Form B - GAD Capacity Assessment Form
Form B - GAD Capacity Assessment Form
Form B - GAD Capacity Assessment Form
Instructions: PCW would like to assess the level of knowledge, skills, awareness, and attitudes of
prospective GR Pool on Gender and Development (GAD) as one of the requirements for
application. Please accomplish this 8-page Gender Resource Pool Capacity Assessment Form and
submit with the corresponding Gender Resource Pool Profile Form. Thank you very much!
II. Membership in the GAD Focal Point System (for NGA and LGU applicants only)
Please encircle the number that corresponds to your answer to ascertain your knowledge on GAD
concepts, policies and tools listed below.
1. Gender Analysis 1 2 3 4
Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the concpet Can easily apply the concept to
the concept about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
concept teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
2. Gender Mainstreaming 1 2 3 4
Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the concpet Can easily apply the concept to
the concept about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
concept teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
(GAD) Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the concpet Can easily apply the concept to
the concept about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
concept teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
5. Gender Perspective 1 2 3 4
Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the concpet Can easily apply the concept to
the concept about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
concept teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
6. Gender Equality 1 2 3 4
Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the concpet Can easily apply the concept to
the concept about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
concept teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
7. Gender Equity 1 2 3 4
Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the concpet Can easily apply the concept to
the concept about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
concept teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
8. Gender Discrimination 1 2 3 4
Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the concpet Can easily apply the concept to
the concept about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
concept teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
9. Gender Stereotypes 1 2 3 4
Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the concpet Can easily apply the concept to
the concept about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
concept teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
International Mandates
of All Forms of Discrimination Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the manate Can easily apply the mandate to
Against Women (UN CEDAW) the mandate about and discuss the to own wdork/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
(BPfA) Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
3. Sustainable Development 1 2 3 4
Goals (SDGs) Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
National Plans
Responsive Development, Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
(1995-2025) the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
Women’s Empowerment Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
(GEWE) Plan 2019-2025
mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
National Laws
Programs and Projects related Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
to Gender and Development the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
An Act Promoting the Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Integration of Women as Full the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
and Equal Partners of Men in mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
An Act Declaring Sexual Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Harassment Unlawful in the the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
other Purposes
4. Republic Act 8353 or The 1 2 3 4
Anti-Rape Law of 1997: An Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Act Expanding the Definition the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000: Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
An Act Providing for Benefits the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
and Privileges to Solo Parents mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
known as the Anti Violence Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
against Women and their the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
Trafficking in Persons Act of Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
2003, as amended by RA the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
10364 also known as the mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
known as the Magna Carta of Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Women the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
known as The Responsible Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Parenthood and Reproductive the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
National Policy on
Responsible Parenthood and
Reproductive Health
10. Republic Act 10398: An Act 1 2 3 4
Declaring November 25 of Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Every Year as “National the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
Consciousness Day for the mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
Increasing the Maternity Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Leave Period to One Hundred the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
Five (105) Days for Female mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
Workers. to others
known as the Safe Streets Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
and Public Places Act of 2019 the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
2009-01: Guidelines on the Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Formulation, Implementation, the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
2. PCW Memorandum Circular 1 2 3 4
2011-01:Guidelines for the Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Creation, Strengthening and the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
1 2 3 4
3. PCW Memorandum Circular
2014-05: Adoption and Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Generation of Data Support to the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
the Magna Carta of Women mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
Indicators to others
2016-03: Use of the Enhanced Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Gender Mainstreaming the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
2018-04: Revised Guidelines Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
for the Preparation of the GAD the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
6. PCW-NEDA-DBM Joint 1 2 3 4
Memorandum Circular 2012- Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
01: Guidelines for the the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
7. PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA Joint 1 2 3 4
Memorandum Circular 2013- Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
01: Guidelines on the the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
8. PCW-DILG-DBM-NEDA Joint 1 2 3 4
Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Memorandum Circular 2016-
01: Amendments to JMC NO. the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
Carta of Women
9. PCW-OPAPP Joint 1 2 3 4
Memorandum Circular 2014- Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
01: Integration of Women, the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
Peace, and Security Projects, mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
Memorandum Circular 2016- Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
01: Guidelines for the the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
Institutionalization of a to others
Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Circular 2014-001: Revised
Guidelines in the Audit of the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
Government Agencies
Checklist of Common Audit Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Observations in the Audit of the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
Determination of Gender
Issues and Mandates of all
Government Agencies
(CSC) Memorandum Circular Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
No. 12 s, 2015 on the Use of the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
Communications, and
Administrative Disciplinary Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Rules on Sexual Harassment the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
Education (CHED) Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the mandate Can easily apply the mandate to
Memorandum Order 2015-01: the mandate about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
Establishing the Policies and mandate teaching the skills and knowledge
Commission on Higher
Education and Higher
Education Institutions
the Community Level Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the GAD tool Can easily apply the GAD tool to
the GAD tool about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
GAD tool teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
Development (GAD) Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the GAD tool Can easily apply the GAD tool to
Guidelines the GAD tool about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
GAD tool teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
4. Gender Mainstreaming 1 2 3 4
Evaluation Framework Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the GAD tool Can easily apply the GAD tool to
the GAD tool about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
GAD tool teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
(GERL) Tool Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the GAD tool Can easily apply the GAD tool to
the GAD tool about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
GAD tool teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
6. ILO-Participatory Gender 1 2 3 4
Audit Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the GAD tool Can easily apply the GAD tool to
the GAD tool about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
GAD tool teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
Gender Equality Framework Knowledgeable about Confident to talk Can apply the GAD tool Can easily apply the GAD tool to
the GAD tool about and discuss the to own work/outputs own work/outputs and proficient in
GAD tool teaching the skills and knowledge
to others
Assess your proficiency in applying GA tools and identify the difficulties encountered while applying
the tools and the solutions you made in response to such difficulties. In the result column, give
outputs or outcomes brought about by the application of tools (See example below). You can tick
more than one.
Tool Application Result
Planning Policy Program/ Program/ Technical Tools (Please specify
and Review Project Project Assistance/ development outputs/outcomes)
Budgeting and developm Monitoring Training for the
Enhance ent/ / agency/
ments Enhance Evaluation sector
HGDG GPB, Strat Plan
enabling policies,
Technical staff
trained on HGDG
Checklist for the
Tourism Sector
Other Gender Analysis (GA) Tools(Please Specify)
In order to gain more knowledge in the area you would like to specialize in, what other training
would be beneficial to you as prospective GR Pool member, list all that you can think of.
Please submit this GCAF together with the GRP Profile Form via email at ________________or via
courier addressed to:
Name: Philippine Commission on Women c/o Technical Services and Regional Coordination Division
Postal address: 1145 J. P. Laurel Street, San Miguel, Manila 1005 Philippines