Termostato Bacnet TB3026B

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BACnet® Fixed Function Thermostat



Honeywell’s BACnet® Fixed Function Thermostat, BACnet
FF, is a configurable device with 19 pre-loaded
applications. The thermostat is a communicating,
intelligent sensor-controller combination with built-in
temperature and humidity sensors used to control
systems such as roof top units, fan-coil units and heat
pumps. The thermostat communicates over an MS/TP
LAN so it operates as a fully-functioning BACnet
controller and easily integrates with the building
automation system. The two available models are
TB3026B and TB3026B-W, which includes a wireless
sensor option.

When Installing this Product...
Dimensions 1. Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow
The Fixed Function Thermostat consists of a mounting them could damage the product or cause a
plate and a circuit board with a plastic cover. hazardous condition.
2. Check ratings given in instructions and on the
product to ensure the product is suitable for the
3. Installer must be a trained, experienced service
4. After installation is complete, check out product
operation as provided in these instructions.

If this control is replacing a control that contains
mercury in a sealed tube, do not place your old
control in the trash. Dispose of properly.

Contact your local waste management authority

for instructions regarding recycling and the proper
disposal of an old control. If you have questions,
contact Honeywell Customer Care Center.

Fig. 1. Fixed Function Thermostat dimensions. CAUTION

Electrical Shock or Equipment Damage Hazard.
Can shock individuals or short equipment
Disconnect power supply before installation.


Do not install the thermostat where it can be affected by:
— drafts or dead spots behind doors and in corners.
— hot or cold air from ducts.
— radiant heat from sun or appliances.
— concealed pipes and chimneys.
— unheated (uncooled) areas such as an outside wall
behind the thermostat.

To avoid electrical interference, which can cause
erratic performances, keep wiring runs as short as
possible and do not run thermostat wires adjacent
to the line voltage electrical distribution systems.
Use shielded cable. The cable shield must be
grounded only at the controlled equipment case.


Install the thermostat about 4 ft. (1.2m) above the floor in Fig. 3. Wallplate dimensions.
an area with good air circulation at average temperature.
(See Fig. 2.) Confirm mounting height meets Americans Wiring the Wallplate
with Disabilities Act requirements.
All wiring must comply with local electrical codes
When using the remote-mounted temperature (and
and ordinances.
humidity) sensor(s) to sense ambient conditions, install
the thermostat in an area that is accessible for setting and NOTE: Maximum (and recommended) wire size is 18-
adjusting the temperature and settings. gauge. Do not use wire smaller than 22-gauge.

Follow equipment manufacturer wiring instructions when

available. A letter code is located near each terminal for

Power must not be connected while wiring.
(1.2 METERS)
Wiring a unit that is powered may result in
electrical shock and/or equipment damage.

1. Connect wires to the terminal blocks. See Fig. 4 for

terminal assignments and Table 1 for terminal
2. Securely tighten each screw.
3. Push excess wire back into the hole.
Fig. 2. Typical location of thermostat
4. Plug the hole with non-flammable insulation to pre-
or remote-mounted sensor.
vent drafts from affecting the Fixed Function Ther-
Mounting Wallplate 5. Check for loose or frayed wire that may cause a short.
The thermostat can be mounted horizontally on the wall or
on a 4 in. x 2 in. (101.6 mm x 50.8 mm) wiring box.
BO-5 20 24VAC = HOT
BO-4 19 24VAC
1. Position and level the wallplate (for appearance only). BO-3 18 3 BO-0
2. Use a pencil to mark the mounting holes (see Fig. 3).
3. Drill two pilot holes in the wall, on the marks. For dry- BO-2 17 4 BO-1
wall, drill 3/16-in. holes. For firmer material such as GND 16 5 GND = NEUTRAL
plaster, drill 7/32-in. holes. Gently tap anchors (pro- AO-0 15 6 AI/BI-0
vided) into the pilot holes until flush with the wall. COM 14 7 COM
4. Pull the wires through the wiring opening, and posi-
tion the wallplate over the mounting holes. AO-1 13 8 AI/BI-1
5. Insert the screws into the holes and tighten. MS TP 12 9 COM
MS TP 11 10 AI/BI-2


Fig. 4. Fixed Function Thermostat terminal


31-00093—03 2

WARNING Table 2. MS/TP LAN Facts.

