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Vampire 9

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weeks or even years by a watchful sire, who

greedily evaluates whether the mortal would

indeed make a good addition to the society of
the Kindred.
The Embrace is similar to normal vampiric
feeding as the vampire drains her chosen prey of
blood. However, upon complete exsanguination,
the vampire returns a bit of her own immortal
blood to the drained mortal. Only a tiny bit — a
drop or two — is necessary to turn the mortal
into a new vampire. This process can even be
performed on a dead human, provided the body
is still warm.
Once the blood is returned, the mortal
“awakens” and begins drinking of his own
accord. But, though animate, the mortal is still
dead; his heart does not beat, nor does he
breathe. Over the next week or two, the mortal’s
body undergoes a series of subtle
transformations; he learns to use the
Blood in his body, and he is taught the special
powers of his Bloodline. He is now a vampire.
In game terms, the Vampire must spend one
blood point AND a Willpower Dot.

The Beast
Inside every vampire lurks an impassioned,
hungry creature that is the opposite of the Man.
It is the Beast, and the Beast knows only three
activities: kill, feast, sleep. It is the roiling;
inchoate desire every Kindred feels to slay her
prey rather than taking just enough. It is the
inevitable urge to be what the vampire is — a
predator who doesn’t answer to the will of men
or hide from their numbers. When the Beast
takes control over a vampire, she is said to enter
a state of frenzy, directing the Cainite into a
response of fight or flight.
But the Beast isn’t a simple animal soul; it can
be sophisticated. It knows that the war against
the Man is one that, given time, it will inevitably
In The Beginning win. Thus, in young vampires, the Beast is often
a savvy creature, willing to take small victories
The Embrace here and there because in the long term, they
Vampires are created through a process called lead the Kindred down the path of greater
the Embrace. Some vampire Bloodlines embrace degradation and subservience to the Beast.
more casually than others, but the Embrace is Tonight the Kindred destroys property,
almost never given lightly. After all, any new tomorrow she kills with reticence, the night after
vampire is a potential competitor for food and that she kills with relish. By the time the Man
power. A potential childe is often stalked for has eroded and the Beast holds sway, there is
little rational consciousness left to the Cainite in alike are consumed in an inexorable tide of
question. Kill, feast, sleep is all that re- blood. Some vampires strive to prevent
mains in a vampire dominated entirely by her Gehenna, some fatalistically await it, and still
Beast. others consider it a myth. Those who believe in
Gehenna, however, insist that the end time
The Jyhad comes soon.
Some vampires seek to have nothing to do with
their kind, choosing instead to exist and hunt in Diablerie:
solitude. The Amaranth
However, the civilization of the undead is a Along with advanced Generation comes a price,
manipulative and poisonous dance, and few however. Generation equals raw power
vampires are left entirely untouched. Since the potential, and those of higher Generation seek
nights of antiquity, Cainites have struggled for the power of their elders. By slaking one’s thirst
supremacy, in an ancient and many-layered on the heart’s blood of a vampire of lower
struggle known as the Jyhad. Leaders, cultures, Generation — drinking the vampire’s soul in a
nations, and armies have all been pawns in the transgression known as diablerie — a Kindred
secret war, and vampiric conspiracies have can lower her own Generation.
influenced much (though by no means all) of Naturally, the elders hate and fear diablerie
human history. Few things are as they seem in (though it would surprise many neonates and
the vampires’ nocturnal world: A political coup, ancillae to discover how many elders attained
economic crash, or social trend may be merely their own Generational potency by destroying
the surface manifestation of a centuries-old their own sires and elders). Also known as
struggle. Vampire elders command from the Amaranth, diablerie is the greatest crime a
shadows, manipulating mortals and other Kindred can commit against another vampire.
vampires alike — and the elders are often … At least in some circumstances. In others,
manipulated in turn. Indeed, most combatants diablerie is not only permitted but encouraged.
may not even realize for whom they fight, or For example, a Prince who declares a Blood
why. Hunt often decrees that those who diablerize the
Reputedly begun millennia ago, the Jyhad rages outcast will be pardoned.
even today. Though skyscrapers take the place Further, in the Sabbat and in certain Anarch
of castles, machine-guns and missiles replace domains, diablerie is an acceptable (and even
swords and torches, and stock portfolios honored) method of promotion and
substitute for vaults of gold, the game remains advancement. After all if a vampire lets himself
the same. Kindred battles Kindred, Bloodline be diablerized, well, he must have been too
battles Bloodline, Covenant battles Covenant, as weak to use that power effectively.
they have for eons.
Vampiric feuds begun during the nights of Generations
Charlemagne play themselves out on the streets Among vampires, the notion of Generation is a
of New York City; an insult whispered in the concept that describes how distant one is from
court of the Sun King may find itself answered the First Vampire. When a Kindred Embraces,
by a corporate takeover in Sao Paolo. The ever- her childe rises from death one Generation
swelling cities provide countless opportunities higher than she — one more Generation
for feeding, power mongering — and war. removed from Caine. The Bloodlines founders
Increasingly, vampires speak of Gehenna — the comprised the Third Generation, their progeny
long-prophesied night of apocalypse when the became the Fourth Generation, and their childer
most ancient vampires, the mythical became the Fifth Generation, and so on and so
Antediluvians, will rise from their hidden lairs to forth up through the distant Thirteenth
devour all the younger vampires. Generation prevalent in the modern nights.
This Gehenna, so the Kindred say, will presage
the end of the world, as vampires and mortals First Generation –
First Murderer and those who would remake the world so that it
Vampire Lore and The Book of Nod states that quivers beneath their gaze.
Cain, the first murderer was given a mark by Alternatively, some among the Third Generation
God to protect him. This mark, Vampirism, was may have reached Golconda or seek to help
soon released upon the world when Cain could others of their kind attain this state. Of course,
no longer live in isolation. they, too, must play at Jyhad with the other
ancients who do not wish this to come to pass.
Second Generation Those of the Third Generation are terrible
The most widely acknowledged version of the beings, with abilities and powers only guessed at
Book of Nod claims the number of second by their lessers, having been Kindred for eons
Generation Kindred is three. In its chronicles, longer than they held mortal perspectives. Some
Caine embraced these unknown Ancients to say they can die the Final Death only if they
dwell with him in his great city of Enoch and choose or are slain by one of equal power. Is
give him succor. Given to the “Antediluvian” this, perhaps, the Jyhad — a maneuvering to see
moniker of the Third Generation, those Kindred who shall be the last of their kind?
who delve into such mysteries assume that the
Second Generation was slain either during the Fourth
Deluge or in the kinslayer times following the and Fifth Generations
Flood. As one might expect, all those of age are These vampires are known as the Methuselahs,
reluctant to speak of their sires and the great and they are nearly as powerful and secretive as
strife that overcame them all. Undoubtedly, the Antediluvians. Those of the Fourth and Fifth
some know more than they are revealing. Generations are most often the most powerful
Were any of the Second Generation still in allies, agents, or pawns in the Jyhad, as their
existence today, they would be impossibly power perhaps nears the prestige of the Third
powerful beings. Generation. As a result, their numbers have
dwindled throughout millennia of conflict with
each other and greater, darker entities. Few of
this Generation remain active. Some may seek
Third Generation refuge among the Inconnu or Harbingers of
The names of only two, Lucian and Mekhet, are Skulls to avoid the Jyhad and diablerie
widely known. Tonight, they are referred to as
the Antediluvians, and they are the founders of Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Generations
the Bloodlines. If any survive, they remain Vampires of these Generations are the ones most
hidden, intentionally obscured by the commonly described as elders, and they remain
depredations of the Jyhad. deeply involved in Kindred society. Their
They may still exist, collectively or in some movements dominate the actions of the most
fraction of their original number, but now populous Sects (at least to hear them tell it), and
instead of openly warring as the Book of Nod their numbers comprise the majority of local
recounts, they move in a deeper struggle. authorities. Those who remain in positions of
Indeed, Jyhad seems to be their primary visibility tend to be important figures: leaders of
engagement, as they jealously thwart whatever Bloodlines, Princes, Primogen,
moves their opponents make. Many of the Princes of European cities tend to
The actions of the Antediluvians range from be of the Sixth Generation. Princes of American
something as petty as the acquisition of a piece cities tend to be of the Seventh or Eighth
of artwork to grand schemes involving nations, Generations. Colloquially, the members of the
and almost none are classifiable as the Eighth Generation seem to be the last Kindred
movements of Ancients while they’re described as elders by those even older than
happening, so subtle are these inhuman master they. Perhaps it is because the majority of them
vampires. Those of the Third Generation must were created before the modern age, and that is
by this point be wholly other, split between evident in their manner and bearing. Then again,
those who would share the world with mortals perhaps it is very dry sarcasm directed toward
everyone below the rank of an irascible
Methuselah. Generation Blood Potency
14th & 13th 1
Ninth and 12th 2
Tenth Generations 11th 3
Although they are occasionally called elders, 10th 4
these Kindred just as often move with members 9th 5
of the younger Generations, especially in the 8th 6
New World. Members of these Generations are 7th 7
frequently called ancillae, though this is often 6th 8
based on age and accomplishment more than 5th 9
Generation. Most were created in the modern 4th 10
era, and thus are somewhat alien in temperament
to the older Kindred. In more ways than one, The Three Traditions
they bridge the gap between the neonates and The Three Traditions are not only the corner
the true elders. stone of the Camarilla, but most other of the
The First Tradition: Masquerade
Do not reveal your true nature to those not of the
Blood. Doing so forfeits you your claim to the
and Thirteenth Generations blood.
The most recent Generations of Kindred are The Second Tradition: Progeny
often called neonates. Most of the Kindred in the Sire another at the peril of both yourself and
modern nights belong to these Generations — your progeny. If you create a childe, the weight
they may out-number the elder Generations by is your own to bear.
four-to-one or more. The Third Tradition: Domain
Born within recent memory, the Kindred of Thy domain is thine own concern.
these Generations are products of societies that All others owe thee respect while in it. None
have received the benefits of, and been victims may challenge thy word while in thy domain.
of, rapid change. Most tellingly, these are the The Fourth Tradition: Amaranth
young Kindred who are most adept with modern You are forbidden from devouring the hearts
technology. They are not only unfazed by but blood of another of your kind. If you violate this
actually accustomed to information traveling at commandment, the Beast calls to your own
the speed of digital data and would find a Blood.
handwritten message dispatched on horseback to
a superstitious peasant village 500 miles away
unspeakably quaint and inefficient. These are the
Kindred of the information generation, the ones Creatures of the City
using social media and computers and changing
what it means to be a vampire. Normally, a balance is reached among the
Kindred of a city, whether by formal or tacit
Fourteenth Generation agreement. Efforts are made to minimize
There are exceedingly few Kindred of these conflict, though strife is often unavoidable.
Generation, and none beyond. Indeed, those of When conflict does occur, it is almost always
the 14thGeneration have failed to sire any hidden beneath the veil of the Masquerade, and
progeny. Their blood is far too thin, and they are rarely noticed by the mortals of the city. Thus
too removed from Caine, to be able to pass on may a war be waged without the elders fearing
the curse. the return of the Inquisition. Some Kindred take
The Book of Nod is definitely clear about one no part in the society of the Damned and
thing: The rise of the Thin-Blooded is one of the maintain no connection with others of their kind.
signs of the End Times, and Gehenna is nigh. Cities are extremely large places and it is not
difficult to isolate oneself from one’s peers; However, as cities have grown, so has the
indeed, it is said that the only Kindred who ever population of hunters.
meet are the ones who wish to meet. However, Now it is no longer rare for many to live within
sometimes even the most solitary vampires can the same domain. .
be thrust into the politics of the day - in times of • As a rule of thumb, assume that there is one
need, the Caitiff are mercilessly rooted out and vampire for every 100,000 mortals. Thus, the
questioned. The Justicars, enforcers of Kindred greater Chicago metropolitan area, a region of
law, have been known to use solitary vampires seven million mortals, can reasonably support
as scapegoats for the crimes of others. nearly 70 vampires. Often a prince will
By agreement, though some say by nature, the artificially regulate how many Kindred reside
vampire is a creature of the city. The wilds of within the city, thus ensuring the sanctity of the
the countryside are left to the werewolves and Masquerade.
their ilk. This suits most Kindred. The cities could certainly hold more Kindred,
Why roam far and wide in search of sustenance but there are legitimate fears of discovery. The
when a few square blocks of even the smallest Masquerade is the preeminent concern of the
city provide more than enough vessels? elders- better that some anarchs die than all be
Younger Kindred sometimes feel the need to extinguished in another Inquisition. Every care
roam, but that desire usually fades as they age. is taken to insure that the existence of vampires
Older Cainites are more likely to have become is kept secret from the mortal population. Strict
comfortable in one location and made their controls are kept over the creation of neonates,
haven at that spot. Those who do choose to for a surplus of vampires’ increases the
wander the countryside will almost invariably probability of discovery dramatically.
come into contact with the Lupines, and the The population is also restricted by the simple
hatred between werewolves and Kindred runs fact that few potential vampires survive their
deep. Thus the city has become a gilded prison Becoming; many are driven mad by it and put
for the Kindred. down by their sires. Despite this, however, there
Though the cities are the center of civilization, are currently far too many Kindred for the
and in this day and age often cover enormous mortal population to support; the ranks of the
expanses of terrain, they are still cells from anarchs have swelled to unprecedented
which the Kindred are unable to escape. proportions. Gradually the time of the “grazing”
They are trapped in both body and spirit. approaches - the time fearfully whispered of in
Imprisonment only increases the tension Kindred legend as Gehenna.
between the vampires, and eventually caged
animals always turn on one another.

