Research 1
Research 1
Research 1
Research-Based Learning”
Title: The Relationship Between Students'
Motivation and Academic Success and
Research-Based Learning
No. of pages
Name and Address of Institution:
Year Completed:
this survey. The researchers designed questionnaires to collect data for the students'
motivate students to enhance their academic performance. They believed that research-
Chapter I
This chapter presents the introduction, background of the study, statement of the
problem, significance of the study, hypothesis of the study, scope and delimitation, and
In school life we cannot deny that in this stage where you can encounter many
different hard works. This is the time also where you are going to have a thesis or
research. We all know, it is one of the hardest tasks that we need to accomplish in our
answers to questions. It is also a process broken up into clear steps that help to easily
answer questions and organized because it shows how to present an organized and
good work.
It is also the process of executing various mental acts for discovering and
examining facts and information to prove the accuracy. There are two types of research,
the qualitative research and quantitative research. In researching you need to spend
more of your hours. Because it is a serious thing, you need to be focus while doing it.
You also need to manage your time because if you don’t know how to your time, you
project work, fieldwork, and case studies can be classified as research-based learning.
research methodologies. On the other hand, research is a part of curriculum which also
comprises learning research methodologies and producing research that imitates the
The benefits of research-based learning for senior high school students are
and English proficiency. Students who actively participate in the learning process in
encouraging research ideas that, if acted upon, will result in publication. In contrary,
some students are less motivated to participate in research- based learning. In addition,
undergraduate students have difficulty in finding the updated research topic for their
preparation research ideas. Some students submit thesis titles around topics that has
done by senior students. This is due to students having less knowledge about research
in a particular field because they are less familiar with scientific articles.
their motivation and academic performance. It is good if the research to the students is
positive but it is bad if it is negative. Some are motivated to do it because they believe
their lives and it is not important. Moreover, some believes that it is just a requirement
need to be done. These are the students’ beliefs that greatly affects their motivation.
There is no strong correlation between the genders in this study. Additionally, it was
In this study, there is a significant association between the genders. It was also
This study is relevant to the student, the learners will be motivated in doing their
academic requirements and through this; it will improve the academic performance of
the students.
motivated students. In addition, through this research they can explain to their students
This research is essential to the parents in a way that their children will improve
the values of integrity. Lastly, it would enhance the interest of their children to be
effective researchers.
The future researchers can also be beneficiaries of this research. In a way that it
will boost their confidence in doing their research in the future. Moreover, they will know
The research states the impacts of research-based learning to the student’s motivation
Definition of Terms
Inquiry. Any process that has the aim of augmenting knowledge, resolving doubt, or
solving a problem. A theory of inquiry is an account of the various types of inquiry and a
treatment of the ways that each type of inquiry achieves its aim.
Motivation. It is the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular
Practical Research. The activities are integrate into the work and are typically
concurrent to parallel project activities that aim at making something beneficial and
the role of researchers. Ideally, students learn by passing through all stages of a
research process.
Chapter II
This chapter represents the Review of Related Literature and Studies and the
Related literature
practical research, the activities are integrate into the work and are typically concurrent
to parallel project activities that aim at making something beneficial and relevant.
Hence, the knowledge gained in practical research is to some extent, both a tool
usedfor advancing the work of the practice and a buy product of the design process.
ask. Can I create a better fuel? The doctor ask. Can cancer cells grow? Some research
need to read books other may have to conduct may work in libraries, laboratories,
Research is the careful search for information. A person who carries but the
search is a researcher.
