CAHE JJ21 Jocelyn B. Hipona

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Cosmos An International Journal of Art & Higher Education

A Refereed Research Journal

Vol 10 / No 1 / Jan-Jun 2021 ISSN: 2319-8966
Jocelyn B. Hipona
Joseph Erol T. Cuevas
Joan A. Martin
Paper Received: 12.04.2021 / Paper Accepted: 14.05.2021 / Paper Published: 26.05.2021
Corresponding Author: Jocelyn B. Hipona; Email:; doi:10.46360/cosmos.ahe.520211004

Background: Every academic institution's goal is to produce competent and highly qualified graduates that
can eventually be competitive in a local or global place. This study is a very powerful tool that can provide
valuable information for evaluating the whereabouts and performance of the graduates in the workplace. The
study conducted was specifically facilitated to the BS in Nursing Graduates of LCUP.
Aim: This study aimed to keep track of the graduates in the La Consolacion University Philippines under
Bachelor of Science in Nursing from 2016-2020.
Method: The descriptive type of research was utilized via online survey questionnaires in google form as the
main tool to gather the information needed from the respondents. The primary sources of data are the 10 BS
Nursing graduates of La Consolacion University Philippines, College of Allied Medical Professions from
batch 2016-2020.
Findings: The majority of the graduates are currently working in nursing-related occupations, largely in
private institutions, according to the findings. Furthermore, the graduates believe that the BS Nursing
program at LCUP has helped them grow emotionally and professionally.

Keywords: Tracer Study, Bachelor of Science in Nursing Graduates, Institutional Goals, LCUP Graduates.

Introd uction project proposal for the conversion of the Regina

Every academic institution's goal is to produce Carmeli College to a University. On June 10, 1993,
competent and highly qualified graduates that can RCC received the initial findings of the Office of
eventually be competitive in a local or global place. the Secretary of the DECS. More documentary
This study is a very powerful tool that can provide evidence was sought on the human and physical
valuable information for evaluating the resources of the institution. It was December 4,
whereabouts and performance of the graduates in 1997, when the Commission for the much-awaited
the workplace. This study aimed to keep track of decision invited the President and some members
the graduates in the La Consolacion University of the academic council. Finally, CHED en banc
Philippines Allied Health Sciences. Resolution 144.97 officially converted Regina
Carmeli College to a university status under the
The La Consolacion University Philippines, name University of Regina Carmeli (URC). In
formerly known as University of Regina Carmeli, January 8, 2011, by virtue of a congregational
is a co-educational Catholic University established decision that school being run by the Augustinian
and administered by the Augustinian Sisters of Our Sisters of Our Lady of Consolacion would be under
Lady of Consolation (ASOLC). The school was one name, “La Consolacion School/College/
established in 1937 by Doña Estefanía del Rosario University”, as the case maybe, management
Vda. de Jacinto, a sister of Mother Catalina de applied to the Securities and Exchange
Jesus, OSA, donated a property for the education of Commission for the change of name from URC to
the children of poor families in Barasoain, Malolos. LCUP. On March 2, 2011, the commission
At that time, it was the only educational institution approved amended articles of incorporation and by-
in the locality. The first formal attempt to apply for laws of SEC-CR Reg. No. 7797 officially
a university status took place in 1993. The converting University of Regina Carmeli to La
President sent a formal letter of intent to the Consolacion University Philippines. With this new
Secretary of the Department of Education Culture name, LCUP commits itself even more to become
and Sports, Hon. Isidro Cariño together with a a provider of world class professionally comp

