Effects of Intact Pleura in Off Pump CABG

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/cardio.v13i2.


Original Article
Effect of Intact Pleura on Early Outcome after

Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Avishek Sarker Dhruba, Md. Kamrul Hasan, Md. Azizul Islam Khan
Department of Cardiac Surgery, NICVD, Dhaka,

Vol.-13, No.-2,
Key Words : Background: Among the various options of treatment of ischemic heart disease coronary artery
bypass grafting (CABG) remains one of the standard modes of revascularization. Coronary artery
IHD, CABG, bypass grafting can be done with or without using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). This study was
Pleural Effusion. to compare postoperative early (up to 1 month) outcome of intact versus open pleura after off pump
coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCAB).
Methods: In this study, sixty patients aged 18-70 years admitted in Department of Cardiac Surgery,
NICVD who underwent OPCAB were selected for the study sample and divided into two groups.

January 2021
Groups I (n=30) consist of the patients who underwent OPCAB with pleurotomy and Group II
(n=30) consists of patients who underwent OPCAB with intact pleura. Outcome of patients including
Forced expiratory volume in first second (FEV1) & Forced vital capacity were evaluated.
Results: Patients having OPCAB with intact pleura showed lower incidence of atelectasis and
pleural Effusion in 2nd postoperative & 5th postoperative day (p<0.05). Lower amount of chest tube
drainage and transfusion requirement were observed in group II patients than Group I (530.00 ±
28.97 vs. 485.96±38.62; p<0.05 and 611.23±99.22 vs. 577.93±135.38, p>0.05, respectively). Moreover,
higher duration of ventilation were noted in group I (7.50 ± 2.22 vs. 6.30±2.32, p<0.05). Beside these,

Cardiovas Journal
total duration of ICU stay & hospital stay were significantly higher in patients OPCAB with open
pleura (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Keeping the pleura intact during OPCAB is significantly associated with low rate of
atelectasis and pleural effusion. Clinically, it decreases postoperative amount of blood loss and
significantly lowers ICU stay, mechanical ventilation time and hospital stay. Therefore, it can be
concluded that intact pleura during OPCAB improves postoperative pulmonary outcomes.
(Cardiovasc j 2021; 13(2): 112-119)

Introduction months after cardiac surgery.3 Nearly 20% of

Ischemic heart disease is the most common form otherwise healthy patients who underwent elective
of heart disease. The incidence of ischemic heart CABG suffered postoperative pulmonary
disease is increasing rapidly. Among the various complications. 4 The most common pulmonary
options of treatment of ischemic heart disease complication after coronary revascularization is
coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) remains one pleural effusion, haemothorax, atelectasis,
of the standard modes of revascularization.1,2 pulmonary edema, diaphragmatic dysfunction,
Coronary artery bypass grafting can be done with pneumothorax, pulmonary infection, pulmonary
or without using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). In embolism, respiratory failure & post-pericardiotomy
recent years OPCAB is done to avoid CPB related syndrome.5 There are different factors which may
complications like pulmonary dysfunction, increased cause pulmonary complications after OPCAB such
bleeding tendency & renal failure.1,2 From the as anesthesia, preoperative pulmonary function &
beginning of cardiac surgery the contribution of operative techniques like type of conduits used for
grafting & pleural integrity.6
postoperative pulmonary complications to morbidity
& mortality was recognized. Pulmonary functions Two most commonly used conduits for coronary
deteriorate significantly for at least three and half revascularization are the left internal mammary

Address of Correspondence: Avishek Sarker Dhruba, Department of Cardiac surgery, National Institute of Cardiovascular
Diseases, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Email: avi01719925457@gmail.com
© 2020 authors; licensed and published by International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound, Bangladesh Chapter and
Bangladesh Society of Geriatric Cardiology. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY NC 4.0
Cardiovascular Journal Volume 13, No. 2, 2021

artery (LIMA) and great saphenous vein graft having OPCAB with pleurotomy and Group II: 30
(SVG).7,8 Although it is possible to harvest the Patients having OPCAB without pleurotomy
LIMA without opening the left pleura, this is often Adult patients (18-70 years) who underwent
difficult in some cases due to the intimate

