60 Second Plan 2021
60 Second Plan 2021
60 Second Plan 2021
60 second plan
to master your legal English skills
If you are here, you are aware that English is a MUST for lawyers.
Research shows that 85% of candidates applying for a job in 2022 will be required to have
advanced English skills. However, there is something they are not telling you.
When you look at a job offer and they ask for candidates with an advanced level of English, the
employer does not care about how much vocabulary you know about sports, holidays and
leisure activities. What they care about is hiring an employee who will be able to manage
situations where they require knowledge of legal English.
It was quite hard to condense the whole essence of a learning system into a summary.
In the following checklist you will learn the series of steps you need to go through in order to
master legal English skills:
In order to get support on your journey, make sure you join the Facebook group: Legal English
for Legal Eagles. It is an awesome community of lawyers and translators who have very clear
career goals, just like you.
Before we dive in the 4 pillars that will help you achieve your goaIs, I am going to give you a
background check to explain why you are in the right place.
I am not going to lie, for me learning legal English was one of the hardest things I have ever
done. Some people say that they are not ready for legal English. Let me tell you something:
everyone who starts learning, starts from scratch. They know zero words and this is exactly
what happened to me.
I am a human being, with emotions. I make mistakes, but I also learn from them. I have learnt
English just like you. Spanish is my first language and I can tell you that my English was terrible
until I was 16 years old, which means that if I have been able to master my legal English skills
you can do it too.
I started teaching English 12 years ago while I was still at university studying English, linguistics
and literature. By the time I finished my degree I decided to try something new and I ended up
becoming a legal translator in 2012.
I have combined my two passions since then: teaching and translation. In the past 6 years, I have
spent thousands of hours researching, experimenting and testing everything myself and with my
students to find out what works and to be able to create the best methodology to learn legal
Because I wanted to help as many people as possible, I registered as a TOLES centre in Asturias
(Spain). If you have never heard of it, TOLES stands for Test of legal English Skills. It was
created by a British institution that partners with the best law firms around the world and
currently this is the only test you can take to obtain a certificate that shows your knowledge of
legal English.
So, here I am. On a mission to help you meet your career goals by providing you with the
steps to master your legal English skills.
In this guide, you will find the exact methodology that has helped hundreds lawyers meet their
career goals in the past years.
Better Call Esther
+34 606 82 43 26
I am going to explain something that might be obvious, yet many don’t really understand it. You
might be surprised to find out that in fact, you don’t learn legal English in the same way you
learnt general English. Are you shocked to hear that?
No one would ever think about driving a fire engine with their regular car license, right? One
might think that first you need to obtain a car licence and after you have mastered your driving
skills you can obtain a fire engine license. But driving fire engines is serious business and
requires different skills. It turns out there is no logical progression.
So, what happens when you decide to move on to legal English? You have to do it with a
purpose, and think about the reason why you want to do so. It doesn’t matter if it’s
communicating with a client, reading legislation or other legal documents, research or
I will also tell you one ugly truth: when you first come into contact with legal English on your
own or with some type of guidance, you need to spend a lot of time reading and doing
terminology research.
4 Pillars
to Master your legal English Skills
Learning vocabulary is key when it comes to improving your language skills in order to
understand legal texts.
In order to succeed, I highly recommend that you find a good method to learn vocabulary.
Each individual should find the learning method that works best for him or her. As a teacher, my
duty is to help my students find the method that works best for them, not imposing one.
For example, I don’t do my best if I have to write down lists of words and memorise them. This is
something I used to do at school. At the beginning I had the feeling I was learning, but I was
wrong: when I woke up the next day I wouldn’t remember anything.
You will reach a certain point where you realise that there are many polysemic terms in legal
English. Knowing those terms that appear in different contexts with different meanings will be
extremely helpful when it comes to interpreting legal texts.
Moreover, you need to understand that having great knowledge of legalese is not enough.
Vocabulary alone is useless.
4 Pillars
to Master your legal English Skills
Once you learn legal English vocabulary you realise that there are concepts that may not exist
in your legal system and vice versa. This is why it is of great importance to have a clear
understanding of how the Common Law system works.
Everytime you learn about terms or you go deeper into proceedings and other particulars you
should be asking yourself how they are similar or different in your legal system.
When I started my legal translation studies I was quite confused because my knowledge of the
different law systems was very limited. Once I started translating I learnt that there are some
legal terms that cannot be translated. Instead, it is necessary to find the equivalent or even
to give a short explanation.
Being familiar with the similarities and differences of two legal systems will help you do your
best when it comes to working with foreign clients that live in your country or collaborating with
foreign partners.
“It’s interesting to learn about how other systems work. I have
learnt about making claims this week. I also learnt the steps of
making a claim in the civil court in the UK. I think I could
explain this process to a foreign client because it is similar to
the Spanish one. I don’t hink I could have done it a week ago”.
-Beloke Alea-
Up to now, you have learnt that the starting point to master your legal English skills is acquiring
vocabulary, but at the same time you should bear in mind that the Common law system might
be different from yours.
From this time on, you have to find a way to practice everything to learn. That is the reason why
it is crucial that you take a look at the next two pillars.
Bear in mind that your clients seek help because they want you to solve their problems. Most of
the time, you will not be using legal terminology with them. Instead, you will have to give detailed
explanations in plain English to make them understand a particular situation or documentation.
A last tip: practice makes perfect. Prepare short speeches, practice in front of the mirror,
explain legal concepts to your colleagues and ask them if it makes sense. You will be surprised to
find out that they also struggle with this.
Even if speaking is what most fear, you also need to work on your writing skills.
Even if we don’t end up working together you will get more clarity on your goals and I will
make sure I point you in the right direction. I am here to help.