Overpopulation Vampire Graffiti

Vampires have a place in the food chain: indeed, How do vampires communicate with each other
one could even speculate that they fill an when they’re all hidden in the dark, dwelling in
ecological niche. There are definite limits to secret lairs, lying to each other and off the grid?
how many of their kind can be supported in a They do it with the marks, sometimes called
given area. When they cross over the limit, “the vampire cant.” Similar to modern gang
natural phenomena reduce the vampiric tags, subvertisements and graffiti, these public
population back within its limits, just as with works of art or vandalism contain jargon, coded
any other predators. symbols, or archaic terms that signal meaning to
Only so many hunters can be supported by one fellow Kindred – and hopefully, only to them.
herd. In years past only one Kindred lived The marks evolve from graffiti going back to
within each city and each could claim it as her The First City and from gang tags invented this
own domain. When cities were small, being a decade. By design, they blend with old posters,
race of loners was an effective survival tactic. guerrilla art, urban spray sign, and street
construction rhumb lines.
A paper rat pasted to the wall of the train tunnel, versatility and modem savvy the groups possess.
the ornate curlicue red V sprayed on the bank’s Coteries are here to stay. Though unnatural,
alley wall, the yellow hieroglyph chalked in the inconvenient, often inefficient and almost
abandoned church doorway. The words “red always tense, coteries provide the only recourse
teeth” tagged on the stairwell; the Warhol for vampires who wish more than subsistence
Marilyn airbrushed over the transom. The tattoo from their unlives.
on a blood doll, the seemingly random words on The Storyteller should collaborate with the
newspapers pasted over a boarded-up storefront. players on what the characters have come
These marks tell Kindred whose turf they’re on, together for.
what bloodline claims the block, whom the Below are just an example of the different types
Council has declared anathema. of Coteries.
The marks also give Storytellers a simple tool Anarch Coteries
for inserting Kindred culture throughout the city. While the violent tactics, styles of dress and clan
Mentioning meaningful tags and symbols in makeups of anarch coteries sometimes cause
setting descriptions helps create the illusion that them to be mistaken for gang coteries, the
other characters are moving through the game fundamental ideologies differ. Anarch coteries
world when the players’ characters aren’t there; oppose elders’ scheming and stranglehold on
somebody painted all that stuff, somebody has power, arguing that every vampire should have a
something to say. fair, equitable claim to domains and hunting
rights. Anarchs tend to be younger Kindred, and
Coteries these coteries are often short-lived, as the group
At heart, the vampire is a solitary creature. No accomplishes enough to gain a prince’s notice
longer able to see the light of day or interact and is then destroyed or disbanded by a city’s
with others save with the intent of sucking their elders and their minions. The anarchs have
blood, vampires often cloister themselves, proved remarkably successful on the US. West
stealing forth at night only to claim sustenance. Coast, though their power erodes nightly under
Nonetheless, loneliness takes its toll on the an influx vampires from the East.
isolationist Blood Cult
Kindred. This is particularly true of younger A recent resurgence triggered by the coming of
Kindred - neonates and fledglings - who also Gehenna, blood cults are almost universally
band together for protection from their own despised by princes and formally condemned as
elders. As such, gatherings of Kindred, known violations of the Masquerade. Blood cults are
as coteries, have been a staple of Kindred groups of Kindred who entice mortals to partake
society for at least the past hundred years. in “religious” rituals, then feed blood to or
Elders deride the coteries, as they themselves enslave the “worshippers.” Combining the most
exist in antiquated havens far from the deadly heinous aspects of ghouldom and cult
hands of mortals. Likening the groups to bands membership, blood cults prey upon desperate
of lesser animals on the hunt or, more mortals who are searching for something to give
derogatorily, the brutal packs of Sabbat their lives value. Obviously, these cults are
vampires, elder vampires fail to realize that breaches of the Masquerade, as the vampire
younger, weaker vampires often have no option openly reveals her supernatural (if not vampiric)
other than Final Death. A solitary neonate may nature to her coven, and risks exposing all of
eke out a wretched existence for a while, but Kindred society to the wrath of outraged
sooner or later, without someone to watch his mortals.
back, he will likely fall to one of the Criminal
innumerable other predators of the city. In truth, Criminal coteries resemble Mafia families, drug
many elders fear the neonates’ coteries, though cartels or Chinese tongs. Essentially collections
they would never admit it. Established vampires of vampires who want to make money “outside
undermine the growing power of the coteries at the system,” criminal coteries run rackets,
every tum, frightened as they are by the extortion, numbers, prostitution, drug
distribution (often with the aid of lesser criminal
coteries or gang coteries), “distressed goods” Although normally of finite duration, these
liquidation, car-parts scams, large-scale theft, coteries sometimes see bonds of camaraderie
union strikes, gambling, bookmaking and form among their members, who maintain
protection operations. If it’s illegal, they do it; relations following the repulsion of the Sabbat
vampires’ power and influence allow criminal threat.
coteries to create a highly profitable mixture of
blue-collar and white-collar crime. Criminal
coteries frequently degenerate into hotbeds of
distrust as various prospects atrophy or change
in profitability.
Diablerist coteries are another reaction against
Gehenna’s imminence. Many young Kindred,
frustrated by the elders’ unshakable grip on
power, take the short, direct route to that power,
and actually hunt the elders, killing them and
drinking their essences. In addition to the thrill
of patricide and the rush of mystical power,
diablerie provides these coteries with a weapon
against their foes - destruction.
Although not every coterie exists for this
purpose, packs of diablerists represent one of the
reasons elders truly fear younger Kindred and
the coteries they form.
Like criminal coteries, but legal.
Common among the streetwise and less well-to-
do Kindred, gang coteries are true urban terrors.
Composed of a group of vampires, their ghouls, Character Creation
and any hangers-on who somehow convince the Step 1:
vampires not to eat them, gang coteries are the Determine Age
scourge of the inner city. Gang coteries are You will not be playing the game alone, but with
violent and ruthless, though some defend the other players and the Storyteller. The Storyteller,
rights of drifters and the homeless (who usually while doing all of the work creating the setting
end up as members of the gang or its herd). Like for the players, would be a miss if they didn’t at
Gypsies, or static, like chapters of nationwide least ask for input from the players on what
gangs or locals-only outfits. Gang coteries are exactly they want from the game. How old the
often involved in local drug scenes and almost characters are, that is how long they have been
invariably spend as much time fighting other vampires and the reason for them to be together
gangs and gang coteries over “distribution as a group is ultimately a consensus that has to
rights” as they do police. be figured out by both players and Storyteller
Wartime BUT is perhaps the most important part of game
When a city becomes contested territory creation.
between two sects, The Camarilla, with its better The Game default is that of Neonate.
organization and greater resources, has found
that an effective manner of repelling attacks is to Rank Bonus
create teams of neonates and ancillae, who gain Experience
the opportunity to impress their elders by Points
turning the tide Neonate 0
Around the block 5 This choice is determined between you and the
Rising star 10 Storyteller. The Storyteller will let the player
Ancilla 15 know which Covenants are opened to play and
Rank elder 25 which are not.
Mover and Shaker 35 The default is the Camarilla.
Carthian Movement
Children’s Crusade
Children of the Thorns
Harbingers of Skulls

Determine Coterie
Just like determining age, Coterie concepts Step4:
should be agreed upon by both the players and Choose Bloodline
Storyteller. These are but some of the many A character’s Bloodline serves as a sort of
Possible: extended family of the night, bound by lineage
Anarch and responsible for certain similarities among its
Blood Cult members. Vampires are always of the same
Criminal bloodline as the sires that embrace them.
Diabolist Your Storyteller may place restrictions on your
Entrepreneurial choice at the start, depending on the limitations
Gang of her planned chronicle. Preludes concerning
Nomads the Embrace might take this decision out of your
Wartime hands entirely, placing it solely on the
Storyteller’s discretion.

Step 2:
Character Conception Daeva
Choose Concept, Sire, Covenant, Bloodline, The Daeva are emotional, sensual and desirable.
Virtue and Vice Sexual predators and sensual hedonists alike
Concept populate the ranks of these succubi-seducers.
Think about the human AND vampire concept. Disciplines
For example, as a human the character might Celerity, Potence, Presence
have been “Wonton School Teacher” but might Bane
change to “Ventrue Harpy”. Reflecting how the Davea can feed from only one type of mortal.
embrace has changed him.
Sire Gangrel
This is the vampire that embraced you. Ask your
storyteller if you can create the details about The Gangrel are primal, hardy and savage. They
your sire or if he will for sake of the storyline. embody the myths of vampires turning into
animals or otherwise changing form (wolves,
bats, mist).
Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
Step3: Bane
Choose Covenant Gangrel have a harder time resisting frenzy.
Mekhet Not a true bloodline, but those of the 14th
The Mekhet are discreet and wise. Legends of Generation.
vampires hiding in shadows, preying secretly on Disciplines
victims, and even learning secrets no one else They pick three disciplines (but not Blood
but the keeper is supposed to know probably Magic).
refer to Mekhet activities. Bane
Disciplines Caitiff are outside of vampire society and cannot
Auspex, Celerity, Oblivion sire childer.
Mekhet cast no reflections. Step 5:
Choose Virtue and Vice
Choose one of each.
Nosferatu Charity, Faith, Fortitude, Hope, Justice,
The Nosferatu are ugly, deformed and horrifying Prudence, Temperance
to look at. In good light none can be mistaken Vices:
for human. Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, Wrath
Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence Step 6:
Bane Select Attributes
No Nosferatu can pass for human. Prioritize the three categories (5/4/3 dots)
Attributes are your character’s innate abilities.
Tremere Your character begins with one dot in each
Not considered a true bloodline by the others, Attribute automatically, already filled in on the
The Tremere do not descend from one of the character sheet. Dots spent now are in addition
Antediluvians but instead were a group of mages to these starting ones. The fifth dot in any
that became vampires without being embraced. Attribute costs two dots to purchase. Add a dot
from your bloodline’s favored Attribute. This
dot is free and does not count as a “fifth dot”.
Blood Magick, Celerity, Fortitude
Tremere have no fangs and suffer a lesser place
Step 7:
in vampire society.
Choose Disciplines
Ventrue Select Disciplines from the list of your
Bloodline’s Dark Gifts (3dots)
The Ventrue are regal, commanding and
This is the third step because disciplines rolls are
aristocratic. Vampires as everything from
based on what Skills (Step 4) you possess.
Eastern European lords on the mountain to
At Character creation all dots must be allotted to
gentrified nobles to modern corporate raiders
the Bloodline’s favored Dark Gifts. You can buy
belong to this bloodline.
out of bloodline dark gifts in game.
Dominate, Fortitude, Presence Animalism
The ability to communicate with and command
Ventrue must sleep on dirt that is connected to
their mortal lives.
•Feral Whispers
••Raise the Familiar
•••Summon the Hunt
••••Feral Infection
•••••Lord of the Land
Auspex ••Iron Edict
Preternatural senses and perception. •••Entombed Command
•Beast’s Hackles ••••The Lying Mind
••Uncanny Perception •••••Possession
•••The Spirit’s Touch
••••Lay Open the Mind
•••••Twilight Projection Fortitude
Supernatural Toughness
Like other physical Disciplines, Fortitude has
two kinds of effects: persistent and active

