Final Term Exam in UCSP

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Carit-an, Patnongon, Antique

Final Term Examination

S.Y. 2023-2024
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics 11
Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper. STRICTLY NO ERASURES.

1. It refers to a process in which society molds the 7. It refers to the norms set by society, largely
individual to conform to established social norms for behavior and appearance and that defines
and rules? what is morally right and morally wrong.
A. Socialization C. Culture A. Mores C. Beliefs
B. Belief D. Values B. Norms D. Values

2. It refers to the status not earned, and it is 8. What part of socialization process that
something that people have control over. denotes culture, language, social
A.Norms C. Achieved Status structures, and the individual’s rank within
B.Ascribe Status D. Status them?
A. Content and process
3. Social processes that have undesirable B. Context
consequences for the operation of society are C. Result and outcomes
called ________________. D. Resocialization
A. Conflict Theory
B. Structural Functionalism 9. What does individual gained that body since
C. Dysfunctions his conception, and he has no or less
D. Symbolic Interactionist Theory chances of changing it?
A. Nature C. Identity
4. Which among the following is not a major B. Personality D. Status
aspect of socialization?
A. Context C. Content 10. It is a type of status that a person earned or
B. Process D. Involvement chose based on his/her abilities and hard
work. This usually signified by a certain
5. Who among the following used the phrase profession, such as a professional athlete.
looking-glass self to mean a self-image based A. Ascribed Status
on how we think others see us? B. Achieved Status
A. Charles Horton Cooley C. Civil Status
B. George Herbert Mead D. Professional Status
C. Jean Piaget
D. Sigmond Freud 11. These are repetitive or typical habits and
patterns of expected behavior followed within
6. Which of the following things is normally learned a group or community.
during the socialization process? A. Laws C. Folkways
A. The roles we are to play in life B. Mores D. Roles
B. The culture's norms
C. The language of the people around us 12. This means any position that an individual
D. The skill we need develop can occupy in society.
A. Roles C. Enculturation
B. Status D. Mores
13. Alex is a HUMSS student, who started to join 22. Primary Groups involve interaction among
and be part of the basketball team of their members who have an _______investment
school as a preparation for his dream of or attachment in one another. What word
becoming a professional athlete. In what stage below will make the statement correct?
of socialization occurs in this situation? A.intimacy C. encourage
A. Primary socialization B.emotional D. emulates
B. Secondary socialization
C. Anticipatory socialization 23. This type of group usually has specific
D. Resocialization goals, are formally organized and are
14. It refers to the smaller unit of society. A.Primary Group C. In-group
A.Social group C. In-group B.Secondary Group D. Out-group
B.Group D. Out-group
24. Performer, clerk, customer, and employee
15. This term refers to two more people who are examples of:
identify with and engage with each other. A. In-group C. Primary Group
B. Out-group D. Secondary Group
A.Social group C. Group
B.Out-group D. In-group
25. It is a sociological concept that refers to the
16. It is a simple collection of people who are in the social relationships that exist between
same place at the same time without interacting network parts and individuals.
with each other.
A. Social Network C. Social Structure
A.Collectivity C. Category
B. Social Organization D. Socialization
B.Aggregate D. Social Group

