ISBN: 978-90-367-6813-9
ISBN-Electronic: 978-90-367-6812-2
To my family
Content ix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The New Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.1 Motivations for the future grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.2 What is the smart grid? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Thesis Scope and Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2 Related Work 15
2.1 The Visions of New Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 Complex Network Analysis and the Power Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2.1 Power grid characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2.2 Statistical global graph properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2.3 The small-world property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2.4 Node degree distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2.5 Betweenness distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2.6 Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.3 Power Grid, Network Design and Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.3.1 Evolution of complex networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.3.2 Complex network analysis for power grid design . . . . . . . 29
2.3.3 Power engineering approach for power lines design . . . . . . 30
2.3.4 Power lines adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.4 Smart Grid Services and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.4.1 Smart grid software applications and architectures . . . . . . 33
2.4.2 Service-oriented architectures for energy . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.4.3 Agent interactions in the energy market and the smart grid . 38
6 Conclusion 153
6.1 The Emergence of a New Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
6.2 Open Issues and Future Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Bibliography 181
Chapter 1
The human body of a man 25 years old at 180 cm and 75 kg, requires just about
2.128 kWh of energy (1830 kcal) a day for his basal metabolic rate [85]. All other
energy consumption that each of us requires is to make our life more productive,
more enjoyable, and more safe-in essence, more rich. Energy is the enabler of mod-
ern societies and cities. If one looks around, everything is powered, moved or lit by
some form of energy. The availability of energy is taken for granted in the modern
society so much, that we perceive its real importance only when outages or black-
out strike. In fact, the effects of prolonged blackouts have threatening consequences
both for population security and safety, as well as for economic production [7, 11].
In developed countries, energy has become such an affordable and easily accessible
commodity that we are reminded of its presence only when the car needs to be filled
or when we receive the bill of the energy retail company.
The scope of the present work is on the electric grid and system, therefore, when
we refer to energy we typically mean it in its electric form. Actually, electricity is not
the only form of energy that was mainly used. This was even more true in the period
before the advent of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the
digital life. Worldwide, in 2011, the total consumption of energy is dominated by
oil and then electricity with 40.8% and 17.7%, respectively; followed by natural gas
(15.5%) [90]. If we look back to 1973, for example, we note that in 2011 we have
an almost doubling in the total consumption (4674 million tons of oil equivalent vs.
8918 million tons of oil equivalent); and looking at the share composition in 1973,
oil was even more important with 48.1% followed by natural gas and coal with 14%
and 13.7% of total consumption, respectively; whereas electricity had just a 9.4%
share [90].
Electricity applications were initially not completely understood and the effects
of electricity were not considered particularly useful outside of the physics lab. The
first application dates back to the incandescent bulb. However, here electricity is
a “carrier” of energy that is transformed in other forms of energy, namely, thermal
energy, and light. The first application of electricity, per se, has to deal with the
telegraph. Again, electricity is used as a carrier this time for the electric signals
encoding of information. Electricity was then used mainly as a carrier of energy
2 1. Introduction
from a source point (i.e., power plant) to the end user. Usually at the source, various
other forms of energy are converted into electricity (e.g., the conversion route may
entail be combustible fuel, to thermal energy, to motion, to electricity). Once in form
of electricity, energy can be transmitted from the source to the destination through
a capillary infrastructure: the power grid.
The power grid is considered one of the greatest achievements of the 19th and
20 centuries. Just consider the challenge of bringing the power through a whole
continent, such as Europe or America. A typical simplified scheme of the power
grid is represented in Figure 1.1. One sees an organization of a transmission (extra
high and high voltage) and a distribution grid (medium and low voltage). Energy is
mainly produced in large power plant facilities by a few authorized actors, usually
far from big population or industrial conglomerates where the energy is needed. As
the plants are the components at maximum power in the system, they are connected
to the high voltage level; while end users consume mostly at the medium and low
voltage levels. The technical reason for this voltage stepping is to prevent the dis-
sipation and losses for the transmission of the high amount of power with small
currents, and safety in the surrounding of the end user. In fact, losses are propor-
tional to the square of the current. Therefore, on the one hand, very high voltages
are required to transmit power while having small currents. Whereas, on the other
hand, high voltages are deadly for humans, thus, requiring low voltages in residen-
tial premises. The structure is therefore highly hierarchical. This is also reflected
in its commercial organization, where, at the beginning of the electricity era, there
was a monopoly for regulatory, technical, and economic reasons. Samuell Insull
(1859-1938), initially an assistant to Edison and then an energy entrepreneur him-
self, stated a famous quote that summarizes the approach to the electricity sector in
the early days [131]:
“Every home, every factory, and every transportation line will obtain its
energy from one common source, for the simple reason that that will be the
cheapest way to produce and distribute it.”
The concept is perfectly correct in its historical context and in an electrical system
where energy sources are cheap, cost of transmission are negligible and environ-
mental externalities for energy production are not taken into account. However,
when these factors start to take their matter, the electricity sector might begin to
consider different paradigms and technologies for production and distribution.
1.1. The New Grid 3
Figure 1.1: The physical organization of the power grid. (Source: adapted from
tal institutions [206], the concluding outlook on the status of the grid was not reas-
suring: the grid was found outdated with limited possibilities of expansion in the
transmission lines close to urban centers, inefficient, and unable to meet the energy
requirements of the information-oriented society and economy. Low investments
were realized especially at the level of distribution, and many projects with the
aim of increasing the capacity were canceled. However, some encouraging points
emerged from the meeting. Examples include the focus on new technologies includ-
ing smart power systems and clean energy systems. In addition, investments on the
order of billions of dollars to replace existing equipment and a plan for new ones
were considered. Another aspect mentioned in the meeting called for clearer rules
for regulation. In essence, the report of the meeting laid the foundation for a smart
able energy. A third motivation lies in the transformation that the energy market is
undergoing. From the initial monopoly, the situation has changed in many coun-
tries and now more and more companies are present in the energy business from
energy production, to energy transmission and distribution, to retail and services
provided to the end user. For instance, this is the case of The Netherlands. To en-
able and accelerate this process, governments in the western world have promoted
policies to open the electricity business and facilitate competition with the final aim
to both modernize the energy sector and provide a more convenient service for the
end user. Such tendency of the last decades is termed unbundling. In essence, un-
bundling is the process of dismantling monopolistic and oligarchic energy systems,
by allowing a greater number of parties to operate in a certain role of the energy
sector and market [51, 93]. Considering the vision of combining the previous two
aspects, one notes that it is possible for everyone to become a small producer and en-
ergy provider (of small-scale). Such a small-scale approach is considered beneficial
to the electricity system in many ways: from reduced losses, since source and load
are closer; to system modularity; to smaller investments compared to large-scale en-
ergy solutions [123]. Another motivation towards a modernization of the grid lies
in the necessity of using modern ICT technologies for the operations of the energy
sector. ICT and automation can ease many large scale operations that were (and still
are) done manually such as meter reading, user connection and disconnection, and
network switch operations. In addition, by using ICT in the energy domain provides
new possibilities and scenarios for the end user, one can raise energy awareness and
provide automation for energy efficiency.
• The customer can benefit from real-time tariffs that reflect the price of electric-
ity, react with his loads to the tariffs and receive information directly from the
meter about his consumption and costs.
• The generating and transmission companies can benefit from a more “com-
puterized” grid with more information and data about critical grid measures
(e.g., network’s voltage phase). Having more information enables more auto-
matic and distributed decision-making even far from the control center, thus
optimizing the grid operations.
Now a natural question concerns the actors of this system. The scenario is more
complex when a monopoly is not in place due to higher competition, efficiency re-
quirements, and a different scale of the operations involved. The view of National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for smart grid described in the NIST
Smart Grid Framework [155] is depicted in Figure 1.2, where the many actors and
their domains in the smart grid landscape are represented. It is thus clear from the
picture that many different actors are present and that many different technologies
need to interact at different levels to properly enable the synergy between the many
actors. In the figure, one notes that what is really new is the information flow be-
tween the various parties involved. Traditional flows of information that involve
the generation and transmission grid with the control operation center and the mar-
ket are still present. These flows of information are essential for the monitoring,
control and operation of the grid; they have been a key component of the grid for
a long time. We now see that the distribution grid is also involved with informa-
tion exchange with the market, the operations, and the customer. The customer
becomes an active player and his/her appliances and equipment will be monitored
by the utility service provider for commercial purposes and at an aggregate level
by the distributor for metering and technical purposes (e.g., power quality). We
also see the interaction directly with the market that enables the user to become
an active participant in selling and buying his own energy. The techniques used
to interact with the end user to modify his load are broadly named demand-side
integration. Demand-side integration incorporates various other terms that stress
1.1. The New Grid 7
In summary, smart grid is not a single technology, but rather an approach involv-
ing multiple technologies to improve and change the way the actual power grid is
used and managed. The most important innovative aspect is to have, in parallel
with the energy flow, an information flow that enables more advanced functionali-
ties both for the grid operators and for the end users. A synthesis of the smart grid
approach can be seen in the reports issued by the U.S. Department of Energy [145]
and [146] with the main underlying idea is that the grid should be able to:
• satisfy the users with an improved power quality meeting their needs and
• give the end users the possibility to interact and respond to real-time electricity
price signals in a distributed energy market.
centralized controller and the evolution of the system over time [136]. The choice of
complex systems approach is twofold: first, since the electrical system might evolve
towards a complex system; second, at the present stage, given the major uncertainty
surrounding the smart grid topic, the planning of the new grid is not to be a fully
detailed one, but more of a high level scenario where coarse grain network models
are useful instead of circuits at very precise level of details. Having in mind these
characteristics of complex systems, we envision that with more autonomy in pro-
duction and consumption, the system might reduce the centralization control and
go towards an electrical system that is locally self-organized where users interact
in selling and buying energy. Self-organization and lack of a central controller to-
gether with interaction between multiple entities are some of the fundamental prin-
ciples of complex systems theory. The analysis of networked systems following the
paradigm of complex network analysis has provided interesting results in several
fields (e.g., computer science, health, biology). We consider complex networks as a
useful tool for our goal of realizing a high level decision support system to study
and evolve the smart grid which is a networked system by definition. In particular,
having a weighted representation of the network, where the weights represent phys-
ical properties of the grid, is helpful in approaching the real infrastructure without
all the very low levels details. Network science has its basis in graph theory and in
the mathematical branch that study topology. When referring to networks, topology
is defined as the particular organization (i.e., pattern) of the connections (i.e., links)
between the nodes that compose the network.
To answer the questions more focused on the ICT application side, we focus on
the software approach that is capable of sustaining a set of systems and applications
that are diverse, highly distributed, and with constraints for security and timing.
These characteristics are satisfied by service-oriented architectures (SOAs). Going
more into the application domain of the smart grid, we aim at realizing and testing,
in conditions and environments as close as possible to the real ones, the applications
that will likely to be in place in the future smart grid. The success of the smart grid
will depend on the applications that the end user will be provided to manage his
energy production and consumption. Building and testing these applications in a
living lab environment is the first step to their engineering to a higher scale.
These two topics are closely related: the smart grid is about an improvement of
the infrastructure to make it more efficient, safe, and a rich of source of information,
on the one hand, and enable new applications to promote flexibility in the energy
system, on the other hand. The infrastructure and ICT application domains will
have to interact. Figure 1.3 shows this overall picture. The grid and its components
such as transformers, substations, small-scale and traditional generators, and lines
will have, especially at distribution level, more ICT-based sensing and automation
10 1. Introduction
realistic data in order to prove the feasibility of the smart grid vision and concept.
The thesis, therefore, reflects the two main topics mentioned above: infrastruc-
ture analysis and design, and ICT applications tailored to the smart grid.
The thesis entails three focus areas: visions of the future energy system, complex
network approach to the power grid, and software approach and applications for
the smart grid. Chapter 2 provides the necessary background and state of the art.
First, we focus on the vision and scenarios characterizing the new energy world en-
abled by the smart grid. Second, we review the most relevant work in the field of
complex network analysis applied to the power grid considering different geogra-
phies and the focus of the different studies. We also study the main techniques of
design and improvement of a grid infrastructure. In particular, we look at several
aspects: the complex network analysis work relevant to the power grid design, the
evolution of complex networks where links are missing or need to be added, and
12 1. Introduction
the design approach used in the electrical engineering field. Third, we look at the
literature concerning the software approach for the smart grid services and their
In Chapter 3, we analyze several samples of the Dutch medium and low voltage
grid by using a complex network analysis approach. Since, in our vision of the smart
grid, the end users are both producers and consumers, we focus on this layer of the
grid close to the end user. We expect the medium and low voltage network to be
crucial and invigorate lots of innovation, also in the topology of the infrastructure.
The study of this layer of the power grid has not received particular attention before,
especially using complex network analysis techniques. Our study takes into account
not only purely topological features, but also physical properties of the lines. In
addition to the topological analysis, we look at economic measures that influence
the price of electricity distribution that are related to the topological aspects of the
grid and apply them to the Dutch case.
Chapter 4 goes further in the complex network approach applied to the power
distribution grid. We explore the evolution of the infrastructure towards the smart
grid. First, we consider the development of a distribution grid infrastructure from
scratch. Therefore, we look at the most famous network models from the literature
and evaluate them against a set of topological metrics that are relevant in the smart
grid context. We also present an evolution of the current Dutch grid samples where
we propose an increase in connectivity of the network compared to the current one.
We explore several strategies of adding new lines between existing nodes and we
evaluate the evolved networks against the set of metrics. In both studies, we empha-
size the economic side in terms of the cost to build such networks (or their evolution
from the current infrastructures) and the benefits that the change in topology reflects
on the electricity distribution costs.
Chapter 5 focuses on ICT applications. We look at the service-oriented approaches
to the smart grid and point out the aspects that make it suitable for this kind of appli-
cation. We then dig into the realization of relevant foreseen services that the smart
grid will need to have. We provide an ideal solution for the future and we also
show how a feasible implementation, close to the ideal, can be realized nowadays
with current technologies and Internet services. An application of these real ser-
vices for the schedule of appliance operations driven by energy dynamic pricing in
an office environment is presented. The last application provides the future energy
market. We present an agent-based platform to perform energy trading between
consumers, prosumers, and traditional energy companies. We show how a bidding
strategy for an agent can be optimized and how software agents can be coupled
with real metering devices such as smart meters.
Chapter 6 concludes this thesis providing some discussion on the topics pre-
1.3. Publications 13
1.3 Publications
Part of the work presented in this thesis has been published in or, at the time of
writing, is under consideration for publication by several journals and conferences.
In Table 1.1, we provide an overview of the papers on which this thesis is based and
the chapters they are mostly relevant for. Additionally, the papers [156, 35, 34, 161]
have contributed to shape the smart grid vision reported here, but are not directly
related to any chapter. We stress that the contributions are to be considered a joint
effort with the respective co-authors.
Table 1.1: Overview of publications and manuscripts under review related to the
topics presented in the chapter of the thesis.
Chapter 2
Related Work
The smart grid is a vision and a trend for the electricity system as described is Chap-
ter 1. It is also a new topic of research that in these past few years has received more
and more attention. The reason is the ingenuity required to provide more flexibility
to the electrical system to accommodate more renewable sources, to design new so-
lutions to include electric vehicles, to consider users that are no longer passive and
just consumers, but that are able to generate their own energy requirements and
feed the surplus to the grid. In the past few years, the academic research devoted to
the smart grid has increased, and a proof is the establishment of scientific journals
on the topic and international conferences and workshop focused to this theme.
Here we provide an overview on the smart grid with special focus on the main
aspects of this thesis: the vision of the future energy interactions; the study of the
topology of the power grid and its evolution following the approach of complex
network analysis (CNA); the status concerning applications involving Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) technologies for the smart grid.
The Hidden Economic Benefits of Making Electrical Resources the Right Size” [123].
In the book, both the economic and the environmental factors are taken into ac-
count and the viability of solutions based on distributed generation powered by
renewable sources is considered a better alternative than traditional ones character-
ized by pollution and green house gases emissions. Small-scale modular solutions
are better than the traditional oversize power plants from a financial point of view
given the delays and costs that such large projects incur. In addition, with modular
distributed generation plants 207 benefits can be achieved according to Lovins. The
same attitude towards the benefits from economic, environmental and reliability
perspective in adopting micro-power generation (i.e., plants smaller than 10 MW)
is shared by Dunn [62]. In another book titled “Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We
Need a Green Revolution - And How It Can Renew America”, Thomas Friedman
sees the Internet of energy as the revolution that can help in reaching a sustainable
future made of green energy together with energy efficiency and energy conserva-
tion [73]. As in the Internet, users create content and organize in communities, in the
Energy Internet users can actively participate in production of energy and organize
in virtual power plants or energy cooperatives. The benefits of an approach to the
electrical system based on micro-grids rather than traditional macro-grids is pro-
vided by Marnay and Venkataramanan [129]. The authors emphasize three benefits
achievable with micro-grids. First, micro-combined heat and power (micro-CHP)
units have the ability to produce heat and electricity close to the location where it is
needed the most. Second, power quality and reliability requirements differ among
the pieces of equipment, performing distinct functions for the end user. Therefore,
the authors speculate on the possibility of realizing different grids to be used to
power equipment with different levels of quality and reliability. This idea is based
on the criticality for society of certain equipment and thus the possibility (or not)
to tolerate more instabilities. The vision of an electrical system more similar to the
Energy Internet is proposed in [205], where the authors propose a system that in or-
der to be self-healing and more efficient should be characterized by agents for every
component or entity (e.g., meters, transformers, generation plants, customers). The
agents can reconfigure and react to the changing conditions in the system. The au-
thors explain three main differences between the data transmission and the electrical
transmission: first, electricity is usually centrally generated and only one or few way
of transmission are available, whereas data are generated and routed everywhere in
the network without a priori fixed paths; second, it is difficult and inefficient to store
energy in considerable quantities while data are easily stored and cached in the In-
ternet; third, the whole Internet is based on the best-effort concept and quality of
service is the exception, whereas the security of supply of the customer is the pri-
mary rule of the power system. The authors propose as a solution for a self healing
2.1. The Visions of New Grids 17
and a more flexible network, to have agents sharing information on the status of
each component, precise customer load forecasting, and virtual electricity storage.
This last concept is achieved through a demand-response approach intervening on
customers’ loads. The idea of a more decentralized grid in the generation and in the
control of the production and the assets is expressed in [19]. The authors analyze
peer-to-peer topologies adequate to the distributed infrastructure where agents (i.e.,
peers in the network) can control equipment and cooperatively decide on the best
action to take when a problem is flooded to the agents. The agents also act on behalf
of users in an online power market and can shed loads on behalf of the users when
the grid is in critical conditions. We see similarities between this approach of consid-
ering the new interactions between agents on the grid and the peer-to-peer concept
of the smart grid that we have described in Section 1. Our approach is more fo-
cused on the high level interaction between prosumers, while other works consider
the peer-to-peer paradigm also for for communication and control purposes [19].
The vision for a future energy scenario where energy services are the core of the
smart grid is proposed in a vision paper about 10 years old by Gellings [75]. The au-
thor envisions a convergence of electricity, communication, and energy services in a
device defined as consumer portal. This portal is the fusion of a smart meter, an In-
ternet access router (the author considers a power line communication access to the
Internet), a Web portal and a communication gateway to the intelligent appliances
at home. Through the portal the energy companies (i) can promote energy-related
services, (ii) can provide the user with tariffs, manage the status (i.e., metering) of
other utilities services (e.g., water, gas), (iii) can monitor the appliances to inspect
for failures, (iv) can monitor the status of distributed energy resources and energy
storage devices. It is surprising how this vision that is on the scene for a decade it is
still very up-to-date and basically today’s ideas concerning the home energy man-
agement systems are unchanged and still far to a massive deployment at customer
side. The idea of a home and building automation platform for energy purposes is
the focus of Moneta et al. [137]. The vision follows those described above, where
an energy market with multiple suppliers and freedom of choice for the customer
are in place. Utilities offer additional services to the customer such as remote man-
agement of the distributed energy resources, the shedding of specific loads, where
the customer can respond to changing tariffs or emergency conditions. The authors
have developed a software platform that enables these functionalities and they have
tested it in a realistic home environment.
In summary, the visions concerning the electricity system of the future are in line
with our own view of the smart grid, as described in Section 1. The future of electric-
ity systems will be much more focused on small-scale generation and distribution
where users will be active participants in generation and balance of the system. ICT
18 2. Related Work
technology will make this change possible through smart meters and home energy
management systems that are able to interact on a free energy market on behalf of
the user. Users will be producers and likely to be energy feeders in local micro-grids.
The energy utilities will be no more utilities, but will evolve towards energy service
companies offering more energy-related added value services (e.g., appliance mon-
itoring, energy efficiency). The grid, especially at medium and low voltage level
will be more remotely managed and controlled with software agents that control
power assets and interact together to decide the best and safest configuration for
the equipment.
electrical engineering literature, they have samples of different sizes and, most im-
portantly, these are the best-known and most representative works from the com-
plex network analysis and power grid community.
1 Note that the numbers in the second and third column are not the exact numbers, but they are an
Table 2.1: Comparison between studies using CNA for the power grid .
vertex connected to (fourth column). Fifth, sixth and seventh column give infor-
mation about the type of statistical analysis performed on the graph, in particular,
the assessment of node degree distribution and betweenness distribution together
with an evaluation of the path length are considered. Another term of comparison
deals with the type of graph analyzed taking into account weights or not. The last
two columns of the table consider the type of aim of the analysis: either an investi-
gation of the disruption behavior of the grid, or the evaluation of the small-world
Considering Table 2.2, a difference appears: the studies closer to a topological
2 The values for nodes and lines in this table refer only to a snapshot of Shanghai power grid.
Work Sample Sample Average Node Degree Betweenness Path Length Weighted/Unweighted Resilience SM all-world
Order Size degree Distribution Distribution Analysis Analysis Analysis Investigation
Statistics Statistics
[4] 14000 19600 2.80 X X Unweighted X
[57] 300 500 3.33 X X Indirectly through Weighted not based X
efficiency metric on physical properties
[42] 314000 N.A. N.A. X Unweighted X
[89] 4800 5500 2.29 X X Unweighted X X
[183] 2700 3300 2.44 X Unweighted X
[184] 3000 3800 2.53 X X Unweighted X X
[191] 3000 3800 2.53 X Unweighted X
[58] 370 570 3.08 Indirectly through Unweighted X
efficiency metric
[185] 370 570 3.08 X X Unweighted X
[221] 4900 6600 2.69 X Unweighted X
[217] 8500 13900 3.27 X X Unweighted X
and impedance analysis
[158] 4850 5300 2.18 X X X Both X X
[132]2 210 320 3.05 X Both X X
[182] N.A. N.A. X
[28] 300 411 2.74 Both X
[105] 6400 8700 2.72 X Unweighted X X
[86] 300 411 2.74 X(chart only) X Both X
[218] 8500 13900 3.27 X Unweighted X
[83] 900 1150 2.55 X X X Weighted X X
[216] 3200 7000 4.375 X(chart only) X Weighted X
2.2. Complex Network Analysis and the Power Grid
Table 2.2: Comparison of the main characteristics of the graphs related to power grids .
