Data Collection Methods: Observation: Sekaran Research Methods For Business: A Skill-Building Approach, 7/e Test Bank
Data Collection Methods: Observation: Sekaran Research Methods For Business: A Skill-Building Approach, 7/e Test Bank
Data Collection Methods: Observation: Sekaran Research Methods For Business: A Skill-Building Approach, 7/e Test Bank
1. Observational methods are best suited for research requiring non-self-report descriptive
data; that is when behavior is to be examined without directly asking the respondents
*a. T
b. F
4. Active participation occurs when the researcher does not actively participate, and only
occasionally interacts with the social group under study.
a. T
6. Reactivity refers to the extent to which the observer affects the situation under observation.
*a. T
b. F
7. Pure observation has been described as ‘going native’; the researcher becomes so involved
with the group under study that eventually every objectivity and research interest is lost
a. T
9. Deviants are persons who take upon themselves to check out the new person and what it is
this person is after.
Sekaran Research Methods for Business: A Skill-Building Approach, 7/e Test Bank 2
a. T
10. Generally speaking, the most important factor in determining what to observe is the aim or
purpose of the study.
*a. T
b. F
11. The most important method of capturing data in participant observation is writing field notes.
*a. T
b. F
12. Unstructured observation can be used to generate numerical data to test hypotheses.
a. T
13. Categories in a coding scheme should be mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive.
*a. T
b. F
Event 1 2 3 4
a. T
15. Observation is often used as a technique to collect data that complement data obtained by
other techniques such as interviews.
*a. T
b. F