The Importance of Research Facts
The Importance of Research Facts
The Importance of Research Facts
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These are questions that plague many students and educators alike.
2. In contrast, secondary
research examines secondhand information by describing or
summarizing the work of others. This article focuses on the
benefits of conducting secondary research by immersing oneself
in the literature.
But perhaps the most important note for educators is to align the
research process with real-world takeaways. That builds value. That
is what wisdom is all about.
But what about those who did not succeed? We can’t be blind about
them, and we should not ascribe their lack of improvement to them
(poor homes, unmotivated, too far behind) but to us.
For instance, the expectations, listening and responsive skills, how they
react to error and struggle, and whether their feedback was heard,
understood, and actionable.
With its peer review and wide visibility, the publication process
demands that the work be done properly, or it will be exposed as
flawed or even falsified.
Educators need ways to filter through the noise to find practices that
are most likely to actually produce positive results with students.
Educators can use these resources to sift through the research, which
can sometimes be challenging to access and translate, especially for
busy teachers.
Research is the process that underpins this search for new and better-
defined ideas. For this reason, it is crucial to have very close
links between research and teaching. The further the gap,
the less informed teaching will become.
Here, research can be used to show how many studies can be pulled
together to find answers to these challenging problems. But students
should also understand that these answers aren’t perfect and should
be challenged.
3. Some covid patients didn’t show any loss at all, but the average
loss between the COVID and control group was 2%
Helen Crabtree
Teacher and Owner, GCSE Masterclass
You only need to look at current world events and how freedom of the
media and genuine journalistic investigation (or research) is distorting
the understanding of the real world in the minds of many people in
one of the most powerful countries in the world.
Only those who are able to conduct research and evaluate the
independence of facts can genuinely understand the world.
Genuine research will open young people’s eyes to facts and opinions
that may otherwise be hidden. This can be demonstrated when we
look at social media and its algorithms.
Research gives us a lens to look across time and space and concretely
understand our progress and areas for improvement. We
are careful to include all voices through representative and network
sampling to include multiple perspectives from different sites.
Jessica Robinson
For example, if you suffer from headaches frequently, your doctor will
get specific tests done to understand the exact problem (which is
research). Once the root cause of the headache becomes clear, your
doctor will give you suitable medicines to help you heal.
This implies that to reach a solution, it is crucial for us to understand
the problem first. Research helps us with that. By making the
problem clearer, it helps us pave closer to the solution.
Theresa Bertuzzi
Spatial thinking
Logical reasoning
Scott Winstead
Connor Ondriska
CEO, SpanishVIP
You can apply that same logic on a shorter scale, especially with
the technological boom. So research is a way that educators can learn
about what’s working, what isn’t, and what are the areas we need to
focus on.
Social-emotional skills
College and/or job matriculation rates, among many others
Loic Bellet
Business English Coach, Speak Proper English
In the light of the ongoing discussion over what works and why, there
are numerous advantages to exploring your profession, whether for
immediate improvement via action research and, more broadly, for
acquiring awareness and knowledge on topics of interest and
Saikiran Chandha
CEO and Founder, Typeset
It improves your skills, knowledge, social and moral values. But on the
other hand, research is something that you owe to as it provides you
with the scientific and systemic solution to your educational
Academically and personally, I can grow every day and attain the
confidence that the abundance of information brings me.
Educationally, it can help you form informed opinions and sound logic
that can be beneficial in school and routinely. Not only this, when you
do proper research on any educational topic and learn about the
facts and figures, chances are you will score better than your
classmates who only have textbook knowledge.
So the research will give you an edge over your peers and help you
perform better in exams and classroom discussions.
Matthew Carter
Attorney, Inc and Go
Solid research is a skill you need in all careers
That goes double for careers like mine. You might think that attorneys
learn all the answers in law school, but in fact, we know how to find
the answers we need through research.
Doctors and accountants will tell you the same thing. No one can ever
hold all the knowledge they need. You have to be able to find
the correct answer quickly. School is the perfect place to learn that.
People are more likely to believe you when you have formed an
opinion through research rather than parroting something you saw on
the news. They may even appreciate your efforts to make the
conversation more logical and civil.
As for me, I spend a lot of time researching business formation now,
and I use that in my writing.
George Tsagas
Owner, eMathZone
The more knowledge you gain about how others think, the more likely
you are to humanize them and be more empathetic to diverse
viewpoints and backgrounds in the future.
