Vigilance Darkness & Light

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Darkness and Light

Written by: Charles Rice

Cover and Interior Art by: William Hammock

Copyright 2002© Charles Rice

Playtesters: Corey Hodges, Edward J. Lennon, Paula Rice

Version: 1.01


Darkness and Light is a character sourcebook for Vigilance, SuperHero d20. Inside you
will find Villains, Heroes, and those in between. Some Villains found here may yet be
claimed from the darkness and brought back into the light by the intrepid hero. Included
with each character are adventure hooks, along with general advice for using the
characters in your campaign. Many of these characters have relationships with each
other, further allowing the GM to build whole campaigns around the adventure hooks,
with one character leading the players to others.

SRD and the OGL

This adventure was created using the System Reference Document (SRD) released
under the Open Gaming License (OGL) by Wizards of the Coast®. This adventure
requires the Player’s Handbook 3rd Edition, Published by Wizards of the Coast® to play.
All portions of this document derived from the SRD are Open Content. The entire
Adversaries chapter, NightCity, New Millennium Mall, and Vigilance are always Product
Identity, as are any other portions of this product not derived from the SRD.

Tell us what you think!

Vigilance needs your support. If there is anything in the game that you think needs to
be changed, anything that should be there, or should not be there, let us know! We
want to be your source for Superheroic adventuring under the d20 system, and strive to
be as universal as possible. Upcoming Vigilance Press products will expand on this
theme, giving you new options to explore. That said, what we do and when we do it will
depend heavily on your input. Drop me a line at any time.
Also, check out a very nice campaign site, with information on how one team handled
Mayhem at:

Chapter 1: Adversaries&Allies
Origin: Advanced Training
Class/Level: Brick/5
Resources: +4 (+4 Profession)
Contacts: Omega, Santorino Mafia Family,
The Tong
Initiative: +3
Def (Flat-Footed): 21 (17 Flat-Footed)
HD (VP): 5d10 +15 (54 VP)
WP: 19 (17 Con, +2 Brick)
BAB: +5
Melee: +8 (+15 with Axe)
Saves: +7 Fort, +4 Ref, +1 Will
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 10,
Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills: Profession (Arsonist) +8, Climb +5,
Intimidate +4
Feats: Brawling (Attack: 1d6 HTH),
WeaponMaster- Axe (+2 to hit and damage), Enhanced Str (+2 Str), Loner
Unique Item: Fireman’s Axe (Base Damage 1d8, +5 Enhancement Bonus to hit and
Armor: Physical DR 7
Energy Resistance: Energy DR 10
Life Support
Air Supply: 110 minutes
Disadvantages: Enemy: NCPD (DSR 5), Code: Pyromaniac (DSR 3), Secret Identity
(DSR 1)

Background get in a lot of trouble for indulging his

There are some things in this world you love of fire, so Darrel learned how to be
just can’t deny. Love. Passion. Hatred. careful. His proudest moment as a
Fire. Darrel Hooper always loved fire. young man was standing in the parking
Loved staring at it, feeling its heat, lot of his school, watching it burn to the
watching it spiral out of control. He also ground. A horrible accident the police
learned from an early age that he could said, water heater started a fire among

some old yearbooks. No one would feel sympathy for Darrel and want to get
ever admit to storing the old yearbooks him help? BackDraft also makes a
that close to the dangerous heater, but great “filler” Villain for an adventure. He
the police surmised that it was the old could appear in virtually any kind of
janitor, afraid he would get in trouble if adventure, as he isn’t picky about the
he talked. No one suspected Darrel. jobs he takes, as long as they allow him
Fire has followed Darrel Hooper all his to indulge his pyromania. For instance,
life. All the way to his current job as if you were running the free adventure
NCFD’s lead arson investigator. He Mayhem, McCade could have hired
takes arson jobs for various Mob clients BackDraft to set firebombs on a timer, to
as BackDraft, then frames enemies of cover his escape if things went badly.
those same families as Darrel Hooper.
Unknown to his clients, he’s not in it for Adventure Hooks
the money at all, and his dark desires Hot Jazz, Cold Blood: The PCs are
grow every day. With the new fireproof invited to attend a gala in honor of some
coat given him by his mob employers, heroic deed or other at the Skyline
Darrel can now safely stay behind, Social Club. Suddenly, smoke begins to
surrounded by the raging glow of the fill the club, the smoke alarms and
flames, the cacophony of his victims’ sprinkler systems have failed, and the
screams. No one suspects that Darrel panicked guests find that all the exits
and BackDraft are the same person. have been sealed, blocked from the
His life is a house of cards, a outside. But the fire is just a cover.
respectable facade that he can’t wait to BackDraft is there to kill one of the
watch burn down. Secretly, his patrons. As the panic gets worse, he
fantasies have turned to his wife, his will emerge from the smoke, axe ready
children, his home, and try as he might, to kill his target, using the fire to make
he can’t stop himself from planning the his escape.
fire that will free him from his life as
Darrel Hooper, the life he doesn’t want. Light up the sky His life falling down
around him, his condition deteriorating,
Quote: “There’s nothing in the world as BackDraft goes on a spree through
beautiful as destruction. Except NightCity. Setting fire after fire,
possibly to destroy something you built sometimes two or three in the same
with your own hands.” night. The whole city could be
consumed if the PCs don’t stop him.
Role: BackDraft is a great nemesis for a
law and order hero. Let the hero
investigate a series of arsons, and give
him Darrel as a contact. Let them
become friends. THEN let the character
find out his new friend and his new
nemesis are the same person. This
leads to the kind of interplay great
comics are known for. Does the PC feel
tricked and seek revenge? Or does he

Origin: Scientific Experiment
Class/Level: Gadgeteer/Mastermind 10/2
Resources: +20
Contacts: only Minuteman in this era (who
would help her brother even if he is trying to
kill her).
Initiative: +2
Def(Flat-Footed): 31- includes Fast Forward
and Sixth Sense(18 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 10d6+20, 2d8+4 (72)
WP: 14 (14 Con)
BAB: +8/+3
Saves: +8 Fort, +9 Ref, +7 Will
Abilities: Str 13(24 w/ Battlesuit), Dex 14,
Con 14, Int 21, Wis 12, Cha 21
Skills: Disable Device +23, Knowledge:
Armorsmith +23, Knowledge: Hydraulics
+23, Knowledge: Physics +23, Knowledge:
Dynamics +23, Open Locks +10, Diplomacy
+15, Intimidate +15, Bluff +10, Sense Motive
+6, Profession: Investor +12
Feats: Signature Ability(Time Jump),
Enhanced Intelligence +1, Enhance Con +3,
Leadership, Tactician, Vehicular Creation,
Exoskeleton, Battlesuit, High Energy Physics
Powers: Unique Vehicle(Time Ship)
Superhuman Presence +5
Magnetism: +10 Reputation, Reaction rolls, and Leadership
Time Manipulation
Time Jump: 100 Years
Rewind: reroll one roll per game session
Fast Forward: +2 Def and Ref Saves
Danger Sense
Danger Sense: Roll 11+ to avoid surprise
Sixth Sense: +2 Def
Superhuman Intelligence +3
Genius: +4 to all Int-based skills
Special Abilities: Signature Ability: Time Jump(Wis): The character can actually travel
in time, at a “distance” of 10 years per Power Point. If the character travels to the
future, he is actually traveling to one of an infinite number of possible futures.
Disadvantages: Nemesis: Minuteman (DSR 5), Obsession: Obliterate the “Future”

(DSR 5)


Time Ship: no stats are provided for Chronicle’s Time Ship (his Unique Vehicle), as he
will take care to always keep it out of harm’s way, well away from the battle. If a PC
should manage to do significant damage to it, however, they will manage to strand
Chronicle’s Pendulum Agents in the past, as the ship is their only means home.

Minuteman Mk VI Armor: This battlesuit has been in the Williams family for many
Game Stats: 10 Physical DR, 12 Energy DR, 230'/round Flight, 5d6 Energy Blast, +11
Cost:: Resource DC 97; 1740 XP

Followers: Chronicle leads a group called Pendulum, agents who are the elite of his
Army in his future. With a Leadership score of 54 he can have over 1,000 first level
agents. However most of these are protecting his base in the future.

Pendulum Agent
Origin: Normal
Class/Level: Energy Projector/1
Resources: +1
Contacts: Various
Initiative: +1
Def(Flat-Footed): 13 (10 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 1d6 +0 (6)
WP: 10
BAB: +1
Melee: +1
Ranged: +2
Saves: +0 Fort, +3 Ref, +0 Will
Abilities: Str 10, Dex, 13, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
Skills: Profession: Soldier +2
Feats: Concentrated Blast
Blast: Disadvantage: Hand Held Gadget: Infinity Rifle (DSR 4); these futuristic rifles fire
bullets, however, they are “keyed” to the Time Ship, and when the ship returns to the
future, so do the bullets.
Physical Blast: 2d6
Disadvantages: Code: Loyal to Chronicle (DSR 3)

Background fight with him, as she tries to cure his
Every generation has had its madness as she cured his autism.
Minuteman. The first Minuteman was a
shadowy figure who aided the “rebels” in Quote: “If I have to kill 100,000 people
the Revolutionary War. Although one of to succeed, what difference does it
the finest marksmen in the Continental make. I’ll have saved millions from the
Army, he refused commission, refusing ravages of war.”
even to identify himself as anything
other than “just another Minutemen”. Role: Chronicle is the “reasonable
Historians have theorized that he was madman” seen so often in comics.
part of a Massachusetts regiment Certain he is fighting for a good cause,
destroyed by a surprise British raid. The his charm may well give the PCs pause.
Civil War also had its Minuteman, He has technology from the future, he
conducting daring, solo raids across the can manipulate time and travel to the
border to rescue slaves from southern future, what if he’s right? What if he is
plantations, who were then delivered the only one who can save the human
right to Yankee training grounds for race from itself?
induction in the Massachusetts 54th
Regiment. In WWII, a hero arose again Adventure Hooks
with the distinctive hourglass insignia Time Steals: The PCs investigate a
marking him as the new Minuteman, this series of murders. Arms dealers are
time bearing a fantastic suit of armor turning up dead throughout NightCity.
capable of manipulating Time itself, he They have been shot by some sort of
volunteered for the fledgling Vigilance projectile weapon, but there are no
Force after the disastrous Battle of bullets present. Not in the body, not at
Georgetown, in which the German the crime scene. The PCs will
Eugenics Brigade killed 2 of the Force’s eventually find that Chronicle is behind
five members. Ten years ago, the the killings. Apparently proliferation of
granddaughter of that most famous arms is one of his “target” temporal
Minuteman was working in her occurrences he seeks to alter. The
grandfather’s laboratory, attempting to bullets from his Pendulum agents
cure her brother, an autistic child. She disappear somehow when they return to
had already agreed to take up this the future, making these crimes almost
generation’s mantle as the Minuteman, perfect.
but her lifelong dream was to cure her
brother, let him rejoin the world and fight Welcome to my Nightmare: The PCs are
evil at her side. In one of these fighting Chronicle when he activates his
experiments, something went tragically Time Jump to escape and return to the
wrong, and her brother simply future. But something goes wrong, and
disappeared. Now, he’s back, bearing the PCs are transported with him.
strange visions of an apocalyptic future. There they see that he is right, his future
Willing to kill to further his goals, this is a horrible place filled with killer
madman seeks to prevent the future he intelligent genetic mutates. Some of
grew up in from coming about, at any these are about to attack Chronicle’s
cost. He tries to bring his sister into this

Stronghold, where the last vestiges of
humanity have gathered under his
protection. If the PCs aid him, fighting
at the side of their erstwhile enemy, he
promises to help send them home.

