Survive This!! Nightworld - owHj7Z

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Written & Created by

Josh Palmer

Art by
Phil Stone

Eric Bloat

Bloat Games logo by

Jeff Jones
©2022 Bloat Games
Available in Print at:
1st Printing, May 2022, Printed in the U.S.A.

Nightworld is trademark ™ Elf Lair, LLC. Used with Permission

The Conclave of the Apocalypse
Barnabus, the Lord of the Vampires has long wished to
annihilate humanity, but something has always stopped him
from unleashing true Hell upon the world. For reasons
unknown, even to his greatest allies and generals, the Lord
has called those allies and generals together in his castle.

What can he be up to?

Who can stop him with all of all of these monsters on his side?

As the monsters wait to get the final word, they have

assumed that this gathering can only be the beginning of the
end for mankind. So, they have started calling themselves
The Conclave of the Apocalypse.

D10 Possible Reasons for the Gathering of Monsters

1 To destroy the world and take it over.
2 To utterly destroy all life.
3 To perform a secret ritual to summon an even
greater power.
4 To relinquish his crown to another legendary
5 To ask for help so that he could repent and turn
6 To perform a ritual to raise his lost love.
7 To find a secret relic of great power.
8 To wipe them all out.
9 To wipe out all monster hunters.
10 To bring an army from Hell to the Earth.

Quick Reference Enemies by Page Chart
6 Barnabus, the Lord of the Vampires
10 Bat, Lord
11 Bat, Vampiric
13 Buckjumper
13 Buckjumper, Master
14 Canopy Harpies
15 Diving Raven
16 Doubleganger
18 Drifting Eye
20 Fishling
22 Flame Hurler
23 Flaming Skull
24 Frankie
26 Ghost Armor, Axeman
27 Ghost Armor, Pikeman
28 Grim Reaper
30 Hugh Le foul
32 Kasmiria, Masquerade Queen
36 Killer Wolf
37 Lost Knight
38 Medusa Striker
39 Medusa, Queen
40 Mud Chucker
41 Mummy Twins
42 Skeleton, Ape
43 Skeleton, Colum Cannons
44 Skeleton, Dragon’s Neck
45 Skeleton, Fire
46 Skeletons, Jumper
46 Skeleton, Red Blood
47 Spouting Death
48 Subanrab, Prince of the Vampires
51 Water Serpent, Two-Headed Fire-Breathing
52 Zombie, Portal

Stat Block Explanation
(Type): The type of creature. Important for some Toughness,
ability and skill references.

Location: The typical places one can locate this monster.

Size: The average size of the monster.

Armor Class: Attack rolls must exceed this number to hit.

Hit Dice: d6 x this number to determine starting HP (unless the

HP are given).

Move: Move per round. Move x 10 = Feet you can move a round.

Actions: How many actions in a round.

Attack Damage: Damage & Weapon of their most common


Special: Any special abilities or attacks noted.

Bonuses: Noted bonuses listed here.

Morale: Willingness to remain in a fight. See below.

Terror Checks: Target DCs on Terror checks are listed on each

creature or monster. The first time you encounter a monster, roll a
d20 adding your level and any bonuses. If a Character fails (rolls
below the Terror DC), they must roll on the Failed Courage/
Terror chart and then the next time they encounter the monster
they must roll again, but gain a +1 accumulative bonus to your

Treasure Type: Potential treasure the monster may carry in ST

Fantasy. In other games, the GM may decide what treasure to give

Alignment: The moral lean of a character or creature.

HDE: Hit Dice Equivalent gives the monsters total difficulty
accounting for Hit Dice (HD), Armor Class (AC), Attacks, Attack
Damage, Movement, Special Abilities & Bonuses.

*Monsters Saving Throws are 8 + 1 per Hit Dice.

Barnabus, the Lord of the Vampires (Undead)
The oldest and most powerful of vampires, Barnabus, the Lord of the
Vampires has long been an enemy of humanity. Thousands of vampire
hunters and civilians have perished at his hands, or those of his minions.
The Lord has summoned many of the most powerful monsters for an
unknown purpose.
He is a tall, menacing man of striking handsomeness that is always well
dressed and is known for being extremely cocky. When he is brought to 0
HP, he changes into his second form (2 rounds).
Undead are immune to mind-affecting effects, Poisons, Stuns,
being Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: His castle
Size: 6’ ½ “
Armor Class: 28
Hit Dice: 250 HP (19 HD)
Move: 21/ 28 Flying
Actions: 3
Attack Damage: **Spells, Bite (d12), Claws (d12)
Special: *Vampiric Powers, Dark Vision 200’, True Vision 200’,
Fearless, Outsmart (x5/ day)
Bonuses: +16 to Melee attacks, +5 to Melee damage, +16 to Range
attacks, +9 to Initiative, +20 to Spot & Listen, +15 to all
Knowledges, +13 to Persuasion, +13 to Tracking, +16 to Stealth
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 10
Terror: 24
HDE: 15
*Vampiric Powers: He has the following vampiric powers:
• Advantage on all Saving Throws.
• Advantage on DEX checks.
• Toughness +4. After that they take ½ damage from all
Physical & Energy based damage. Magic and Psychic
damage is unaffected.
• Weakness to Light damage, Silver & Wood (these
ignore Toughness).
• Exposure to natural sunlight causes (d4) damage per
• Regenerates (d4) HP at the end of each round.

• Heals (d6) HP for each full round of feeding.
• Empathy with bats, cats, rats, wolves & vermin.
• Control Humanoids: Advantage on all Persuasion
checks. Can control a Hit Dice worth of Humanoids
equal to her Hit Dice. To try temporary control, roll a
d20 and add your Persuasion modifier (this does not
count as a Persuasion attempt). The target rolls a d10
and adds their Mental save stat. If your number
exceeds theirs, you control them for 1 hour. Psychics
roll a d20 instead a d10 for the save. For permanent
control, the vampire must drink the blood of a victim
and then do as above. The victim cannot be a player
• As an Action, he can transform into a mist cloud that is
immune to all Physical damage (even Silver & Wood).
His Move becomes 10 and he can travel through
cracks, keyholes, etc. He cannot touch anything while
in this form.
• Animal Transformation: As an Action, you can
transform into a bat, cat, rat or wolf. While in the
animal form, you retain your Vampiric stats &
attributes. Transforming back is a Free Action.
**Spells: He knows all known spells and can cast (1/16, 2/14,
3/10, 4/8, 5/ 5). He may Step into the Void to double the spell
range, double the spell’s duration, to double the spell’s damage, to
strike multiple opponent’s at once or to make the spell immune to
Counterspells or Outsmart.

