RA Installation of Air Distribution Ducts Rev. 00

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HSE Control Procedure

Exhibit 02: Task Risk Assessment Worksheet

Roof HVAC Works - Skylights


Step Description of Hazard Description & Who or What ALARP



Risk Rating
No: Task Step Effect might be Controls Measures and/or Recovery Level

Risk Rating

Harmed? Measures
Low (L)
Medium (M)
High (H)

1.People 1.1.1 Permits shall be completely filled

Any abnormal situation – content shall be discussed.
1 Permit Preparation can arise if the Permit is 3 A M Testing if any shall be 1 A L L
not properly filled addressed to avoid any
3.Equipment abnormal situation.


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
2.2.1 Providing portable umbrellas
(where required).
2.2.2 Having access to drinking water.
2.2.3 Having access to rest areas.
2.2.4 Providing proper PPEs (Dust
Exposure to masks, safety goggles, Safety
1.Heat Stroke Hemet, Gloves, rubber shoes
Environmental 1.People
2 2. Inhalation of Dust 2 B L etc. as required) 1 A L L
Factors such as involved
Particles 2.2.5 Providing awareness sessions
Heat, Dust, etc. (regular tool box talk + safety
2.2.6 Workplace should be maintained
to provide a safe work
environment for the attendant
and those people.

Design Scheme
3.1.1 Discuss, confirm and document
1. Possible problems due
1.People the specifications as desired by
Unfit design for the to non-fit, overloading, the client.
3 Involved 3 B M 1 B L L
intended purpose local failure or 3.1.2 Always follow the approved
collapse. method statement for the specific


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
4.1.1 Consider safe access for all
necessary work operations as
part of the design process.
4.1.2 Ensure edge protection is
provision of access 1. People 4.1.3 Ensure working area must be
4 1. Fall from the structure. 3 B M 3 B M M
platforms or Involved clear for any fall / trip hazard.
guardrails 4.1.4 Safety warning signs must be
4.1.5 Material where kept must be
secured for any abnormal

Material Supply / Storage

5.1.1 Inspect materials to pre-defined

standard and specifications.
Damaged or 1. Parts omitted, 1.People Reject non-conforming materials.
deteriorated inadequate or 5.1.2 Always adhere to the approved
5 unsuitable for load 2.Environment 3 B M 2 B L L
material supply to and documented specifications by
applied leading to 3.Asset
site possible failure. the client.
5.1.3 Maintain the inspection record for
any reference.


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
6.1.1 Stack the material properly.
6.1.2 Avoid overhead stacking, where
might be a chance of falling.
6.1.3 Ensure regular routine safety
audit for any unsafe conditions.
Check and correct them
Unsafe bundling, 6.1.4 Warning signs must be
stacking, loading displayed all the time.
6.1.5 Make sure pathways must be clear
or lashing. 1. Unintentional shift or fall
for any trip or fall hazard.
Inadequate of load during any stage 6.1.6 Ensure safe provision of access
1. People
6 provision of access of transit, unloading, 2 B L for all the incoming material to 1 A L L
2. Asset
for lifting distribution or site.
accessories to unpacking. 6.1.7 Store the material safely as per
manufacturer’s instruction /
permit offloading
advised by the site engineer.
on site 6.1.8 Ensure proper identification and
segregation of the stored material.
6.1.9 Housekeeping must be proper
all the time.
6.1.10 Always follow the approved
method statement.
6.1.11 Proper PPE’s must be worn at
all the times on site.

Material Placement and Air Distribution Duct & Accessories Installation


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
7.1.1 Material must be shifted / placed
on site carefully.
7.1.2 Activity must be supervised by a
competent person.
7.1.3 Safety warning signs must be
1. Manual handling injury
displayed on site.
2. Improper body posture
7.1.4 Working area must be
3. Improper placement
1. People barricaded.
Material Placement may cause injury to
7 Involved 3 B M 7.1.5 Un-authorized access must be 2 A L L
at site personnel
2. Asset avoided.
4. improper placement can
7.1.6 Always use the proper body
cause material fall into
posture while manually lifting the
the trench
material to be over-stressed.
7.1.7 Use mechanical lifting where
7.1.8 Proper PPE’s must be worn all
the time on site.


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
8.1.1 Ensure trained and skilled /
competent personnel for the
8.1.2 Use proper accessories to
attach the load to the lifting
Incorrect equipments.
attachment of 1 Local failures 1. People 8.1.3 Working area must be
8 lifting equipment to 2. Fall of loads Involved 3 B M 1 A L L
the installation 3. Crushing injuries 2. Asset
components 8.1.4 Safety warning signs must be
8.1.5 Ensure proper PPE’s must be
worn all the time on site.
8.1.6 Ensure first aid facility be
available on site.
9.1.1 Ensure trained and competent
Incorrect sequence 1. Local instability Involved personnel for the activity.
9 3 B M 3 A L L
0f installation 2. Partial or global failure 2.Environment 9.1.2 Always follow the approved
3.Asset method of statement.


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
10.1.1 Always adhere to the approved
method of statement.
10.1.2 Activity must be supervised by a
competent foreman / supervisor.
10.1.3 Always follow the manufacturer’s
10.1.4 Working area must be
barricaded to control the
1. Violation of approved
unauthorized access.
method statement may
1. People 10.1.5 Ensure safe working practices is
Air Distribution cause local failure conveyed and in place.
10 Involved 3 B M 3 A L L
Duct Installation 2. Violation of safe system 10.1.6 Always conduct tool box talk before
2. Asset the execution of an activity.
of work may cause
10.1.7 Safety warning signs must be
personnel injury
displayed on all excavated /
working area.
10.1.8 Ensure safe access / egress
must be provided.
10.1.9 Ensure all the sharp edges have
been removed prior to
installation of trays and
11.1.1 Always adhere to the safe
Improper access 1. Falls working practice.
during installation 2. Difficulty in extraction 1. People 11.1.2 Ensure basic PPE’s must be
11 3 B M worn all the time on site. 3 B L L
and using the in case of emergency Involved
11.1.3 Always check for the safe exit
equipment / tool 3. Abrasion for personnel while installation in
case of any emergency.