Ground Zero
Origin: Scientific Experiment
Class/Level: Energy Projector/PowerHouse 8/1
AL: LN/CE (from Altar Ego Disadvantage)
Resources: -1
Contacts: None
Initiative: +3
Def(Flat-Footed): 30(19 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 9d6+63 (97)
WP: 24 (24 Con)
BAB: +9/+4
Ranged: +12/+7
Saves: +9 Fort, +11 Ref, +4 Will
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 24, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 9
Skills: Concentration +19, Hide +9, Move Silently +9
Feats: Bolt, Concentrated Blast, PowerBlast, UltraBlast, PureBlast, Devastation,
Radiation Blast- Disadvantage: Time Bomb 12 Hours, must apply MeltDown(DSR 4):
Energy Blast: 14d6 Energy
Light Control- Disadvantage: Exclusive (DSR 2)
Blinding Attack: Save DC 20 for 10 rounds
Superhuman Durability x2 +9 Con
Resistance: Radiation Resistance +10
Immunity: Radiation Immunity 10 DR
Teleport- Disadvantage: Exclusive (DSR 4)
Teleport: Range 100'
X-Ray Vision
X-Ray Vision: 20'
Disadvantages: Enemy: USHER (DSR 5), Enemy: Omega (DSR 5), Altar Ego: AL Shift
to CE (+2), Concentration to Resist(+0), DC starts at 10, rising one every hour until
Powers are used at full force for an hour(+2) (DSR 4)

Background Darrow was the all-American son.

The creature dubbed “Ground Zero” by Graduating top of his class at Stanford,
the press was born Connor Darrow. he went on to law school, but the former

football star wanted more action than he Slowly, his sanity is slipping. The clock
could find behind a Prosecutor’s desk. is always ticking.
After a brief, unfullfilling stint at the FBI’s
Seattle Field Office, Darrow was Quote: Its like having a live animal
approached by USHER for a special trying to eat its way out from inside you.
assignment. It seemed they needed to And like that animal, sometimes you just
infiltrate a group called the Stormfront have to lash out.
led by a former USHER agent named
Leland McCade. It seems that McCade Role: Ground Zero is both a
had also been an FBI agent, and sympathetic villain and a victim, all rolled
USHER thought that if Darrow played into one. The PCs will have to fight him
the disaffected golden boy McCade at some point, and given his power that
actually was, that he could get close to fight could be a very dangerous one for
the terrorist. Intrigued, Darrow them. However, the PCs could also be
accepted, and brilliantly talked his way assigned to save him. In such a case, a
into McCade’s inner circle despite the battle with him, the goal of which would
objections of several senior members of be to capture him unharmed, would be
the Stormfront. McCade, it seemed, even more dangerous.
liked the idea of having a protege. After
a near miss during the debacle at the Adventure Hooks
New Millennium Mall, Darrow thought he The Hunt: After several unsuccessful
was ready to finally bring McCade in, attempts to capture him using
bringing down the entire Stormfront with conventional USHER forces, Old Glory
him. Then he learned that McCade was decides to call in Superhuman help.
going to try and replicate the experiment However, there is a complication: when
that gave him his minor shapechanging the PCs find Ground Zero, he has
abilities in an attempt to gain even sought refuge in a Nuclear Power Plant,
greater powers. On his own, cut off and hoping to find a way to reverse his
unable to call for help, Darrow made a condition. If the PCs don’t get him out
desperate bid to stop McCade once and before the deadline and he detonates,
for all. However, all the bravery and he could take the whole plant with him,
heroism in the world wouldn’t allow one triggering a catastrophic meltdown.
man to defeat 20. He failed. McCade’s
punishment for Darrow’s betrayal was to MacGuffin: USHER has constructed a
make him the first test subject for the harness they think would help Ground
experiment. McCade watched as the Zero control his powers. After capturing
mutagenic energies bathed the him so the device can be used, the PCs
chamber, and Darrow disappeared. The learn it has been stolen en route by
explosions started soon after. Now Omega, who makes an announcement
Darrow is on the run. Flesh charred, that Ground Zero can have it only if he
half mad from from pain and radiation works for him. Now the PCs must race
sickness, hunted by Villains such as against time to recover the device
Omega who want to harness his abilities before Ground Zero obliterates USHER
and turn him into an assassin, and HeadQuarters.
USHER, who wants to try and cure him.

Old Glory
Origin: Mutant
Demon/Paragon 5/1/4/10
Resources: +17
Contacts: too many to list
completely; a short list would be:
every living US President, every
living US Senator and
congressmen, the Joint Chiefs of
Staff. Also, Old Glory keeps
many unsavory contacts in the
mutant community (he’s on
Roughshod’s Contacts list)
because he has strong ties to that
community, and seeks to bring
troubled mutants who he thinks
are salvageable over to the cause
of good.
Initiative: +12/+42 (+8 Dex, +4
Improved Initiative, maximum +30
from Poetry in Motion class
Def(Flat-Footed): 46/61 (24 Flat-
Footed) (maximum +15 Def from Need for Speed class ability)
HD(VP): 10d6 +40, 10d10 +40 (173 VP)
WP: 19
BAB: +18/+13/+8/+3
Saves: +14 Fort, +20 Ref, +12 Will
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 26, Con 19, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 20 (Note: Old Glory is 77 years
old. As such, he has the following ability modifiers already factored in due to age : Str -
6, Dex -6, Con -6, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +3)
Skills: Intimidate +24, Sense Motive +12, Diplomacy +20, Spot +20, Escape Artist +18,
Profession (Military Commander) +25, Gather Information +20, Knowledge (Military
tactics and history) +5, Knowledge (Politics) +6
Feats: Combat Flight, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Strafe, PowerBlast,
Combination Blast (Energy Blast/Darkness), Tactician, Teamwork, Target Practice
Blast: special effect Fire

Energy Blast: 20d6 Energy
Aura: special effect fire
Aura: 2d6 Energy
Flight: 300'/round
Superhuman Durability x2, +7 Con
Resistance: +5 Saves vs Fire/Heat attacks
Immunity: 5 DR vs Fire attacks,
Armor- Disadvantage: Worn Gadget (1 DSR)
Armor: Physical DR 10
Energy Resistance: Energy DR 10
Deflection: special effect melting projectiles before they get close
Physical Deflection: +15 opposed attack rolls vs. Physical attacks
Light Control: special effect smoke
Darkness: Darkness 30' radius
Superhuman Dexterity x2, +12 Dexterity
Spectral Sight
Spectral Sight: +32
Disadvantages: Code of the Crusader (DSR 3), Nemesis: The Savant (DSR 5), Public
ID (DSR 1)

Background yammering on about his “Master Race”.

Interview with Christian Thomason, But our intelligence boys told us the
a.k.a. Old Glory, done for Newstime Germans didn’t make these
special Man of the Century Issue asked “Ubermenschen”, they were just finding
how he got his famous name: them, training them, and using their
“I was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, in science to juice em up. So, the Army
1925. One of the first mutants on started rounding up anyone with unusual
record, so they tell me. I was inducted abilities. Hell we were all happy to join,
into the US Army-Air Corps on January and were aching to get in on the action.
17th 1938, 3 days after my 13th birthday, We knew the score. I was the first, but it
and was sent to the Tuskeegee wasn’t long before I was joined by
Superhuman Testing and Training others. Over the course of that year I
Range, we called it “STT”. The was joined by Raymont “Freight Train”
Germans had their Eugenics Brigade Jefferson, they drafted him after his
already of course, and they were having performance in the state football finals,
a grand old time high-stepping around kid broke 11 tackles, and 3 legs, on his
Europe. Britain only had The Sword and way to the end zone for the winning
the Stone at that time, and they had touchdown. Turns out Raymont could
managed to send the Jerries scurrying pick up cars as well as tacklers. One of
home with their tails between their legs those kids he busted up never did walk
after the Battle of Britain, but no one right again, damn shame, but Raymont
else in Europe had anything like those did right by him, sent him part of his
Eugenics scientists, and they turned the check every month till the day he died in
tide of battle after battle, Hitler always that... well that’s a different story I

guess. I always loved to watch Ray run Response), which handles metahuman
though. Then there was Fred Wilson, threats of all kinds. In this capacity, he
who army intelligence had picked up at can and will “induct” PCs to help defend
a local circus, he had this act see, he’d America when the situation arises. Old
let folks drive over radios with a car, Glory is also active in Mutant Rights,
then have those radios up and running and could be a contact for any mutant
again in 30 seconds or less. Called PC. In any act of war or crisis involving
himself “Captain Miracle”, and I guess metahumans, Old Glory would be in
the Army liked it, cause they used that command, and, despite his age, is a
for his code name too. And me? Well I terrifying foe. He carefully aims his
was given my code name by FDR blasts to kick up huge clouds of black
himself. It was December 8th 1939, and smoke, which, with his ability to detect
with everything else he had going, the heat (Spectral Sight) pose no targeting
President wanted to come down and barrier to him at all. He is constantly in
have a look at us, make sure we were the air, flying at terrific speeds, strafing
REALLY ready to stand up to the likes his opponents, only to be gone by the
of Eastern Front and Götterdämmerung. time the smoke clears.
I was doing combat flying exercises, and
I saw him first. Me and the boys had Adventure Seed
worked out a signal for him bein’ there, Big Trouble in little Jinxville
so we wouldn’t be cutting up when he A prominent Jinx is murdered during a
got there. We didn’t want him thinking bid to become NightCity’s first Jinx city
we weren’t ready, we wanted to get in councilman. A riot ensues, and the
there and start pulling America’s weight. police are unable to control it, since
So anyway, I saw him and snatched up many of the Jinxes have powers
the flag off the top of the PX and buzzed themselves. The PCs are called in to
the boys on the ground with it, but I quell the rioting, only to find that Old
guess I wasn’t fast enough. Roosevelt Glory, who was in town conducting a
saw me, and said to his wife, “Well if Old fundraiser for the slain politician, has
Glory’s flying with us I guess we’ll be all talked the crowd back into their homes.
right after all”. Old Glory. I liked that While he keeps things quiet, he asks the
just fine. Those army boys had been PCs to find the killer
wanting to call me the “Human
Flamethrower” or some such nonsense. Recruitment Drive: This is an excellent
But Old Glory... well... let’s just say no adventure seed for the GM who’s ready
one argued with Roosevelt. Except to move the PCs out of their home city,
maybe Mrs. Roosevelt.” and onto the world stage. Old Glory
Quote: “As long as Old Glory flies, comes to them with an offer to join a
America will not fall.” new team he’s putting together, which
Role: In the modern era, Old Glory would have government backing, to fight
works best as a patron and contact for some crisis. Depending on what kind of
lower level heroes. He is a General in campaign the GM wants to run, this
the U.S. Army, and is the commander of crisis could be anything from a one-shot
USHER (the United States mission to take down a SuperVillain
HeadQuarters for Emergency team, to a whole campaign.