22 2. Related Work
Figure 2.1: Map of the power grid infrastructure studied using CNA approach.
characterization use unweighted representation of the edges of the grid and con-
sider always the node degree distribution in the analysis, since it is an important
element to define the type of network (e.g., scale-free network). On the other hand,
the studies that apply a weighted representation of the grid do not consider the node
degree distribution statistics: neither considering the unweighted definition of node
degree, nor using a definition that takes into account weights as proposed in [152].
This last aspect might be worth consider since the degree distribution properties of
the network might change the picture of the node degree distribution in comparison
with unweighted studies.
Centrality measures are not often used, exceptions are [132, 216, 28, 65] these
are necessary to identify the statistical distribution of critical nodes. More atten-
tion to centrality measures, especially using weighted representation of the power
grid based on the capacity or energy flows through the grid, might be beneficial in
understanding the most critical nodes or lines in the power system.
Another recurring theme in the complex network analysis involving the power
grid is the reliability analysis, which actually it is the main motivation that drives
these kind of studies. In fact, many works were performed after major blackout
occurred, such as the North American black-out of 20033 or the Italian one of 20034
(e.g., [4, 56, 57, 42, 178]) or anyway mention blackouts as the main motivation for the
work. The fragility and resilience properties of the power grid has been the major
reason of concern that has determined the focus of such complex network analysis
studies on the high voltage network. That is why almost all studies consider the
2.2. Complex Network Analysis and the Power Grid 23
y pxq e0.5x
Probability Type
p q 2.5e0.55x
[4] exponential
y1 pxq 0.84x3.04
[57] exponential y x
y2 pxq 0.85x3.09
[42] power-law
y1 pxq e0.81x
y2 pxq e0.54x
[183] exponential
y1 pxq x1.49
y2 pxq 0.15e21.47x 0.84e0.49x
[158] power-law (unweighted)
and sum of exponential
y1 pxq e0.65x
terms (weighted)
y2 pxq e0.58x
[83] exponential
Table 2.3: Comparison of the node degree cumulative distribution probability func-
As seen in the table, the results do not completely agree on the type of the dis-
tribution followed by power grid networks, but generally they are close to an ex-
ponential decay. In the works [217, 218] presented in the table the functions f1 pxq
and f2 pxq are not reported in the table for size reason, but in footnote.3 For studies
concerning multiple samples (i.e., [183, 184, 158]) averages between all samples, or
particular significant samples have been chosen among the many available.
In general the various studies focusing on the high voltage grids agree on a statis-
tical distribution for node degree that follows an exponential (or exponential based)
distribution with characteristic parameters of the exponential curve that depend on
the specific grid. While high voltage grid have been quite extensively analyzed, the
medium and low voltage grids have not found much attention so far and a deeper
and wider investigation needs to be performed in different geographies since the
only study (i.e., [158]) is representative of the Northern part of the Netherlands. In
addition, the distribution grid will be the section of the power grid mostly impacted
by innovations in future power systems i.e., smart grid technology [31].
Very few studies in the literature have shown results of an accurate methods
such as the one based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov method, shown by Clauset et al. [47].
3fpxq° °x x 0.2269p0.7731qx t0.4875δp1q, 0.2700δp2q, 0.2425δp3qu xi 1, 2, . . . 34
1 i
The symbol is here to be considered as the convolution operator and the δ is the Dirac delta function.
2.2. Complex Network Analysis and the Power Grid 25
As remarked in [47], many distributions that with a naive fitting analysis might be
considered power-laws at first sight do not prove to belong to such a category when
a more rigorous fit test is adopted.
Probability Type
y pxq p2500
p q 10000p785 xq1.44
[4] power-law
y1 pxq x1.18
[57] power-law y x
4 x
[158] power-law and
y2 pxq 0.68e6.810
y pxq x1
[83] power-law
y pxq x2
2.2.6 Remarks
Complex network analysis studies and their comparison show how important prop-
erties of a real system such as the power grid can be studied using graph modeling
26 2. Related Work
tools and which conclusions about the reliability of the infrastructure can be drawn.
CNA proves to be a good set of tools that provide, although without dealing with
the details and complexities of the electrical properties in the case of the power grid,
a comprehensive and general understanding of the properties that characterize a
network. We see an interesting trend in the various works analyzed, that is, the re-
search towards more complex representation of the properties of the network than
a simple graph. In fact, although complex network analysis can help in understand-
ing the foundational properties of the network aspects of the power gird, it is al-
ways worth to remember that the power grid is subject to the law of physics and
the principles of electrotechnics. From the initial studies (e.g., [221, 4, 42, 89, 198])
considering the power grid just as an undirected graph without any property (i.e.,
weight) on edges and with no characterization of the nodes, more recent studies
take into account the electrical properties of the power grid system. Of course
the aim of these later studies is always to provide, anyway, a simplification of the
highly complex power system. However, they add those essential parameter to
better model the grid characteristics: impedance parameters associated to the trans-
mission lines, power limits supported by the substations (i.e., nodes) such as for
instance in [132, 26, 87, 82, 216]. A more detailed description of the power grid
under investigation (i.e., weighted graph representation) enables to better under-
stand the dynamics guiding the power grid with a mixed approach: both preserv-
ing the idea of the complex network analysis of having a general and statistical
behavior of the overall power grid, and, on the other hand, to take into account the
physical/electrical properties essential to characterize the power grid. Latest results
in [87, 26, 8] show a better agreement to real power grid behavior of the models that
take into account physical parameters, compared to the pure topological analysis,
and the observed behaviors and critical points in real power systems thus justifying
this enhanced complex network analysis approach.
We also see another gap in the current scientific work concerning the power grid
and complex network analysis techniques: the applicability to the real power sys-
tems of the results obtained by the network analysis. Especially, the findings of the
studies that consider the vulnerability and cascading effects of the power grid need
to be confirmed by the transmission and distribution operators. We remark here
that basically all the works lack the cross-check of the theoretical results with the
experience on the field.
A noteworthy general aspect is the role that complex network analysis has for
the power grid infrastructure vulnerability analysis: CNA does not want to substi-
tute the traditional approaches to power systems resilience and safety analysis since
they have proved extremely successful in governing and managing the electrical
system with only occasional highly disruptive events. CNA techniques applied to
2.3. Power Grid, Network Design and Evolution 27
the power grid world represent a simplification of all the complexities governing
the power systems, but such approach can anyway be helpful to give a general vi-
sion that can help in identifying quickly and in a simple way critical spots or aspects
of the power grid which then may be further and deeply analyzed with traditional
electrical engineering tools.
Few studies in the complex network analysis landscape consider the possibility of
using the insight gained through the analysis to help the design. These few cases
consider the addition of lines in the network to assess the increase in the reliability
of the entire power grid. Examples are the study of the Italian high voltage grid
[58] and the study of improvement by line addition in Italian, French and Span-
ish grids [185]. Also Holmgren [89] uses complex network analysis to understand
which grid improvement strategies are most beneficial. He shows the different im-
provements of typical complex network analysis metrics (e.g., path length, aver-
age degree, clustering coefficient, network connectivity) although in a very simple
small graphs (less than 10 nodes) when different edges and nodes are added to
the network. Broader is the work of Mei et al. [132] where a self-evolution process
of the high voltage grid is studied with complex network analysis methodologies.
The model for power grid expansion considers an evolution of the network where
power plants and substations are connected in a “local-world” topology through
new transmission lines; overall the power grid reaches in its evolution the small-
world topology after few-steps of the expansion process. Wang et al. [217, 219] study
the power grid to understand the kind of communication system needed to support
the decentralized control. The analyses aim at generating samples using random
topologies based on uniform and Poisson probability distributions and a random
topology with small-world network features. The simulation results are compared
to the real samples of U.S. power grid and synthetic reference models belonging
to the IEEE literature. These works also investigate the property of the physical
impedance to assign to the generated grid samples.
Complex network analysis is not generally used as a design tool to propose new
topologies for the future smart grid as we use in this work where we also assess the
benefits in terms of economical improvement.
30 2. Related Work
losses costs that need to be minimized satisfying the constraints of energy balance
and equipment physical limits.
Even more challenges to electrical system planning are posed by the change in
the energy landscape with several companies running different aspects of the busi-
ness (generation, transmission, distribution) and by the increasing of prosumers and
renewable energy resources since these players have less control on each other com-
pared to a fully integrated electricity system and they also havedifferent objectives.
In addition, accommodating more players in the wholesale market transmission ex-
pansion should follow (as it is already for generation) a market based approach i.e.,
the demand forces of the market and its forecast should trigger the expansion of
the grid [30]. The same considerations regarding the need for a different approach
in planning in a deregulated market are expressed in [189] where the optimization
of an objective function in the market environment is applied. Another method to
evaluate transmission expansion plan takes into account the probability reliability
criteria of Loss Of Load Expectation (LOLE). In particular, in [45] an objective func-
tion is proposed that takes into account the cost of constructing a transmission line
between all buses involved. The designed line is then subject to constrains in peak
load demand satisfaction and a certain level of LOLE that the line should not outrun.
In the smart grid framework the planning techniques might be revised espe-
cially for the distribution grid which is the segment that is likely to face the greatest
changes due to the presence of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) (i.e., bidi-
rectional intelligent digital meters at customer location) and Distribution Automa-
tion (DA) (i.e., feeders can be monitored, controlled in automated way through two-
way communication). In addition, the medium and low voltage grid is no longer
a layer where only energy is consumed, but distributed energy generation facilities
(small-scale photovoltaic systems and small-wind turbines) will be attached to this
segment of the grid; altogether these elements are likely to reshape the way plan-
ning for medium and low voltage are realized [31].
Wu [17] have also proposed the idea of minimizing the losses and guaranteeing the
load balancing. Basically, the problem deals with finding the minimal spanning tree
of the network, since the radial configuration needs to be preserved, that minimizes
the objective function (i.e., system losses) while satisfying the constraints on volt-
age, capacity of lines and transformers, and reliability. For this problem, Baran et
al. use a simplification of the power flow equations to compute the power flow in
the network to be optimized.
Recently, new interest has grown concerning the reconfiguration problem to-
gether with islanded grids and micro-generation plants. The work of Ramesh et
al. focuses on the minimization of losses in the distribution grid [179]. The authors
provide several options that have been simulated and tested on the field to reduce
losses on real and reactive power. The three solutions proposed concern: distributed
generation, capacitor placement and restructuring of feeders. The first proposal con-
sist in placing local energy generation closer to the end users. In certain buses of the
simulated IEEE 37 Bus, they show loss reduction of up to 9 MW. The second solu-
tion proposes the installation at optimal locations of capacitors. The third proposed
technique concerns the restructuring of the topology of the network. The solution
proposed is basically a reconfiguration of the opening and closing of the switches of
the distribution network to maintain the network radial and satisfy its load require-
ments. This approach although valuable from the practical point of view, lacks the
vision in imagining the future energy scenario and there is no investigation of which
topology is best, or according which principles the new pieces of infrastructure (e.g.,
cables) should be interconnected. The aspect of network reconfiguration of power
networks to achieve a minimization of losses is the topic of [144]. The authors state
that the only way to improve efficiency is by altering the topology. They focus on
two aspects: (i) finding an optimal switching scheme of the switches connecting the
lines and minimize losses, (ii) adding lines. The case study used is a IEEE 14 Bus
where three more lines are added. The authors do not give any details why only
three lines are considered and the motivation to choose specific nodes to attach the
new lines. In addition, the only argument provided concerns the economic aspect
of adding only the three lines, but no quantitative evidence is provided. In [190]
the problem of network reconfiguration in a smart grid environment is addressed.
The idea of the authors is to reconfigure the topology of the network by operating
switches in order to minimize the overload in the branches of the network. The
scenario they consider takes also into account the higher penetration rate that dis-
tributed generation will have in the future. The numerical evaluation of the pro-
posed genetic algorithm to reconfigure the network is realized on a simple 33 Bus
network where the system configuration problem is solved to minimize an objective
function (i.e., losses) and without violating the voltage and current constraints on
2.4. Smart Grid Services and Applications 33
the lines. Even in that work, the importance of topology is claimed and the benefits
in terms of reduced losses are shown. However, no additional lines or investment
of the distribution grid are proposed and the benefit come just from the reconfigura-
tion. No motivation or order of magnitude of the avoided investment are provided
and the effects of topological changes available in the switching are anyway lim-
ited. The work of Xiaodan et al. [225] is in the spirit of studying the reconfiguration
in a micro-grid environment with micro-generation plant based on renewables. Ba-
sically, the problem is considered as two optimization sub-problems: one related to
determine the capacity of each island of the grid that has micro-generation capabil-
ities and the other is a problem of reconfiguration of the distribution grid with the
objective of minimizing the power losses. The optimization algorithm is validated
against two test grids: the IEEE 33 Bus and the PG&E 69 node system. The recon-
figuration for the system in an island and micro-generation uses techniques and ap-
proaches similar to traditional reconfiguration of distribution systems. The problem
considered is an optimization problem and the authors constrain the distribution
grid to be always operated in a radial configuration. Usually, the reconfiguration
problem boils down to the definition of an objective function to minimize the losses
of the system and to establish constraints to satisfy the load. The function is then
solved resorting to some heuristic.
of reduced CO2 emissions, considering several types of solar plants and scenarios
of electric vehicles penetration. The work is entirely a simulation effort with no
real services involved. Another simulation tool for demand-response is proposed
in [214]. The goal is to analyze at a very detailed level (bus voltages, power flows,
etc.) a control strategy to accommodate the wind power of a turbine and its fluctua-
tions (0.5 MW of power) in a small/medium-scale community (650 buildings). The
model shows that by applying a control strategy to the heath pumps in the build-
ings one can provide a considerable smoothing in the variations of power in the
slack bus of the simulated IEEE 13 bus system. The presented system is a complex
MATLAB simulation environment and deals with the electrical problem and not
with the ICT or Internet-based services to enable the demand-response in practice.
The importance of services in the future smart grid is emphasized by Karnouskos
who considers the services as the only way to let the various actors in the smart
grid panorama interact with each other [95]. It is more a vision/position paper than
an analysis, and the work does not propose specific services, technologies or im-
plementations to be used. The work of Strobbe et al. [195] provides an architecture
for the future smart grid that is built on JAVA-based standard protocols. The ser-
vices provided are mainly proposed to engage and raise the awareness of the user
to energy conservation and peak reduction by having information of prices. The
architecture presents interesting aspects such as the ease of extension and the en-
ergy price individuation via the Belgian power exchange trading market. However,
there is no mention of the integration of renewable sources and energy forecast in
the architecture, that are essential building blocks of the future smart grid. In ad-
dition, the work does not consider any automation process towards appliances, but
just the user interaction with an home display that provides consumption and tariff
information. Another example of an architecture based on services is given in [96].
Although the amount of services proposed for the future smart grid is considerable
(energy monitoring, prediction, management, optimization, billing, and brokerage)
and well described also in the technical details of the architecture (e.g., representa-
tional state transfer based), there is basically no description of the implementation
of such services. There are no details of data sources in order to implement such ar-
chitecture in practice. Another architecture for the future grid is proposed in [210].
The authors consider a service architecture that can easily plug-in new services. The
architecture can host smart applications that are able to interact and control devices,
and act as a contact point with the services provided by service-providers related to
energy (e.g., real-time pricing, remote device control). The simulation of the smart
grid is obtained through the OMNeT++ framework where the information about
topology, user consumption and scenario parameters are provided. The architec-
ture misses the interaction with real information and data that are the key to provide
2.4. Smart Grid Services and Applications 35
more concrete and valuable results to the mere simulation exercise. The model pre-
sented in [33] focuses on simulating a multi-agent system where each agent is an en-
ergy consumer or producer. The simulation is based on historical demand patterns,
while in the energy generation patterns, context information for solar and wind pro-
duction are taken into account through the interaction with Web services. Although
the approach is interesting and uses real data, it lacks an important ingredient of the
smart grid that is dynamic pricing. Moreover, there is no mention of energy forecast
that is essential in the schedule operations of home appliances, and the time granu-
larity considered in the work is quite long (three hours) compared to the dynamics
of the smart grid. A residential energy management system is described in [181].
In that paper, the demand-response is well described, there are several devices and
scenarios taken into account (dishwasher, dryer, electric vehicle, refrigerator, etc.),
and a return on investment analysis is performed. Though, there are some limita-
tions. First, it is only a simulation and there is no interaction with real equipment or
real services providing consumption information; second, there is no tariff differen-
tiation and the demand-response is only available in a time window during the day;
third, distributed energy generation through renewables is not mentioned. Web ser-
vices are the key components to interact in a smart grid-enabled home as suggested
in [103] and [9]. These works, however, are mostly an exercise in Web service in-
teraction and simulation of communication (representing appliances and sensors)
rather than a real set of services or components that can be applied in a smart grid
test solution. The data related to energy consumed in the home environment is the
U.S. average, the energy extractable by solar panels and wind turbine are static and
with no variation according to environmental condition, moreover only peak and
off-peak tariffs are considered. Such approach of simulating the smart grid is quite
simple and lacks in the dynamism of the smart grid components (i.e., energy prices,
renewable energy production) which are all the crucial aspects of the smart grid.
Considering the broader aspect of the whole interactions between the many actors
of the smart grid, service-oriented architectures (SOAs) have been proposed in sev-
eral works to be the good candidates to solve interoperability issues [160, 197, 157].
In summary, we note that effort has been spent in the simulation of smart grid
aspects; while there is a gap in the investigation of how the future smart grid ser-
vices should be and how they should work. Even more problematic is that the data
and information used to simulate the smart grid (e.g., dynamic pricing, usage of
renewable energy) are usually based on limited historical data, often averaged out,
rather than based on real-time actual data.
36 2. Related Work
The literature on the energy sector is broad and touches many disciplines. Here we
provide a survey of the most relevant research efforts with respect to the vision of
an open grid and its relation with service-oriented architectures.
SOAs are a way of building scalable and interoperable distributed systems. The
SOA paradigm is based on the concept of loosely coupled entities, called services.
Service providers perform operations that can be accessed by service consumers.
Provider entities publish the services together with the requirements for the access;
the service consumers perform discovery to have information on the available ser-
vices and the way to contact them. Once this information is obtained the service
consumer can directly bind to the service provider and exploit it. A successful im-
plementation of the SOA paradigm is through the use of the eXtensible Markup
Language (XML) technology known as Web services. Web services have proven es-
sential in providing interoperability in heterogeneous systems environments. The
energy sector with many different systems is an ideal candidate to implement the
SOA paradigm especially considering the future view of even more heterogeneous
interoperability required by the smart grid.
The need for integration of the various actors and the corresponding information
systems is something that is not new and that has been under consideration since
the first signals and attempts to unbundle the energy sector. Back in 1995 Dahlfords
and Pilling [59], exposed the necessity of having a dynamic and flexible informa-
tion system. They foresaw the need of companies to be able to interact with many
more players than they were traditionally working with. The suggestion that the
authors propose in the paper is to have a two-way communication interaction with
the metering apparatus along the grid. This concept is still valid since it is one of the
key aspects of the modern concept of the smart grid. Notable is the vision stated in
the paper: “The energy market changes from a Producer push-market to a Customer
pull-market”, which today we could update with what we could call a Prosumer pull-
The same integration theme is highlighted by Becker et al. [18]. They stress the
need for flexible and shared information systems to let the utilities operate more ef-
ficiently in the new deregulated energy landscape. The integration is not something
new according to the authors, but previous attempts in the energy sector were not at
all handy. In fact, sometimes the integration were made manually, or made in a time
consuming way such as point-to-point techniques that require great efforts. The so-
lution they mention, that has also become part of standards such as IEC-61970, is to
use the Common Information Model (CIM) representation for devices and objects in
the energy domain and use a Generic Interface Definition (GID) to expose the APIs
2.4. Smart Grid Services and Applications 37
that can be accessed. The solution proposed for the integration of loosely-coupled
applications (e.g., ERP, SCADA, CRM, EMS, Energy Trading) is based on a message
oriented middleware and a message broker that together enable the creation of a
message bus in which the applications send and receive data; this can be seen as a
predecessor of modern SOAs. An added value is given by self describing messages
for instance those encoded using XML language.
The data integration issue between the various actors and the benefit obtained
by the adoption of SOA are addressed in [101]. An implementation of a Web ser-
vice SOA for the EMS/SCADA systems based on top of IEC standards gives sev-
eral advantages combining the power system oriented aspects (IEC defined) and
the flexibility and the spread of Web services that provide easier integration with
other companies, reuse of existing infrastructure and smooth development of the
Web service environment [133, 127, 78]. Web service technology is also used as the
communication layer to enable the interaction between all the real-time agents that
at different levels are present in the components of a modular and scalable architec-
ture [140]. This design is suitable for the vision of a smart grid composed of a huge
quantity of devices communicating electricity-related data through the Internet.
SOA is seen as the glue for the new smart grid that can enable both intra-enterprise
interactions and can be even and more present in the inter-enterprise interactions
that characterize even more the smart grid domain. This is the idea and the ap-
proach presented in [177] where the inter-enterprise information exchange interac-
tions modeled in the enterprise architecture framework are linked with the inter-
enterprise data exchange (which are based on the IEC standards) by the definition
of an ontology that can map inter and intra-enterprise domains.
Although all these works are interesting and point out specific aspects of the
interaction between energy systems, they tend to miss the vision and the evolution
that might arise with a smart grid infrastructure. In fact SOA in these works tend
to focus on data integration inside a company or enable interoperability between
different companies in the energy business value chain, but no one points out SOA
characteristics for the incoming next generation grid .
As we have mentioned before, the smart grid is also referred to as the Energy Inter-
net [73, 205]. In such a parallelism, to enable the interoperability between a multi-
tude of actors and applications in various works, SOAs are indicated as central to the
smart grid. Especially at the household level, an SOA approach enables easy interac-
tion between heterogeneous devices. Warmer et al. [220] stress how a service based
architecture can be beneficial in a smart home in the new paradigm of smart grid.
