AC 1.0 Introduction and Flowchart V7.1
AC 1.0 Introduction and Flowchart V7.1
AC 1.0 Introduction and Flowchart V7.1
AC 1.0 Introduction and Flowchart
1. Purpose:
The purpose of this Accreditation Procedure is to outline the process that is to be followed by the GAC (GCC
Accreditation Center) in providing its accreditation services.
Accreditation is the result of an assessment process that is designed to determine whether a conformity
assessment body (CAB) has the competence to carry out its conformity assessment activities. These activities
may include calibration, testing, inspection or certification.
The standards against which a determination of competence is made are defined by international bodies that
have appropriate recognition to do so using technical criteria established by groups of technical experts.
The applicable standards are those published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and
the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in the suite of standards within the ISO/IEC 17000 series. In
future, other recognised standards may be applied.
The international and regional groups of accreditation bodies such as the International Accreditation Forum
(IAF), International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), International Halal Accreditation Forum (IHAF),
Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC), Arab Accreditation Cooperation (ARAC) and European
Accreditation (EA) have produced guidance on the implementation of relevant ISO/IEC standards in
accreditation situations.
Criteria for the proper application of test methods, standard and other conformity assessment activities are
necessary for the valid use of accreditation procedures are also defined in product standards, codes of practice
and similar documents published by international and national standards bodies, industry standards or
enterprise standards.
GAC, as an accreditation body, may also issue supplementary requirements and guidelines derived from its own
expert resources.
2. Scope:
This procedure is applicable across all the accreditation services that GAC provides against the accreditation
schemes for such as testing & calibration laboratories including medical labs, certification bodies, halal CBs,
inspection bodies etc. The accreditation process described here and the process as outlined in the flow chart is
applicable across all the accreditation schemes offered by GAC.
This procedure is for general description purposes for illustrating the accreditation process, the details of the
process are in the procedures from AC (accreditation) series documents of the GAC’s management system.
Also, this procedure briefly describes assessment scheduling as well as accreditation cycles.
3. Responsibilities:
The Accreditation Services Manager (ASM) and Technical & Quality manager (TQM) are responsible for ensuring
these procedures are adhered correctly by GAC personnel (including assessors/experts as applicable).
4. Procedure:
Only the key steps in the accreditation process are given below as well as in the flow chart, however the details
of all the steps can be found in the AC series procedures referenced in this procedure.
Document Review:
GAC’s appointed assessment team conducts the review of documents submitted by the CAB as part of the
assessment preparations, the review of the documents is usually prior to the assessment (normal document
Issuance of Accreditation:
GAC File manager prepares the accreditation documents and obtains necessary approvals following which
accreditation is issued to the CAB and is published on GAC’s website.
The process of accreditation at the GAC involves a number of steps that are illustrated in the flow chart below.
Note: Only main steps are shown in the flowchart, intermediary steps are outlined in accreditation procedures.
5. Assessment scheduling:
With regard to the accreditation cycle, each File Manager ensures an accurate planning for the assessment
dates, especially for surveillance and reassessments. The dates must be arranged to guarantee the continuity
and maintenance of the accreditation.
Each File Manager, shall start to plan the assessment as presented in the chart hereafter. The main steps are:
a. Preparation: this step is done enough time before to allow for the contact with the CAB, the selection
of the assessment team and the document review.
b. Assessment: this step includes the applicable due assessment (e.g. initial, surveillance, renewal),
submitting to GAC the assessment deliverables and the close-out of the nonconformities.
c. Decision: this step includes decision making process.
- The due date is 24 months from the previous assessment, all assessment shall be conducted before the due date.
- In case of additional assessments that do not require changing the accreditation program (follow up, complaint,
reinstation, additional surveillance by DC): keep surveillance and renewal as planned.
- In case of early surveillance, only accept if the surveillance is up to 6 months from the due date.
- In case of additional assessment (scope extension, early surveillance more than 6 months), adjust the dates of next
assessment but make sure renewal doesn’t exceed the end of cycle
Additional assessments, other than the regular surveillance, can be conducted by GAC as needed to ensure continued
compliance of the CAB to the Accreditation requirements.
Note: Assessment scheduling and the follow-up of the deadlines is made on the form AC 1.1 ‘Schedule of GAC
The assessment schedule can be altered when required e.g., due to extraordinary events, or other unforeseen situation
or valid reason however ensuring that it doesn’t exceed 24months for conductance of an assessment for a CAB.
GAC file managers can reshuffle the assessment planning within the schedule of assessment AC 1.1 allowed based on
their convenience, convenience of the CAB, regulator or as discussions progresses on assessment planning with CAB
& the assigned assessment team.
In case, if the duration between the consecutive assessments exceeds 24-months whatever the reason such as CAB’s
request or due to an extraordinary event/unforeseen situation or due to impossibility/difficulty of assessment
conductance, this has to be at the approval discretion of ASM or relevant DM.
6. Accreditation Cycle
Default cycle: GAC normally operates a 4-years accreditation cycle
The accreditation cycle begins on or after the date of accreditation decision for the initial or renewal assessment.
GAC may also adopt a cycle of any duration from 2 to 5 years depending on demand by an economy, market,
scheme, industry, regulator and or at the discretion of GAC (CAB management system proven stability/instability,
CAB contractual agreements,…), regardless of the duration of the cycle opted GAC shall determine the need of
periodic assessment and its type but ensures in all the cases as minimum an assessment must takes place at least
by every 2 years.
GAC can decide to start a new accreditation cycle following an assessment (e.g., surveillance, transition, extension,
synchronization with other AB, regulatory requirement, any other situation that GAC adjudges fit to do so) however
ensures it doesn’t affect the integrity of the accreditation and that appropriate extent of requirements is covered.
The illustration diagram provided is symbolic to reflect type of assessments involved in an accreditation cycle or
process however timeline of the next assessment will always and only be determined with preceding assessment
date ensuring not to exceed 24-months’ time period without an assessment, also additional assessment in a cycle
could be determined depending on the risk, outcome/recommendation from the decision-making process,
regulatory requirements, complaints etc.
2-yearly Cycle:
Normally no regular surveillance is applied unless recommended following the initial assessment or determined
by any other means.
Renewal assessment: normally sufficient time enough so as to be ready for decision a month before the end of
cycle (2-yearly renewal assessment)
3-yearly Cycle:
Surveillance assessment: normally 16 months ± 4 months from the date of preceding assessment
Renewal assessment: normally sufficient time enough so as to be ready for decision a month before the end of
4-yearly Cycle:
Surveillance assessment: normally 20 months ± 4 months from the date of preceding assessment
Renewal assessment: normally sufficient time enough so as to be ready for decision a month before the end of
5-yearly Cycle:
A five-year long cycle beholds 2 surveillances which are normally conducted at 20 months ± 4 months from the
date of preceding assessment whereas the renewal assessment is normally conducted after 20 months ± 4
months from the date of preceding surveillance assessment or normally sufficient time enough so as to be ready
for decision a month before the end of cycle.
End of Cycle
1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Renewal assessment
Cycle of 24 months
End of Cycle
Renewal assessment
1 10 12 14 16 18 20 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Surveillance Assessment
Cycle of 36 months
End of cycle
Renewal assessment
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
4 8 `
Surveillance Assessment
End of cycle
Renewal assessment
2-4-6-8 12 16 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 36 38 40 42 44 45 46 47 48 50 52 54 57 58 60
4 8 Surveillance Assessment-2 `
Surveillance Assessment-1