*Dean, College of Allied Medical Professions, La Consolacion University Philippines, Malolos, Philippines.
**Program Head, Nursing Department, College of Allied Medical Professions, La Consolacion University
Philippines, Malolos, Philippines.
***Faculty, Nursing Department, College Allied of Medical Professions, La Consolacion University
Philippines, Malolos, Philippines.
competent human resources who can ensure the The example of the health care delivery model
sustainability of a Christo-Centric Stewardship of driven by technology changes today can be seen
the community. from customers who often use online consultations
to healthcare professionals to get the treatment
The University conducts this evaluation of the (Milton, 2018). In some countries, for example,
impact of BSN Curriculum on the graduates as one Japan has been developing various types of
of its research priorities. This shows LCUP’s humanoid nursing robots for delivering nursing
accountability to its stakeholders. Part of this is care (Tanioka et al., 2017), which poses a challenge
LCUP’s current initiatives to revise, improve and for nurses around the world, and changes how they
develop the program it offers and specifically to work, live and play. In addition, this era is
have an initial basis for the development of nursing considered a threat for unskilled workers or new
curriculum in the 4.0 industry. Most do not yet graduates who are at a high risk of being left
know just how it will unfold, but one thing is clear: unemployed. Therefore, there is a need to be able
the response to it must be integrated and to prepare graduates to establish the impacts on
comprehensive, involving all stakeholders of the nursing practice and patient outcomes.
global polity, from the public and private sectors to
academes and civil society. There are three reasons Moreover, it intends to determine if the curricular
why today’s transformations represent not merely a programs are being implemented appropriately at
prolongation of the Third Industrial Revolution but the classroom level and if it is eliciting the desired
rather the arrival of a Fourth and distinct one: effect on student achievement and employability.
velocity, scope, and systems impact. The speed of As a means of curriculum evaluation, tracer studies
current breakthroughs has no historical precedent. also help identify curriculum weaknesses and
When compared with previous industrial strengths. Some judgments about what aspects of
revolutions, the Fourth is evolving at an the curriculum can be retained, enhanced or written
exponential rather than a linear pace. Moreover, it off can be made if there is an evaluation data on
is disrupting almost every industry in every country. which such decisions are based. Schools have to
And the breadth and depth of these changes herald provide the training that meets the standards of
the transformation of entire systems of production, employers set for their workforce. Industries may
management, and governance. According to the have different standards, but they always have a set
world economic forum, the Fourth Industrial of characteristics they expect for their applicants to
Revolution represents a fundamental change in the possess that would boost institutional objectives.
way people live, work and relate to one another. It Whether employers seek graduates whose skills are,
is a new chapter in human development, enabled by either, related or not aligned to their field of
extraordinary technology advances commensurate specialization, they will always look for their
with those of the first, second and third industrial standards. Further findings of tracer studies can be
revolutions. These advances are merging the used to define or redefine higher education
physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that institutions’ mission and market niche and show
create both huge promise and potential peril. The how academic programs and course offerings can
speed, breadth and depth of this revolution is be adjusted to reflect institutional goals. Findings
forcing individuals to rethink how countries can also be used by stakeholders in deciding where
develop, how organizations create value and even to look for skills. Lastly, the evaluation shall
what it means to be human. The Fourth Industrial provide a basis for further improving existing and
Revolution is about more than just technology- or developing a new BS Nursing curriculum and
driven change; it is an opportunity to help everyone, implementation process.
including leaders, policy makers and people from
all income groups and nations, to harness In addressing the emerging and complex nature and
converging technologies in order to create an challenges of the 21st century, higher education
inclusive, human-centered future. The real stands out as one of the major keys to cope with
opportunity is to look beyond technology and find reforms. Standing on the brink of a technological
ways to give the greatest number of people the revolution that will fundamentally alter the way
ability to positively impact their families, people live, work, and relate to one another. In its
organizations and communities. The world is scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation
experiencing an era of the fourth industrial will be unlike anything humankind has experienced
revolution characterized by a fusion of disruptive before. The Commission on Higher Education was
technologies like cyber-physical systems, cloud created with a vision to become the key leader of
technology, cognitive computing, robotic process, the Philippine higher education system to work
artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, effectively in partnership with the major higher
which impact every health care industry in both education stakeholders in building the country’s
developing and developed countries, from being human capital and innovation capacity toward the
manpower-intensive to being technology-centric. development of a Filipino nation. This, in effect,