Origin:Advanced Training
Resources: +8 (+2 Cha, +6
Contacts: Tower, The Savant,
Leland McCade
Class/Level: Acrobat/Secret
Agent/Energy Projector 1/3/8
Initiative: +7 (+7 Dexterity)
Def(Flat-Footed): 33(16 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 9d6+18, 3d8+6 (75)
WP: 15 (15 Con)
BAB: +10/+5
Ranged: +17/+12 (+20/+15 with
Omega Rifle)
Saves: +6 Fort, +17 Ref, +5 Will
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 25, Con 15, Int
19, Wis 14, Cha 14
Skills: Hide +18, Move Silently +18,
Martial Arts (1d8 HTH damage),
Escape Artist +12, Tumbling +10,
Climb +4, Balance +11, Jump +4, Spot +13(+20 with Power), Criminology +10, Weapon
Master +3 to hit and damage with Omega Rifle, Profession: Assassin +12, Open Lock
+10, Disable Device +10, Gather Info +8, Listen +8(+15 with Power), Sense Motive +8,
Feats: Cross Training(Criminology), Concentrated Blast, Leadership, Enhanced
Dexterity +1, Enhanced Intelligence +4, Tactician, Marksman, Sniper, PowerBlast,
Weapon Master: Omega Rifle, Superior Concentration
Blast: Disadvantage: Gadget, Can be disarmed, Omega Rifle (DSR 4)
Blast: 7d6 Physical, Range Increment 120'(Superior Concentration), Fort Save DC 24
Spectral Sight: Disadvantage: Gadget, NightHunter Visor (DSR 1)
Spectral Sight: +9
DarkVision: 90'
Enhanced Senses: Disadvantage: Gadget, NightHunter Suit (DSR 1)
Enhanced Vision: +7 Spot
Enhanced Hearing: +7 Listen
Superhuman Dexterity +5
Swinging 80'/round
Armor: Disadvantage: Gadget, NightHunter Suit (DSR 1)
Armor: 5 Physical DR
Energy Resistance: 5 Energy DR
Disadvantages: Enemy: CIA (DSR 2), Enemy: USHER (DSR 3)

Background “for hire”, and could be given a contract
Lisa Carpenter was always one of those to take out a pesky hero by a high level
people who could get things done. Enemy with deep pockets. However,
Wetworks they called in the Company. she could also fill the role of a Master
Still, even though she was damn good Villain for a medium level group,
at her job, assassinating undesirables especially if teamed with Leland
for the sake of her Country, she always McCade from Mayhem.
heard the snickers, the whispers, that
she couldn’t be that good, that she had Adventure Hooks
to be using her “assets” to get close to Double Blind: Omega is not the only
her marks. This just made Lisa want to warrior in the world who enjoys her
stick around the field office even less, nightfighting advantages. The US
working more and more. Until that day, Military uses the best night vision
she found the old lab. It had billions of equipment in the world, and, in seeking
dollars worth of equipment, and one to extend this advantage, is working on
dead scientist. What he was doing with project DoubleBlind, a secret research
that setup out in the middle of nowhere, project to jam enemy night vision
Lisa had no idea. What she did know equipment. As the test commences,
was the value of what she found there. Omega attacks and steals the prototype.
A high-tech suit of armor, a helmet The PCs could either be involved as
loaded with optics and built in targeting security for the initial test, if they have
sensors. Then there was the rifle. God government contacts, or they could
what a rifle! Caseless ammunition, learn of attempts to get the prototype
capable of damaging a tank, virtually no copied from a fence contact or a
recoil, completely unmarked except for scientific contact.
the Greek letter Omega. Seeing the
opportunity of a lifetime, Lisa never
returned to her job at the CIA. She
would prove who the best assassin in
the world was, and in her armor, no one
could tell she was a woman. So much
the better. Mercenaries were almost
worse than those pigs in the Company.
Almost. Unknown to anyone, even her
old employers, Lisa is the true leader of
the Stormfront (see Mayhem at the New
Millennium Mall and Ground Zero for
more information about this shadowy

Quote: “Boo”

Role: Omega is a villain you can use in

many different ways. She is definitely

Professor and Moll

Origin: Advanced Training

Resources: +25 (Invention +15, Cha
+3, Profession +7)
Contacts: Roughshod, Tower
Class/Level: Gadgeteer 12
Initiative: +0
Def(Flat-Footed): 22(14 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 10d6 (50)
WP: 10 (10 Con)
BAB: +9/+4
Saves: +4 Fort, +8 Ref, +4 Will
Abilities: Str 6, Dex 10, Con 10, Int
30, Wis 10, Cha 16
Skills: Open Lock +15, Armorsmith +25, Demolitions +25, Chemistry +25,
Thermodynamics +25, Weaponsmith +25, Profession: Drug Chemist +15, Disable
Device +25, Driving +7, Piloting +7, Forgery +17, Listen +4, Spot +3
Feats: Designer Chemistry, Vehicular Creation, Ordinance, Arsenal, Enhanced
Intelligence +4, Battlesuit, Leadership, Rich, Wealthy, MultiBillionaire
Superhuman Intelligence +6
Damage Touch: Disadvantage- Hand-Held Gadget: Hypo Gun (DSR 4)
Physical: 6d6 Poison Damage
Ensnaring Attack: Disadvantage- Hand-Held Gadget: Hypo Gun (DSR 4)
Ensnarement: Escape Artist/Str Check DC 15
Stunning Attack: Disadvantage- Hand-Held Gadget: Hypo Gun (DSR 4)
Stunning Attack: Save DC 17
Disadvantages: Enemy: NCPD (DSR 5), Nemesis: Shade (DSR 5)

For as long as he can remember Gavin Daltro has been fascinated with chemicals. He
used to slip sedatives into the food of local animals to see what it did. His ghoulish
fascination led him to study the animals, watching the effects, making charts and tables
of how different drugs affect different animals. Quickly caught, Gavin spent the rest of
his youth in and out of foster care and juvenile hall. On his 18th birthday, he
disappeared, and opened his first lab. After a recent, near-fatal encounter with Shade,
The Professor hired Moll, a half-crazy gun-toting brick who seems to think she’s in
1930's Chicago.

Quote: “It has such a wonderful aftertaste. Here, try some.”

Role: The Professor and Moll provide a MasterMind villain for medium to low level
street Heroes.

Adventure Hooks
Electric Blue: With sales of Twilight Blue booming, The Professor starts experimenting
with a new, even more addictive drug, which he’s calling Electric Blue. The PCs get a
tip from one of their contacts about the new lab he’s constructed. It’s now a race
against time to stop a new deadly drug from hitting the streets.


Origin: Advanced Training

Resources: +3
Class/Level: Gangster/Brick 5/5
Initiative: +11 (+7 Initiative, +4 Initiative)
Def(Flat-Footed): 31(22 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 5d8+5, 5d10+5 (64)
WP: 21 (13 Con, +6 Resilience, +2 Brick)
BAB: +8/+3
Melee: +13/+8
Ranged: +15/+10
Saves: +9 Fort, +9 Ref, +2 Will
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 24, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 17
Skills: Bluff +9, Brawling 1d12 HTH Damage, Driving +12, Gather Information +8,
Intimidate +15, Climb +10, Weapon Master +2 to hit and damage with guns, Sense
Motive +8
Feats: Enhanced Strength +2, Enhanced Charisma +2, Enhanced Dexterity +1,
Brawling, Weapon Master(Firearms), Improved Initiative, Banter, Wit
Superhuman Strength +5
Superhuman Dexterity +3
Superhuman Durability +3
Resilience: +6 WP
Armor: 10 Physical DR
Energy Resistance: 10 Energy DR
Disadvantages: Enemy: NCPD (DSR 3), Code: Loyal to the Professor (DSR 1)

Quote: “Well, he might not be Clyde, but I still get to be Bonnie, and hey, it’s a living”

Requiem & BattleCry

Origin: Scientific Experiment

Resources: +0
Contacts: Omega
Class/Level: Brick/Acrobat 6/2
Initiative: +7 (+7 Dexterity)
Def(Flat-Footed): 30(19 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 6d10+12, 2d6+4 (62)
WP: 17 (14 Con, +3 Brick)
BAB: +7/+2
Melee: +10/+5(+12/+7 with Claws)
Ranged: +14/+9
Saves: +9 Fortitude, +11 Reflexes, +1
Abilities: Str: 17, Dex 24, Con 14, Int 11,
Wis 9, Cha 14
Skills: Balance +10, Climb +6, Hide +11,
Intimidate +13, Move Silently +11, Tumbling +10
Feats: Teamwork, Coordinated Attack, Cooperative Attack
Fast Healing: 3HP/round
Regrowth: +8
Claws +2 Enhancement bonus
Light Control- Disadvantage, Exclusive (DSR 2):
Darkness: Darkness 12' radius
Spectral Sight
Spectral Sight: +14
Superhuman Dexterity +6
Blast- Special Effect: Requiem can fire 3 of the 5 claw spikes on each hand, which he
must Regrow before the power may be used again Disadvantage, Limited Uses 6
(DSR4), Power must be Regrown(takes 10 days) after charges expended (DSR 5)
Physical Blast: 7d6
Disadvantages: Nemesis: The Professor and Moll (DSR 5), Enemy: NCPD (DSR 3),
Frightening Appearance (DSR 2), Obsession: Protect Battlecry (DSR 5), Disability: Mute
(DSR 1)

