Chapter 12: Quantitative Data Analysis Part 2: Hypothesis Testing

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Chapter 12: Quantitative data analysis part 2: hypothesis testing-

1. Which of the following alternatives is possibly the dependent (or Y) variable in a study in
which regression analysis is used to analyze the data?
a. Political party.
b. Gender.
c. Favorite soccer team.
*d. Disposable income of the respondent.

2. The most suitable way to test if social class influences the political party for which people
vote is:
*a. A chi-square test.
b. A t-test.
d. regression-analysis.

3. For determining the F-ratio, the variance between groups (‘between-groups mean square’) is
divided by the variance within groups (‘within-groups mean square’).
*a. T
b. F

4. ANOVA is used to determine if the variance between groups significantly differ from each
a. T
*b. F

5. Essentially, the relations that are tested through ANOVA could also be tested through
regression analysis (by dummy variables).
*a. T
b. F

6. The most appropriate technique to establish whether the average price of a Bacardi Breezer
is higher than €5 is …?
a. An independent samples t-test.
*b. A one sample t-test.
c. A paired samples t-test.

7. The most appropriate technique to test the hypothesis that the average price that students
are willing to pay for a meal at the University restaurant differs between Dutch, German and
Chinese students is …?
a. Regression analysis.
b. Independent samples t-test.
c. Chi-square test.
*d. ANOVA.

8. The most appropriate technique to test the hypothesis that the quality of tangible elements
(measured on ratio-level) influences satisfaction on the University restaurant (measured on
ration-level), but that the relationship between these variables differs between students and
scientific employees is …?
*a. Multiple regression analysis with an interaction-effect.
c. Three multiple regression models so that mediation can be tested.

9. What is the most appropriate technique to test if having a mobile phone is related to having
a fixed telephone connection?
b. Regression analysis.
*c. A Chi-square test.
d. A t-test.

10. A researcher tests if the loyalty (measured on a 5-point Likert scale) of people with a loyalty
card significantly differs from the loyalty of people without a loyalty card. The most
appropriate technique to test this is:

*a. An independent samples t-test.

c. A paired-samples t-test.
d. A Chi-square test.

11. A researcher estimates his model by means of regression analysis. The significance level of
his model is .0012 and the R-squared is .31. Which conclusion can the researcher draw from
these data?
*a. At least one of the independent variables or the constant of the model is significantly related
to Y.
b. The model explains 31% of the variation in the independent variables.
c. He has a multicollinearity problem.
d. All independent variables are significantly related to Y.

12. Multiple regression analysis measures the effect of an independent variable on the
dependent variable, while the other independent variables are held constant.
*a. T
b. F

13. Multiple regression analysis can only be used when variables are measured with multi-item
a. T
*b. F

14. A researcher wants to know if the distribution of income in his sample corresponds to the
real distribution in his population (60% < the standard, 40% >= above the standard). The
most appropriate technique to test this is:
a. An independent samples t-test.
c. A paired-samples t-test.
*d. A Chi-square test.

15. What is the most appropriate technique to test the hypothesis that the performance of
employees depends on the reward they receive, because this reward increases their
motivation (all variables are measured on a 5-point Likert scale)?
a. Multiple regression with an interaction effect.
b. Multiple regression with dummy variables.
*c. Three multiple regression models so that mediation can be tested.
d. Simple regression.

16. What is the most appropriate technique to test the hypothesis that the number of Bacardi
Breezers drunk by men is smaller than the number of Bacardi Breezers drunk by women?
*a. An independent samples t-test.
b. A one sample t-test.
c. A paired samples t-test.

17. What is the most appropriate technique to test the hypothesis that students who, for a
certain course, attended tutorials from lecturer X are happier (measured on interval-level)
than students who attended tutorials from lecturer Y and Z?
a. Regression analysis.
b. An independent samples t-test.
c. Chi-square analysis.
*d. ANOVA.