Do not apply line voltage to source pins.
Transmission 9.6, 19.2, 38.4, 76.8Kbps (configured at
A jumper is pre-installed between pins 1 and 2. The speed global controller).
jumper supplies 24 VAC to BO-1, BO-3, and BO-4 relays. It
can be removed if those BOs are powered from an external Layout Bus (daisy chain).
source. (Note: BO-0, BO-2, and BO-5 relays are powered Cabling BACnet specifies the following. Shielded,
from terminal 1.) twisted-pair cabling with characteristic
impedance between 100 and 130W.
See BACnet Fixed Function Thermostat System Distributed capacitance between
Engineering Guide (31-00098) for typical wiring conductors must be less than 30 pF/foot
examples. (100 pF/m). Distributed capacitance
between conductor and shield must be
Table 1. Terminal Identification. less than 60 pF/foot (200 pF/m). Foil or
braided shield acceptable.
Terminal Label Connection Segment 4000 ft. (1071 m.) per segment using
1 24VAC 24 VAC Power length recommended wire.
2 RELAY 24VAC 24 VAC Power Maximum Depends on classification of devices as
3 BO0 Relay Output devices master or slave. Maximum number of
overall master devices is 128. Maximum number
4 BO1 Relay Output of slave devices or devices overall (mixed
5 GND Ground master and slave) is 255. This includes
BACnet FFs, BACnet global controllers (all
6 AI0 Universal Input are considered masters) and any other
7 COM Common devices, regardless of their relative unit
8 AI1 Universal Input loads.
9 COM Common Maximum Depends on relative unit load of devices
devices per (see “Terminating MS/TP LAN Cabling” on
10 AI2 Universal Input segment page 3).
11 MS/TP - BACnet ® Communications Repeaters Required when making runs longer than
12 MS/TP + BACnet ® Communications 4000 ft. Three repeaters maximum
between any two devices.
13 AO1 Analog Output
Terminating Matched resistors required at each end of
14 COM Common resistors segment bus wired across (+) and (–). Use
15 AO0 Analog Output matched precision resistors rated |
16 GND Ground 1/4 W ±1% / 80 - 130 Ohms.
17 BO2 Relay Output Shield Ground shield drain wire at single point
grounding earth (panel) ground, not BACnet FF
18 BO3 Relay Output ground. Tape off shield drain wire at other
19 BO4 Relay Output end. Tie shield drain wire through at each
BACnet FF.
20 BO5 Relay Output

Terminating MS/TP LAN Cabling

MS/TP LAN Wiring MS/TP terminations are located on the lower left of the
The BACnet FF communicates on the site-wide BACnet BACnet FF wallplate.
system over a twisted-pair MS/TP LAN, which uses the
EIA–485 signaling standard. The BACnet FFs are master Maintain polarity of the MS/TP wire run throughout the
devices on the MS/TP LAN. MS/TP LAN.

Each BACnet FF employs a high-quality EIA–485 Grounding the MS/TP LAN Shield
transceiver and exerts 1/4 unit load on the MS/TP LAN.
Proper shield grounding of the MS/TP cabling can help
minimize the risk of communications problems and
damage to equipment because of transient voltage spikes
(for example, lightning strikes).

Follow these guidelines for grounding MS/TP cable

• Each MS/TP segment should have a single point of
shield ground, preferably as close to the middle of the
cabling run as possible.
• Do not ground the MS/TP shield using a BACnet FF

3 31-00093—03

• Never ground both ends of a shield; differences in

potential between the grounds may induce current on
the shield, causing interference. WALL

• At termination connecting points, tie the shield through

with a wire nut.
• At ungrounded, exposed shield points (the end of a
segment), tape back the shield to the wire jacket or, for
optimum transient shunting, use 100V gas discharge
tubes or 120V MOVs between shield and ground.

Terminating Resistors
Matched terminating resistors wired across MS/TP+ and
MS/TP– are required at the last device on each end of the
MS/TP segment for signal integrity (Fig. 5).

Optimum segment performance typically requires

“tuning,” a process by which the value of the terminating
resistors is selected based on the wave form of signals on
the segment. View wave forms using an industrial scope
meter. The goal is to have as square a wave form as

possible with an amplitude greater than 200 mV. Resistors
affect the wave form as follows:
• When the resistance value decreases, the amplitude of M19919
the wave form decreases and becomes more square.
• When the resistance value increases, the amplitude of
the wave form increases and becomes less square. Fig. 6. Thermostat mounting.