OPCAB in NICVD during the study period with
anatomical relationship of the LIMA with chest Forced expiratory volume in first second (FEV1)
wall and pleura.9 Pleura may also open during & Forced vital capacity (FVC) e”70% of the predicted
sternotomy, pericardiotomy, during grafting for value and Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)
better exposure. After grafting of LIMA pleurotomy e” 35% were included in the study. Patients with

Vol.-13, No.-2,
may need to be done to reduce tension on LIMA associated cerebro-vascular disease, valvular heart
due to inadequate length.10,11 The preservation diseases or any congenital cardiac anomalies,
of pleural integrity is controversial. Some surgeons emergency OPCAB surgery, redo coronary artery
believe that with preserved pleural integrity, there bypass grafting surgery, patients having thoracic
can be tension & torsion on LIMA & the inflated skeletal abnormalities, patients having chronic
lung can dislocate LIMA which may cause injury. obstructive pulmonary disease were excluded from
On the other hand, preserved pleural integrity can the study.
prevent lung injury & the exposure of the thorax

January 2021
Patient’s preparation and surgical Procedure: For
to blood thus reducing the incidence of pleural
the patients who received clopidogrel, clopidogrel
effusion, atelectasis, pain & prolonged bleeding in
was discontinued 72 hours before surgery. Aspirin
postoperative period.11 Moreover, pleural opening
was continued up to the surgical operation. Patient
during OPCAB causes reduction in static lung
in supine position under general anesthesia with
compliance and increase in total respiratory system
endotracheal tube in situ standard median
resistance, furthermore contributing to impair
sternotomy was performed. If pleural breach

Cardiovas Journal
pulmonary function in early postoperative period.12
occurred during sternotomy or pericardiotomy then
Opening of the pleura is also associated with more
pleura was opened deliberately and these patients
pain which causes change in pulmonary
was included in group I. Those with intact pleura
mechanical characteristics causing shallow
belonged to group II. LIMA was harvested in
breathing and ineffective cough which ultimately
skeletonized technique. In group I patients the
lead to many pulmonary complications.11 The
pleura was opened deliberately with the aid of
diagnosis of postoperative pulmonary complication
electro-cautery. LIMA was dissected from the first
requires symptomatic pulmonary dysfunction &
part of the subclavian artery up to its bifurcation.
associated clinical findings that meet the specific
LIMA and other vascular conduits (great saphenous
criteria of the particular diagnosis. The clinical
vein) were prepared. Patients were heparinized by
manifestations of postoperative pulmonary
administering 150 IU/kg heparin. Distal
dysfunction range from arterial hypoxemia in 100%
anastomosis was performed first. Intra-operative
patients to acute respiratory distress syndrome,
blood transfusion was performed when haematocrit
which occurs in 0.4% to 2% of patients.13 This study
values reached 30%. In case of tension on the LIMA
was designed to evaluate the effect of pleurotomy
after grafting to LAD due to inadequate length
on early (up to 1month) postoperative pulmonary
pleurotomy was done for avoiding tension & those
patients were included in group I. For group II
Study Methods: patients, fatty tissue between pleura and
This was a prospective observational study mediastinum was separated meticulously or
conducted in Department of cardiac surgery, fasciotomy to the LIMA pedicle was done to optimize
National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases the length of LIMA and then LIMA was placed in
(NICVD) from 1st August, 2017 to 31st July, 2019. the groove formed by thymus and fatty tissue.
Patients admitted to Department of Cardiac Proximal aortic anastomosis was performed using
Surgery, NICVD and underwent OPCAB during side clamps. Mediastinal and pleural drains were
the specified period of time and fulfilling inclusion placed as necessary. At the end of surgery, an
and exclusion criteria were included in the study. appropriate dose of protamine sulfate (1mg for every
Grouping of the patients: Group I: 30 Patients 100IU heparin administered) was administered to

Effect of Intact Pleura on Early Outcome after Off-Pump Avishek Sarker Dhruba et al.