Georgi Georgiev
Owner, GIGA calculator
It helps to:
gather casual evidence about a specific research topic
This, in turn, will allow them to develop new ideas and raise new
Craig Miller
If you want to know which restaurant in your area serves the best
steak, you’d have to research on the internet and read reviews. If you
want to see the procedure for making an omelet, you’d have to
research on the internet or ask your parents. Hence, research is part of
our lives, whether we want it or not.
The Editors
Many have wondered whether and what God is. Psychology and many
other fields that we endeavor to understand as science are ever-
changing explorations and explanations of thought.
Former students have told me that our philosophy course was their
most important because it put all else into perspective: career, life,
moral reasoning, asking not only can we, but should we, and how we
should go about doing it.
It is crucial in teaching us to debate with
The value of philosophy today is as crucial as ever in teaching us to
debate with civility.
When we leave mere personal passion and use reason, evidence, and
empathy, we bring people with us and to us, not to win, but to offer
others with our informed hope as we try to create
something better for ourselves, our planet, and other species with
whom we share it.
Yet, the search for meaning in life is not limited to academics in ivory
towers. When given a bit of time and space, we all long to know why
we’re here and how we fit in.
Not everyone will get the luxury of taking philosophy classes, but
philosophy—the study of the nature of existence—is
a fundamental part of being human.
soft skills
communication skills
interpersonal skills
problem-solving skills
It can also cultivate respect for different cultures and ideas through
exposure to different philosophical theories about life and death,
happiness, beauty, etc., and challenge one’s preconceived notions
about self and society.
It will enable them to ask questions about the things around them that
they do not understand, thus encouraging their learning abilities.
Brian Gawor
In a time of stress, turmoil, and demands from the world, It’s easy to
get caught up in the “when” and “how.” Philosophy allows us to focus
on the “why,” and that’s crucial to happiness, success, and fulfillment.
Lynda Fairly
Co-founder, Numlooker
Philosophy has been around since the very beginning of time, so it’s
no surprise that it continues to be a topic of interest.
Here are just some of the reasons why it’s an excellent subject to take
up and consider as a career option.
These are not just abstract musings for armchair philosophers, but
questions that touch the very core of our being. By grappling with
these questions, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and
our place in the world.
But philosophy isn’t just about asking big questions — it’s also about
developing critical thinking skills. Philosophy teaches us to analyze
arguments, identify fallacies, and evaluate evidence. In a world where
we are bombarded with information from all sides, these skills are
more important than ever. They enable us to separate fact from fiction,
to think logically and rationally, and to make informed decisions.
Finally, philosophy can inspire us to live better lives. From the ancient
Greeks to modern thinkers like Jean-Paul Sartre, philosophers have
explored what it means to live a fulfilling life. By studying their ideas,
we can gain insights into how to cultivate happiness, meaning, and
purpose in our own lives.
Why is philosophy important in education?
Philosophy is important in education because it provides a framework
for understanding the world and our place in it. At its core, philosophy
is about asking big questions and seeking answers through rational
The Editors
15+ Real Life Examples of
By The Editors
Updated on March 1, 2023
Have you ever wondered about the likelihood of certain events
occurring? Or think about the chances that something good or bad
will happen? Well, sometimes it may just be probability at play.
Have you ever tried to buy a one-way ticket, only to discover that you
would save money purchasing a round-trip and not flying home? How
does that work for the airline company? The answer to this puzzle
turns out to be an excellent example of probability calculations.
The answer to this puzzle is that the airline company counts on some
customers needing to change their return flight to a different time or
date. In doing so, these customers will end up paying any price
For the customer, the extra fare will be less than buying a whole new
ticket, but for the airline company, it will make up for the fact that the
round-trip was $52 cheaper.
If that alone were the reason for airline companies to sell round-trips
at a lower cost than one-ways, you could do a little calculation to see
the expected probability that a customer will need to swap out their
return ticket for a new time or date.
Let’s say that a new return ticket will cost a customer an extra $208 if
they want to make a late-in-the-process change. That extra cash is
four times more than the $52 in savings that the airline provided when
the customer bought a round-trip instead of a one-way.
Does it seem reasonable that 25% of the time, customers make this
type of last-minute change to their return ticket? It may seem like a
high percentage, but keep in mind that these are the customers that
were only planning to book a one-way ticket and just gave their best
guess as to when they would come home.
If they are like most people, they might not think to change their
return flight to a better time or day until the fares have increased by a
Devon Fata
CEO, Pixoul
We could also say that it has about a 17% chance of rolling a one.
What happens if we want to determine the probability of something
more complicated?
Repeated rolls
If the odds of rolling a one on a six-sided die are one in six, then what
are the odds of doing that twice in a row? Or three times? To figure
this out, we multiply our probabilities.