Barnabus, the Lord of Vampires Second Form
After falling, two rounds later the Lord arises as a huge, demonic
monster that is covered with a silvery-white metallic skin that smells of
sulfur and has huge fangs and talons. In this form the Lord is no longer
undead or a vampire, and he will jump around and physically attack the
Location: His castle Size: 20’ Armor Class: 25
Hit Dice: 160 HP (13 HD) Move: 24 Actions: 2
Attack Damage: Claws (d12 Shadow damage), *Death Drop
Special: Dark Vision 120’, True Vision 60’, Fearless, Seize the
Moment +1, Weakness: Fire & Light
Bonuses: +17 to Melee attacks, +6 to Melee damage, +6 to
Initiative, +12 to Spot & Listen, +14 to Jumping
Alignment: Evil Morale: 10 Terror: 25 HDE: 10
*Death Drop: Once per round, the Lord may jump and drop a
deadly attack upon their enemy’s head. If successful, the attack
deals (2d10) damage + it Stuns the target for 4 rounds unless they
make a CON check at Disadvantage.
**Demon Form: This form has Toughness +5, but takes full
damage from magic weapons and psychic attacks. He is immune
to Shadow damage. Light does 3 times the normal damage against

Bat, Lord (Aberration)
The Lord of the Bats is a huge bat that dwarfs any adventurer as it flies
over them, occasionally swooping down to try to eat range attackers after
shooting a barrage of fireballs at the group on the ground. The lord is
very intelligent and will use its range attacks to keep a safe distance for
most of the fight.
Location: Abandoned keeps and towers
Size: 15’ Armor Class: 20 Hit Dice: 110 HP (10 HD)
Move: 30 Flying Actions: 2
Attack Damage: Bite (d10 damage + heals the bat 3 HP), *Swoop,
**Fire Spray
Special: ***Radar, Advantage on Initiative, Toughness +1,
Weakness: Light
Bonuses: +11 to Melee attacks, +8 to Range attacks, +7 to Initiative
Alignment: Neutral Morale: 9 Terror: 17
Treasure Type (Fantasy): S HDE: 7
*Swoop: The bat will swoop down and attack with a bite and then
it will fly away into rafters or tree to hide.
**Fire Spray: Once per turn, the bat may spit a barrage of fireballs
at 3 targets below it. These targets may not be adjacent to each
other, but must be within 30’ of each other. Roll one Ranged
attack. Each fireball does (d10) Fire damage + Ignites.
***Radar: The bat can sense anything that is within 100’ of it. It
cannot be Blinded or surprised.

Bat, Vampiric (Beast)
These bats are slightly larger than normal bats and are much more
dangerous. They love to hide and swoop down upon unsuspecting
victims. They are most often discovered in a large group.
Location: Anywhere its not cold. Size: 1’- 2’ Armor Class: 13
Hit Dice: 1 + 1 HP Move: 18 Flying Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Bite (d4 damage + heals the bat 1 HP), *Swoop
Special: **Radar, Advantage on Initiative
Bonuses: +2 to Melee attacks, +2 to Initiative, +4 to Stealth
Alignment: Neutral Morale: 6 Terror: 8
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V HDE: ¼
*Swoop: The bat will swoop down and attack with a bite and then
it will fly away into rafters or tree to hide.
**Radar: The bat can sense anything that is within 60’ of it. It
cannot be Blinded or surprised.

Buckjumper (Humanoid)
These small humanoids bounce around in erratic patterns attacking their
prey. Although they are not very resilient, they can be quite a dangerous
foe because of their great speed and agility.
Location: Castles, Dungeons, Ruins Size: 3’ Armor Class: 19
Hit Dice: 1 + 4 HP Move: 21 Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Stab (d4 +1), By weapon
Special: *Aggravation, Seize the Moment +1
Bonuses: +3 to Melee attacks, +5 to Initiative, +12 to Jumping
Alignment: Anarchist Morale: 7 Terror: 8
Treasure Type (Fantasy): K HDE: 1
*Aggravation: Anyone hit by a Buckjumper is at -1 to all skill
checks and -1 to attack for the next 3 rounds (this may stack).

Buckjumper, Master (Humanoid)

The leaders of Buckjumpers are known as Masters. Although the same
size, Masters are much quicker than their brethren and they can spit
fireballs at their foes.
Location: Castles, Dungeons, Ruins Size: 3’ Armor Class: 23
Hit Dice: 10 + 6 HP Move: 26 Actions: 2
Attack Damage: Stab (d6 +1), By weapon, *Spitball
Special: **Aggravation, Seize the Moment +2
Bonuses: +8 to Melee attacks, +4 to Ranged attacks, +8 to
Initiative, +22 to Jumping
Alignment: Anarchist Morale: 9 Terror: 10
Treasure Type (Fantasy): E HDE: 4
*Spitball: The Master will spit 1 fireball each round at the most
threatening foe. Range: 40’ (d8) Fire damage + Aggravation
**Aggravation: Anyone hit by this Buckjumper is at -2 to all skill
checks and -2 to attack for the next 3 rounds (this may stack).

Canopy Harpy (Humanoid)
These foul, green-feathered harpies live in the dark forests near
graveyards. They live off of the flesh of humanoids that have recently
died, preferring to ambush prey that is resting.
Location: Forests
Size: 5’ – 6’
Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 2 + 4 HP
Move: 9/ 18 Flying
Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Talons (d6 + 1 Poison damage)
Special: Dark Vision 60’, Toughness: Shadow +4, Immunity to
Poison, Advantage on Stealth in Trees
Bonuses: +4 to Melee attacks, +3 to Initiative, +6 to Stealth, +4 to
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 6
Terror: 12
Treasure Type (Fantasy): A
HDE: 1