Origin: Scientific Experiment
Class/Level: Energy Projector/Acrobat 6/2

Resources: +1
Contacts: Omega
Initiative: +6 (+6 Dexterity)
Defense(Flat-Footed): 29 (16 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 8d6+16 (52)
WP: 14 (14 Con)
BAB: +7/+2
Melee: +7/+2
Ranged: +13/+8
Saves: +6 Fort, +13 Reflexes, +3 Will
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13
Skills: Spot +10, Escape Artist +10, Hide +10, Move Silently +10, Listen +12(includes
+11 bonus for Enhanced Hearing Power)
Feats: Cone Attack, Teamwork, Coordinated Attack, Cooperative Attack
Blast: special effect sound
Energy Blast: 8d6
Flight: 70'/round
Passive Sonar: -40% Concealment
Enhanced Senses- Disadvantage Exclusive (DSR 10)
Enhanced Hearing: +11
Superhuman Dexterity +4
Armor: Physical DR1
Energy Resistance: Energy DR 5
Disadvantages: Nemesis: The Professor and Moll (DSR 5), Enemy: NCPD (DSR3),
Obsession: Protect Requiem (DSR 5)

Background school, he watched out for me. The

Statement of Jennifer Graves, taken local bullies knew to stay away,
after her arrest and subsequent everyone was afraid to mess with me,
incarceration in the Gilchrist they were all afraid of George. When
Superhuman Containment Facility. Mom got married, things at home took a
All I ever had was George, you turn for the worse, if you know what I
know? When I was little, he used to mean. I guess he got bored after
read to me, change my diapers, fix me awhile, because one night after he got
dinner. Mom? She wasn’t around much. done with Mom he came after me. All I
“Working” she called it. Funny how remember is the sound, heavy and wet,
even at that age I knew what she was as George brought that tire iron down on
really doing. But George, he was the back of his head. There was a lot of
always there. Later, when we started blood and stuff everywhere, and I said

to George that we should go, before the They are being courted by Omega to
cops got there. So we did, we went into join his rising crime organization, and
the Shooting Gallery. The cops don’t go will slowly slip deeper into his clutches
there much, so we knew we’d at least for the safety he can provide from the
be safe from them. Professor and the NCPD.
Life was actually pretty good there. We Any PC who seriously hurts Battlecry
worked, odd jobs, you know, dealers might also find himself with a new
always need scouts, mules, that kind of Enemy. Requiem has been known to
thing. As long as you keep your head hold a grudge.
up and you don’t buy any lines, you’re
all right. Plus, there was George. Turns Adventure Hooks
out the dealers were as afraid of him as The most dangerous animal.... During a
those lunchroom bullies. He just had vicious fight with The Professor’s men,
this way of letting people know he was Battlecry is seriously wounded, losing
serious. Then we took this job for the her powers and lapsing in and out of
Professor, muling some new drug consciousness. Unable to stay on the
across the border. All at once we move with her in this condition, and with
started convulsing, I guess they popped the NCPD closing in, Requiem kidnaps
inside us or something. And when we a doctor to help his sister. This doctor
woke up, we were like this. That’s ok could be a contact or dependant of one
though, because we still have each of the PCs, or they could get involved as
other. Requiem robs drugstores and
pharmaceutical companies to get the
Quote “My brother doesn’t talk supplies the doctor needs to cure his
anymore, but he still gets mad when sister.
people don’t give me what I want. So
give me what I want, and nobody gets Stage Two Having been recruited into
hurt.” USHER’s new hero team, the PCs are
given an assignment by Old Glory.
Role Requiem and Battlecry are Contact Requiem and Battlecry... and
Vigilance’s “Bonnie and Clyde”. Being recruit them. This adventure is best run
on the run from everyone, both police if the PCs have had extensive contact
and other criminals, has only made with the duo before joining USHER.
these two more devoted to each other.
The Professor, in particular, wants them,
trying to find the results of his ghoulish
experiment to recreate his bitter enemy
Shade. Requiem and Battlecry can also
be used as filler villains to round out an
adventure, as they frequently hire
themselves out as muscle.
Neither Requiem or Battlecry are evil,
and as such a character might take it
upon himself to try and “redeem” them.

Origin: Mutant
Class/Level: Gangster/Brick 1/3
Resources: +5 (+3 Intimidation, +1
Profession, +1 Cha)
Contacts: The Professor, Moll, Old Glory
Initiative: +0
Def(Flat-footed): 22 (21 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 1d8+6, 3d10+18 (50 VP)
WP: 31 (22 Con, +8 Resilience, +1 Brick)
Saves: +11 Fort, +1 Ref, +0 Will
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con 22, Int 11, Wis
9, Cha 12
Skills: Intimidate +6, Driving +4, Bluff +5,
Profession (Drug Dealer) +2
Feats: Brawling(Attack: 1d6 HTH), Frenzy
Armor: Physical DR 10
Energy Resistance: Energy DR 8
Superhuman Strength: +3 Str
Superhuman Durability +4 Con
Resistance: +9 Saves vs Blinding/Light attacks
Resilience: +8 WP
Invisibility: 110 Minutes per Day
Improved Invisibility: 11 rounds per day
Disadvantages: Prejudice (DSR 3), Enemy: NightCity Police (DSR 3)

Background hated that name, hated being called a

Luther Watson was not born in Jinx, hated the implication that his
“Jinxtown”, but he was raised there, at mutant birth had dealt him a bad hand,
the 19th Street Mission. The Mission that he was unlucky, like a retarded kid
was a place parents embarrassed by a or something. And it didn’t matter that
baby that disappeared, but was still in its he was black. Negroes spit on him and
crib, could take it and forget about it. called him Jinx just as often as white
They could tell their friends it was folks. He was a Jinx. That’s all that
stillborn. Jinxtown. That’s what people mattered.
called it. And from an early age, Luther As a child, even the other Jinxes at the

Mission made fun of Luther, because his Luther will start by trying to blackmail
powers had surfaced so early that he him, threatening to reveal his troubled
couldn’t control them. Being invisible past.
didn’t make you deaf, and Luther hated
the snickering every time his desk Adventure Hooks
suddenly went empty, everyone knowing Twilight Blue: There is a new drug on
he was still there. Then one day, when the streets, more addictive than crack
Luther was 15, he got tired of it. He had and with a better high. One euphoric
winked out on the playground, and one trip and all the poor addicted soul can
of the boys was laughing. Suddenly he think of is how to get more. Worse, this
was getting hit from out of nowhere. By drug, called “Twilight Blue” because of
the time the “Juvies” got there, the boy its translucent, smoky crystalline
was dead, and Luther was long gone. structure, is 100% synthetic. There are
No one laughs at him now. Not ever. no fields to burn, no shipments to
Now Luther is a rising “star” in intercept. It’s being made somewhere
NightCity’s underworld. He sells drugs right in NightCity. Any attempt to stop
for The Professor, whose newest the spread of this cancer would start
concoction “Twilight Blue” has brought with Luther. The NCPD knows this, and
Luther more money than he’s ever seen would love to take him down. But how
before. Although he still dabbles in his can they catch an invisible dealer? Lt.
original “business”, collecting for loan Osawld “Oz” Calabresi will call in a
sharks, using his Invisibility to frighten favor, asking one the PCs for help.
the hardest cases into paying, Luther is
slowly but surely slipping into dealing,
using his Invisibility to disappear when
the NCPD cruisers go by, only to still be
there on his corner when a customer
drives up.

Quote: “I might be here anytime to

collect. I might be watching you, I might
follow you right into your house and
stand by your bed till you’re asleep.
Until you pay, you get to live with that. I
might be here all the time.”

Role: Luther makes an excellent Enemy

or Nemesis for any low- to mid-level
mutant hero. Perhaps the character
was one of those kids at the Mission.
He might not even remember the little
kid he teased so long ago, but Luther
will remember him. The PC could also
be one of Luther’s old running buddies.
If the PC is “high profile” as a hero,

Origin: Scientific Experiment
Class/Level: Gadgeteer/MasterMind 10/10
Resources: +35 (+5 Charisma, +17
Invention, +12 Profession)
Contacts: Although technically an outlaw,
The Savant maintains numerous contacts in
the defense contracting field, still receiving
huge sums of money under the table as a
“consultant” on arms projects.
Initiative: -2 (-2 Dex)
Def(Flat-Footed): 27 (19 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 10d6-10; 10d8-10 (69)
WP: 9 (9 Con)
BAB: +14/+9/+4
Melee: +10/+5/+0
Ranged: +12/+7/+2
Saves: +9 Fort, +8 Ref, +13 Will
Abilities: Str 3, Dex 6, Con 9, Int 36, Wis 17, Cha 21 (Note: The Savant is 83 years old,
and as such has the following modifiers factored into his stats due to age: -6 Str, -6 Dex,
-6 Con, +3 Int, +3 Wis, +3 Cha)
Skills: Knowledge: Armorsmith +32, Knowledge: Cybernetics +32, Knowledge: Physics
+32, Knowledge: Dynamics +32, Knowledge: Weaponsmith +32, Knowledge: Hydraulics
+32, Knowledge: Optics +32, Disable Device +32, Profession: Engineer +25, Bluff +24,
Intimidate +24, Sense Motive +22, Listen +22, Spot +22, Piloting +9
Feats: BattleSuit, High Energy Physics, Vehicular Construction, Cybernetics, Arsenal,
Optics, Leadership, Tactics
Armor: 9 Physical DR
Energy Resistance: 9 Energy DR
Energy Aura: 4d6
Radar: +6 Sensory Rolls in 360 degree radius
Superhuman Will +2
Superhuman Intelligence x3 +13
Ensnaring Attack
Ensnaring Attack: DC 20 Escape Artist or Strength to escape entanglement
Disadvantages: Nemesis: Old Glory (DSR 5), Obsession: Live forever (DSR 5),
Enemy: USHER (DSR 5), Disability: Unable to walk (DSR 5)


Savant’s HoverChair(Unique Vehicle)

Resource Cost:53 XP Cost: 2,210
Handling:Perfect Speed:0/100(Ground/Flight)
Armor:8 DR/32 HP/ 50% Cover Capacity: 1
Description: Due to deteriorating health, the Savant has been forced into this chair.
Unable to walk, this chair is both his means of transport, and a mobile life support
system. He has plans underway to remove his legs, permanently bonding himself to the
chair, to allow greater invasiveness of life support technology.