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
12.1.1 Always use the specific tools for
any specific job.
12.1.2 Ensure tools must be kept clean
1. Personnel injury due to and good condition after use.
Use of Tools improper use 1. People 12.1.3 Tools inspection procedure must
12 3 B M be in place. 3 A L L
Pliers 2. Wrong tool for a wrong Involved
12.1.4 Do not use pliers as a wrench or
job a hammer, this may cause
personal injury.
12.1.5 Do not attempt to force pliers by
using a hammer on them.


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
13.1.1 Always match a size and type of
a screwdriver blade to fit the
head of the screw.
13.1.2 Do not hold the work piece
against your body while using a
13.1.3 Do not put your fingers near the
blade of the screwdriver when
1. Personnel injury due to
tightening a screw.
Use of Tools improper use 1. People 13.1.4 Use a drill, nail or awl to make a
13 3 B M 3 A L L
Screwdrivers 2. Wrong tool for a wrong Involved starting hole for screws.
job 13.1.5 Do not carry a screw driver in
your pocket. Always use the tool
box for specified tools.
13.1.6 Ensure tools must be kept in
clean and tidy condition after
13.1.7 Always wear the PPE’s for
specified tools, and mandatory
PPE’s all the time on site.


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
14.1.1 Use the right blade for the job.
14.1.2 Always check to make sure that
the blade is secured tightly in its
frame as this is a critical safety
14.1.3 Ensure the personal is trained to
use the hacksaw safely.
14.1.4 Use a vise to secure the material
you want to cut (where
practicable). Hold the hacksaw
1. Personnel injury due to so that the right hand’s index
Use of Tools improper use 1. People finger is pointing ahead to help
14 3 B M guide the saw. Move your body 3 A L L
Hand Hacksaw 2. Wrong tool for a wrong Involved
forward and back as you cut,
job pressing on the forward stroke
and easing on the return one.
14.1.5 Use long and even, steady strokes
with a hacksaw for best results.
14.1.6 Don’t put too much pressure on
the blade, especially if it is
twisted at all.
14.1.7 Don’t saw too quickly as that can
cause the blade to brake as
14.1.8 Always wear the PPE’s on site.


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
15.1.1 Always use the specific tools for
any specific job.
15.1.2 Do not use dull, cracked or bent
drill bits.
15.1.3 Ensure the personnel involved for
the drilling / grinding activity must
be trained / competent for the
specific job.
15.1.4 Ensure the tool / equipment is
inspected / tested before the use for
safe operation.
15.1.5 Do not carry plugged in equipment
1. Personnel Injury due to
/ tools with your finger on the
Use of Tools improper use 1. People switch.
15 3 B M 3 B M M
Drill Machine etc. 2. Wrong tool for the Involved 15.1.6 Do not carry equipment / tools by
wrong job the cord.
15.1.7 Disconnect the tool from the outlet
by pulling on the plug, NOT the
15.1.8 Do not use a power hand tool while
wearing the wet cotton / leather
15.1.9 Do not leave tools “ON”
15.1.10 Turn off the equipment / tool and
unplug it from the outlet before
attempting repairs or servicing.


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
16.1.1 Always use specific tool for any
specific job.
16.1.2 Use a claw hammer for pulling
1. Personnel injury due to 16.1.3 Always use proper PPE’s while
Use of Tool improper use 1. Personnel working / on site.
16 3 B M 16.1.4 Do not use hammer while your 3 B M M
Hammer 2. Wrong tool for wrong Involved
hands are oily, greasy or wet.
job 16.1.5 Use only a sledge type hammer
on a striking face wrench.
16.1.6 Do not use a hammer as a wedge
or a pry bar, or for pulling large


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
17.1.1 Proper PPE’s must be provided
and ensure that everybody
 Safety Helmet
 Safety Goggles
1. Body injury  Reflective Vest
 Coverall
2. Contact with sharp
 Safety shoes or Rubber
edges (brick cuts etc)
boots as needed
General Work 3. Electric Shock (if 1. People  Ear Plugs or Muffs.
17 3 C M 3 A M M
related activities electric equipment is in Involved 17.1.2 Provide fire extinguisher (DCP)
use) nearby to use in case of initial fire.
17.1.3 If Electric equipment being used,
4. Trip Hazard
ensure that electric cables do not
5. Traffic pose any trip hazard. Secure with
Duck Tape if necessary.
17.1.4 Ensure proper earth breakers
are provided.
17.1.5 Always observe the traffic layout
18.1.1 Dispose in bins kept at specific
1. People 18.1.2 General Housekeeping
18 House Keeping Slip or Trip Hazard 2 B L Procedure must be followed. 2 A L L
18.1.3 Routine Safety Audits must be
carried out for Unsafe
Conditions / Unsafe Acts.


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)
19.1.1 Area must be cleaned properly.
1. People 19.1.2 All the machinery / equipment /
Closing out the
19 Human Error Involved 2 A L debris are removed from the 1 A L L
2. Environment site.
19.1.3 Permit must be closed properly.

Name Signature Date Name Signature Date

Reviewed By: AZHAR 27/01/23 Approved by:


Consequence: 1,2,3 (From low to high) Probability: A,B,C (From low to high) Risk Rating: L,M,H (From low to high)

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