mandates CHED to promote relevant, efficient and Allied Health Sciences from batch 2016-2020.
quality higher education. Additionally, the Their general profile, and employment status are
collected data is an important indicator of the primarily considered in the set of questionnaires
quality of higher education. In the Philippines, the provided.
Commission on Higher Education requires all HEIs
to conduct a tracer study and is equally reflected as 1.3 Instrum en tatio n
one of the required documents by any higher The study used an online survey questionnaire to
education accrediting body such as the Accrediting gather the necessary data for this study. The
Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in questionnaire is composed of four main parts: the
the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc. for government demographic profile of the respondents,
and for private sector is Philippine Accrediting educational background, the post-college programs,
Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities and their employment data.
1.4 D ata G ath ering P ro ced ure
By conducting a survey on the cohort of graduates To reach out to the target respondents, the study
from a specific institution, profession, discipline, used social networking platforms. The
level of education, their employment characteristics, questionnaire was distributed through email by the
competencies and skills development, and have a researchers. The researchers were able to
comparative analysis, the information gained from understand and analyze the data collected from the
these can be used by the graduate’s alma mater and BSN graduates' batch 2016-2020 after the survey.
other education stakeholders for curriculum
development and other emerging reforms. Because
of their nature, graduate tracer studies typically 1.5 R esearch Lo cale
have similar objectives, such as to find out the The study was conducted at the La Consolacion
results of higher education and training in terms of University Philippines with their respective BS
employment outcomes to improve higher education Nursing alumni as the respondents.
provision. In this study, a couple of steps further to
get a sense of the broader college experience and 1.6 S tatistical Treatm en t
how it relates not just to employment outcomes but This study used percentile and frequency
to socio-civic participation and overall life distribution methods to analyze and interpret the
satisfaction. Lastly, the evaluation shall provide a data.
basis to further improve the existing BSN
curriculum to successfully implement the program Percentage This was employed to determine
for the students to obtain a good scholastic frequency counts and percentage distribution of
performance. This study aimed to assess the personal related variables of the respondents.To
educational experiences, employment, and determine the extent of the responses, since each
achievements of graduates of the Bachelor of task is composed of several different activities, a 4-
Science in Nursing Program of LCUP Allied point scale was used to rate the usefulness of the
Health Sciences from batch 2016 ‒ 2020. degree, satisfaction of the current job, contribution
of the program to personal and professional growth
M etho d o lo g y and the impact of the degree program to BS
Nursing graduates. Thus, the rating of each task
1.1 R esearch D esign was determined by taking the mean of all the
This research study applied the descriptive method activities for each task.
of research. Graduate Tracer Study (GTS) adopted
from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) The descriptive interpretation of the mean ratings
was the data-gathering tool. An online survey was are as follows:
used to collect the data from the graduates. The
initial target population was all students who
completed their studies in La Consolacion 1.7 Likert S cale
University Philippines (LCUP) with Bachelor of
Science in Nursing degree in the years 2016 to Scale Range Scale Interpretation
2020. The researchers had a total of 10 respondents. 4 3.28 - 4.0 Very Highly
In line with this, the data that were gathered were 3 2.52 – 3.27 Highly
organized, tabulated, analyzed using descriptive 2 1.76 – 2.51 Fairly
statistics, specifically Likert Scale. It was used to 1 1.00 – 1.75 Poorly
collect respondents’ attitudes and opinions.
3.28-4.0 Very Highly(VH), 2.57-3.27 Highly(H),
1.2 D escrip tio n of R esp on den ts 1.76- 2.51 Fairly(F), 1.00- 1.75 Poorly (P)
The primary sources of data are the 10 BSN
graduates of La Consolacion University Philippines

