Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Gazette - 2021 - Part Two - 517
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Gazette - 2021 - Part Two - 517
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University Gazette - 2021 - Part Two - 517
Reference Books:
[1] Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, and John Willis,: The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class
Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations
[2] Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford,: The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping
Your Business Win,
[3] Andrew Davis, : Mastering Salesforce DevOps: A Practical Guide to Building Trust While Delivering
Innovation, Apress.
6KE08 Department Professional Elective Lab II is based on 6KE04 Professional Elective-II. Tentative FOSS Tools
& Technology for Practical’s are as follows:
AI : Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK),SpaCy, PyTorch-NLP, Natural, Retext, TextBlob
Cloud : Stack, FOSS cloud Eucalyptus
IoT : Devicehub, Zetta, Node-RED, Flutter, M2MLabs Mainspring
Multimedia : Inkscape, GIMP, Krita, Scribus, RawTherapee.
Course Objectives:
1. Identify role of database system, find out its applications and learn about database file systems.
2. Understand concept of designing database schema and its mapping to relational table.
3. Apply the concepts of database integrity and security, encryption, authorization and Normalization.
4. Evaluate query expression, query cost, query optimization and different operation.
5. Understand the concept of transaction management and its properties.
6. Understand concept of concurrency control and various type of protocol.
Course Outcomes:
1. To understand concept of database system.
2. To understand and apply the concept related with data model
3. Apply concepts of database querying, integrity and security using SQL.
4. To understand query processing and query optimization.
5. To understand concept of transaction management and its properties.
6. To understand the concept of Concurrency control and study of various database protocols.
Unit I: Introduction: Database, types of databases, DBMS, Purpose of DBMS & its Applications, RDBMS, File
System, DBMS Architecture & its types, DBMS: SQL, MYSQL, ORACLE, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Server,
Database Users and Administrator Data Models: Types of data Models: network, relational, object based data
model; Data model schema, Data dependence, types of database languages, ACID properties. E-R Model Concepts,
E-R diagram Notations, Mapping Constraints, DBMS Keys, E-R diagram to Table conversion.
Unit-II: Relational Data Model: Concepts, Relational algebra, Join operation, Integrity constraint
nd its type, relational calculus, Normalization: functional dependencies, Decomposition,
Domain & data dependency, types of Normal forms: 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, 4NF, 5NF;
Transaction processing: Operations on transaction, Properties: Atomicity, Consistency,
Isolation and Durability, States, schedule, deadlock in DBMS.
Unit-IV: Concurrency Control: Lock based protocol, Timestamp based schedulers,Validation based protocol,
Serializability of scheduling, multiple granularity, and Concurrency Control schemes.
Unit-V: Database Security: Authentication, Authorization and access control, DAC, Mandatory Access Control
and Role-Based Access Control models, Intrusion detection, SQL injection.
Unit-VI: Advanced topics: Object oriented and object relational databases, Logical databases, Web databases,
Distributed databases, Data warehousing and data mining.
Text Book: Korth, Sudarshan : Database System Concept , Mc Graw Hill, 6th Edition
Reference Books:
1. Raghu Ramkrishnan : Database system
2. C.J.Date : Database System, 7th ed.
3. Connolly &Begg : Database System, Low Price Ed.
Course Objectives:
1. To understand different automata theory and its operation.
2. To understand mathematical expressions for the formal languages
3. To study computing machines and comparing different types of computational models
4. To understand the fundamentals of problem decidability and Un-Decidability.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. To construct finite state machines to solve problems in computing.
2. To write regular expressions for the formal languages.
3. To construct and apply well defined rules for parsing techniques in compiler
4. To construct and analyze Push Down, Turing Machine for formal languages
5. To express the understanding of the Chomsky Hierarchy.
6. To express the understanding of the decidability and un-decidability problems.
Text Books:
1. Hopcraft H.E. & Ullman J: Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation
2. Peter Linz: An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata .
Reference Books:
1. Rajesh K. Shukla: Theory of Computation, CENGAGE Learning, 2009.
2. K V N Sunitha and N Kalyani: Formal Languages and Automata Theory, McGraw Hill, 2010
3. Lewis H.P. and Papadimition C.H.: Elements of Theory of Computation
4. Mishra &Chandrashekharan: Theory of Computation
5. C.K.Nagpal: Formal Languages and Automata Theory, Oxford University Press, 2011.
6. Vivek Kulkarni: Theory of Computation, OUP India, 2013.
Course Outcomes:
1. To identify unique features of various software application domains and classify software applications.
2. To analyze software requirements by applying various modeling techniques.
3. To choose and apply appropriate lifecycle model of software development.
4. To describe principles of agile development, discuss the SCRUM process and distinguish agile process
model from other process models.
5. To understand IT project management through life cycle of the project and future trends in IT Project
Unit I: Evolving role of Software. Software crises & myths. Software engineering. Software process & process
models: Linear sequential, prototyping, RAD, Evolutionary Product & Process. Project management concepts:
People, Product, Process, Project. W5HH principles, critical practice.