keep the activated coagulation time (ACT) level at Table I indicates that, there were no significant
140-150s. After the operation, the patients were differences between the two groups of patients
transferred to the postoperative cardiac surgical regarding mean age. Highest percentage of
unit. The lungs were initially ventilated in controlled patients from both group I and group II belonged

mode ventilation at 12 to 14 breaths/minute, an to 51 – 60 years (46.7% and 43.3% respectively).
inspiratory / expiratory ratio of 1:2, PEEP of 5 cm Table-II
H2O, tidal volume of 8 ml/kg of body weight,
Distribution of sex among two groups (N=60).
pressure support to maintain this volume and FiO2
for keeping arterial oxygen saturation above 95%. Sex Group I Group II p-value

Vol.-13, No.-2,
Extubation was performed when the patient was (n=30) (n=30)
haemodynamically stable and alert to maintain self- No. (%) No. (%)
ventilation and good blood gas values. Blood Male 28(93.3%) 27(90.0%)
transfusion was done postoperatively when Female 2(6.7%) 3(10.0%) 0.640NS
haematocrit value was below 30%. Total 30(100.0%) 30(100.0%)
Statistical analysis: All data were recorded Figures in the parentheses indicate corresponding
systematically in preformed data collection form percentage; Chi squared Test (?2 ) was done to analyze the
(questionnaire). Statistical analyses were data. NS= Non-significant

January 2021
performed by using windows based computer No statistical difference was found in gender
software devised with Statistical Packages for between two groups. Male patients were
Social Sciences (SPSS-25) (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, predominant in both groups (93.3% in group I and
USA). Quantitative data was expressed as mean 90% in group II) [Table II].
and standard deviation and qualitative data as
frequency distribution and percentage. 95% Table-III
confidence limit was taken. Continuous variables Distribution of BMI between two groups (n=60)

Cardiovas Journal
were compared by using the unpaired student’s t
BMI (kg/m2) Group I Group II p-value
test. Categorical variables were compared by using
(in years) (n=30) (n=30)
the Chi-Square test. The summarized data were No. (%) No. (%)
interpreted accordingly and then presented in the
Underweight (<18.5) 1(3.3%) 0(0.0%)
form of tables. p value was considered significant Normal (18.5-24.9) 12(40.0%) 13(43.3%)
when the value was less than 0.05. Overweight (25.0-29.9) 16(53.3%) 14(46.7%)
Obese (>30.0) 1(3.3%) 3(10.0%)
Results Mean- + SD 25.31±3.09 24.98±3.88 0.721NS
In this study, sixty patients aged 18-70 years Figures in the parentheses indicate corresponding
admitted in Department of Cardiac Surgery, NICVD percentage; Unpaired student’s t-test was performed to
who underwent OPCAB and fulfilled inclusion and compare between two groups. NS= Non-significant
exclusion criteria were selected for the study sample Figures in the parentheses indicate corresponding
and divided into two groups, Group I (n=30) having percentage; Unpaired student’s t-test was
OPCAB with pleurotomy and Group II (n=30) having performed to compare between two groups. NS=
OPCAB without pleurotomy. Non-significant
Table-I No statistical difference was found in body mass
Distribution of age between two groups (N=60). index (BMI) between two groups [Table III].
Age Group I Group II p-value Table-IV
(in years) (n=30) (n=30) Distribution of the patients by preoperative risk
No. (%) No. (%)
factors between two groups (N=60).
20 – 30 1 (3.3%) 0
31 – 40 3 (10.0%) 4 (13.3%) Variables Group I Group II p-value
41 – 50 4 (13.3%) 5 (16.7%) (n=30) (n=30)
51 – 60 14 (46.7%) 13 (43.3%) No. (%) No. (%)
> 60 8 (26.7%) 8 (26.7%) HTN 19(63.3%) 23(76.7%) 0.260NS
Mean ± SD 56.1±10.53 57.90±11.41 0.528NS DM 6(20.0%) 12(40.0%) 0.091NS
Range (23-67) yrs. (35-70) yrs. Smoking 5(16.7%) 6(20.0%) 0.739NS
Data were expressed as frequency and percentage and mean Figures in the parentheses indicate corresponding
± SD. Unpaired student’s t-test was performed to compare percentage; Chi-squared Test (?2) was done to analyze the
between two groups. NS= Non-significant data. NS= Non-significant