Diving Raven (Animal)
Diving ravens are known as a massive nuisance to adventurers
attempting to climb up stairs or ruins, because the birds will constantly
dive and fly away, often knocking the poor being to their death hundreds
of feet below. These birds are a bit larger than the typical raven and are
difficult to see in their nests.
Location: Anywhere Size: 1 ½’ Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 1 + 1 HP Move: 18 Flying Actions: 1
Attack Damage: *Dive Bomb, Peck (d4)
Special: -
Bonuses: +1 to Melee attack, +3 to Initiative, +3 to Spot & Listen
Alignment: Neutral Morale: 7 Terror: 6
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V HDE: 1/3
*Dive Bomb: These ravens will swoop down on beings that are
attempting to climb or are already engaged in combat. They have
Advantage on this attack, if they are in a higher Initiative spot. On
a successful attack roll of a natural 20, they knock the target back

Doubleganger (Humanoid)
One of the rarest and most befuddling foes is the legendary
Doubleganger. This great warrior and mimic can harness its powers to
look exactly like another humanoid, and they can copy the powers and
abilities of the same humanoid for a short time. Doublegangers make
excellent spies and mercenaries.
Location: Anywhere Size: 6’ Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 5 + 10 HP Move: 12 Actions: 2
Attack Damage: By weapon
Special: *Copy, Toughness: Psychic +3, Advantage on Saving
Throws, they can breathe in any environment
Bonuses: +5 to Melee attacks, +1 to Melee damage, +4 to Ranged
attacks, +3 to Initiative, +5 to Spot & Listen, +5 to Stealth
Alignment: Usually Anarchist or Evil
Morale: 9 Terror: - Treasure Type (Fantasy): C
HDE: Varies
*Copy: A Doubleganger can copy the form of any humanoid of
similar size (4’-8’) that they have seen before. They may stay in the
form for up to 12 hours. If they enter combat against that
humanoid, they also gain the powers and abilities of them, if they
are greater than the Doublegangers natural powers and abilities.
This includes attributes, save stats, Move, Actions, Attack
Damage, Specials, Terror and Bonuses. Anytime another being
makes the first Melee attack against the Doubleganger in a round,
the Doubleganger changes into their attackers form before the
attack happens.

Doublegangers cannot copy Outsiders or Undead, and spell

casting abilities. They can copy items and weapons. (GM’s
discretion advised)

When copying HP, if the Doubleganger copies something with

more HP, they gain the difference in HP from the first copy.
However, if they copy another target with greater HP, deduct all
damage taken during this fight from the HP gain before applying
the new HP.

Drifting Eye (Construct)
These small eyes drift throughout a dungeon or castle, standing guard
against intruders. Due to their metal carapace, they are extremely tough
to kill. Their creators often put an alarm system in them to set off a trap
or warn a nearby monster if they are not dispatched quick enough. All
constructs are immune to mind-affecting effects, Madness,
Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: Castles, Libraries, Dungeons
Size: 4’ long
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 2 + 5 HP
Move: 15 Flying
Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Tail Whip (d4)
Special: Toughness +2, Dark Vision 40’, *Telepathic Warning
Bonuses: +4 to Spot, +2 to Initiative
Alignment: Neutral
Morale: 10
Terror: 5
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V
HDE: ½
*Telepathic Warning: The eye has a telepathic warning system
that will trigger in X rounds. The GM will determine the number
of rounds and what trap or monster it will summon if the warning
goes off.

Fishling (Humanoid)
These foul beasts dwell in dark, wet caverns and active sewers, where
they relish in ambushing their next meal, whether it is a rat or an
adventurer. They are humanoid fishmen that are covered in muck and
are able to jump quite high.
Location: Caverns, Sewers, Bogs, Coastal Lands
Size: 5’ Armor Class: 13 Hit Dice: 2 + 2 HP
Move: 9/ 21 Swimming Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Bite (d4 + Muck), Claw (d4 + Muck)
Special: Dark Vision 40’, Toughness: Water +3, *Muck, +3 to
Poison save stat
Bonuses: +2 to Melee attack, +2 to Spot & Listen, +9 to Jumping
Alignment: Anarchist or Evil Morale: 6 Terror: 8
Treasure Type (Fantasy): A HDE: 1
*Muck: Any successful Muck attack causes the target to make a
CON check. If they fail, they are -1 to Move & -1 to attacks for 6
rounds (this may stack).

Fishling, Spitter (Humanoid)

These Fishlings are able to spit slimy globs of acidic water and mud at
their enemies and are slightly larger than other Fishlings.
Location: Caverns, Sewers, Bogs, Coastal Lands
Size: 5’ Armor Class: 14 Hit Dice: 3 + 4 HP
Move: 12/ 24 Swimming Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Bite (d4 + Muck), Claw (d4 + Muck), **Spit
Special: Dark Vision 40’, Toughness: Water +3, Toughness +1,
*Muck, +4 to Poison save stat
Bonuses: +3 to Melee attack, +1 to Melee damage, +2 to Range
attacks, +2 to Spot & Listen, +12 to Jumping
Alignment: Anarchist or Evil Morale: 8 Terror: 10
Treasure Type (Fantasy): B HDE: 2
*Muck: Any successful Muck attack causes the target to make a
CON check. If they fail, they are -1 to Move & -1 to attacks for 6
rounds (this may stack).
**Spit: They have a spit attack. Range: 40’ and does (d4) Water
damage + 2 Acid damage.

Flame Hurler (Elemental)
These minor elementals are often summoned to guard a keep or dungeon
passage. They indiscriminately toss fire at anything that they see. They
look like a human that has been set on fire, but they do not set the area
around them on fire. Elementals are Immune to mind-affecting
effects, Poisons, Stuns, Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: Dungeons, Castles Size: 5’ – 6 ‘ Armor Class: 11
Hit Dice: 2 Move: 12 Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Touch (d4 Fire damage), Hurl Fire (Range: 40’, d6
Fire damage)
Special: Dark Vision 60’, Immunity to Air and Fire, Weakness:
Water, *Non-Igniting
Bonuses: +2 to Melee attack, +2 to Range attacks, +2 to Initiative
Alignment: Neutral Morale: 10 Terror: 9
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V HDE: 1
*Non-Igniting: Although their fire is quite dangerous, it does not
Ignite anything it hits.

