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Recount Text

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A. Definition of Recount Text

Recount Text is a type of text in English which contains the story of an action or the activities of
the author or the characters in the story. The activity or action in question is the author's
experience which is expressed through recount text.

Recount text is a type of text that contains stories that retell events or experiences in the past.
The story can be in the form of action or activity before someone writes the text. In English, recount
text is a text which recounts events or experiences in the past. Without realizing it, we must often
tell past experiences in everyday life. For example, we tell about our activities during school

The purpose of recount text is to provide information about an incident to readers or entertain
readers. In English we can say "to inform or to entertain the reads."

B. Recount Text Structure

1. Orientation

Most of the text will begin with an orientation alias introduction. This section is an introduction
or introduction to the contents of the text that will be discussed. Therefore, this section tells about
who is involved in the story, what happened, information about the character or characters, where
the event took place, and when the event occurred. Through orientation, it is hoped that readers
can understand the storyline of the author. Example of orientation in recount text:

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to go on a vacation to one of my dream countries, Turkey. I
went there with my husband. We departed from Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Tangerang. We had a
very long flight for around 12 hours by Turkish Airlines and we landed at Istanbul Airport, Istanbul.

We can see from the above paragraphs that the author introduces the characters, locations, and
also the time of events to be told.

2. Events

In this section, the writer will write a series of events or incidents that they experienced (the
essence of the recount text). In this section the author tells everything that happened in the past
according to a sequence or event. To write down series or events we can use on the first day, when,
on the next day, on our last day, in Sunday morning, and so on.

Usually the authors also express personal remarks on the events, aka personal statements about
the stories they write. An example of a paragraph like this:

On the first day, due to exhaustion, we just stayed at the hotel near Hagia Sophia to rest. The next
day, we left for Taksim to visit one of the popular destinations, Galata Tower. We saw a lot of
shopping centers and local authentic cafes there. After that, we visited one of the Malaysian
restaurants that I really wanted to visit in the Blue Mosque area.
3. Re-Orientation

The end of a story is called reorientation. In this section, the author will provide a summary and
conclusion of the whole story as well as tell the ending (sad/happy). If there is, the author will also
add impressions and messages for readers. A simple example of reorientation:

A trip to Turkey several years ago was an experience I will never forget for the rest of my life. The
bonus, two weeks after arriving in Indonesia, God trusts us to have the child. We think that having
quality time with a partner is very important.

C. Recount Text characteristics

1. Even though it has the same purpose as narrative text to entertain the reader, there are still
differences, guys. In the recount text, there is no conflict told by the author. So, purely story related.

2. There is always a sequence of stories. For example, like the example above, that is, there is the
first day, the second day, and so on

3. Have a title that summarizes the content of the text.

4. Telling events that have occurred in the past.

D. Language Rules of Recount Text

1. Using simple past tense

Using the simple past tense because to show activity in the past. With the formula subject + verb
2 + complement and nominal sentence whose formula is subject + be + complement. Example

Last week, my friends and I went to Jogja.

Where went is the simple past tense of go.

2. Using specific participants

Specific participant is something that has a certain object, is not general, and is unique (there is
only one). Examples include Istanbul Airport, Borobudur Temple, Muara Angke, Geusan Ulun
Museum, etc.

3. Using personal participant

Personal participants, for example, like I, my group, my friends, my husband, etc. In recount text,
usually the personal participant will appear in the orientation section as an introduction to the
character or characters in the story.

4. Using action verbs

Action verbs are verbs that refer to the actions you take and can be seen by others. These verbs
are also known as dynamic verbs. Like look, go, change, etc. Example sentences:

First, we visited Parangtritis beach.

Visited is a verb that can be seen by others.

5. Using linking verbs

Linking verbs are verbs that connect the subject and description, but do not refer to the action
taken by the subject. Like, was, ware, saw, heard, etc. Example sentences:

Yesterday, I was busy towards the end of the month and I had to work late.

There, was serves to connect between I and busy towards the end of the month.

6. Using chronological connection/sequence connective

Chronological connector/connector of sequence is a conjunction used to express the order in

which events occur. Chronological connectors are useful for stating activities that happened first
and which happened next. Examples of chronological connectors are then, next, in the end, in
addition, and so on. Consider the following examples:

We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Then, we felt hungry, so we
went to a restaurant.