NightFlyer(Modified Government Transport)

Resources:66 XP Cost: 910 XP
Handling: Average Speed: 90/900(Ground/Flight)
Armor:12 DR/52 HP/90%Cover Capacity: 16
Description: Originally built during a “fit” at the Tuskeegee Superhuman Testing and
Training Range in 1938, the original NightFlyer was the world’s first jet powered aircraft.
Unable to remember how he built it, and unable to figure out how to duplicate it for
several years, the NightFlyer served as Vigilance Force’s main form of transportation
throughout the war.

Followers: With his Leadership score of 25+ and his MasterMind abilities, The Savant
is eligible for the following: Cohorts: 4 of 17th Level each; Followers: 135 1st Level, 13 2nd
Level, 7 3rd Level, 4 4th Level, 2 5th Level, and 2 6th Level. The Savant does not maintain
a set group or organization of followers, but will assemble whatever is needed for a
given situation (to the limits above). The Savant is never without his “pets”, however,
Ophelia and Laertes, cybernetically enhanced Hounds detailed below.

Ophelia and Laertes

Origin: Cybernetically Enhanced Wolves
Class/Level: Brick 6
AL: NE(these are the technological equivalent of “Dire” Wolves)
Resources: N/A
Contacts: N/A
Initiative: +4 (Dexterity)
Defense(Flat-Footed): 25(19 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 2d8+8; 8d10+32 (109 VP)
WP: 34 (18 Con, +3 Brick, +3 Toughness, +10 Resilience)
BAB: +6/+1 Melee: +10/+5 (+14/+9 with Claws)
Saves: +9 Fort, +6 Reflexes, +2 Will
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 6
Skills: Hide +4, Listen +6, Move Silently +5, Spot +4, Wilderness Lore +5
Feats: Toughness, Diesel, Enhanced Strength +4
Powers: Superhuman Strength: +2, Superhuman Dexterity: +2, Superhuman Durability:

+3 (Resilience +10), Claws (+4 to hit and damage), Armor (12 Physical DR, 12 Energy
Special Abilities: Trip, Scent, +3 Wound Points, Bonus Power (Superhuman Strength),
Disadvantages: Vulnerability (Electrical) +2d6

Background Role: The Savant is perfect as the

The following manuscript was found in a Power behind the scenes. Rarely will
fireproof cylinder in the office of Gen. the PCs even realize they are fighting
Fred Williamson, USHER Director of him until it is too late. He never seeks
Research in the aftermath of a fire that combat himself, always operating
consumed all research notes and through his Minions. If he ever is
materials, destroying the research wing cornered, he will seek to disengage as
of USHER’s NightCity facilities quickly as possible. Although he is
never without a personal bodyguard.
It just isn’t fair. I’ve done so much for The Savant is also a good “mad
you, for all of you, sacrificed, oh god scientist” type Villain, performing crazy
have I sacrificed. How many friends did experiments in his quest to prolong his
we watch die Chris? How many times life.
were we reactivated for “emergency
situations”, thrown into harm’s way Adventure Hooks
again and again? And we did it all Tower of Babel: Tower is on the
willingly for them, always willing to take rampage again, destroying midtown,
one more chance for life, liberty, the cutting down anyone who crosses his
American Dream. And I asked for one path. After the PCs capture him and
thing. Just one. Crazy they said. Trials lock him away, he is busted out of jail by
on human subjects? Thousands of some of the Savant’s men. As the PCs
casualties? Short-sighted fools! I was track down the Agents, they find that
talking about immortality! Not just for Tower is still unconscious, and that the
me, but for everyone! They claimed it Agents are kidnaping him, bringing him
would never work. How many of my back to the Savant for further testing.
inventions did they think would work
Chris? How many times did they call on Shadows of the Past: Something is
me to solve the unsolvable? I missed happening in South America. Guerillas
VE Day working with them on that damn and Drug Dealers are showing up with
bomb. Well, no more playing the good advanced weapons, destabilizing whole
soldier for me Chris. They OWE me. governments and throwing nations into
I’m collecting. I never had any family, chaos. As the PCs investigate, they
you know, just the Orphanage, and then begin to see that these guerillas have
The Brigade. You have always been the ties to neo-Nazis who fled to South
little brother I never had Chris, and I will America after WWII, that the Savant is
always love you. And so, I’m going to helping them, and that they have
ask you for just one favor: don’t come restarted their Eugenics program.
after me.

Origin: Scientific Experiment
Class/Level: Vigilante/10
Resources: +5 (+5 Cha)
Contacts: Dr. Amelia Adaire
Initiative: +4 (+4 Dex)
Def(Flat-Footed): 29 (18 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 10d8+50 (105)
WP: 20 (20 Con)
BAB: +7/+2
Melee: +8/+3
Ranged: +11/+6
Saves: +8 Fort, +11 Ref, +4 Will
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 20
Skills: Concentration +10, Hide +10, Move Silently +10, Gather Information +10,
Performance (Jazz Clarinet) +5
Feats: Vengeance (The Professor) +3, Lair, Martial Arts (Attack: 1d8 HTH), Enhanced
Dex (+4), Loner, Enhanced Cha (+4), Frenzy
Energy Drain
Life Drain: 4 levels
Energy Drain
Memory Drain: 14 Points
Telepathy- Disadvantage: Touch Only (DSR 2), Disadvantage: Only in conjunction with
Memory Drain (DSR 3) Disadvantage: Exclusive (DSR 4)
ESP +16
Superhuman Presence +3
Superstitious Aura: Save DC 17
Superhuman Dex +6
Swinging: 50'/round
Superhuman Durability +6
Resistance: +10 Fort Saves vs. Drugs and Poisons
Disadvantages: Forbidding Demeanor (DSR 2), Nemesis: the Professor and Moll (DSR
5), Enemy: NCPD (DSR 1), Dependant: Dr. Amelia Adaire (DSR 2)

Background the pain coming through his clarinet,

Once upon a time there was no brighter that he could thrill you, or haunt you,
star in the NightCity Jazz scene than make you dance, or make you cry.
Grady “G-Key” Giardello. When he What no one knew, was that Grady was
played at the Skyline Social Club, also a drug addict, seeking the thrill
NightCity’s Jazz haven, there was not a through chemicals he got from being on
seat to be had. They said you could feel stage. He was living the good life, he

was young, beautiful and talented. He Twilight Blue, Shade is the person to
was immortal. Then a funny thing ask. Although terrifying, and not at all
happened on the way to success: Grady above using tactics most heroes would
died. One person in a thousand is find reprehensible, Shade also protects
allergic to Twilight Blue, and it seemed the innocent, scares punks out of crime
Grady was the unlucky “Blue Lottery” and into rehab, and does a lot of good
winner of the month. Or at least, that’s that doesn’t get reported nearly as often
what the coroner, Dr. Adaire thought. as his killings of drug dealers.
When she returned to the lab to
compete her autopsy later that evening, Adventure Hooks
the body was gone. No one has seen The Missing: A dependant of one of the
Gkey since that day. About a month PCs has disappeared. Although the PC
later, the first “victim” was found, one of will likely expect one of his Enemies is
the worst dealers in the Shooting behind it, he soon learns that his
Gallery, a wretched area infested with dependant has a drug problem, and has
drugs and prostitution. The NCPD don’t disappeared into the maze of the
go there after dark, but someone was. Gallery. The PC ends up in an uneasy
He calls himself the Shade, and his truce with Shade, who will agree to help
victims are cold, drained of life, or the PC locate his dependant in return for
worse, mindless gibbering idiots. And assistance in taking down one of The
every time a dealer is found mindless, Professor’s labs.
his entire group, all his associates, both
known and unknown, disappear soon Jacob’s Ladder: Dr. Adaire contacts the
thereafter, as if the Shade can read their PCs. She explains to them that she has
minds. And at the scene of every been studying Shade since he
dealer’s murder, is found the only clue disappeared from her morgue, and has
this shadowy figure leaves behind, a discovered that his condition may be
token from the Skyline Social Club, a slowly killing him. She thinks she has
“One Drink Free” token used to found a way to reverse the process, but
advertise the club. Now even the most has no way to find Shade. Would the
hardened dealers whisper his name, PCs help her find Shade and convince
and when that sad clarinet filters him to come in for treatment?
through the streets of the Shooting
Gallery, the streets empty, for they
know, the Shade is coming.

Quote: “I need some information about

the Professor. Hold still.”

Role: Shade is the iconic Vigilante,

stalking the night, unloved by Police and
Criminals. However, if a character
needs to know anything about the
Professor, the Shooting Gallery, or

Origin: Cybernetic Enhancement
Class/Level: Brick/Behemoth 5/10
Resources: +8 (+3 Cha, +5 Profession)
Contacts: Omega, Leland McCade
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dexterity)
Def(Flat-Footed): 35(32 Flat-Footed)
HD(VP): 6d10+54, 11d12+99 (280)
WP: 45
BAB: +15/+10/+5
Melee: +29/+24/+19
Saves: +22 Fort, +3 Ref, +4 Will
Abilities: Str 39, Dex 8, Con 28, Int 11, Wis 11,
Cha 16
Skills: Brawling (1d12 HTH Damage),
Intimidate +11, Jump +20 (+44 with Superleap),
Profession: Mercenary +10
Feats: Toughness, Brawling, Crawler, Diesel,
Frenzy, Great Fortitude
Superhuman Strength(x3) +14
Superleap: +24 to Jump skill
Superhuman Durability(x3) +9
Fire Resistance: +15 Saves vs. fire attacks
Fire Immunity: +10 Energy DR vs. fire attacks
Poison Resistance: +5 Saves vs. Poison
Resilience: +15 WP
Armor: 30 Physical DR
Energy Resistance: 30 Energy DR
Fast Healing: 8 VP/round
Retarded Aging: 170 years added to each age category
Superhuman Presence +2
Superstitious Aura: anyone Level 7 or below must make a Will Save (DC 20) or be
Shaken; anyone Level 3 or below must make a Will Save (DC 20) or be Panicked.
Disadvantages: Nemesis: The Savant (DSR 5), Nemesis: Old Glory (DSR 5), Enemy:
USHER (DSR 5), Vulnerability: Electricity +6d6 (DSR 3)