Flaming Skull (Undead)
These undead abominations are sometimes created when an unfortunate
humanoid is decapitated and immolated. They arise as a flaming skull,
floating around the area where they died, seeking revenge on anything
that walks by. Undead are immune to mind-affecting effects,
Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: Anywhere Size: 1’ Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 1 + 3 HP Move: 15 Flying Actions: 1
Attack Damage: *Slam
Special: Dark Vision 60’, **Phased, Toughness: Fire +5
Bonuses: +2 to Melee attack, +2 to Spot, +1 to Initiative
Alignment: Evil Morale: 8 Terror: 11
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V HDE: ½
*Slam: The skull will slam into its target dealing (d4) Magic
damage + 1 Fire damage + the target is Stunned for 2 rounds
unless they make a CON check.
**Phased: The skull is partially phased into the material world, so
any non-magical, physical attack against them is made at

Frankie (Undead)
Frankie is a large undead being that was created in a botched
necromancer’s experiment and is now hunted by evil doers and holy men
alike. He hides in sewers and ruins, seeking solitude. Frankie is made out
of the body parts of many strong humanoids, but is also highly
intelligent. He has befriended a group of Buckjumpers, and is often
accompanied by a Buckjumper master. Undead are immune to mind-
affecting effects, Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases &
Critical Hits.
Location: Ruins and Sewers
Size: 9’
Armor Class: 17
Hit Dice: 160 HP (16 HD)
Move: 10 (cannot Run)
Actions: 2
Attack Damage: Fist (d12 Shadow damage), Slam (d10 Shadow
damage + knocks the opponent back 20’, unless they make a STR
Special: Immune to non-magic weapons, Immunity to Electricity,
Electricity damage heals, Toughness +4, Fearless, Weakness: Fire
and Light, Advantage on STR checks
Bonuses: +10 to Melee attacks, +5 Melee damage, -2 to Initiative,
+10 Knowledge: Local
Alignment: Neutral
Morale: 10
Terror: 17
Treasure Type: H
HDE: 10

Ghost Armor, Axeman (Undead)
These large suits of animated armor wander through castle corridors
looking for beings to throw their axes into. They are often created when
an armored warrior is felled by a ghost, shadow or other incorporeal
undead. Undead are immune to mind-affecting effects, Poisons,
Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: Castles, Manors Size: 6’ + Armor Class: 22
Hit Dice: 8 + 12 HP Move: 10 Actions: 1
Attack Damage: *Thrown Axe
Special: Dark Vision 50’, Toughness +4, +3 to Magic save stat
Bonuses: +7 to Ranged attack, +2 to Initiative
Alignment: Evil Morale: 10 Terror: 13
Treasure Type (Fantasy): C (N if you encounter 3+)
HDE: 5
*Thrown Axe: Range: 100’. The Armors throw a huge axe at their
foes in a 100’ row (make one attack roll against all in that row). It
does (d8 Magic damage + 2 damage) and at the start of the
Armor’s next action of a new round, it returns to them on the
same path (re-roll attack as a Free Action, then make an attack as
normal). If the axe gets stuck, grabbed or knocked away, the
Armor will command it to return automatically, but they attack at
Disadvantage when they throw it next. The axe and armor
disintegrate upon death.

Ghost Armor, Pikeman (Undead)
These armors wear a smaller suit of armor, making them a bit quicker,
and they wield a long pike, making it difficult for a hero to avoid their
attack. Undead are immune to mind-affecting effects, Poisons,
Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: Castles, Manors Size: 5’ – 6’ Armor Class: 20
Hit Dice: 6 + 10 HP Move: 12 Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Pike (d8 Magic damage, reach 10’), *Twirl
Special: Dark Vision 50’, Toughness +3, +3 to Magic save stat
Bonuses: +7 to Melee attack, +4 to Initiative
Alignment: Evil Morale: 10 Terror: 11
Treasure Type (Fantasy): B (N if you encounter 4+)
HDE: 4
*Twirl: They can make a Twirl attack, by making 1 attack roll
against each adjacent target. Those that are hit, take a (d6) Magic

Grim Reaper (Outsider)
Called from the realm of death by the King of the Vampires, the Grim
Reaper willing aids the King in his genocide of humanity, because it
keeps the Grim Reaper’s powers at a high level. The more death and
destruction, the more powerful the Grim Reaper becomes. The Grim
Reaper appears as a hooded skeleton that carries a huge scythe as it floats
above its enemies.
Location: Anywhere
Size: 10’
Armor Class: 23
Hit Dice: 200 (16 HD)
Move: 40 Flying
Actions: 2
Attack Damage: *Scythe, **Hail of Blades,
Special: Dark Vision 150’, Fearless, ***Teleport, Outsmart (x3/
day), Toughness +5, Weakness: Light, Immunity to Poison
Bonuses: +14 to Melee attacks, +4 to Melee damage, +14 to Spot &
Listen, +6 to Initiative
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 10
Terror: 20
Treasure Type (Fantasy): X
HDE: 11
*Scythe: The Grim Reaper carries a 15’, jet-black Scythe. It acts a
+6 Magic weapon with a 10’ Reach. It does (d8) Magic damage +
(d8) Shadow damage + the target must make a STR check or they
are knocked back 20’.
**Hail of Blades: The Grim Reaper is surrounded by 3 6’ blades.
At the beginning of each round, each blade shoots out in a
random direction 60’, attacking anything in its path (one roll).
Each blade does (d10) Magic damage.
***Teleport: Once per round as an action, The Grim Reaper may
teleport up to 100’.

Hugh Le foul (Humanoid)
Once a great adventurer, known throughout the lands as a heroic sailor,
the legendary Hugh Le foul has become a ruthless pirate and mercenary
in the pay of the King of Vampires. Why has he fallen? Maybe there is a
good reason for his new alliance?
Hugh is a normal sized man dressed in pirate clothing with dozens of
small blades secured to his person. Hugh is a crafty fighter due to his
agility and training with knives.
Location: Cities, Ports, Ships
Size: 5’ ½ “
Armor Class: 23
Hit Dice: 77 HP (7 HD)
Move: 21
Actions: 2
Attack Damage: Stab (d6), Knife Throw (Range: 50’, d6+1
damage), *Jump Kick, **Climber
Special: Toughness +2, Advantage on Climbing checks,
Advantage on Swimming checks
Bonuses: +6 to Melee attacks, +1 to Melee damage, +8 to Ranged
attacks, +9 to Stealth, +12 Streetwise, +9 to Jumping, +10 to
Climbing, +8 to Swimming
Alignment: Anarchist
Morale: 9
Terror: 5
Treasure Type (Fantasy): E
HDE: 5
*Jump Kick: If he makes a DC 14 Jump check, he may make a kick
attack at +3 to attack that does (d10) damage
**Climber: He has Advantage on all Climb checks and can walk
on walls and ceiling (at ½ Move). He ignores the first 20 fall
damage taken from a fall.