7. Using conjunctions

Conjunction is part of speech whose job is to connect two words, phrases or sentences.
Examples of conjunctions in recount text are and, or, until, although, while, but, and many more.
This is how it is applied in a sentence:

One of my friends warned me that Samyang was very spicy, but I didn't want to listen to him.

8. Using adverbs

Adverbs are adverbs. It provides more information or describes in more detail than verbs,
adjectives, and other words. Example extremely, carefully, slowly, etc. If in a sentence, an example

She walked carefully.

Carefully has a role to explain the verb walked.

9. Using adverbial phrases

An adverbial phrase is a phrase that is an adverb, aka a phrase whose function is to explain. If
the adverb is part of a sentence whose function is to explain the whole sentence, it is a verb, an
adjective, or another adverb. The most used in recount text are adverb phrases of time and adverb
phrases of place which function to explain the time and place of events. Come on, take a good look
at the examples below:

-Adverb phrase of time: Camelia found her book in the classroom.

-Adverb phrase of place: My team won the volleyball tournament last week.

10. Using time connectives and sequence connectives

These connectives are words or phrases that connect parts of words, phrases, clauses or
sentences. If you look again at point number 6 and 7, they are part of the connectives. The time
connectives, for example, are in the meantime, the next day, etc.

In addition, there is also a connective sequence to sort information based on its steps. Example:
before, after, then, first, second, third, finally, at last.

E. Kinds of Recount Text

1. Historical Place

Historical Place is a form of Recount Text which tells about historical places. Examples are about:

Borobudur Temple

One of historical places in Indonesia, located in Magelang, Central Java. Borobudur Temple is the
most famous and largest Buddhist temple in the world. Located in Magelang, Central Java, this
temple is a witness of a great Buddhist kingdom, Ancient Mataram in the 9th century. This temple
was built by Gunadharma, an architect during the reign of the Sailendra Dynasty. The construction
of the Borobudur temple took 70 years to complete, which made Gunadharma unable to see the

Due to volcanic ash and jungle growth, this temple remained hidden until the discovery in the
19th century. The abandonment started when the population of the dynasty moved to East Java.

2. Biography inspiring us

An inspiring us biography is a type of Recount Text that tells the story of someone from the past
who was very inspiring. In the biography, it is explained about the life of a character from childhood
until he grew up, even until he finally died. All services, works, and things produced by a character
are also clarified. The biographical text itself was compiled not by oneself. Examples are:

Hi, I will tell you about my inspiration person. My inspiration person was Marie Curie. Why I
think she was my inspiration because, she was brave to excursions about mercury. She was born in
Warsaw, Poland. Her mother was dead she went 10 years old because of tuberculosis. She instead
her education in Warsaw. Then she married Pierre Curie and continued her excursions about
radioactivity. In 1903 she became the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics. And that's
all about Marie Curie short biography and have a nice day.
3. Hero's Story Biography

Hero's Story Biography is a type of Recount Text which tells the story of the struggles of the
heroes in the past. In the biography, it is explained about the life of a character from childhood until
he grew up, even until he finally died. All services, works, and things produced by a character are
also clarified. The biographical text itself was compiled not by oneself. Examples are:

Ki Hajar Dewantara

Ki Hadjar Dewantara, was born on May 2, 1889 in Yogyakarta. He came from a Yogyakarta
aristocratic family and attended a Dutch-sponsored medical school but failed to complete the
course. Ki Hadjar Dewantara was the founder of the Taman Siswa school system, and having had a
widespread influence, he also pushed for modernization but also promoted Indonesian culture. He
feels that education is the best way to strengthen Indonesian society.

The first Taman Siswa school was established in Java in July 1922. Instruction, conducted
informally, emphasized the traditional skills and values of Javanese life, particularly in music and
dance. Ki Hadjar Dewantara later died on April 26, 1959, in Yogyakarta. After his death, Ki Hadjar
Dewantara was named one of the national heroes in the field of education.
Bibliography :




%2F2020%2F12%2F02%2F 145347769%2f How-to-tell-biographical-recount



GURU PENGAJAR: HJ. Bahdiah, S.Pd, M.Pd

MATA PELAJARAN: Bahasa Inggris


Muhammad Ridhoni – Muhammad Fadlan – Muhammad Fadil Maulidi –
Muhammad Tamrin – Riswan Aliyani – Aldi Rangga




A. Pengertian Recount Text

Recount Text merupakan salah satu jenis text dalam bahasa inggris yang berisi mengenai cerita suatu
tindakan maupun kegiatan penulis atau tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita tersebut. Kegiatan atau tindakan yang di
maksud merupakan pengalaman dari penulis yang di ungkapkan melalui recount text.