Background of fortune to avoid military prison for

Disavowed. That’s what Gerald Astor “crimes” against the enemy. What did
was. Consigned to the life of a soldier those paper pushers know about real

combat anyway. Then, the Savant Quote: “That didn’t hurt at all! Hit me
approached him, offered him a way harder! I want to feel it!”
back. Told him he had a way to turn
Gerald into the ultimate soldier. Gerald Role: Tower is the classic “monster”
accepted without hesitation. Surely if he villain. More like a rampaging beast
had that much power, the government than a true villain. He also makes for
would have to take him back, have to let some interesting 3-way combats, as he
him in the Army again. When Gerald will frequently show up at any fight
woke up from the operation, he found he involving the Savant’s men, only to turn
was invincible. The Battlesuit he was in on the heroes when the battle ends,
was enormous, 15' tall, and able to intent on questioning the Savant’s
shrug off cannon fire without Gerald followers about his whereabouts.
feeling a thing, and when the suit was
damaged, the circuits repaired Adventure Hooks
themselves, just grew back together. Twilight Blues: In a desperate bid to feel
But that was just the problem, Gerald something, Tower has actually begun
couldn’t feel anything. He could see, he injecting Twilight Blue into the casing
could move, he could fight, but it was housing his brain. Now, disoriented and
like he was weightless, floating in a calm high, he stumbles out into the night,
sea, with no sensation at all. Gerald ready to have some fun.
asked one of the lab technicians to help
him take the helmet off, and the little Honey Im Home: Gerald Astor was once
man just stared at him, jaw working, happily married, before his disgrace and
obviously unsure what to say. So dishonorable discharge from the
Gerald picked him up like a ragdoll, and military. Feeling isolated, wallowing in
then the geek started babbling that there despair, he decides to see his wife.
was no suit. No suit? Gerald threw the When she reacts with horror, Tower
man against the wall, where he landed snaps, kidnaping her and rampaging
with a sick thud and didn’t move. through the streets.
Gerald moved on to the next scientist.
Eventually, he got one to lead him to
what was left of his body. Brain
implantation in a robotic form, they
called it. He couldn’t feel anything,
because he was just a brain floating in
fluid, at the control of a giant robot. The
body transmitted no pain, and the brain
had no nerves of its own. So Gerald felt
no pain, no joy, no pleasure, no nothing.
Gerald snapped, killed every scientist in
the lab, looking for The Savant, who
was long gone. Gerald left, looking for
the Savant, vowing to get even, to get
put back the way he was.

Chapter 2: New Origins
Cybernetic Enhancement character’s Stats may exceed 18
The character is part human part Class Skills: regardless of the
artificial. Some characters of this origin character’s class, she may add 2 skills
are barely recognizable as human, while of her choice to her list of class skills.
others walk among humanity Powers: Characters of this Origin
undetected. receive no Powers, except bonus
Powers from a class. So, a MasterMind
Stat Bonus/Penalty: +2 to one Stat of might have Agents who were 1st level
the character’s choice; -2 to one Stat of Energy Projectors, armed with Blaster
the character’s choice rifles, gained with the bonus Blast Power
Vulnerability: Cybernetic characters gained by Energy Projectors at 1st level.
must take Vulnerability to Magnetic or Power Points: Normals do not receive
Electrical attacks (character’s choice) at x4 Power Points at 1st level, even if they
a DSR of 2, representing the painful have a Power to spend it on.
interaction between the natural and Favored Classes: Commoner, Expert
artificial systems that results when the
character is attacked with these energy
forms. The character gets no XP for this
Bonus Ability: In combat, a cybernetic
character benefits from the parts of his
body that are not natural, and thus
deliver no pain sensation when they are
attacked, and can be easily replaced
when damaged. The character receives
the Diesel feat for free, without needing
the prerequisite, at 1st Level.
Powers: Cybernetic characters receive
one Power every 2 levels.
Favored Classes: Brick, Energy
Projector, Gadgeteer


This Origin is for Dependants, Contacts,

Thugs, etc. A character could take this
origin if he wanted to, but would be at a
severe disadvantage.
Stat Bonus/Penalty: +2 to one Stat of
the character’s choice; -2 to one Stat of
the character’s choice; none of the

Chapter 3: New Character Classes
Gangster his living in rather unconventional
(illegal) ways. He may use any one of
The character is (or was) a professional his class skills as a Profession to
criminal. This class is meant to determine his starting resources. Thus
represent the common street “soldier” of a player could decide his character was
organized crime. Although a character a fence, and use his Appraise skill to
can rise high in the ranks of organized grant a bonus to starting Resources.
crime strictly on his ability to enforce his
will, high ranking mob bosses are Big Time: This ability represents the
usually members of the MasterMind Gangster moving up within his Family.
Prestige Class. Although a Hero could Each time the character gains this
very easily be from this class (many ability, he may either raise his resources
heroes in fact have criminal histories), by one, or take a new Contact. This
staying a member of this class will new Contact may be of any kind, subject
impose more and more restrictions on a to GM approval.
Hero as he goes up in level. Especially
once the character gains the Favor, Favor: As the character rises in rank, he
Reciprocity, and Made Man abilities, the may call on his people to perform
character will be expected to act in a services for him. Each favor a character
certain way by his “family”. If he does gains through this ability may be used
not uphold his obligations to repay only once. This could be a member of
favors, collect debts (often through his own family, or even a reputable
violence), and support other members of businessman who owes the mob money
his family, the character will find himself or protection. However, such favors are
cut off from his contacts, and will have a expected to be returned. Whoever
new Enemy Disadvantage. performs the service for the character
may call on him to perform a service for
Class Abilities them at a later date. Failure to provide
Hit Die: d8 that service will get the character in
Alignment: any non-good deep trouble with his mob associates.
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Brawling, However, if he does perform the service,
Driving, Gather Information, Innuendo, he gets his favor back.
Intimidate, Sense Motive
Skill Points per Level: 4+Int Modifier Reciprocity: Gangsters have their own
Class Powers: Armor, Blast, culture. A major facet of that culture is
Superhuman Presence, Superhuman Reciprocity (exchange of favors/debts).
Strength, Unique Item, Unique Vehicle Anyone who performs well is to be
Power Points per Level: 2+Con rewarded, while anyone who wrongs
Modifier you is to be wronged in return. At this
level the Gangster may effectively treat
Strictly Business: A Gangster makes anyone who has wronged him as a

favored enemy, at the listed bonus, until control of his own crime family. Keeping
he has payed back whatever wrong was a character in play once he reaches this
done. This ability functions exactly as in level will be very difficult. The character
the PHB, except that it also provides the effectively gets the Leadership feat for
listed bonus to Gather Information for free. Any Gangster in his family of lower
“Tracking” purposes. level must obey his commands. The
So if a member of the character’s gang character only needs to obey the
were killed, he would gain the bonus in commands of a Boss of all Bosses.
all actions against the killer(s) until he
had killed one of them. The GM has the
final say on when a debt has been
repaid, but proportionality should reign Boss of all Bosses: At this level the
supreme. If someone
owes you money, you
gain this bonus until Gangster
they repay you, not Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special
until you kill them. 1st +0 +2 +0 +0 Strictly Business
2 +1 +3 +0 +0
Made Man: Before this 3 +2 +3 +1 +1 Big Time +1
point, a character is on 4 +3 +4 +1 +1 Favor
the periphery of his 5 +3 +4 +1 +1 Reciprocity +1
family business. Once 6 +4 +5 +2 +2 Big Time +2
a character is 7 +5 +5 +2 +2 Made Man
made, he is in the 8 +6/+1 +6 +2 +2 Favor
family forever. He may 9 +6/+1 +6 +3 +3 Big Time +3
give orders to any 10 +7/+2 +7 +3 +3 Reciprocity +2
lower level member of 11 +8/+3 +7 +3 +3 Boss
his family, and those 12 +9/+4 +8 +4 +4 Favor;Big Time +4
orders are expected to 13 +9/+4 +8 +4 +4
be obeyed. However, 14 +10/+5 +9 +4 +4 Reciprocity +3
the character is 15 +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +5 Big Time +5
expected to obey the 16 +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 Favor
orders of those above 17 +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5
him as well. This 18 +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 Big Time +6
ability also grants the 19 +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 Reciprocity +4
character the ability to 20 +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Boss of all Bosses
exert subtle influence
on others, adding his
Level to Diplomacy
checks made on those inside his family, character is de facto ruler of all
and adding his Level to Intimidate organized crime within certain limits.
checks on those who are not in his Each type of gang, often broken down
family. along racial lines will have their own
Boss of all Bosses. So there is a Boss
Boss: At this level the character is given of all Bosses for the Italian Mafia, a

Boss of all Bosses for the Chinese Bonus Feats: every 5 levels, the
Triads and so forth. This is a very Vigilante receives a bonus feat from the
dangerous position to hold, for following list: Arsenal, Combat Driving,
promotion by assassination is very Combat Piloting, Lair, Martial Arts,
common. Optics, Ordinance, Vengeance,
Vehicular Construction, Weapon Master
Vigilance: this ability allows the
The Vigilante character is one Vigilante to treat common criminals
concerned with Justice. The character favored enemies. This ability works
holds herself (either through idealism or exactly as in the PHB, except that it
arrogance) to a higher ideal than the grants the listed bonus to Criminology
rule of law, instead concerning herself and Gather Information for “Tracking”
with what is right. Standing outside the purposes.
system as she does, such a character
often finds herself hunted by both law
enforcement and criminals.

Class Abilities
Hit Die: d8
Alignment: any
Lawful Vigilante
Class Skills: Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special
Criminology, Driving, 1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Bonus Feat
Gather Information, 2nd +1 +0 +3 +0
Hide, Intimidate, 3 rd
+2 +1 +3 +1
Martial Arts, Move 4th +3 +1 +4 +1 Vigilance +1
Silently 5 th
+3 +1 +4 +1 Bonus Feat
Skill Points per 6th +4 +2 +5 +2
Level: 3+ Int Modifier 7 th
+5 +2 +5 +2
Class Powers: 8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 Vigilance +2
Armor, Blast, Claws, 9 th
+6/+1 +3 +6 +3
Danger Sense, 10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 Bonus Feat
Ensnaring Attack, 11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +3
Spectral Sight, 12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4 Vigilance +3
Superhuman 13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +4
Dexterity, 14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +4
Superhuman 15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +5 Bonus Feat
Presence, Unique 16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5 Vigilance +4
Item, Unique Vehicle 17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +5
Power Points per 18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +6
Level: 3+ Con 19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +6
Modifier 20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +6 Bonus feat

Chapter 4: New Feats
Cybernetics (Item Creation Feat) See the Disadvantages section for
Prerequisite: Gadgeteer Level 5+ details on addiction.
This feat allows the Gadgeteer to alter Cost: Drugs made with this feat cost
the physiology of Normals and Animals, Resources of 10 + ½ Skill, and 10 XP
adding to them the Cybernetic per skill point. In other words, a drug
Enhancement Origin. This takes the made at skill 12 would require a
place of any Origin the character may resources roll of 16 and would cost the
have previously had (such as Normal). character 120 XP for each dose.
This ability may not be used on a
character who already has an Origin
other than Normal.
Effect: Adds the Cybernetic
Enhancement Origin to a character.
Cost: The resources cost of adding
Cybernetics to a follower is 15 + ½ the
character’s Level. The Gadgeteer
performing the operation decides what
Powers the “patient” gains from the
added Origin, and how any Power
Points initially gained are spent.