Most of this type of research make use of standard format having few minor inter-
experiment from which findings can be designed and based from this type of research
should also constructed in a manner that allows others to repeat the experiment and get
approaches to engaging students with active research and inquiry across multiple
disciplines, including art, history, biochemistry, education and many more. (Developing
To develop a title for research is not easy as it might seem. It requires a serious
thought. In fact, it may come as a surprise to most people that even successful writers
may experience a black while attempting to compose a title for their research paper. On
the other hand, although most writers have already possessed comprehensive details of
the research paper, they are still perplexed in terms of making their research paper title
Base on the book it says that motivation is hypothesized cause of behavior the
students make initial investigations in their topic, then conduct a study and finally
evaluate the findings. They work autonomouslyand actively shape these phases
student’s skills and capabilities such as critical and analytic thinking, information
retrieval, evaluation and problem solving, and most especially motivation. (MS Ramaiah
University, 2016)
Vuori and Okkonen (2012) stated that motivation helps to share knowledge
through an intra-organizational social media platform which can help the organization
the researchers based on theory of motivation, with only few dimensions of motivation.
Related studies
students make initial investigations in their topic, the conduct a study and finally
evaluate the findings. They work autonomously and actively shape these phases
students skills and capabilities such as critical and analytic thinking, information,
When students see task value positively they are more likely to be engage with
the content. Students are eager to learn, focus on understanding concepts and make
Those students can fortify their own motivation by engaging in a number of self-
strategies and monitoring and evaluating progress towards goals (Shunk and
Students who are motivated conduct themselves in ways that maximize learning and
need for external rewards. They seek additional help when needed, and they turn on
quality work on time. On the other hand, unmotivated students minimize the effort they
So the notion then is how to think positively about learning so that they are
motivated learn. One notion to do with how students perceive intelligence. According
to (Dweck, 2008). Students who believe intelligence. Is fixed tend to shy away from
tasks that challenge them. Their belief is that if they are challenge. They are not smart
enough to complete the task. So why bother, whereas students who believe in a
the concept of hard work and how through hard work your abilities grow and further
develop. A technique is to explain and show students that the brain is muscle that can
The studies and some literatures that’ve been researched are saying that the
research-based learning has a lot of positive things that can do to the students. The
students have eagerness in their mind to learn different things especially if it will be
good to them.The literature review shows that, research helps or motivates students to
gain knowledge by asking questions to some people and also by investigation. It also
says that when students are motivated, they can find a way how to seek for some
informations that could help themselves in learning. Through research, the students can
According to Dweck (2008), students who believe intelligence is fixed tend to shy
away tasks that challenge them. Their belief is that if they are challenge they are not
smart enough to complete the task. So why bother, whereas students who believe in
the concept of hard work and how through hard work your abilities grow further develop.
A technique is to explain and show students that the brain is muscle that get stronger
with use.
students. With this, it can help them to be motivated to learn new things. From this, they
can learn new ways on how to seek information. They will be motivated to study hard
because of the knowledge that they gain. Research-based learning will be a good help
to them and be motivated for being a good researcher that can seek or find solutions for
Chapter III
Research Methodology
materials and instrument, data collection and analysis and statistical treatment of data.
Research Design
learning to the student’s motivation and academic performance. This method will be
used as it involves the description, gathering, analysis and interpretation of the present
sampling is used in choosing the respondents of the study. All the respondents were
given questionnaires to find out the impacts of research-based learning to the student’s
answer the given questionnaire. The researchers distributed the questionnaires and
The questionnaires that are being used in the survey went on a process to have
a good result that can help their research. The respondents that will answer should
have some knowledge about the study. The researchers ask permission to the
coordinator according to the survey that will happen. The result of their survey will help
The researcher gathers all the questionnaires that been given to some of the
students. The result in the survey will help the researchers. The result are computed,
Chapter IV
This chapter presents the tabulation, analysis, and interpretation of the data.
This presents the frequency of the respondents in students who thinks that
slightly agreed that research based-learning only bring problems to the students.
