Experiment No. 01: Demonstration of Various Parts of Hydraulic Bench Hydraulic Bench

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Demonstration of Various Parts of Hydraulic Bench

Hydraulic Bench:
Hydraulic bench is a volumetric flow measurement apparatus that consists of a water receptacle
present at the bottom, through which water is pumped up to an open channel through a control
valve by a centrifugal pump. This water is finally discharged into the volumetric tank and the
change in level of water in the volumetric tank, as given by the calibrated scale, gives the flow

Parts of Hydraulic Bench Apparatus:

The following labelled figures show different parts of a hydraulic bench.

1. On/Off Switch for Motor

2. Discharge Control Valve
3. Sight Tube and Scale
4. Volumetric Tank
5. Open Channel
6. Centrifugal Pump
7. Sump Tank
8. Open Channel
9. Flow Control Valve
10. Inlet Stilling Baffle
11. Tank Stilling baffle
12. Dump Valve Handle
1)On/Off Switch for Motor:
In order to start the motor of centrifugal pump, the motor switch is turned on. This results in
initiation of the pumping process.

2)Discharge Control Valve:

This valve controls the flow rate into the volumetric tank. A clockwise rotation tends to decrease
the discharge and a counter clockwise rotation increases the flow rate.

3)Sight Tube and Scale:

A sight tube present close to the discharge control valve gives an instantaneous value of flow
rate in to volumetric tank and the value can be read from the scale present beside the tube.

4)Volumetric Tank:
This tank is present downstream of the open channel. It receives water from the open channel.
However, the flow rate into this tank is governed by the discharge control valve. The change in
level of water in the tank is determined by noting the difference in level of water given by the
sight tube.

5)Open Channel:
This channel receives pumped water from the sump tank and the flow rate into this channel is
governed by flow control valve present beneath it.

6)Centrifugal Pump:
This pump converts the mechanical energy of motor into hydraulic energy by the action of
centrifugal force. As a consequence, the water is pumped up from the sump tank and is permitted
into the open channel by the flow valve.

7)Sump Tank:
A sump tank is actually a water reservoir present at the bottom of the hydraulic bench. The
water is pumped from the sump tank into the open channel. In addition, when the water level in
the volumetric tank reaches a certain value, it empties into sumo tank and the process is
repeated. 8)Flow Control Valve:
This valve controls the flow from the sump tank into the open channel.

9)Inlet Stilling Baffle:

It acts as a stopper for water to retain in the open channel. When water travels up into the open
channel, the inlet stilling basin helps dispersing the water stream, thereby, keeping water in the

10) Tank Stilling Baffle:

When water enters the volumetric tank from the open channel, a tank stilling basin ensures
smooth gliding of water. If this is not provided, the water that strikes the tank bottom may
produce some local turbulence. This may result in continuous fluctuation of water level that can
be seen from the sight tube. Therefore, the discharge measurement may give misleading results.

11) Dump Valve Handle:

A dump valve handle is used to drain water from the volumetric tank back into the sump tank.
This can be achieved by raising the handle. Additionally, the overflow in the volumetric tank puts
a limit on its maximum capacity, after which water dumping indispensable.

Discharge Measurement in Volumetric Tank:

In order to measure the discharge into the volumetric tank, measure the initial level of water on
the sight tube. Once the water is discharged in the tank from the open channel, note the final
reading on the scale. Also measure the time taken for water to fill the tank to a certain depth.
The discharge can then be mathematically calculated as,

Uses of Hydraulic Bench:

Hydraulic bench can be employed for a number of hydraulic operations that include the
• It ensures the provision of uninterrupted and controlled supply of water for various laboratory
• It helps measure the flow rate or discharge.
• It recirculates water and therefore, behaves as a self-contained and portable mobile unit.