38 2. Related Work
They see the Internet and Web services as the key to enable the interaction between
the house with its smart devices and the supply companies and electricity Distri-
bution Systems Operators (DSOs) to exchange supply bids and demand-response
related functionalities. The authors call for an ontology for the smart grid domain
so that the different actors can seamlessly interact with a common language. The
issue related to ontology is addressed by Considine [50] who remarks the necessity
of an ontology for the smart grid, actually referred to as service-oriented grid.
Collaboration between future smart grid objects, appliances and devices in order
to achieve better energy management and efficiency is the idea of [94]. The author
envisions a collaboration between different entities such as energy resources, en-
ergy marketplaces, enterprises and energy providers through Web services, since
they enable flexible integration without the problems due to implementation de-
tails. In Karnouskos’s vision, a device of the smart grid will be SOA-ready exposing
in a standard way the services it can provide, and at the same time it will be able to
dynamically discover services of other devices through Web Service Dynamic Dis-
covery specifications. One of this devices is the smart meter which acts as service
provider for an enhanced business process in which the meter can not only provide
real-time information, but also take decisions related to energy usage and consump-
tion interacting with other services on the Internet [98].
Cox and Considine stress how collaboration is the essence of the smart grid and
only through an interaction between the many actors involved an effective imple-
mentation of the smart grid may be realized [53]. Among the requirements the au-
thors identify as fundamental (that also appear in the NIST and Grid Wise Archi-
tecture Council stack) some aspects such as transparency, composition, extensibility
and loose coupling are presented, which are also basics for SOAs. The authors also
identify the standards for information exchange to be used in the smart grid for
some aspects such as scheduling and time functions, weather information, device
discovery and market interactions. All these elements fit in a SOA framework.
2.4.3 Agent interactions in the energy market and the smart grid
Even before the advent of the smart grid ideas, researchers have started to investi-
gate agent-based platform to deal with the new energy market challenges that the
unbundling process has brought to energy utilities companies and to energy sys-
tem operators. Especially, the financial aspects of an unbundled energy market and
their relation to technology have attracted research attention, e.g., [194]. The Web
has been considered the appropriate solution to accommodate the requirements of
an unbundled market to be efficient, transparent, and equitable [128]. Agents-based
platforms have been proposed initially in the literature to model and test the ap-
2.4. Smart Grid Services and Applications 39
proach of a multi-player market and the technology to support it. This is the fla-
vor of the work of Lai et al. [113], where the issues of a modern unbundled market
with several actors can be properly tackled with agents given their characteristics
of autonomy, social ability, reactivity and proactiveness. In [113] the authors al-
ready saw the agents as the entities that would interact on a fully electronic mar-
ket place. A more conservative approach was proposed in [70] where an agent-
based architecture had the purpose of testing the deregulated market in Croatia.
The importance of the market and trading of energy has become so important that
power analysis tools are now enriched with energy market simulation functional-
ity to provide a richer picture so that integrated simulations of both the aspects
can be performed [122]. Another platform based on agents is presented in [92].
The authors consider an evolved energy market where the contracts are negotiated
autonomously, but with the possibility of human intervention. The agents have
strategies in the contract negotiation and can also learn to adapt during the various
rounds. Other studies have focused on the proposal, test and evaluation of business
strategies to apply to this new kind of market to satisfy equilibrium [200]. Some-
times, interoperability requirements in unbundled markets are addresses, but then
the implementation follows agent specific communication languages (e.g., Knowl-
edge Query and Manipulation Language, Protocol Operational Semantics) [113, 92].
To the best of our knowledge a study of where the agents reside, how they interact,
how these architectures would scale are not addressed in significant detail. In [192]
an energy market operation system is proposed. The architecture described, al-
though based on Web services, does not completely clarify what are the services
available for the market participants to interact with. Other solutions have been
realized [10] to simulate different types of commodity markets (e.g., cotton, corn,
electricity), where general services and interoperability requirements for a SOA rep-
resentation are described. In [208] the focus is modeling both the electricity and
gas energy systems in terms of infrastructure and market characterization. The au-
thors focus on realizing an integrated model of these energy systems and markets
with agents representing the main actors involved. The work is more a modeling
effort using agents than a solution where agents can interact and trade energy and
evaluate the market dynamics.
In the smart grid context the ideas of having agents to deal with the interactions
on the market is one of the cornerstone of the approach. The idea of an agent-based
market where agents trade energy is the core of [111]. Agents are characterized by
a demand (and supply) that changes with the varying price. The goal is to have
a bidding system between all parties involved in order to achieve an equilibrium
(demand and supply) at a certain price for energy. To realize this agent mechanism
called PowerMatcher, several agents are involved such as local agents that bid en-
40 2. Related Work
ergy (demand or supply), auctioneer agents that deal with the price formation pro-
cess, agents that aggregate the local demand and supply and bring it to an higher
level of interaction (e.g., cluster). Agents are considered as the key element in the
new paradigm of distributed generation and prosumers [211]. The vision is of a fully
automated trading mechanism where the price varies as a function of the availability
of energy and the congestion on the network. The paper stresses that the proposed
market is different than what happens in the wholesale market since the agents do
not reveal their reserve price and their pattern in generation/consumption. Another
aspect that is emphasized is the use of micro-storage and the possibility of control-
ling the storage and energy sell/purchase on the market. The authors warn that
agents that react with their storage to a real-time price of energy could create prob-
lems in the system, thus proposing for stability and safety purposes that the price of
energy storage is known and fixed for the whole day. Agents have also been used
to realize simulation of smart grid in a smart city environment [97]. In the paper,
agents do not only represent the power stations, but more in general households,
appliances and electric vehicles are simulated. The goal in the work is not to simu-
late the auction process and the negotiations, rather it is to consider the interactions
between entities, and test the real-time response of agents and the possibility of in-
teracting with devices as if they were managed in a demand-response fashion.
Agents are a very good modeling technique to deal with energy markets in gen-
eral and they are even more adequate in the distributed panorama of the smart
grid. The very inner properties of agents such as autonomy, flexibility, reactivity
and proactivity in their behaviors make them perfect to deal with an auction system
where interactions are required and agents have to adapt to the new conditions of
the rapidly changing market pursuing the goal of the user. Also the social ability
of the agents, if properly programmed, can help in achieving solutions that help in
maintaining the balancing and safety in the network and socially acceptable energy
Chapter 3
Network Models for the Smart Grid
As introduced in Chapter 1, the power grid is one of the core elements of any power
system and it is the infrastructure that enables the transport and distribution of elec-
trical energy from the producing units to the end users. Following the vision and the
changes that the smart grid is likely to enable, we consider and focus our attention
to the distribution grid. The distribution grid is the terminal part of the power grid
infrastructure that reaches the end user; we consider that this part of the power net-
work will experience to a great extent the changes supposed by the implementation
of the smart grid.
The scientific literature exploiting complex network analysis (CNA) has only fo-
cused on the high voltage end of the power grid, though with the new vision of
the smart grid this is no longer enough. Our aim is to study the topological char-
acteristics of the distribution grid, find the affinity to well-known literature models
and propose designs for the new grid. In addition, we consider economic aspects
for the distribution grid, that is the effect of topology on the price of electricity to
understand if current different distribution networks have different parameters in-
fluencing the electricity distribution costs. This investigation of both the topology
and the relationship of the latter with economic aspects is studied considering a set
of samples belonging to the Dutch distribution grid.
The grid information used in this study is provided courtesy of Enexis B.V., the
distribution operator of Northern Netherlands and other regions of the country. The
provided data includes information about the transformers in the grid together with
the distribution substations. The data set also provides information about the dis-
tribution lines used to connect substations containing the length of cable and other
interesting physical properties (e.g., resistance, capacity, voltage).
For the sake of precision, we define the notion of a (Weighted) Power Grid graph
given the information available from the network samples.
• All the substations and transformers are considered equal and are represented
as nodes of the graph.
• The cables connecting the substations are considered equal despite the differ-
ences in voltages and current carried and their physical properties, and thus
modeled as unweighted edges in the graph.
• For the data samples that present disconnected components, each component
is treated as a distinct graph.
3.1. The Dutch Medium and Low Voltage Grid 43
Table 3.1: Low voltage samples from the Northern Netherlands power grid com-
pared with Random graphs of the same size.
These assumptions are common in power grid analysis from a graph theoretic per-
spective, see for instance [56, 184, 222, 221, 185, 57, 89] and lead to the following
3.1. D EFINITION (P OWER G RID GRAPH ). A Power Grid graph is a graph GpV, E q such
that each element vi P V is either a substation, transformer, or consuming unit of a physical
power grid. There is an edge ei,j pvi , vj q P E between two nodes if there is physical cable
connecting directly the elements represented by vi and vj .
The next step is to bring cable properties into the graph definition.
• For each cable connecting elements in the grid a weight is defined based on
the multiplication of the following quantities:
links a conventional weight of 109 is given. This does not affect the over-
all validity of the weighted model since the number of links in a sample is
extremely limited (about 1% of the overall connections are made of links).
Two examples of graphs belonging to the low voltage and medium voltage network
are shown in Figure 3.2.
3.2. D EFINITION (W EIGHTED P OWER G RID GRAPH ). A Weighted Power Grid graph
is a Power Grid graph Gw pV, E q with an additional function f : E Ñ R associating a real
number to an edge representing a physical property (e.g., the resistance, expressed in Ohm),
of the physical cable represented by the edge.
The analysis we perform uses samples from the low voltage and medium voltage
grids. The low voltage samples sum up to a total of 663 nodes and a 683 edges;
while the medium voltage samples sum up to 4185 nodes and a 4574 edges. The
size of the data set, tough being a sample and not the whole network, is about the
same size or larger than those used in other available studies on the (high voltage)
power grid [222, 196, 57, 89, 183, 184, 185]. We begin our analysis by considering the
unweighted model to derive basic topological properties and then proceed with a
richer investigation by introducing graph weights.
Table 3.2: Medium voltage samples from the Northern Netherlands power grid com-
pared with Random graphs of the same size.
3.2. Unweighted Power Grid Study 45
fragile the infrastructure is. We use similar techniques for the Medium and Low
voltage. Let us begin by recalling the basic complex network quantities.
We consider the traditional measures and metrics used in the literature of CNA, de-
scribed in Appendix A and apply them to the data of the Dutch distribution grid.
We divide our data set in samples of topologically connected regions. In Table 3.1,
we report the analysis on the network data modeled as unweighted graphs and we
compare each sample belonging to the low voltage network with a random graph of
the same size and order. The analysis for the medium voltage is reported in Table 3.2.
Referring to the table, the first column is the ID of the sample, the second and third
represent the number of vertexes N (order) and edges M (size), respectively. The
average degree (fourth column) is defined as xk y 2M N . The fifth and sixth columns
report the average path length (APL) and characteristic path length (CPL), that is
the average of the minimum distance between any two given nodes and the median
of the average minimum distance between all node pairs, respectively. For more
detailed definitions we refer to Definitions A.12 and A.13 on page 161. The sev-
enth column provides an indication of the clustering coefficient of the graph, that
is, broadly speaking, an average value of the ability of nodes to participate in con-
nected aggregation with other nodes close to it. For a more detailed definition we
refer to Definition A.8 on page 160. In general for more formal definitions related to
graph theory concepts we refer to Appendix A.
We remark that the average node degree has similar values between for the sam-
ples in the low and medium voltage, the values are both around 2. Computing the
mean over all samples’ average node degree gives a value of xk y 2.074 with a
very small variance σxky 0.017. This value appears to be almost constant consid-
ering the low voltage and medium voltage samples since the variance of the two
categories is even smaller (σxkyLV 0.016, σxkyM V 0.012). An almost constant av-
erage degree is also characteristic of the high voltage power grid [184], though with
a slightly higher value xk y 2.8. This limited number of edges a node can manage
can be regarded as a physical limit that each power grid substation has to satisfy.
Considering path measures: average path length and characteristic path length
of the low voltage segment of the network have generally a smaller path length
compared to the medium voltage one. The clustering coefficient is very small es-
pecially for the low voltage network for which many samples have a zero value
(i.e., absence of triangles in the graph). The difference in path length between the
low voltage network and medium voltage network is due to the higher number of
nodes the medium voltage network samples have while holding the same average
3.2. Unweighted Power Grid Study 47
node degree as the low voltage, together with the absence of long distance edges.
This implies a longer path to connect any two nodes in a bigger network. In addi-
tion, these values of APL and CPL are in general quite high, if compared to other
networks such as the World Wide Web.
The clustering coefficients for the low voltage segment of the network are gen-
erally small; this is due to the strong hierarchical design of this layer of the physical
network which resemble a tree-like radial structure. Contrarily, the medium volt-
age segment generally presents higher values for the clustering coefficient. This
finding can be justified by the different purpose the medium voltage network has in
which meshed components and connection redundancies are much more likely to
be present for robustness reasons.
To gain a better understanding of the tables just presented, it is useful to compare
the numbers obtained with those of Random Graphs [67] and to identify the possible
presence of small-world properties. Small-world networks (SW), proposed by Watts
and Strogatz in [222], own two important aspects at the same time: characteristic
path length close in value to the one of a random graph (RG) (CP LSW CP LRG )
and a much higher clustering coefficient (CCSW " CCRG ). Small-worlds are a bet-
ter model than random graphs for social networks and other phenomena, and thus
a candidate for modeling the power grid too. To make the comparison fair, random
graphs are generated with the same number of nodes and edges as the real samples,
imposing the resulting graphs not to have disconnected components. The values
are presented on columns eight to ten of Tables 3.1 and 3.2. We note how the CPL of
the grid samples is on average twice as big as the random generated samples, thus
comparable to the definition of small-world graph according to [222]. In addition
the clustering coefficient of the grid samples is almost always smaller than the result
obtained for the random generated samples; this completely contradicts the defini-
tion of small-world graph according to [222]. Watts and Strogatz [222] impose the
following condition to the graphs they study: N " k " lnpN q " 1 where N is the
number of nodes, k is the number of edges per node. Such a condition is not satis-
fied by the Northern Netherlands samples and generally it is not satisfied by power
grid networks as pointed by Wang et [217]. Interestingly, the same condition is
also not satisfied by the Western States high voltage power grid Watts and Strogatz
use in [222] and Watts analyzes in [221], while the results for CC and CPL satisfy
the conditions for a small-world network. Another study (i.e., [184]) considering the
European high voltage power grid shows that the small-world phenomenon is not
shown by all the considered grids, since especially the smaller (in terms of order and
size) grids fail to satisfy CC condition.
In summary, the Northern Netherlands medium voltage and low voltage sam-
ples show a very small value of average node degree. This is mainly independent
48 3. Network Models for the Smart Grid
from the order and the different purpose of the network, being almost constant de-
spite the different samples considered. In addition, the path length is quite high,
given the order of the graphs, compared with other types of complex networks e.g.,
the World Wide Web. This relative high path length together with very small clus-
tering properties suggests that the networks analyzed do not strictly follow the def-
inition of small-world or, in terms of decentralized energy negotiation, it suggests
that perhaps a structural change to decrease path length (especially the weighted
one) might be necessary to empower delocalization.
P pk q αeβk (3.1)
where α and β are parameters of the specific network considered. While a power-
law distribution has a slower decay with higher probability of having nodes with
high node degree:
P pk q αk γ (3.2)
tolerance to random failures and, at the same time, very high sensitivity to targeted
attacks towards hubs [5, 138, 56].
We compute the node degree distribution for every sample both for low volt-
age and medium voltage segments. For the most significant samples i.e., those be-
longing to the medium voltage and the big ones belonging to the low voltage part,
the node degree cumulative distribution seems to follow a power-law: Pk k γ .
A coarse, but straightforward, method to investigate if the node degree follows a
power-law is to plot the cumulative node degree distribution on a log-log scale [6].
If the distribution in a log-log plot follows a straight line the distribution can be con-
sidered a power-law, while if the decay is faster this might indicate an exponential
distribution. It is also possible to apply data fitting techniques (e.g., non-linear least
square method) to identify the γ parameter of a power-law as suggested by Clauset
et al. [47].
The most significant samples for this kind of analysis are the biggest samples be-
longing to the medium voltage network and the most numerous ones from the low
voltage (i.e., samples #5, #9 and #10 from Table 3.1). All these samples tend to follow
a straight line in the log-log plot as in Figure 3.3. In the figure circles represent sam-
ple data, while the straight line represents a power-law with γ 1.977. Power grids
are not dense network and also many of the samples under investigation have small
order, thus providing few data points. Therefore, for many samples it is difficult to
perfectly fit to a distribution for the node degree following the usual node degree
We thus conclude that only some samples of the medium voltage and low volt-
age tend to be Scale-free networks, although some exponential tail appear due to
physical and economic constraints in the network. This means robustness in terms
of redundancy of paths, but fragility to attacks on the hubs. The hubs tend to be the
few nodes that most likely lead to the high voltage segment in a certain geographical
Figure 3.3: Node degree cumulative probability distribution for medium voltage
sample #7.
Figure 3.4: Betweenness cumulative probability distribution for low voltage sample
For the most significant samples in the low voltage network (i.e., samples #5 and
#10) betweenness probability distribution follows an exponential decay, that is, the
nodes with very high values of betweenness are less likely to be present in the net-
work, as shown in Figure 3.4. In the figure circles represent sample data, while the
continuous line represents an exponential decay y 0.7699e2.22710 x . This aspect
is not surprising since the low voltage network is quite hierarchical and the paths
tend to follow the few ones admissible by the relative simple topology. In fact, the
betweenness probability distribution charts (Figure 3.4) do not fit a straight line in
3.2. Unweighted Power Grid Study 51
a logarithmic plot, thus exhibiting a fast decay. In addition a fitting procedure, us-
ing the non-linear least square method gives very good results approximating the
betweenness probability distribution samples with an exponential function. On the
other hand, betweenness in medium voltage segment seems to follow a power-law
decay, this is shown in the logarithmic chart in Figure 3.5. In the figure circles repre-
sent sample data, while the straight line represents a power-law with γ 1.075. The
samples from medium voltage network show a distribution of betweenness with a
much fatter tail than the low voltage ones, that is there are several nodes that are
central in many paths. This is due to the more meshed structure the medium volt-
age network has, compared to the low voltage one. This result for medium voltage
network betweenness is closer to the results obtained for this same metric in high
voltage studies, [5, 57]. In summary, a few nodes are extremely critical to enable the
electricity distribution for the whole network.
Figure 3.6: Resilience for node random-based removal for medium voltage sample
is taken into account is the order of the largest connected component of the network
(i.e., the number of nodes composing the biggest cluster in the network) computed
as a fraction of the original order of the network, and its evolution while nodes of
the network are removed, again the latter are considered as a fraction of the original
order of the network.
The random removal simulates casual errors. As shown in [48], networks that
follow a power-law whose characteristic parameter γ 3 tend to have a high value
for the transition threshold at which they disrupt. In the samples here analyzed, it
seems that this is true especially for the small samples that generally have a cluster
that is 10% of the original when almost 90% of the nodes are removed. The situation
is different for samples with higher order that show a cluster that is reduced to 10%
of the original when about 40% of the nodes are removed, as shown in Figure 3.6.
Even if the degree distributions found for samples following a power-law have a
parameter γ 3 the samples show a threshold effect that is more similar, according
to [48], to networks whose characteristic γ ¡ 3.
The situation is radically different when “targeted attacks” are considered. In
particular two kind of attack policies are investigated: node degree-based removal and
betweenness-based removal. The main difference compared to the random-based re-
moval is the presence of very sharp falls that appear when certain nodes are tar-
geted. The removal of selected nodes can cause a drop in the size of the maximal
connected component even of 40%. Node degree-based removal is much more crit-
ical than the random removal: by just removing 10% of the most connected nodes
3.2. Unweighted Power Grid Study 53
Figure 3.7: Resilience for node degree-based removal for medium voltage sample #7.
one reduces the network to only 10% of its original size. The same applies for the
biggest samples considered both in the low voltage and medium voltage network,
as shown in Figure 3.7.
The removal of nodes based on the highest betweenness shows generally the
same behavior, as the degree-based removal, with network disruption that appears
much faster than random-based network failures. Considering the general correla-
tion between nodes with a certain degree and their betweenness, it is not surprising
that the two removal policies have very similar results and shape. The only re-
mark that generally differentiates the betweenness-based removal is a little higher
order of the maximal connected component compared to the one obtained with a
degree-based removal when the same fraction of nodes is removed. In addition,
the decrease of the order of the maximal connected component tends to be slightly
smoother than the degree-based one. Figure 3.8 shows the comparison of the two
removal policies for the samples that show some interesting deviations in the corre-
lation of the degree and betweenness.
In summary, the results for the low voltage and medium voltage show disrup-
tion behaviors that are quite immune to random failures to which the networks
present a constant degrading disruption, while they strongly suffer from the re-
moval of specific nodes.
54 3. Network Models for the Smart Grid
Figure 3.8: Resilience for node degree-based and betweenness-based removal for
medium voltage sample #10.
which these networks are designed: a bridge network from high voltage transmis-
sion lines and end user distribution (medium voltage network) and the final end de-
livery (low voltage network). In fact, both the WCPL and the edge average weight
for medium voltage samples are approximately two order of magnitude greater than
the low voltage ones. This is indeed due to an extension of medium voltage cables
that range from hundred meters to kilometers, while low voltage extend usually
56 3. Network Models for the Smart Grid
In the weighted power grid graph that we consider, there are no weights explicitly
associated to the nodes. However, the weights of the incident edges influence the
node properties. To capture this characteristic one can consider a weighted node
degree for a node whose weight is obtained by the sum of the weights of the incident
edges. For a more formal definition we refer to Definition A.7 on page 160. It is then
easily to extend the concept of node degree distribution to a weighted node degree
distribution. This distribution is straightforwardly obtained by using the weighted
degree concept instead of the traditional node degree in the node degree distribution
(cf. Definition A.16 on page 162).
For the most significant sample of the low voltage, as shown in Figure 3.9, the
shape of the distribution is close to an exponential one with a quite fast decay. In
the figure circles represent sample data, while continuous line represents a sum of
exponential decays y 0.8975e0.9289x 0.0904e0.1379x . The situation looks differ-
ent in medium voltage samples. The very first part of the distribution is well fitted
by an exponential shape, while the central part of the distribution, and especially
the tail, fit best a power-law like shape as visible in Figure 3.10. In the figure circles
represent sample data, while straight line represents a power-law with γ 1.374.
An explanation of such behavior among the the most numerous samples of the two
ends of the grid is due to the order and size of the medium voltage samples that are
from two to four times bigger than the low voltage samples, thus having a higher
likelihood of far different values in weighted node degree.