The power to command trust and adoration.
•••Green Eyes
Blood Magick •••••Idol
The Tremere’s ability to tap into magic through
vampire blood. Tremere Only Oblivion
Blood Magick gives access to rites depending on The power of Shadows connected to the
the level of mastery. Underworld.
•Blandishment of Sin • Night Sight
•Blood Scourge •• Shadow Play
•Pangs of Proserpina ••• Shroud of Night
•Rigor Mortis •••• Perambulam in Tenebris
•Vitae Reliquary ••••• Shadow Form
••Curse of Babel
••The Hydra’s Vitae Obfuscate
••Liar’s Plague Hiding aspects of oneself, even one’s body
•••Deflection of Wooden Doom • Night Sight
•••Malediction of Despair •• Shadow Play
•••Touch of the Morrigan ••• Shroud of Night
••••Blood Price •••• Perambulam in Tenebris
••••Willful Vitae ••••• Shadow Form
••••Blood Blight
••••Feeding the Crone
••••Gift of Lazarus

Superhuman speed. Protean
Like other physical Disciplines, Celerity has two Shape changing and adjustments of the vampiric
kinds of form.
effects: persistent and active. •Unmarked Grave
••Predatory Aspect
Dominate •••Beast’s Skin
The ability to control the mind.
••••Unnatural Aspect Choose from Human and Vampire merits (10
•••••Primeval Miasma dots)

Potence Human Merits

Supernatural Strength Allies (• to •••••)
Like other physical Disciplines, Potence has Alternate Identity (•, ••, or •••)
two kinds of Ambidextrous (•••)
effects: persistent and active. Anonymity (• to •••••)
Contacts (• to •••••)
Step 8: Demolisher (• to •••)
Select Skills Double Jointed (••)
Fame (• to •••)
Prioritize the three categories (11/7/4) Giant (•••)
Skills are your character’s learned capabilities: Iron Stamina (• to •••)
The fifth dot in any Skill costs two dots to Language (•)
purchase. Library (• to •••)
Martial Arts (• to •••••; Style)
Step 9: Mentor (• to •••••)
Select Skill Specialties Multilingual (•)
(3 dots) Mystery Cult Initiation (• to •••••)
Skill Specialties are your character’s focused Police Tactics (• to •••; Style)
areas of expertise: Take three Skill Specialties of Professional Training (• to •••••)
your choice. You can assign each how you like, Resources (• to •••••)
whether each to a separate Skill or all three to a Retainer (• to •••••)
single Skill. There is no limit to how many Safe Place (• to •••••)
Specialties can be assigned to a single Skill. For Small-Framed (••)
more information, see The World of Darkness Status (• to •••••)
Rulebook page 54. Striking Looks (• or ••)
Tolerance for Biology (•)
Trained Observer (•, or •••)
Step 10: True Friend (•••)
Determine advantages Vice-Ridden (••)
Advantages are traits derived from your Virtuous (••)
character’s Attributes
Defense Supernatural Merits
(the lowest of Dexterity or Wits) Automatic Writing (••)
Health (Stamina + Size) Biokinesis (• to •••••)
Initiative (Dexterity + Composure), Clairvoyance (•••)
Humanity (7 for starting characters) Cursed (••)
Size (5 for most humans) Laying on Hands (•••)
Speed (Strength + Dexterity +5) Medium (•••)
Willpower (Resolve + Composure) Omen Sensitivity (•••)
Note: Most advantages cannot be raised directly Psychometry (•••)
through experience points. You must instead Telekinesis (• to •••••)
raise the traits from which they are derived. Telepathy (••• or •••••)
(Humanity is the exception.) Thief of Fate (•••)
Unseen Sense (••)
Step 11:
Select Merits Vampire Merits
Feeding Grounds (• to •••••)
Generation (• to •••••)
Haven (• to •••••) • When your character has gained five Beats,
Herd (• to •••••) they convert to one Experience, which can be
Kindred Status (• to •••••) used to develop your character’s abilities.
Touchstone (• to •••••) You gain Beats when your character fulfills
one of the criteria below.
• If your character fulfills an Aspiration, take a
Beat. At the end of the game session, replace the
• Each Condition has criteria for resolution.
When resolving a Condition, take a Beat.
Devotions • Some Conditions provide Beats for actions
Body of Will other than resolution.
(Fortitude •••, Potence •) • Any time you fail a roll, you may opt to make
Chain of Command it a dramatic failure and take a Beat.
(Dominate •••, Vigor •) • If your character takes lethal damage in one of
Cloak the Gathering her rightmost Health boxes, take a Beat.
(Obfuscate •••••) Vampires do not gain Beats from bashing
Conditioning damage.
(Dominate ••••) • At the end of any game session, take a Beat.
Cult of Personality • Any time your character risks detachment (see
(Presence ••••, Potence •••) p. 107), take a Beat
(Presence ••••, Obfuscate ••)
Enfeebling Aura
(Presence •, Fortitude•)
Lucid Dreaming
(Auspex•, Oblivion•)
Foul Grave
(Protean •, Oblivion •) Experience Costs
Gargoyle’s Vigilance Attribute: 4 Experiences per dot
(Auspex •, Fortitude••) Merit: 1 Experience per dot
Hint of Fear Skill Specialty: 1 Experience
Celerity ••, Animalism ••) Skill: 2 Experiences per dot
Summoning Clan Discipline: 3 Experiences per dot
(Dominate •••• or Presence ••••) Out-of-Clan Discipline: 4 Experiences per dot
Humanity: 2 Experiences per dot
Lost Willpower dot: 1 Experience

A player earns Beats for his character in many
ways (listed below).
of disinformation, propaganda, and blackmail,
never leaving a loose end untied for long. These
nights, there is a lot of trying to do, but the
Camarilla does not hesitate to lay ruin to human
lives and Kindred unlives to protect the secrets
of their influence.
To most members of the Camarilla, Caine is just
a myth, a metaphor for their curse, rather than a
historical individual. That said, many still cling
to their human faiths like straws in a storm,
trying to find meaning and purpose in their