Applications of Hydraulic Bench:

Hydraulic bench aids in determining different properties of fluid and fluid flow, for instance;
• For determining the Coefficient of Velocity,
• For determining the Coefficient of Discharge,
• For determining the Coefficient of Contraction,
• For studying flow characteristics over weirs and notches
• For finding the metacentric height
• For finding head losses through pipes
• For verification of Bernoulli’s theorem

Precautions when Handling Hydraulic Bench

• The operating instructions must carefully be read and understood preceding the usage.
• It is preferable to handle hydraulic fluid wearing gloves and safety googles.

Experimental Study of Laminar and Turbulent flow


Fluid flows can be divided into two different types:

➢ Laminar flows and Turbulent flows

Laminar Flow:
Laminar flow occurs when the fluid flows in infinitesimal parallel layers with no disruption
between them. In laminar flows, fluid layers slide in parallel, with no eddies, swirls or currents
normal to the flow itself. This type of flow is also referred to as streamline flow because it is
characterized by non-crossing streamlines.
The laminar regime is ruled by momentum diffusion, while the momentum convection is less
important. In more physical terms, it means that viscous forces are higher than inertial forces.

Turbulent Flow:
Turbulent flow is characterized by the irregular movement of fluid particles (one can say
chaotic). Turbulent flow tends to occur at higher velocities, low viscosity. Detailed knowledge
of the behavior of turbulent flow regimes is important in engineering because most industrial
flows are turbulent.
Transitional flow:
When the flow changes from laminar to turbulent or vice versa a disturbance is created, it is
called as the transitional flow.

1. Hydraulic bench
2. Osborne Reynolds apparatus
3. Dye

Osborne Reynolds apparatus includes the following parts:

• Support columns
• Visualization pipes
• Outlet control valve
• Needle
• Reservoir
• Marble glasses (kanchi) for smoothness of flow
• Starter
• Overflow pipe
• Inlet pipe
• Dye reservoir
• Bil mouth
• Dye control valve


i) Set the apparatus, turn on the water supply and partially open the discharge valve at the
base of the apparatus.

ii) Adjust the water supply until the level in the constant head is just above the overflow pipe
and is maintained at this level by a small flow down the overflow pipe
iii) Open and adjust the dye injector valve to obtain a fine filament of dye in the flow down
the glass tube. A laminar condition should be achieved in which the filament of dye passes down
the complete length of the tube without disturbance.

iv) Slowly increase the flow rate by opening the discharge valve until disturbances of the dye
filament is noted. This is regarded as the starting point of the transition to turbulent flow.
Increase the water supply as required maintaining the constant head conditions.

v) Record the temperature of the water using the thermometer then measure the flow rate by
timing the collection of the known quantity of water from the discharge pipe.

vi) Further increase the flow rate as described above until the disturbances increase such
that the dye filament becomes rapidly diffused. Small eddies will be noted just above the point
where dye filament completely breaks down. This is regarded as the onset of fully turbulent
flow. Record the temperature and flow rate.
vii) Now decreases the flow slowly until the dye returns to a steady filament laminar flow and
again, record the temperature and flow rate.

Calculations through Supposed readings:

Pipe diameter=1cm

S.no Flow Temperature Q=v/t Velocity Viscosity Time Rn

(centigrade) Cm3/sec Cm/sec Cm2/sec (sec)
1. LAMINAR 19 2.74 3.49 1x10-10 36.5 34.9

2. TRANSITIONAL 19 24.24 30.88 1x10-10 16.5 3088

TURBULENT 19 65.22 83.08 1x10-10 4.5 8308


Experimental Study of Tube Gauges and Dead Weight Pressure Gauges

Equipmental Apparatus:
Calibration of Venturimeter

Venturimeter is a device consisting of a short length of gradual convergence and a long length of
gradual divergence. Pressure tapping is provided at the location before the convergence
commences and another pressure tapping is provided at the throat section of a Venturimeter.
The difference in pressure head between the two tapping is measured by means of a U-tube
manometer. On applying the Continuity equation & Bernoulli‟s equation between the two
sections, the following relationship is obtained in terms of governing variables. Theoretical
Discharge (Qth) is given by

Where a1 and a2 are Area of inlet pipe and throat respectively, H=Head loss measured by the
manometer is given by
In which x= manometric reading, 𝑆𝑚=Specific gravity of manometric liquid (=13.6), and 𝑆𝑤=
Specific gravity of water (=1).