If our odds of a one are one in six, then our odds of two ones in a row
are one in 36. We multiply the fraction 1/6 by itself, meaning that we
multiply the numerators and the denominators separately. 1×1 = 1.
6×6 = 36.
For three dice, we multiply by 1/6 one more time to get one in 216.
If we’re trying to roll three ones in a row, and we’ve just moved two
ones, the odds that the next die comes up as a one are exactly one in
six, not one in 216. This is because each die roll is calculated
In other words, the past rolls of the dice will not have any direct
impact on the next roll we make.
Our findings:
The second was the infection rate of COVID, keeping in mind rates are
variance equations themselves. Next, I incorporated the mortality rate
of the disease. Lastly, I added qualitative information from the Mayo
Clinic to define COVID’s disabling rate.
My forecast was about Iowa’s disabling rate based on the Mayo Clinics
definitions. Oxford’s forecast was more of an analysis of raw data
transforming it into information using different definitions
for “disabled.”
Thus, I pose this question to the reader writ-large, why does taxation,
a qualitative science within the law, not use multiple model
Erik Hansen
Consultant Manager, Right People Group
Out of those 100 million possible outcomes, there are six numbers
chosen, so the odds of getting your six consecutive numbers correct if
you choose to play just one ticket = 1/6 (16.667%).
The probability that someone wins when they play just one ticket =
1/100,000,000 (0.000001).
The odds of winning the lottery if you play one ticket each week =
1/100,000,000 (0.000001) ≈ 0.00000001 or 0.00000001%.
They could ask the other parent while the mom is in the room.
They could ask the other parent while the mom is out of the
room and not able to hear.
The child will quickly calculate which scenario will give them
the highest probability of a cookie. And they will ask the other parent
when the mom is out of earshot because that will give them the
highest probability of receiving a cookie.
Aaron Barnett
Managing Director, Banging Toolbox
By doing all these, we can make the building site safer and reduce the
chance and probability of a severe accident.
Dean Kaplan
CEO, Kaplan Collection Agency
Adam Garcia
Buying cryptocurrencies
If you’ve ever thought of buying crypto, chances are you know that the
most probable outcome for every new coin is — failure.
But how to calculate the probability that a new coin will survive? It’s
simple — don’t even try; because the probability of such an outcome is
ridiculously high, the exact percentage doesn’t even matter.
There’s also the probability that its price will plummet at a certain
point, and it’s also relatively high. The only thing mitigating it is the
probability (even higher) that it will rise again, as it always has!
Jessica Ulloa
Community Manager, MyPerfectResume
Even if our trip goes according to plan, when the negative effect of not
paying insurance is far too significant, we find a way to be ok with
paying for what, in reality, is just a probability.
Daniela Sawyer
Founder, FindPeopleFast
Everything is a possibility
Probability is essentially research into a series of events that may or
may not occur. In everyday life, everything is a possibility, from
weather predictions to the chance of dying in an accident. We don’t
even realize we’re doing it most of the time.
I’m fairly short, so the odds are always pretty high, but we can break
down this example into two components:
Jonathan Tian
Co-Founder, Mobitrix
Although coins only have two faces, head or tail, and both have 1 out
of 2 chances of coming, there is a 50% probability of both teams
winning the toss.
Roger Huang
Growth Director, Springboard
Since we know the only possible outcomes of a single coin toss are
either heads or tails, each result must carry some probability. In other
words, the probability of getting heads on a single coin toss = 1/2
Leanna Serras
Nick Edwards
Director, Snow Finders
People nowadays, for example, get insurance for their mobile phones
since they are aware that the odds of their phones being destroyed or
lost are considerable, I believe.
The Editors
According to experts, there are different ways to deal with failure and
improve academic performance to get back on track for future
Success and peace of mind are most likely to come our way when we
practice focused positivity.
Talk to your instructor and tutors to find out exactly where you
went wrong. If your instructor hasn’t given you specific feedback, ask
for it. Make sure you utilize posted office hours or ask for an
appointment, and come prepared with your problem assignment or
test and questions on how you might improve.
Sam Nabil
Be compassionate to yourself
It’s only natural to feel bad when you fail at something, but you also
have to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that you can
always redirect whenever you find yourself on the wrong path.
Mike Tenney
In the US, our official record starts in 9th grade. This means academic
recovery following failure is more complicated for high school
students. Not only do students need to understand the educational
content for the year, but they will also need to find a way to earn the
credits missed.