Figure 3.9: Weighted node degree cumulative probability distribution for low voltage
sample #5.
Figure 3.10: Weighted node degree cumulative probability distribution for medium
voltage sample #1.
the two analysis. In fact, the weighted path analysis better approximates the actual
routes the current flows follow.
Figure 3.11: Resilience for node degree-based removal for medium voltage sample
result for the weighted and unweighted case, here we focus on the node degree-
based removal that which considers the weighted node degree definition. The dis-
ruption behavior of the network samples is very similar to the unweighted situ-
ation: the network suffers deeply these targeted attacks; a very small percentage
of removed nodes causes an important loss in the size of the biggest component
left in the network. There is a general correlation between high degree nodes in
the unweighted graph and high degree nodes in the weighted one. If one takes a
closer look at the disruption charts for the same samples, some small differences
can anyway be noted as in Figure 3.11. The horizontal axis represents the fraction
f of the nodes removed from the original sample; the vertical axis represents the
size of the largest connected component S relative to the initial size of the graph.
Red diamonds represent the weighted node degree-based removal, while blue cir-
cles represent traditional node degree-based removal. The nodes with the highest
weighted degree cause a bigger damage to the network when removed in the very
first iteration than nodes with higher degree in unweighted networks. The situation
then changes in the later stages of the removal process when a bigger disruption is
caused by nodes with higher node degree in traditional sense.
section and in Section 3.2 we have performed the same type of analysis considering
both the unweighted and weighted definition of graphs, respectively. Our motiva-
tion was not to prove the superiority of one approach over the other, but to consider
if important differences in the metrics analyzed were present.
The similarities lie in the fashion the network disrupts when the most connected
nodes (either in the traditional, or in the weighted definition) are attacked: the re-
moval of just few nodes compromise the connectivity of the whole network (cf. Fig-
ure 3.11). Some dissimilarities are evident considering the node degree distribution.
In fact, the weighted analysis tends to reduce the contribution of the tail components
of the distribution, thus being more compact especially for low voltage samples.
This is due to the small variance of the weighted node degree that especially these
low-end samples of the grid show. Samples that in the unweighted analysis show a
power-law distribution, when considered weighted tend to assume an exponential
form or a sum of exponential contributions. The most interesting dissimilarity in the
analysis is in the path-related properties. The number of nodes traversed in the two
cases is different for the medium voltage networks. This is particularly interesting
from the practical point of view, as it indicates the number of transformers and dis-
tribution substations traversed in the power grid. These points are critical in terms
of additional losses that are associated with substations and transformers, and in
turn in the number of potential points of failure that a path traverses. Figure 3.12
shows the results for the low voltage and medium voltage networks. Each bar rep-
resents the average percentage increase in the number of nodes traversed along the
shortest path between any two nodes for the unweighted and the weighted situa-
tion. It is interesting that for several samples of the low voltage network there is no
difference in the number of traversed nodes, thus reinforcing the idea of a highly hi-
erarchical tree-like radial structure whose paths are fixed by the built-in topology of
the grid independently of the associated edge weights. The situation though is quite
different for the medium voltage. In fact, there is an increment of traversed nodes
between the weighted and unweighted models (especially for the meaningful sam-
ples) on average of about 50%. This is a clear indication of a meshed network for
which there are less imposed paths and in which weights have an important role.
The listed technical parameters are naturally associated with a topological parame-
ter, namely:
• Line losses are related to and thus expressed as a function of the weighted
characteristic path length LlineN f pW CP LN q
These topological ingredients provide two sorts of measures, the first one α gives
an average of the dissipation in the transmission between two nodes
the second one β is a measure of reliability/redundancy in the paths among any two
We argue that these two factors influence the inclination of prosumers (energy con-
sumers/producers) to trade energy on the power grid. In fact a high value of the α
parameter represents a high level of losses experienced for transporting energy in
the network, either in distribution lines or substations. Additionally, the reliability
and ability to bring sufficient energy to the end users plays an important role. In
62 3. Network Models for the Smart Grid
Figure 3.13: Transport cost of energy based on the low voltage topological properties.
Figure 3.14: Transport cost of energy based on the medium voltage topological prop-
fact, if proper levels of robustness of the network or resilience to failures are not the
norm, the prosumer inclination to sell energy as well as the end user to buy it will be
3.4. Relating Grid Topology to Electricity Distribution Costs 63
LlineN W CP
• Losses at substation level are expressed as the number of nodes (on average)
that are traversed when computing the weighted shortest path between all the
nodes in the network:
LsubstationN N odesW CP L N
• Robustness is evaluated with random removal strategy and the weighted node
degree-based removal by computing the average of the order of maximal con-
nected component between the two situations when the 20% of the nodes of
the original graph are removed. It can be written as:
The functions to compute α and β are only few of many available possible ones.
The choice made here is to have a simple mechanism to assess the potential distribu-
tion costs of different networks. Equation (3.10) is a basic sum, since both quantities
are pure numbers, over the losses that are experienced both at line and at substation
level. Equation (3.11) takes into account the aspects of reliability and tolerance of the
network: the higher the β the more prone to failures and less reliable the network
is. The cost of increasing the number of paths to provide more redundancy is the
dividend in the fraction, while elements improving reliability act as divisor.
With these quantities, one can form an impression of what the influence of the
cost of transportation is for the decentralized energy exchange. If the cost is too high
because of an infrastructure with high chances of failure (high β) and high resistance
(high α), then the decentralized market will not be incentivized. On the other hand,
for low α and β, it will be economically attractive to have a decentralized energy
market. In Figures 3.13 and 3.14, we show a combination of α, β obtained with
the functions described above and with an hypothesis of a quadratic increase of
energy price with the increment in α and β. We report the position of the analyzed
samples as white circles in Figures 3.13 and 3.14 respectively for low voltage and
medium voltage samples. By performing an economic study, which we stress is
beyond the scope of the present treatment, one then can identify what the threshold
is for the feasibility of a decentralized market (gray rectangles in Figure 3.15) and
then conclude what topological modifications are necessary to the medium voltage
and low voltage infrastructure in order to allow the energy exchange.
3.4. Relating Grid Topology to Electricity Distribution Costs 65
Figure 3.15: Transport cost of energy based on the topological properties for medium
voltage with supposed economic convenience threshold (grey thick line).
Chapter 4
Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
We have seen that complex network analysis (CNA) can provide a useful insight in
understanding the topology of the distribution grid (cf. Chapter 3). In particular, we
have used complex network analysis techniques not only to analyze the reliability
of the network, as the majority of the literature studies concerning the high voltage
grid, but we have also considered how the topology can play a role in influencing
the price of electricity distribution.
Here we want to go one step further and consider possible scenarios of evolution
of the distribution grid in terms of topology, since we believe that the future smart
grid will have to evolve and a change in the distribution infrastructure. Inevitably,
more generation and more electricity consumption at local-scale will have repercus-
sions on the distribution grid infrastructure as well. More and more prosumers will
feed their locally produced energy into the grid and participate in a local market for
energy trade. The distribution grid has then to accommodate a new paradigm that
is no more the top-down approach where the power is generated in big facilities
remotely located, but it is dominated by a bottom-up approach where the produc-
ers are numerous and energy is produced and consumed at the neighborhood level.
The distribution grid has therefore to be efficient in enabling this paradigm without
posing barriers with high cost in energy transportation. In addition, the massive
presence of electric vehicles will also be an important ingredient in shaping the next
generation of distribution grids. In order to look at the evolutions that may char-
acterize the future distribution grid, we consider here two situations to understand
how the new grids could look like. First, we consider the case of the realization
of a completely new infrastructures such as for new settlements whose topology
blueprint can be decided by an infrastructure planner. The blueprint to be used is
based on well-known models of complex network analysis (Section 4.2). Second,
we consider the case of current networks deployed on the ground and we look at
techniques to adapt the distribution grid topologies to better support the local en-
ergy interactions of the smart grid (Section 4.3). The former can be considered as a
solution for developing new distribution infrastructures in new locations e.g., new
urbanization expansions in developing countries where the core is the local energy
production and distribution, while the latter deals more with the changes required
68 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
in the current distribution grid to become more efficient and better support energy
exchanges that take place locally. The novelty is first in using the complex network
analysis as a design tool for infrastructure planning and evolution, and, second, the
focus that, compared to the existing studies of power grid and complex network
analysis, is devoted to the distribution grid and not on the high voltage grid.
Qualitative requirements
The main qualitative requirement we envision for the future distribution network
concerns the modularity of the topology. In the power system domain, the modular-
ity is invoked as a solution that provides benefits reducing uncertainties in energy
demand forecasting and costs for energy generation plants as well as risks of tech-
nological and regulatory obsolescence [123, 88]. Modularity is usually required not
only in the energy sector, but more generally in the design and creation of prod-
ucts or organizations [77]. It is also a principle that is promoted in innovation of
complex systems [68] for the benefits it provides in terms of reduced design and
development time, adaptation and recombination. We define the modularity as the
ability of building the network using a self-similar recurrent approach and having a
repetition of a form of pattern in its structure.
Quantitative requirements
As a global statistical tool, quantitative requirements give a precise indication of net-
work properties. Here are the relevant ones when considering efficiency, resilience,
and robustness of a power system.
4.1. Network Metrics 69
• Characteristic Path Length (CPL) lower or equal to the natural logarithm of order
of graph: CP L ¤ lnpN q. This requirement represents having a general short
path when moving from one node to another. In the grid this provides for
a network with limited losses in the paths used to transfer energy from one
node to another.
• Betweenness-related requirements:
The above two requirements are generally considered to provide network re-
silience by limiting the number of critical nodes that have a high number
of minimal paths traversing them. These properties provide distributions of
shortest paths which are more uniform among all nodes.
• An index for robustness such that RobN ¥ 0.45. Robustness is evaluated with a
random removal strategy and a node degree-based removal strategy by com-
puting the average of the order of the maximal connected component (MCC)
of the graph between the two situations (i.e., random and targeted node re-
moval) when the 20% of the nodes of the original graph are removed. It can
be written as RobN
|M CCRandom20% | |M CCN odeDegree20% | . Such a requirement
is about double the value observed for current medium voltage networks and
33% more for low voltage network samples.
70 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
• A measure of the cost related to the redundancy of paths available in the network:
AP L10th ¤ 2 CP L. As described in Chapter 3, with this metric we consider
the cost of having redundant paths available between nodes. In particular,
we evaluate the 10th shortest path (i.e., the shortest path when the nine best
ones are not considered) by covering a random sample of the nodes in the net-
work (40% of the nodes whose half represents source nodes and the other half
represents destination nodes). The values for the paths considered are then
averaged. In the case where there are less than ten paths available, the worst
case path between the two nodes is considered. This last condition gives not
completely significant values when applied to networks with small connectiv-
ity (i.e., absence of redundant paths).
We categorize the above quantitative metrics into three macro categories with re-
spect to how they affect the power grid and measure its goodness from a topo-
logical point of view: efficiency deals with the losses in the transfer of energy, re-
silience measures the possibility of having alternative paths if part of the network is
compromised/congested, and robustness concerns failures happening to the over-
all network connectivity. Table 4.1 summarizes the property each metric assesses.
Each metric gives a specific contribution and all the metrics together cover all the
properties a smart grid infrastructure should have.
the networks coming from the generated models by applying the relevant complex
network analysis metrics described in Section 4.1. In this way, CNA is not only a
tool for analysis, but it becomes a design tool for the future electrical grid.
Table 4.2: Categories of medium and low voltage network and their order.
Synthetic models
We look at network models that have proven successful in showing salient char-
acteristics of technological networks (i.e, preferential attachment, Copying Model,
power-law networks), social networks (i.e., small-world, Kronecker graph, recur-
sive matrix) and natural phenomena as well (e.g., Random Graph, small-world,
Forest Fire) to investigate which one is best suited for supporting local-scale energy
exchange from a topological point of view. Next, we provide a brief introduction
to all the models used in the present study, while a more in-depth presentation is
available in Appendix B or [39] and [151].
(a) A Random Graph (199 nodes, 400 (b) A small-world graph (200 nodes, 399
edges). edges).
(c) A preferential attachment graph (200 (d) A R-MAT graph (222 nodes, 499
nodes, 397 edges). edges).
Figure 4.1: Graphical representation of the network models considered in the
74 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
(a) A Random Graph with power-law (b) A Copying Model graph (200 nodes,
graph (200 nodes, 399 edges). 199 edges).
(c) A Forest Fire graph (200 nodes, 505 (d) A Kronecker graph (167 nodes, 264
edges). edges).
Figure 4.2: Graphical representation of the network models considered in the
The synthetic topologies that we generate come from complex network analysis lit-
erature. These networks are obtained using the Stanford Network Analysis Project
4.2. Building New Distribution Networks 75
(SNAP)1 library that implements the generation algorithms of the network topolo-
gies described above and more thoroughly in Appendix B. The analysis of the gen-
erated graphs according to the metrics described in Section 4.1 is performed with
ad hoc created software based on the JAVA graph library JGraphT.2 The versions of
SNAP and JGraphT software libraries used are respectively v10.10.01 and v0.8.1.
Analysis and metric satisfaction of current medium and low voltage networks
The baseline network for comparing possible evolutions must be the current power
grid. Therefore, we use actual samples from the medium and low voltage network
of the Northern Netherlands (cf. Chapter 3). The average degree of the medium
and low voltage samples scores almost constantly around xk y 2 independently of
the order of the network. In the low voltage networks we see a tendency towards
the increase of the characteristic path length, with a value of about 18 when the or-
der and size tend to 200 nodes and edges, respectively. The metric does not have
the same clear tendency for the medium voltage samples. Considering the cluster-
ing coefficient there is a general rule: a null value for the low voltage samples and
small, but at least significant, values for the medium voltage samples. These dif-
ferences in both characteristic path length and clustering coefficient come from the
difference in topology of the two networks. The low voltage network is almost a
non-mashed network which resembles for certain samples trees, closed chains or
radial structures with longer paths on average, especially for networks with bigger
order. On the other side, the medium voltage network is more meshed (despite the
same average node degree) with more connections that act as topological “short-
cuts”. It also has some redundancy in the connections between the neighborhood of
a node, which implies a significant clustering coefficient compared to the low volt-
age network. The analysis of the robustness metric shows generally poor scores that
decrease while the samples increase in order, at least for the low voltage networks,
while the tendency is not clear for the medium voltage samples considered. A com-
mon behavior for the medium voltage samples is the problem they experience in the
biggest component connectivity, when the 20% of the nodes with the highest degree
are removed from the network the order of the MCC falls to 4.56%, 3.66% and 3.96%
of its initial value respectively for the small, medium and large samples (cf. reference
sample in Table 4.2). Considering the additional effort required when the first nine
shortest paths are not available, we see a general increase especially for the low volt-
age samples, where the AP L10th increases three times for the large sample analyzed;
the increase is still present in the medium voltage networks, but it is limited when
76 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
compared to the low voltage samples. It is again an indication that the medium volt-
age provides more efficient alternative paths to connect nodes. An exception in the
results is the low voltage medium size sample: here the AP L10th is very close to the
traditional characteristic path length. This is due to the absence of alternative paths,
therefore the only paths between nodes are at the same time the best and worst case
too. Such aspect reinforces the idea of a low voltage network with a fixed structure
(sort of chain, tree-like or radial structures) and a limited redundancy.
Considering the betweenness-related metrics (Table 4 in [159]), one notes an in-
crease in the average betweenness as the samples become more numerous in the two
segments of the network. This same tendency is present in the average betweenness
to order ratio: the biggest samples in terms of order both of low voltage and medium
voltage score highest. In particular, the large sample belonging to the low voltage is
almost twice the value of the biggest sample of the medium voltage. Again it can be
justified by the similar-to-tree structure of the low voltage samples for which nodes
responsible for the paths that enable sub-trees or sub-chains to be connected are the
most high scoring for betweenness. This tendency highly increases the average be-
tweenness (while the mode is usually null). The coefficient of variation is above
one for all the big samples and reaches almost three for the biggest sample belong-
ing to the medium voltage network. Such an high value implies an high standard
deviation in the betweenness of the nodes.
which it is possible to explicitly assign order and size (or one of these quantities and
the average node degree); we then proceed analyzing the other models that do not
explicitly allow to set the average node degree parameter.
4.2. Building New Distribution Networks 83
The results for the metrics with average degree xk y 2 for the small-world, pref-
erential attachment, Random Graph and R-MAT models score quite poorly, cf. Ta-
ble 4.3. Low values for the metrics are due to the small connectivity the networks
show. Especially, we highlight the low results of the small-world model under these
The betweenness analysis, whose results are presented in Table 4.4, shows an
average for each node that increases with the size of the graph.
Table 4.5 shows the results for small-world, preferential attachment, Random Graph
and R-MAT models with an average degree xk y 4. One notices that the scores for
the metrics improve compared to the xk y 2 case. The average over the character-
istic path length of all the samples reduces from around 10 to a value that is slightly
less than 5. The clustering coefficient has values that are significant and all positive.
The small-world model scores best in this specific metric since it relies on the lattice
topology that with an average degree of 4 connects each node with 4 neighbors. In
particular 3 triangle structures emerge in each neighborhood of a node (of course
before the rewiring process takes place). This provides a substantial contribution
to the quite high clustering coefficient. A graphical comparison for the large sam-
ple for medium voltage considering characteristic path length, clustering coefficient
and robustness are shown in Figure 4.3.
Table 4.7 shows the results for small-world, preferential attachment, Random Graph
and R-MAT models with an average degree xk y 6. The scores for the metrics con-
sidered improve even more with respect to those of Tables 4.3 and 4.5. The charac-
teristic path length of all the samples has reduced to a value that, considering the
average over all the samples with xk y 6, is about 3; yet 2 hops lower than the situ-
ation with xk y 4. The same tendency for clustering coefficient found for samples
in Table 4.5 applies to this situation too. The small-world model scores highest since
the neighbors of a node have 9 connections with each other (before rewiring), thus
contributing to a high coefficient.
Having increased the average degree to 6 brings benefits to the betweenness
statistics too, cf. Table 4.8. The improvement on the average betweenness order ratio
are about 25% higher than the xk y 4 situation; this ratio, therefore, is now very
close to the experimental values that have been found for the Internet (i.e., 2.5).
A more thorough analysis of these results and a detailed comparison are avail-
able in [159].
4.2. Building New Distribution Networks 85
The Copying, Forest Fire, and Kronecker models are not generated using explicitly
the average node degree, cf. Appendix B. Therefore, we consider the power grid
metrics on them separately. We remark however that, though not explicitly used
as input parameter, the average node degree of the generated graphs has similar
values to those of Random Graphs, small-world and preferential attachment models
generated with the same order. As a general consideration for these models, we see
a reduced performance in the satisfaction of the metrics. The only models that have
overall scores that become closer to the target parameters requirements is the Forest
Fire and the power-law-based graph with small value of the characteristic parameter
(γ). Therefore, we give a detailed analysis of these models only, and refer to [159]
for the analysis of the other models.
For the Forest Fire model, we assign different forward and backward burning
probabilities to obtain values for the average degree to some extent comparable
with the other models. The model with pf wd pbwd 0.2 can be compared to
models with xk y 2. The Forest Fire scores definitely better than all the others in
clustering coefficient. This is not surprising, if one recalls the algorithm behind the
model: an ambassador node is chosen and with a certain probability a certain num-
ber of ambassador’s neighbors nodes are chosen to establish link to. One can see
how many triangle-like structures tend to appear from such a generating method.
The same observations can be done for the Forest Fire with pf wd pbwd 0.3 when
compared to models with xk y 4: the characteristic path length has a score similar
to node degree dependent models, while this model suffers deeply in the robust-
ness metric which for the biggest samples obtain a score which is half compared
to the other generating models with xk y 4. This is due to the very high dam-
ages imposed to network connectivity when high degree nodes are removed: for
the biggest sample (order of about 1000 nodes), when the 20% of nodes with high-
est degree are removed, the biggest connected component is just 2% of the original
graph order. This is typical of heavy-tailed distributions which Forest Fire models
empirically [118]. The metric that scores best is again the clustering coefficient that
is three times higher (for the biggest sample) than the already quite high value of
the small-world model. Even when we consider denser Forest Fire networks (i.e.,
pf wd pbwd 0.35) the comparison with the model with xk y 6 brings to the
same conclusions: far better clustering coefficient, but an important weakness to
node removal. Betweenness for the Forest Fire model shows a trend when varying
the average node degree, the more the networks becomes connected the better the
metrics related to betweenness become. For the samples with a burning probability
of pf wd pbwd 0.35, the betweenness to order ratio stays below 3. The same be-
86 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
havior applies to the coefficient of variation, although it generally scores worse than
the samples already analyzed with similar average degree.
Considering the results of Random Graph with power-law models, there is a
difference for the networks generated with smaller γ parameters (i.e., medium and
low voltage Dutch grid γ 2 and social and technological networks γ 2.3) which
score better than the ones with higher γ (i.e., U.S. Eastern Interconnect and West-
ern Grid γ 3 and U.S. Western power grid γ 4). Refer to Appendix B for the
motivations of choosing the specific γ parameters. The samples with γ 2 and
γ 2.3 show a denser network with higher average node degree, almost double
compared to the other set (γ 3 and γ 4); it results in a beneficial behavior for
the metrics computed which present a smaller characteristic path length. This set of
networks with small γ is comparable for the characteristic path length property to
the values obtained for networks generated with xk y 4. The second set of samples
(i.e., higher γ parameter) shows results that are similar to the ones obtained for sam-
ples generated with xk y 2. A general property that applies to all these power-law
based samples is the problem they suffer from targeted attacks involving the nodes
with high degree, which justifies very poor scores for robustness metric. The be-
tweenness analysis for the power-law based models shows an average betweenness
value that is smaller for the networks with a lower value for the γ coefficient so that
they score very good in the betweenness to order ratio. A lower γ implies a higher
probability in the presence of nodes that have higher node degree; usually there is
quite a good positive correlation between the node degree and the betweenness the
nodes have to sustain (high degree implies high betweenness for that node). It is
therefore understandable why the coefficient of variation is higher for the networks
characterized by a low γ than the ones with higher power-law characteristic param-
The analysis of the Northern Netherlands grid shows an average degree almost con-
stant of about xk y 2. In terms of average node degree the situation is similar to the
high voltage grid based on the data of Eastern and Western high voltage U.S. power
grid. Therefore, it is fair to compare the generated models with similar average de-
gree, the Copying Model ones and the Random Graphs with power-law in node
degree distribution with average node degree around xk y 2. Generated mod-
els, except the model based on Random Graph with power-law, score better than
the physical topologies for all the metrics considered; the characteristic path length
scores half for the R-MAT and Copying Model cases in comparison to the real data.