The coefficient of discharge (𝐶𝑑) of venturimeter is defined as the ratio of the actual discharge
to that theoretical discharge given by

➢ Venturimeter
➢ Two supply hoses
➢ Measuring gauge

Experimental setup:
A tube is connected to each to the inlet and outlet of a Venturi meter. The tube connected to
the outlet of the Venturi meter is connected to the measuring tank.The adjustable screws are
adjusted to level the Venturi meter.

The apparatus was leveled by opening both the Bench Supply valve and the control
valve downstream of the meter to allow water to flow and clear air pockets from the
supply hose.
➢ This was achieved by connecting the apparatus to a power supply.
➢ The control valve was then gradually closed causing water to rise up in the tubes of
➢ them manometer thereby compressing the air contained in the man fold. –
➢ When the water level had risen to a convenient height, the bench valve was also closed
➢ gradually so that as both valves are finally shut off, the meter was left containing static ➢ water
at moderate pressure.-
➢ The adjustable screws were operated to give identical reading for all of the tubes across ➢ the
whole width of themanometer board.
➢ To establish the meter coefficient measurements of a set of differential heads and flow rate ➢
were made.
➢ The first reading was taken with the maximum possible value.

Calculations based on Supposed Readings:


1 0.027 0.0005 42.75 0.009 0.00021 0.36788 0.00021 0.970

72265 0526 2565 01
2 0.0135 0.0001 42.75 0.009 0.00021 1.47153 0.00022 0.964
43066 0526 0258 02
3 0.0168 0.0002 42.75 0.009 0.00021 0.94122 0.00021 0.972
8 23674 0526 1522 10
4 0.0202 0.0003 42.75 0.009 0.00021 0.65401 0.00021 0.961
5 21899 0526 3448 03
5 0.0236 0.0004 42.75 0.009 0.00021 0.48029 0.00021 0.965
3 38326 0526 6355 04

We know that
Q = AV(theoretical discharge)
and 𝜋𝐷2

Lab Report No. 05:

Calibration of Orifices by various methods

Orifice meter is a device used to measure discharge in a pipeline or a closed conduit. Orifice is
a hole through which liquid is made to pass through. It works on Bernoulli’s principle or venturi
effect and continuity equation. Orifice meter consists of a flat plate with a circular hole at the
centre. The circular hole is called orifice. The edges of the orifice are bevelled. The orifice plate
is fixed using flanges. The section of flow where the area is minimum is called vena-contracta. At
vena-contracta the velocity is maximum.
Merits and Demerits of orifice meter over Venturimeter

➢ Orifice meter occupies less space than venturimeter.

➢ Simple in construction and hence cheaper than venturimeter.
➢ In case of orifice meter expansion and contraction are sudden and hence loss of energy is more.
➢ The co-efficient of discharge of venturimeter is high (about 0.9) where as that of orifice meter is
low (about 0.6).

Because of the energy loss which takes place as the water passes down the tank and through the
orifice, the actual velocity vact in the plane of vena-contracta will be less than the theoretical
velocity, vth. The coefficient of velocity(𝐶𝐶𝑣𝑣) is given by

where x and y (measured

positive downward) represent the horizontal and vertical coordinates of a point on the trajectory
of the jet (origin being taken at the lowest point of the jet at venacontraction and h= water head.