18. A Sobel-test is generally used to test moderation.

a. T
*b. F

19. Partial mediation exists when an independent variable influences the dependent variable
both directly and indirectly.
*a. T
b. F

20. Multicollinearity can be detected by a correlation matrix.

*a. T
b. F

21. Multicollinearity occurs when any single independent variable is highly correlated with a set
of other independent variables.
*a. T
b. F

22. We have a multicollinearity problem if our VIF values are higher than 10.
*a. T
b. F

23. The VIF value is the inverse of the tolerance value.

*a. T
b. F

24. A researcher want to test if a cause-effect relationships exists between someone’s age and
the number of hours of sleep someone needs. She measures age as follows:
0 < 20 years.
0 20 - 50 years.
0 > 50 years.
Furthermore, participants of the research can fill in the number of hours they sleep on
average in a day on a dotted line.
What is the most appropriate technique to test the hypothesis that age influences the
number of hours someone sleeps?
a. An independent samples t-test.
b. A paired samples t-test.
*c. ANOVA.
d. Discriminant analysis.

25. Assume the researcher also wants to know if the average number of hours sleep (across
groups) significantly differs from 7. Which test could she best use?
a. An independent samples t-test.
b. Regression analysis.
*d. A one sample t-test.

26. The statistical null hypothesis is rejected when the p-value is small enough.
*a. T
b. F

27. To be able to conduct a t-test it is important:

a. That the independent as well as the dependent variable is measured on a nominal or ordinal
b. That the independent variable is measured on an interval or ratio scale and the dependent
variable is measured on a nominal or ordinal scale.
c. That the independent as well as the dependent variable is measured on an interval or ratio
*d. That the dependent variable is measured on an interval or ratio scale and the independent
variable is measured on a nominal or ordinal scale.

28. A solution to multicollinearity is to collect more data.

*a. T
b. F

29. To be able to conduct an analysis in SPSS it is important that the independent and
dependent variable(s) are measured on the right scale. Which of the following statements is
correct when you want to conduct an independent samples t-test?
a. The independent and dependent variable(s) must all be measured on an interval/ratio scale.
b. The independent and dependent variable(s) must all be measured on a nominal/ordinal
c. The independent variables must be measured on an interval/ratio scale, and the dependent
variable must be measured on a nominal/ordinal scale.
*d. None of the above statements is correct.

30. A Type 1 error, also referred to as alpha () is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis
when it is actually true.
*a. T
b. F

31. A Type 2 error, also referred to as beta (), is the probability of failing to reject the null
hypothesis given that the alternative hypothesis is actually true.
a. T
*b. F

32. Statistical power or power is the probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis.
*a. T
b. F

33. Statistical power depends on:

*a. Alpha (), effect size, and the size of the sample.
b. Alpha (), beta (), and the size of the sample.
c. Alpha (), beta (), and effect size.
d. Beta (), effect size, and the size of the sample.

34. Univariate statistical techniques are used when you want to examine two-variable
relationships. If you, on the other hand, are interested in the relationship between many
variables, such as in the Excelsior Enterprises case, multivariate statistical techniques are
*a. T
b. F

35. The one sample t-test is used to test the hypothesis that the mean of the population from
which a sample is drawn is equal to a comparison standard.
*a. T
b. F

36. A paired samples t-test is used to examine the differences in the same group before and
after a treatment.
*a. T
b. F

37. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is:

a. a non-parametric test for examining significant differences between two related samples on
a single sample.
b. a non-parametric test for examining significant differences between repeated
measurements on a single sample.
c. used as an alternative for a paired samples t-test when the population cannot be assumed to
be normally distributed.
*d. All of the above.

38. McNemar's test is:

a. A parametric method used on nominal data.
b. Assesses the significance of the difference between two independent samples when the
variable of interest is dichotomous.
*c. Is used primarily in before-after studies to test for an experimental effect.
d. All of the above.

39. Whereas the (independent samples) t-test would indicate whether or not there is a
significant mean difference in a dependent variable between two groups, an analysis of
variance (ANOVA) helps to examine the significant mean differences among more than two
groups on an interval or ratio-scaled dependent variable.
*a. T
b. F

40. A dummy variable is one that has two or more distinct levels, which are coded 0 or 1.
*a. T
b. F

41. Multicollinearity is not a serious problem if the purpose of the study is to predict or forecast
future values of the dependent variable.
*a. T
b. F

42. MANOVA is similar to ANOVA, with the difference that MANOVA is able to handle:
a. More than one independent variable.
*b. More than one dependent variable.
c. More respondents.
d. Multicollinearity.

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