Camarilla Organization
The single most important and ubiquitous figure
in Kindred politics, the Prince normally rules her
city with nearly absolute power. Some are
Covenants weaker than others, of course, and some are
mere figureheads for powerful Primogen or
other elders. For the most part, however, any
The Camarilla given Prince holds that position for no other
reason than that she was strong enough to take it
The Camarilla is the most widely influential in some way. She might be a consummate
organization Kindred history has ever known. Its politician who attained her post by accumulating
stated purpose is to preserve the favors from all the other elders, and who now
Masquerade ,but the Camarilla is so much more. manages her domain through diplomacy and
It is a conspiracy to preserve the power of the compromise. Alternatively, she might be a
elders, an undead secret society influencing veritable warlord who gained power by
global business and politics, the closest thing the intimidating or “disappearing” her rivals, and
Kindred have to a system of government, and an now maintains power through the simple
international union of cities akin to the United expedient of slaughtering anyone who questions
Nations – complete with a central inner circle her.
and a cadre of justicars and archons traveling the Most Princes, of course, fall somewhere in the
world to “keep the peace,” answering to middle, but nearly all boast some advantage or
nameless masters. The sect maintains a fierce trait that keeps them on top.
moral stance on preserving humanity in the face Of course, a Prince must do more than bark
of the impulses of the Blood, seeing themselves orders and issue death sentences. Her job is not
as the shepherds of the blind human throng merely to govern, but to regulate. A Kindred
simultaneously morally superior and inferior to domain is a boiling pot, full of personal and
their short-lived subjects. The sheer age, power, sectarian conflicts, petty grudges and endless
and wealth of many Camarilla members, and the political maneuvering, all topped with the innate
recent exclusion of the Anarchs from their ranks, and inescapable violence of a race of predators
makes the sect distinctly upper class. These are who feed on blood. The Prince’s job is to keep a
the monsters that hide behind $5000 cocktail lid on that pot — or, perhaps more accurately, to
dresses, meticulously tended stock portfolios, be the lid on that pot. The reason most Princes
and havens guarded by blood slaves in private eventually become dictatorial is that they must
security uniforms. They are the one percent of keep so many powerful and easily agitated
the one percent and they hunger for more. Their vampires in line. Note that in some rare cities,
pawns are placed in banking and in Congress, normally those largely dominated by the
making deals and passing bills. They are masters unaligned and the Carthians, the Prince may
attain power through means other than sheer back rooms when the situation requires, arguing
personal ability. Such a Prince might be selected out whatever issue brings them together. Others
by local elders. The Carthians have even cleave to a schedule and procedures for
attempted open elections. Most often, such speaking, often appearing much like a governing
Princes are either overthrown by more powerful board, a congress, an old-fashioned Greco-
Kindred or themselves become tyrants to make Roman senate, an ecclesiastic council or any
sure they are not overthrown. other form of organization imaginable. Said
councils can range from a mere three or so
Seneschal vampires in small communities to large advisory
The Prince’s right hand, the Seneschal is bodies, which may consist of a dozen or more
responsible for many of the night-to-night Kindred.
details of running a government. For the most part, the Primogen consist of those
While the Prince concerns himself with conflict local elders who have sufficient power to claim
in the city and making certain the Masquerade a seat. Also common are those Primogen who
goes unbroken, the Seneschal makes sure that decide among themselves whom to admit into
things run smoothly in the government itself. He their ranks. More rarely, a Prince might select
is responsible for keeping track of the Prince’s members of his advisory council, but this occurs
assets (and possibly those of the Primogen or only in cities where the Prince is especially
other ruling bodies). strong and the Primogen especially weak. Most
Primogen contain a mix of members of various
Herald clans and covenants, though some are more
The Herald is the Prince’s mouthpiece. When homogenous, depending on the domain. That is,
the Prince makes a decree, the Herald’s job is to the Primogen in a city largely dominated by
make sure that all of the city’s Kindred hear of it Carthians is likely to have more Carthian
(assuming it’s meant for all ears…). members than any others, and the Primogen in a
city where the Gangrel are persecuted is unlikely
Primogen to have many Gangrel members.
If a single position can be considered to be
nearly as ubiquitous and representative of Harpy
Kindred politics as the Prince, it is the Unusual in that it is both an official and
Primogen. The Primogen (singular as well as unofficial position, the Harpy is, at its simplest
plural) officially serve as the Prince’s advisory level, a member of the “Kindred elite.” Harpies
council on matters of policy. represent a who’s who of Kindred affairs, the
The precise nature of that council varies from celebrities and fad-starters. Other Kindred look
domain to domain. If the Prince is both strong to Harpies to see who’s in and who’s out, and
and especially tyrannical, the Primogen might be what positions and opinions are popular this
little more than a formality, a conclave of elders season. A well-known Harpy can sway public
who serve to rubberstamp whatever the Prince opinion faster with a biting comment than some
wishes to do. In most domains, they serve as Princes can with a solid decree.
true advisors, and most wise Princes try to take Harpies who attained their influence and
that advice into account whenever possible, not position unofficially, through nothing more than
merely because the advice might be good, but to personal power and charisma, are often more
avoid angering an entire group of elders. Some respected than those who are appointed by
Primogen are powerful enough (or the Prince Prince or Primogen. An unofficial Harpy
they advise weak enough) that they can actually probably calls things as he truly sees them,
overrule the Prince on certain matters. A few whereas an appointed Harpy is usually believed
Primogen actually rule their cities, either (accurately or not) to be a shill or even
through a figurehead Prince or openly as a propagandist for the Prince.
governing body.
The precise size and nature of the Primogen Sheriff
varies. Some are informal, meeting in shadowy
A combination police investigator, enforcer and bring their own Final Death about sooner rather
inquisitor, the Sheriff is responsible for than later.
enforcing the Prince’s laws and dictates, for Their overt acts and blatant wickedness tend to
bringing outlaws before the Prince for judgment earn them the attention of witch-hunters, mortal
and — at times — for carrying out sentences. authorities and other groups who don’t want the
Hound demoniacal murderers threatening them.
Quite simply, the Hound is the Prince’s (or The truly remarkable aspect of Belial’s Brood is
Primogen’s) muscle. If the Sheriff is a that, even with all right-thinking Kindred efforts
policeman, the Hound is an assassin or a leg- to stamp them out, the same Satanic ideology
breaker. He does not investigate; he does not survives to take root elsewhere. Belial’s Brood
question. His job is to punish anyone he is told is seldom sophisticated enough to remain secret
to punish. or hidden for long, and Princes who have
Belial’s Brood destroyed cells to their last member are often
surprised to see the phenomenon return a score
Not every covenant is as fully structured as the of years later.
rest .Indeed, some covenants are local The group’s chaotic philosophy is too manic for
phenomena or simply too small to merit the the covenant to truly have a center anywhere,
elaborate systems that the larger ones have in but if that’s the case, how does the same
place. With Belial’s Brood, however, covenant sectarian philosophy keep resurfacing if the
law is unnecessary because, “Do as thou wilt covenant’s many enemies are so vigilant in
shall be the whole of the law.” rooting it out and destroying it?
A loose confederation of Satanists, demon-
worshippers and overt miscreants, Belial’s
Brood claims that the origin of the Damned is
literally from Hell itself. Vampires are not their
own unique species, they are “demons” given
mortal form or devils who have found passage
from the Pit’s sulfurous depths to the surface of
the world. The purpose of the Damned, in the
opinion of this covenant is to indulge the dark
urges that the Beast imparts.
The Brood is truly a hellish faction of Kindred. Carthian Movement
Member sexual in their wickedness, inflicting
pain and misery with no remorse and even less Nominally a faction within the Camarilla, most
discretion. While Belial’s Brood is about, “Anarchs” (as they are called by the Camarilla)
buildings burn, mortals die under overturned are still under the authority of the Ivory Tower.
cars, and shocked victims covered in blood Carthians are full of ideas. They see brave new
stagger down streets before collapsing. The possibilities and models for Kindred self-rule
Damned should be the Beast incarnate, they that they believe were heretofore unimagined
preach. before they arrived on the scene, and they long
Vampires serve none but the Devil himself! to share those ideas with others —especially
Belial’s Brood rarely survives long in any given with those whom they believe keep the covenant
domain .Its behavior is antithetical to the and its ideas down. Few stop to wonder whether
continued existence of the Kindred, both under the existing status quo (whatever and wherever
literal and interpretative understandings of the it might be) has endured for a reason. Most are
Masquerade, so few Princes suffer its ilk to content to challenge it for the sake of trying to
establish havens or stay in their demesnes. Even accomplish something positive in a world as
if Princes didn’t rally entire domains against bleak as the Kindred’s.
them, members of the Brood would probably If the Carthians have a single enemy among the
Damned, it is calcification. Change is vital to all
social systems. Therefore, many Carthians fear Do you know the urban legend of Bloody Mary?
the elders of their kind. This is not because they Children the world over say that if you close
think elders pose a direct threat, but because your eyes in front of a mirror, in the dark and by
elders are the most stagnant members of their yourself, say her name three times and then open
race, the least capable of hearing or accepting them, you’ll see her staring back at you. Brave
new ideas. For this reason, many sub- kids even try it. Many claim they tried it and
movements of the Carthian cause have some nothing happened, and they’re probably being
strict policies about who can and can’t join, as honest, most of ‘em. (Though thousands of
they fear their dreams might become the target children disappear every year, worldwide,
of some elder’s crusade. without a trace, as if they’d been yanked out of
For the most part, they’re right. Most elder space entirely while by themselves, perhaps
vampires have little to no interest in seeing a somewhere dark.)
bunch of neonates summarily rearrange the The Children of the Thorns know that Bloody
power structure that’s been in place for Mary is real. They know that the mirror trick
centuries, and in so doing strip elders of their only works if you anoint the mirror with your
patiently cultivated power and influence. own blood vampire blood.
Vampires are nasty, predatory creatures who But if you do it, you can wind up somewhere
only grow nastier and more predatory with age, else. You can travel to the Crypt.
and few elders appreciate this latest “fad” among The Children of the Thorns are all but unknown
neonates. As a result, the Carthian Movement to kindred outside of the Covenant. The reason
has become the scapegoat of choice for powerful for this is very simple: Bloody Mary wants it
elders. Were it not for the presence of some that way.
great minds within the Movement (as well as a The Children are vampires who have bypassed
few elders of other covenants), the faction might The Hedge and have come upon an area called
well collapse under the weight of tradition. All The Crypt. This Crypt is in Arcadia itself, and
the same, the Movement has met with at least those that make the pilgrimage to the crypt
limited success in some areas, and much like a return as Fetches.
persistent union, the Carthians have begun to
show some marked gains simply by remaining Followers of Set
patient and playing the game as it must be
played. Their democratic notions aren’t loved by The deserts of Egypt contains centuries of
everyone, but what the Carthians lack in wisdom secrets that lay far beneath the sands of time.
and support, they tend to make up for in passion Harbingers of Skulls
and unity (though they, too, indulge in their fair
share of fractiousness and infighting). The Harbingers of Skulls are a bizarre paranoid
conspiracy of a Covenant that spends little time
Children’s Crusade in contact with the other factions of Kindred
society. Very little is known about them and
This small, but powerful Covenant is kept at some Kindred consider stories of its existence
arm’s length. Just how many members that apocryphal. Its stronghold lies in the
belong to the Crusade is not known since they Underworld, the realm of the dead occupied by
keep mostly to themselves. ghosts of things long lost to the modern world.
The Children’s Crusade is a safe haven for those Its mission seems to be one of shepherding and
that were embraced as children. protecting the world toward an end only it
The Camarilla keeps a very watchful eye on the understands. Their vision is similar to the First
Crusade, whose recent activities are City as described in the Book of Nod. The Sect
questionable at best. holds no cities in the physical world as its
domains, though it maintains estates and other
Children of the Thorns odd nexuses where it breeds ghoul servants and
sends its agents forth into the world.
they eventually begat the Third Generation, who
Inconnu would become the progenitors of what Kindred
understand tonight as Bloodlines.
The Inconnu is an enigmatic elder Covenant Nickname
about which little is known. Indeed, it seems less This is the most common, though certainly not
of a cogent Sect and more of a confederation of the only one the Bloodline is known by to those
Kindred who seek the state of Golconda, a sort outside of it.
of redemptive transcendence of Damnation. The Disciplines
Sect rarely has more than one or two Kindred in Each Bloodline have three disciplines that are
any given domain, and territory acquisitions associated with and define the bloodline. These
don’t appear to be part of its agenda. A few disciplines cost less than those “outside” of the
territories belong to prominent Inconnu, and Bloodline.
thus the Sect may be said to be dominant in that Banes
domain, but in most cases of Inconnu presence, These are weaknesses that all members of the
a “Monitor” takes up residence in another Sect’s bloodline share. A member of the bloodline can
domain to watch its affairs and pursue her own never overcome these weaknesses.
salvation. What the Sect formally wants — if
anything — remains unknown, and speculation
runs rampant as to their origin. Some believe
that they are little more than a cult of would-be
gods while others suspect that they are the
remnants of an ancient Roman conspiracy that

The Sabbat

At one time the most feared group of vampires The Six Bloodlines
in the world, the Sabbat of today are an example
to put forth to the neonates, showing the
dangers of and how impulsiveness can be your Daeva
downfall. The Succubi. They live in their high rises and
The Sabbat philosophy is simple. You’re a attend the posh art galleries, but all are dead
vampire, so act like one. Vampires do not hide inside.
among the kine. Vampires are the apex of Gangrel
existence and should act like it. The Sabbat was The Savages. Gangrel would rather run through
the first Anarch movement against the the woods than walk among man and would do
Camarilla. The movement started in the Middle so if it weren’t for their need for human blood.
Ages and more or less ended in the 1950’s. Very Mekhet
small gangs of no more than a dozen still The Shadows. They stand back in the shadows
highways of a few countries. They live their and study things like the occult and death.
nomadic unlives in territory shared by the Nosferatu
Lupines in a cat and mouse game. The Haunts. They wear the Beast on their
The Outcasts. Not really TRUE vampire, they
Cain, as the First Vampire, wandered the Land were wizards who made themselves vampires
of Nod, where he eventually passed on his curse, through magic.
embracing those who would become known as Ventrue
the Second Generation. Their names are lost or The Tyrants. They lead. They MUST lead and
vaguely known — the names most commonly control those around them.
agreed upon are Enoch, Irad, and Zillah — and
fortunate) or an exsanguinated husk (if he is
Seducers and sensualists, they play politics like
a finely tuned instrument. Most Succubi are
overtly sensual beings, drawn by beauty and
blood in equal measure, but it is an artificial
passion. Their ability to feel true attachment to
other people atrophies over years of
manipulating the love of mortals and the respect
of their fellow Kindred, until the Daeva can no
longer understand those emotions as anything
other than tools to be exploited and motions to
imitate. For all their apparent fervor, most
Succubi are as dead spiritually as they are
physically. They claim to understand desire, but
all they truly know is need, and it is this
deadening of emotions that causes so many
jaded Daeva to become depraved in their efforts
to feel again. Daeva move through
the circles of society in which their lustful
nature’s best serve them,

whether among high society or low culture.