R esu lts Total 10 100
Tab le 1: E ducatio n al A ttain m en t o f Th e
In this study's graduate sampling, gender is not
R esp on den ts considered a significant variable. However, data on
Educational Frequency Percentage
respondents' sex is supplied here to give a more
detailed picture of the study's participants based on
BSN-RN 9 90 this characteristic. The gender breakdown of
Masters 0 0 responses is seen in Table 3. The bulk of responses
Doctorate 1 10 are female (60%) and male (40%) respectively. As
TOTAL 10 shown in the table, males are still employed in
culturally bound masculine jobs, although the
The educational attainment of the respondents discipline is dominated by female graduates. As
seeking postgraduate degrees is shown in Table 1. personal professional pathways, men disdain care-
Nine (9) of the respondents had earned a Bachelor oriented vocations such as nursing (Croft, 2015).
of Science in Nursing degree, accounting for 90 Men care less about nurturing and connection when
percent of the total. The stated number of it comes to roles in society that provide care to
respondents completed their degree and took the others, according to a study by Block (2018).
license exam in order to practice or use what they Furthermore, people who strongly embraced
had learnt and gain some experience in order to agentic concepts tended to give health professions a
improve their success. Currently, one (1) out of lower societal value. Nursing is still mostly a
every ten (10) respondents is pursuing a Doctorate female-dominated profession, as the table indicates,
in Nursing Education. The respondent wants to but this is slowly changing.
educate others and has a lot of potential in the field
of nursing, both in terms of teaching and personal Tab le 4: Freq uen cy, P ercen tage and R an k
and professional development.
D istribu tion in Term s of A ge
Age Frequency Percentage Rank
Table 2: D istrib u tion of R espo nd ents
21 and 1 10 3.5
Academic Year Frequency Percentage
less than
2020 3 30 22-25 3 30 2
2019 2 20 26-29 4 40 1
2018 2 20 30> 1 10 3.5
2017 2 20 TOTAL 10 100
2016 1 10
Table 4 shows the age distribution of respondents.
TOTAL 10 100
Because they graduated based on their expected
age or timeline as regular students, the majority of
Table 2 shows the distribution of respondents based Nursing graduates (40 percent) are in their mid- to
on the academic year in which they received their late-twenties. Between the ages of 22 and 25, 30%
diploma. One respondent, accounting for 10% of of those polled are between the ages of 22 and 25.
the total, graduated in 2016. In the survey, two (2) 10% of those who responded are under the age of
respondents from each academic year (2017, 2018, 21, while another 10% are above the age of 30.
and 2019) took part. Three (3) respondents College students often graduate between the ages
graduated in 2020, accounting for 30% of the total. of 20 and 21, after which they begin working, a
Prior to 2016, nursing and health care were in crisis phase during which they concentrate on personal
due to a continuous drop in nursing school and professional development as well as pursuing
enrolment and a nursing shortage. This table greater job or academic status, which might take
suggests that there was an increase in student many years.
enrolment between 2017 and 2020. To help ease
the situation, collaboration has been established to
promote understanding and awareness of the
Tab le 5: Freq uen cy, P ercen tage and R an k
profession's prospects. Nurses took special D istribu tio n in Term s of C ivil S tatu s
measures to improve the public's perception of Civil Status Frequency Percentage Rank
nursing and reinvigorate interest in such a dynamic Married 2 20 2
and crucial vocation. Single 8 80 1
Table 3: F req uen cy, P ercen tag e an d R an k TOTAL 10 100
D istrib u tion in Term s of S ex
According to the data, single status outnumbers
Sex Frequency Percentage Rank
married status, indicating that most Nursing grads
Female 6 60 1
desire to concentrate on work in order to attain
Male 4 40 2
their objectives. Employers prefer to hire single

people because they believe they are more heavy task, and the COVID 19 pandemic are just a
dedicated to their careers and more willing to take few of the reasons for the time gap between
on challenges and responsibilities than married graduation and employment. After graduation,
people. some of the respondents considered taking
language classes and studying overseas.
People perceive single people to be able and
willing to work longer hours than married people, Tab le 8: Freq uen cy, P ercen tage and R an k
according to Evangelista et al. (2015), because D istribu tion in Term s of E m ploym en t S tatu s
married people may have duties outside of work,
Employment Frequency Percentage Rank
which may contribute to people favoring singles in
job decisions. Graduates may even desire to work
Full-time 7 70 1
outside of the country, depriving them of the
Self- 2 20 2
opportunity to settle down. This conclusion is
consistent with a 2017 report from the Philippine
Statistics Authority (PSA), which reported a 3.60 Not working 1 10 3
and looking
percent reduction in weddings between 2014 and
2015, and a 20.10 percent reduction within a for a job
decade (Lazatin, 2018). TOTAL 10 100