Amy Launder
Intersubjective Psychotherapist, The Awareness Centre
One method we can use to deal with academic failure can be to look
at our explanatory styles.
Our explanatory style is the way that we explain to ourselves what has
happened to us or what is happening to us. There are three
dimensions that make up our explanatory style, and our style can
differ depending on what we are trying to explain.
For example:
1. Did we not study enough?
2. Did the test ask us about something that the teacher didn’t
For example, do we believe that failing one test will change our entire
lives for the worse? Or can we compartmentalize this failure to this
one area of our lives (perhaps even to this one test) and recognize that
other parts of our lives are unaltered – our family still loves us, our
friends still want to hang out with us, and so on.
Do we believe that the failure will follow us around for the rest of
our lives?
Daniel Santos
CEO, Prepory
Failure as defeat
This is the most common reaction to academic failure: the feeling of
being defeated. It can be saddening, maddening, or downright
disappointing to fail in an academic setting.
Failure as a challenge
Every year, at least thousands of first-year college students fail to live
up to their expectations in the notorious introductory biology,
chemistry, and physics classes that serve to “weed out” pre-med
Can you work harder and do better? Are you willing and able to put in
more energy, attention, and commitment and try again?
Related: 4 Best Ways for College Students to Prepare for the Future
Failure as an opportunity
The other side of pre-med students who experience academic failure is
the experience of liberation or opportunity. In this example, some
students may come to terms with their passions, strengths, and
Maybe your parents want you to be a surgeon, and that influence
dictated your decision-making, but your private wish to yourself has
been to become a film producer or a diplomat.
Iqbal Ahmad
Most of what we learn in our lives is from failures and not success. The
ability to learn from our failures is a lifelong skill, and it’s not such a
bad thing that we develop this skill as part of our educational journey.
Avoiding negativity
I cannot agree more with Charles Swindoll’s saying that “Life is 10%
what happens to you and 90% how you react.” Nothing can change the
fact that you have already failed to achieve your desired academic
results, but your response to this outcome is all within your control.
Take some time off and allow yourself time to get over your
And with all of the rhetoric about how higher education is more
competitive than ever these days and students must excel in school
(i.e. get good grades) in order to do well in life, it’s no wonder the
experience of academic failure can affect us so heavily.
Then, the energy that was once fueling the grades’ anxiety can be
funneled into solving those problems.
A real-life example:
When I asked this student during our first meeting what he wanted to
get out of working with us, he said, “I’m not too concerned about
grades, more wanting to change mindset because carrying over to
everything in life.”
That answer opened the door for us to teach him the skills he
really needed to succeed. As I got to know him, I learned that he cared
deeply about how his grades and, by extension, how others perceived
him. But, he was open to understanding that his perceptions based on
his grades were not real and, therefore, not what actually mattered.
Strategies for planning out his work and managing his time.
And that little bit of room allowed the student to focus less of his
energy on stress about grades and more on learning the specific set of
skills he needed to give his best performance in school. And as you
can imagine, everyone in the house is now feeling much less anxious
about grades.
7. What other questions can you ask yourself about your academic
experience that could have led to this result?
Throughout our lives, there will always be setbacks. How we cope and
learn from them will determine our resilience. We all have the
capability of being resilient; we have to strengthen it like a muscle.
Every three years, any child with an IEP receives a full triennial
assessment with a psychologist and education specialist. I get plenty
of valuable information through my formal and informal assessments
of the students throughout the year, so the standardized tests are
unnecessary from a data collection point of view.
Yet so often, I would be sitting in a room with a child who was working
incredibly hard for an entire year and surpassed the individualized
education goals we had set as a team. I watch them suffer through an
assessment that completely shifts how they think about themselves
and their academic achievements.
At the beginning of the year, I share with my students the truth about
the public education system, that:
It is a work in progress,
The people who made the rules and laws did not consider the needs
of children like them. So, I explained to them about the standardized
test ahead of time.
1. I told them that it’s something that everyone has to take, even
though I didn’t think it was fair.
4. I tell them to try their best but not focus too hard on the things
that don’t make sense.
So I went with them. On the first slope, my friends all took off, and I
just toppled down the hill over and over. I told my friends to keep
going, that I would figure it out. Eventually, I was able to get my
balance and would just completely relax each time I started to take a
For example, if they are failing math, we might ask, “I noticed you have
difficulty completing your math homework.“
Jeff Mains
Moreover, students living on their own for the first time may find it
challenging to learn essential life skills such as cooking, cleaning, and
maintaining a vehicle. It is also true that kids spend less time
cultivating their social skills due to growing up in an era of endless
Your self-esteem and confidence will rise if you can take care of
yourself, your loved ones, and your assets with respect. It’s a good
idea to spend some time learning these primary talents from your
family or acquaintances.