Drawn to beauty and congregations of mortals,
they often frequent theaters, art galleries, trendy
clubs, whiskey dives, drug dens, brothels and
everything in between.
Celerity, Potence, Presence
The Daeva have rarefied palates. When a Daeva
drinks blood from any mortal outside their
DAVEA preference, the blood taken surges back up as
scarlet vomit. Preferences range greatly from
Daeva who can only feed from genuine blondes,
These Kindred are consummate predators, and
individuals of Swiss descent, virgins,
they would seem to be the perfect vampires.
homosexuals or Drug Users. With a Wits+
Alas, most are too dead inside to enjoy it. the
Investigation test your character can sense if a
Daeva are experts at making their prey come to
mortal possesses the blood they require.
them. No self-respecting Daeva resorts to
Vampiric vitae is exempt from this weakness.
attacking transients in alleyways. Rather, these
are the Kindred who accompany a smitten young
mortal back to his place, leaving him languid
and sexually spent by morning (if he is

Gangrel is the predator among the predators, the

most savage of beasts. The Gangrel are, in many
ways, the “noble savages” of the vampiric race.
Many prefer the counsel of animals and other
beasts, and some eschew contact with the mortal
world entirely. While many retain and even
value their humanity, they do so within the
bounds and context of their newfound existence,
and not as an attempt to hold onto what has been
lost, for no other option is practical to a
Bloodline whose very soul is so intimately
intertwined with its Beast. While others delude
themselves about what the Embrace “truly
means,” the Gangrel know what they have
become, so they strive to make peace with it.
On the whole, they spend more time in
communion with their bestial side than other
vampires do, and though such activity more than
accounts for their nickname and reputation, few
would disagree that the Gangrel truly benefit
from their introspection. Their special bond with
the Beast seems to give many Gangrel a unique
insight into the Kindred condition, and some of
the wisest vampires to be found in all the world
hail from this Bloodline.
Whereas other Kindred try to become scholars
or philosophers, collecting endless data and
positing on the theoretical, the Gangrel are its
yogis and medicine men, its

bodhisattvas and whirling dervishes. The

unequivocal and irreplaceable benefit of first-
hand experience flows through them,
supplanting the theoretical with the practical,
and making the Gangrel widely respected
among those who recognize the primeval nature
of the Kindred soul. This insight makes the
Bloodline invaluable, but also makes it
dangerous, and some would just as soon silence
the Gangrel as hear their frank wisdom.
Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
Like many predators in the animal kingdom, the
Gangrel would rather stuff themselves as soon Darkness is the hallmark of this lineage, and its
as the opportunity to feed presents itself than members surround themselves with it like a
hunt carefully every night maintain a baseline corpse wears a shroud. The hallmarks of the
satiation. As a result, Gangrel suffers a -3 Bloodline are stealth and wisdom, so it is
penalty on rolls to resist frenzy. A failure to entirely fitting that they are associated with
resist is actually a Dramatic Failure. darkness — the better to hide them and the
source of the knowledge they exhume. Bloodline
Mekhet comprises one of the most cosmopolitan
memberships among the great families of the
Kindred. Although they compose a Bloodline
born of darkness, they interpret that darkness in
many ways. Some of the Bloodline’s members
are masters of the night, using their gifts and
undead powers to make a place for themselves
within the aristocracy of the Damned. Others are
literal sulkers in the shadows, ready to plant a
stake in a rival’s heart or steal the wealth from a
rival’s haven. Still others are poets or painters,
heirs to darkness of a more personal nature. Yet
more Mekhet are diviners of secrets, questing
after information itself forgotten and thus
relegated to the darkness of memory. Bloodline
Mekhet runs the gamut from filth-streaked
murderers to enlightened philosophers-Princes
and everything in between. The Mekhet are, by
and large, marked by a certain degree of finesse
with whatever aspect of tenuousness
unlife they choose to pursue. A Mekhet
bodyguard, for example, is unlikely to be a
brawling brute, but

more likely to know an ornate fighting style. A NOSFERATU

Mekhet infiltrator is gracious or invisible, not a
sloppy vandal. A sage or scholar might have Even other undead fear the Nosferatu, for their
such supernatural acumen that his abilities are unsettling seemings are constant reminders that
downright oracular instead of merely archival. those Kindred who look mortal are not. Most
Mekhet Kindred very much consider themselves other Bloodlines would prefer never to associate
paragons of the vampiric state, so whatever they with the Nosferatu at all. Kindred offer them a
do, they devote themselves to it and refine their tense hospitality, hide their unease behind wary
capacity almost to the point of second nature. diplomacies and pray that the Nosferatu leave as
Nickname soon as possible. They scoff at those who recoil
Shadows from them, belittling pretty vampires with
Disciplines soirées and silly political games, all the while
Auspex, Celerity, Oblivion seething at their exclusion. This isolation has
Banes fostered strong familial bonds among the
While all vampire visages shun modern Nosferatu. When faced with an outside threat,
technology, mekhet cast no reflections they close ranks. The Nosferatu’s inability to
whatsoever. Be it in a mirror, in a body of water, blend in with society forces them to dwell apart,
on a polished surface, or in the rear-view of a often congregating in places others shun. The
taxicab, the image of the vampire does not Haunts might not all get along, but they
reflect. recognize their common bond— not that they
  have any choice, since it follows them like a
miasma. Feared by and therefore ostracized from
society, many Nosferatu become as alien as their
demeanor. Others choose the opposite path,
becoming surprisingly cultured, well-mannered
and well-spoken to compensate for their
unnerving seeming. The latter are the Haunts
most frequently found playing politics with
other Kindred. The Nosferatu are also known as
purveyors of information. It is this trade in
terror, more than anything else that makes the
Nosferatu too

valuable -and too dangerous — to ignore.

Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence
Without Obfuscate, no Nosferatu can ever pass
for human. With regard to dice pools based on
Presence or Manipulation Attributes in social
situations, the 10-again rule does not apply.
Additionally, any 1’s that come up on a roll are
subtracted from successes. (This latter part of
the weakness does not affect dramatic-failure
rules.) This weakness does not apply to dice
pools that involve the Intimidation Skill, or to
the Composure Attribute. In addition, they can
never evoke the Blush of Life.
their close-knit hierarchy. They hail from
England with an established power base in
London, to which all

members of the bloodline answer to some

Beset by enemies who call them Freaks and
backed by allies who may or may not defend the
alliances they force, the Tremere have evolved
to be self-sufficient.
Auspex, Blood Magic, Dominate
TREMERE Unlike all true vampires, the Tremere have no
fangs, and must find another way to drink blood,
Sometime at the middle of the 1800’s a group either through using some kind of weapon, or by
of mages took on the mantle of vampirism biting really hard and messily. Either way, the
without being embraced. The mages sought Tremere does not send his victim into the
immortality and found it, but soon discovered ecstasy of the Kiss when feeding. In fact, it
that the embrace cut them from the Supernal. really hurts, and the Tremere must restrain or
Even so, a small spark of it must have still been render unconscious his victim. The Tremere’s
present for the Tremere were now able to saliva cannot heal wounds made by an
practice what would become known as Blood instrument like a knife but can still heal wounds
Magic . The smallest group of vampires, made by their own teeth. Also, Tremere must
Tremere must watch their backs even more so pay double for any Vampire merit connected to
than most. To the eyes of vampire society they vampire society at character creation.
are but one step up from a Caitiff, with only  
their blood magic giving them any respect to  
their faces.
The Tremere do not descend from one of the
Antediluvians and so are not thought of as true
vampires by the other Bloodlines. Tonight, the
Tremere are shaped by their practice of Blood
Magic. Blood Magic is heavily entrenched
within the Tremere, and they maintain cultist
havens known as Chantries to study its uses and
share secrets among each other. To the Tremere,
blood is both sustenance and the source of
mystical power; they gather in their witch-
houses to further their understanding of the vitae
that is such a focal point of their unlives.
Beyond the practice of Blood Magic itself, the
Warlocks are known for
Ventrue are inextricably tied to their domains of
origin and must rest on their body weight of
“native soil” — earth from a place important to
the Ventrue as a mortal, such as the soil from his
birthplace or the graveyard where he underwent
his Embrace. If the Ventrue does not, then all of
his dice pools are capped by their Humanity for
the next night. Also, the vampire cannot go
through the Cleansing until they have slept a full
day on their soil


The Lords acknowledge no defeats, only

setbacks. The Bloodline shares a ruthless will to
power and the power to enforce its will. Their
discipline of Dominate account for some of their
success. The Ventrue learn to command the
thoughts of other beings almost by instinct.
Although they do not especially cultivate the
arts of combat, they often prove remarkably hard
to kill. Ventrue regard their supernatural gifts,
however, as merely a tool to begin the
acquisition of real power — the power of
money, property, corporate stock, political
contacts, rank in Kindred society and large
numbers of mortals, at every level of society,
begging to lick their boots and fulfill their
commands. The Ventrue take the feudal nature
of Kindred society very seriously.
Throughout the Bloodline’s history, the Ventrue
have sought power in whatever forms mortals
offered. At the start of the 21st century, Ventrue
elders pondered the merits of Embracing
scientists, engineers and computer wizards. No
matter where in society the power lies, the
Ventrue vow to exploit it before other Kindred
even know it exists.
Animalism, Dominate, Fortitude