Cardiovascular Journal Volume 13, No. 2, 2021

Among group I patients, 63.3% were hypertensive, between Group I and Group II showed that there
20% were diabetic and 16.7% were smoker. Among was no statistically significant difference between
group II patients, 76.7% were hypertensive, 40% two groups (p>0.05) [Table V].
were diabetic and 20% were smoker. The

distribution was statistically similar (p>0.05) Table-VI
[Table IV]. Per-operative variables between
two groups (N=60).
Distribution of the patients by preoperative Per-operative Group I Group II p-value

Vol.-13, No.-2,
variables (n=30) (n=30)
investigations between two groups (N=60).
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Preoperative Group I Group II p-value Duration of 314.60±21.04310.43±21.89 0.455NS
variables (n=30) (n=30) surgery
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD (minute)
Haematocrit (%) 37.4±3.70 38.67±3.50 0.182NS
Grafts per 2.36±1.06 2.63±0.76 0.270NS
FEV1 (L) 2.72±0.32 2.74±0.43 0.843NS patient

January 2021
Data were expressed as mean ± SD. Unpaired student’s t-
FVC (L) 3.62±0.65 3.56±0.56 0.731NS
test was performed to compare between two groups. NS=
Ejection 58.56±1.07 58.06±1.61 0.164NS Non-significant

fraction (%) The duration of surgery (minute) and grafts per

PaO2 (mmHg) 91.20±2.92 92.20±2.91 0.190NS patient were not statistically significantly different
between two groups (p>0.05) [Table VI].
PaCO2 (mmHg) 41.93±3.70 40.90±3.27 0.257NS
Table VII shows that, percentages of patients

Cardiovas Journal
Data were expressed as mean ± SD. Unpaired student’s t-
test was performed to compare between two groups. NS=
suffering from atelectasis and pleural effusion after
Non-significant operation was significantly lower among group II
patients in comparison to group I patients on 2nd
Regarding preoperative variables, comparison of & 5th post-operative day but there was no significant
mean of haematocrit (%), platelet, FEV1(L), FVC difference between two groups during follow-up on
(L), ejection fraction, PaO2 (mmHg) and PaCO2 the 30th post-operative day.

Effect of Pleural Integrity on Postoperative Atelectasis and Pleural Effusion
between two groups (N=60).
Postoperative Day Atelectasis Pleural Effusion
Group Present Absent Present Absent
2nd POD Group I 10 (33.3) 20 (66.7) 9 (30.0) 21 (70.0)
Group II 3 (10.0) 27 (90.0) 2 (6.7) 28 (93.3)
p Value 0.028S 0.019S

5th POD Group I 8 (26.7) 22 (73.3) 8 (26.7) 22 (73.3)

Group II 2 (6.7) 28 (93.3) 1 (3.3) 29 (96.7)
p Value 0.037S 0.011S

30th POD Group I 5 (17.2) 24 (82.8) 4(13.8) 25 (86.2)

Group II 1 (3.4) 28 (96.6) 1 (3.4) 28 (96.6)
p Value 0.068NS 0.126NS
Result is presented as frequency (%). Figures in the parentheses indicate corresponding percentage within groups; Chi-
squared Test (?2) was done to analyze the data. NS= Non-significant ,S=Significant

Effect of Intact Pleura on Early Outcome after Off-Pump Avishek Sarker Dhruba et al.

Table-VIII Hospital stay after surgery (days) were significantly

Distribution of the patients by postoperative higher in group I than group II (p<0.05 in all cases)
arterial blood gas analysis (N=60). except transfusion requirement (p>0.05). Though,
transfusion requirement was higher in group I.

