the laser pulse. The diagram of Figure 6
In-between the limits of 1 and 10 J/cm2 lies the third can be divided in three areas based on the behavior of
ablation area. The ablation process is intense, resulting the laser efficiency.
in the production of holes whose depths vary from 12 The first area is up to laser fluence 1 J/cm2. Within
nm to 500 nm per pulse. The ablation depths continue this area the laser efficiency presents a linear increase of
having an exponential growth in relation to the laser a small slope. The second area has a range from 1 J/cm2
fluence applied to both computational and experimental up to 10 J/cm2. In contrast to the behaviour of the laser
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