Typically, precision resistors in the range 80-130 Ohms NOTE: To remove the thermostat from the wall, first pull
(+1%) yield acceptable results. Ideally, the value of the out at the bottom of the thermostat; then remove
terminating resistors should match the rated the top.
characteristic impedance of the installed cable. For
example, if the installed MS/TP cable has a listed
characteristic impedance of 100 Ohm, install 100 Ohm CONFIGURATION
matched precision resistors.
Once the BACnet FF is mounted and wired, it can be
configured using the local touchscreen and a
Do not mismatch terminating resistors.
configuration wizard using Niagara Framework® software.
When using the software, BACnet data is transmitted to
Ensure that both resistors on a segment have the and from the device and building management system
same value. using analog values (AVs) and binary values (BVs).
Listings of these AVs and BVs can be found in their
NOTE: Typically, White is Data - and Black is Data +. entirety in the BACnet Fixed Function Thermostat System
Engineering Guide (31-00098) and a limited listing can be
found on page 6.

Adjusting the Date and Time

When the controller is first powered up, the date and time
might need to be set. These are set at the factory, but the
on-board power supply may have run down. If this
happens, adjust the date and time.

Fig. 5. Terminating resistor detail. TO ADJUST THE TIME

1. Touch Clock at the bottom of the screen.
2. Use the arrows to adjust the year, month, and day.
Mounting Thermostat to Wallplate 3. Press DONE.
1. Align the terminal screw blocks with the pins on the 4. Adjust the time and press DONE.
back of the thermostat.
2. Push the thermostat straight onto the wallplate. Setting the MAC Address and
Device Instance
The MS/TP MAC address for each device must be set to a
unique value in the range of 0-127 on an MS/TP network
segment. The MAC address is set using the installer setup
menu through the device’s display. The factory default
MAC address is 0.

31-00093—03 4

The Device Instance Number must be unique across the

entire BACnet system network because it is used to
uniquely identify the BACnet devices. It may be used to
conveniently identify the BACnet device from other
devices during installation. The Device Instance Number
is set using the installer setup menu through the device’s
display or over the BACnet network. The Device Instance
Number can be changed by the user, which may be
necessary when integrating with a third party or when
attempting to replace an existing device and it is desired
to maintain the existing Device Instance Number. The
factory default Device Instance Number is 0009999 and
can range from 0-4194302.

NOTE: The device instance can also be set over the

BACnet network.


1. From the home screen, press SYSTEM (left side of
the screen). Five blank touch keys will appear at the
bottom of the screen.
2. Press and hold the two blank keys on either side of
the center key for approximately five seconds (see
Fig. 7). Fig. 8. ISU screen.

3. Use the down arrow next to the installer setup code

to advance to ISU code 800.
4. Use the up and down arrows next to the current set-
ting to set ISU code 800 (MAC address) to a value
between 0 and 127.
Inside Set To
NOTE: Set ISU code 801 (first digit of device
instance) to a value between 0 and 4.
HEAT 5. The device instance is set by entering values in four
OFF separate ISU codes. See example on page 5.
6. Set ISU code 802 (second and third digits of device
instance) to a value between 00 and 99.
7. Set ISU code 803 (fourth and fifth digits of device
instance) to a value between 00 and 99.
8. Set ISU code 804 (sixth and seventh digits of device
instance) to a value between 0 and 99.
9. Press Done to exit installer setup.
For example, if the MAC address is 15 and the device
instance to 1876, use these settings:

Fig. 7. Entering ISU mode. 15 0 00 18 76

800 801 802 803 804
The installer setup (ISU) screen appears. An ISU code is
displayed in the lower left. It is a four-digit code beginning
with zero. The current setting is displayed in the lower
right. Fig. 9. Setup codes and device configuration.

Installer Setup (ISU) Codes

Installer setup mode provides access to functions specific
to installation of a BACnet FF. Some BACnet FF
configuration parameters can be altered from the ISU
screens. The ISU parameters can also be accessed via

A password (PIN) can be required to access ISU mode by

setting AV-133 to a non-zero, four-digit number.

5 31-00093—03

For a complete application configuration guide, refer to 3. If a password (PIN) code is required, use the top
the BACnet Fixed Function Thermostat System arrows to select the first two digits of the code and
Engineering Guide (31-00098) and WEBs-AX the bottom arrows to select the third and fourth dig-
Configuration Guide (31-00097) its of the code, and then press DONE.


1. From the home screen, press SYSTEM (left side of 4. Use the arrows to select parameters and values. See
the screen). Five blank touch keys will appear at the Table 3 for details.
bottom of the screen. 5. Press DONE.
2. Press and hold the two blank keys on either side of
the center key for approximately five seconds (see NOTE: After five minutes of inactivity, the ISU
Fig. 7). screen reverts to the main screen.

Table 3. ISU Parameters.