Unit II: Measures, Metrics & Indicators. Metrics in process & project domains-software measurement, Metrics for
software quality, small organization. Software projects Planning: Scope, resources, estimation, decomposition
technique, Tools. Software risks : identification, risk projection, refinement & RMMM plan.
Unit III: Project Scheduling: Concepts. Peoples Efforts. Task set, Task network. Scheduling. EV analysis, Project
Plan. Software quality concepts. SQ Assurance, Software reviews, technical reviews, software reliability, ISO 900
L, SQA Plan. SCM process. Version control. SCM standard.
Unit IV: System Engineering: Hierarchy, Business Process & Product engineering: Overviews. Requirement
engineering, System modeling. Requirement analysis. Analysis principles. Software prototyping. Specification.
Design Process. Design Principles & Concepts. Effective modular design. Design model & documentation.
Unit V: Software architecture, Data Design, Architectural styles, Requirement mapping. Transform & Transaction
mappings. User interface design : Golden Rule. UTD, Task analysis & modeling, ID activities, Tools, design
evaluation. Component level design : Structure programming, Comparison of design notation.
Unit VI: Software testing fundamentals; test case design, Whitebox testing. Basis path, control structure-,
Blackbox-Testing, & for specialized environments. Strategic approach to S/W testing. Unit testing, integration
testing, validation testing, system testing. Debugging. Technical metrics for software.
Text Book: Pressman Roger. S: Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, TMH. (5/e)
Reference Books:
1. Fairly R: Software Engineering (McGraw Hill)
2. Davis A: Principles of Software Development (McGraw Hill)
3. Shooman, M.L: Software Engineering (McGraw-Hill)
Course Outcomes:
The learning outcomes are:
1. Study the foundational theory behind information security.
2. Discuss the basic information security.
3. Illustrate the legal, ethical and professional issues.
4. Discuss the aspects of risk management.
5. Summarize various standards for information security.
6. Explain the security techniques.
Course Contents:
UNIT I: Introduction to Information Security: History, What is Information Security?, Critical Characteristics of
Information, NSTISSC Security Model, Components of an Information System, Securing the Components,
Balancing Security and Access, The SDLC, The Security SDLC
UNIT II : Security Investigation: Need for Security, Business Needs, Threats, Attacks, Legal, Ethical and
Professional Issues.
UNIT III : Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Information Security: Law and Ethics in Information
Security, International Laws and Legal Bodies, Ethics and Information Security.
UNIT IV : Security Analysis: An Overview of Risk Management, Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, Risk
Control Strategies. DRAFT
UNIT V : Planning for Security: Information Security Planning and Governance. Information Security Policy,
Standards, and Practices, the Information Security Blueprint, Security Education, Training, and Awareness Program.
Continuity Strategies .
TEXT BOOK : Michael E Whitman and Herbert J Mattord, “Principles of Information Security”, Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2003.
1. Micki Krause, Harold F. Tipton, “ Handbook of Information Security Management”, Vol 1-3 CRC Press
LLC, 2004.111
2. William Stallings ,"Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice", 6th Edition, Prentice
3. M. Stamp, “Information Security: Principles and Practice,” 2nd Edition, Wiley, ISBN: 0470626399, 2011.
4. Nina Godbole, “ Information Systems Security”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, ISBN -978-81-265-1692-6
5. Mark Merkow, “ Information Security-Principles and Practices”, Pearson Ed. 978-81-317-1288- 7.
Text Books:
[1] Practical Statistics for Data Scientists By Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce, O'Reilly Media, Inc.
[2] Python Data Science Handbook By Jake VanderPlas O'Reilly Media, Inc
Reference Books:
[1] Introduction to Machine Learning with Python By Andreas C. Müller, Sarah Guido, O'Reilly Media, Inc.
[2] Think Stats By Allen B. Downey O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Course Objectives:
The educational objectives of this course are:
To explore various components of Internet of things
To Recognize various devices, sensors and applications
To build a couple of applications that will communicate with IoT hardware and software.
To understand the IoT Reference Architecture and Real World Design Constraints.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, the student would be able:
· To design small scale as well as sophisticated embedded system.
· To implement standalone application and GUI based application for real life projects.
· To recognize the role of professional societies in providing solution for real world problem.
Text Books:
[1] Vijay Madisetti and Arshdeep Bahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-on-Approach)”, 1 st Edition, VPT, 2014
[2] Peter Waher, “Learning Internet of Things”, PACKT publishing, BIRMINGHAM – MUMBAI
Reference Books:
[1] “Internet of Things: Converging Technologies for Smart Environments and Integrated Ecosystems”, Ovidiu
Vermesan, Peter Friess, River Publishers.
[2] Bernd ScholzReiter, Florian Michahelles, “Architecting the Internet of Things”, ISBN 978-3-642-19156-5
e-ISBN 978-3-642-19157-2, Springer.
