Carvalho Et Al-2010-Brazilian Dental Journal

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Braz Dent J (2010) 21(1): 3-11 Cytocompatibility of acid-etched Ti ISSN 0103-64403

Characterization and In Vitro Cytocompatibility

of an Acid-Etched Titanium Surface
Daniel Rey de Carvalho1
Paulo Sérgio Perri de Carvalho2
Osvaldo Magro Filho3
José Daniel Biasoli de Mello4
Márcio Mateus Beloti5
Adalberto Luiz Rosa5

1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental School, Catholic University of Brasília, Brasília, DF, Brazil
2Department of Stomatology, Bauru Dental School, University of São Paulo, Bauru, SP, Brazil
3Department of Surgery and Integrated Clinic, Araçatuba Dental School,

São Paulo State University, Araçatuba, SP, Brazil

4Laboratory of Tribology and Materials, School of Mechanical Engineering,

Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia, MG, Brazil

5Cell Culture Laboratory, Ribeirão Preto Dental School, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil

The aims of this study were to characterize the microstructure of a commercially pure titanium (cpTi) surface etched with HCl/H2SO4
(AE-cpTi) and to investigate its in vitro cytocompatibility compared to turned cpTi (T-cpTi). T-cpTi showed a grooved surface and
AE-cpTi revealed a surface characterized by the presence of micropits. Surface parameters indicated that the AE-cpTi surface is more
isotropic and present a greater area compared to T-cpTi. The oxide film thickness was similar between both surfaces; however, AE-cpTi
presented more Ti and O and less C. Osteoblastic cell proliferation, alkaline phosphatase activity, and bone-like nodule formation were
greater on T-cpTi than on AE-cpTi. These results show that acid etching treatment produced a surface with different topographical
and chemical features compared to the turned one, and such surface modification affected negatively the in vitro cytocompatibility of
cpTi as demonstrated by decreasing culture growth and expression of osteoblastic phenotype.

Key Words: cytocompatibility, cell culture, osteoblast, titanium, surface treatment.

Introduction In an attempt to improve the amount and quality

of the bone-implant interface, surface treatments such
The interaction between the biomaterials surface as surface machining, acid etching, electropolishing,
and osteoblasts is strongly associated with the biocom- anodic oxidation, sandblasting or plasma-spraying
patibility of orthopedic and dental implants (1). The may be undertaken to induce chemical modifications
connection of implants and surrounding tissues, mainly associated with alterations in surface topography (5).
bone, is of great interest to research on biomaterials and It has been shown that methods of implant preparation
a significant number of studies have been carried out to can significantly affect the properties of the surface
investigate promising improvements of the bone/bioma- and subsequently the biologic response that occur at
terials interface (1-3). Titanium (Ti) is largely used as the surface (6). Chemical treatments, such as acid etch-
an implant biomaterial due to its mechanical properties ing of the Ti implant surfaces, are of particular interest
and high in vitro and in vivo cytocompatibility, allowing because they appear to have the potential to greatly
direct bone-to-implant contact (4). enhance osseointegration without embedding surface

Correspondence: Prof. Dr. Adalberto Luiz Rosa, Departamento de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Bucomaxilofacial e Periodontia, Faculdade de Odon-
tologia de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida do Café, s/n, 14040-904 Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. Tel: +55-16-3602-3980. Fax:
+55-16-3602-4788. e-mail:

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4 D.R. de Carvalho et al.