Where 𝑎0 is the area of vena-contacta=4Q/πd2 in which d= diameter of vena-contacta. The

coefficient of contraction, (𝐶𝐶𝑐𝑐) is defined as the ratio between cross-sectional area of the
venacontracta to the cross-sectional area of the orifice. It can also be defined as given


➢ Venturimeter and orifice meter with pressure tappings

➢ Mercury Manometer
➢ Centrifugal pump, valves, etc. ➢ Stop watch
Calculation based Supposed Readings:
Lab Report No. 06:
Calibration of Rectangular Notch

A notch is a device used for measuring the rate of flow of liquid through a small
channel (or) a tank. It is used to estimate discharge and velocity of flowing water.
Notches are those overflow structure whose length of crest in the direction of low
is accurately shaped. There may be rectangular, trapezoidal, V-notch etc. A
rectangular notch, symmetrically located in a vertical thin plate, which is placed
perpendicular to the side and bottom of a straight channel, is defined as a
rectangular sharp-crested notch. The discharge coefficient Cd of a rectangular
notch given by

In which 𝑄𝑎ct=the actual discharge flowing in the pipe and 𝑄tℎ=theoretical discharge of
rectangular notch is given by

Where Q=discharge over a rectangular notch, B=width of notch and H=head over the crest of
the notch.

• Open the Calibration of Rectangular notch experiment and click on the next button shown at the
bottom right corner
• Start the pump by clicking on green button and then click on the next button.
• Click on the inlet valve to rotate it.
• Click on hand to rotate the inlet valve and click on the next button.
• Note the initial reading of the hook gauge and click on the hook gauge.
• Note the head of water, theoretical discharge of rectangular notch and click the next button.
• Note the initial reading of the hook gauge and click on the hook gauge.
• Note the head of water, actual discharge of V-notch and click the next button.
• Note the coefficient of discharge for rectangular notch.
• Repeat the same procedure, after certain trials, click on the red button to stop the pump.
Observation and Calculations:

Equation of Rectangular Notch:


Width = w = 3cm = 30mm

H1 = 84.3mm
H2 = 103mm
Volume Stored = v = 5 liter
Time = 34.28sec
Discharge = Q = V/T = 5/34.28 = 0.145liter/sec
In mm3/sec Q = 145000 mm3/sec
𝐶𝑑 𝐶𝑑 𝐶𝑑

Cd = 0.0202
Co-efficient of discharge Cd = 0.0202
Lab Report No. 07:
Calibration of V-Notch

A notch is a device used for measuring the rate of flow of liquid through a small
channel (or) a tank. It is used to estimate discharge and velocity of flowing water.
Notches are those overflow structure whose length of crest in the direction of low
is accurately shaped. There may be rectangular, trapezoidal, V notch etc. the
Vnotch is one of the most precise discharge. A v-notch is having a V-shaped
opening provided in its body so that water is discharged through this opening. This
line which bisects the angle of notch should be vertical and the same distance from
both sides of the channel. The discharge coefficient Cd of a v-notch given by

• Triangular notch
• Stop watch
• Hook gauge measuring tape

• Select the notch plate and fit it at the notch holder.
• Sill water in the notch channel till attends to overflow and take the still level reading.
• Using gauge apart the inlet valve to the desired value of flow.
• Flow water to flow over the notch at the maximum possible level by regulating the inlet valve
and take the reading in gauge as' cm.
• Find the maximum head over the notch then the inlet valve is fully open) and divide the value
into approximately seven e6ual divisions in order to fi" the steps in the head over notch for the
seven sets of readings. just the inlet valve to get the approximate head over notch,
• Wait for few minutes for the head over notch to become constant and then note the readings.
Observation and Calculations:

Equation for V-Notch:

8 5
= 𝐶𝑑 √ 2𝑔(𝐻) 2
𝑄 15 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃/2
Θ = 90 tan θ/2 = tan45 = 1
H1 = 127.4mm
H2 = 156.2mm
Volume = v = 6 liter
Time = t = 18.65 sec
Q = 6/18.65 liter/sec
Q = 0.321 liter/sec
Q = 321000 mm3/sec
H = H2-H1 = 156.2 – 127.4
H = 28.8mm
𝐶𝑑 𝐶𝑑

Cd = 0.0303 co-efficient discharge for V-Notch

Lab Report No. 08:
Verification of Bernoulli Theorem

Considering friction less flow along a variable are duct, the law of conservation of energy states
“for and Inviscid, incompressible, Irrotational and steady flow along a stream line the total
energy (or Head) remains the same”. This is called Bernoulli’s equation. The total head of
flowing fluid consist of a pressure head, velocity head and elevation head remain constant.
Mathematically, Bernoulli’s equation is given by