Recount text merupakan salah satu jenis text yang berisi cerita yang menceritakan kembali peristiwa atau
pengalaman di masa lalu. Cerita tersebut dapat berupa aksi atau aktivitas sebelum seseorang menuliskan
teks. Dalam bahasa Inggris, recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Tanpa
disadari, kita pasti sering menceritakan pengalaman lampau dalam sehari-hari. Misalnya saja kita
menceritakan tentang aktivitas kita pada saat libur sekolah.

Tujuan recount text adalah untuk memberikan informasi mengenai suatu kejadian kepada para pembaca
atau menghibur para pembaca. Dalam bahasa Inggris bisa kita katakan "to infrom or to entertain the reades."

B. Struktur Recount Text

1. Orientation

Sebagian besar teks akan di awali dengan orientation alias pengenalan. Di bagian ini merupakan bagian
pendahuluan atau perkenalan dari isi teks yang akan di bahas. Karenanya di bagian ini menceritakan tentang
siapa yang terlibat dalam cerita, apa yang terjadi, informasi mengenai tokoh atau karakter, di mana tempat
peristiwa tersebut terjadi, dan waktu terjadinya peristiwa.

Melalui orientation harapannya pembaca dapat memahami alur cerita dari penulis. Contoh orientation
dalam recount text:

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to go on a vacation to one of my dream countries, Turkey. I went there
with my husband. We departed from Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Tangerang. We had a very long flight for
around 12 hours by Turkish Airlines and we landed at Istanbul Airport, Istanbul.

Dapat kita lihat dari potongan paragraf di atas, bahwa penulis mengenalkan tokoh, lokasi, dan juga waktu
peristiwa yang akan diceritakan.

2. Event

Dalam bagian ini, penulis akan menuliskan rangkaian mengenai peristiwa atau kejadian yang mereka
alami (inti dari recount text). Pada bagian ini penulis menceritakan semua yabg terjadi di masa lampau sesuai
rangkaian atau peristiwa. Untuk menuliskan rangakaian atau peristiwa kita bisa menggunakan on the first
day, when, on the next day, on our last day, in Sunday morning, dan lain sebagainya

Biasanya para author juga mengungkapkan personal remarks on the events, alias pernyataan pribadi
mengenai cerita yang ditulis. Contoh paragrafnya seperti ini:
On the first day, due to exhaustion, we just stayed at the hotel near Hagia Sophia to rest. The next day, we left
for Taksim to visit one of the popular destinations, Galata Tower. We saw a lot of shopping centers and local
authentic cafes there. After that, we visited one of the Malaysian restaurants that I really wanted to visit in the
Blue Mosque area.

3. Re-Orientation

Akhir dari sebuah cerita disebut dengan reorientation. Pada bagian ini, penulis akan menuangkan
rangkuman dan kesimpulan dari keseluruhan cerita sekaligus memberitahu ending-nya (sad/happy). Jika
ada, author juga akan menambahkan kesan dan pesan untuk pembaca. Contoh sederhana dari reorientation:

A trip to Turkey a few years ago was an experience I will never forget for the rest of my life. The bonus, two
weeks after arriving in Indonesia, God trusts us to have the child. We think that having quality time with a
partner is very important.

C. Ciri-ciri Recount Text

1. Meskipun memiliki tujuan yang sama dengan narrative text untuk menghibur pembaca, tetapi tetap ada
perbedaan, guys. Dalam recount text, tidak ada konflik yang diceritakan oleh penulis. Jadi, pure terkait cerita

2. Selalu ada urutan cerita. Misal seperti contoh di atas, yaitu ada hari pertama, hari kedua, dan seterusnya

3. Memiliki judul yang merangkum isi teks.

4. Menceritakan peristiwa yang sudah terjadi di masa lampau.

D. Kaidah Kebahasaan Recount Text

1. Using simple past tense

Menggunakan kalimat simple past tense karena untuk menunjukkan aktivitas di masa lampau. Dengan
rumus subject + verb 2 + complement dan nominal sentence yang rumusnya subject + be + complement.
Contoh kalimatnya:

Last week, my friends and I went to Jogja.