contaminants - e.g. grit particles (4). Treatment of Ti with obtained from healthy donors, using the research proto-
a mixture of H2SO4/H2O2 produces a surface that affects cols approved by the local Research Ethics Committee.
events of in vitro osteogenesis, leading to an increase Osteoblastic cells were obtained from these explants by
in bone-like nodule formation, as well as more bone- enzymatic digestion using collagenase type II (Gibco -
to-implant contact in vivo (2). Sandblasted Ti surfaces, Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY, USA). These cells
etched with HCl and H2SO4 favored events related to were cultured in α-minimum essential medium (Gibco),
osteoblastic differentiation (7). As most studies have supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Gibco), 50
evaluated the combination of acid etching with other µg/mL gentamicin (Gibco - Life Technologies), 0.3 µg/
surface treatments, the present study was designed to mL fungizone (Gibco), 10-7 M dexamethasone (Sigma,
characterize the microstructure of a commercially pure St. Louis, MO, USA), 5 µg/mL ascorbic acid (Gibco),
Ti (cpTi) surface, only etched with HCl and H2SO4, and and 7 mM β-glycerophosphate (Sigma). Subconfluent
to evaluate its cytocompatibility by investigating key cells in primary culture were harvested after treatment
parameters of the development of osteoblastic phenotype with 1 mM ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)
in cultures of cells derived from human alveolar bone (Gibco) and 0.25% trypsin (Gibco) and subcultured
fragments grown on this surface. in 24-well culture plates (Falcon; Franklin Lakes, NJ,
USA) on T-cpTi and AE-cpTi discs at a cell density of
Material and methods 2×104 cells per disc. Cells subcultured in wells without
cpTi discs were used as a control of culture conditions.
Preparation of cpTi Discs During the culture period, cells were incubated at 37ºC
in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 and 95% air. The
Discs of grade four cpTi were obtained from com- medium was changed every 3 or 4 days.
mercial bar stock with 12 mm diameter and were cut to a
height of 3 mm. The discs were subjected to the following Cell Adhesion
treatments: T-cpTi, turned (control surface); and AE-cpTi,
turned followed by acid etching in 60% H2SO4 and 70% In this assay, cells were cultured for 24 h, enzy-
HCl (60ºC, 1 h). Before use in the cell culture experiments, matically (1 mM EDTA, 1.3 mg/mL collagenase type II,
all samples were thoroughly rinsed with deionized water and 0.25% trypsin; Gibco) detached and counted using a
under continuous agitation for 20 min to eliminate acid haemocytometer (Housser Scientific Company, Horsham,
residues and sterilized by gamma-irradiation. PA, USA). Cell adhesion was expressed as a percentage
of the initial number of cells (2×104 cells per disc).
Surface Characterization of cpTi Discs
Cell Proliferation and Viability
Surface topography was evaluated with a scan-
ning electron microscopy (SEM, XL30; Philips, Eind- In this assay, cells were cultured for 1 and 7 days,
hoven, Netherlands). Surface parameters were obtained and counted as described above. At 7 days, viable and
by laser interferometry (Microfocus Expert IV; UBM non-viable cells were detected by trypan blue, which
Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). A predetermined dyed in blue non-viable cells, and counted using a
area (2x2 mm) was evaluated and data were analyzed haemocytometer (Housser Scientific Company). Cell
using the Mountains Map Universal software (Digital proliferation was expressed as doubling time in hours
Surf Sarl 3.0; Besancon, France) to determine surface between 1 and 7 days, and cell viability was expressed
design. Surface chemical composition and oxide film as a percentage of the viable cells counted at 7 days.
thickness were evaluated by X-ray photoelectron spec-
troscopy (XPS; VSW HA 100-VSW, Scientific Instru- Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Activity
ment Ltda, Manchester, UK).
At days 7, 14, and 21, ALP activity was assayed
Culture of Osteoblastic Cells as the release of thymolphthalein from thymolphthalein
monophosphate using a commercial kit (Labtest Diag-
Human alveolar bone fragments (explants) were nóstica SA, Lagoa Santa, MG, Brazil). The wells were

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Cytocompatibility of acid-etched Ti 5