Pressure head + Velocity head + Elevation head = a constant Where,

P = the pressure. (N/m)

₰ = density of the fluid, kg/m
V = velocity of flow, (m/s) g = acceleration due to gravity, m/s
Z = elevation from datum line, (m)

• Measuring tank
• Stopwatch
• Keep the bypass valve open and start the pump and slowly start closing valve.
• The water shall start flowing through the flow channel. The level in the Piezometer tubes shall
start rising.
• Open the valve on the delivery tank side and adjust the head in the Piezometer tubes to steady
• Measure the heads at all the points and also discharge with help of diversion pan in the
measuring tank.
• Varying the discharge and repeat the procedure.

Observation and Calculations:

Total energy = Z + P/ᵧ + V2/2g (in Per unit weight)
Volume stored = V = 1 liter
Time = t = 5.24 sec
Discharge = Q = volume(v)/ Time(t)
Q = 1/5.24 = 0.19 liter/sec

Area of
Pipe 𝑨 =
𝝅 𝟐(mm2) Pressure
Diameter Velocity K.E head
𝒅 Z Head
Pipes of Pipe Q/A V.E+Z+P.4
𝟒 (v2/2g) (Datum) (mm)
(mm) (mm2)
(H= P/ᵧ)

A 25 490.625 387.261 7643.786 0 270 7913.786

B 13.9 151.669 1252.727 79985.980 0 180 80165.98

C 11.8 109.303 1738.287 150008.241 0 30 15038.658

D 10.7 89.874 2114.070 22792.658 0 20 22812.658

E 10.0 76.5 2420.382 298585.577 0 30 298615.577

Lab Report No. 09:

Determination of Meta Centric Height


Metacentric height apparatus, hydraulic bench, movable weights and meter rod.
Parameters for the determination of Meta Centric Height:

The metacentric height of a floating body like a ship may also be calculated experimentally
provided G of floating body is known. Let all the articles on ship be arranged in such a way that
the ship is perfectly horizontal. Let W=weight of ship and G=center of gravity of ship. Let a
movable weight w be moved right across the ship through a distance D shown in figure due to
this movement of w the boat will tilt let this angle of tilt be @ .so moment will produce while
moving w through distance d.
For floating bodies
GM = w*d/W*tanφ
W= small movable weight
W= weight of the ship
GM= Metacentric height.
φ=angle of tilt.

• First of all I took the ship model and made it in equilibrium and then I applied a movable load to
the right side of the ship and noted the angle of tilt for that specific load.
• Similarly I moved the movable load to the left side of the ship and determined the angle of tilt for
similar load.
• After noting the angle of tilt both for both the side of ship model. I find the center of gravity of
gravity for that specific load. This completes one cycle of the process.
• I repeat similar procedure for three different loads and calculate their corresponding angles of
tilt and center of gravity.
• By using these values I calculate Metacentric height GM for each load.

Observation and Calculations:

W1= Weight of Boat

W2= Additional weight
V1-V2 = volume displaced
V x ℽ = weight of boat
Weight of Boat:
Length = l = 52cm
Width = 32cm
Depth of water = d1 = 6.83cm
V1 = l x W x d1
V1 = 52 x 32 x 6.83
V1 = 11365.12cm3
After submerging boat in water
V2 = l x W x d2 V2
= 52 x 32 x 7.64
V2 = 12712.96 cm3

Volume displace = v2-v1 = 12712.96 – 11365.12 = 1347.84 cm3

Weight of Boat = Displace volume x Specific weight
= 1347.84 x 1 x 981
W1 = 1322231.04 g
Additional weight = w2 = 313g
X = location distance of additional weight from the center line
θ= is the lifting angle

Equation of Meta-Center Height:

𝑤2 ∗ 𝑥

W1(g) W2(g) X(cm) θ° M.H. (cm)

1322231.04 313 6 6.25 0.013

1322231.04 313 8 8.5 0.0127

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