Designer Chemistry (Item Creation

Prerequisite: Gadgeteer level 1+
This Feat allows the character to create
drugs to enhance his performance in
Effect: For each 6 Points of the
Gadgeteer’s Knowledge: Pharmacy skill,
the drugs he makes with this feat can
temporarily raise Str, Dex, or Con by
1d4 points for 1d6 rounds. Thus a
character with 12 Ranks in Pharmacy
could make a drug granting +2d4 for
2d6 rounds. Another, more insidious
use of this skill (for evil characters only)
is to make a highly addictive narcotic.
The person taking the drug must make a
Fort Save (DC 10 + ½ the Gadgeteer’s
Pharmacy skill) or become addicted.

Chapter 5: New Powers
Beast Form lasting one round for each Power Point
Beast Form(Con; trained only) the character has in Energy Theft. The
The character possesses the ability to character may not drain more than one
assume the shapes of wild animals. level for every five Power Points, no
Each shape is a different skill. So, a matter how many times he touches a
character who could transform into a target, and the character may not drain
Wolf and Bear would take those as more than two levels per attack. If the
separate skills under this one Power. target gained a Power from a given
The character may assume Beast Form level, the character gains temporary use
once per day for every 5 Power Points of that Power until he loses the level. If
invested. For each size category the target is reduced to zero level, she
different from the character’s base size, must make a Fort Save (DC 10 + 5 per
this cost is doubled. Therefor, a level lost) or the Power transfer is
character with the ability to transform permanent. The target is permanently a
into a Black Bear (medium animal) who normal, zero level person. This does
spent 20 Power Points on the skill, not grant the character additional
would be able to assume that form 4 Powers however, it merely gives him
times daily. If the same character spent those Powers earlier than he should
20 Power Points to assume the form of have gotten them. So, if a 4th level
a Polar Bear (large animal) would be Mutant permanently steals 2 Powers
able to assume that form twice per day. that have 20 Power Points spent on
them, he does not get a Power of his
Energy Theft; exclusive own choice until 10th level, and may not
Energy theft is a dangerous Power, spend Power Points until he has “bought
difficult to control, as it involves an off” the 20 he received from the drain.
exchange of life essences. These
Powers require the concentration skill to If the character fails a Concentration
effectively control, requiring the Skill check when he uses this power
character who possesses them to avoid (DC 10 +5 per level drained), he may
contact with others. No Class has this acquire physical disadvantages
Power as a Class Power, which makes it possessed by his target. If the
extremely expensive as well. As such, character permanently drains levels and
characters with this Power are fails this check, he permanently
extremely rare. acquires the disadvantages as well.

Life Drain(Wis; trained only) Memory Drain(Wis; trained only)

The character gains a level drain as a The character gains the ability drain
touch attack. The character drains one memories from his target. The target
level for each 5 Power Points if the does not lose his memories, the Energy
victim fails a Fort Save (DC 10 + ½ Thief simply gains them also. The
Power). This level drain is temporary, character drains one skill point for every

Power Point in this Power. The Power If the character succeeds at a ranged
lasts 1 round per Power Point. Skill touch attack, his target must make a Will
points are gained from random skills Save (DC 10 + ½ Power Skill), or reroll
possessed by the target, and skills his next roll, taking the worst of the two
gained in this way may be used freely results.
by the character.
Stunning Attack
This is a popular Power among Good
If the character fails a Concentration heroes. Not only does it allow capture
skill check (DC 10 +1 per Skill Point of Villains to face the law, but it also
drained), he also gains any Mental gives a Hero a means to take on normal
Disadvantages possessed by his target, thugs without running the risk of killing
picking up his personality traits. If the them.
character rolls a 1 on this check, he Stunning Attack(Con): If the target of
permanently gains both the skills, and this attack is less than ½ the character’s
the Mental Disadvantages. This does level, he must make a Fort Save (DC 10
not grant the character additional skills, + ½ Power Skill), or be knocked
however, it merely grants him skills unconscious for 1-4 minutes. If the
earlier than he otherwise would have target is more than ½ the character’s
gained them. The character may not level, he must make a Fort Save or be
choose where he spends his skill points Stunned for 1-4 rounds.
until he “pays off” the skill points drained
through this power.

The character has the blood of a wild
animal coursing through his veins. This
allows him to spend Power Points to
improve the following skills: Animal
Empathy, Balance, Climb, Handle
Animal, Hide, Intuit Direction, Jump,
Move Silently, Ride, Swim, Wilderness
Lore. Keep in mind that a character is
not limited by level when spending
Power Points as he is with Skill Points.

Probability Manipulation; exclusive

Good Luck(Wis)
Once per day for every 10 Power Points
the character invests in this power, she
may reroll any roll. However, she must
abide by the results of the second roll,
even if it is worse than the first roll.
Bad Luck(Wis)

Chapter 6: New Disadvantages
Addiction (DSR Variable Character Something about the character frightens
Disadvantage) people. It could be he is horribly
The character is addicted to a harmful or disfigured, or perhaps something about
illegal substance. He must make a Will the character just sets people ill at ease.
Save (DC 10 + DSR) to avoid indulging This Disadvantage subtracts the DSR
in his addiction each day. Each day the from Resources and all Charisma based
character succumbs he either must skills except Intimidation. This
make a Fort Save (DC 10 +DSR) or take Disadvantage adds its DSR to the
1-2 Con ability Damage (if the character’s Intimidate skill.
substance is harmful), or runs the risk of
getting arrested (roll of 20 on d20 + Hard Knocks (DSR Variable Character
DSR). If a character rolls a 1 on his Fort Disadvantage)
Save for a harmful drug, he has The character has a criminal past. The
overdosed and must make a second character can either take this as a
Fort Save with the same DC as the first Prejudice-like Disadvantage (the DSR
or die. As with normal ability damage, reducing starting Resources and
the character heals 1 Con per day. If Reputation/Cha skills when dealing with
the character’s Con is ever reduced to 0 law-enforcement), or an Enemy with
from his addiction, he succumbs to long law-enforcement.
term effects of his addiction and dies.
Note that if the character is addicted to a Limited Uses (DSR Variable Power
substance that is both illegal and Disadvantage)
harmful (such as Heroin) he may take The character has a power that he may
this Disadvantage twice. only use a limited number of times per
game session. This disadvantage may
Disability (DSR Variable Character only be applied to powers that may
Disadvantage) normally be used an unlimited number
The character has some physical of times each game session. Powers
malady. At DSR one, it would be such as Domination, Invisibility, and
something that, when it comes into play, Desolidification already have this
would be more of a nuisance than advantage “built in”. For each round of
anything (say poor eyesight that gave use the character gets out of the power
the character a small penalty to ranged less than 10, the DSR of this
attacks). At the maximum DSR of 5, the disadvantage is 1. So, if a character
character has a severe handicap, such could fly for only 4 rounds each game
as being unable to walk, only having one session, or fire his blast only 4 times
arm (which would seriously limit the each game session, the DSR would be
character’s attacks in combat). 6.

Frightening Appearance (DSR Loose Cannon (DSR Variable Power

Variable Character Disadvantage) Disadvantage)

The character has a power that he can character must make a Concentration
control only through outside aid, or check, DC 10. If he makes it, he is safe
through intense concentration. If the until the next interval, at which time he
control mechanism is a device the must make a Concentration check of 11,
character has easily at hand, and is and so on.
difficult to disarm from the character, the
DSR is 2. If the control mechanism is
hard to find, or can be removed with a
Disarm maneuver in combat, the DSR is
doubled. If the power requires a
concentration check to control, the DSR
is the DC of the check over 10 (so a DC
13 Concentration check would be DSR

Obsession (DSR 5 Character

The character is consumed by some
goal. All his waking moments are
dedicated to obtaining that goal. What
this goal is will determine the character’s
Alignment. (In other words it is
impossible to be Good and have an
Obsession that would take an Evil act to
complete). Very few heroes will have
this Disadvantage, as even a Noble goal
tends to be perverted when it becomes
an Obsession.

Time Bomb (DSR Variable Power

This very serious disadvantage turns the
character into a time bomb... literally.
One of the characters powers goes off
whether he wants it to or not, at full
force, at a set interval. The base
interval is one day, and the base DSR is
1. For each time the interval is halved,
the DSR is doubled. If the character
must apply a special ability to the Power
when it activates, such as a MetaEnergy
feat or the OverCharge PowerHouse
class ability, this adds +2 to the DSR.
When the interval time has elapsed, the

Chapter 7: New Prestige Classes
ArchNemesis Will, Unique Item, Unique Vehicle
Power Points per Level: 4+Con.
This Villain focuses all his hatred on one Modifier
Hero. Perhaps the Villain was created
in some fashion by the Hero, or perhaps Favored Enemy: Like the ability in the
the Villain has simply fixated on the PHB, except that the ArchNemesis gets
Hero to the exclusion of all other +1 per level to damage and the listed
endeavors. These Villains tend to be skills, and he also gains the bonus to his
loners, unable to attract much in the way Gather Information skill for “tracking”
of followers due to the “unprofitability” of purposes.
their goals. Exploit Weakness: The ArchNemesis
studies his target’s fighting styles and
Requirements tendencies closely, gaining unique
Alignment: any evil insight into any weaknesses the Hero
Feats: Loner may show in combat. This ability
Disadvantages: Nemesis (DSR 5) extends the Favored Enemy bonuses to
against a Hero who also has Nemesis all ArchNemesis Class Skills. The
(DSR 5) with the Villain character also adds his ArchNemesis
BAB: +5 level to any attack rolls made against his
Class Features Know your Enemy: The Nemesis
Hit Die: d8 knows everyone of the character’s
Class Skills: Bluff, Driving, Hide, Disadvantages. If the character has a
Gather Information, Intimidate, Listen, Secret Identity, the ArchNemesis is
Move Silently,
Profession, ArchNemesis
Sense Motive, Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special
Spot 1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Favored Enemy
Skill Points per 2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Exploit
Level: 4+Int. Weakness
Modifier 3rd +2 +1 +3 +1
Class Powers: 4th +3 +1 +4 +1
Armor, Aura, 5th +3 +1 +4 +1 Know your
Blast, Danger Enemy
Sense, 6th +4 +2 +5 +2
Enhanced 7th +5 +2 +5 +2 Know Yourself
Senses, 8 +6 +2 +6 +2
Ensnaring Attack, 9 +6 +3 +6 +3
Flight, 10th +7 +3 +7 +3 Moment of
Superhuman Weakness