filled with 2 mL of 0.1% sodium lauryl sulfate (Sigma) (A-D) shows surface characterization of cpTi . At low
and left for 30 min at room temperature. After this, 50 magnification, T-cpTi exhibited grooves resulting from
µL of thymolphthalein monophosphate was mixed with turning process (Fig. 1A). Acid etching treatment elimi-
0.5 mL of diethanolamine buffer, 0.3 mmol/mL, pH nates such grooves as observed in AE-cpTi surface (Fig.
10.1, and left for 2 min at 37ºC. Then, it was added 50 1C). High magnification only evidenced the grooves
µL of the lysates from each well. This stood for 10 min presented on T-cpTi surface (Fig. 1B), while AE-cpTi
at 37ºC and then 2 mL of a solution of Na2CO3 0.09 revealed a surface characterized by the presence of
mmol/mL and NaOH 0.25 mmol/mL was added to al- micropits (Fig. 1D).
low color development. After 30 min, absorbance was Three -dimensional axonometric plots and surface
measured at 590 nm and ALP activity was calculated directionality of T-cpTi and AE-cpTi are presented in
from a standard curve using thymolphthalein to give a Figure 2. Visually, both groups exhibited distinct surface
range from 0.012 to 0.40 µmol thymolphthalein/h/mL. features. When Figure 2A is compared to 2C and Figure
Results were calculated and data were expressed as ALP 2B is compared to 2D, it can be observed that AE-cpTi
activity normalized by the total protein content. was more homogeneous and exhibited a greater isotropy,
as indicated by directionality.
Bone-Like Nodule Formation The evaluated surface parameters (Table 1)
confirmed important differences between both cpTi.
After culturing for 21 days, cells were washed 3 Although presenting quite equivalent amplitude pa-
times with PBS at 37ºC. The attached cells were fixed rameters, the difference in isotropy was significantly
in 10% formalin for 2 h at room temperature and rinsed high (T-CpTi = 17.4%, AE-cpTi = 91.5%).
once in the same buffer. After fixation, the specimens Less usual and more sophisticated hybrid and
were dehydrated through a graded series of alcohol and functional parameters also showed a great dissimilar-
stained with Alizarin red S (Sigma), which stains areas ity between the surfaces in particular the developed
rich in calcium. Images of cpTi discs were blind scored interfacial area ratio-Sdr- (204%) and the surface
by 5 independent observers, using a scale of absent - 0, bearing index at 5% bearing area ratio-Sbi- (227%).
small - 1, moderate - 2, and large - 3. A morphological The oxide film thickness was very similar between
and chemical analysis of the nodules were also done by T-cpTi and AE-cpTi surfaces (5.5 and 5.0 nm respec-
SEM and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS; tively). In addition, alteration on the surface chemical
Carls Zeiss, DSM 940A, Jena, Germany). composition was observed after acid etching treatment
as demonstarted in Table 2. The amount of C and S
Statistical Analysis was decreased while Na, O and Ti were increased on
Data of in vitro cytocompatibility presented in this
work are the representative results of 2 separate experi- Cell Culture Experiments
ments in cell cultures established from 2 different donors.
Thirty-five samples of each surface were used for each Cell attachment was not affected (p>0.05) by
separate experiment, with 5 discs (quintuplicates; n=5) surface treatment of cpTi (Fig. 3). Cell proliferation
for both T-cpTi and AE-cpTi surfaces, for each assay rate was greater (p<0.05) on T-cpTi as indicated by
and period evaluated. Comparisons were done using the the lower doubling time compared to AE-cpTi (Fig. 4).
nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-test, for independent Surface treatment of cpTi did not affect (p>0.05) cell
samples at 5% significance level, and the results were viability (Fig. 5).
presented as mean ± standard deviation. The ALP activity was higher (p<0.05) on T-cpTi
compared to AE-cpTi in all evaluated periods, namely 7,
Results 14, and 21 days (Fig. 6). The T-cpTi surface supported
more (p<0.05) the formation of bone-like nodules than
Surface Characterization of cpTi the AE-cpTi (Fig. 7). Nodules observed under SEM
exhibited a multiglobular aspect (Fig. 8A) and were
The panel of SEM micrographs on Figure 1 composed by Ca and P (Fig. 8B).

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6 D.R. de Carvalho et al.

Figure 1. High-resolution scanning electron micrographs of the T-cpTi (A and B) and AE-cpTi (C and D) surfaces. T-cpTi exhibited
grooves resulting from turning process (A). Acid etching treatment eliminates the grooves (C). At high magnification, T-cpTi
showed grooves (B) and AE-cpTi revealed a surface with micropits (D). Original magnification: A,C = 500×; B,D = 10000×.

Figure 2. Three-dimensional axonometric plots of T-cpTi (A) and AE-cpTi (C) and surface directionality of T-cpTi (B) and AE-cpTi (D).

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Cytocompatibility of acid-etched Ti 7

Table 1. Surface parameters of T-cpTi and AE-cpTi.