Variables Group I Group II p-value
(n=30) (n=30) Mortality did not vary significantly between two
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD groups [Table IX].
PaO2 (mmHg)
1 hour after 85.63±3.73 93.56±3.01 <0.001S Discussion:
extubation The LIMA is a commonly used conduit of choice

Vol.-13, No.-2,
2nd POD 87.53±3.67 94.76±2.68 <0.001S for myocardial revascularization. The LIMA has
more advantages than saphenous vein, and that is
5th POD 95.67±2.39 96.60±2.01 0.108NS
why the former is widely utilized in CABG
PaCO2 (mmHg)
procedures. 18 In the present study, LIMA
1 hour after 43.93±3.70 42.90±3.27 0.257NS harvesting was performed via skeletonized
technique. Group I patients had pleurotomy and
2nd POD 41.13±3.50 40.26±3.11 0.315NS group II patients had intact pleura. The mean age

January 2021
5th POD 40.30±2.08 39.03±3.11 0.069NS of patients in both groups was within mid-sixties.
Data were expressed as mean ± SD. Unpaired student’s t- Male patients were predominant in both groups.
test was performed to compare between two groups. NS= A study by Kibria and Ahmed, also noted majority
Non-significant, S=Significant
of their cases between 41 and 60 years of age and
Table VIII shows the postoperative clinical data. male gender as predominant.10 Similar findings
There were significant differences between groups were found by Oz, et al.11, and Ghavidel, et al.19
in regard to mean PaO2 at 1 st hour after In present study BMI, diabetes mellitus,
extubation (p<0.05), and on 2nd postoperative day

Cardiovas Journal
hypertension and smoking was found in
(p<0.05). However, on 5th POD, PaO2 was not
statistically similar proportion of patients in both
significantly different between two groups (p>0.05).
The difference in mean PaCO2 between two groups groups. In this study, comparison of mean of pre-
at 1st hour after extubation, on 2nd POD and on operative haematocrit (%), FEV1 (L), FVC (L), PaO2
5th POD were statistically insignificant (p>0.05). (mmHg), PaCO2 (mmHg) and ejection fraction (%)
between Group I and Group II did not show
statistically significant difference. The duration of
Distribution of the patients in according to the
postoperative outcomes (n=60) surgery (minute) was statistically similar in both
groups in this study. This is concordant with the
Variables Group I Group II p-value finding of Guizilini and his colleagues who reported
(n=30) (n=30)
a mean duration of operative time of 309.4±19.3
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
minutes in opened pleura group and 295.6±22.6
Chest tube 530.00 ± 28.97 485.96±38.62 <0.001S
minutes in closed pleura group.20 Mean number
drainage (ml)
grafts needed per patient were statistically similar
Ventilation 7.50 ± 2.22 6.30±2.32 0.045S
time (hr.)
in two groups.
Transfusion 577.93±135.38 0.282NS In present study atelectasis was seen in 13 & 10
requirement(ml) patients on 2nd& 5th postoperative day respectively.
ICU stay (days) 3.83±0.91 2.30±0.83 <0.001S Patients with pleurotomy had significantly higher
Hospital stay after 9.50±1.16 8.00±0.94 <0.001S proportion of atelectasis during 2nd & 5th POD.
surgery (days) Pleural effusion was seen in respectively 11 & 9
Mortality 1(3.3%) 1(3.3%) 1.0NS patients during 2nd & 5th postoperative day. Again
Data were expressed as mean ± SD. Unpaired student’s t-
incidence of pleural effusion was significantly
test was performed to compare between two groups. NS= higher in pleurotomy group during 2nd & 5th POD.
Non-significant, S=Significant This is similar to other studies where it was
Among the different post-operative findings, reported that pleural effusion on the 2nd, 5th, and
postoperative mediastinal bleeding, ventilation 7th postoperative day and atelectasis on the 5th
time (hours), the mean length of ICU stay and and 7th day were significantly greater in the opened