As seen in Table 8, the majority of respondents

Table 6: F req uen cy, P ercen tag e an d R an k (70%) are full-time employees. Self-employed
D istrib u tio n in T erm s o f W orkin g w h ile people make about 20% of the total number of
S tu dying responses. Only one (1) respondent, accounting for
Frequency Percentage Rank 10% of the total, is currently unemployed and
Yes 1 10 2 seeking for work. This result simply indicates the
No 9 90 1 high demand for nursing employment in the labor
TOTAL 10 100 market. There are a range of new growing
vocations for nurses, including medical tourism,
Table 6 reveals that (90%) of respondents wanted medical transcriptionist, home care, and
to concentrate on studying first, and ( 10% ) entrepreneurship, in addition to the conventional
preferred to study while working. Educational sought-after employment in health institutions such
characteristics appear to have a significant impact as hospitals, community health centers, and private
on professional competence. According to the data, clinics.
the majority of graduates are full-time students,
meaning they have the financial means or ability to Tab le 9: Freq uen cy, P ercen tage and R an k
pay tuition fees and graduate on time, while some D istrib u tion in Term s of H ow They Fou n d
decided to study while working owing to financial Th eir Jo b .
constraints. According to the findings of a study
done by Williams (2014), students work for a
Age Frequency Percentage Rank
variety of reasons, including fiscal necessity,
meeting a fast or fundamental need, and assisting Written 2 20 2.5
understudy in achieving their future goals. This is Inquiry
corroborated by the findings of Furr and Elling Advertiseme 1 10 5
(2002), who found that students work part-time due nt in Media
to financial constraints. Through 3 30 1
Table 7: F req uen cy, P ercen tag e an d R an k Through 2 20 2.5
D istrib ution in Term s of S eekin g Job A fter friends
Others 2 20 2.5
O btainin g T he D eg ree TOTAL 10 100
Timeline Frequency Percentage Rank
<Year 4 40 2 According to the data, the biggest number (30%) of
>Year/s 6 60 1 respondents claimed that they found their work
TOTAL 10 100 through their relatives. And three of them (20%)
discovered their work through written inquiry,
According to the data, (60 percent) of the acquaintances, and other channels, while the
respondents were able to find work years after remaining ten percent (10%) obtained their work
receiving their degree, and (40 percent) were able through media advertisements. It only goes to show
to find work in less than a year after completing that a referral from a family member may be a huge
their degree/course. Low pay, a desire to take a help while looking for a job.
break, a lack of benefits, long working hours, a

Table 10 : Freq u ency, P ercen tag e, an d R an k Table 11: Freq u ency, P ercentag e, an d R ank
D istribu tion in Term s of R elatedn ess o f D istrib u tio n in Term s of D egree E arned from
C urren t Jo b to D eg ree O b tained Lcu p P ro vid ed The N eed ed Tech n ical K n o w -
Frequency Percentage Rank H o w o f Th e Jo b
Yes 7 70 1
No 3 30 2 Frequency Percentage Rank
TOTAL 10 100 Yes 9 90 1
No 1 10 2
According to Table 10, seven out of ten
TOTAL 10 100
respondents (70%) have a job that is connected to
the degree they earned. And thirty percent of them
As demonstrated in Table 11, the majority of
were employed, but not in a position relevant to
respondents (90 percent) stated that their LCUP
their degree. The majority of respondents said they
degree provided them with the necessary technical
intended to put their degree into practice in order to
knowledge for their professions. Only one
improve their skills and knowledge. Additionally,
respondent (ten percent) disagreed. They claim that
they desired to put their theoretical knowledge into
the college has prepared them in accordance with
reality and gain confidence in their professional
their expectations, not only in terms of competence,
performance. Students enroll in college and choose
but also in terms of values that they will need in
degree fields in the hopes of finding work. One
their everyday dealings with patients or clients.
facet of labor market success is the ability to put
one's education to work in the future.

Tab le 12: E xten t o f The U sefu ln ess of The D eg ree to The P resen t Jo b
Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Knowledge and
3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.7
Mean rating 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3.7

Verbal Interpretation: 3.28-4.0 Very Highly(VH), 2.57-3.27 Highly(H), 1.76- 2.51 Fairly(F), 1.00- 1.75 Poorly

Table 12 reveals that seven (7) out of ten (10) Because they're putting what they've learnt into
respondents chose 4 (very high), while three (3) practice. The undergraduate competencies supplied
chose 3 (moderately high) (high). This indicates are outstanding learning in terms of having a large
that the majority of nursing graduates consider their impact on the labor market.
degree to be quite useful in their present position.