T-cpTi AE-cpTi
Sa (µm) 0.90 0.97

Amplitude Sq (µm) 1.15 1.17

parameters Ssk -0.12 -0.48
Sku 4.47 3.15

Sdq (µm µm-1) 0.16 0.27

Ssc (1 µm-1) 0.20 0.27
Sdr (%) 1.72 3.52 Figure 3. Cell adhesion expressed as a percentage of initial number of
cells at 24 h. Attachment was not affected (p>0.05) by cpTi treatment.
The experiment was done with 5 discs of each surface (T-cpTi and
Sbi 0.18 0.41 AE-cpTi). Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation.
Sci 1.42 1.33
Svi 0.13 0.14

Isotropy (%) 17.40 91.50

T-cpTi - turned commercially pure titanium; AE-cpTi - acid-etched

commercially pure titanium; Sa - average roughness; Sq - square
mean roughness; Ssk - Skewness; Sku - Kurtosis; Sdq - root mean
square (rms) surface slope comprising the surface; Ssc - mean
summit curvature comprising the summits found for the Sds
calculations; Sdr - developed interfacial area ratio expressed
as the percentage of additional surface area contributed by the
texture as compared to an ideal plane the size of the measurement
region; Sbi - surface bearing index: measure, relative to Sq, of
Figure 4. Cell proliferation expressed as doubling time in hours
the surface height at the 5% bearing area ratio; Sci - core fluid
retention index: measure, relative to Sq, of the volume the surface between 1 and 7 days. Cell proliferation rate was higher (p<0.05)
would support from 5%-80% of the bearing ratio; Svi - valley on T-cpTi surface, as indicated by the lower doubling time. The
fluid retention index: measure relative to the Sq of the volume experiment was done with 5 discs of each surface, T-cpTi and
the surface would support from 80% to 100% of the bearing ratio. AE-cpTi, and data are presented as mean ± standard deviation.

Table 2. Chemical composition of T-cpTi and AE-cpTi surfaces.

Content (%) T-cpTi AE-cpTi

C 52.44 41.04

Na 0.96 2.34

O 30.31 37.72

S 5.57 3.28

Si 1.35 1.47

Ti 9.37 14.15 Figure 5. Cell viability expressed as a percentage of viable cells at 7

days. Viability was not affected (p>0.05) by cpTi surface treatment.
T-cpTi - turned commercially pure titanium; AE-cpTi - acid-etched The experiment was done with 5 discs of each surface (T-cpTi
commercially pure titanium. and AE-cpTi). Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation.

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8 D.R. de Carvalho et al.

Discussion sponse to a diverse range of materials with little attention

being paid to the influence of surface characterization.
Initial investigations of the osteoblast-biomateri- However, it is now well established that surface proper-
als interactions were essentially focused on the cell re- ties of the biomaterials such as topography, chemistry,
and surface energy direct cell-implant interactions (8).
Although Ti has been used as a successful implant mate-
rial, a large number of studies has evaluated variations
in the Ti surface properties. In this context, the present

Figure 6. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity (µmol

thymolphthalein/h/mg protein) of osteoblastic cells cultured on
T-cpTi and AE-cpTi for 7, 14, and 21 days. ALP activity was Figure 7. Bone-like nodule formation on T-cpTi and AE-cpTi
significantly higher (p<0.05) in cultures grown on T-cpTi surface at 21 days. The amount of matrix mineralization was greater
in all evaluated periods. The experiment was done with 5 discs of (p<0.05) on T-cpTi surface. The experiment was done with 5 discs
each surface (T-cpTi and AE-cpTi). Data are presented as mean ± of each surface (T-cpTi and AE-cpTi). Data are presented as mean
standard deviation. ± standard deviation.

Figure 8. High-resolution scanning electron micrograph and X-ray microanalysis of bone-like nodule. A multiglobular aspect was
exhibited by the nodules (A) and it was composed by Ca and P (B).

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Cytocompatibility of acid-etched Ti 9