It’s much easier to acquire these foundational life skills now when so
many helpful tools are accessible on the internet.
The beginning
But it didn’t work. Not in the beginning initially for me. Not for
another twenty-five years.
The middle
I believe my struggle with school started very early in elementary
school for two reasons. One reason was the material used (1970’s) to
teach. As a poor African American child, I could not connect. I didn’t
see myself in the material, and it wasn’t apparent.
At school, I’m thinking about how to survive, when I will eat again, and
not about multiplication or any of those early skillsets needed to
create a solid educational foundation. The bottom line is life was
brutal, and I am amazed that I survived it all.
But eventually, I graduated with the lowest GPA of 2.0 that anyone can
have to graduate. After college, I struggled for the next 25 years with
menial jobs, failed attempts at self-employment, and many psych ward
hospital stays.
The shift
I slowly pulled myself out of despair and into hope and healing. I got
better with medication. I started a career in Real Estate. I knocked it
out of the park my first year in Real Estate by listing over 63 homes.
Three years later, I studied and took the Broker Exam and became a
Real Estate Broker/Owner. Since then, I’ve taken several classes,
certifications and recently passed the four-hour exam to become a
Project Manager.
I write articles and books. I teach and train other Real Estate Agents. I
created an app for Real Estate Training. I am a local elected official. I
serve on several not-for-profit boards. I am currently studying for the
Uniform CPA exam. I am on fire!
I told myself I could do it. And, that, along with a lot of grit, is how
to overcome failure.
Claire Westbrook
They may be able to help you understand why you failed, and they
may be able to suggest ways that you can improve your grades in the
1. Take a look at your study habits and see where you might be
falling short.
Whether students face failure in the future or have already failed, they
should prioritize looking into options that can prove beneficial in the
For instance, students on the verge of failing can chat with their
instructors regarding weaknesses and how to best bring up the
grades. If bringing up the grades by the end of the term seems
unlikely, then withdrawing from and retaking courses also serves as an
After taking advantage of these services for some time, students may
feel more empowered when handling failure and approaching their
academics in such a way that they are much more likely to come out
Rohit Bimbra
Founder and CEO, Home Health Care Shoppe
Stephen Light
Co-Owner and Chief Marketing Officer, Nolah Mattress
This looks different for everybody, but things like sports, yoga, writing,
painting, meditation, biking, and more can help you step outside the
moment and process failure and the feelings that come with it in a
healthy way.
Academic failure can put a lot of stress on your mind and body, and a
healthy outlet can help relieve the pressure and remind you that
you’re worth more than this one instance of failure.
Isaac Robertson
Co-Founder, Total Shape
Change your mindset about failures
We are the ones who define our failures, so the decision of labeling
something as a ‘failure‘ lies in our own hands. Do you want to learn
new things from your failures or just get stuck in the corner with a
heart full of regrets about your failure?
Obviously, we all want to get up, but the dejection we feel during our
failures makes us think that the whole world has crashed down.
Having a fixed mindset makes you think that there is only one door
available in this whole world. So, define failures as ‘lessons for next
success‘ in your mind for dealing with temporary setbacks.
Craig Miller
It is possible that you will continue with your current path and achieve
your goal, but another option will be to travel another track that you
may be better at.
Academic failure may be the last straw you are waiting for or the sign
you have been waiting to take on a different route.
Hence, identify your losses and possible gains and choose the best
option for you.
Next up, we have a lack of motivation. When students don’t see the
relevance of what they’re learning, it can be tough for them to stay
engaged and motivated. This can be particularly true for students who
are struggling with their mental health or who are dealing with other
personal challenges.
Another factor that can contribute to students falling behind is a lack
of support from their teachers and parents. When students don’t
have someone in their corner who believes in them and is willing to
help them succeed, it can be tough for them to stay motivated and on
• Get organized: Make a to-do list, prioritize your tasks, and create a
schedule for yourself. This will help you stay on track and feel more in
• Take breaks: It’s important to step away from your work every now
and then. Go for a walk, read a book, or do something you enjoy. This
will help you recharge and return to your work with a fresh
The Editors
This leaves you in a much better position for yourself and your
Of course, our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (CBT) are relevant and
part of the process. But, they don’t get at the whole of the issues we
struggle with, which almost always involve our personalities.
From the PDM, I was taught, teach, and practice that personality
involves an in-depth understanding of someone’s mental functioning
and symptom patterns. What does that mean?