In addition, the synthetic networks are more robust than the real data samples: R-
4.2. Building New Distribution Networks 87
MAT and Random Graph score constantly above 0.3 for robustness metric while real
data hardly obtain this value. Clustering coefficients are quite similar since in this
configuration with limited connectivity having triangle structures in the network
is rare; however, we see that R-MAT model has almost always significant cluster-
ing coefficient values. An exception is the small-world model which scores almost
always worse than the real data samples. In fact, under this situation of small av-
erage node degree it is actually not fully correct to consider this synthetic topology
a “small-world”. The same sort of considerations apply to betweenness values: ex-
cept the small-world model all the other synthetic ones score better for the average
betweenness to order ratio metric, while for the coefficient of variation the situation
is similar. If one considers the satisfaction of the desiderata for the actual samples
of the Dutch medium and low voltage grid, summarized in Table 4.9, we notice that
none of the parameters are satisfied. However, networks generated according to
the models with almost the same average node degree (networks with xk y 2 in
Tables 4.10 and networks based on Random Graph with power-law based on data
from Eastern and Western high voltage U.S. power grid and the U.S. Western high
voltage power grid in Table 4.14) do not satisfy all the desiderata as well. There-
fore, this highlights that the first ingredient for the next generation of grids suited
to enable local energy exchange according to the metrics defined is an increase con-
Increasing the average node degree naturally provides for better values for the
network metrics, as shown in Tables 4.10 and 4.11. The case of the small-world
model is emblematic. The xk y 2 case scores extremely poorly as there are not
enough “shortcuts” in the network so that they can not improve much the charac-
teristic path length. Actually, under such small average degree the condition Watts
and Strogatz impose for their small-world model is not completely satisfied (i.e.,
n " k " lnpnq " 1, where k is the average node degree and n is the order of the
graph). When we move closer to satisfying the small-world condition by increasing
88 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
the average node degree, the value of the metrics suddenly change and the models
score extremely high. The small-world scores best for the clustering property and
resilience to failures in the xk y 4 situations. Under these conditions also between-
ness values are quite concentrated around the mean with a coefficient of variation
not exceeding the unit.
Comparing the average values of some metrics for the generated models while
increasing node degree, one notices a natural improvement of the metrics, cf. Ta-
ble 4.12. In fact, we have a reduction in characteristic path length of about 60%
and an increase in the clustering coefficient of one order of magnitude; at the same
time the robustness doubles. With xk y 6 the improvement in the metrics is less
prominent, being between 10% and 20% compared to the xk y 4 case. From the
comparison of the metric results in Tables 4.10 and 4.11, one sees that the small-
world model almost always satisfies the desired requirement from a quantitative
point of view when the average node degree is at least 4. From a qualitative point of
view, the small-world model shows some modularity being generated starting from
a regular lattice and then rewiring a certain fraction of the edges.
The models independent form average node degree perform generally worse
than the other models. The adherence to the target values are shown in Tables 4.13
and 4.14. There is a general prevalence of requirement dissatisfaction, especially for
parameters involving betweenness.
From the topological analysis one can see that between the models analyzed
when there is a minimal connectivity (xk y 4 or xk y 6) the small-world stands
out, cf. Tables 4.10 and 4.11. In Table 4.15 the models with explicit dependence
on node degree are once again compared by assigning a “tick” sign (3) for the ful-
fillment of each of the following properties: qualitative topological parameters (i.e.,
modularity), quantitative topological parameters (Tables 4.10 and 4.11) and the thrift
in network realization (e.g., addition of cables which represent a cost). The latter is
just an estimation, a more detailed analysis of cost in realizing a network belonging
to medium and low voltage with a certain size (i.e., small, medium or large) and the
economic benefits in electricity distribution arising from the enhanced connectivity
is provided in Section 4.2.3. From Table 4.15, we conclude that networks generated
with the small-world model with average degree xk y 4 provide the best balance
between modularity, performance and, thrift for the future power grid.
¥ 7 7 N/A 3 3 N/A 7
υ N
2.5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
¤ 1 7 7 7 7 3 7 3 7
¥ 0.45 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3
AP L10th
¤ 2 CP L 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Table 4.10: Desiderata parameter compliance of the generated models with node degree k x y 2, 4.
4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
Desiderata x y
Average node degree k 6
SW Pref. Attach. Rnd. Graph R-MAT
Modularity 7 7 3
¤ p q
CP L ln N 3 3 3 3
CC 5 CCRG 3 3 N/A
υ σ
2.5 3 3
cv 1 3 7 3 7
RobN 0.45 3 3 3 3
AP L10th ¤ 2 CP L 3 3 3 3
x y 6.
Table 4.11: Desiderata parameter compliance of the generated models with node degree k
4.2. Building New Distribution Networks 91
in the field supported by computer computation in their decisions. With more dis-
tributed generating facilities of small capacity (e.g., rooftop photovoltaic panels),
traditional methods have limits and need to be modified or updated to take into ac-
count the new scenario the smart grid framework brings into play. The models that
we have so far analyzed as being candidates for the vision of the future smart grid
need also to be evaluated from the economic point of view. How much will it cost
to generate electrical infrastructures according to these models? What is the actual
cost of adding a physical edge to the topology?
One important difference that a physical infrastructure such as the power grid has,
compared to the WWW or social networks, is the physical presence of cables that
have to connect the medium voltage substations or low voltage end users generating
units. If establishing a link from a Web page to another one is free, each increase in
connectivity in the power grid implies costs in order to build or adapt the substation
or end user premise involved and the cables required for the connection. To assess
these costs in the medium and low voltage infrastructure, we consider a simple
relation where the cost of cabling and cost of substations are added:
N ¸
Cimp Sscj Cci (4.1)
j 1
i 1
where Cimpl stands for cost for implementation, Sscj is the adaptation cost for the
substation j and Cci is the cost for the cable i. The cost of the cable can be expressed
as a linear function of the distance the cable i covers: Cci Cuc l where Cuc is
the cable cost per unit of length and l is the lengths of the cable. Several types of
cables exist which are used for power transmission and distribution with varying
physical characteristics and costs; in addition, also the cost for installation can vary
significantly [148]. In the present work, to provide an initial estimate, we simply
consider cabling costs and ignore substation ones. While the former are directly
tied to the topology and length of the links, the latter is dependent on other factors
too (e.g., type of equipment). As a source of data for cable type and pricing, we have
4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
Desiderata Copying Forest Fire Forest Fire Forest Fire Kronecker Kronecker
Model (pb=0.2) (pb=0.3) (pb=0.35) (PG params) (social
net params)
Modularity 7 7 7 3 3
¤ p q
CP L ln N 3 7 3 7 3
CC 5 CCRG 7 3 3 3 7 7
υ σ
2.5 7 7 7 7
cv 1 7 7 7 7 7 7
RobN ¥ 0.45 7 7 7 7 7
AP L10th ¤ 2 CP L N/A 7 3 3 3 3
Table 4.13: Desiderata parameter compliance of the generated models.
Desiderata RG with power-law RG with power-law RG with power-law RG with power-law
Model (social (East-West US (Western US (NL MLV
net params) HV PG params) HV PG params) PG params)
Modularity 7 7 7 7
4.2. Building New Distribution Networks
CP L ln N
¤ p q 3 7 7 3
¥ 3 7 3
υ N
2.5 7 7 7 7
¤ 1 7 7 7 7
¥ 0.45 7 7 7 7
AP L10th
¤ 2 CP L 3 3 3 3
Table 4.14: Desiderata parameter compliance of the generated models.
94 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
Network Model Avg. node deg. Avg. node deg. Avg. node deg.
x y
k 2 x y
k 4 x y
k 6
Small-world 33 333 33
Preferential 3 33 3
Random Graph 3 33 3
R-MAT 33 33 33
Table 4.15: Satisfaction of modularity, performance and cabling cost for generated
been provided (courtesy of Enexis B.V. the Netherlands) with cables characteristics
and prices for the 11 network samples belonging to the low voltage network and
12 samples belonging to the medium voltage of the Northern Netherlands, whose
topological properties we have analyzed in Chapter 3.
The length of the cables plays an important role for both total resistance and price.
If one considers the correlation between the price and resistance, high values are
found using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient [102], shown in Table 24 in [159].
Especially, for generating synthetic networks it is important to obtain values for both
the properties of the cables that are similar to the ones used in practice. Plotting the
two variables characterizing each cable one notices that the majority of the samples
concentrates in the lower tails of the joint distribution. Figure 4.5 shows the relation
between the price and resistance where the values concentrate in the lower corner
of price resistance plane.
In the chart in Figure 4.5, two distinct lines deviate from the low-left corner.
They represent the two main types of cables used in that sample of the low voltage
network to cover different distances and result in increasing price and resistance for
longer lines. The problem of extracting cable properties can be however approached
in another way: evaluate for each type of cable used in a certain sample (small, medium,
and large) how the length of the cables used are distributed. In fact, given a certain type
of cable and its length all other interesting properties required for our weighted
topological analysis (cf. Chapter 3) are then available (i.e., cable total resistance,
cable total cost and cable supported current).
A general tendency appears when fitting the distribution of lengths to cable
types belonging to low voltage and medium voltage: a fast decay in lengths’ prob-
ability distribution with the majority of lengths for the low voltage cables types in
the order of tens of meters, and medium voltage cables about hundreds of meters.
Fitting the length to a statistical probability distribution gives a good approxima-
4.2. Building New Distribution Networks 95
tion for the low voltage cable lengths as exponential distributions (y fX px; µq
1 µ
µe ), while for medium voltage cable lengths the distribution that generally fits
best the data is the generalized extreme value distribution (y fX px; k, µ, σ q
σ p1 k xµ 1 k
σ q exptp1 k x µ k
σ q u); these hypothesis are supported in the re-
1 1 1
P pL X T q P pL|T qP pT q (4.2)
where P pL|T q is the probability of the event of having a cable of length L condi-
tioned to the event of being of cable type T , and P pT q is the probability of the event
of having a cable of type T .
Figure 4.5: Price-Resistance pairs joint plot for the low voltage large size sample (i.e.,
LV Sample#5).
96 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
Figure 4.6: Cumulative distribution function for cable length (meters) for cable type
“3x1x70al” in Northern Netherlands medium voltage sample size medium.
Once the information about cable prices is available, it is possible to estimate the cost
for realizing a network with a certain connectivity and whether such networks are
able to lower the (economic) barrier towards decentralized energy trading in terms
of cost of electricity distribution. The results for low voltage and medium voltage
networks for small, medium and large types with an average node degree xk y 2,
xky 4 and xky 6 are shown in Table 4.16, Table 4.17, and Table 4.18 respectively.
For medium voltage networks, it is important to clarify that the information
available for cables’ prices in this study are only partial and limited to some tech-
nologies (only few cross sections of aluminum and copper cables). Anyway, in order
to have a glimpse of costs for this type of the network, we fitted to the best inter-
polating curve the available prices as a function of the cross section. The relation
between price and cross section for aluminum cables fits best to a cubic polyno-
4.2. Building New Distribution Networks 97
mial, while for the copper ones is linear; in this way we estimate the prices for all
the types of cables involved knowing their cross section. The small difference in
costs between the medium and large types of networks for medium voltage is related
mainly to the different technologies (i.e., cable types) in the cables that are used for
these types of networks according to the sample data provided.
Price alone is not enough to describe future scenarios. It is important to in-
vestigate how an enhanced connectivity is beneficial to the electricity distribution
costs. We have shown the benefits in topology-related metrics for more connected
networks earlier in this section, however those results consider only the topology
without any parameter related to the properties of the cables (e.g., resistance and
supported current). In order to consider the effects of topology in electricity distri-
bution costs, we resort to the α and β metrics the we have proposed in Chapter 3.
In order to apply these metrics to power grid networks weights are essential, rep-
resenting physical quantities such as resistance of the cable and maximal operating
current supported by the cable. Once we have the statistical information about the
types and the length of the cables used in a specific type of physical network, (i.e.,
medium or low voltage and its small, medium or large size) it is possible to assign
weights to the edges of the generated graphs. This is done under the assumption
that the same type of cables are used and that the distances covered in general (i.e.,
statistically) remain the same.
We consider α and β for networks generated following the small-world model
98 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
since it has proven to be the best one in the pure topological analysis. For low
voltage networks we compute the metrics for networks with an increasing average
node degree (xk y 2, xk y 4 and xk y 6). It is not surprising to see that the
samples with xk y 2 score poorer than the other networks. The network with
medium size scores best and the difference between the network with xk y 6 and
the network with xk y 4 is limited. Robustness (i.e., β parameter) for the medium
and large size networks reaches an high value just with a sufficient connectivity (i.e.,
xky 4) and more connectivity (i.e., xky 6) does not improve much this metric.
The samples with small size score better in the α metric and this is quite reasonable
since the paths are limited, of course due to the reduced order of the network.
Considering α and β for the networks generated for the medium voltage, the
same tendency appears: once the network is sufficiently connected (i.e., xk y 4) the
metrics score definitely better than the xk y 2 situation.
Let us compare α and β of the synthetic networks with the values of the cur-
rent power grid samples of the Northern Netherlands. Considering the low voltage
samples and the synthetic networks designed for this purpose, we generally see an
improvement in the metrics especially in the α values for the xk y 4 and xk y 6
networks. In fact, if we do not consider the synthetic networks with xk y 2, be-
cause of the problems of small-world topology with such small connectivity, there
is an improvement on average in the α metric for synthetic samples with xk y 4
of more than 50% compared to the Northern Netherlands samples. In fact, for the
α metric from an average of about 12 for the physical samples, the xk y 4 syn-
thetic ones score about 6. The improvement is more than 60% when considering
the xk y 6 ones where the average for these synthetic networks scores just below
5. There are improvements also in the β metric, although limited. From an average
around 4 for the physical samples, the xk y 4 ones score on average just below
2.75; while a better result is obtained by xk y 6 which on average score 2.30 (about
40% improvement). The graphical comparison between Dutch samples (white dia-
monds) and generated samples (white circles) is shown in Figure 4.7 in which each
symbol represents a sample in the α, β quadratic function envelope that is chosen as
the type of dependence between the topological parameters and electricity transport
Taking into account the medium voltage, the Dutch samples of the Northern
Netherlands and the small-world synthetic networks, we see an important improve-
ment in the metrics both in the α and β values for the xk y 4 and xk y 6 networks.
As already mentioned, synthetic networks with xk y 2 should not be considered.
The improvement on average in the α metric is more than 65% comparing to the
xky 4 synthetic samples (from an average of α about 33 for the physical samples,
the xk y 4 synthetic ones score about 11), and an improvement of more than 75%
4.2. Building New Distribution Networks 99
Figure 4.7: Comparison of the transport cost between synthetic small-world net-
works (withe circles) and Northern Netherlands low voltage samples (white dia-
Figure 4.8: Comparison for transport cost between synthetic small-world networks
(withe circles) and Northern Netherlands medium voltage samples (white dia-
100 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
Watts and Strogatz’s small-world model captures best the requirements for the new
grid compared to the others analyzed being these dependent on the average node
degree (preferential attachment, R-MAT and Random Graph) or not (Copying Model,
Forest Fire, Kronecker and power-laws). The higher clustering that this models ex-
hibits provides efficient local distribution with paths that are locally short; at the
same time the shortcuts between the local clusters are the elements that keep the
(global) average path limited. These two aspects influence the α parameter which
then stays relatively small. At the same time, the small-world model benefits from
a general robustness against failures: the absence of big hubs that keep the network
together (which are present on the other hand in the power-law-based topologies,
for instance) improves the reliability against attacks, which help obtaining good
scores for the β parameter. More quantitatively, one sees the general improvement
in the metrics characterizing both the parameters influencing the losses (i.e., α pa-
rameter) and the reliability of the grid (i.e., β parameter) while the network becomes
more dense, i.e., more edges are added. On average, we see an improvement of at
least 50% when comparing the physical samples of Northern Netherlands with the
small-world networks with an average degree xk y 4, while better results are ob-
tained with more density (i.e., xk y 6) where the improvement are 60% compared
to the physical samples. This is indeed beneficial to the power grid and, accord-
ing to the relationship with the topology, it should translate into a reduction in the
costs for electricity distribution since α and β are composed by essential ingredients
influencing electricity distribution price.
These benefits come literally at a cost. The network needs more connectivity
therefore costs for extra cabling need to be considered in addition to the cost for
upgrading the substations and end users electricity gateways. A comprehensive re-
turn on investment analysis on this aspect is beyond the scope of the present study.
Nevertheless, it is interesting to see how with the α and β metrics it is possible to
consider how a certain physical sample belonging to a certain size category (small,
medium and large) would improve in its performance if its topology is arranged ac-
cording to the principles of a synthetic model and more connections are added ap-
The benefits reached for α and β should translate into a reduction in the cost
for electricity transport and distribution since the parameters that influence these
metrics are directly connected to aspects related to costs. However, the significant
investment required to add more connectivity in the network might not immedi-
ately enable cheaper electricity costs, but on the contrary make it more expensive.
4.3. Evolution of Current Distribution Networks 101
– High degree nodes are connected one another. The process starts with con-
sidering a set of nodes with the highest equal node degree and connect
them together. The process goes on considering the next set of nodes with
equal high degree in the order of rank and so on.
– Low degree nodes are connected one another. The process goes on as for
the the high degree strategy, but nodes are linked starting from the cou-
ples with lowest degree.
• Least distance gives priority to the connection of nodes that are geographi-
cally closer to each other. This strategy can minimize the costs of cabling since
such costs are directly proportional to the length of cables.
For every strategy, if two nodes already have an edge that connects them the edge
is not added and the evolution strategy continues. In fact, in the graph models we
only allow a single edge between a pair of nodes, if not already present.
(b) 1st stage of evolution (i.e., +25% (c) 2nd stage of evolution (i.e., +50%
edges). edges).
(d) 3rd stage of evolution (i.e., +75% (e) 4th stage of evolution (i.e., +100%
edges). edges).
Figure 4.9: Stages of evolution of medium voltage sample #8 following least distance
104 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
To determine which strategy is more rewarding and provides the higher benefits,
one needs to compare the metrics obtained with the different evolution strategies.
If determining a “best” strategy is unrealistic, one should aim at identifying trade-
offs between one strategy compared to another one. We evaluate all the strategies
considering average values over all the samples and considering the satisfaction
of the topological metrics defined in Section 4.1. Visual examples of the evolution
strategies are provided in Figures 4.9 and 4.10. Figure 4.9 represents the evolu-
tion following the least distance strategy, one can see that for a part of the network
nodes that are several hops apart in the original network (they belong to two differ-
ent branches) are now connected by new edges providing a substantial topological
shortcut in the network. Figure 4.10 shows the evolution following the triangle
closure strategy, one sees the appearance of several new triangle structures in the
(b) 1st stage of evolution (i.e., +25% edges). (c) 2nd stage of evolution (i.e., +50% edges).
4.3. Evolution of Current Distribution Networks 105
(d) 3rd stage of evolution (i.e., +75% edges). (e) 4th stage of evolution (i.e., +100% edges).
Figure 4.10: Stages of evolution of medium voltage sample #8 following triangle clo-
sure strategy.
egy that to a certain extent is very similar to the triangle closure. This strategy is
the worst concerning the path length, having a characteristic path length more than
double than the best evolution strategy (i.e., random); the same also applies for the
AP L10th . Concerning redundancy aspects at the end of the evolution process, the
least distance strategy is the one (except for random) that has the best robustness
results. In terms of metrics related to betweenness, the least distance strategy shows
results that are even worse compared to the triangle closure one. Considering the
high degree assortative evolution strategy the results show that, overall, it is the
best evolution strategy in the first two steps of the evolution; in the first step, it is
even better than the random one (with the exception of robustness). Considering
betweenness metrics, this strategy is second only to the random strategy, with the
exception of coefficient of variation which is worse than all other metrics. In gen-
eral, this is a good strategy for evolving the network especially concerning the path-
related aspects, with just robustness that lacks behind compared to other evolution
4.3. Evolution of Current Distribution Networks 107
strategies. The assortative low degree strategy is not particularly appealing and it
is outrun by the assortative high degree strategy in every metric except robustness
and coefficient of variation of betweenness, therefore we do not find it particularly
interesting for evolution purposes of the medium voltage networks. The dissorta-
tive strategy does not excel particularly in any of the metrics considered, however
its values are quite fair, especially in the initial stage of the evolution. In particular,
since the values of the metric do not improve substantially in the following steps of
the evolution process, such evolution strategy could be used as a slightly more ro-
bust alternative compared to the assortative high degree in those scenario where the
number of edges to be added is minimal and there is no need of special excellence in
one topological parameter. When enough connectivity is added, the evolution strat-
egy that scores best compared to all the others for all the metrics, with the exception
of the clustering coefficient metric, is the random one. It has already been noted by
Casals and Murtra [183] that some randomness in the network is beneficial espe-
cially for aspects related to robustness. In our analysis, we have the same general
results, with characteristic path length about 4 and a AP L10th of just 6. In addition,
the networks evolved according to this strategy are the most robust with a value
higher than 0.7 when the maximal connectivity is reached. The same considerations
apply for betweenness metrics that obtain the best results when the connectivity is
enhanced reaching a betweenness to order ratio smaller than three and a coefficient
of variation below one at the last evolution step. However, it is difficult to propose
for a distribution provider to improve his grid in a random fashion, even if part of
the weaknesses and inefficiencies come from the lack of such randomness. Consid-
ering rational and evolution strategies that come with a motivation we consider the
assortative high degree strategy as the one that, by evaluating the various topolog-
ical metrics, scores best in the evolution tests that we have performed on the Dutch
medium voltage grids.
Comparison of the evolution strategies for the low voltage distribution grid
As for the medium voltage evolution strategies, one cannot declare a winner. Also
in this case some improvements between the various phases of evolution are not
linear, therefore a strategy that scores best in one evolution step could result worse
compared to another one when more edges are added. We point out once again
that the addition of links is beneficial to the topological metrics analyzed and one
might speculate that the optimal solution to minimize (or maximize) the metrics is
to realize a fully connected network. With a real infrastructure such as the power
grid this is impossible to achieve due to economic and technical considerations.
