2019 3rdterm English G10 Answers EM
2019 3rdterm English G10 Answers EM
2019 3rdterm English G10 Answers EM
Paper 11
Test 9 ( 1x5 = 5 marks )
1. waited 2. fresh 3. pleasant 4. tasty 5. departure
Test10 (1 x5= 5 marks)
a). 3 b). 6 c). 1 d). 5 e). 4 f).2
Test 11 ( ½ x 14 = 7 marks )
2 .that 3.long 4.in 5. are 6. hot 7. is 8.this 9. as 10.through
11.help 12.evaporation 13.to 14. the 15.well
Test 12 ( 1x 5 = 5 marks )
1. to learn / learning 2. think 3. supplied 4. was answering 5. went
Test 13 (1x5=5 marks)
1. In a (little) wood 2. A bird a rabbit and the wind
3. Because the wind carried the hut away 4. i. small ii. lonely
5. for a year and a day
Test 14 ( 10 marks)
Content -3 Language – 3 Organization – 2 Mechanics of writing – 2
Test 15
1. A( fuzzy) millionaire ( 1 mark )
2. To the restaurant ( 1 mark )
3. Duck egg ( 1 mark )
4. i. T ii. F iii. F iv. T (½ x 4 = 2 marks )
5. The staff was really annoyed of his rude behaviour ( 1 mark )
6. Because the waiter wanted to defeat Mr. John ( 1 mark )
7. I ) fuzzy ii) clever ( ½ x 2 = 1 mark )