What’s an example?
You want to change the parts of you that you think need to be
changed, not just because someone else does.
Susan Scott
Certified Professional Leadership Coach and Counselor |
Founder, Life Inspired Inc
While you can’t change who you are, you can improve who you are.
You have a mixture of strengths and weaknesses. Strengths can be
built up, and weaknesses can be minimized, so you live as the best
version of your authentic self.
A confident person living and working in areas that align with their
strengths is also happier, mentally more stable, and better at
When those beliefs are triggered, we tend to retreat into our worst
selves, and our weaknesses can take over.
Are they really true or just ideas you return to over and over again
out of habit?
Beyond just the social and personal improvement that comes from
gratitude, there are also career benefits as grateful people have been
shown to invest their time and energy wisely, putting extra effort into
goals that lead to success later on.
Grateful people are also more likely to serve others, feel part of a
community, and have a stronger sense of purpose in life – all
contributing factors to improved physical health.
Gratitude is so much more than simply saying “thank you” more often;
it’s something that needs to be mindfully practiced on a regular basis
in order for there to be deep impacts in your life. Studies show that
this practice of appreciation will deepen over time, leading us to
appreciate some things more deeply each time they happen.
Since I was a very young girl, it has always fascinated me that billions
of people on the planet and only pairs of identical twins look the
same. No other two people are even remotely close in appearance or
Some people are charismatic, magnetic, and seem to glow, while many
others come across as dull, downtrodden, and just plain grumpy with
personalities like fingernails on a chalkboard. Why is this?
We are all made up of energy, and energy comes in the forms of many
different levels of vibrations. If someone seems to “have it all” in the
areas of friends, wealth, health, happiness, peace, etc., they are
described as high-vibrational beings.
Unfortunately, the Western world does not talk about how to raise
those frequencies tactically, but the good news is it is possible.
white flour
Once we can choose a path of bravery and face the hurt, it makes us
happier, lighter, and again, vibrate on higher frequencies.
Gratitude is ten times more powerful than any other emotion and
ignites the entire universe to start working in your favor. It is easy to
do, and it is effective. We can always find something to be grateful
The bottom line is if you want to improve your personality, you can do
this by adding a variety of rituals into your life that elevate your
frequency, so from the inside out, you glow and exhibit a more
tolerable persona.
These feelings can often be expressed by taking it out on the people
around us, but getting to the root of them is vital if we are ever going
to change our behavior. That’s why self-reflection and self-
understanding are so crucial.
Ryan Hsu
Founder, CareMax
Be patient.
Be willing to experiment.
Trying new things is essential if you want to change your
personality. If something doesn’t work, don’t be afraid to try
something else.
Anthony Martin
Bridget Chebo
For example, if you discover you are perceived as rigid, you may
decide you want to become more open. Write down your goal in a
notebook or journal, and then think about tactics and strategies for
becoming more open.
Do some research on the topic, and set some small goals such. In the
example of being more open, this can be as simple as trying
something new, listening to a podcast that has a different perspective
than your own, talk less and listen more.
Michael Humphreys
There are many ways to improve your personality, but here are three
essential things that we believe can yield excellent results:
Isaac Robertson
Co-Founder and Chief Editor, Total Shape
Many people feel that our personality is fixed and we can’t do
anything about it. But that’s a total lie! We can revamp our whole
personality and rewrite our behaviors or manners. Our personality can
be improved for the better, increasing our quality of life and boosting
our self-esteem.
Harriet Chan
Co-founder, CocoFinder
Smile more
Exercise wittiness
You become more fun when you have an ice-breaking sense of humor
or can humorously make light of terrible situations. People will want
to stay around you more if you can make them laugh or create a
funny perspective from the regular life activities.
Being serious and sober-minded all the time becomes unexciting. A
charming personality can be created by being witty and using that
trait appropriately.
Exhibit adaptability
To be adaptable means that you change with time and are not stuck in
your ways. It means you are flexible and willing to try new ideas and
practices. Being dynamic brings about an infectious, attractive, and
bright personality. It makes you spontaneous, meaning you do not
plan every bit of your life down to the last.
• Positivity: A positive attitude not only uplifts your own mood but
also has a contagious effect on others, creating a supportive and
optimistic environment.
The Editors
If you cannot change the situation, use the lessons learned and the
ideas gained to help you change how you think about it. Asking
yourself how you can grow from this experience will help you embrace
challenges while creating a growth mindset.