Kasmiria, Masquerade Queen (Undead)
A favorite captain of the Lord of the Vampires, Kasmiria is an ancient
vampire that is a master of pyromancy, diplomacy and persuasion. She is
also a master of combat tactics and is a fearsome opponent in a fight. She
appears as an awe-strikingly beautiful woman with white hair, deathly
pale skin and bright red eyes that frequently cry blood. In combat she
summons a large skull that protects her as she assaults her foes with a
barrage of illusions and fire attacks. Once the skull shield is destroyed,
she will usually attempt to flee and regroup, selecting to fight another
day. Sometimes she will continue to fight, if she thinks she still has a
strong advantage. Undead are immune to mind-affecting effects,
Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.

Location: Her castle, or the Lord of the Vampires castle

Size: 5’
Armor Class: 22
Hit Dice: 150 (17 HD)
Move: 21/ 32 Flying
Actions: 3
Attack Damage: *Pyromancy, ****Illusions, Claws (d8)
Special: Fearless, Dark Vision 200’, True Sight 100’, Immune to
Heat/ Fire and Smoke, **Skull Shield, ***Vampiric Powers,
Weakness: Light, Outsmart (x3/ day)
Bonuses: +11 to Melee attacks, +4 to Melee damage, +14 to Range
attacks, +7 to Initiative, +16 to Spot & Listen, +13 to all
Knowledges, +20 to Persuasion, +14 to Tracking, +15 to Stealth
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 10
Terror: 19
HDE: 11

*Pyromancy: Kasmiria has mastered a form of pyromancy, where
she can manipulate flame, harnessing it as a mighty weapon. Each
power cannot be used in consecutive rounds, and only once per
round. She can do the following:
• Fireblast: (Range: 60’) Shoots a 15’ cone of fire doing 6d6
Fire damage + Ignites all within. A successful DEX negates
½ the damage, rounded up.
• Reign of Fire: (Range: 120’) Shoots a trail of 3 fireballs at 3
different targets (make one attack roll). Each fireball does
4d6 Fire damage + Ignites.
• Wall of Fire: (Range: 100’) Create a 10’ tall x 10’ long wall
of fire that will last for 6 rounds, or until snuffed.
Anything touching the wall takes 2d6 Fire damage. At the
end of any round, all adjacent items Ignite.
• Snuff: Douse up to any 3 fires within 200’.
• Arise Flames: All Ignited items within 200’ will burn
hotter, causing an additional (d6) Fire damage. All living
things effected by this, must make a CON check or they
must spend their next action attempting to douse the fire
or remove their flaming gear.
• Smoke Cloud: (Range: 50’) Creates a 30’ x 30’ smoke cloud
that causes Darkness and anyone ending the round in the
cloud, must make a CON check, adding 3 to their roll, or
they are at -2 to all attack, save stats and skill checks until
they leave the smoke.
• Flame Wave: A wave of fire shoots out 30’ from her, doing
2d6 Fire damage + Ignites all in range.
**Skull Shield: Once per hour, Kasmiria may summon a large
skull shield that will float in front of her until it is dismissed or
destroyed. It will absorb all damage, except for psychic attacks, up
to 120 HP. It has Toughness +3 and is immune to Poison. She can
make attacks through the skull.

***Vampiric Powers: She has the following vampiric powers:
• Advantage on all Saving Throws.
• Advantage on DEX checks.
• Toughness +4. After that they take ½ damage from all
Physical & Energy based damage. Magic and Psychic
damage is unaffected.
• Weakness to Light damage, Silver & Wood (these
ignore Toughness).
• Exposure to natural sunlight causes (d4) damage per
• Regenerates (d4) HP at the end of each round.
• Heals (d6) HP for each full round of feeding.
• Empathy with bats, cats, rats, wolves & vermin.
• Control Humanoids: Advantage on all Persuasion
checks. Can control a Hit Dice worth of Humanoids
equal to her Hit Dice. To try temporary control, roll a
d20 and add your Persuasion modifier (this does not
count as a Persuasion attempt). The target rolls a d10
and adds their Mental save stat. If your number
exceeds theirs, you control them for 1 hour. Psychics
roll a d20 instead a d10 for the save. For permanent
control, the vampire must drink the blood of a victim
and then do as above. The victim cannot be a player
• As an Action, she can transform into a smoke cloud
that is immune to all Physical damage (even Silver &
Wood). Her Move becomes 10 and she can travel
through cracks, keyholes, etc. She cannot touch
anything while in this form.

****Illusions: She has an ability to cast illusions to fool her

opponents. As an action she can do the following:
• Change her form into any other humanoid for up to 2
• Change the appearance of another being or item with 100’
for 10 minutes. A DC 30 Spot check can see through it.
• Make a being or item seem to disappear within 100’ for 10
minutes. A DC 28 Spot check can see through it. If the
illusioned item moves more than 30’, the illusion breaks.

Killer Wolf (Aberration)
Killer Wolves are magically enhanced wolves that are known to guard
secret lairs, dark forests and graveyards. Sometimes they are controlled
by a vampire or a mystic, but they also can be found in the wild with
other wolves in dangerous packs. They are larger than a regular wolf and
have red muzzles and tails.
Location: Forests, Plains, Mountains
Size: 4’ Armor Class: 16 Hit Dice: 4 + 6 HP
Move: 18 Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Bite (d6 + 1 Shadow damage), Claws (d6 + 1
Magic damage)
Special: Dark Vision 100’, Toughness +2, Toughness: Shadow +5,
can Run x4 its Move
Bonuses: +5 to Melee attacks, +1 to Melee damage, +5 to Spot &
Listen, +9 to Tracking
Alignment: Evil Morale: 9 Terror: 13
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V HDE: 2

Lost Knight (Undead)
These disgraced knights wonder the countryside attempting to find
worthy opponents to defeat, either in an attempt to redeem themselves or
to spread the pain and misery they fill in their tainted souls. These
knights always wear black armor that they can never take off, and wield a
long sword. Unbeknownst to the knight, they are actually undead, but
will never be convinced of that. Undead are immune to mind-
affecting effects, Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases &
Critical Hits.
Location: Anywhere
Size: 6’+
Armor Class: 19
Hit Dice: 10 + 20 HP
Move: 12
Actions: 2
Attack Damage: *Black Sword
Special: Dark Vision 60’, **Fear Aura, Toughness +3, Immunity to
Shadow, Seize the Moment +1
Bonuses: +10 to Melee attack, +3 to Melee damage, +3 to
Initiative, +4 to Spot, +6 to Intimidate
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 9
Terror: 11
Treasure Type (Fantasy): E
HDE: 6
*Black Sword: It does (d10) Magic, Shadow damage + the target
must make a Courage save or be at -2 to the Courage save stat for
6 rounds (this may stack). +2 Magic weapon that only Evil beings
can use.
**Fear Aura: (40’) Anything entering the aura, or ends a round in
the aura, must make a Courage save or they are at -2 to attack and
skill checks (may stack 3 times).

