Sociology Module C1 2017

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In this type of research, self-administered

questionnaires or personal interviews are used:
DIRECTIONS: Select the best answer to each of the A. case study C. participant observation
following questions and blacken the appropriate space on B. experiment D. survey
your answer sheet. Answer in 30 minutes only.
13. For each structure in the society, there exists a
1. Apartheid is a closed system because status is: corresponding function. Which of the ff. statements
A. achieved C. non-existing illustrate dysfunction?
B. ascribed D. none of the above A. High production of food
B. Zero population growth in less developed countries
2. The term sociology was introduced by: C. both A and B
A. Auguste Comte C. Emile Durkheim D. industrial pollution of the atmosphere
B. Richard La Piere D. Claude Henri de Saint-Simon
14. Human beings differ from all other animal in that
3. The way in which individual is expected to act in a humans alone:
particular status is known as: A. can possess biological instincts
A. personal role C. prescribed role B. can communicate through symbols
B. perceived role D. salient role C. migrate from place to place
D. live in an orderly society
4. Status refers to:
A. the position of a person within the group 15. Culture may be defined as:
B. the behavior expected from a person within the group A. knowledge of history, art, literature and music
C. the possessions of an individual B. a group of people living in the same geographical area
D. prestige C. migrate from place to place
D. live in an orderly society
5. In contrast to status, role deals with:
A. prestige C. position 16. Which of the ff. may be used to describe culture?
B. behavior patterns D. both a & b A. instinctive C. dynamic
B. shared D. normative
6. A member of Congress submitted a bill providing harsh
punishment to dope only to find out that his son is a 17. The tendency of a group to take for granted the
member of a syndicate which distributes marijuana in a superiority of its own culture is known as:
university. The congressman is now torn into a deciding A. cultural relativism C. xenocentrism
whether to withdraw the bill or not. This is an instance of: B. ethnocentrism D. none of the above
A. role inadequacy C. role conflict
B. role set D. role failure 18. The concept that the function, meaning and
“desirability” of a trait depends upon its cultural setting is
7. Which of the ff. statements illustrate symbolic known as:
interaction? A. cultural relativism C. xenocentrism
A. reading a book C. talking with a friend B. ethnocentrism D. none of the above
B. obeying traffic signal D. all of the above
19. Which of the ff. phrases characterizes ethnocentric
8. Many years ago, a son was born to the royal family of behavior?
Thailand. He was named Bhumipol and he was A. A Christian labeling a Muslim religious ritual as
immediately considered heir to the throne of the king of “barbaric” and “out of this world”
Thailand as the crown prince and later on as King. He was B. A medical student belittling a nurse’s program of study
treated with respect and accorded many privileges. without substantiating facts
Bhumipol’s status is best described as a(n): C. “My country, right or wrong, my country!”
A. achieved status C. ascribed status D. all of the above
B. democratic status D. personal status
20. Which of the ff. illustrates cultural relativism?
9. Corazon Aquino’s presidency is an example of a(n) A. Anything goes – there are no established standards
A. achieved status C. ascribed status that we must follow
B. democratic status D. personal status B. Premarital pregnancy makes sense in societies where
women are expected to prove their fertility as a trait
10. The first step in scientific investigation is to: desirable in wives.
A. design a research plan C. define a research problem C. Premarital pregnancy is universally condemned
B. make observations D. employ measuring devices D. Relatives are more important in some cultures than in
11. A sociologist who is taking part in the activities of the
group under observations is doing a(n): 21. Norms that people receive little pressure to conform to
A. participant observation study C. survey are:
B. case study D. unobtrusive research A. folkways or customs C. mores
B. taboos D. sanctions