T able 13: E xten t of S atisfactio n on T he C urren t Jo b

Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Satisfaction 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3.5
Mean rating 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 3.5

Verbal Interpretation: 3.28-4.0 Very Highly(VH), 2.57-3.27 Highly(H), 1.76- 2.51 Fairly(F), 1.00- 1.75 Poorly

Table 13 reveals that five (5) out of every ten (10) is no reason to leave if their work is adequately
respondents chose 4 (very high), while the other half compensated and their welfare is taken care of.
chose 3. (high). In order to obtain increased Compensation, workload, management perceptions,
productivity, job satisfaction is critical. The average flexibility, teamwork, and resources are all factors
rating is very good, indicating that graduates are that influence employee happiness.
happy and pleased in their current position. There
are a variety of reasons why an employee would like
to stay with a company, but most of the time, there

Tab le 14 : Freq u ency, P ercen tage, an d R an k C urren t E m p lo ym ent S tatu s
D istrib u tion in Term s o f Inten tio n to S tay in Table 16: Freq u ency, P ercentag e, an d R ank
T he Job D istrib ution in Term s of O ccup atio nal
Frequency Percentage Rank C lassification
Yes 7 70 1 Classification Frequency Percentage Rank
No 3 30 2 Nurse I 4 40 1
TOTAL 10 100 Nursing 1 10 3.5
As seen in Table 14, the majority of respondents Nursing 1 10 3.5
(70%) intend to stay in their current position. Thirty Professor/
percent of them say they won't stay on the job for Lecturer
some reason. Among the reasons given by Assistant 3 30 2
respondents are the desire to be an entrepreneur, the Nursing
want to apply to another field of competence, the Superintendent
desire to graduate medical school and run their own Nurse VI 1 10 3.5
business, and the want to work abroad. Some TOTAL 10 100
respondents claimed that they wanted to continue
their career abroad and start their own business, but As shown in Table 16, 40% of the respondents are
the majority of them answered that they wanted to employed as Nurse I, indicating that continual
stay in their current position since they are used to it learning may be required to advance in their careers,
and comfortable there. 30% are Assistant Nursing Superintendents, and
the remainder are Nursing Director (10%), Nursing
Tab le 15 : Freq u ency, P ercen tage, an d R an k Professor/Lecturer (10%), and Nurse VI (10%). (10
percent ).
D istrib ution in Term s of The Typ e o f
O rgan izatio n A pp lied Table 17: Freq u ency, P ercentag e, an d R ank
Type of Frequency Percentage Rank
D istribu tion in Term s of Job S tatu s
Private 6 60 1 Classification Frequency Percentage Rank
Public 2 20 2 Permanent 6 60 1
Self- 1 10 3.5 Job Order/ 1 10 3.5
employed Casual
Government 1 10 3.5 Temporary 1 10 3.5
TOTAL 10 100 Self- 2 20 2
Table 15 shows that 60% of respondents are linked TOTAL 10 100
with a private organization, 20% are linked with a
public institution, 10% are self-employed, and 10% In terms of their job status, table 17 demonstrates
are linked with the government. This means that that the majority of the respondents, or 60%, are
the vast majority of graduates preferred to work for permanent. They are self-employed 20% of the
a private company rather than for the government time, have a job order 10% of the time, and are on
or for themselves. temporary status 10% of the time. This means that
the vast majority of graduates are committed to
their current positions, whether they are in public
or private organizations.

Tab le 18 : F req u ency, P ercen tag e and R ank D istribu tion in Term s of T he Job Title

Job related to nursing F % Rank Job not related to nursing F % Rank

Quarantine nurse 1 33.33 1.5 Social Media Representative 1 33.33 1.5
Nursing Level
1 33.33 1.5 Content Gaming Creator 1 33.33 1.5
Investment Trading, E-
Hemodialysis Nurse 1 33.33 1.5 1 33.33 1.5
TOTAL 3 100 3 100
No Response 4
TOTAL 6 100