Medusa, Queen (Humanoid)
Once a powerful queen that ruled over thousands of subjects in a great
kingdom, now she rules over a lost empire of stone and serpents. The
Medusa Queen hides in her ruined temple, waiting for foolish
adventurers to show up and volunteer for beloved gallery.
She has a 10’ long lower, serpentine body and the upper body and face of
an angry, gorgeous woman with dozens of snakes for hair.
Location: Ruins Size: 6’ Armor Class: 20
Hit Dice: 134 (13 HD) Move: 16
Actions: 2 (+1 for Hair an enemy is adjacent)
Attack Damage: By weapon or Gaze / Hair Bite (no damage, but
Poison causes a loss in (d4) from the Death save stat for 10
Special: *Gaze, **Snake Army, Toughness +4, Immunity to
Poison, Weakness: Fire
Bonuses: +9 to Melee attacks, +17 to Ranged attacks, +17 to Spot
& Listen, +12 to Stealth, +13 to Persuasion
Alignment: Evil Morale: 9 Terror: 19
Treasure Type: E + Items HDE: 9
Items: Leather Armor +4, Long Bow +4, 24 Arrows +3, 6 Silver
Arrows, Long Sword +2
*Gaze: Anyone that attacks the Medusa face to face, must do so
Blind, or they must make a Death save each round they look at the
Medusa. If they fail, they turn to stone. If reflected back upon
them, Medusa have Advantage on any save against Petrification.
**Snake Army: Medusa controls (d6+2) Giant Snakes (AC: 12, HP:
4, Move: 9, 1 Attack for d4 - 1 Poison damage).
Medusa Striker (Aberration)
Small, floating, snake-haired heads that attack without hesitation,
Medusa Strikers are fragile, yet dangerous enemies that swarm in packs.
They are most often found in dungeons and old keeps.
Location: Castles, Swamps, Dungeons
Size: 1’ Armor Class: 15 Hit Dice: 1 + 2 HP
Move: 18 Flying Actions: 1 Attack Damage: *Bite
Special: Dark Vision 40’, Toughness: Poison +5, **Frustrating
Bonuses: +1 to Melee attack, +2 to Initiative, +3 to Stealth
Alignment: Evil Morale: 8 Terror: 13
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V HDE: ½
*Bite: (d4) +1 Poison damage + the target must make a CON
check or they lose 3 Move for 6 rounds. If they ever go to 0 Move,
they must make a Death save, or they are turned to stone.
**Frustrating Patterns: Anyone attacking a Medusa Striker does
so at -2, until they successfully hit one. Afterwards, their attacks
against a Medusa Striker are at -1, then +0, then +1, etc. This lasts
1 minute per hit.

Mud Chucker (Elemental)
Mud Chuckers are small elementals made out of earth and water that live
in deep caverns and isolated river banks. They are very defensive about
their land, attacking anything that gets too close with a barrage of hurled
Elementals are Immune to mind-affecting effects, Poisons, Stuns,
Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: Caverns, River Banks
Size: 4’ Armor Class: 13 Hit Dice: 2 + 4 HP
Move: 12 (ignore all terrain)/ 12 Swimming Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Punch (d4), *Mud Chuck
Special: **Body of Mud, Dark Vision 40’, Toughness +1,
Immunity to Earth and Water
Bonuses: +1 to Melee attack, +3 to Ranged attack, +5 to Stealth
Alignment: Neutral Morale: 10 Terror: 10
Treasure Type (Fantasy): A HDE: 1
*Mud Chuck: Range 40’. The mud does (d4 + 1) Earth Water
Damage + Blinds the target for 4 rounds unless they make a
Dexterity check, adding the damage they took to their roll.
**Body of Mud: Non-Magical physical attacks deal ¼ damage,
rounded up.

Mummy Twins (Undead)
These mummies were buried together thousands of years ago, deep
within a tomb filled with great riches. It is unknown what their
relationship was, due to the dilapidated condition of their tomb. Few
archeologists or treasure hunters have made it into the tomb, let alone
survived long enough to study the remaining treasure and glyphs for
hints. Anyone that sets foot on the tomb floor will awaken the mummies.
After the mummies dispatch their foes, they just return to their slumber
in their sarcophagi. These are the stats for one of the mummies.
Undead are immune to mind-affecting effects, Poisons, Stuns,
being Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: Tomb Size: 6’ Armor Class: 19
Hit Dice: 120 HP (12 HD) Move: 12 Actions: 2
Attack Damage: *Rotting Touch, Slam (d10 damage + Rotting
Touch), Wraps (d10 + Trip + -1 to their Move for 1 hour/ 10’
Special: Outsmart (x3/ day), Toughness +6, Weakness: Fire,
Fearless, non-magical weapons deal no damage, they can sense
anything within 100’ (making them immune to Surprise attacks &
Blindness), **Tag Team
Bonuses: +11 to Melee attack, +3 to Melee damage, +9 to Spot &
Listen Alignment: Evil Morale: 10 Terror: 15
Treasure Type (Fantasy): O HDE: 8
*Rotting Touch: Anyone that touches, or is touched by, a
Mummy, must make a Death save or become infected by Mummy
Rot. Mummy Rot makes a living creature weaken and wither. At
the end of any round, those with Mummy Rot take a (d4) damage
and they become immune to Healing spells! Only a Remove Curse
or Cure Disease can end the Rot.
**Tag Team: The twins will always attack together, usually doing
a different attack. If both mummies have the same, successful,
simultaneous attack roll, they each get an extra action this round.
Skeleton, Ape (Undead)
The reanimated skeleton of a large ape, or other big humanoid, can be a
worthy adversary. Powerful and resilient, the Ape Skeleton can hurl
large items with precision with its long arms. Undead are immune to
mind-affecting effects, Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases &
Critical Hits.
Location: Anywhere
Size: 8’+
Armor Class: 14
Hit Dice: 3 + 6 HP
Move: 9
Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Claws (d4, reach 5’)), By weapon (reach 5’),
*Large Item
Special: Dark Vision 40’, Toughness +2, Fearless
Bonuses: +4 to Melee attacks, +3 to Melee damage, +3 to Range
attacks, -1 to Initiative
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 10
Terror: 12
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V
HDE: 1
*Large Item: The Ape Skeleton can hurl large items, such as
barrels, furniture, small trees, etc. 30’, doing a (d12) damage.