Course objectives:
1. Explain and elaborate fundamentals of communication
2. Apply knowledge of verbal and nonverbal communication in business cases
3. Elaborate the barriers of communication and apply it improve communication
Course outcomes:
Student will be able to
1. Use and apply interaction skills
2. Use and apply leadership skills
3. Use and apply negations skills.
Unit I: Introduction, Need for Communication, Process of Communication, Written and Verbal Communication,
Visual communication, Signs, Signals and Symbols, Silence as a Mode of Communication, Inter-cultural, Intra-
Unit II: Business Cases and Presentations, Letters within the Organizations, Letters from Top Management,
Circulars and Memos, Business Presentations to Customers and other stakeholders, Presenting a Positive Image
through Verbal and Non-verbal Cues, Preparing and Delivering the Presentations, Use of Audio-visual Aids, Report
Unit III: Barriers to Communication, Improving Communication Skills, Preparation of Promotional Material, Non-
verbal communication, Body language Postures and gestures, Value of time , Organizational body language,
Importance of Listening, Emotional Intelligence.
Unit IV: Individual Interaction and skills, Basic Interaction Skills –Within family, Society, Personal and
interpersonal intrapersonal skills, Types of skills; conceptual, supervisory, technical, managerial and decision
making skills. Problem Solving, Lateral Thinking, Self Awareness and Self Esteem, Group Influence on Interaction
Skills, Human relations examples through role – play and cases.
Unit V: Leadership Skills, Working individually and in a team, Leadership skills, Leadership Lessons through
Literature, Team work & Team building, Interpersonal skills – Conversation, Feedback, Feed forward, Interpersonal
skills – Delegation, Humor, Trust, Expectations, Values, Status, Compatibility and their role in building team –
work Conflict Management – Types of conflicts, how to cope with them, Small cases including role – plays will be
used as teaching methodology.
Unit VI : Negotiation Skills (To be Taught through Role Plays and Cases) ,Types of Negotiation ,Negotiation
Strategies, Selling skills – Selling to customers, Selling to Superiors, Selling to peer groups, team mates &
subordinates, Conceptual selling, Strategic selling, Selling skills – Body language,
Books Recommended:
1. Peggy Klaus, The Hard Truth about Soft Skills.
2. Nitin Bhatnagar. Effective Communication and Soft Skills. Pearson Education India.
3. Eric Garner. Team Building. 4. Wendy Palmer and Janet Crawford. Leadership Embodiment.
Unit I: Introduction: Molecular Biology Introduction, Cell, Nucleus, Genes, DNA, RNA, Proteins, And Chemical
structure of DNA, RNA, Transcription and Translation Process. Protein Structure and Functions, Nature of
Chemical Bonds Molecular Biology tools, Polymerase chain reaction
Unit II: Sequence Alignment: Simple alignments, Gaps, Scoring Matrices, Global and Local Alignments, Smith-
Waterman Algorithm, Multiple sequence Alignments, Gene Prediction, Statistical Approaches to Gene Prediction
Unit III: Genome Algorithms: Genome Rearrangements, Sorting by Reversals, Block Alignment and the Four-
Russians Speedup, Constructing Alignments in Sub-quadratic Time, Protein Sequencing and Identification, the
Peptide Sequencing Problem, Introduction to Nature Inspired Algorithms.
Unit IV: Microarray Data Analysis: Microarray technology for genome expression study, Image analysis for data
extraction, Data analysis for pattern discovery, gene regulatory network analysis
Unit V: Phylogenetic: Neighbor’s relation method, Neighbor-joining method, Maximum likelihood Approaches,
Multiple Sequence Methods Structural Biology, Sequence, organisms, 3D structures, complexes, Assemblies, Case
Studies, examples
Unit VI: Drug Discovery &Next Gen Sequencing: Similarities/differences between drugs and receptors, protein-
ligand docking, Massively Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS), SOLiD sequencing, Single molecule real time
(SMRT) sequencing .
Text Books:
1) Dan E. Krane, Michael L. Raymer, “Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics,”, Pearson Education, Inc.
Fourth Edition, 9780805346336.
2) Harshawardhan P. Bal, “Bioinformatics Principles and Applications”, Tata McGraw-Hill, seventh reprint,
Reference Books:
1) Teresa Attwood, David Parry-Smith, “Introduction to Bioinformatics”, Pearson Education Series,
2) R. Durbin, S. Eddy, A. Krogh, G. Mitchison., “Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic
Models of proteins and nucleic acids”, Cambridge University Press, 9780521629713.
Course Objectives:
1. To identify and describe the major types of cyber crime.
2. To identify cyber crime vulnerabilities and exploitations of the Internet.
3. To understand the law with regards to the investigation and prosecution of cyber criminals.
4. To identify appropriate law enforcement strategies to both prevent and control cyber crime.
5. Explain jurisdictional challenges that nations face when responding to cybercrime
Course outcomes:
1. Understand Cyber laws
2. Describe Information Technology act and Related Legislation
3. Demonstrate Electronic business and legal issues.
4. Interpret Cyber Ethics.
Unit I: Introduction to Cyber law: Evolution of computer Technology, emergence of cyber space. Cyber
Jurisprudence, Jurisprudence and law, Doctrinal approach, Consensual approach, Real Approach, Cyber Ethics,
Cyber Jurisdiction, Hierarchy of courts, Civil and criminal jurisdictions, CyberspaceWeb space, Web hosting and
web Development agreement, Legal and Technological Significance of domain Names, Internet as a tool for global
Unit II Information Technology Act: Overview of IT Act, 2000, Amendments and Limitations of IT Act, Digital
Signatures, Cryptographic Algorithm, Public Cryptography, Private Cryptography, Electronic Governance, Legal
Recognition of Electronic Records, Legal Recognition of Digital Signature, Certifying Authorities, Cyber Crime and
Offences, Network Service Providers Liability, Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal, Penalties and Adjudication.