aware of it. Int Modifier
Know Yourself: The character adds his Class Powers: Armor, Claws, Damage
ArchNemesis levels as a circumstance Touch, Density Increase, Growth, Life
bonus to his Def. when fighting his Support, Regeneration, Superhuman
favored enemy. Durability, Superhuman Strength
Moment of Weakness: At this level the Power Points per Level: 8 + Con
ArchNemesis may spend a Villain point Modifier
and “activate” one of his favored
enemy’s Disadvantages. So, at a Heart of Darkness: By spending a
crucial moment in a combat the Hero’s Villainy Point, an ArchVillain may, a
Dependant might just drive up, or the certain number of times each day, inflict
Hero might be suddenly flooded with maximum damage on any successful
memories of the Tragedy that led him to attack.
become a Hero. Inspire Fear: At this level the
ArchVillain may Inspire Fear in anyone
ArchVillain less than ½ his level, rendering them
Shaken if they fail a Will Save (DC 10 +
These unspeakable monsters are the ½ the ArchVillain’s level + the
ultimate expression of Evil in the world ArchVillain’s Cha Modifier).
of Vigilance. These characters are Hatred: The ArchVillain is constantly
serial killers with Powers, horrors of the filled with hatred. This hatred has no
modern world. These creatures are reason, it only needs an outlet. In
always loners, for not even their own combat, the ArchVillain can channel all
kind trusts them. Seething cauldrons of his hatred against his opponent. If the
anger, they lash out at everyone around ArchVillain spends a Villainy Point, he
them. may, a certain number of times each
day cause any successful hit to be a
Requirements Critical Threat. This ability may be
Feats: Loner
Chaotic Evil ArchVillain
BAB: +9 Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Heart of Darkness
Class 1/day
Features 2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Bonus Villainy Point
Hit Die: d12 3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Inspire Fear
Class Skills: 4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Bonus Villainy Point
Climb, 5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Heart of Darkness
Intimidate, 2/day
Jump, 6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Bonus Villainy Point
Profession, 7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Hatred 1/day
Swim 8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Bonus Villainy Point
Skill Points 9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Hatred 2/day
per Level: 2 + 10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Terror of the Night

combined with Heart of Darkness for 2 bitterness. This could be a High
Villainy Points, resulting in a devastating Prejudice (perfect for a Mutant Villain), a
attack. Tragedy, an Enemy, but whatever it is, it
Terror of the Night: Hating even is the force driving the character toward
himself, the ArchVillain has become one evil.
with the darkness, preferring it so he Special Restrictions: Once a character
doesn’t have to see himself or the takes a level in this class, he may only
horrors he commits. The ArchVillain leave it at the levels when he receives
gains DarkVision to a range of 60 feet, the “Redemption” ability. Even then, he
and Hide and Move Silently become may only leave the class if he makes a
class skills. Will Save (DC 10 + Fallen Angel level).
Once a character successfully leaves
Fallen Angel this class, he may never return to it. A
trip down the dark path should not be
Almost the opposite of the ArchVillain, taken lightly, and some never return.
the Fallen Angel is a difficult opponent
precisely because he is not totally evil. Class Features
Heroes have a hard time fighting him Hit Die: d8
because they can sense the good in Class Skills: Bluff, Disguise, Hide,
him. In fact, a character of this Prestige Move Silently, Profession
class might at one time have been a Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int Modifier
Hero. However, while a Fallen Angel Class Powers: Blast, Claws, Flight,
can be redeemed, the longer he stays in Superhuman Presence, Superhuman
this class the less chance of that there Strength, Telekinesis
is. His Alignment slips ever more Power Points per Level: 8 + Con
toward evil, his bitterness growing daily. Modifier

Requirements Dark Journey: The character’s

Alignment: Neutral, Chaotic Neutral alignment takes one shift toward evil
BAB: +3
Frenzy Fallen Angel
Disadvantag Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special
es: the 1st +0 +0 +2 +0 Dark Journey
character 2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Spark of Good 1/game
must have a 3 +2 +1 +3 +1 Hint of Evil 1/game
single 4 +3 +1 +4 +1 Spark of Good 2/game
Disadvantag 5 +3 +1 +4 +1 Redemption
e with a DSR 6th +4 +2 +5 +2 Spark of Good 3/game
of 5 or more 7 +5 +2 +5 +2
that acts as 8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +2 Hint of Evil 2/game
the “catalyst” 9 +6/+1 +3 +6 +3 Dark Journey
for his anger 10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +3 Redemption

(from good to neutral, from neutral to win once.
evil). A MasterMind will always be surrounded
Spark of Good: There is still good by legions of Cohorts and Thug level
within the character, and this often followers. How he thinks of these
comes out at critical moments of a followers and how he treats them will
battle, causing the Fallen Angel’s depend largely on his Alignment. A
opponents to pull their punches. This Chaotic Evil MasterMind’s followers will
ability makes any Critical Hit made by a always be walking on eggshells, for
good character a normal attack, and any interrupting his nap could lead to
normal attack automatically does disintegration. Lawful Evil MasterMinds
minimum damage. usually hold themselves to a larger
Hint of Evil: Just as there is good within cause, and while they are willing to
the character, there is also a growing sacrifice their followers in pursuit of that
seed of bitterness and rage. This rage cause, they also reward successful
is often directed against heroes of good cohorts with more power.
alignment, who remind the Fallen Angel
of a life lived in the light, just out of Requirements
reach. This ability adds the character’s Feats: Leadership, Tactician
Fallen Angel levels to the damage of Abilities: Int 16+, Wis 12+, Cha 16+
any attack made against a good Alignment: any Evil
Redemption: This ability allows the Class Features
character to fight the Evil growing within Hit Die: d8
him and step back into the light. The Class Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy,
character must succeed at a Will Save Intimidate, Listen, Profession, Sense
(DC 15 at 5th level, 20 at 10th level). If Motive, Spot
this save is successful, the character Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int Modifier
returns to the Alignment he had before Class Powers: Armor, Aura, Danger
taking the Fallen Angel class. Sense, Deflection, Ensnaring Attack,
Furthermore, the character may leave Flight, Superhuman Presence,
the class the next time he gains a level. Superhuman Will, Unique Vehicle
Power Points per Level: 8 + Con
Dark Magnetism: Perhaps the
Some say the MasterMind is the signature ability of a MasterMind is his
ultimate Villain. Certainly he is one of ability to attract legions of followers
the hardest to catch. Hiding as he does willing to lay down their lives for his
behind layer upon layer of followers, “cause”. When dealing with people of a
both normal and Superhuman, the true
MasterMind remains unseen,
manipulating strings behind the scenes.
The motto of the MasterMind is that he
may lose many times, but only needs to

Reputation MasterMind
(Villains), or Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special
people of Evil 1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Dark Magnetism
Alignment, the 2 nd
+1 +3 +0 +3 Unique Vehicle
MasterMind’s 3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Force of
Reputation and Personality
Leadership 4th +3 +4 +1 +4 2nd Cohort
scores are 5 th
+3 +4 +1 +4 HQ
doubled. For 6th +4 +5 +2 +5 3rd Cohort
Leadership 7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Notorious
scores over 25, 8 th
+6/+1 +6 +2 +6 4th Cohort
double the 9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Infamous
number of 10 th
+7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Cult of Personality
followers for
each 5 points
above 25. authorities through his actions, causing
Unique Vehicle: At 2nd Level the a wide ranging response wherever he
MasterMind receives this Power for free. appears. Subtract the MasterMind’s
Force of Personality: If the MasterMind level from his Reputation, and give him
is actually fighting with his followers, Hero Enemies with a total DSR equal to
they receive a bonus to hit and initiative his Level. However, for those with Evil
equal to his Will Save Bonus. This is in Alignments or negative Reputations, his
addition to any bonus he can grant from Leadership score is now triple his level.
the Tactician feat. Again, based on The total levels of Cohorts he can attract
Alignment, this bonus might come from is now six times his level instead of five.
the inspiration of their beloved leader’s Infamous: At this level, the MasterMind
presence, or the fear of failing him. has such a bad Reputation that he can
Additional Cohorts: As a MasterMind inspire Fear in anyone of lower level at
rises in level, he may have more than will, as a free action, in anyone who fails
one Cohort, eventually enough to form a a Will Save (DC 10 + the character’s
small team of loyal followers. The only MasterMind Levels + the character’s
restrictions on the level of these Cohorts Cha bonus).
is that they may not be higher than the Cult of Personality: At this level, the
MasterMind’s character level, and the MasterMind is a hero to his fellow
MasterMind may not have more than 5 villains, who almost worship him. The
levels of Cohorts for each MasterMind maximum HD of his Cohorts is
level. unlimited, and his Cohorts may even be
HQ: At this level, the MasterMind gets higher level than him.
the Gadgeteer ability for free, enabling
him to construct an elaborate HQ with
Defenses and Sensors.
Notorious: At this level, the MasterMind
has attracted the attention of the

Paragon makes a saving throw vs. an attack
made by an evil character.
The Paragon is the Paladin of Vigilance. Righteous Wrath: When a Paragon
He wears his good Alignment both as a attacks an evil character, he may spend
badge of honor and a shield, pursuing a Hero point before his attack roll. His
evil with a tenacity that is often attack automatically hits, and is
frightening to behold, especially to the automatically a threat. He must
dark forces of the night. determine if it is an actual critical in the
normal fashion.
Requirements Defender of the Meek: The Paragon is
Alignment: Lawful Good willing to sacrifice himself to protect
BAB: +9 those weaker than himself. By
Abilities: Cha 13+ activating this ability, the Paragon may
automatically move to interpose himself
Class Features between an attack made by an evil
Hit Die: d10 character and someone of less than half
Class Skills: Diplomacy, Gather his level. The attack automatically hits
Information, Intimidate, Profession, the Paragon. The Paragon receives a
Sense Motive bonus Hero Point for using this ability.
Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int Modifier
Class Powers: Armor, Blast, Flight,
Regeneration, Super Running,
Superhuman Dexterity, Superhuman
Durability, Superhuman Presence,
Superhuman Strength, Unique item
Power Points per Level: 8 + Con

Conviction: Paragon
The Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special
Paragon’s 1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Conviction 1/game
desire to do 2 nd
+2 +3 +0 +3 Bonus Hero Point
good and 3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Righteous Wrath
defeat evil 1/game
serves to 4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Bonus Hero Point
protect him as 5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Conviction 2/game
he battles the 6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Bonus Hero Point
forces of evil. 7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Righteous Wrath
By spending a 2/game
Hero Point 8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Defender of the
and using this Meek 1/game
ability, the 9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Bonus Hero Point
Paragon 10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Defender of the
automatically Meek 2/game


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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Vigilance Copyright 2002 by Charles Rice


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