22. Norms based on moral values with strong emotional 33. When people have different access to social reward as
overtones are known as: a result of their position in the social hierarchy, there
A. folkways or customs C. taboos exists:
B. sanctions D. laws A. socialization C. social change
B. conflict D. stratification
23. Which of the ff. are enforced through the machinery
of the state? 34. A person participating in a drug rehabilitation program
A. mores C. laws would be undergoing:
B. institutions D. all of the above A. anticipatory socialization C. autonomous development
B. resocialization D. language acquisition
24. A cluster of behavior patterns related to the general
culture of a society and yet distinguishable from it is a: 35. The objective approach to studying social
A. culture pattern C. culture complex stratification:
B. subculture D. counterculture A. consists of people’s evaluation of one another
B. consists of people’s evaluation of themselves
25. The term used to refer to a group which not only C. consists of indicators such as income or occupation
exhibits behavior patterns which differ from the prevailing D. tops all significant aspects of stratification
patterns of society but sharply challenges them is:
A. culture pattern C. culture complex 36. In an open class society, one’s social status is based
B. subculture D. counterculture on:
A. heredity C. sponsorship
26. “European chocolates always taste a lot better than B. wealth D. personal ability
local chocolates so I always buy them”. This statement
illustrates: 37. Collective behavior is:
A. ethnocentrism C. cultural relativism A. spontaneous C. unorganized
B. xenocentrism D. none of the above B. unpredictable D. all of the above

27. Any collections of individuals bound together by a 38. ____ is the way by which individuals within the society
distinctive set of social relations is a(n): discover and develop their strength as well as realize their
A. group C. aggregate weaknesses.
B. social category D. collectivity A. social change C. social interaction
B. social processes D. social structures
28. A family is an example of a(n):
A. primary group C. aggregate 39. In Asia today, we see change in the family structure
B. secondary group D. social category such that the extended family is now becoming more
nuclear. This exemplifies change at the ______ level.
29. Gemeinschaft relations are: A. micro C. revolutionary
A. specific and limited C. based on self-interest B. macro D. none of these
B. strictly formal D. based on sentiment
40. They are traits that are part of every known culture.
30. Which of the ff. is the characteristic of gesselschaft A. Cultural universals C. Cultural pluralism
society? B. Cultural values D. Cultural norms
A. social relationships are treated as a means to individual
ends 41. What do you call those cultural beliefs that serve to
B. folkways and are valued above science and technology justify stratification?
C. gossip is an important means of social control A. Law C. Ideology
D. relationships are impersonal and unlimited B. Caste D. Apartheid

31. The “self” which an individual discovers through the 42. What did Marx mean when he said that society
reaction of others to him/her has been labeled by Cooley, “reproduces the class structure”?
a sociologist, as: A. Classes will disappear as the proletariat revolts
A. the looking glass self C. the generalized other B. Stratification and inequality are meant to stay since
B. the guinea pig effect D. the significant other they are inevitable
C. Class differences are passed from one generation to the
32. The concept of “generalized other” stresses the fact next
that: D. Capitalists will remain, as the proletariats are weak
A. we internalized the way other judge us
B. others are very general from the point-of-view of the 43. A type of bias that is built into a society’s institutions.
self A. Culture
C. the self is reflective i.e. it judges itself, as if others were B. Prejudice
judging it C. Discrimination
D. both a and c above D. Institutional prejudice and dsicrimination

44. Which of the following is considered as the advantage
of socialism over capitalism?
A. Increased productivity C. Improved quality of life
B. Economic equality D. Better freedoms

45. Weber asserted that legitimate power derived from

legally enacted rules and regulations is
A. Rational-legal C. Bureaucracy
B. Charismatic D. Traditional

46. Which of the following types of political systems

features the presence of institutions that extensively
regulate the people’s lives?
A. Authoritarian C. Totalitarian
B. Dictatorship D. Martial law

47. “Empty nest” is best described as one in which

A. children have grown and left home
B. couples unable to have children
C. families become more nuclear
D. women remain single for a lifetime

48. A sociologist who follows the structural-functionalist

perspective would more likely claim that religion
A. divides societies
B. promotes social cohesion
C. generates inequality
D. perpetuates social hierarchy

49. The belief in many gods.

A. atheism C. polytheism
B. non-theism D. none of the above

50. Which best describes population in postindustrial

A. It is unstable.
B. It increases geometrically.
C. It increases very slowly.
D. It decreases very rapidly.


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