Skeleton, Column Cannons (Undead)
These undead cannons are usually attached to stairways, ceiling or
columns to keep unwanted adventurers at bay. They are usually found
with 2-4 heads. These stats are for 1 head. Variable versions of the
cannons have been found to spit ice, poison, air, water, etc. Undead are
immune to mind-affecting effects, Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened,
Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: Castles, Dungeons
Size: 1 ½‘ Armor Class: 14 Hit Dice: 2 + 1 HP
Move: 0 Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Blast (Range: 60’, d6 Fire damage + Ignites)
Special: Dark Vision 60’, Toughness +1, *Defensive Positioning,
Bonuses: +4 to Range attacks, +2 to Spot
Alignment: Evil Morale: 10 Terror: 11
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V HDE: ½
*Defensive Positioning: The cannons are often placed in places
that are difficult to reach without standing in front of its mouth.
Any non-Reach, Melee attack that misses them will be
immediately attacked with an additional Blast at Disadvantage.

Skeleton, Dragon’s Neck (Undead)
One of the most dangerous, non-boss monsters one can encounter is the
dreaded Dragon’s Neck Skeleton. Its large draconic head stretches out
over 30’ long on a chain of ratty old bones, and will strike at anything it
can see. Variable versions of the cannons have been found to spit ice,
poison, air, water, etc. Undead are immune to mind-affecting effects,
Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: Castles, Dungeons
Size: 30’ long
Armor Class: 18
Hit Dice: 73 (8 HD)
Move: 30’ (chained to the wall)
Actions: 2
Attack Damage: Bite (d12, reach 20’), Fearless, Fire Spit (Range
60’, d10 Fire damage + Ignites)
Special: Dark Vision 80’, Toughness +3, Toughness: Fire +5, Non-
Magical physical attacks do ½ damage, rounded down.
Bonuses: +8 to Melee attacks, +3 to Melee damage, +7 to range
attacks, +5 to Spot, +3 to Initiative
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 10
Terror: 14
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V
HDE: 6

Skeleton, Fire (Undead)
Some poor souls that died in a fire are reborn into a horrid, screaming,
flaming skeleton. They eternally run around seeking victims to immolate
and increase their numbers. These skeletons are surrounded by a
permanent red flame that will not ignite, non-living material. Some
reports of blue skeletons that burn an icy cold have reported. Undead
are immune to mind-affecting effects, Poisons, Stuns, being
Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: Castles, Dungeons
Size: 5’ – 6’ Armor Class: 12 Hit Dice: 1 + 4 HP
Move: 12 Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Claws (d4) damage + 1 Fire damage + Ignites,
Slam (d4) damage + 2 Fire damage + Ignites
Special: *Scream, Dark Vision 60’, Immunity to Fire, Weakness:
Cold, they can Run at x3 their Move
Bonuses: +3 to Melee attacks, +3 to Initiative, +3 to Spot
Alignment: Evil Morale: 8 Terror: 13
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V HDE: ½
*Scream: These skeletons always emit a loud scream as they flail
about. All Courage saves and Terror checks are made at
Disadvantage by those that can hear the screams. Anything that
Ignites that can hear the scream must make a Courage save, or
they will hit the ground in a panic to snuff the fire. They lose their
next action.

Skeleton, Jumper (Undead)
The Jumper Skeleton bounces around without a pattern, as it attacks its
foes. It uses its own body as a weapon, as it emits a field of cold that
harms anything that touches it. Undead are immune to mind-
affecting effects, Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases &
Critical Hits.
Location: Anywhere Size: 5’ – 6’ Armor Class: 15
Hit Dice: 3 + 4 HP Move: 15 Actions: 1
Attack Damage: *Cold Slam
Special: Dark vision 60’, Fearless, Toughness +2
Bonuses: +6 to Melee attack, +1 to Melee damage, +4 to Initiative
Alignment: Evil Morale: 10 Terror: 10
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V HDE: 2
*Cold Slam: These skeletons attack by bouncing into an enemy
and then they will bounce away at least 10’. A successful Cold
Slam deals (d4) damage + (d4) cold damage + they must make a
STR check, or they are knocked back 10’.

Skeleton, Red Blood (Undead)

Red Blood Skeletons are infused with a powerful necromancy that allows
them to reanimate when struck down. They look like normal skeletons,
but they are coated in a scarlet liquid made from blood and other
alchemical agents. Undead are immune to mind-affecting effects,
Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: Dungeons, Castles Size: 5’- 6’ Armor Class: 12
Hit Dice: 2 +2 HP Move: 12 Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Claws (d4 damage), Be weapon (d6)
Special: *Red Blood, Fearless
Bonuses: +2 to Melee attacks, +1 to Initiative, +3 to Stealth
Alignment: Evil Morale: 10 Terror: 10
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V HDE: 1
Items: Sword & Shield
*Red Blood: When they are put to 0 HP, they collapse and
reanimate at the end of the next round. They can be totally
destroyed by Light damage of 20+ in a single round, or 50+ Acid
in a single round.