The comparison of the averages over all samples in each evolution step for the
108 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
various evolution strategies is shown in Table 4.20. Once again, the strategy that
scores best in comparison with the others is the random one for robustness and for
metrics related to betweenness. For robustness, in the last stage of evolution the
value reaches on average 0.7. For betweenness-related metrics the two final stages
of evolution are the best ones for average betweenness and average betweenness to
order ratio. This strategy is the only one for which the coefficient of variation results
below one (on average for all the samples) in the final stage of evolution. How-
ever, the random strategy has its weak point in the clustering coefficient metric that
score below all the others evolution strategies. Considering the assortative strate-
gies, one sees that the two strategies have quite similar scores for the metrics. In the
very first stage, the high degree assortative strategy is better, but later in the evo-
lution the assortative low degree slightly outperforms the assortative high degree
one for clustering coefficient and characteristic path length, while for the robustness
the difference is limited. The results between these two metrics for betweenness are
quite similar and here the only interesting difference is in the coefficient of varia-
tion which scores best for the high node degree strategy. These two strategies are
comparable to the random one for characteristic path length matters, while scoring
worse for robustness, but better for clustering. Considering the clustering coefficient
4.3. Evolution of Current Distribution Networks 109
metric alone, the strategy that outperforms the others is the triangle closure strategy
with values that are double compared to the others at the end of the evolution pro-
cess. However, this strategy is worse than all the others for the characteristic path
length. Although it has the highest values for average betweenness, the coefficient
of variation ranks second compared to the other strategies considered. The strategy
that slightly outperforms the others (except the values for robustness of the random
one) is the dissortative strategy. In fact, the path length is just smaller than 2.5 even
better than the random edge addition. The clustering coefficient is in line with the
assortative strategies and scores around 0.5. Concerning betweenness, this strategy
scores best considering the average betweenness, but for the coefficient of varia-
tion this strategy scores worst. In the low voltage distribution grid it is difficult to
propose a strategy to follow for the evolution given the similarity for the values of
the evolution strategies considered. However, considering non-random evolution
strategies we consider the dissortative strategy a good candidate since scores best in
the evolution tests that we have performed on the Dutch low voltage grids.
We now consider the satisfaction of the quantitative metrics to analyze the appro-
priateness of synthetic topologies to improve the grid in reducing losses, facilitate
local energy distribution, and increasing network robustness.
Assortative high degree The assortative high degree evolution strategy satisfies
the desired values for the metrics concerning the characteristic path length already
from the second step of evolution for ten out of twelve samples. All samples satisfy
the requirements over the redundant path. Considering the clustering coefficient,
the majority of samples satisfies the requirement at the third step of evolution where
seven samples have a CC ¥ 5 CCRG ; in the final stage of evolution this metric is
satisfied by all the samples except two. The real drawback of this metric is repre-
sented by the robustness that never reaches the goal of 0.45, but stops around 0.37.
The unsatisfaction of the metric is also present for betweenness ones: all samples
are one unit larger than the target even in the last step of evolution. In addition, the
coefficient of variation never reaches the target for the samples.
Assortative low degree The assortative low degree evolution strategy satisfies the
desired values for the metrics concerning the clustering coefficient already from the
second step of evolution with eleven out of twelve samples. All the samples satisfy
the requirements over the redundant path already from the first step. Considering
the clustering coefficient, the majority of samples satisfies the requirement at the
110 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
second step of evolution where seven samples have a CC ¥ 5 CCRG ; in the final
stage of evolution this metric is satisfied by all the samples except one. This strategy
almost provides the satisfaction of the robustness requirement from the third step
on by having six samples fully compliant and three very close to the 0.45 threshold.
The metrics concerning betweenness are not satisfied both for betweenness to order
ratio and for the coefficient of variation which never reach the target for the samples
at any stage of evolution.
Triangle closure The triangle closure evolution strategy focuses on the clustering
coefficient, therefore reaching the target already in the first step of the evolution.
The evolved graphs do not only satisfy the requirement posed of having CC ¥
5 CCRG , but also a more restrictive requirement of CC ¥ 10 CCRG which
can be considered the condition for satisfying the small-world requirement for this
property cf. [222]. Concerning the path length properties, the characteristic path
length is never lower than the logarithm of the order of the graph. The requirement
over the AP L10th is satisfied already from the first addition of edges. On all other
requirements this strategy is weak. For robustness just few samples reach values
around 0.4, while the majority is about 0.3 when the most of the edges are added.
For metrics that involve betweenness, this evolution strategy scores poorly and it
is not close to the target for both average betweenness to order ratio and for the
coefficient of variation for any single sample.
Dissortative node degree The dissortative node degree strategy scores quite poorly.
As mentioned before, this strategy does not excel in one specific metric, but all the
metrics are slightly improved. Such aspects result in a limited crossing of the thresh-
old for the desiderata parameters imposed. Only after the third evolution step the
characteristic path length is almost satisfied: nine of the twelve samples reach the
target, while one more reaches the target when even more edges are added. A simi-
lar condition is true for the robustness metric. In fact, six samples satisfy the target
after the third step and other three are above the 0.4 value. The clustering coefficient
is always below the threshold, having values that often are slightly higher than the
clustering coefficient of a Random Graph with same order and size. The only met-
ric fully satisfied is the one related to redundant paths in the network. While the
metrics related to betweenness are not satisfied even at later stages.
Least distance The results of the least distance strategy are similar to those of tri-
angle closure. The clustering coefficient desiderata is reached already in the first
step of the evolution. From the second step on, the evolved graphs do not only sat-
isfy the requirement posed of having CC ¥ 5 CCRG , but also a more restrictive
4.3. Evolution of Current Distribution Networks 111
Random The random evolution strategy is the one that satisfies most of the desider-
ata parameters not only after the first step of evolution, but already after the second
one. The metrics concerning the characteristic path length are satisfied basically al-
ready from the second step of evolution. The same applies to the redundant path
whose goal is met already in the first evolution step. Robustness is really impres-
sively achieved after the addition of 50% of more edges, with all the samples above
the 0.45 threshold and the majority of them scoring even higher, above 0.6. The
metrics related to betweenness that usually fail for the other samples are here met
completely on the coefficient of variation side after the third evolution stage (eight
out the twelve samples meet the target). In addition, this evolution strategy is the
one that also goes closer to the satisfaction of the betweenness to order ratio. The
only problem of such a strategy is on the clustering coefficient side. With such a
strategy the formation or closure of topological triangle structures is very unlikely.
We now consider the satisfaction of the quantitative metrics for the low voltage
evolved samples.
Assortative high degree The assortative high degree evolution strategy almost
satisfies the desired values for the metrics concerning the characteristic path length
from the second step of evolution with eight out of eleven samples; while full com-
pliance is in the last evolution step. However, the requirement for the redundant
path are never fully satisfied. Considering the biggest samples, they never satisfy
the condition CC ¥ 5 CCRG . Also robustness requirement are not satisfied, only
six samples in the last two evolution stages reach the goal of 0.45. The between-
ness requirement is only partially satisfied: eight out of the eleven samples have
112 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
a betwenness to order ratio around the target of 2.5. Considering the coefficient of
variation, only the two smallest samples satisfy this property.
Assortative low degree The assortative low degree evolution strategy satisfies or
is close to satisfying the metrics in the last stage of the evolution process. For char-
acteristic path length, already from the second step, ten of the eleven samples reach
the target; on the contrary, the target is never reached for the redundant path re-
quirement. The three biggest samples score sufficiently concerning the clustering
coefficient requirement, while the others have high values, but never satisfy the
high-demanding requirements. Robustness is close to satisfaction in the last stage of
evolution where all samples reach the target except two that stop to a value around
0.4. The metrics concerning betweenness show an almost satisfaction of the average
betweenness to order ratio with eight of the samples well below the target; however
the coefficient of variation never reaches the target for the samples at any stage of
Triangle closure The triangle closure evolution strategy focuses on the clustering
coefficient, therefore reaching the target already after the second step of the evolu-
tion. Two of the three biggest samples satisfy also the small-world requirement for
this property cf. [222]. Concerning the path length properties, the characteristic path
length is never lower than the logarithm of the order of the graph. However, the re-
quirement over the AP L10th is satisfied already after the second step of evolution.
In fact, the redundant paths are smaller than twice the characteristic path length.
For robustness, seven out of the eleven samples reach the target in the last step of
evolution. For metrics that involve betweenness, only seven samples are below the
target for the betweenness to order metric, actually the smallest in order, while the
three biggest samples are far from the target. The coefficient of variation increases
in the evolution.
Dissortative node degree The dissortative node degree strategy scores quite well
for evolving low voltage networks. Especially in the last stage of evolution half of
the metrics are satisfied or very close to satisfaction. Already in the second step of
evolution, the characteristic path length is satisfied; actually already in the first step
of evolution eight samples satisfy the condition. Robustness is satisfied with nine
out of the eleven samples that fully comply with the desiderata and the other two
that are above 0.4. The real weak point is the clustering coefficient which even for
the biggest samples is never close to the target. Betweenness-related metrics have a
dissimilar behavior: the betweenness to order ratio satisfies the desiderata for nine
4.3. Evolution of Current Distribution Networks 113
samples, while the coefficient of variation has an increasing trend and in the final
step does not comply with the requirements for any sample.
Random The random evolution strategy proves to be one of the strategies that
satisfies most of the parameters. The metrics concerning the characteristic path
length are satisfied basically already from the second step of evolution with ten of
the eleven samples compliant. A different behavior applies to the redundant paths
whose goal is not met, but in the final step eight of the eleven samples reach the
target. Robustness is almost achieved already after the second step: all the samples
score above 0.4 and just three do not reach the target in that step, but later in the
evolution. In the last step, the satisfaction of the redundant path is almost satisfied
with eight of the samples (containing also the three biggest ones). The metrics re-
lated to betweenness that usually fail for the other types of evolution are here almost
entirely met concerning the coefficient of variation and the betweenness to order ra-
tio in the last stage of evolution. The main drawback is on the clustering coefficient
side. With such a strategy the formation or closure of topological triangle structures
is difficult.
Considering the medium voltage grid, the random evolution strategy is the one that
satisfies most of the desiderata requirements (three parameters fully satisfied and
one almost satisfied) already at the second stage of evolution and from the third
step on, four requirements are fully satisfied. Concerning the other strategies that
have an evolution with a specific goal, those that satisfy most of the requirements are
the assortative high degree and the least distance one. Both strategies satisfy three
out of the six parameters and the difference being that the assortative one has good
performance for the characteristic path length parameters, while the least distance
strategy reaches the target for the robustness aspects. Therefore, these sub-optimal
strategies could be used where such different requirements are most needed.
From the comparison of the different evolution strategies and their steps in adding
new edges, one notices that there are evolution strategies that tend to satisfy the ma-
jority of the metrics for the smart grid that we have defined (c.f. 4.1). The evolution
strategy that already in the second step fully satisfies three requirements is the ran-
dom evolution. The requirements satisfied become four when 75% of additional
edges are added. This strategy is in line with the finding of Section 4.2 where a
small-world model was the best solution for modeling a smart grid topology. The
addition of random edges goes into that direction: the network with the rational
structure planned by the power engineers is modified by the addition of random
114 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
links, thus in something between the rational topology and the fully random net-
work. The other strategies that are quite successful are the assortative high degree
and the least distance, but only when the edges are doubled. This is the situation
considering a pure topological decision. When also the costs of the evolution are
taken into the picture the optimal evolution strategy might change due to economic
constraints. The extended analysis that considers economic aspects is performed in
Section 4.3.3.
Considering the low voltage grid, the random evolution strategy is the one that
satisfies most of the desiderata requirements at the final stage of evolution (two pa-
rameters fully satisfied and three almost satisfied). Concerning the other strategies
that have an evolution with a specific goal, those that satisfy most of the require-
ments are the assortative low degree followed by the dissortative one which almost
satisfy four and three requirements respectively. Therefore these sub-optimal strate-
gies could be used too. In particular, the assortative low degree satisfies the re-
quirements regarding the clustering coefficient, that are not satisfied neither by the
random, nor by the dissortative strategy.
A commonality between the evolution for medium voltage and low voltage is
the best result achieved by the random evolution of network that scores best among
the strategies considered in this study. An interesting difference lies in the sub-
optimal strategies that score high for the medium voltage and low voltage network
evolutions. For the medium voltage network, it is best to provide more connectivity
between those nodes that already hold a high node degree, thus reinforcing their
role as key components of the network. On the other hand, for the low voltage net-
work, it seems that adding more connectivity between the nodes that have a small
connectivity provides better performances. The assortative low degree aims at cre-
ating more connections and (therefore hubs) where is less connectivity in the current
samples. Also the other strategy that is sub-optimal for low voltage networks, the
dissortative, aims at giving a more important role to the nodes in the periphery of
the network by connecting them to the more connected nodes. A synthesis of the
topological performance of the different strategies is provided in Table 4.21. For
the layer of the power grid considered (column one), each strategy (column two)
is assessed with an optimality level (column three) based on the satisfaction of the
topological metrics. The step during the evolution process in which the most of the
metrics are satisfied is also provided in column four. The achievement of good re-
sults depends on the network layer and on the strategy used. The optimality level
is assigned based on the full satisfaction of the topological metrics described in Sec-
tion 4.1. One can see a distinction between the medium voltage and the low voltage
networks: the low voltage achieve less topological optimality (less metrics are satis-
fied) although requiring on average more evolution steps. Another aspect to note is
4.3. Evolution of Current Distribution Networks 115
that some evolution strategies (i.e., assortative high degree and triangle closure) do
not have an improvement between the various steps despite the addition of more
connectivity. On the other hand, other strategies (i.e., dissortative and random) ben-
efit more from additional connectivity by improving the satisfaction of the metrics.
the properties of the new cables are identified, all the information we need for the
economic analysis are then available: resistance per unit of length, cost per unit of
length, maximal supported current. We remark that our proposed analysis does not
aim at being a comprehensive investment analysis, for which other techniques are
well established, simply an economic evaluation of the proposed evolution strate-
gies to confirm their feasibility or unfeasibility.
To assess these costs in the medium and low voltage infrastructure, we consider
the simple relation of Equation 4.1. As stated before, in this work we provide an
initial estimate and simply consider cabling costs and ignore substation ones. In
addition, the economic analysis can be applied only to the medium voltage network
samples since there is no geographical information about the location of the nodes
in the low voltage networks.
For the cost analysis, in the medium voltage case we limit our investigation to
the three strategies that have scored best in the pure topological analysis (i.e., ran-
dom, assortative high node degree and least distance). The results of the cost for the
evolution of the Dutch samples are shown in Tables 4.22, 4.23, and 4.24. The first
column of each table contains the sample ID, while the second provides the infor-
mation about the evolution step considered, the third column has the information
concerning the cost of the evolution of the network according to the specified strat-
egy. The fourth column contains the information on the fraction of the cost that the
evolution of the infrastructure impacts on the whole cost of the infrastructure. The
most interesting result is the difference in the cost that the three methods of evo-
lution require. The costs of network improvement is similar when considering the
assortative and the random strategy: the cost of adding more edges is on average
about 75% of the cost for cabling of the whole grid infrastructure. The situation is
radically different for the least distance strategy whose development impacts only
marginally in the total cost of the infrastructure, by adding just less than 13% of the
cost of the infrastructure. Purely from the point of view of cabling costs, the most
promising evolution strategy in economic and topological terms for the medium
voltage grid is the strategy that connects the nodes that are geographically closer
(i.e., least distance strategy).
One may then wonder if such investments are beneficial for the end users and
the distribution companies in reducing the cost of electricity flows. We resort to a set
of metrics that we have developed and already applied to the Northern Netherlands
distribution grid and to synthetically generated networks. The goal is to consider
those measures that are critical in contributing to the cost of electricity as elements
in the transmission and distribution networks.
4.3. Evolution of Current Distribution Networks 117
Figures 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, and 4.14 show the improvement as a fraction of the orig-
inal values in the metrics related to the cost of electricity distribution respectively
in the four step of evolution we consider (+25%, +50%, +75%, and +100% of edges)
compared to the original samples. To give a general idea of the improvement, we
use the average results over the 12 medium voltage networks samples. For each
strategy, we look at the improvement, in percentage, for the same metrics compared
to the initial samples. Already from a small increase in connectivity (addition of
25% of edges) the resistance of a path decreases with every strategy with the best re-
sult obtained by the assortative high degree strategy. Adding more lines in general
promotes a reduction of the average resistance of edges compared to the initial situa-
tion. This is even more true in the assortative and least distance strategy where short
distance connections (and therefore less resistive) tend to dominate or more efficient
cables are chosen in the KNN procedure selection. In addition, a considerable reduc-
tion in the losses that are experienced in traversing substations can be avoided with
more dense networks: almost a 30% less station traversed in the graph enhanced
with assortative connections. Of course less benefits take place with the least dis-
tance strategy that reduces the average number of traversed stations in a path by 7%.
This higher connectivity provides benefits to the robustness aspects: resilient paths
(i.e., 10th shortest weighted path) that are less lossy (about 30% reduction for the
least distance strategy). An improvement is also experienced in the resilience of the
network to node disruptions: about 80% more resilience with the random strategy.
Also the amount of current that is supported in a path (the weighted characteristic
path length with maximal supported current as weight of the edges) is definitely
higher (more than 2.5 times for the least distance strategy) compared to the initial
Similar considerations can be done for the second evolution step (i.e., +50% ca-
bles). Considering the loss aspect the benefits are for the three strategies on average
122 4. Network Evolutions for the Smart Grid
about 30% in the reduction of the weighted path. For the average weight (i.e., re-
sistance) of a cable the random addition creates networks with much more cables
with an high resistance. This is an indication that the random strategy creates long
distance connections that act as shortcuts in the network from a topological point
of view. However, in a physical system there are no significant benefits since the
resistance grows with the distance. These limits of the benefits are shown by the
weighted path analysis. Considering robustness oriented metrics, the most of the
benefits take place in resilience where the networks on average stay twice as much
as connected than the initial evolution step, except for the assortative strategy that
lags behind. We see a small decrease for all the strategies in the characteristic path
when the weight is the maximal current that can flow in the cables; this is not dif-
ficult to understand since the characteristic path uses the most efficient (i.e., with
smallest weight paths).
When even more connectivity (+75% and +100%) is added one sees even better
results and improvements but smaller in their magnitude. In these last two stages,
the benefits for the losses reach values of reduction above 30%, the same for the
nodes to be traversed on average in a path. Only the least distance strategy has a
small reduction, but this is due to the very nature of such evolution strategy that
avoids long distance (topological shortcuts) cables. Considering network robust-
ness, the main improvements are for resilience to node failures that for the least
distance strategy allow the network to be twice as much as robust than the initial
samples. Concerning the capacity of the network, we see a slight decrease for the
same reasons as above. However, the networks with the least distance evolution are
able, on average, to transport twice the amount of current than the initial samples.
We can now provide a recommendation on how to evolve the analyzed samples
given the cost analysis for cable addition and the benefits that such an higher con-
nectivity brings in the topological aspects related to the price of electricity. Using
our topological-based method, we consider that the least distance strategy with the
addition of 75% or 100% of edges is a very good way of making the network more
connected. Such an evolution strategy provides benefits from a topological point of
view, and it keeps the costs low. For the samples examined, it requires an investment
in cabling costs about 25% of the value of the cables already on the ground. Such
investment can provide benefits in the loss reduction of the network as well as in its
robustness. The energy economic studies show [84, 141] that losses and robustness
are directly related to the cost of electricity. These factors are tight to topological
parameters as shown above, therefore such evolution would provide less cost in
electricity distribution. It is difficult to translate in exact monetary terms for the end
user concerning the savings in the energy bill that an improvement in the topology
parameters that influence the cost of energy distribution might bring. For the real-
4.4. New Topologies for the Smart Grid 123
ization of a smart grid less costs in the distribution of electricity and a local reliable
and robust network are the essential ingredients to enable a paradigm where energy
is produced and distributed locally such as at neighborhood or city level.
In this analysis of the influence of the topology on the price of electricity, we
have not used the α and β metrics themselves (cf. Section 3.4), but the components
of these metrics. In fact, especially for the α metric we see a decrease of the average
weight of the edges compared to the Dutch grid samples for when the evolution is
performed (exception is the random strategy where long, therefore high-weight con-
nections are present). The decrease in the average weight of edges is faster than the
decrease in the average path length, therefore the LlineN part of the α metric grows,
which is counterintuitive given the decrease that all the components characterizing
the losses show. Therefore, we have found more appropriate and meaningful for the
analysis of the evolution to consider the single components influencing losses and
reliability and not their aggregation.
cost of electricity distribution (i.e., grid losses and grid reliability) and the results of
this analysis suggest that evolving the network by adding connections between the
nodes with smallest distance is beneficial and provides in many cases better results
compared to the other evolution strategies. Therefore, with an investment about
25% of the actual costs in cables already on the ground the distribution grid can
improve consistently in reducing transportation costs.
From the industrial perspective, where a unique and clear definition of the term
smart grid [139] is missing and where the standardization process is at the early
stages of development, we consider that the present proposal is usful to make gen-
eral decisions on how to evolve the grid and what costs are entailed at least from
a coarse grain point of view. Existing planning techniques will have to be revised
in the future, especially for the distribution grid due to the presence of Advanced
Metering Infrastructure (AMI) (i.e., bidirectional intelligent digital meters at cus-
tomer location) and Distribution Automation (DA) (i.e., feeders can be monitored,
controlled in automated way through two-way communication). In addition, the
medium and low voltage grid will no longer be a layer where only energy is con-
sumed, but distributed energy generation facilities (small-scale photovoltaic sys-
tems and small-wind turbines) will be attached to this segment of the grid; alto-
gether these elements are likely to reshape the way planning for medium and low
voltage is realized [31] and will also call for new instruments such as the one we
propose here.
Chapter 5
ICT Services and Applications for the Smart
One of the main innovation of the smart grid will be to bring more Information
Information Technology (ICT) capabilities and computation in the power domain,
especially in the low layers of the grid and at the consumer facility.
We consider four different aspects to show how the ICT is important for the suc-
cess of the smart grid and in which scenarios it is a key component. We consider the
benefits and necessity of a software approach based on Software-Oriented Archi-
tectures (SOAs) in Section 5.1. We describe in Section 5.2 an application of services
for the realization of demand-response functionalities and an implementation with
today’s technologies and actual data services. We further describe how these smart
grid services can be used in a real office environment to realize a demand-response
solution with the goal of minimizing the energy expenditure while keeping users’
satisfaction (Section 5.3). We conclude the chapter with another application of the
smart grid enabled energy market where users provision energy through agent tech-
nologies and automated ICT platforms.