The respondents' employment titles are listed in Table 20 : Freq u ency, P ercen tag e and R an k
Table 18. Because four (4) respondents did not D istribu tion in Term s of M on th ly Inco m e
respond, their percentage was not taken into
account. As shown in the table, three (3)
R ang e
respondents had nursing-related employment,
including quarantine nurse, nursing level Classification Frequency Percentage Rank
coordinator, and hemodialysis nurse. The other Below Php 1 10 3.5
three (3) respondents work in fields other than 10,000
nursing, such as social media representative, 10,000 – 4 40 1
content gaming creator, and investment, trading, 20,000
and e-commerce job. 21,000 – 2 20 2
Tab le 19 : Freq u ency, P ercen tage and R ank 31,000 – 1 10 3.5
D istrib ution in T erm s o f N um b er o f Y ears A s 51,000 – 1 10 3.5
S elf-E m p lo yed 60,000
71,000 1 10 3.5
Classification Frequency Percentage Rank TOTAL 10 100
Below 1 4 40 2
1-5 5 50 1 In terms of current monthly income, graduates
11-15 1 10 3 receive barely enough to meet their basic needs, as
TOTAL 10 100 seen in Table 20. Because the majority of them
have already committed to their existing position,
As shown in Table 19, the majority of respondents their pay is ideal. 40% of them make 10,000-
(50%) have been working for 1 to 5 years, owing to 20,000 per month, 20% make 21,000-30,000, and
factors such as a lack of promotion or wage 10% make less than 10,000 per month. Others earn
increase. Only one respondent (10%) has been 71,000 (10%), 51,000-60,000 (10%), 31,000-
employed for more than ten years and 40 percent 40,000 (10%), and 10% earn less than 10,000 per
have been worked for less than a year, possibly month.
because they are seeking higher salary.
Table 21: E xten t on th e C on tribu tio n of th e P ro g ram to P erson al and P ro fessio nal G ro w th
Skills Weighted Mean Rank
Enhance academic profession 3.4 VH 5.5
Improved problem-solving skills 3.5 VH 1.5
Improved research skills 3.3 VH 11.5
Improved learning efficacy 3.4 VH 5.5
Improved communication/interpersonal skills 3.4 VH 5.5
Improved information technology skills 3.3 VH 11.5
Improved team spirit/people skill 3.5 VH 1.5
Meeting present and future professional skills 3.4 VH 5.5
Exposure to local community within field of 3.4 VH 5.5
Exposure to International community within the field 3.2 H 13.5
of specialization
Critical thinking skill 3.5 VH 1.5
Salary Improvement and promotion 3.2 H 13.5
Opportunity abroad 3.4 VH 5.5
Personality Development 3.5 VH 1.5

Verbal Interpretation: 3.28-4.0 Very Highly(VH), 2.57-3.27 Highly(H), 1.76- 2.51 Fairly(F), 1.00- 1.75 Poorly

Table 21 depicts the program's impact to the development. Because the descriptive interpretation
respondent's personal and professional of the bulk of the skills is Very High, the

respondents believe the program has had a very high. Salary, as well as exposure to the
substantial impact on their personal and international society within the field of expertise
professional growth. With a weighted mean of 3.5, With a weighted mean of 3.2, improvement and
increased problem-solving skills, better team advancement came in last.
spirit/people skills, and critical thinking ranked

T able 22: D eg ree o f S atisfaction o f The D eg ree P ro g ram Fin ish ed at LC U P

Weighted Mean Rank
Range of subjects offered 3.6 VH 10.5
Relevance of the program to professional 3.8 VH 1.5
Extra-curricular activities 3.3 VH 14
Problem solving 3.8 VH 1.5
Premium given to research 3.7 VH 6.5
Interdisciplinary learning 3.7 VH 6.5
Teaching and learning environment 3.7 VH 6.5
Quality of instructions 3.8 VH 1.5
Teacher-Student relationship 3.8 VH 1.5
Library Resources 3.7 VH 6.5
Laboratory resources 3.6 VH 10.5
Class size 3.6 VH 10.5
Infrastructures and facilities 3.8 VH 1.5
Professor’s knowledge of major subjects 3.6 VH 10.5

Verbal Interpretation: 3.28-4.0 Very Highly(VH), 2.57-3.27 Highly(H), 1.76- 2.51 Fairly(F), 1.00- 1.75 Poorly