Unit III : Cyber law and Related Legislation: Patent Law, Trademark Law, Copyright, Software – Copyright or
Patented, Domain Names and Copyright disputes, Electronic Data Base and its Protection, IT Act and Civil
Procedure Code, IT Act and Criminal Procedural Code, Relevant Sections of Indian Evidence Act, Relevant
Sections of Bankers Book Evidence Act, Relevant Sections of Indian Penal Code, Relevant Sections of Reserve
Bank of India Act, Law Relating To Employees And Internet, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Online Dispute
Resolution (ODR).
Unit IV : Electronic Business and legal issues: Evolution and development in E-commerce, paper vs paper less
contracts E-Commerce models- B2B, B2C, E security. Business, taxation, electronic payments, supply chain, EDI,
E-markets, Emerging Trends.
Unit V: Cyber Ethics:The Importance of Cyber Law, Significance of cyber Ethics, Need for Cyber regulations and
Ethics. Ethics in Information society, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Ethics: Ethical Issues in AI and core
Principles, Introduction to Block chain Ethics.
Unit VI : Case Study On Cyber Crimes: Harassment Via E-Mails, Email Spoofing (Online A Method Of Sending E-
Mail Using A False Name Or E-Mail Address To Make It Appear That The E-Mail Comes From Somebody Other
Than The True Sender, Cyber Pornography (Exm.MMS),Cyber-Stalking.
Reference Books:
1. Cyber Laws: Intellectual property & E Commerce, Security- Kumar K, dominant Publisher
2. Cyber Ethics 4.0, Christoph Stuckelberger, Pavan Duggal, by Globethic
3. Information Security policy & Implementation Issues, NIIT, PHI
4. Computers, Internet and New Technology Laws, Karnika Seth, Lexis Nexis Butterworths Wadhwa Nagpur.
5. Legal Dimensions of Cyber Space, Verma S, K, Mittal Raman, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi,
6. Cyber Law, Jonthan Rosenoer, Springer, New York, (1997).
7. The Information Technology Act, 2005: A Handbook, OUP Sudhir Naib,, New York, (2011) .
· Study Dropping and Altering the Tables. Study the cascaded deletes.
Suggested Topics:
i. Bank database (Given in Korth book)
ii. University Database (Given in Korth book)
iii. Airline Flight Information System.
iv. Library Database Application.
v. University Student Database. DRAFT
Minimum eight experiments/programming assignments must be completed based on the respective syllabus
uniformly covering each of the units and a mini project based on the syllabus using case studies.
Minimum eight experiments/programming assignments must be completed based on the syllabus uniformly
covering each of the units.
Minimum eight experiments/programming assignments must be completed based on the syllabus uniformly
covering each of the units
List of Experiments:
01 Study of setting up the Python environment of and how it is useful for data science.
Study of Pandas, NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib Libraries in Python and their importance in data
science and statistics.
03 Write a python program to plot a sine wave using Matplotlib library.
04 Write a python program to understand the tokenization of string data.
05 Write a python program to handle the data in series and Data Frame format using NumPy Library.
Write a python program to read a csv file and display data from specific rows and specific columns
from it.
07 Write a python program to print a 3D plot using matplotlib library.
08 Write a python program to understand the linear regression of data and display it.
09 Write a python program to read a time series data from a csv file and display it in a graph.
10 Write a python program to understand and implement the Naïve Bayes Algorithm.
Minimum eight experiments must be completed based on the syllabus uniformly covering each of the units.
1. To Interface PRI Motion Sensor with Raspberry Pi and write a program to control LED.
2. To Interface Optical Sensor with Raspberry Pi and write a program to control LED.
3. To Interface Rain Drop Sensor with Raspberry Pi and write a program to sound an alarm.
4. To Interface Moisture Sensor with Raspberry Pi and write a program to display value.
5. To Interface Touch Sensor with Raspberry Pi and write a program to detect and record physical touch.
6. To Interface Gas Sensor with Raspberry Pi and write a program to sounds an alarm.
7. To Interface Pressure Sensor with Raspberry Pi and write a program to display value.
8. To Interface Ultrasonic Sensor with Raspberry Pi and write a program to measure the distance between
any two objects.
Minimum eight experiments/programming assignments must be completed based on the syllabus uniformly
covering each of the units.
Pre-requisites -Before proceeding with this Angular tutorial course, students should have a basic
understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, basic oops concept.
