This document discusses wind resource assessments, which are studies that collect and analyze data on wind speeds and power in a given area. Accurate wind resource assessments are important for identifying feasible locations for wind energy projects and helping governments and industries develop wind energy resources. The document outlines some common metrics and methods used in wind resource assessments, including average wind speeds, power densities, frequency distributions of wind speeds, and Weibull distributions. It also notes that detailed wind resource data is often lacking, posing a barrier to greater wind energy development.
This document discusses wind resource assessments, which are studies that collect and analyze data on wind speeds and power in a given area. Accurate wind resource assessments are important for identifying feasible locations for wind energy projects and helping governments and industries develop wind energy resources. The document outlines some common metrics and methods used in wind resource assessments, including average wind speeds, power densities, frequency distributions of wind speeds, and Weibull distributions. It also notes that detailed wind resource data is often lacking, posing a barrier to greater wind energy development.
This document discusses wind resource assessments, which are studies that collect and analyze data on wind speeds and power in a given area. Accurate wind resource assessments are important for identifying feasible locations for wind energy projects and helping governments and industries develop wind energy resources. The document outlines some common metrics and methods used in wind resource assessments, including average wind speeds, power densities, frequency distributions of wind speeds, and Weibull distributions. It also notes that detailed wind resource data is often lacking, posing a barrier to greater wind energy development.
This document discusses wind resource assessments, which are studies that collect and analyze data on wind speeds and power in a given area. Accurate wind resource assessments are important for identifying feasible locations for wind energy projects and helping governments and industries develop wind energy resources. The document outlines some common metrics and methods used in wind resource assessments, including average wind speeds, power densities, frequency distributions of wind speeds, and Weibull distributions. It also notes that detailed wind resource data is often lacking, posing a barrier to greater wind energy development.
GEORGE SCOTT U.S. Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden, Colorado, United States
square meter, power class bins, or estimated yearly
1. Introduction energy production. 2. Basics of Wind Resource wind resource base The collection of all data about the wind resource in a given area. The data set may include 3. Baseline Wind Resource Studies average speeds and power densities, measures of 4. Data Sets and Analysis Methods variability, and energy production statistics. 5. Resource Assessment Methods wind shear A measure of the change in wind speed or 6. Status of Wind Resource Projects power with height above the ground.
A major barrier to the deployment of wind energy in
many regions of the world is the lack of reliable, Glossary detailed wind resource data. Wind resource assess- exclusion zone An area that cannot be used for wind ments are crucial in determining the feasibility of power development because of environmental, legal, wind energy projects and are essential for govern- topographic, or other reasons. ment and industry to identify areas of potential wind frequency distribution of wind speed The percentage of energy development. Accurate assessments can also time that the wind is blowing at each speed (14% at aid the development of policies and regulations that 2–3 m/s, 8% at 3–4 m/s, etc.). can enhance wind energy deployment. This article geographic information system (GIS) The computer hard- ware, software, and technical expertise that inputs, summarizes the techniques used to conduct wind stores, maintains, manipulates, analyzes, and outputs resource base assessments and the status of past, geographically referenced data. A GIS combines the present, and future assessment activities. power of spatial database management with high- resolution graphic display to effectively present infor- mation. grid-connected A project that is connected to a utility 1. INTRODUCTION distribution system. power class A single number representing a range of wind Wind is a renewable energy resource that can power densities (WPD). A typical power classification generate significant amounts of electricity for both scheme divides the WPD range from 0 to 4800 W/m2 grid-connected and standalone applications. Major into seven power classes. strides in wind technology development have in- Weibull distribution A mathematical function that is often creased efficiencies and reduced wind energy costs so a good approximation to the frequency distribution of that they are competitive with other generation wind speeds at a site. technologies in regions with good-to-excellent wind wind electric potential The total number of megawatts of resources. However, a major barrier to the deploy- wind energy generating capacity that could be installed ment of wind energy in many regions of the world is in a given area. wind power density The average wind power over one the lack of reliable, detailed wind resource data. square meter expressed in Watts per square meter (W/m2) Wind resource assessments are crucial in determining in a vertical plane perpendicular to the wind direction. the feasibility of wind energy projects and avail- wind resource A measure of how much wind energy is ability of these data is essential for government and available at a given height at a given point or over a industry to identify areas of potential wind energy given area. It can be expressed in values of Watts per development. Accurate assessments can also aid the
Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 6. Published by Elsevier Inc. 465