Dimana went merupakan bentuk simple past tense dari go.

2. Using specific participant

Specific participant adalah sesuatu yang memiliki objek tertentu, tidak bersifat umum, dan unik (hanya
ada satu). Contohnya antara lain Istanbul Airport, Borobudur Temple, Muara Angke, Geusan Ulun Museum,

3. Using personal participant

Personal participant contohnya seperti I, my group, my friends, my husband, etc. Dalam recount text,
biasanya personal participant akan muncul di bagian orientation sebagai pengenalan tokoh ataupun karakter
dalam cerita.

4. Using action verb

Action verb adalah kata kerja yang merujuk pada tindakan yang kamu lakukan dan bisa terlihat oleh
orang lain. Verb ini dikenal juga dengan dynamic verb. Seperti look, go, change, etc. Contoh kalimatnya:

First, we visited Parangtritis beach.

Visited adalah kata kerja yang bisa terlihat oleh orang lain.

5. Using linking verb

Linking verb adalah kata kerja yang menghubungkan antara subjek dan keterangan, tapi bukan merujuk
pada tindakan yang dilakukan oleh subjek. Seperti, was, ware, saw, heard, etc.

Contoh kalimatnya:

Yesterday, I was busy towards the end of the month and I had to work late.

Di sana, was berfungsi untuk menghubungkan antara I dan busy towards the end of the month.

6. Using chronological connection/sequence connective

chronological connector/connector of sequence adalah kata sambung yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
urutan terjadinya peristiwa.

Chronological connector berguna untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang terjadi lebih dulu dan mana yang
terjadi selanjutnya.Contoh chronological connector adalah then, next, in the end, in addition, dan lain
sebagainya. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a

7. Using conjunction
Conjunction adalah bagian dari part of speech yang tugasnya adalah menghubungkan dua kata, frasa,
atau kalimat. Contoh-contoh conjunction dalam recount text adalah and, or, until, although, while, but, and
many more. Begini jika diaplikasikan dalam kalimat:

One of my friends warned me that Samyang was very spicy, but I didn’t want to listen to her.

8. Using adverbs

Adverbs adalah kata keterangan. Ia memberikan lebih banyak informasi atau mendeskripsikan lebih
detail dari kata kerja, kata sifat, dan kata lainnya. Contoh extremely, carefully, slowly, etc. Kalau dalam
kalimat, contohnya adalah:

She walked carefully.

Carefully berperan untuk menerangkan kata kerja walked.

9. Using adverb(ial) phrase

Adverbial phrase adalah frasa yang bersifat adverb, alias frasa yang fungsinya menjelaskan. Kalau adverb
adalah bagian kalimat yang fungsinya menjelaskan keseluruhan kalimat, verb, adjective, atau adverb lain.
Yang paling banyak digunakan dalam teks recount adalah adverb phrase of time dan adverb phrase of place
yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan waktu dan tempat kejadian. Yuk, simak baik-baik contoh di bawah ini:

-Adverb phrase of time: Camelia found her book in the classroom.

-Adverb phrase of place: My team won the volleyball tournament last week.

10. Using time connectives and sequence connective

connectives ini adalah kata atau frasa yang menghubungkan bagian kata, frasa, klausa atau kalimat.
Kalau kamu lihat lagi di point nomor 6 dan 7, mereka adalah bagian dari connectives. Adapun time
connectives contohnya adalah in the meantime, the next day, dsb.

Selain itu, ada juga sequence connective untuk mengurutkan sebuah informasi berdasarkan langkahnya.
Contoh: before, after, then, first, second, third, finally, at last.

E. Macam-macam Recount Text

1. Historical Place

Historical Place adalah bentuk Recount Text yang menceritakan tempat-tempat bersejarah. Contohnya
adalah tentang:
Borobudur Temple

One of historical places in Indonesia, located in Magelang, Central Java.

Borobudur Temple is the most famous and largest Buddhist temple in the world. Located in Magelang,
Central Java, this temple is a witness of a great Buddhist kingdom, Ancient Mataram in the 9th century.

This temple was built by Gunadharma, an architect during the reign of the Sailendra Dynasty. The
construction of Borobudur temple took 70 years to complete, which makes Gunadharma unable to see the

Due to volcanic ash and jungle growth, this temple remained hidden until the discovery in the 19th
century. The abandonment started when the population of the dynasty moved to East Java.