When that interplay has left us cynical about life or excessively self-
critical, our spontaneous thoughts are often pessimistic
and dysfunctional—causing distress without inspiring constructive
When such thoughts linger in the spotlight of our attention and infuse
our self-talk, our self-assertion becomes inhibited. Thus, our peace of
mind is disrupted even though these ideas are almost always
incomplete, unreasonable, or completely wrong.
We can become less of a pessimist and improve our outcomes and
state of mind—by identifying and shifting our attention to
reasonable alternative ideas that are more likely to inspire
constructive action or hope.
Whatever the outcome of my efforts, I’ll know that I tried, and I’ll
find some way to survive and carry on.
The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice
Juan Santos M.S., CRC, LCMHC
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor | Owner, Santos
Counseling PLLC
A person can typically engage in two types of mindsets. One is
optimistic, and the other is pessimistic. Optimistic thinking occurs
when a person engages in thoughts that focus on the positives.
To stop being pessimistic, you can create a circle of peers that hold the
same goal. Treat this circle of peers like an organization you have to
meet with on a structured schedule. Try to meet with the group one to
two times a month.
Create venues to stop being pessimistic and start growing in the area
of optimism. Ways to do this include:
Seek the company of people who bring out the best in you
Author, “The Awe Factor: How a Little Bit of Wonder Can Make a
Big Difference in Your Life”
It’s not always easy staying positive in an often negative world.
However, it is possible, especially if you do these three simple things:
Those might include the more significant things like your friends,
family, or acquaintances, your health, and your work. Or, it might be
the more minor things like the penny you found on the street, a
beautiful flower you saw, or a child’s laughter you heard as you passed
a playground.
Start keeping a daily list of those things. Even if you just write down
one a day for which you are grateful. It can help open the door to
being more optimistic by putting them in the foreground and your
pessimism in the background.
Let go of your grudge towards someone or
Carrying around a grudge toward someone or something is like
having around a 10-pound sack of potatoes. It’s heavy, wears you out,
and prevents you from fully enjoying your life. Put it down; let it go.
Mia Hewett
When you learned you couldn’t trust other people, and you believed
that you were only safe if you were not reliant on anyone else. You
start to subconsciously engage in avoidance strategies and predict
that something bad will come from your actions.
Understand what caused you to feel afraid and
You have been taught that to be more positive you just need to try
harder, find inner self-motivation and stop thinking too much! The
pessimistic voice in your head is telling you that there is no point,
so stop that voice and start believing that you are capable and the
world is full of opportunity.
Now I am not saying this will not help for a day or a week, but to
permanently silence the pessimistic voice in your head, you must first
understand what caused you to feel afraid and self-sabotage. Think the
best, not the worst, about a situation and what will happen if you
choose to operate within that space.
Are you worried about what other people think of you or your
Joann Perahia
Career Assessment Coach | Business Consultant, Systemic
Solutions Inc.
Our purpose is the talents and gifts we are born with; those
gifts/talents are what we are supposed to give to other people. Think
about how you feel when you give a physical gift to a person and see
them smile. Once we feel we have a purpose, we instinctively become
more positive.
We all are born with talents and gifts; we just have never been shown
what they are for whatever reasons.
1. Focus on all the good things in your life. We all have them, no
matter what. List them out—one at a time.
6. Meditate – there are apps that teach you. Five minutes a day is
Being pessimistic means that you believe that evil is greater than
good, and that evil can happen again.
Gratitude is a powerful tool that can make you feel good even when
you are distrustful. By intentionally practicing gratitude, you can learn
how to stop being pessimistic and become more positive in life.
Listening to podcasts
But a bad experience is a synonym that does not affect your whole life.
Face reality, learn from experience, and refuse to influence the past,
present, and future.
Many times we may find that hard to accept. If many people tell you
repeatedly you’re “negative” or “heavy“, chances are you are
pessimistic. Or maybe you’re misunderstood. Either way, I believe it’s
something to explore in yourself, for yourself.
Jod Kapilakan
Being pessimistic means not having joy and happiness for ourselves
and others. The lack of hope, appreciation, and positivity leads to such
an attitude.
Cat Howell
“I thank this thought for giving me clarity. I want to see a world where
everything is always working out for me. I know that this is a possibility
and that I have the power to change things that aren’t feeling good to
me anymore.”
Practicing gratitude also helps shift our perception of the things that
are going well in our lives. By spending some time each day coming
back to our breath and thinking about everything in our life that we
are grateful for, we can shift our negative perceptions to be more
optimistic and empowering.