• Discovery. If the actors increase and more entities can take on the same role,
one may think of discovering services on the fly. The idea of signing an yearly
contract for a home, may be too limiting and one may want to switch energy
supplier on a much shorter time frame. Furthermore, if anybody can be a
supplier, then one may want to find a provider in the moment the energy is
• Mobility. In the future, grid energy consumers, and also producers, may be
mobile on the grid. Cars will be electric, but may also have energy producing
and storing facilities (e.g., a solar cell roof, fuel cells powered engine). The
mobile elements need to interact with the power grid in a transparent way.
• Resilience to failure and trust. The electrical power grid is a critical infras-
tructure. A key performance indicator of the current energy distributors is the
down time that should not exceed the few hours per year. When moving to
an open smart grid the delivery of energy must not decrease in quality. This
requires having a trust mechanism among the various players. It may also
require having reliable forecasting of generation and use.
• Service integration and composition. The physical layer, the data layer and
the business layer will have to interact more closely. In fact, any node that pro-
duces energy needs to interact with control/actuation part of the grid and get
paid for the energy produced; the generation might be a part of a larger busi-
ness process relying on the energy (e.g., one could drive an electric car while
lodging at a motel, plug it into the grid and use the car generated electricity to
pay part of the bill [207]).
highly centralized. But the new vision of the open grid demands for a flat
peer-to-peer (P2P) network in which all actors are producers and consumers
of energy, data and services.
• Smart Meters. The smart meter is likely to become the “energy gateway”
of the house with more and more functionalities and embedded intelligence.
Smart Meters might work as automatic bidder on the energy market knowing
family energy usage and production patterns together with estimation meth-
ods based on past usage and environmental forecasts (e.g., future weather con-
• Mobility. A SOA supports actor loosely coupling and behavior based binding,
therefore the mobility of the elements is easily supported, e.g., [1].
• Resilience to failure and trust. Protocols exist to enable a Web service based
SOA with trust, privacy and security support. This can provide the basic for a
secure infrastructure. Reliability will also have to be pursued with appropriate
energy technology which is beyond the SOA.
• Service integration and composition. Service integration and composition is
the key added value of a SOA and many examples exist on methodologies to
support this, e.g., [63, 2, 114, 20, 37].
• Topology. SOAs support any kind of topology. The hierarchical client-server
one is less common, but can be realized. The P2P topology is most often the
one realized.
• Smart Meters. In the SOA paradigm the smart meter is basically a service
provider and a service consumer at the same time. It invokes other services to
interact on the market and also provides services to other market participants
interested in energy purchase. It also interacts in a service-oriented fashion
with intelligent home appliances that require energy at a certain time.
• Real-time. Solutions are available to introduce enhancements to SOA paradigm
in order to provide an appropriate quality of service and satisfy real-time con-
straints, e.g., [204, 170].
(SCADA) and Energy Management System (EMS) systems and low level electric
applications embedded systems. Being these systems highly important and mis-
sion critical, real-time constraints together with fault tolerance, security and trust
mechanisms in the service provisioning are essential requirements that a SOA for
the electricity sector needs to satisfy. An interaction with non-strictly related en-
ergy systems such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) is also required to have a complete interoperability pic-
Another issue that is central in enabling the SOA solutions for the smart grid
is of course an appropriate communication infrastructure. It is not the focus of the
present work, but it is worth to mentioning the adaptation required by the telecom-
munication/telecontrol infrastructure to support the enhanced amount of informa-
tion data and control signaling that the smart grid requires [226]. The telecommuni-
cation aspects and its infrastructure must not be taken for granted, since they form
the basis to build more complex service-oriented software layers on top.
Another aspect that is likely to appear in the new smart grid landscape is the
increase in the interactions that follow a P2P paradigm. In fact in a grid with many
more energy prosumers and the related information exchange, end users will be
directly involved in a fashion similar to the P2P paradigm in data exchange. Al-
though the high level picture might look the same, some important differences re-
main beyond the main commonality that is the scalability requirement. Traditional
P2P architectures are used in the framework of data exchange with requirements in
the infrastructure that lay between the static and dynamic solutions based on the
specific application. This aspect usually reflects on the network structure that the
P2P system acquires (i.e., structured, unstructured). The energy P2P infrastructure
has to deal with energy flows which imply, at least with actual technologies, the
extreme difficulty in energy storage and the seek of an energy balance equilibrium
all the time; on the other hand when dealing with P2P for information exchange,
data buffering and replication are easy and cheap options to increase system per-
formance. The dynamism in the energy paradigm is high when considering the
demand side, but it is almost static considering the locations of the user. The result
is a static network structure (an exception lies in the extensive usage of electric vehi-
cles that add dynamism also at the location aspects). Performance and security are
two key aspects that differentiate the data and energy P2P worlds: these properties
are tight to the specific application considered for the former, while for the latter
real-time requirements and high security are essential to deliver a valuable energy
service. The level of centralization in a P2P data environment is closely coupled
with the application it has to satisfy; in the energy environment the system tends to
evolve to an hybrid solution since generating companies that own power plants still
130 5. ICT Services and Applications for the Smart Grid
Table 5.1: Similarities and differences between Traditional SOA and Energy-Oriented
the envisioned ideal solution is the use of SOAs. A typical implementation of SOA
is through Web services. An incarnation of Web services is through protocols like
the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP),
and through standardized service descriptions interfaces such as the Web Services
Description Language (WSDL). A summary of the vision for the smart grid services,
the standardization process involved, and the nowadays possible implementation
is shown in Table 5.2.
The envisioned solution to implement the price mechanism would be a Web service
provided by a third party for the smart grid. This party administers the energy tar-
iffs for the providers that the smart home is allowed (or wants) to supply from. The
smart home subscribes to this service indicating for which providers the tariffs are
required. Either in a pull or push method the smart home obtains the forecast tariffs
132 5. ICT Services and Applications for the Smart Grid
for different time granularities. The granularity can be real-time for balancing pur-
poses or hourly day-ahead forecast for mid/long term appliances schedule. The ser-
vice, in addition, signals through a push message a changing tariff compared to the
previous forecast so that energy intensive operations already scheduled in the house
can be adapted on-the-fly to the changing price conditions. In this ideal situation all
the interactions and information exchange take place automatically thorough the
World Wide Web and the smart meter. The OASIS Energy Market Information Ex-
change (eMIX) might be the protocol used to exchange information about energy
Realization today
The solution proposed above is ideal and not implemented at the moment. How-
ever, it is possible to have a similar behavior by interacting with wholesale energy
markets that already implement price differentiation in the energy trading process.
In particular, the prices generated on the wholesale market vary in accordance with
the congestion and energy availability on the power grid infrastructure. This is real-
ized to keep the balance between demand and supply, in other words the demand-
response mechanism. To have variable energy tariffs it is possible, for instance, to
use prices coming from the PJM Interconnection1 which is a Regional Transmission
Organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in more
than 13 states of Eastern U.S.A., or from another organization such as Independent
System Operator New England (ISO-NE)2 which provides the energy market facil-
ities for the New England region of the U.S.A. For both markets the data that can
be extracted are the real-time prices and the day-ahead energy market locational
marginal pricing (LMP). These prices are respectively the live minute-by-minute
prices and the prices of energy negotiated in the wholesale market for the following
day by energy companies at specific locations where energy is delivered or received.
For the day-ahead market, data contain the energy price for each unit (dollars per
Megawatt-hour) for each hour of the day (for the next day) at the locations of de-
livery. Each location can have in principle a different price from any other one.
These prices can be considered for the smart home as the prices of different energy
providers. Real-time prices can be obtained by repetitively interrogating the PJM or
ISO-NE Web site where prices for the various location in the network are continu-
ously updated; whereas the day-ahead data can be automatically obtained through
PJM or ISO-NE Web site and they are available each day for the following day (day-
ahead) as a comma separated value (CSV) files. Little ad hoc adaptations are re-
5.2. Today’s Services for Implementing the Smart Grid 133
quired to automatize the process of file download and cleaning of the unnecessary
fields, before they can be used as the input of a systems that provides dynamic pric-
ing for demand-response purposes. A feasible solution today is to use day-ahead
prices to forecast the schedule for smart appliances for the following day, and then
correct the scheduling in real-time if considerable difference in prices arise in the
real-time market.
Realization today
Usually, every modern small-scale plant has an electronic controller that is able to
show information about power and energy produced together with essential techni-
cal and environmental parameters of the plant (e.g., for a photovoltaic plant: air tem-
perature, panel temperature, and solar irradiance). This information is usually pub-
lished on the Internet (or LAN) through the Web server embedded in the controller
of the plant so that the owner of the plant can monitor the performance. This infor-
mation can usually be directly accessed or downloaded in CSV format so with little
ad hoc manipulations these data can be used as input for an application. An exam-
ple is available at the U.S. School Power Naturally data portal.3 Through this portal
it is possible to access solar plant information and data. Another example of a Web
server is available at
html, it provides real-time and historical information from a solar plant about the
134 5. ICT Services and Applications for the Smart Grid
Realization today
On the World Wide Web there are several weather services, with advanced pieces
of functionality that can be accessed in the form of Web services. A primary exam-
ple, considering the levels of detail and abundance of weather-related parameters
(current weather, 7 day forecast and many parameters such as max and min temper-
atures, wind speed, wind direction, wind gust, percentage of sky cover and more),
is provided by the National Weather Service realized by the National Oceanic and
Atmosphere Administration (NOAA)5 in the U.S.A. From a technical point of view
the service provides an interaction through SOAP requests. Other services that use
5.2. Today’s Services for Implementing the Smart Grid 135
a Web service approach are provided by commercial services such as Yahoo!.6 This
weather-related information seems the closest to the ideal solution for this kind of
service required by the smart home in his interaction with the smart grid even if the
precise localization is not realized yet.
5.2.4 Implementation
Proof-of-concepts implementations of the smart grid, simulations of customer be-
havior or small scale pilot projects have been reported being underway [124, 202,
110], though no actual large implementation exists.
To be able to perform research and development related to smart grid, we have
developed smart grid services considering the case of a smart home located in New
York, U.S.A. with the ability of generating energy with small-scale production units
through a photovoltaic installation of 2.4 kW of power realized using an AstroPower
AP-100 PV module,7 and a small-scale wind turbine namely the Proven 2.5 wind
In our simple implementation scenario for smart grid interaction we decided
to use data and services coming from real markets, real energy installations, and
real weather information. Such choice enables us to realize a realistic simulation
of dynamic pricing functionality, energy production from small-scale renewable
sources, and energy forecast. A representation through a block diagram of the com-
ponents involved and implemented in software using JAVA programming language
is shown in Figure 5.1. The central component is the Smart Grid Simulation Engine
which is responsible for contacting the information providers. Its role is to establish
external connections, gather the data and convert them to the format required by
the internal sub-component that has specific tasks to further process those data.
136 5. ICT Services and Applications for the Smart Grid
To simulate the variable energy tariffs, we use the energy prices coming from the
PJM Interconnection and the data extracted is the Day-Ahead Energy Market LMP.
The Smart Grid Simulation Engine makes an HTTP request to the PJM Web site
where day-ahead LMP prices are stored as CSV files. The data contain the energy
price for each unit (dollars per Megawatt-hour) for each hour of the day (agreed for
the following day) at 20 locations of delivery. We consider that the energy supply
of a home could be fulfilled not just by one provider at a time, but also by the com-
position of several providers that might contribute to satisfy the power required by
a house (e.g., provider A is able to give 1 kW of power at tariff x and provider B is
able to give 2 kW of power at tariff x ∆ for a certain time period).
To account for the energy produced in the smart home, we access a real PV in-
stallation in New York at Dalton School in Manhattan9 that has the same PV array
hypothesized in our smart home and whose real-time data can be accessed through
the U.S. School Power Naturally data portal. The Smart Grid Simulation Engine
connects to the Web site10 providing the performance of the solar installation on top
of the school, and extracts the CSV file with real-time information about the power
generated by the PV array. Data is sampled every 15 minutes. Information about rel-
evant environmental parameters such as solar irradiance, ambient temperature and
wind speed is also available. For our purpose, we assume a simplified situation: the
data about the power is available every hour and constant.
To simulate the power supplied by the wind turbine in the smart home, we use
the data gathered by the anemometer at Dalton School. The CSV file with the data
is obtained through an HTTP request issued by the Smart Grid Simulation Engine
towards the school Web site. The computation of the power produced by a wind
turbine, given the wind speed sensed, is performed by the Energy Calculator Engine
component. The component uses the well-know relationship between wind speed
and power extracted by a wind turbine:
P 21 ρAU 3 Cp (5.1)
where ρ is the air density, A is the rotor swept area, U is the wind speed and Cp is the
power coefficient representing the efficiency of the turbine rotor [72]. Once we have
chosen the turbine, the parameters are known: A π p 3.5 2 q (the turbine blades have
a 3.5 meters diameter), ρ 1.225 (typical air density value), Cp 0.35 (a typical
value of rotor efficiency for wind turbines) and the wind speeds (i.e., cut-in and cut-
out speed) between which the turbine works, then the wind to power relationship
can be applied. Also in this case we assume to have the data about the wind speed
available every hour and constant.
5.2. Today’s Services for Implementing the Smart Grid 137
Usually, renewable sources are considered as base load in energy dispatching mech-
anisms: when energy is generated by these types of plants it is fed into the system
and these plants are never shut down [199]. In our smart home, we consider both
solar and wind power to have a cost of production due to the investment that is
required to purchase, install, and maintain the equipment.
The idea, and the related computations performed by the Price Extractor Engine
consider a simplified investment analysis for calculating the cost for each kWh of
produced energy. We simply consider the investment cost, the maintenance and op-
erations costs, governmental incentives and the energy produced over the expected
lifetime of the plant. Therefore, we have the energy cost coming from the PV as
where CInv is the total investment costs for the PV array, COpr and CM ai are the
total cost of operation and the total maintenance costs respectively over the invest-
ment lifetime for the PV system. For the PV array we consider 20 years of service
for the AP-100 model. EnL is the estimated overall energy to be produced during
the lifetime of the PV array. First, we estimate a production of energy during the
20 years of panel lifetime that is on average the same as the one produced in the
previous years since the installation at Dalton school. Second, the investment cost is
based on the results by Wise et al. [224] that investigated the cost of PV panels in the
U.S.A. The value that emerges from their analysis considering the cost for PV pan-
els, inverters and installation once the incentives applied by the U.S. government
are subtracted, is 5.1 dollar for each installed watt of power. Third, the maintenance
and operation costs can be considered as an annual expense about 0.84% of the in-
vestment, as found by Rehman et al. [180] for a PV installation. Another component
that might be associated to operation and maintenance costs is the replacement of
inverters which, as suggested in Croxford et al. [55], should be considered every 10
years. According to the findings of Wiser et al. [224] inverters replacement amounts
about 7% of the initial total investment in a PV project for residential and small com-
mercial purposes. Once we feed these parameters in the Energy Calculator Engine
component it provides a constant value that represents the cost of each kWh gen-
erated by the PV plant. Therefore, the PV plant can be considered as an additional
“virtual” energy provider since the produced energy in a future deregulated smart
grid could be sold on the market at the price of returning from the investment (i.e.,
obtained from the computation shown above) or higher to make a profit.
We apply a similar relationship to evaluate the cost of electricity generated by
138 5. ICT Services and Applications for the Smart Grid
the only parameter that we have in addition to those described above is IGov that
represents the incentive subsidy from the government in wind energy. We consider
an investment cost for the wind turbine of 28000$ comprising the installation and
required equipment (e.g., installation pole, inverters, workforce) and an annual cost
of maintenance and operations of 1% of the total investment. This is in line with
the findings of [212]. EnL for the turbine is the estimated overall energy to be pro-
duced during its lifetime (according to [186] the lifetime of a wind turbine can be
considered around 20 years). To estimate the production of energy in New York we
consider the average wind speed recorded by NOAA in more than 50 years.11 Using
this data the turbine produces around 1300 kWh of energy per year. Considering the
subsidy, the state of New York has an incentive program for small-scale wind instal-
lation to promote such energy source with a contribution for one year of 3.50$ per
kWh produced.12 Therefore, with all these parameters fed in the Energy Calculator
Engine component one has once again a constant price for each kWh generated, in
this case by the small-wind turbine.
5.2. Today’s Services for Implementing the Smart Grid 139
• for the wind turbine, we apply P 12 ρAU 3 Cp , given the wind speed from the
forecast and the other wind turbine parameters;
• for solar panels, we apply P Hpw21 pCc Tf q where Hpw21 is the hour-
by-hour average of the historical power produced the previous year during
the 10 previous and 10 following days of the very same day of the previous
year. Therefore, we have an average value of produced power in comparable
days, i.e., similar sun horizon condition. The terms in brackets Cc and Tf are
used to correct the power considering cloud coverage and temperature esti-
mations. Cc represents the percentage of cloud coverage and Tf pThis T qδ
is a temperature factor that considers, based on the difference in the average
hourly temperature in the same 21-day period in the previous year, the in-
crease/decrease in efficiency of δ percentage. We consider a linear relation
which establishes a decrease/increase of δ 0.5%{ C in PV efficiency for
a polycrystalline silicon panel as the temperature increases/decreases com-
pared to factory test conditions [106].
Following these models the Energy Forecast Engine provides for one week avail-
able power hour-by-hour for the two sources of renewable energy installed in our
hypothetical smart home.
5.2.7 Examples
Figure 5.2 shows an example of the output of the Price Extractor component of the
Smart Grid Emulation Engine. It represents the price of electricity on the PJM mar-
ket for a sub set of the zones in the U.S. electrical system. One notes that there are
significant variations in price during the day: from the minimum in the middle of
the night, the price almost doubles in the evening. Therefore, with such information
available beforehand (we recall that these prices are day-ahead) one can create au-
tomation to provide consistent savings over time. Think for instance of the schedul-
ing of a washing machine, a dryer, and, a dishwasher, or the charging of an electric
140 5. ICT Services and Applications for the Smart Grid
Figure 5.2: Energy prices for several locations of the U.S. electrical system on 5th
October 2012.
Figure 5.3: Energy forecast for solar power and wind power in the week 5th -11th
October 2012.
5.3. Smart Grid Aware Buildings 141
The smart meter component shown in Figure 5.4 has exactly the functionalities
described in Section 5.2. This component is the engine that provides the prices of
142 5. ICT Services and Applications for the Smart Grid
energy and the amount of power each provider can supply; furthermore, it provides
the quantity of power available thanks to the small-scale renewable sources that
are supposed to power the office in addition to traditional energy supply. These
information, in addition to a set of rules characterizing the operation of the devices
(i.e., device policies), are essential to enable the schedule of the appliances with the
goal of minimizing energy costs to realize demand-response experiments.
to all: ptBegin, tEndq – time period, when the policy is active; and sid – state ID
that the policy is applied to. State IDs are unique per device. In general, we assume
several possible states per device, together with associated actions to move a device
to these states. In the presented setting, each device has two states: “on” and “off,”
and two associated actions: “turn on” and “turn off.”
varying prices of the smart grid) and of energy savings (due to the introduction of
device policies).
Figure 5.7: Average price ($ per kWh) comparison between non-scheduled (upper
chart) and scheduled (lower chart) appliances for each work day.
Figure 5.8: Average price ($ per kWh) comparison between scheduled (continuous
line) and non-scheduled (dashed line) situation.
(a) Price of energy ($ per kWh) during (b) Price of energy ($ per kWh) during
non-scheduled day October 27t h 2011. scheduled day November 3r d 2011.
Figure 5.9: Energy price in non-scheduled and scheduled situations.
Economic savings
As we have mentioned before, the goal of the system is to save money for the of-
fice taking advantage of the smart grid. Therefore the first evaluation we make is
5.3. Smart Grid Aware Buildings 145
based on taking the energy bill for a week using the developed demand-response
system versus a week without it. To make the comparison fair, we use the energy
prices of the third week (W3) and apply those same retrieved prices for the energy
consumed in the other two weeks. The situation between each working day of the
two weeks (average) without scheduling policies and the week where the policy has
been applied is shown in Figure 5.7, where the cost in term of $ per kWh is shown
versus the time of the day (from Monday to Friday). It is interesting to notice the
difference in the average price paid for each kWh of energy in the situation with-
out device scheduling and, on the other hand, considering scheduling, the chart is
shown in Figure 5.8. On average the price in $ per kWh drops by more than 27%
in the two situations. An interesting day where the savings on energy expenses
are particularly significant is between the three consecutive Thursdays monitored
(October 20t h, 27t h and November 3r d). Comparing these three days the money
savings are on average more than 50%. A comparison between the price paid for
energy in each hour between the situation in October 27t h and November 3r d is
shown in Figures 5.9a and 5.9b. In particular, one can see the cut of unnecessary en-
ergy expenses related to those consumptions that happen during non-working time
(late evening or during the night) by non strictly necessary devices (most notably
the hot water boiler). Another optimization the system achieves is the most effi-
cient schedule of devices when the energy generated by photovoltaic panel is more
intense and whose cost is generally smaller than energy provisioning on the market.
Energy savings
Although energy saving is not the primary aim of the system, but rather economic
savings based on dynamic pricing, the use of policies for devices alone provides for
energy saving in absolute terms. Figure 5.10 shows the average energy consumption
(kWh) considering the use and the absence of the scheduling system. One can see
that the scheduling reduces the consumption of devices that are not used during
non working hours and that do not impact the habits of the user (e.g., keeping hot
water boiler working at night); in addition the scheduler tries to use at best the cheap
electricity coming from the solar panels during day-light hours. Figure 5.11 visually
reinforces the idea of reducing loads when unnecessary among the normal (upper
chart) and the scheduled solution (lower chart): one notices a more compact chart
in which energy is mostly used during daytime (8 a.m. 6.30 p.m.) in each day of the
week. On average the savings in energy consumed between the situation without
the scheduling policy and the situation considering it, is more than 15%.
146 5. ICT Services and Applications for the Smart Grid
Figure 5.10: Average energy usage (kWh) comparison between scheduled (continu-
ous line) and non-scheduled (dashed line) situations.
Figure 5.11: Energy (per kWh) comparison between non-scheduled (upper chart) and
scheduled (lower chart) appliances for each work day.
C ¸
Gci Pr
D∆t Dk S∆t S∆t j (5.4)
k 1
i 1
j 1
148 5. ICT Services and Applications for the Smart Grid
• P rj is the j th prosumer.
The equation simply states that the sum between the two different production sources
(gencos and prosumers) should be equal to the total consumer demand. This is a
simple equation that does not take into account other aspects such as energy losses
in transportation and production, forecasting errors in demand, nor any quality of
services of the energy producers. However, for the purpose of this work more fo-
cused on realizing the platform and the market, the relaxation of all the details of
the real situation are adequate.