Cardiovascular Journal Volume 13, No. 2, 2021

pleura than closed pleura group.6 In their study of Previously, several authors concluded that intact
122 patients, Peng and his associates showed that pleural technique is superior in terms of
41% of patients with opened pleura had pleural postoperative amount of chest tube drainage.22-24
effusion on the 6th postoperative day.21 According In present study the same finding was noted. The

to Oz and his coworkers, the incidence of pleural mean value of postoperative chest tube drainage
effusion was higher in the pleurotomy group on was significantly higher in group I in this study.
5th and the 30th postoperative day.11 In present There could be several reasons for the increased
study, there was no significant difference in chest tube drainage in the pleurotomy group. In
incidence of atelectasis & pleural effusion during

Vol.-13, No.-2,
case of pleurotomy there is more extensive
follow up at 30th POD. The conventional pleural distortion of surrounding tissue. Reduced trauma
opening and placement of the chest tube certainly of the surrounding musculofascial tissue and
involves trauma. The drain causes damage to the tamponade effects of the intact pleura may be the
parietal pleura and intercostal muscles, both are reasons of reduced blood loss. Opening the pleura
very sensitive structures. The friction of the drain induces the mediastinal blood loss to shift in the
between ribs during breathing increases pain due pleural cavity, increasing the chest tube drainage
to the ongoing irritation of the intercostal nerves quantity.25 Chest tube drainage can also increase

January 2021
and costal periosteum. As a consequence, the as lymphatic drainage from the pleural space can
patient usually reacts with superficial breathing, decrease postoperatively due to the damage of the
and deep breathing may be restricted until the
associated lymphatic if pleurotomy occurs.8 Totaro
drain is removed. The capacity to cough decreases,
and his colleagues found that blood loss was
and this could induce mucus retention, atelectasis,
decreased in patients with preserved pleural
and aggravate hypoxemia. Major incidences of
integrity than open pleural group.24 But they found
respiratory complications during the postoperative
no difference in blood transfusion requirements.24

Cardiovas Journal
course may occur and delay recovery of pulmonary
In present study, the mean value of transfusion
requirement (ml of blood) is slightly higher in
In our study, Post-operative PaO2 was significantly pleurotomy group than the group without
lower in patients undergoing pleurotomy than pleurotomy, but the difference was not significant.
those without pleurotomy on 1 hour after Similar result was also demonstrated in the study
extubation & on 2nd POD. PaO2 returned back to of Ghavidel, et al.19 However, other studies showed
normal level on fifth post-operative day. A very mean value of blood transfusion requirement was
similar finding was noted by Ahmed, et al.10 They significantly higher in the group with open pleura.8
noted a significant drop of PaO2 six hours after
extubation and on 2nd POD. Guizilini, et al.20 In this study, the mean value of postoperative
showed that there was a significant drop in PaO2 ventilation time (hours) was significantly higher in
on POD 1 for both groups but the intact pleura the group who had pleurotomy than those without
group maintained higher values than the opened pleurotomy. Our observation suggests that
pleura group. In our study post-operative PaO2 immediate drop of PaO2 after operation; pleural
values was not significantly different among two effusion and atelectasis are responsible factors for
groups at 5th POD. This result is also similar with relatively prolonged ventilation time which were
the result found by Ahmed, et al.10 Regarding significantly higher in the pleurotomy group.
Paco2, there was an insignificant rise in early post- Guizilini, et al.20, reported advantages in preserving
operative period which came down to baseline pleural integrity including a shorter intubation
afterwards in both groups. The reason remains time, a decrease in respiratory complications; and
unclear but inadequate postoperative pain consequently, a shorter hospital-stay. In our study,
management in some patients might have the opening of the pleural space was also associated
contributed. Moreover, in group I patients, with a significantly longer length of hospital stay
increased incidence of postoperative atelectasis and compared with the intact pleura group confirming
pleural effusion might have caused alveolar previous report. A significant reduction in the
hypoventilation reflected as increased Paco 2. intubation time and hospital stay in patients with
Similar findings were also noted by Ahmed, et al.10 intact pleura would lead to lower costs in this group
& Guizilini, et al.20

Effect of Intact Pleura on Early Outcome after Off-Pump Avishek Sarker Dhruba et al.

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Cardiovas Journal


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