Catherine Nikkel
Those who are pessimistic can come across as having a lack of distrust
in everything and everyone, they lack belief in themselves and others,
and they are commonly referred to as “those who see the glass half
Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help reverse that way
of thinking. These changes won’t happen overnight, and for most, it will
feel like an uphill battle. However, the journey to creating these new
habits is worth it.
Focus on seeing the possibilities
One of the most evident things about pessimists is that they see the
impossibilities instead of the possibilities. They see perceived obstacles
or difficulties instead of finding solutions.
Dean Kaplan
At the same time, blind optimism is not the answer, as this can lead
to not properly evaluating risks and placing your plans in jeopardy.
Don’t expect to win 100 percent of the time
Even top athletes don’t expect to win every match they play in.
Pessimists tend to exaggerate problems, worry about unlikely threats,
and feel defeated in the face of obstacles.
Learn to see the positive side of things and talk about the
opportunities and possibilities in front of you.
So be optimistic, believe in yourself and your journey, and you will see
that that life can be wonderful in surprising ways.
Amber Theurer
Adam Shlomi
Founder, SoFlo Tutors
Our neural connections impact how we view the world around us, so
leading your mind towards something positive can help distract you
from the negatives and start finding solutions for moving forward.
I chose to use my time on bed rest to focus on something I enjoyed
and used my experience to build my view of the future, which led me
to establish my business and find my passion.
Founder, Adaptable Mama
I used to be one. Until I started doing the following:
Look for more people who have a more positive outlook in life
and stop befriending those who will bring you down.
Michelle Devani
Founder, lovedevani
Circulate positive thinking for your nightmares
and hurdles
Most of the sayings are true that the more you get older, the more
you want something that exceeds your expectations. Thus, most of us
wish to bring ourselves back from the past and hope to remain as a
child wherein there are no worries and struggles about what tomorrow
It was all about pure happiness without pessimism. However, life is just
like that. We cannot control it, and all we have to do is embody that
That’s why it’s essential to unleash yourself from the dark. Circulate
positive thinking for your nightmares and hurdles.
Stop overthinking
Next, stop overthinking, which brings you more stress. Sometimes
overthinking makes someone have difficulties with their sleep and life
interpretations, which leads to pessimism.
Therefore, try to listen to music and distract yourself from new activities
that will benefit you. It could be exercise, art crafts, cooking, and more.
Limit your trust issues and have someone to
vent out on
Lastly, limit your trust issues and have someone to vent out on what’s
on your mind. It helps you feel lighter and drives you to better
ideas. Remember, you are not alone with your battles, so make it
April Maccario
Founder, AskApril
Optimists and pessimists coexist in the workplace. If you’re asked who
you’ll go to, I’m betting the optimistic individual will get the most
Ian Sells
For example, you’re given by a boss you look up to with a task. You
begin anticipating that things will turn out badly, start catastrophizing,
or measure yourself up to really high standards.
Sally Stevens
Pessimism doesn’t arise from having bad days or simply getting
disappointed. More than anything, pessimism is a state of mind where
one constantly views things from a negative point.
Being a pessimist can suck the soul out of everything within your
immediate environment. This means that your workmates, family, and
friends will be affected in one way or the other by your negative views
all the time.
An outlet that allows you to vent your feelings onto an object should
always be within your plan. Taking up boxing, painting, long hikes, or
anything that will enable you to burn off the energy is quite important.
Richard Lubicky
Lynda Fairly
Co-founder, Numlooker
The cold and sometimes harsh emotional environment makes it very
hard to keep things in perspective, especially if you have a pessimistic
disposition. While this may seem impossible for some people, it’s
often possible with time and practice.
But let’s be honest, because we’re not all made of sunshine and
rainbows — some days just make it more difficult than others.
Sometimes, your outlook is so bad that it’s hard to keep from getting
frustrated when you don’t get the attention you crave or the
confidence you deserve.
Your outlook will make a big difference in how you act toward others
and how successful your life will be, so don’t be afraid of mistaking
pessimism for realism.
We’ve all been there — when you think that the world has ended, you
start making a list of all the things that could go wrong and then
constantly add more things to it. It’s a problem we can all learn from.
Tim White
It not only helps you to notice them and be able to go back to the
feeling of that moment, but it helps you to process your feelings at the
moment and relish them.
If you get in the habit of doing this, these memories will stay sharper
and clearer, and you can look forward with optimism towards your
next win!
Matt Woods
For instance, if you had a particular sales goal for the past month and
did not reach it, you can look back at your marketing analytics to
determine what strategies to eliminate and which to capitalize on
Remember, change takes time, but with consistent effort, you can
develop a more optimistic outlook on life.
The Editors
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