Respondents rated the degree program completed Table 23 shows how many years/months the
at LCUP highly, as seen in Table 22, with the respondent has spent seeking further education.
weighted mean ranging from 3.3 to 3.8 for all of Because six (6) respondents did not respond, their
the categories included. With a weighted mean of percentage was not taken into account. In 2017,
3.8, the most important factors were relevance of one respondent (25%) enrolled in graduate school.
the curriculum to professional requirements, The remaining three respondents indicated that
problem solving, quality of instruction, teacher- they would like to enroll in June, August, and
student connection, and infrastructures and September, respectively.
facilities. With a weighted mean of 3.3,
extracurricular activities came in last. Table 24: Freq u ency, P ercentag e, an d R ank
D istribu tion in Term s of P ro gram in
R esp on ses in P u rsu in g F urther S tu dy in A ny P ursuing Further S tu dies
E du catio n al Institution
Degree Frequency Percentage Rank
Table 23 : Freq u ency, P ercen tag e, an d R an k Program
D istrib u tion in Term s o f N um b er o f Ph D in 1 25 2.5
Y ears/M o n th s in P ursuin g F urther S tu dies Nursing
Classification Frequency Percentage Rank Education
2017 1 25 1.5 Medicine 2 50 1
June 1 25 1.5 MAN 1 25 2.5
September 1 25 1.5 TOTAL 4
August 1 25 1.5 No 6
TOTAL 4 response
No response 6 TOTAL 10 100
TOTAL 10 100

Table 24 reveals that just four (4) out of ten (10) daily interactions with their patients or clients. This
respondents wish to enroll in a degree program to indicates that the majority of nursing graduates
continue their education. Six (6) of them haven't consider their degree to be quite useful in their
responded at all. A PhD in Nursing Education was present position. Because they're putting what
chosen by one respondent, accounting for 25% of they've learnt into practice. The undergraduate
the total. The majority of responders (50%) desired competencies supplied are outstanding learning in
to study medicine, while the remaining 25% terms of having a large impact on the labor market.
desired to pursue a Master of Arts in Nursing. The majority of respondents felt that the program
Some of the reasons why respondents intended to they completed had a significant impact on their
pursue graduate courses were career advancement personal and professional growth.
and development, greater work possibilities, a
higher wage and position, and self-fulfillment. R eco m m en dation s
Make it a system-wide practice to undertake tracer
Table 25 : Freq u ency, P ercen tag e, an d R an k studies every other school year, with respondents
D istrib u tion in T erm s o f W here to Take Th e including not just graduates but also employers.
P rog ram in P u rsu in g Further S tu dies Increased marketing of the BSN program to attract
more students and produce more graduates. In
order for the university to generate successful
Institution Frequency Percentage Rank
graduates, it must educate students for a world in
Holy Angel 1 25 1.5
which these cyber-physical systems are common,
including teaching students about technological
Malolos 1 25 1.5
advancements as part of the curriculum and
leveraging technology to improve the university
University of 1 25 1.5 experience. A career development program for
Alberta students to help them build career strategies and
Canada provide the information they need to make
La 1 25 1.5 educated career decisions. It is necessary to
Consolacion investigate the creation of a system that can aid
University employed graduates in attaining further education.
Philippines The institution should encourage tracer studies like
TOTAL 4 this one so that it can keep track of how its
No response 6 graduates perform and what efforts may be made to
TOTAL 10 100 improve the curriculum and teaching techniques in
order to generate more productive and deserving
Table 25 displays the graduate schools where they graduates.
are enrolled or would like to enroll. Because six (6)
respondents did not respond, their percentage was C on flicts of Interest
not taken into account. One of the interviewees is The authors declare that there are no significant
pursuing a PhD in Nursing Education at Holy competing financial, professional, or personal
Angel University. The remaining three (3) interests that might have influenced the
respondents intend to enroll in other universities to performance or presentation of the work described
further their education. Malolos Bulacan, in this manuscript.
University of Alberta Canada and La Consolacion
University were the respondent’s answers.
A ckn o w led gem en t
The authors would like to extend their sincere
C on clusio n gratitude and deepest appreciation to their
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in the labor market. Aside from the usual sought- possible accomplishment of this research work.
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