Meanwhile, some of the respondents strongly agreed to this statement. Then, the least
This shows the rate of the respondents who respond to the question if they give
more time to research than the other subjects do. The highest data that the researchers
gather is that the respondents agreed that they give more time in research than the
other subjects. Then, few of them answers that they are slightly agreed to the
believes that through research based-learning the students become focus and
This shows the amount of the respondents in students who believe that research
based-learning the become focus and motivated. The greater part of the respondents
said that they are slightly agreeing that because of the research based-learning they
can be motivated and responsible. Not many of them answered they were strongly
agreed to the statement. Lastly, the slightest of the respondents respond that they
and responsible
This illustrates the number of the respondents in students who believe that research
based-learning can make the students motivated and responsible. The majority of the
respondents said that they are slightly agreeing that because of the research based-
learning they can be motivated and responsible. Several of them answered they were
strongly agreed to the statement. Lastly, the minority of the respondents respond that
they disagreed on research based-learning can make the students motivated and
This present the rate of the respondents who respond to the question if they give
more time to research than the other subjects. The uppermost data that the researchers
gather is that the respondents slightly agreed that through research the researchers
become irresponsible in other things. Then, little of them answers that they are slightly
agreed to the statement. However, there is still minimum number of respondents who
agree that research based learning can cause a motivation to the students in
This shows that research based learning can make the students motivated
and some of them strongly agreed. Meanwhile, the least number of the
agree that research based learning can cause relevance of time and patience
This presents that research based learning can cause relevance of time. Most of the
respondents had agreed and several respondents slightly agree. The minimum rate of
agree that research based learning can cause different attitudes on students’
This shows the frequency of the respondents saying research based learning can
cause different attitudes to the students. Many of the students had agreed and some of
respondents slightly agreed to this. Meanwhile, few of them strongly agreed and least of
them disagreed.
agree that research based learning can cause different attitudes on students’
This illustrates the number of the respondents saying that research based learning
can cause enhancement of students’ knowledge. Most of the respondents agreed and
not many of them strongly agreed. Then, the fewest rate of the respondents slightly
agree that research based learning can cause banishment of lack of self-
This shows the number of the respondents saying that research based learning can
agreed and some respondents strongly agreed. However, few of them slightly agreed
that research based learning can cause banishment of lack of self-motivation. Then, the
Table 3.1 Distribution of the Frequency of the Respondents who says that
This result will prove that the research-based learning can improve the academic
learning can help in improvement of the academic performance of the students and
some strongly agreed. There are few students who both slightly agreed and
Table 3.2 Distribution of the Frequency of the Respondents who says that
This will present the number of the students who says that research-based
learning can help find solutions to the problems. There are many students agreed that it
can help us in our problems and some of them strongly agreed. However, there are only
few students who slightly agreed and those who disagreed have the least number of
Table 3.3 Distribution of the Frequency of the Respondents who says that you
This will show the number of students that says that they can learn strategies in
investigating. Most of them says that they agreed that they can learn strategies and only
some of them strongly agreed. Not many students slightly disagree on this and there
Table 3.4 Distribution of the Frequency of the Respondents who says that
It illustrates the number of respondents who says that they can enhance skills. The
highest number of respondents agreed and some strongly agreed. The number of
Table 3.5 Distribution of the Frequency of the Respondents who says that
The number of respondents are shown on those who says it can teach them to be
critical thinker. The number of respondents of those who agree are the highest next are
those who strongly agree. There are only few students who agree and the number of
Plan of Action
A program will be
To promote the The students
organized and there
essence of Students, will know and
were expert
research to the Research Symposium Teachers, and realized the
researchers that will
lives of the Speakers importance of
share talks about the
students research.
relevance of research.
To translate the
knowledge of
something hard Students will
By having an activity
into a concrete Creating a Research Research be more
in research class
form and you’re Notebook teacher and excited about
about making a
more likely to students doing
research notebook.
keep investing research.
the mental
energy needed
to keep
The student
To assess if the There will be monthly
will be
students excel assessment by the Teacher and
Assessment assessed in
on doing teacher. These can be students
terms of their
research. through exams, etc.
research skills.
