2019 3rdterm English G10 Answers EM

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Department of Education –Western Province

Third Term Evaluation- English Language-2019

Answer Scheme- Grade 10
Paper 1
Test 1 ( 1x5= 5 marks)
1. to 2. since 3. into 4. with 5. for

Test 2 (1x5 = 5 marks)

1.traffic 2.reputed 3. undergraduate 4. contact 5.technological

Test 3 (1x5 = 5marks)

1.three 2. Queen/ queen bee 3.nectar 4.honey 5. food and medicine
Test 4 (1/2 x10 = 5 marks)
1. table 2. eatables 3. hats 4. umbrella 5. girl 6. frock 7, kites 8. sky 9, puppy 10 trees
Test 5 (1x5 =5 marks)
1.Good morning! Could you explain this poster? 2.What is the purpose of immunization?
3. What kinds of diseases? 4. Can you explain them further?
5.There isn’t any poster on smallpox and polio . Why is that?
Test 6
Content -2 language - 3 ( 5 marks )
Test 7 ( 1x5 =5 marks)
1.a (famous) cartoonist 2.during his free time/ whenever he was free 3. In an advertising firm
4).1. Snoopy 11). Charlie Brown 5.1).simple 11).famous
Test 8
Content -2 Language -3 ( 5 marks )

Paper 11
Test 9 ( 1x5 = 5 marks )
1. waited 2. fresh 3. pleasant 4. tasty 5. departure
Test10 (1 x5= 5 marks)
a). 3 b). 6 c). 1 d). 5 e). 4 f).2
Test 11 ( ½ x 14 = 7 marks )
2 .that 3.long 4.in 5. are 6. hot 7. is 8.this 9. as 10.through
11.help 12.evaporation 13.to 14. the 15.well
Test 12 ( 1x 5 = 5 marks )
1. to learn / learning 2. think 3. supplied 4. was answering 5. went
Test 13 (1x5=5 marks)
1. In a (little) wood 2. A bird a rabbit and the wind
3. Because the wind carried the hut away 4. i. small ii. lonely
5. for a year and a day
Test 14 ( 10 marks)
Content -3 Language – 3 Organization – 2 Mechanics of writing – 2
Test 15
1. A( fuzzy) millionaire ( 1 mark )
2. To the restaurant ( 1 mark )
3. Duck egg ( 1 mark )
4. i. T ii. F iii. F iv. T (½ x 4 = 2 marks )
5. The staff was really annoyed of his rude behaviour ( 1 mark )
6. Because the waiter wanted to defeat Mr. John ( 1 mark )
7. I ) fuzzy ii) clever ( ½ x 2 = 1 mark )

Test 16 (15 marks)

Content- 5 Language -5 Organization -2 Mechanics of writing -3

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