Angular Tutorials Links:
Reference Books:
1. “Angular in Action ”by Jeremy Wilken: Manning Publications
2. “Angular: Up and Running: Learning Angular, Step by Step” by Shyam eshadri: Shroff/O'Reilly
3. “ Beginning Angular with Typescript” By : Greg Lim
4. “Learning Angular” By Aristeidis Bampakos and Pablo Deeleman Packt Publishing Limited.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
Unit III: Bottom up parsing: Handle pruning, Stack implementation of Shift Reduce Parsing, conflicts during shift
reduce parsing, LR parsers: LR parsing algorithm, Construction of SLR parsing table, canonical LR parsing tables
and canonical LALR parsing tables. Error recovery in LR parsing, The parser generator Yacc.
Unit IV: Syntax Directed Translation: Syntax directed definitions, synthesized and inherited attributes, dependency
graphs, Evaluation orders. Construction of syntax trees. Syntax directed definition for constructing syntax trees,
directed acyclic graphs for expressions. Bottom up evaluation of s-attributed definitions, L-attributed definition. Top
down translation, Design of a predictive translator.
Unit V: Run Time Environments: Source language issues: Activation trees, control stacks, storage organization,
scope of a declaration, Storage Organization, Storage allocation strategies, static allocation, stack allocation,
dangling references, heap allocation. Access to non-local names, Parameter passing, Symbol table: Entries, Storage
allocation, Hash tables, Scope information.
Unit VI: Intermediate Code Generation: Intermediate languages, Translation of Declarations & Assignments
statements. Design issues of a Code generator, Target machine, Runtime storage management, Basic blocks and
flow graphs. Introduction to Code Optimization, Principal Sources of Optimization.
Text Book: Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman Compilers: “Principles, Techniques and Tools”, Pearson
Education (Low Price Edition).
Reference Books:
1. To teach paradigms and approaches used to analyze and design algorithms and to appreciate the impact of
algorithm design in practice.
2. To make students understand how the worst-case time complexity of an algorithm is defined, how asymptotic
notation is used to provide a rough classification of algorithms.
3. To explain different computational models (e.g., divide-and- conquer), order notation and various complexity
4. Study of various advanced design and analysis techniques such as greedy algorithms, dynamic programming
5.Synthesize efficient algorithms in Common Engineering situations.
Course Outcomes:
· Analyze worst-case running times of algorithms using asymptotic analysis.
· Describe the divide-and-conquer paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.
· Describe the dynamic-programming paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.
· Describe the greedy paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it.
· Able to understand the concept of Backtracking, Polynomial Time & Non Polynomial Time Algorithms.
Unit I: Top-Down Design: Structured Programming, Control Constructs, Procedures & Functions, Recursion.
Iterative Algorithm Design Issue: Introduction, Use of Loops, Efficiency of Algorithms, Estimating & Specifying
Execution Times, Order Notations, Algorithm Strategies, Design using Recursion.
Unit II: Divide and Conquer: Multiplication Algorithm and its analysis, Application to Graphics Algorithms:
Introduction to Triangulation, Covex Hulls.
Unit III: Greedy Methods: Introduction, Knapsack Problem, Job sequencing with deadlines, Minimum Spanning
Trees, Prim’s Algorithms, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Dijkstras Shortest Path Algorithm.
Unit IV: Dynamic Programming: Introduction, Multistage Graphs, Traveling Salesman, Matrix multiplication,
Longest Common Sub-Sequences, Optimal Polygon Triangulation. Single Source Shortest Paths
Unit V: Backtracking: Combinational Search, Search & Traversal, Backtracking Strategy, Backtracking
Framework-8-Queen’s problem, graph coloring , Some Typical State Spaces, Branch-and-Bound Algorithms.
Unit VI: Polynomial Time & Non Polynomial Time Algorithms, Worst and Average case Behavior, Time Analysis
of Algorithm, Efficiency of Recursion, Complexity, Examples of Complexity Calculation for Various Sorting
algorithms. Time-Space Trade off and Time-Space Trade off in algorithm research.
Text Book: Dave and Dave: “Design and Analysis of Algorithms” Pearson Education
Reference Books:
1. Aho,Hopcroft & Ullman “The Design & Analysis of Computer Algorithms”, Addison-Wesley
2. G. Brassard, P.Bratley: “Fundamentals of Algorithmics” , PHI
3. Horowitz & Sahani: “ Fundamental Algorithms” , Galgotia.
4. Cormen, T.H, Lierson & Rivest: “ Introduction to Algorithms”, Mc Graw-Hill .
Course Objectives:
1. Familiarity with basic principles of AI
2. Capable of using heuristic searches
3. Aware of knowledge based systems
4. Able to use fuzzy logic
5. Learn various applications domains AI.
1. Define Artificial Intelligence and identify problems for which solution by AI methods can be devised.
2. Evaluate of different uninformed search algorithms on well formulate problems along
with stating valid conclusions that the evaluation supports.
3. Design and Analysis of informed search algorithms on well formulated problems.
4. Formulate and solve given problem using Propositional and First order logic.
5. Apply reasoning for non-monotonic AI problems.
6. have a basic understanding of some of the more advanced topics of AI such as learning, Understanding, Natural
Language Processing.