Sprouting Death (Plant)
Virtually invisible to its prey, Sprouting Death are plants that hide in
patches of normal flora or in cracks of wood or broken pieces of stone,
striking when its too late for the prey to escape. The plant can camouflage
itself in green, brown and grey. Once it strikes, it grows to its full size
and attempts to choke its target to death with its vines and acidic
Location: Forests, Jungles, broken stone exposed to sunlight
Size: 3’ Armor Class: 10 Hit Dice: 3 + 3 HP
Move: 2 (cannot Run) Actions: 1
Attack Damage: *Snatch, Whip (d4) damage + 1 Poison damage
Special: STR 18, Fearless, can sense any movement within 100’,
Toughness +1, Weakness: Fire
Bonuses: +3 to Melee attacks, +3 to Melee damage, +2 to Initiative
Alignment: Neutral Morale: 10 Terror: 8
Treasure Type (Fantasy): V HDE: 2
*Snatch: (10’ Reach) If the plant’s target is Surprised by this attack,
it is made at Advantage. The initial attack is a Grab. If successful
the target is Grabbed, takes (d4) damage + (d4) Acid damage. Any
failed attempt to break the grab results in the same damage. The
plant can Grab on target and still Whip another target.
Any successful attack on the plant, while it has a Grabbed target,
will deal ½ of that damage to the plant and half to the Grabbed

Subanrab, Prince of the Vampires (Undead)
The son of the Lord of the Vampires, Subanrab is a powerful master
vampire that prefers to spend time alone studying and training in his
castle. However, he has been summoned by his father for an important
reason, yet unknown to him. Subanrab is very tall, gauntly thin,
handsome vampire that moves with incredible speed. Unlike the majority
of his family and people, Subanrab is not evil and takes no pleasure in
killing, but can be very vicious if he is pushed to violence. Undead are
immune to mind-affecting effects, Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened,
Diseases & Critical Hits.
Location: His castle or his father’s castle
Size: 6’ ½ “
Armor Class: 24
Hit Dice: 200 HP (16 HD)
Move: 30/ 24 Flying
Actions: 3
Attack Damage: ***Spells, Claws (d10), ****Sword
Special: *Vampiric Powers, Dark Vision 200’, True Vision 200’,
Fearless, Outsmart (x3/ day)
Bonuses: +17 to Melee attacks, +4 to Melee damage, +19 to Range
attacks, +11 to Initiative, +16 to Spot & Listen, +12 to all
Knowledges, +10 to Persuasion, +11 to Tracking, +18 to Stealth
Alignment: Anarchist
Morale: 10
Terror: 18
HDE: 12
*Vampiric Powers: He has the following vampiric powers:
• Advantage on all Saving Throws.
• Advantage on DEX checks.
• Toughness +4. After that they take ½ damage from all
Physical & Energy based damage. Magic and Psychic
damage is unaffected.
• Weakness to Light damage, Silver & Wood (these
ignore Toughness).
• Exposure to natural sunlight causes (d4) damage per
• Regenerates (d4) HP at the end of each round.
• Heals (d6) HP for each full round of feeding.

• Empathy with bats, cats, rats, wolves & vermin.
• Control Humanoids: Advantage on all Persuasion
checks. Can control a Hit Dice worth of Humanoids
equal to his Hit Dice. To try temporary control, roll a
d20 and add your Persuasion modifier (this does not
count as a Persuasion attempt). The target rolls a d10
and adds their Mental save stat. If your number
exceeds theirs, you control them for 1 hour. Psychics
roll a d20 instead a d10 for the save. For permanent
control, the vampire must drink the blood of a victim
and then do as above. The victim cannot be a player
• As an Action, he can transform into a mist cloud that is
immune to all Physical damage (even Silver & Wood).
His Move becomes 10 and he can travel through
cracks, keyholes, etc. He cannot touch anything while
in this form.
• Animal Transformation: As an Action, you can
transform into a bat, cat, rat or wolf. While in the
animal form, you retain your Vampiric stats &
attributes. Transforming back is a Free Action.
**Speed of the Ages: Subanrab is incredibly fast. He can do the
• Has Advantage on Initiative and may re-roll it at the end
of any round.
• He can Run at x6 his Move and ignores hindering terrain.
• Has Seize the Moment +2.
• He is immune to slowing effects.
***Spells: He knows all known spells and can cast (1/12, 2/10,
3/8, 4/5, 5/ 3). He will not Step into the Void.
****Sword (Longsword of the Lost Soul): +4 to attack/ +8 to
attack Undead. Does (d8) damage + 2 Shadow damage + 3 Magic
damage + the target must make a CON check, or they are at -2
Move for 6 rounds (may stack). The wielder, if a vampire, needs to
drink half of as much blood as normal and loses Weakness to

Water Serpent, Two-Headed Fire-Breathing
Rarely encountered, the Two-Headed, Fire-Breathing Water Serpents,
only live in moderately clean waters filled with craggy rocks, dark
crevasses and places to hide; like a quarry or old, water-side ruins. They
often have large treasure troves hidden beneath the waters and ruins of
their lair.
These armless serpents have bright read scaly bodies, with two 20’ long
necks that each end with a giant serpent’s head that can breathe fire. Its
body always stays submerged.
Location: Water ruins and caves Size: 30’+ long
Armor Class: 19 Hit Dice: 100 (10 HD) each head
Move: 12/ 24 Swimming Actions: 1 each head
Attack Damage: Bite (d10 damage, 30’ Reach), *Breath
Special: Dark Vision 60’, Toughness +3, Immunity to Fire &
Water, they can breathe underwater
Bonuses: +6 to Melee attack, +3 to Melee damage, +4 to Initiative
Alignment: Neutral Morale: 9 Terror: 17
Treasure Type (Fantasy): O HDE: 6
*Breath: Can be used every other round. Does 5d6 Fire damage,
10’ wide x 30’ long. A DEX check halves the damage (rounded

Zombie, Portal (Undead)
Portal Zombies are physically weaker than a normal zombie, but they
come in larger numbers that continue to swarm their enemies as a
nearby portal summons them. The portal is invisible, but a clever
adventurer can figure out its location if they pay attention.
These zombies will continually pour out of the portal at the rate of (d6)
zombies at the start of each round. They will immediately attack the
nearest enemy that is not engaged. Undead are immune to mind-
affecting effects, Poisons, Stuns, being Sickened, Diseases &
Critical Hits.
These are the stats for each zombie.
Location: Anywhere
Size: 5’
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: ½
Move: 12
Actions: 1
Attack Damage: Slam (d4), Claws (d4)
Special: *Portal, Toughness: Piercing and Slashing, Dark Vision
Bonuses: +1 to Melee attack
Alignment: Evil
Morale: 9
Terror: 8
Treasure Type (Fantasy): A
HDE: ¼
*Portal: AC: 15, HP: 10. The portal is invisible and cannot be
attacked if there is a zombie adjacent to it. A Spot check of DC 22
will notice the portal’s general area.


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