is at +2 difficulty on all Social rolls with non-
The 13th Generation of vampires have all failed Caitiff vampires. Caitiff cannot
to create full blooded vampires. All chider sired give the Embrace, their blood being too thin to
by those of the 13th generation are caitiff. The pass on the Curse.
14th generation is the last of the Generations.
Vampires, being the predators they are, feel an
innate dislike for those that are weaker in the
pact. Most Sires seeing their “mistake” will
abandon and disown a caitiff, since having one
puts the Sire at great risk among vampire
Unwanted and abandoned, the Caitiff have
swelled the ranks of Kindred society in the last
century. Many are lucky to have even vague
recollections of their sire and the Embrace,
while most stumble around with no
understanding of what they are. Those that find a
way to survive are the exception instead of the
rule, and some of these Trash grow to become
notorious Kindred in their own right.
While many are members of the
Camarilla by default, many have become
members of the Carthian Movement. VIRTUE & VICE
Trash, Mutts etc. Every character starts play with one defining
Disciplines Virtue and one defining Vice, chosen during
Caitiff can choose any three Disciplines (except character creation. Virtue and Vice may clearly
for Blood Magick) reflect your character’s background and concept,
or they can be used to contrast his outward
nature to create sources of conflict that make for
excellent roleplaying
This is a fairly complementary application of
Virtues and Vices based on character concept, as
they both stem from the character’s background.
• When a character’s actions in difficult
situations reflect his particular Virtue or Vice, he
reinforces his fundamental sense of self. If the
Bane Storyteller judges that your character’s actions
All Caitiff are 14th Generation and cannot take during a scene reflect his Vice, he regains one
the merit Generation. Willpower point that has been spent.
Because of their social stigma, Caitiff are unable • If the Storyteller judges that your character’s
to take Kindred Status at character creation, actions during a chapter (a game session) reflect
though they can purchase it later on in game. his Virtue, he regains all spent Willpower
Additionally, all merits that require a bloodline points.
prerequisite are off limits • Note that these actions must be made in
and all Vampire Merits cost double to buy at situations that pose some risk to your character,
character creation. whereby he stands to pay a price for acting
So, for example, one dot in Haven would cost according to his Virtue or Vice. Everyday
two. Until the Caitiff can establish himself in a expressions of, say, Faith or Pride are not
domain or social group through role playing, he
enough to reaffirm a character’s determination loss or harm to herself. It isn’t enough to share
or sense of self. what your character has in abundance.
• Fulfilling a Virtue is more rewarding than She must make a real sacrifice in terms of time,
fulfilling a Vice for two reasons. One, it is possessions or energy, or she must risk life and
inherently challenging to accomplish a limb to help another.
surpassing act of goodness in a world that’s rife
with selfishness and aggression. Doing so Faith
demands sacrifice and perseverance. Two, the Those with Faith know that the universe is not
temptation to indulge base inclinations and random, meaningless chaos, but ordered by a
desires is constant and often means taking the higher power. No matter how horrifying the
path of least resistance, which precludes doing world might be, everything has its place in the
the greater good. Plan and ultimately serves that Purpose. This
• Fulfilling Vices therefore offers small rewards Virtue does not necessarily involve belief in a
that are easy to come by. personified deity. It might involve belief in a
• Your character does not gain extra Virtues or Grand Unified Theory whereby the seeming
Vices during play. The fundamental qualities randomness of the universe is ultimately an
that define him do not change. Nor are they expression of mathematical precision. Or it
compounded with more such traits. might be a view that everything is one and that
• The seven Virtues and Vices detailed below even evil is indistinguishable from good when
are ostensibly drawn from Western, Judeo- all discriminating illusions are overcome.
Christian beliefs (e.g., the Seven Heavenly Your character regains all spent Willpower
Virtues and Seven Deadly Sins), but it’s points whenever he is able to forge meaning
important to note that nearly all cultures value from chaos and tragedy.
these ethics and revile these sins. Fortitude
A person’s ideals are meaningless unless they’re
Virtues tested.
When it seems as though the entire world is
When creating your character, choose one of the arrayed against him because of his beliefs, a
seven Virtues detailed here as your character’s person possessing Fortitude weathers the storm
defining quality. This is not to say that she may and emerges with his convictions intact.
not have other worthwhile or altruistic qualities, Fortitude is about standing up for one’s beliefs
but her defining Virtue is the one that most and holding the course no matter how tempting
clearly evokes her basic beliefs. it may be to relent or give up. By staying the
course — regardless of the cost — he proves the
Charity worth of his ideals.
True Charity comes from sharing gifts with Your character regains all spent Willpower
others, be it money or possessions, or simply points whenever he withstands overwhelming or
giving time to help another in need. A charitable tempting pressure to alter his goals. This does
character is guided by her compassion to share not include temporary distractions from his
what she has in order to improve the plight of course of action, only pressure that might cause
those around her. Charitable individuals are him to abandon or change his goals altogether.
guided by the principle of treating others as they
would be treated themselves. Hope
By sharing gifts and taking on the role of the Being hopeful means believing that evil and
Samaritan, they hope to cultivate goodwill in misfortune cannot prevail, no matter how grim
others, and the gifts they give will eventually things become. Not only do the hopeful believe
return to them in their hour of need. in the ultimate triumph of morality and decency
Your character regains all spent Willpower over malevolence, they maintain stead-fast
points whenever she helps another at the risk of belief in a greater sense of cosmic justice —
whether it’s Karma or the idea of an all-
knowing, all-seeing God who waits to punish the
wicked. All will turn out right in the end, and the as none of it is unnatural or unholy. The trouble
hopeful mean to be around when it happens. comes when things are taken to excess, whether
Your character regains all spent Willpower it’s a noble or base impulse. Too much
points whenever she refuses to let others give in righteousness can be just as bad as too much
to despair, even though doing so risks harming wickedness.
her own goals or wellbeing. This is similar to Your character regains all spent Willpower
Fortitude, above, except that your character tries when he resists a temptation to indulge in an
to prevent others from losing hope in their goals. excess of any behavior, whether good or bad,
She need not share those goals herself or even be despite the obvious rewards it might offer.
successful in upholding them, but there must be
a risk involved. Vices
When creating your character, choose one of the
Justice seven Vices detailed below as her defining one.
Wrongs cannot go unpunished. This is the This is not to say that your character may not
central tenet of the just, who believe that have other weaknesses or base impulses, but her
protecting the innocent and confronting inequity defining Vice is the one that most clearly evokes
is the responsibility of every decent person, even her basic behavior.
in the face of great personal danger. The just
believe that evil cannot prosper so long as one
good person strives to do what is right, Envy
regardless of the consequences. An envious person is never satisfied with what
Your character regains all spent Willpower she has. No matter her wealth, status or
points whenever he does the right thing at risk of accomplishments, there is always someone else
personal loss or setback. The “right thing” can who seems to have more, and it’s coveted.
be defined by the letter or spirit of a particular Envious characters are never secure or content
code of conduct, whether it be the United States with their place in life. They always measure
penal code or a biblical Commandment. themselves against their rivals and look for ways
to get what they deserve. They might be
Prudence considered paranoid or just consumed by a self-
The Virtue of Prudence places wisdom and loathing that they project onto others.
restraint above rash action and thoughtless Your character regains one Willpower point
behavior. One maintains integrity and principles whenever she gains something important from a
by moderating actions and avoiding unnecessary rival or has a hand in harming that rival’s
risks. While that means a prudent person might wellbeing.
never take big gambles that bring huge rewards,
neither is his life ruined by a bad roll of the dice. Gluttony
By choosing wisely and avoiding the easy road Gluttony is about indulging appetites to the
he prospers slowly but surely. exclusion of everything else. It’s about
Your character regains all spent Willpower dedicating oneself to sensual pleasures or
points whenever he refuses a tempting course of chasing the next high. A glutton makes any
action by which he could gain significantly. The sacrifice to feed his insatiable appetite for
“temptation” must involve some reward that, by pleasure, regardless of the cost to himself or
refusing it, might cost him later on. those around him. He might be considered a
junky or even a kleptomaniac (he steals things
Temperance he doesn’t need just for the thrill of it).
Moderation in all things is the secret to Your character regains one spent Willpower
happiness, so says the doctrine of Temperance. point whenever he indulges in his addiction or
It’s all about balance. appetites at some risk to himself or a loved one.
Everything has its place in a person’s life, from
anger to forgiveness, lust to chastity. The
temperate do not believe in denying their urges,
Your character regains one Willpower point
whenever he exerts his own wants (not needs)
over others at some potential risk to himself.
Greed This is most commonly the desire for adulation,
Like the envious, the greedy are never satisfied but it could be the desire to make others do as he
with what they have. They want more — more commands.
money, a bigger house, more status or influence
— no matter that they may already have more Sloth
than they can possibly handle. The Vice of Sloth is about avoiding work until
Everything is taken to excess. To the greedy, someone else has to step in to get the job done.
there is no such thing as having too much. If that Rather than put in the effort — and possibly risk
means snatching someone else’s hard-earned failure — in a difficult situation, the slothful
reward just to feather one’s own nest, well, person simply refuses to do anything, knowing
that’s the way it goes. that someone else will step in and fix the
Your character regains one Willpower point problem sooner or later. The fact that people
whenever he acquires something at the expense might needlessly suffer while the slothful person
of another. Gaining it must come at some sits on his thumbs doesn’t matter one bit.
potential risk (of assault, arrest or simple loss of • Your character regains one Willpower point
peer respect). whenever he successfully avoids a difficult task
but achieves the same goal, nonetheless.
The Vice of Lust is the sin of uncontrolled
desire. A lusty individual is driven by a passion Wrath
for something (usually sex, but it can be a The Vice of Wrath is the sin of uncontrolled
craving for virtually any experience or activity) anger. The wrathful look for ways to vent their
that he acts upon without consideration for the anger and frustration on people or objects at the
needs or feelings of others. A lusty individual slightest provocation. In most cases the reaction
uses any means at his disposal to indulge his is far out of proportion to the perceived slight. A
desires, from deception to manipulation to acts Wrathful person cut off on the freeway might try
of violence. to force another driver off the road, or a wrathful
Your character is consumed by a passion for cop might delight in beating each and every
something. He regains one Willpower point person he arrests, regardless of the offense.
whenever he satisfies his lust or compulsion in a Your character regains one spent Willpower
way that victimizes others. point whenever he unleashes his anger in a
situation where doing so is dangerous.
If the fight has already begun, no Willpower
points are regained. It must take place in a
situation where anger is unwarranted or
Pride is the Vice of self-confidence run amok. It
is the belief that one’s every action is inherently
right, even when it should be obvious that it is
anything but. A prideful person refuses to back
down when his decision or reputation is called
into question, even when the evidence is clear
that he is in the wrong. His ego does not accept
any outcome that suggests fallibility, and he is
willing to see others suffer rather than admit that
he’s wrong.
Resolve is your character’s determination,
patience, and sense of commitment. It allows
your character to concentrate in the face of
distraction and danger or continue doing
something in spite of insurmountable odds.
Attribute Tasks:
Resisting coercion (Resolve + Stamina,
reflexive action)
Physical Attributes
Attributes represent essential traits that every Physical Attributes reflect your character’s
character possesses by default. These serve as bodily fitness and acumen.
the foundation to most rolls in Vampire: The
Requiem. The nine Attributes are split into three Strength
categories: Mental, Physical, and Social. If a Strength is your character’s muscular definition
game rule refers to a “Social roll,” or a “Mental and capacity to deliver force. It affects many
action,” that means an action that uses the physical tasks, including most actions in a fight.
appropriate Attribute category. Attribute Tasks
All Attributes receive one free dot. This reflects Breaking a barrier (Strength + Stamina, instant
a below-average capacity. Two dots are about action)
human average. Three and four reflect a high Lifting objects (Strength + Stamina, instant
level of competency, while five reflects the action)
height of human potential in that field. When
creating your character, prioritize each category.
The primary category receives five dots, the Dexterity
secondary four, and the tertiary three. Dexterity is your character’s speed, agility, and
coordination. It provides balance, reactions, and
Mental Attributes aim.
Mental Attributes reflect your character’s acuity, Attribute Tasks
intellect, and strength of mind. Keeping balance (Dexterity + Composure,
reflexive action)
Intelligence is your character’s raw knowledge, Stamina
memory, and capacity for solving difficult Stamina is your character’s general health and
problems. This may be book smarts, or a wealth sturdiness. It determines how much punishment
of trivia. your character’s body can handle before it gives
Attribute Tasks up.
Memorizing (Intelligence + Composure, instant Attribute Tasks
action Staying awake (Stamina + Resolve, instant
Wits represents your character’s ability to think Social Attributes
quickly and improvise solutions. It reflects your Social Attributes reflect your character’s ability
character’s perception, and ability to pick up on to deal with others.
Attribute Tasks Presence
Perception (Wits + Composure, reflexive Presence is your character’s assertiveness,
action) gravitas, and raw appeal. It gives your character
a strong bearing that changes moods and minds.
Resolve Attribute Tasks
Good First Impressions (Presence + Composure, lifetime. These are things that could be practiced
instant action) or learned from a book. Similarly to Attributes,
Skills are divided into Mental, Physical, and
Social categories. Skills do not receive free dots
at character creation. Skills without dots are
deficient or barely capable. Skills with a single
dot reflect a cursory training. Two dots is
sufficient for professional use. Three is a high
Manipulation level of competency. Four is outstanding, and
Manipulation is your character’s ability to make five is absolute mastery of the discipline.
others cooperate. It’s how smoothly she speaks, When creating your character, prioritize
and how much people can read into her categories. The primary category receives eleven
intentions. dots, the secondary receives seven, the tertiary
Attribute Tasks four. We’ve listed sample actions for each Skill;
Poker face (Manipulation + Composure these lists are just common actions and should
not be taken as comprehensive guides to where
Composure Skills can apply. We also suggest dice pools, but
Composure is your character’s poise and grace it’s important to look at the context of the scene
under fire. It’s his dignity, and ability to remain and apply the best Attribute + Skill combination
unfazed when harrowed. for the events at hand.
Attribute Tasks Also remember that equipment and
Meditation (Resolve + Composure, extended environmental modifiers can shift a dice pool.
action We’ve listed some sample equipment and
factors that could enhance Skill usage.
Using a Skill with no dots incurs a penalty. For
Physical and Social Skills, it levies a –1 die
penalty to the roll. For a Mental Skill, it’s a –3
die penalty.
Mental Skills
Mental Skills are largely learned, as opposed to
practiced. They reflect knowledge and
procedure, lore and understanding.
A-3 die penalty is occurred when there are no
dots in the Mental Skill being used.