Unit-I: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: The AI Problems, The Underlying Assumption, What is an AI
Technique; Tic-Tac-Toe, Problems, Problem Spaces, and Search, Production Systems, Problem Characteristics ,
Production System Characteristics, Issues in the Design of Search Programs.
Unit-II: Basic Problem Solving methods: Reasoning, Problem trees and graphs, Knowledge Representation,
Uninformed Search Strategies: Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, Depth Limited Search, Iterative
Deepening Depth First Search, Bidirectional Search.
Unit–III: Informed Search Strategies Generate-and-Test, Hill Climbing, Best-first Search, A* Algorithm,
Problem Reduction, AND-OR Graphs, The AO* Algorithm, Constraint Satisfaction, Means ends Analysis.
Unit –IV: Knowledge Representation Issues: Representations and Mappings, Approaches to Knowledge
Representation, Issues in Knowledge Representation, Predicate Logic: Representing Simple Facts in Logic,
Representing Instance and ISA Relationships, Computable Functions and Predicates, Resolution, Natural Deduction
Representing Knowledge Using Rules, Procedural Versus Declarative Knowledge, Logic Programming Forward
Versus Backward Reasoning.
Unit-V: Symbolic Reasoning Under Uncertainty Introduction to Non Monotonic Reasoning, Logics for Non
Monotonic Reasoning, Semantic Nets, Statistical Reasoning, Fuzzy logic: fuzzy set definition and types,
membership function. Probability and Bayes’ theorem, Bayesian Networks.
TEXT BOOK: Artificial Intelligence – Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, Nair (Third Edition) [Mc Graw Hill]
Course Objectives:
Throughout the course, students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of Cryptography & Network
Security by being able to do each of the following:
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course learner will be able to
· Understand the principles and fundamental concept of Cryptography & Network Security.
· To learn Encryption and Decryption Techniques.
· Evaluate various Key Encryption Algorithms.
· Understand IP Security system and protocols.
· Identify and understand Network Security controls.
· Explore web and system security and its applications to digital world.
Unit I: Introduction : OSI Security Architecture, Security Attacks: Threats, Vulnerability and Controls, Security
Services: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Introduction to Cryptography, Conventional Encryption:
Conventional encryption model - classical encryption techniques.
Unit II: Encryption and Decryption: Characteristics of Good Encryption Technique: Properties of Trustworthy
Encryption Systems; Types of Encryption Systems: Based on Key, Based on Block; Confusion and Diffusion;
Unit III: Symmetric Key Encryption and Public Key Encryption: Data Encryption Standard (DES) Algorithm:
Double and Triple DES, Security of the DES; Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm, DES and AES
Comparison, RSA Technique, Digital Signature.
Unit IV IP Security: Overview of IP Security (IPSec); IP Security Architecture; Modes of Operation; Security
Associations, Security Parameter Index (SPI), SA Management, Security Policy: Authentication Header (AH);
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP); Internet Key Exchange.
Unit V Network Security: Network Concepts; Threats in Networks, Threats in Transit: Eavesdropping and
Wiretapping, Protocol Flaws, Impersonation; Network Security Controls: Architecture, Encryption, Virtual Private
Networks, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificates.
Unit VI Web and System Security: Web Security: Secure socket layer and transport layer security, Secure
Electronic transaction, System Security: Intruders, Viruses and related threads; Network Security Controls:
Architecture, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificates, Security Features of Trusted Operating Systems.
Text Book: William Stallings, “Cryptography and Network security Principles and Practices”, Pearson/PHI.
Reference Books:
1. W. Mao, “Modern Cryptography – Theory and Practice”, Pearson Education.
2. Wade Trappe, Lawrence C Washington, “Introduction to Cryptography with coding theory”, Pearson.
3. Charles P. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger “Security in computing”, Prentice Hall of Ind
Course Objectives:
1. To make the students aware about the basics concepts of big data analytics.
2. To introduce the tools required to manage and analyze big data like Hadoop and NoSql
3. To discuss the basic concepts and operations of map-Reduce
4. To teach the fundamental techniques and principles in achieving big data analytics with scalability and streaming
5. To introduce several new algorithms for big data mining like classification, clustering and finding frequent
6. To introduce to the students several types of big data like social media, web graphs and data streams and help
them to solve real world problems in for decision support.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course the student(s) will be able to
1. Understand the key issues in big data management and its associated applications in intelligent business and
scientific computing.
2. Acquire fundamental enabling techniques like Hadoop, and NO SQL in big data analytics.
3. Achieve basic knowledge and operations of Map-Reduce
4. Interpret business models and scientific computing paradigms, and apply software tools for big data analytics.
5. Implement algorithms for Clustering, Classifying and finding associations in Big Data 6. Achieve adequate
perspectives of big data analytics in various applications like recommender systems, social media applications.