• Prosumers: their goal is to produce and consume electricity being able to both
buy and sell it. They can produce a limited quantity of energy (compared to
a genco) thanks to small-scale energy production devices such as small wind
turbines, solar panels, and micro-combined heat and power (micro-CHP).
• Gencos: their goal is to sell energy at various scale. They are the traditional
big energy generating companies which can be (or not) also in charge of the
distribution of the energy.
5.4. Agent-Based Energy Market 149
• Balancer: it has a mediating role among main agents to keep the balance of
supply and demand.
• Time Agent: it defines the starting and closing of a time interval for negotiation
(i.e., ∆t interval in Equation 5.4).
In addition to these agents, for the simulation purposes two more agent roles
need to be defined since we resort to the Java Agent Development Environment
(JADE) [44]. The first agent created is the Creator Agent that generates all the other
agents. Another essential agent that is present in the architecture is the Directory
Facilitator Agent (DF) that provides a yellow pages-like service for the platform.
• Language represents the syntax used to express the content, however this as-
pect is not used in our project.
Every prosumer is in direct competition with other energy sellers therefore they
propose an appealing starting price and make an intelligent use of refusing bids in
order to rise the price without letting buyers contact other sellers. On the other hand,
gencos are big energy generating companies and they have a theoretical infinite
amount of energy supply, but they also have some peculiarities to be taken into
account: i) gencos sell energy with contracts lasting for one time interval or more at
a given fixed price; ii) gencos contracts can be stipulated much faster since there is
no auction process; iii) gencos prices are in general higher than prosumers’ starting
prices; iv) gencos prices depend on exceeding production threshold known a priori.
This last aspect implies that energy exceeding the threshold will be more expensive
for the genco and thus for the buyer. This additional cost models the operation
of extra expensive power plants to compensate an excessive demand. Therefore,
the unit price of energy the gencos sell on the market can be represented by the
following threshold function:
Euc Costenergy if below supply threshold
Costenergy pEC Aq otherwise
learn and adjust its behavior (i.e., contacting a prosumer or a genco) reducing the
average cost of energy paid by the buyers [35]. In particular, the most similar game
theoretic approach that presents a situation similar to the one just explained for the
energy market model developed is the El-Farol-Bar problem [69]. It is possible to use
the solution identified for the El-Farol-Bar game by Whitehead [223] and extend it to
take into account the even higher level of complexity of the energy market model
presented here [35].
system to guide the planning and evolution of the grid towards a smart grid where
local energy exchange is prominent. Topological studies of the power grid have so
far focused only on the high voltage grid and almost always in a traditional con-
ception (i.e., not related to the smart grid) of the power grid in order to understand
failures related to topological properties. Our work has focused on the medium
and low voltage network and we have investigated the topological properties of
physical samples belonging to the Dutch grid. In particular, we have been able to
associate topological measures with the price of distributing electricity and compare
the different Dutch topologies according to those measures. In the literature, com-
plex network approaches have been mainly used to analyze networks in order to
grasp the fundamental properties of the system represented in the network. These
fundamental properties are extracted through measures and indicators of the whole
network. Another effort in the complex network community has been to create mod-
els to mimic the dynamics of network evolution systems (e.g., the Barabási-Albert
preferential attachment model). We have used complex network tools also to design
medium and low voltage grids for the future energy system by considering a set of
properties the networks have to satisfy. Our investigation focused on both models
coming from complex network analysis literature which might be used for planning
the infrastructures in settlements to be realized (e.g., developing countries), and on
the evolution of current distribution grid topologies as we do for the Dutch sam-
ples. Considering the whole work on the grid infrastructure side, we have set the
basics of realizing a decision support system for analysis and planning of the smart
grid. A skeleton diagram of the envisioned decision support system is shown in
Figure 6.1. In the figure, several phases and input are considered to plan the evolu-
tion of the infrastructure where a local energy exchange is the overarching goal. It
starts with a pre-processing phase where the input data of the grid is converted into
a graph; the output of this initial phase is a Power Grid graph. The following phase
consists of the analysis of the topological properties characterizing the graph. The
output of this phase consists of a set of values representing the metrics related to the
power grid that influence the price of electricity (α and β metrics in the figure). The
process continues with the generation of a network model. The number of nodes
and edges of this reference model are provided according to the targets for the cost-
related parameters (α and β) and the will to invest by the stakeholders. Based on the
theoretical model identified, the physical network under assessment is then fitted to
a topological structure similar to the one of the model. Several solutions are pro-
vided that differ in the topology and the α and β metrics. All of these solutions are
then input into a computer-assisted decision support system that presents the ben-
efits/costs of the evolution of the network. An expert is involved in the selection
of the most promising candidates for the evolution process that is built by the com-
6.2. Open Issues and Future Directions 155
puter because there are other political, geographical, and legal considerations that
may rule in favor or against any possible evaluation. Once the decision is made,
the adaptation of the physical grid can begin. We have realized several steps of this
system, but it is still not a fully automated piece of software.
Considering the second topic, we have looked into the software approach for an
heterogeneous environment such as the smart grid and built scenarios and applica-
tions for the future. Our finding, in line with other recent proposals, e.g. [220, 53],
is that software-oriented architectures (SOAs) are an ideal candidate for integrating
different systems coming from traditional power engineering telecontrol (e.g., su-
pervisory control and data acquisition) and new systems featuring smart grid func-
tionalities (e.g., dynamic energy pricing, demand-response). The applications that
we have realized go into the direction of exploring scenarios and services for the
smart grid. On one side, we have tested appliance scheduling and automation in
a dynamic pricing environment with realistic energy prices and renewable energy
production in an office environment with real users. On the other side, another ap-
plication considered an essential ingredient of the smart grid in our vision: a free
market where consumers, prosumers and power companies can participate. We
have tested agent technologies to enable such a scenario coupled with real smart
meter devices and identified a promising strategy for the users to supply their elec-
tricity based on minority games.
not be the best to approach all the segments of the population [23]. Open points
exist in other fields, such as law. A full unbundling such as the one we envision,
have to pass through the legal institution that have to modify the current legal sys-
tem and maybe create new subjects with legal responsibilities over the operations
of the local grid (today this is in place for the high voltage grid). Economists and
policy makers are also investigating the pricing mechanisms to be applied in a sce-
nario with more distributed generation and potentially more small markets that are
economically viable and at the same time that do not have to impact on the stability
of the electrical system.
We have found that complex networks methodology prove to be a good tool to
analyze and design networks. However, given the peculiarity of the physical prop-
erties that lay in the electrical system, a more detailed model of the lines need to
be considered. In particular, the analysis of power flows is important to translate
the theoretical models to networks that can be later engineered. Other interesting
ways of evolving networks are, for instance, through multi-objective optimization
on complex networks or complex network evolution using a genetic algorithm ap-
proach. We also consider the scientific discipline of complex systems as an interest-
ing framework to use in the study of smart grid, given the studies performed and
the results obtained in the study of city and infrastructure scaling [21]. The complex-
ity of the smart grid lies not only in the technical aspects of a system, but also in the
social dynamics overlying the system: user interactions and their attitude to buy or
sell energy on the grid, the mutual influence through social media modifying their
energy behavior might have effects on the electrical system (macro) not predictable
by the analysis of the single individual (micro) [27]. On the software side, we have
seen that the drivers are available to realize demand-response and appliance au-
tomation functionalities related to the smart grid. The aspect that deserves more
attention is the involvement of the users, their feedbacks and their reactions to the
new electrical system. Implementation and tests on large-scale are the necessary
steps to proceed towards smart grid realization.
Obviously, all of the speculations for future direction of research and develop-
ment associated with the topics described in this chapter depend heavily on the
transition towards the smart grid. The path is, in the broad sense, set. Different
countries are adopting different approaches at different speeds; the adoption is in-
fluenced by the natural resources available, the energy policies, and the economy
involved in the energy sector. Until new solutions for harvesting clean energy be-
come available, the smart grid is the solution on the horizon that can enable the
transition towards a sustainable future providing high integration of distributed re-
newable energy sources into the system with higher flexibility and enabling new
opportunities for energy utilities.
Appendix A
Graph Theory and Complex Network
First, for the sake of completeness we define once again a graph for the power grid
and its weighted representation as we described in Chapter 3.
A.1. D EFINITION (G RAPH ). A graph G is a pair of sets G(V,E) where V is the set of
vertexes and E is the set edges. An edge ei,j is a pair of vertexes pvi , vj q. If pvi , vj q P E then
vi and vj are said to be adjacent or neighboring and are called end-vertexes of the edge.
A.2. D EFINITION (P OWER G RID GRAPH ). A Power Grid graph is a graph GpV, E q
such that each element vi P V is either a substation, transformer, or consuming unit of
a physical power grid. There is an edge ei,j pvi , vj q P E between two nodes if there is
physical cable connecting directly the elements represented by vi and vj .
One can also associate weights to the edges representing physical cable properties
(e.g., resistance, voltage, supported current flow).
A.4. D EFINITION (W EIGHTED P OWER G RID GRAPH ). A Weighted power grid graph
is a Power Grid graph Gw pV, E q with an additional function f : E Ñ R associating a real
160 A. Graph Theory and Complex Network Fundamentals
number to an edge representing the physical property of the corresponding cable (e.g., the
resistance, expressed in Ohm, of the physical cable).
A.5. D EFINITION (O RDER AND SIZE OF A GRAPH ). Given the graph G the order is given
by N |V |, while the size is given by M |E |.
From order and size, it is possible to have a global value for the connectivity of the
vertexes of the graph, known as average node degree . That is xk y 2M
N . To character-
ize the relationship between a node and the others it is connected to, the following
properties provide an indication of the bond between them.
where wx,y is the weight of the edge joining vertexes x and y, and Γpxq is the neighborhood
of x.
A measure of the average ‘density’ of the graph is given by the clustering co-
efficient, characterizing the extent to which vertexes adjacent to any vertex v are
adjacent to each other.
This local property of a node can be extended to an entire graph by averaging over
all nodes.
A.1. Graph Theory and Complex Network Definitions and Properties 161
Another important property is how much any two nodes are far apart from each
other, in particular the minimal distance between them or shortest path. The con-
cepts of path and path length are crucial to understand the way two vertexes are
A.9. D EFINITION (PATH AND PATH LENGTH ). A path of G is a subgraph P of the form:
A.10. D EFINITION (D ISTANCE ). Given a graph G and vertexes vi and vj , their distance
dpvi , vj q is the minimal length of any vi vj path in the graph. If there is no vi vj path
then it is conventionally set to dpvi , vj q 8.
A.11. D EFINITION (S HORTEST PATH ). Given a graph G and vertexes vi and vj the short-
est path is the the path corresponding to the minimum of to the set t|P1 |, |P2 |, . . . , |Pk |u
containing the lengths of all paths for which vi and vj are the end-vertexes.
A global measure for a graph is given by its average distance among any two nodes.
where dpvi , vj q is the finite distance between vi and vj and N is the order of G.
is the mean of the distances connecting vi to any other vertex vj in G and N is the order of G.
162 A. Graph Theory and Complex Network Fundamentals
When considering a weighted graph the definition of CPL can be easily extended to
account for weights characterizing the edges.
is the mean of the weighted distances connecting vi to any other vertex vj and ewi,j is an
edge in the minimal weighted path between vi and vj in G and N is the order of G.
To describe the importance of a node with respect to minimal paths in the graph, the
concept of betweenness helps. Betweenness (sometimes also referred as load) for a
given vertex is the number of shortest paths between any other nodes that traverse
bpv q
¸ σst v pq
v s t
where σst pv q is 1 if the shortest path between vertex s and vertex t goes through vertex v, 0
otherwise and σst is the number of shortest paths between vertex s and vertex t.
Nk tv P G : dpvq ku
is called probability node degree distribution.
The shape of the distribution is a salient characteristic of the network. For the power
grid, the shape is typically either exponential or a power-law [15, 6, 158, 184]. More
precisely, an exponential node degree (k) distribution has a fast decay in the proba-
bility of having nodes with relative high node degree. The relation:
P pk q αeβk
A.2. Graph properties example 163
follows, where α and β are parameters of the specific network considered. On the
contrary, a power-law distribution has a slower decay with higher probability of
having nodes with high node degree. It is expressed by the relation:
P pk q αk γ
where α and γ are parameters of the specific network considered. We remark that
the graphs considered in the power grid domain are usually large, although finite,
in terms of order and size thus providing limited and finite probability distributions.
A Graph can also be represented as a matrix, typically an adjacency matrix.
Order and Size The graph G shown in Figure A.1 is characterized by the set of
vertexes V :
V t1, 2, 3, 4, 5u
and by the set of edges E:
tp1, 2q, p1, 5q, p2, 3q, p2, 5q, p3, 4qu
Γp1q t2, 5u
xky 2 5 5 2
Clustering The clustering coefficient for vertex 1 is:
γ1 1
while for the entire graph it is the average of tγ1 1, γ2 31 , γ3 0, γ4 0, γ5 1u
that is:
γG 0.467
Path, Distance and Path Length Example of paths between vertex 1 and vertex 4
P1,4 t1 2 3 4u
whose length lP 3 but also:
P1,4 t1 5 2 3 4u
is a valid path whose length lP 1 4, therefore the shortest path between vertex 1
and vertex 4 is P1,4 .
The distance between vertex 1 and vertex 4 is:
dp1, 4q 3
dp1, 5q 1
A.2. Graph properties example 165
Average and Characteristic Path Length The average path length is given by:
LAV 5 1 4 p7 5 6 9 7q
The characteristic path length is the median of:
tdv 74 , dv 45 , dv 64 , dv 94 , dv 74 u
1 2 3 4 5
that is:
LCP 74 1.75
Betweenness Vertex 2 is involved in the following shortest paths:
bp2q 8
Network models and the algorithms to build them are essential in knowing how
to generate new networks or how to re-arrange connections in already available
networks to obtain networks that satisfy a specific set of properties. Here we give a
brief description of the models used in this work that is based on the more complete
and thorough description in [39] and [151] to which we refer for more details.
Random Graph
A Random Graph is built by connecting each pair of nodes with an edge with prob-
ability p. It is due to the pioneering studies of Erdős and Rényi [67]. More precisely,
there are two ways to built a Random Graph, (a) the GN,p model proposed by Erdős
and Rényi considers a set of N nodes and for each pair of nodes an edge is added
with a certain probability p; (b) the GN,M model considers with equal probability
all the graphs having N vertexes and exactly M edges randomly selected among all
the possible pairs of edges. The models have the same asymptotic properties. In this
work we use the GN,M model since we are interested in setting both the number of
nodes and edges for the networks to generate. A Random Graph with order 199 and
size 400 is shown in Figure B.1.
168 B. Complex Network Models
Small-world Graph
The small-world phenomenon became famous after the works of Milgram in the
sociological context [203] who found short chains of acquaintances connecting ran-
dom people in the USA. More recently, the small-world characterization of graphs
has been investigated by Watts and Strogatz [221, 222], who showed the presence
of the small-world property in many types of networks such as actor acquaintances,
the power grid and neural networks in worms. It is obtained from a regular lattice
that connects the nodes followed by a process of rewiring the edges with a certain
probability p P r0, 1s. The resulting graph has intermediate properties between the
extreme situations of a regular lattice (p 0) and a random graph (p 1). In
particular, small-world networks hold interesting properties: the characteristic path
length is comparable to the one of a corresponding random graph (Lsw Á Lrandom ),
while the clustering coefficient has a value bigger than a random graph and closer
to the one of a regular lattice (CCsw " CCrandom ). A small-world graph with order
200 and size 399 is shown in Figure B.2.
B.1. Building Synthetic Networks 169
Preferential Attachment
Copying Model
Replicating the structure underlying the links of WWW pages brought to the Copy-
ing Model [107] which captures the tendency of members of communities with same
interests to create pages on the web with a similar structure of links. The basic in-
tuition is to select a node and a number (k) of edges to add to the node. Then with
a certain probability β, the edges are linked independently and uniformly at ran-
dom to k other nodes, while with probability p1 β q the k edges are copied from a
randomly selected node u. If u has more than k edges, a subset is chosen, while if
it has less than k edges they are anyway copied and the remaining are copied from
another randomly chosen node. It leads to a distribution for the incoming degree
that follows a power-law with a characteristic parameter γin 11 β . A graph based
on Copying Model with order 200 and size 200 is shown in Figure B.6.
B.1. Building Synthetic Networks 173
Forest Fire
Kronecker Graph
A generating model with a recursive flavor similar to R-MAT uses the Kronecker
product applied to the adjacency matrix of a graph [117]. The Kroneker product is a
non conventional way of multiplying two matrices [80].
B.1. D EFINITION (K RONECKER PRODUCT ). Given two matrices A and B with dimen-
sion (n m) and (n1 m1 ) the Kronecker product between A and B is a matrix C with
dimension (n n1 m m1 ) with the following structure:
a1,1 B a1,2 B a1,m B
a2,1 B a2,2 B a2,m B
C AbB .
.. .. ..
.. . . .
an,1 B an,2 B an,m B
B.2. D EFINITION (K RONECKER G RAPH ). Given two graphs G and H with adjacency
matrices A(G) and A(H), a Kronecker graph is a graph whose adjacency matrix is obtained
by the Kronecker product between the adjacency matrices of G and H.
If the Kronecker product is applied to the same matrix, therefore multiplying the
matrix with it elements recursively, a self similar structure arises in the graph. This
situation can be seen as the increase of a community in a network and the further
differentiation in sub-communities while the network grows.
This model creates networks that show a densification in the connectivity with
a shrinking diameter over time. The idea is to apply the Kronecker product to the
B.2. Model Parameters for Synthetic Networks 175
same matrix recursively. The procedure to create a graph based on the Kronecker
product starts with a N N matrix where each xij element of the matrix represents
a probability of having an edge between node i and j. Thereafter, at each time step
the network grows so that at step k the network has N k nodes. By applying the
Kronecker product to the same matrix leads to the emergence of self-similar fractal-
like structures at different scales. This structure mimics a quite natural process that
is the recursive growth of communities inside communities which are a miniature
copy of a big community (i.e., the whole graph structure) [117]. A Kronecker Graph
with order 167 and size 267 is shown in Figure B.8.
• Random Graph. For the GN,M model, the only parameters needed are the
order and size of the graph to be generated. We use the values shown in Ta-
ble 4.2 for the order, and the size is chosen accordingly to obtain an average
node degree of two, four and six, respectively.
• R-MAT. The R-MAT model requires several parameters. First of all, order and
size of the network, then the a, b, c, d parameters which represent the probabil-
ities of the presence of an edge in a certain partition of the adjacency matrix.
The order of the graph is chosen so that the nodes are a power of two, in par-
ticular 2n where usually n rlog2 N s. Therefore, we consider for this model
the following values for the order: {32,128,256} for comparison with the low
voltage, and {256,512,1024} for comparison with the medium voltage grids.
For the probability parameters, since we have an undirected graph, we have
b c, in addition the ratio found between a and b, as in many real scenarios ac-
cording to [40], is about 3:1. We assume a more highly connected community
(a 0.46) and a less connected community (d 0.22) and a relative smaller
connectivity between the two communities (b c 0.16).
• Forest Fire. The Forest Fire model requires, in addition to the order of the
graph, two values representing the probability of forward and backward spread
B.2. Model Parameters for Synthetic Networks 177
of the “burning fire”. We choose the same value for both probabilities since
our graph is not directed. To avoid a flooding of edges, we choose few small
values to assign to forward and backward probability (pf wd pbwd 0.2;
pf wd pbwd 0.3; pf wd pbwd 0.35) that give realistic amounts of average
edges incident to a node that can be compared with the models for which one
is able to directly set order and size.
• Random Graph with Power-law. For the model representing Random Graph
with power-law in node degree distribution, the parameters required are es-
sentially the order of the network and the characteristic parameter of the power-
law (known as the γ coefficient). For the first parameter, we use the usual di-
mensions (see Table 4.2), while for the latter some additional considerations
are necessary. We test different types of power-law coefficients characteriz-
ing real technological networks. For the non-electrical technological networks
(i.e., technological networks which are not power grids) we average the values
of the power-law characteristic parameter described in [47]; the details of the
parameters are shown in Table B.1. For the power grid networks the γ values
– the findings for the Western and Eastern high voltage U.S. power grid in [42];
the values are averaged to have a single γ, the details are shown in Ta-
ble B.2;
– the findings for the high voltage U.S. Western power grid in [15] which
reports a value γ 4;
– the findings for the medium and low voltage Dutch grid that follow a
power-law in [158]; the values are averaged to have a single γ, the details
are shown in Table B.3.
Type of network γ
Internet degree 2.12
Telephone calls received 2.09
Blackouts 2.3
Email address book size 3.5
Hits to web-sites 1.81
Links to web sites 2.336
Average 2.359
Table B.1: Power-law γ parameters for technological networks [47].
• Kronecker Graph. For the Kronecker model, the required parameter is the
initial dimension of the square matrix to apply the Kronecker product: a 2
178 B. Complex Network Models
Type of network γ
Eastern Interconnection 3.04
Western System 3.09
Average 3.065
Table B.2: Power-law γ parameters for high voltage U.S. power grid [42].
Type of network γ
LV#5 2.402
LV#10 1.494
MV#2 1.977
MV#3 2.282
Average 2.039
Table B.3: Power-law γ parameters for Dutch medium and low voltage power grid
2 initiation matrix is a good starting model [117]. Once the structure of the
matrix is defined, the initial parameters for the generation matrix need to be
evaluated. With a 2 2 adjacency matrix for the initial graph G:
a b
c d
– a models the “core” part of the network and the tightness of its connec-
– d models the “perifery” part of the network and the connectivity inside
– b, c model the relationships and interconnections between the core and
the periphery.
The findings of Leskovec et al. [117] applying the Kronecker modeling to many
different networks report a common recurrent structure for the parameters of
the 22 Kronecker matrix initiator. In particular, the parameters tend to follow
the empirical rule a " b ¥ c " d and are usually a 1, b c 0.6 and d 0.2.
In this work, we consider two sets of parameters characterizing the Kronecker
initiator matrix. The first set is extracted and averaged from the technolog-
ical and social networks parameters extracted from real sample data [117].
The second set of parameters is obtained applying the fitting procedure to
B.2. Model Parameters for Synthetic Networks 179
a Kronecker graph to the UCTE high voltage power grid data set used in [184,
191], the high voltage U.S. Western power grid data set used in [222], and the
medium and low voltage samples data set used in [158]. All these values have
been averaged to obtain just one 2 2 Kronecker generation matrix. A sum-
mary of the values for the parameters of the Kronecker matrix used is given
in Table B.4. One notices a very different structure in the matrix parameters
between the social and other diverse technological networks and the power
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