Academics is a broad Skill representing your
character’s higher education and knowledge of
the arts and humanities. It covers language,
history, law, economics, and related fields. For
many Kindred, Academics is a key Skill, since
they’ve experienced history firsthand, or need to
understand rivals who come from the dim past.
Occasionally, a mortal researcher stumbles upon
Kindred when looking for experts in archaic
SKILLS Sample actions
Recall trivia (Intelligence + Academics, instant
Whereas Attributes represent innate ability, action)
Skills reflect behaviors learned and honed over a
Research (Intelligence + Academics, extended Kindred who aim to remain close to humanity.
action) Many Daeva focus on the arts as a way to
Translation (Intelligence + Academics, channel their passions into something less
extended action) destructive than the hunt.
Suggested equipment Sample actions
Internet access (+1), Library (+1 to +3), Appraisal (Wits + Crafts, instant action)
Professional consultant (+2) Counterfeit item (Intelligence + Crafts,
Specialties extended action)
Anthropology, Art History, English, History, Create art (Intelligence + Crafts, extended
Law, Literature, Religion, Research, Translation action)
Repair item (Wits + Crafts, extended action)
Suggested equipment
Point of reference (+1), Quality materials (+2),
Computer Tools (+1 to +3, depending on utility and
Computer is your character’s advanced ability specialty), Well-equipped workplace (+2)
With computing. While most characters in the Specialties
World of Darkness are expected to know the Automotive, Cosmetics, Fashion, Forging,
basics, the Computer Skill allows your character Graffiti, Jury-Rigging, Painting, Perfumery,
to program computers, to crack into systems, to Repair, Sculpting
diagnose major problems, and to investigate
data. This Skill reflects advanced techniques and
tricks; almost everyone in the modern nights can
operate a computer for email and basic Internet
searches. A few ancient vampires resist the
change of technology, but enterprising Kindred
of all ages embrace it as a means to connect with
the future.
Sample actions
Hacking a system (Intelligence + Computer,
extended action, contested if against a security
administrator or other hacker), Internet search Investigation
(Wits + Computer, instant action), Investigation is your character’s skill with
Programming (Intelligence + Computer, solving mysteries and putting together puzzles.
extended action) It reflects the ability to draw conclusions, to find
Suggested equipment meaning out of confusion, and using lateral
Computer system (+0 to +3, by performance), thinking to find information where others could
Custom software (+2), not. Kindred with the Auspex Discipline often
Passwords (+2) develop Investigation, as mundane methods
Specialties complement their second sight.
Data Retrieval, Graphics, Hacking, Internet, Sample action
Programming, Security, Social Media Examining a crime scene (Wits + Investigation,
extended action), solving riddles (Intelligence +
Investigation, instant or extended action)
Suggested equipment
Forensic kit (+1), Unrestricted access (+2),
Crafts Reference library (+2)
Crafts reflects your character’s knack with Specialties
creating and repairing things. From creating Artifacts, Autopsy, Body Language, Crime
works of art, to fixing an automobile, Crafts is Scenes, Cryptography, Dreams, Lab Work,
the Skill to use. Since art evolves with culture, Riddles
knowledge of Crafts is common amongst
Medicine Politics reflects a general knowledge of political
Medicine reflects your character’s knowledge of structures and methodologies, but more
the human body, and of how to bring it to and practically shows your character’s ability to
keep it in working order. Characters with navigate those systems and make them work the
Medicine can make efforts to stem life- way she intends. With Politics, she knows the
threatening wounds and illnesses. While right person to ask to get something done. Few
Medicine offers little utility on Kindred, some Kindred survive long without developing at least
vampires learn about the human body after years some Politics, as Kindred society is rife with
of watching those around them fall to every tradition, Status, and complex patterns of
malady imaginable authority.
Sample actions
Cut red tape (Manipulation + Politics, extended
action), Identify authority (Wits + Politics,
instant action), Sully reputations (Manipulation
. + Politics, extended action)
Sample actions Suggested equipment
Diagnosis (Wits + Medicine, instant action), Official position (+1 to +5, by Status)
Treating wounds (Intelligence + Medicine, Specialties
extended action) Bureaucracy, Carthian Movement, Church,
Suggested equipment Democratic, Invictus, Local, Ordo Dracul,
Medical tools (+1 to +3), Trained assistance Organized Crime, Scandals
(+1), Well-stocked facilities (+2)
Specialties Science
First Aid, Kindred Physiology, Pathology, Science is your character’s knowledge and
Pharmaceuticals, Physical Therapy, Surgery understanding of the physical and natural
sciences, such as biology, chemistry, geology,
Occult meteorology, and physics. While older Kindred
The Occult Skill is your character’s knowledge don’t always value modern sciences, many
of things hidden in the dark, legends, and lore. vampires hold strong to sciences that were
While the supernatural is unpredictable and prominent when they were younger.
often unique, the Occult Skill allows your Sample actions
character to pick out facts from rumor. This is a Assess variables (Intelligence + Science, instant
common Skill for Kindred interested in their or extended action), Formulate solution
roots and their very natures; being able to pick (Intelligence + Science, extended action)
out the sliver of truth in ancient stories can give Suggested equipment
insight into the Requiem. Reference library (+1 to +3), Well-stocked
Sample actions laboratory (+2)
Identify the sliver of truth (Wits + Occult, Specialties:
instant action), Physic s, Neuroscience, Virology, Alchemy,
Relate two similar myths (Intelligence + Genetics, Hematology
Occult, instant or extended action)
Suggested equipment Physical Skills
Well-Stocked Library (+2) Physical Skills are those practiced, trained, and
Specialties learned through action.
Casting Lots, Draugr, Ghouls, Ghosts,
Phrenology, Revenants, Sorcery, Superstition, Athletics
Vitae, Witchcraft Athletics reflects a broad category of physical
training and ability. It covers sports, and basic
physical tasks such as running, jumping,
dodging threats, and climbing. It also determines
a character’s ability with thrown weapons. Over transportation, but for some, the car is a way of
time, most Kindred will develop at least the life. Outside of cities, nomadic Kindred almost
rudiments of Athletics; when hunts go wrong, have to be capable drivers.
sometimes chases are the only answer. Sample actions
Sample actions Impressive maneuvering (Dexterity + Drive,
Acrobatics (Dexterity + Athletics, instant instant action),
action) Pursuit (Dexterity + Drive, contested action)
Climbing (Strength + Athletics, extended Tailing (Wits + Drive, contested action)
action) Suggested equipment
Foot chase (Stamina + Athletics, contested Performance vehicle (+1 to +3)
action) Specialties
Jumping (Strength + Athletics, instant action, Defensive Driving, Evasion, Off-Road Driving,
one foot vertically per success) Motorcycles, Pursuit, Stunts
Suggested equipment
Athletic Shoes (+1), Rope (+1) Firearms
Specialties: Firearms reflects your character’s ability to
Acrobatics, Archery, Climbing, Jumping, identify, maintain, and otherwise use guns. This
Parkour, Skill covers everything from small pistols, to
Swimming, Throwing shotguns, to assaultive les, and anything else
Brawl related. While guns aren’t highly effective
Brawl reflects your character’s ability to tussle against dead flesh, Kindred sometimes rely on
and fight without weapons. This includes old- guns as a method of Masquerade defense:
fashioned bar brawls as well as complex martial Wielding a sword in public draws significant
arts. Many Kindred develop at least some attention; and if you shoot a vampire, they’d
facility with the Brawl Skill since it helps to best stay down if they don’t want to raise
defend oneself when otherwise unprepared. It is questions. Not to mention that guns are very
also particularly useful with Vigor. Gangrel deadly to the living.
often focus on Brawl since it allows them to Sample actions
utilize the natural weaponry of the Protean Firearms combat (see p. 175)
Discipline. Suggested equipment
Sample actions See p. 179 for a full list of firearms
Breaking boards (Strength + Brawl, instant Specialties
action) Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns, Trick Shots
Hand-to-hand combat
Suggested equipment
Brass Knuckles (+1) Larceny
Specialties Larceny covers intrusion, lockpicking, theft,
Biting, Boxing, Claws, Dirty Fighting, pickpocketing, and other (generally considered)
Grappling, Martial Arts, Threats, Throws criminal activities. This Skill is typically learned
on the streets, outside of formal methods.
Drive However, stage magicians and other entertainers
Drive is the skill to control and maneuver learn these skills as part of their repertoire.
automobiles, motorcycles, boats, and even Many Mekhet and Nosferatu learn this Skill to
airplanes. A character can drive a car without complement their use of the Obfuscate
Drive dots; the Skill relates to moments of high Discipline.
stress, such as a high-speed chase or trying to Sample actions:
elude a tail. It’s assumed that most modern Bypass security systems (Dexterity + Larceny,
characters have a basic ability to drive. As well, extended action)
Drive can reflect your character’s skill with Lockpicking (Dexterity + Larceny, extended
horseback riding, if appropriate to her history. In action),
the cities, many Kindred rely on public
Pickpocketing (Dexterity + Larceny, contested Survival Guide (+1), Survival Knife (+1)
Suggested equipment
Crowbar (+1), Crowded area (+2), Lockpicks Specialties
(+2), Partner in crime (+1) Foraging, Hunting, Navigation, Shelter, Weather
Specialties Weaponry
Breaking and Entering, Concealment, Weaponry is the ability to fight with hand-to-
Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Safecracking, hand weapons: from swords, to knives, to
Security Systems, Sleight of Hand baseball bats, to chainsaws. If the intent is to
strike another and harm him, Weaponry is the
Stealth Skill. Many Kindred boast impressive Weaponry
The Stealth Skill reflects your character’s ability Skills, on account of coming from less civilized
to move unnoticed and unheard, or to blend into times. For this reason, numerous covenant
a crowd. Ever y character approaches Stealth traditions call for Weaponry-based duels that
differently; some use distraction, some disguise, favor archaic knowledge over modern firearms.
some are just hard to keep an eye on. While any Sample actions
Kindred can find the value in a solid escape, Attacking another
Mekhet and Nosferatu tend to learn Stealth early Suggested equipment
on as they develop the Obfuscate Discipline. See p. 180 for a full list of weapons
Sample actions Chains, Clubs, Improvised Weapons, Spears,
Losing a tail (Wits + Stealth, contested action), Swords
Shadowing (Dexterity + Stealth, contested
action) Social Skills
Suggested equipment
Binoculars (+1), Dark Clothing (+1), Animal Ken
Smokescreen (+2), Spotters (+1) Animal Ken reflects your character’s ability to
Specialties train and understand animals. With Animal Ken,
Camouflage, Crowds, In Plain Sight, Obfuscate, your character can cow beasts or rile them to
Rural, Shadowing, Stakeout, Staying Motionless violence under the right circumstances.
Many Ventrue and Gangrel develop Animal
Survival Ken, due to its inherent compatibility with
Survival represents your character’s ability to Animalism.
“live off the land.” This means finding shelter, Sample actions: Animal training (Manipulation
finding food, and otherwise procuring the + Animal Ken, extended action), Cowing an
necessities for existence. This could be in a rural animal (Presence + Animal Ken, contested
or urban environment. Note that most Kindred action)
won’t directly benefit from being able to find Suggested equipment
food in unknown environs. However, many Treats (+1), Whip (+1)
Kindred, Nosferatu in particular, use the Specialties
Survival Animalism, Canines, Felines, Reptiles,
Skill “in reverse,” to find inhospitable, unsafe Threatening, Training
environs where they can thrive but no human
would dare tread. This skill also covers the Empathy
ability to hunt for animals. Humane Kindred Empathy represents your character’s ability to
often rely on animal blood for subsistence. read and understand others’ feelings and
Sample actions motivations. This helps discern moods or read
Foraging (Wits + Survival, extended action) deceptive behavior in discussion. It is not
Hunting (for animals, Wits + Survival, extended inherently sympathetic; one can understand
action) another’s positions without agreeing with them.
Suggested equipment Many social Kindred develop Empathy as a
hunting tool; there’s nothing better for the hunt
than saying exactly what the mark wants to hear. Persuasion
Sample actions: Finding someone’s pain (Wits + Persuasion is your character’s ability to change
Empathy, contested action), Sense deception minds and influence behaviors through logic,
(Wits + Empathy, contested action), Soothing fast-talking, or appealing to desire. It relies on
nerves (Manipulation + Empathy, instant action) the force of your character’s personality to sway
Suggested equipment the listener. Daeva are known for their ability
Muted clothing (+1), Relaxing environment (+2) with Persuasion; a common aphorism is that a
Specialties mortal who can talk a vampire into going back
Calming, Emotion, Lies, Motives, Personalities to the vampire’s place is a good candidate for
the clan. Persuasion is perhaps the safest way to
Expression convince a potential meal to meet in private.
The Expression Skill reflects your character’s Sample actions: Fast Talk (Manipulation +
ability to communicate. This Skill covers written Persuasion, extended action), Fire branding
and spoken forms of communication, (Presence + Persuasion, instant action),
journalism, acting, music, and dance. Seduction (Manipulation + Persuasion, extended
In addition to being a powerful political tool, action)
Kindred find Expression useful in hunting. An Suggested equipment
emotional connection breaks down barriers and Designer Clothing (+1 to +3), Reputation (+2)
leaves a mark longing. Specialties
Sample actions Confidence Scam, Fast Talking, Inspiring,
Composing (Intelligence + Expression, extended Presence ,
action), Performance (Presence + Expression, Sales Pitch, Seduction, Sermon
instant action)
Suggested equipment Socialize
Quality instrument (+1 to +3) Socialize reflects your character’s ability to
Specialties present herself well and interact with groups of
Dance, Drama, Journalism, Musical Instrument, people (alive or dead). It reflects proper (and
Performance Art, Singing, Speeches setting-appropriate) etiquette, customs,
sensitivity, and warmth. A character with a high
Intimidation Socialize is the life of the party. Socialize is a
Intimidation reflects your character’s ability to survival tool in the halls of Elysium, where
influence others’ behavior through threats and rudeness could mean Final Death.
fear. It could mean direct physical threats, Sample actions
interrogation, or veiled implications of things to Carousing (Manipulation + Socialize, instant
come. While Nosferatu are known for their action), Fitting in (Wits + Socialize, instant
mastery of Intimidation as part of the Nightmare action), Getting attention (Presence + Socialize,
Discipline, older Ventrue develop it for its utility instant action)
in Dominate. Any vampire can benefit from a bit Suggested equipment
of Intimidation, though, since it can shut down a Drugs (+1), Knowing People (+1), Money (+1 to
conflict before it escalates. +5)
Sample actions: Interrogation (Wits + Specialties
Intimidation, contested action), Stare down Bar Hopping, Church Lock-in, Dress Balls,
(Presence +Intimidation, contested action) Formal
Suggested equipment Events, Frat Parties, Political Fundraisers, the
Fearsome tools (+2), Gang colors (+2), Club
Isolated room (+1)
Specialties Streetwise
Direct Threats, Interrogation, Stare Dow n, The Streetwise Skill is your character’s
Torture, Veiled Threats knowledge of life on the streets. It tells her how
to navigate the city, how to get information from
unlikely sources, and where she’ll be (relatively) If a Specialty applies to your roll, add a die.
safe. If she wants to get something on the black Multiple Specialties may apply to a single roll,
market, Streetwise is how. Kindred who within reason. If you find yourself going to great
specialize in Streetwise typically do so in order lengths to justify a Specialty, it probably
to operate beneath the law, and beneath media shouldn’t apply.
scrutiny. When wealthy people disappear, it Skill Specialties let you flesh out your character
draws attention. When the poor vanish, it’s just a and offer a mechanical benefit. When creating
statistic. Sample actions: Finding a shortcut your character, let Specialty choice guide his
(Wits + Streetwise, instant action), Working the development. For example, there’s huge
black market (Manipulation + Streetwise, instant difference between a character with Brawl 4
action) (Bar Fights) and Brawl 4 (Aikido).
Suggested equipment
Burner phone (+1), Known nickname
(+2), Valuable Contraband (+1 to +3)
Specialties: Black Market, Gangs, Navigation,
Rumors, Undercover