study aimed to characterize and evaluate the in vitro may have been one of the variables that affected cell
cytocompatibility of an acid-etched cpTi surface. The responses. Indeed, the values indicated that the T-cpTi
results showed that the acid etching treatment used surface is almost symmetrical, in which the number of
here produced a surface with different topographical peaks and valleys is equivalent. In addition, the value
and chemical features compared to the turned one of Ssk for AE-cpTi is slightly negative indicating a
(control). In addition, such surface modifications af- certain predominance of valleys. Although the thickness
fected negatively the in vitro cytocompatibility of cpTi of oxide layer was similar on both surfaces, chemical
as demonstrated by decreasing the culture growth and composition was different. Such difference could be
the expression of osteoblast phenotype. attributed to the surface treatment employed, which
In vitro studies have shown that osteoblastic cells promotes the decrease in C and the increase in Ti and O
exhibit roughness-dependent phenotypic features, with concentrations. As C is the most abundant contaminant,
a tendency to attach more readily and be more differ- it is possible to speculate that acid treatment removed
entiated on surfaces with a rougher microtopography part of the C from the surface, exposing Ti to react with
(9). The design of the surface also plays a role. On a O to form the oxide layer.
randomly rough surfaces produced by grit blasting or The cell culture experiments demonstrated that
chemical etching, cells may exhibit a distinct phenotype both cpTi surfaces, regardless of the topography and
from that seen on the grooved surface with the same chemical composition, are cytocompatible, considering
values of surface roughness (10). Additionally to the that they allowed cell attachment, proliferation and a
topographical features, surface chemistry should be high proportion of viability, synthesis of extracellular
taken into account as a variable that may affect cell matrix proteins and bone-like nodule formation. It has
responses. Cell source and seeding density may also been shown that the initial interaction between cells and
affect the interaction between cells and biomaterials. biomaterials produces a layer of macromolecules that
Bone cells obtained from rat cannot always substitute mediate cell attachment and spread, and such events
cells acquired from human tissues and therefore are of are not affected by materials with different degrees of
limited use (11). Human bone cell lines or bone cells cytocompatibility and surface topography (14). In agree-
isolated from sites not associated with the oral cavity ment with this, differences in surface features between
may not be suitable for studies directed toward dental T-cpTi and AE-cpTi did not influence cell adhesion;
applications (12). Therefore, compared to other studies, however, as initial attachment is not necessarily direct
the cell culture model employed here is closer to the cell correlated with cell proliferation and differentiation, it
population, which implants will interact in the clinical is important to investigate cell-biomaterial interactions
circumstances. Considering the same degree of surface at later time points.
roughness as evidenced by Sa and Sq values, the same The amount of in vitro bone-like formation is
cell source and seeding density, any difference in cell strongly determined by the rate of replication of osteo-
responses found in this study must have occurred as a progenitors, the number of active osteoblasts and their
consequence of differences in the topography and chemi- life-span (15). Our results demonstrated that T-cpTi, the
cal composition between T-cpTi and AE-cpTi surfaces. surface that exhibited a higher cell proliferation rate,
The main objective of the treatment with HCl and also showed higher ALP activity and more bone-like
H2SO4 is to etch Ti samples to acquire a large surface nodule formation compared to AE-cpTi. In agreement
area with a relatively thick and stable oxide layer (13). with this, it has been shown that an experimental grooved
The present results demonstrated that such treatment surface favored the osteoblastic phenotype development
removed the grooves produced by turning process and compared to an acid-etched surface in cultures of cells
created a surface with randomly distributed pits in a derived from periostal layer of calf metacarpals (16). In
micron-scale, enlarging the surface area as evidenced addition, a previous study of our research group found
by isotropy and Sdr values. For the formation of focal more mineralized matrix on a turned surface than on an
attachments by cells on 2 or more peaks, a suitable dis- acid-etched surface in cultures of rat bone marrow cells
tance between peaks should be maintained; otherwise, (17). Based on our findings, it is possible to speculate that
the cell would not recognize such surface feature (10). a higher incidence of valleys associated with alterations
In the present study, the amount of peaks and valleys in the surface chemical composition may negatively

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10 D.R. de Carvalho et al.

influence events related to in vitro osteogenesis. How- ácido produziu uma superfície com características topográficas e
ever, whether such events are inhibited directly by the químicas diferentes quando comparadas às da superfície usinada.
Além disso, observou-se que essas modificações de superfície
physicochemical modifications produced by acid etching afetaram de forma negativa a citocompatibilidade in vitro do
treatment and/or indirectly by alterations in the pattern cpTi como demonstrado pela inibição da proliferação celular e
of adsorption of serum proteins remain to be determined. da expressão do fenótipo osteoblástico.
Treatment with acids produces a range of Ti sur-
faces with specific features, which may induce different Acknowledgements
in vitro cell responses. It has been demonstrated that
treatment with HNO3 for increasing the thickness of the The authors would like to thank Roger Rodrigo Fernandes and
Junia Ramos for their helpful assistance during the cell culture
oxide layer has no effect on Ti cytocompatibility, (18) experiments.
while treatment with H2SO4/H2O2 produces a surface
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Accepted March 2, 2010

Braz Dent J 21(1) 2010

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