Coping With Node Failures. Algorithms Using MapReduce: Matrix-Vector Multiplication by MapReduce ,
Relational-Algebra Operations, Computing Selections by MapReduce, Computing Projections by MapReduce,
Union, Intersection, and Difference by MapReduce, Computing Natural Join by MapReduce, Grouping and
Aggregation by MapReduce, Matrix Multiplication, Matrix Multiplication with One MapReduce.
Text Books:
1. Radha Shankarmani, M Vijayalakshmi, ”Big Data Analytics”, Wiley Publications
2. Anand Rajaraman and Jeff Ullman “Mining of Massive Datasets”, Cambridge University Press.
Reference Books:
1. Analytics in a Big Data World: The Essential Guide to Data Science and its Applications, Bart Baesens ,
WILEY Big Data Series.
2. Alex Holmes “Hadoop in Practice”, Manning Press, Dreamtech Press.
3. Professional NoSQL Paperback, by Shashank Tiwari, Dreamtech Press
4. MongoDB: The Definitive Guide Paperback, Kristina Chodorow (Author), Michael Dirolf,O'Reilly
5. Big Data Analytics with R and Hadoop by Vignesh Prajapati Paperback, Packt Publishing Limited Hadoop:
The Definitive Guide by Tom White, O'Reilly Publications.
Course Outcomes:
· Concept behind working of measurement systems and different types of sensors and actuators.
· Understanding of electric and magnetic sensors and actuators and their applications.
· Understanding of optical sensors and other sensors and their applications.
· Understanding of smart sensors and their uses.
UNIT I: Introduction:
Definitions, Classification of Sensors and Actuators, General Requirements for Interfacing, Measuring Units.
Performance Characteristics of Sensors and Actuators, Input and Output characteristics.
Text Book: Nathan Ida, “Sensors, Actuators, and their Interfaces: A Multidisciplinary Introduction”, SciTech
Reference Books:
1. Patrick F Dunn, “Fundamentals Of Sensors For Engineering And Science” CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group,
2. Patranabis D., "Sensors and Transducers", Prentice-Hall India, 2nd Ed., 2004.
3. Shawhney A. K., "Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation", Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 1994.
4. J. Fraden, Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physical, Designs, and Applications, AIP Press,
Course Objectives:
1. Student will be able explain and elaborate fundaments Indian economy
2. Student will be able to explain, elaborate and identify the role of agriculture in Indian economy
3. Student will be able to explain elaborate and identify the role of industrial sector in Indian economy.
Course Outcomes:
1. Student will be able to explain, elaborate and indentify the impact of external sector on Indian economy
2. Student will be able to explain, elaborate and indentify the impact monetary and fiscal policies in India
3. Student will be able to explain ,elaborate and analyze the issues of Indian economy.
UNIT - I : Indian Economy and Development Basic characteristics of the Indian economy - Major issues of
development - The determinants of economic development - sustainable development - Demographic features of
Indian population - Rural Urban Migration - poverty and Inequality.
UNIT - II : The Agricultural Sector The Role of Agriculture in Economic development - Place of Agriculture in the
Economy of India - Land Reforms in India - Inter dependency of Agriculture and Industry - Agricultural Finance -
Agricultural prices, polices and Food problem - Agricultural development.
UNIT - III : The Industrial Sector A review on Industrial Policy - Role of large scale and small scale Industries in
development. Private Sector and public sector - Industrial sickness - Industrial Finance - Industrial monopoly and
Multinational corporations - Role of Information Technology in Industrial development.
UNIT - IV : External Sector Structure and Direction of Foreign trade, Balance of Trade & Balance of payments -
composition of Trade - Important of Foreign trade for developing economy - Exchange rate - Foreign capital and
MNCs in India - Globalisation and its impact on Indian economy - WTO and its impact on the different sectors of
the economy.
UNIT V: Monetary and Fiscal Policies in India, Credit and Monetary Policy, Capital Market and its Regulation,
Public Finance and Fiscal Policy, Fiscal Federalism in India.
UNIT VI: Some Issues of Indian Economy: National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog), National
Development Council (NDC); Developing Grass-Root Organizations for Development: Panchayatiraj; Role of Non
Government Organizations (NGOs) and Pressure Groups in India’s Economy. Public Private Partnership (PPP).
Text Books:
1. Ahluwalia, IJ and IMD Little (Eds) (1999), Indian Economic Reforms and Development. (Essays in Honour of
Manmohansingh) Oxford University, Press, New Delhi.
2. Bardhan, P.K (9th edition) (1999), The political economy of development in India, Oxford University, Press, New
Reference Books:
1. Bawa, R.S and P.S.Raikhy (Ed) (1997) structural changes in Indian economy, Guru Nanak Dev University Press,
2 Brahmananda, P.R. and V.R Panchmukhi (Eds) (2001) Development Experience in the Indian economy: Interstate
Perspectives, Bookwel Delhi.
3. Chakravartym .S (1987), Development Planning : The Indian Experience, Oxford University, Press, New Delhi.
4. Government of India, Econimic Survey (Animal) Ministry of Finance, New Delhi.
6. Jaban. B,(1992) The Indian Economy —problems and prospects, Viking New Delhi.
7. Parikh.K.S (1999) India Development Report — 1999 — 2000 Oxford University, Press, NeW Delhi.
8. Reserve Bank of India, Report on currency and finance (Annual) 10. Sri R.K. and B. Chatterjee (2001) Essays in
Honour of Prof.P.R.Brahmanandha), Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi.
Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to familiarise the students about the different aspects of managing people in
the organisations from the stage of acquisition to development and retention.
Course Outcome:
1. To have an understanding of the basic concepts, functions and processes of human resource management
2. To be aware of the role, functions and functioning of human resource department of the organizations.
3. To Design and formulate variours HRM processes such as Recruitment, Selection, Training, Development,
Performance appraisals and r Reward Systems, Compensarion Plans and Ethical Behaviour.
4. Develop ways in which human resources management might diagnose a business strategy and then
facilitate the internal change necessary to accomplish the strategy.
5. Evaluate the developing role of human resources in the global arena.
UNIT II: Human Resource Planning, Job Analysis, and Job Design: Assessing Human
Resource requirements; Human resource forecasting; Work load analysis ; Job analysis; Job
description and specifications; Job design; Job characteristic approach to job design
UNIT VI: Leadership: Managerial styles Managerial effectiveness, Indian Manager & His
effectiveness, Delegation, Decision Making.
Text Books:
1) D'Cenzo, David A., Stephen P. Robbins, and Susan L. Verhulst, Human Resource Management, JohnWiley and
Sons, NewDelhi.
2) Keith Devis Human Behaviour at Work.
3) Kundson&Fleeror Management of Organizational Behaviour.
Reference Books:
1. Gomez-Mejia, Luis R., D. B. Balkin, and R. L. Cardy, Managing Human Resources, Prentice Hall
2. Ian, Beardwell, and Len Holden, Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall.
3. Dessler, Garry, Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall of India.
4. Saiyadain, Mirza S., Human Resource Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
5. 6. Noe, Raymond A., John R. Hollenbeck, BarryGerhart and Patrick M. Wright , Human Resource
Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Korman A.K. Organizational Behaviour.
7. Prasad Organization Theory & Behaviour.
Course Objectives:
Throughout the course, students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of Intellectual Property Rights
in the following:
1. This course is intended to impart awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and various regulatory issues
related to IPR
2. To make familiarizing students with the shades of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) so as to help them integrate
Text Books:
1. K. V. Nithyananda (2019), “Intellectual Property Rights: Protection and Management”, IN: Cengage Learning
India Private Limited.
2. P. Neeraj and D. Khusdeep (2014), “Intellectual Property Rights”, PHI learning Private Limited.
Reference Books:
[1] Deborah E. Bouchoux, “Intellectual Property for Paralegals – The law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents
& Trade secrets”, 4th Edition, Cengage learning, 2012.
[2] N. S. Gopalakrishnan and T. G. Agitha, “Principles of Intellectual Property”, Eastern Book Company,
Lucknow, 2009.
[3] M. M. S. Karki, “Intellectual Property Rights: Basic Concepts”, Atlantic Publishers, 2009.
[4] Ganguli Prabuddha, “Intellectual Property Rights--Unleashing the Knowledge Economy”, Tata
McGrawHill, 2001.
[5] V. K. Ahuja, “Law relating to Intellectual Property Rights”. India, IN: Lexis Nexis, 2017.
[6] P. Narayanan; Law of Copyright and Industrial Designs; Eastern law House, Delhi, 2010.
[7] Ajit Parulekar and Sarita D’ Souza, Indian Patents Law – Legal & Business Implications; Macmillan India
ltd, 2006.
[8] B. L. Wadehra. Law Relating to Patents, Trade Marks, Copyright, Designs & Geographical Indications;
Universal law Publishing Pvt. Ltd., India 2000.
[9] Ganguli Prabuddha, “Gearing up for Patents… The Indian Scenario”, Universities Press,1998.
nt No.
Design a lexical analyzer for given language and the lexical analyzer should ignore redundant spaces,
tabs and new lines.
02 Write a C program to identify whether a given line is a comment or not.
03 Write a C program to recognize strings under 'a*', 'a*b+', 'abb'.
04 Write a C program to test whether a given identifier is valid or not.
05 Write a C program to simulate lexical analyzer for validating operators.
06 Implement the lexical analyzer using JLex, flex or other lexical analyzer generating tools.
07 Write a LEX Program to scan reserved word and Identifiers of C Language.
08 Design Predictive Parser for the given language.
09 Implement SLR(1) Parsing algorithm.
10 Design a LALR bottom up parser for the given language.
11 Write a C program to generate three address codes.
12 Write a LEX Program to convert the substring abc to ABC from the given input string.
13 Write a lex program to find out total number of vowels, and consonants from the given input sting.
List of Experiments :
Concerned faculty member should suitably frame at least 8 laboratory assignments from the entire syllabus or can
design suitably 1 or 2 practical from each unit. Study practical are highly discouraged.
(# C Skill Lab IV - Mini project based on Software Engineering to be decided by Individual Dept. of respective
While designing a Mini Project student should follow the following steps;