2. Biografi inspiring us

Biografi inspiring us adalah jenis Recount Text yang menceritakan tentang cerita seorang dari masa
lampau yang sangat menginspirasi. Dalam biografi dijelaskan mengenai kehidupan seorang tokoh sejak kecil
hingga ia beranjak dewasa, bahkan hingga akhirnya meninggal dunia. Semua jasa, karya, dan hal-hal yang
dihasilkan oleh seorang tokoh juga diperjelas. Teks biografi sendiri disusun bukan oleh diri sendiri
Contohnya adalah:

Hi I will tell you about my inspiration person. My inspiration person was Marie Curie. Why I think she was my
inspiration because, she was brave to excursions about mercury. She was born in Warsaw, Poland. Her
mother was die went she was 10 years old because of tuberculosis. She instead her education in Warsaw.
Then she married with Pierre Curie and continued her excursions about radioactive. In 1903 she became the
first woman received the Nobel Prize in Phyisics. And that's all about Marie Curie short biography and have a
nice day.

3. Biografi Hero's Story

Biografi Hero's Story adalah jenis Recount Text yang menceritakan tentang kisah perjuangan para
pahlawan dahulu. Dalam biografi dijelaskan mengenai kehidupan seorang tokoh sejak kecil hingga ia
beranjak dewasa, bahkan hingga akhirnya meninggal dunia. Semua jasa, karya, dan hal-hal yang dihasilkan
oleh seorang tokoh juga diperjelas. Teks biografi sendiri disusun bukan oleh diri sendiri Contohnya adalah:

Ki Hadjar Dewantara

Ki Hadjar Dewantara, was born on May 2, 1889 in Yogyakarta. He came from a Yogyakarta aristocratic
family and attended a Dutch-sponsored medical school but failed to complete the course. Ki Hadjar
Dewantara was the founder of the Taman Siswa school system, and having had a widespread influence, he
also pushed for modernization but also promoted Indonesian culture. He feels that education is the best way
to strengthen Indonesian society.

The first Taman Siswa school was established in Java in July 1922. Instruction, conducted informally,
emphasized the traditional skills and values of Javanese life, particularly in music and dance. Ki Hadjar
Dewantara later died on April 26, 1959, in Yogyakarta. After his death, Ki Hadjar Dewantara was named one
of the national heroes in the field of education.

Kata Pengantar

Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, yang telah berkenan
memberi petunjuk dan kekuatan kepada kami sehingga makalah,
"Bahasa Inggris" ini dapat diselesaikan.

Dalam kesempatan ini kami menyampaikan rasa terima kasih dan

penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada semua anggota kelompok

Dalam makalah ini kami menyadari masih jauh dari kesempurnaan,

untuk itu segala saran dan kritik guna perbaikan dan kesempurnaan
sangat kami nantikan. Semoga makalah ini dapat bermanfaat khususnya
bagi penyusun dan para pembaca

Thank you, we pray to the presence of Allah SWT, who has been
pleased to provide guidance and strength to us so that this paper,
"English" can be completed.

We take this opportunity to express our highest gratitude and

appreciation to all group members

In this paper we realize that we are still far from perfection.

for that all suggestions and criticisms for improvement and perfection
we look forward to. Hopefully this paper can be useful especially for
authors and readers

Jadi dapat di simpulkan recount text adalah , recount bermakna

"menceritakan". Jadi recount text bisa diartikan sebagai "Text yang
menceritakan". Recount text adalah a text that telling the reader about
one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the
reader. (sebuah teks yang menceritakan sebuah cerita, aksi ataupun
aktifitas. Tujuan recount text adalah untuk menghibur atau
menginformasikan pembaca.)

Ada 3 macam-macam recount text, yaitu personal recount, factual

recount dan imaginative. Struktur-struktur recount text yaitu
orientation, events dan reorientation.

So it can be concluded that recount text is, recount means "to tell". So
recount text can be interpreted as "Text that tells". Recount text is a text
that tells the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to
entertain or inform the reader. (a text that tells a story, action or activity.
The purpose of recount text is to entertain or inform the reader.)

There are 3 kinds of recount text, namely personal recount, factual

recount and imaginative. The recount text structures are orientation,
events and reorientation

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