Lawrence Kohlberg
Lawrence Kohlberg
Lawrence Kohlberg
- Born: oct 25, 1927 NY USA - Primary concern: to fit in and play the role
- Professor in psych department at of a good citizen
university of Chicago and at the graduate - People have a strong desire to follow the
school of education at Harvard university rules and laws
- Served in US merchant marine
- Theory of moral development theory Postconventional moral reasoning
- Based on personal moral standards
Morality – set of standards that enable people to - Characterized by references to universal
live cooperatively in groups ethical principles that represent
protecting the rights of all people
Moral behavior – way a person perceives those - Most adults do not reach this level
requirements and respond to them - Nightingale
- For the benefit welfare of other people
Moral development – pattern of change in moral - unselfishness
behavior with age
Step 1: Punishment and obedience
Moral reasoning – aspect of cognitive - Focus on direct consequences
development that has to do with the way an - Negative actions will result in
individual reasons about moral decisions punishments
- A child does right because a parent tells
MORAL DEVELOPMENT THEORY him/her and to avoid punishment
- Involves learning what ought to be and
what not to be done Step 2: mutual benefit
- The term moral – relating to right and - Getting what one wants often requires
wrong giving something up in return
- Assessed moral reasoning by posing - “right” is a fair exchange
hypothetical moral dilemmas and - Morals guided by what is “fair”
examining the reasoning behind people’s
answers Stage 3: law and order
- Proposed tree distinct levels of moral - An attempt to live up to the expectations
reasoning preconventional, conventional, of important others
and postconventional - Follow rules or do what other would want
- Each level is based on the degree to which so that you’ll win their approval
a person conforms to conventional - Negative actions will harm those
standards of society relationships
- Each level has two stages that represent
different degrees of sophistication in Stage 4: law and order
moral reasoning - Right behavior is obeying the law and
following the rules
Preconventional moral reasoning - Follow rules and authority figure as well
- Moral reasoning is based on external as parents in an effort to keep the
rewards and punishment “system” working
- Children under 10 years old Stage 5: legal principles
Conventional moral reasoning - Standard of behavior is based on adhering
- Laws and rules are upheld simple because to laws that protect
they are laws and rules
- Most adults
Feedback (criticism)
- Male-oriented because of his original
research is conducted entirely with male
- Females do not score well on Kohlberg’s
scale because being more concerned with
relationship than males are, they make
moral decisions based on individual
Moral dilemma
- Situations in which the decision-maker
must consider two or more moral values
or duties but can only honor one of them;
thus, the individual will violate at least
one important moral concern, regardless
of the decision
- Situation where:
o You are presented two or more
actions, all of which you have the
ability to perform
o There are moral reasons for you to
choose each of the actions
o You cannot perform all of the
actions and have to choose which
action, or actions when there are 3
or more choices to perform