17. It is a simple collection of people who share 26. Mary is a millennial. This generation is
distinctive described as socially conscious, ethnically
characteristics such as sex, race and income. diverse, and optimistic. This generation is an
A. Category C. Primary Group example of __________.
B. Aggregate D. Secondary Group A. In-group C. Out-group
B. Network D. Reference Group
18. Passengers riding on a bus is an example of:
A. Aggregate C. Primary 27. Why man is considered a social animal?
B. Group D. Secondary A. Because they are very sociable among
19. This refers to a group or social category that an B. Because they cannot live alone as they
individual use to help define beliefs, attitudes, need each other to fulfill their needs
and values and to guide behavior. C. Because they are the only ones who
A. Primary Group C. Secondary Group can communicate with others
B. reference group D. Social Group D. Because the are human beings who
live in the society
20. It is a collection of people in a given place and
time 28. The following are the main goals of
A.Aggregate C. Collectivity socialization, which is NOT included?
B.Category D. Reference A. Values C. Skill
B. Habits D. Friends
21. It is a group with which an individual identifies
and which gives him sense of belongingness, 29. Which of the following is the importance of
solidary and camaraderie. having a group?
A. Primary Group C. Secondary Group A. A group is a major source of
B. Out-group D. In-group solidarity and cohesion.
B. A group can help with financial
C. A group gives emotional support.
D. A group protects you when you’re in 38. Which of the following BEST describes the role
trouble. of a family in a society?
A. Family ensures the transmission of cultural
30. The following are requirements in forming a and ethical norms across generations.
group, EXCEPT ONE. B. Family provides food, shelter and safety
A. There must be two or more people. and control of children.
B. There must be interaction. C. Family socializes children, provides practical
C. The members must be together physically. and emotional support only for its
D. There must have financial stability. members.
D. Family regulates sexual reproduction.
31. It is defined as a type of social institution that
39. This term is defined as a union of a couple
unites people.
through legal and socially acceptable means.
A. Friends C. Family
A. Kinship C. Marriage
B. Society D. Group
B. Affiliation D. Ties
32. This refers to a type of family composed of a
40. It is a type of marriage where the individual
married couple with one or more unmarried
has only one male or female partner.
children, or a married couple without children.
A. Polygamy C. Monogamy
A. Extended Family
B. Exogamous D. Endogamy
B. Nuclear Family
C. Single-Parent Family
41. It is a term that refers in identifying one’s
D. Blended Family
descent by tracing the affiliation by his or her
relatives from the women, daughters or
33. It refers to the biological relationship between
mother’s ancestry line.
parents and offspring.
A. Patrilineal C. Bilateral
A. Kinship C. Descent
B. Matrilineal D. Unilineal
B. Lineage D. Clan
42. It is sometimes called a step family,
34. Which is TRUE about nuclear family?
reconstituted family or complex family where in
A. It is made up of a married couple and their
couples remarried and have their children.
biological or adopted children.
A. Blended Family
B. It is a type of family where a member is
B. Extended Family
separated from the rest of the family.
C. Single-Parent Family
C. It is a type of family wherein couples
D. Nuclear Family
remarried and have their children.
D. It composed of two or more nuclear families
43. Which type of relations developed when
in a household.
marriage occurs?
A. Consanguineal Kinship
35. What is the term for a group of people within a
B. Kinship by ritual
tribe who have a common ancestor?
C. Affinal Kinship
A. Clans C. Linages
D. Kinship
B. Moieties D. Phratries
44. It is an organized political community acting
36. It is a practice of marrying within a specific
under a government and united by common set
ethnic group, class or social group.
of laws.
A. Endogamy C. Monogamy
A. Society C. Community
B. Exogamous D. Polygamy
B. State D. Country
37. Which of the following terms below refers to
kinship is traced through both ancestral lines of
the mother and the father?
A. Patrilineal C. Unilineal
B. Matrilineal D. Bilateral
45. It is a form of government in which supreme 49. What happens if the nonstate institutions
power is absolutely lodged with an individual, interfere with the government?
who is the head of the state, often for life or A. Conflict and tensions may arise
until abdication. B. Equal context of political and economic
A. Democratic Government development
B. Totalitarianism C. Equitable health and social development will
C. Monarchy be distributed
D. Oligarchic Government D. Nonstate Organization provides support and
assistance through organized frameworks
46. This refers to a government govern by divine
guidance or by official who are regarded as 50. What is the institution that membership is
divinely guided. drawn from two or more countries?
A. Monarchy C. Theocracy A. Cooperatives
B. Oligarchic D. Democratic B. International Government
C. International Organization
47. These are people and/ or organization that
D. Trade Unions
participate in international affairs and relations
but are not affiliated with any state or nation.
A. State Institutions
______Good Luck! __________
B. Non-state Institutions
C. Banks
D. Corporations
Prepared by:

48. Which of the following is NOT a role of a state?

A. State provides security against external
Subject Teacher
aggressions and war. For this purpose, the
state maintains an army.
B. State ensures security against internal
disturbances disorders and crimes.
C. State legally grants and guarantees the rights
of the people.
D. State builds social networks and strengthens
social cohesion which are essential elements
of a strong, healthy communities

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