Chapter V
This chapter presents the Summary, Findings of the data, Conclusion, and
to the student’s motivation and academic performance. In addition, this can also
In order to come up with different information and data about the topic, the
articles, and many more published write ups. After studying the collected
information, the researchers made a survey questionnaire that will be their basis
After the questionnaire geared up, the researchers picked the students
computed the results by means of getting the frequency of the respondents who
percentage formula. Using the data gathered, the researchers will be able to
academic performance.
After the data were gathered, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted the study
affect them.
In the first rank, the students were asked if it can help them to be
focus and determine, 67% of the respondents agreed with it. Next, 57%
also agreed that they can be motivated and responsible through this.
based learning brings problem to the students. The next one is, there are
also 7% of the respondents who do not agree that this can help them to be
research-based learning.
research-based learning.
In the first rank, there are 3% of the respondents who disagreed that it can
there are 10% of the respondents who says that they slightly agreed that it
In the first rank, the students who agreed that research-based learning
could improve students’ academic performance are 63%. On the other hand,
there are 57% of the respondents who agreed that research-based learning
In the first rank, there are 3% of the respondents who slightly agreed that
are also 3% who do not agree that research-based learning can improve
and communication and can teach the students to be critical thinker. Then,
there 7% of the respondents who slightly agreed that you can learn different
1. There are five causes that can affect student’s performance: banishment of lack
relevance of time and patience in doing research paper and a motivation to the
different research and help other. Most of our respondents say that it can help
their performance in doing research. This will show the attitude of each
researcher if they know how to be patient and honest in doing their task.
Through this activity, they will know how time is important for them. It is
important if they will know how to manage and balance their time so that they
are presented.
2. Parents must guide their children in doing their research. They need to
I. In Books
II. In Website
Borphy. (2010). Motivating Students to Learn. Retrieved from
Developing the higher education curriculum. (2017).
Dweck. (2008). Retrieved from
Encyclopedia of knowledge. (2007).
Global Business Perspective. (2013).
Kulkami. (2013).
More. (2017). Retrieved from
Perker and Zeiger. (2010). Creativity and Innovation.
Shuttleworth. (2008). Essay on Explorable: Scientific Method and Quantitative Research
technology arts science. (2015). Retrieved from research-in-studies-and-teaching:
Technology Arts Sciences,. (2015).
University, M. (2016). Research Brouchure.
Vuori and Okkonen. (2012). Knowledge Sharing Motivational Factors of Using an
Intraorganizational social media Platform.
Name (Optional):____________________________________
Grade and Section:_________________________________
Directions: Read each question and answer choice carefully then choose put check (√)
on the blank beside of the best answer. Try to answer all questions. In general, if you
have some knowledge about a question, it is better to try to answer it. You will not be
penalized for guessing.
4- Strongly Agree 2- Slightly Agree
3- Agree 3- Disagree
4 3 2 1
1. Research-based learning
can cause motivation to the
students in terms of
academic performance.
2. Research-based learning
can cause relevance of time
and patience in doing
research paper.
3. Research-based learning
can cause different attitudes
on students’ performance in
doing research
4. Research-based learning
can cause enhancement of
students’ knowledge.
5. Research-based learning
can cause banishment of
lack of self-motivation.
4 3 2 1
1. Research-based learning bring
problems to the students.
2. Students give more time to
Research so they only have
less time in doing other
3. Through research-based
learning students become focus
and determine
4. Research based learning can
make students motivated and
5. Researcher become
irresponsible in other things.
4 3 2 1
1. Research-based learning can
improve students’ academic
2. Research-based learning finds
solutions to problem most
especially social problems.
3. You can learn different
strategies on how to investigate
in research-based learning.
4. Research-based learning
enhance students’ knowledge,
learning spirit, confidence, and
5. In research-based learning, it
teaches the students to be
critical thinker.