ISU Parameter Code Description Allowed Values
120 Year, first 2 digits 19-21
130 Year, second 2 digits 00-99 (00-54 if ISU 200=21)
140 Month 1-12
150 Day 1-31
160 Schedule format BV-133 0 – not programmable (BV-133=0) 4 – 7 day programmable (BV-133=1)
280 Backlight control BV-79 0 – on for 20 seconds after keypress
1 – low always on, bright after keypress
320 Swap English/Metric BV-69 1 – show opposite units to specified in DDC header
330 Daylight saving 0 – off; no automatic adjustments
AV-127 1 – pre 2007 scheme
2 – 2007 and later scheme
500 Filter change reminder 0 – reminder not used
AV-124 1 – 10 days
2 – 30 days
3 – 60 days
4 – 90 days
5 – 120 days
6 – 365 days
510 Hum pad change reminder 0 – reminder not used
AV-125 1 – 90 days
2 – 180 days
3 – 365 days
520 UV lamp change reminder 0 – reminder not used
AV-126 1 – 365 days
540 Program periods 2 – Wake/Sleep
AV-129 4 – Wake/Leave/Return/Sleep
640 Clock format 12 – 12 hour (BV-83=0)
BV-83 24 – 24 hour (BV-83=1)
670 Keypad lock 0 – no lock
AV-128 1 – access temperature settings only
2 – fully locked
700 Sensed room temperature offset (AV-138) -4 to +4 degrees F
701 Sensed room humidity offset (AV-139) -5% TO +5%
Humidity cannot be adjusted above 100% or below 0%.
702 Sensed outside air temperature offset (AV-140) -4 to +4 degrees F
703 Sensed outside humidity offset (AV-141) -5% TO +5%
Humidity cannot be adjusted above 100% or below 0%.
800 MS/TP MAC 0-127

31-00093—03 6

Table 3. ISU Parameters.

ISU Parameter Code Description Allowed Values
801 BACnet Device Instance - first digit 0-4
802 BACnet Device Instance second and third digits 00-99
803 BACnet Device Instance forth and fifth digits 00-99
804 BACnet Device Instance sixth and seventh digits 00-99

Pairing a Sensor to a Wireless NOTE: Pairing times out after 10 seconds of no

pairing activity.
BACnet FF (TB3026B-W Only)
5. Verify that the BACnet FF and sensor successfully
BACnet FFs and sensors ship unpaired, verified by two paired.
dashes in the Sensor Status field on the BACnet FF’s Paired = sensor status is displayed, replacing --.
Wireless Sensor Setup screen. To pair them, issue a pairing Timed out = RESET is displayed and sensor status
command from the BACnet FF and then activate the is --.

Accessed from Field Service Mode (See “Field Service

Mode” on page 7), the BACnet FF’s Wireless Sensor Setup
Mode includes diagnostic screens for configuration and
checkout of associated sensors. With :UC displayed in
Field Service Mode, press the blank key (blank area) just to
the left of the blank center key, and then press the down
arrow key next to the :UC parameter.

Door/window sensors may be paired to any available

sensor number in the range 1-8. When cycling through
sensor numbers on the Wireless Sensor Setup screen,
unpaired sensor numbers show a status of --. Fig. 11. Door sensor number 1 paired and in closed
PIR sensors may be paired to any available sensor number
1. While viewing any sensor status screen while pairing
is not taking place, press the blank key to the left of
2. Press the blank key to the right of DONE.
The sensor status field displays --, indicating


Fixed Field Service Codes
Field service mode enables technicians to query and
Fig. 10. Wireless Sensor Setup screen. command key operating variables in the BACnet FF while
at the BACnet FF touchscreen. A technician presses a
TO PAIR A SENSOR TO A BACNET FF particular key sequence at the BACnet FF to enter field
1. Make sure the battery is installed and activated in service mode. In field service mode a technician uses the
the sensor. left arrows to scroll through data codes and the right
2. If the sensor is a door/window switch, align the mag- arrows to change the value associated with a code.
net so that the sensor is in the closed position. If the
sensor is a PIR sensor, cover the PIR. The lower left of the LCD shows the two-digit data code
and the main area displays the data value. A pre-defined
IMPORTANT list of data codes is available within the description of
Verify that the sliding door/window contact is each application. See BACnet Fixed Function Thermostat
closed and cover all other PIRs to prevent interfer- System Engineering Guide (31-00098) for the complete
ence during the pairing process. list of setup codes.
3. On the BACnet FF select the sensor to pair and then Users can be denied access to field service mode by
press Reset. The RESET key disappears and WAIT is setting BV-68 to ON. A password can also be required to
displayed indicating that the BACnet FF is waiting to enter field service mode by setting AV-132 to the desired
pair the sensor with the next device that receives a PIN.
radio signal.
4. Activate the sensor to be paired. Field service mode ends automatically if there is no key
activity for five minutes.

7 31-00093—03

Setting Field Service Codes Max. Load = 89VA (all BOs ON).
If BO power jumper is not removed, then all BOs are pow-
To set field service codes ered from the controller’s transformer.
1. From the home screen, press SYSTEM. Five blank Minimum load includes controller and analog outputs at
touch keys will appear at the bottom of the screen. full load (20mA into 500 Ohms).
2. Press and hold the center bottom key for approxi- All BOs are N.O. (Normally Open) contacts with a maxi-
mately five seconds (see Fig. 12). mum switch rating of 24VAC @ 0.5A (12VA).
Maximum load assumes all 6 relay output loads are pow-
ered from the controller transformer and connected
loads are the maximum allowed (24VAC @ 0.5A). Actual
power requirements depend on connected loads.


Wireless Receiver (TB3026B-W only)
433.92 Mhz; range is 50 feet.
Schedule Inputs
3 universal inputs with 12-bit accuracy, providing con-
trolled voltage, current and resistive modes. Requires a
10k type 2 thermistor when using remote sensors.

Internal Sensors
1 internal temperature sensor, 0–120 deg. F (-17.8–48.9
deg. C); 1 internal humidity, 5–95% RH, non-condens-

Relay Outputs
Fig. 12. Entering Field Service mode. 6 relay outputs; normally open contacts with a maximum
3. The field service screen appears. switch rating of 24VAC @ 0.5A (12VA). BO-0, BO-2 and
BO-5 are powered from the controller transformer. BO-
NOTE: If a password is required, use the top arrows 1, BO-3 and BO-4 are powered from control trans-
to select the first two digits of the code and former through removable jumper, allowing these BOs
the bottom arrows to select the third and to be powered from a separate power source.
fourth digits of the code, and then press
DONE. Universal Analog Outputs
2 outputs with 12-bit resolution. Each auto-detects for 0–
4. Press the left up or down arrows until the desired 10VDC or 4–20mA. 4–20mA outputs are sourced by the
code appears. BACnet FF. Connected loads must return to the BACnet
5. Press the right up or down arrows to adjust the value FF ground. The BACnet FF automatically switches from
associated with the code. 0–10V mode to 4–20mA current mode when it detects a
6. Press the left up or down arrows to accept the load value of less than 500 Ohms.
change and scroll to a different code.
7. Press DONE to exit field service mode. Processor & Memory
Powerful 32-bit processor with extensive flash memory
and RAM resources. Flash memory provides nonvola-
TECHNICAL DATA tile program and data storage, and allows for encrypted
updates to the program for future product enhance-
24VAC power from a UL Listed Class-2 24VAC transformer Environmental
(not provided). The BACnet FF uses a half-wave rectifier Residential, commercial and light-industrial environ-
to convert the AC power supply to onboard power. This ments. 0–120 deg. F (-17–49 deg. C). 0–95% RH, non-
enables multiple devices with half-wave power supplies condensing.
to be powered from a single, grounded transformer.
BACnet MS/TP LAN up to 76.8Kbps.
WARNING NOTE: MS/TP is Master Slave/Token Passing.
Half wave devices and full wave devices must not
use the same AC transformer. You must maintain Ratings
wiring polarity. Failure to do so can result in Listed Underwriters Laboratory for Open Energy Manage-
equipment damage. ment Equipment (PAZX) under the UL Standard for
If the HVAC equipment has an internal circuit Safety 916; listing includes both U.S. and Canadian
board that is powered by the same transformer that certification.
will power the BACnet FF, verify that it is NOT full EMC Directive (European CE Mark) EN 60950
wave. (TB30326B-W model only).
FCC Part 15, Class B.
Min. Load = 17VA (all BOs OFF).

31-00093—03 8

Accessories • BACnet Fixed Function Thermostat Product Data

50037735-001 Wireless door/window sensor (Form No. 31-00096)
50037736-001 Wireless passive infrared (PIR) motion • BACnet Fixed Function Thermostat WEBs-AX
sensor. Configuration Wizard Guide (Form No. 31-00097)
• BACnet Fixed Function Thermostat System
More Information Engineering Guide (Form No. 31-00098)
To learn more about these products, visit

9 31-00093—03

31-00093—03 10

11 31-00093—03

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Automation and Control Solutions

Honeywell International Inc.
1985 Douglas Drive North
® U.S. Registered Trademark
Golden Valley, MN 55422 © 2016 Honeywell International Inc.
31-00093—03 M.S. Rev. 07-16
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