Subterfuge is the ability to deceive. With
Subterfuge, your character can lie convincingly,
project hidden messages in what she says, hide
motivations, and notice deception in others. The
Masquerade is a grand lie that all Kindred must
tell. Subterfuge is integral to every bit of
Kindred existence. A vampire who cannot
effectively lie cannot deal with humanity, and
thus finds herself slipping rapidly into
Sample actions
Disguise (Wits + Subterfuge, instant action),
Lying (Manipulation + Subterfuge, contested
Suggested equipment
Costume Supplies (+2), Fake ID (+1),
Specialties: Detecting Lies, Doublespeak,
Hiding Emotion, Little White Lies, Misdirection
Skill Specialties
In addition to Skills, your character possesses
Skill Specialties. These are refinements of the
broader Skills. These should be narrower than
the main Skill and help to define your
character’s particular expertise. For example,
your character might have three dots in
Firearms, but a Specialty in Rifles. He’s capable
with all guns, but particularly good with rifles. If
you look to the Skill descriptions, you’ll see
example Specialties. The
Storyteller is the ultimate arbiter of what MERITS
constitutes a Specialty and what doesn’t;
Specialties that are too broad or too narrow can
hurt the story or never come into play.
These Merits are available to Kindred Then again if an Ambidextrous character loses
characters. If the prerequisites mention a his left hand.…
covenant, the Merit requires a single dot of the
appropriate Covenant Status to purchase. If the
character changes or abandons their covenant,
the Merit does not go away. Some covenants
may take issue with former members sharing
their secrets, however.
Sanctity of Merits
While Merits represent things within the game Common Merits
and your character, they’re really an out-of- Common Merits can be possessed by both
character resource, a function of the character Humans and vampires
creation and advancement mechanics. These Allies (• to •••••)
Merits often represent things that can go away. Effect: Allies help your character. They might
Retainers can be killed. Mentors can get be friends, employees, associates, or people your
impatient and stop dispensing wisdom. So while character has blackmailed. Each instance of this
Merits may represent temporary facets of your Merit represents one type of ally. This could be
character, Merit points continue to exist. At the an organization, a society, a clique, or an
end of any chapter where your character has lost individual. Examples include the police, a secret
Merits, you can replace them with another society, criminal organizations, unions, local
Merit. politicians, or the academic community. Each
For example, your character has three-dot purchase has its own rating. Your character
Retainer, a loyal dog, and an eldritch horror eats might have Allies (Masons) ••, Allies (Carter
that dog out in the woods. At the end of that Crime Family) •••, and Allies (Catholic Church)
chapter, you may re-allocate those Retainer dots. •.
You may choose to purchase Safe Place (two Each dot represents a layer of influence in the
dots), to reflect your character’s choice to group. One dot would constitute small favors
bunker down from the monster, and perhaps and passing influence. Three could offer
Direction Sense (one dot) so your character is considerable influence, such as the police
less likely to get lost in those woods in the overlooking a misdemeanor charge. Five dots
future. When the character leaves his Safe Place, stretches the limits of the organization’s
you can replace those two dots with something influence, as its leaders put their own influence
else. on the line for the character. This could include
When replacing a Merit, consider what makes things such as massive insider trading or fouling
sense in the story. Pursue the new Merit during up a felony investigation. No matter the request,
the course of the chapter if possible and make it has to be something that organization could
the new tie something less superficial than a dot accomplish.
or two on a sheet. The Storyteller assigns a rating between one and
With Storyteller permission, you may “cash in” five to any favor asked. A character can ask for
a Merit voluntarily and replace it with favors that add up to her Allies rating without
Experiences. This should not be used as a way to penalty in one chapter. If she extends her
purchase a Merit, take advantage of its benefits, influence beyond that, her player must roll
and then cash it out for something else. If a Manipulation + Persuasion + Allies, with a
Merit has run its course and no longer makes penalty equal to the favor’s rating. If the roll is
sense for your character, however, you may use successful, the group does as requested.
those points elsewhere. Failed or successful, the character loses a dot of
Merits such as Ambidextrous, Eidetic Memory, Allies. This dot may return at the end of the
and the various Fighting Style Merits reflect chapter (see Sanctity of Merits, on p. 43.) On a
abilities and knowledge that your character has dramatic failure, the organization resents her and
and therefore shouldn’t be cashed in or replaced. seeks retribution. On an exceptional success, she
doesn’t lose the dot.
One additional favor a character can ask of her trail suffer a -1 penalty per dot purchased in this
Allies is to block another character’s Allies, Merit.
Contacts, Mentor, Retainer, or Status (if she Drawback: Your character cannot purchase the
knows the character possesses the relevant Fame Merit. This also may limit Status
Merit). The rating is equal to the Merit dots purchases if the character cannot provide
blocked. As before, no roll is necessary unless sufficient identification for the roles she wishes
the target’s Merit exceeds the character’s Allies. to take.
If the block succeeds, the character cannot use
the Merit during the same chapter. Contacts (• to •••••)
Effect: Contacts provide your character with
Alternate Identity information. Each dot in this Merit represents a
(•, ••, or •••) sphere or organization with which the character
Effect: Your character has established an can garner information. For example, a character
alternate identity. The level of this Merit with Contacts ••• might have Bloggers, Drug
determines the amount of scrutiny it holds up to. Dealers, and Financial Speculators for
At one dot, the identity is superficial and connections. Contacts do not provide services,
unofficial. For example, your character uses an only information. This may be face-to-face, via
alias with a simple costume and adopts an email, by telephone, or even by séance in some
accent. She hasn’t established the necessary strange instances.
paperwork to even approach a bureaucratic Garnering information via Contacts require s a
back-ground check, let alone pass one. At two Manipulation + Social Skill roll, depending on
dots, she’s supported her identity with the method the character uses, and the
paperwork and identification. It’s not liable to relationship between the characters. The
stand up to extensive research, but it’ll turn Storyteller should give a bonus or penalty,
away private investigators and internet dependent on how relevant the information is to
hobbyists. At three dots, the identity can pass a that particular Contact, whether accessing the
thorough inspection. The identity has been information is dangerous, and if the character
deeply entrenched in relevant databases, with has maintained good relations or done favors for
subtle flourishes and details to make it seem the Contact. These modifiers should range from
real, even to trained professionals. Additionally, -3 to +3 in most cases. If successful, the Contact
the Merit reflects time the character has spent provides the information.
honing her persona. At one or two dots, she One use of a Contact is to dig dirt on another
gains +1 to all Subterfuge rolls to defend the character.
identity. At three dots, she gains +2. A Contact can find another character’s Social
This Merit can be purchased multiple times, Merits, and any relevant Conditions
each time representing an additional identity. (Embarrassing Secret is a prime example.)
A character can have more than five Contacts,
Ambidextrous (•••) but the Merit’s rating is limited to five, for the
Effect: Your character does not suffer the -2 purposes of Allies blocking.
penalty for using his off hand in combat or to
perform other actions. Demolisher (• to •••)
Available only at character creation. Prerequisite: Strength ••• or Intelligence •••
Your character has an innate feel for the weak
Anonymity (• to •••••) points in objects. When damaging an object, she
Prerequisites: Cannot have Fame ignores one point of the object’s Durability per
Effect: Your character lives off the grid. This dot with this Merit.
means purchases must be made with cash or
falsified credit cards. She eschews identification. Double Jointed (••)
She avoids any official authoritative influence in Prerequisite: Dexterity •••
her affairs. Any attempts to find her by paper Effect: Your character might have been a
contortionist or spent time practicing yoga. She
can dislodge joints when need be. She This Merit can be purchased multiple times, to
automatically escapes from any mundane bonds reflect different Skills. Additionally, its benefits
without a roll. When grappled, subtract her can be shared by various characters, with
Dexterity from any rolls to overpower her, as permission.
long as she’s not taking any aggressive actions.
Multilingual (•)
Fame (• to •••) Effect: Your character has a strong affinity for
Effect: Your character is recognized within a language acquisition. Each time you purchase
certain sphere, for a certain skill, or because of this Merit, choose two languages. Your
some past action or stroke of luck. This can character can speak conversationally in those
mean favors and attention, it can also mean languages. With an Intelligence + Academics
negative attention and scrutiny. When choosing roll, he may also read enough of the language to
the Merit, define what your character is known understand context.
for. As a rule of thumb, one dot means local If you purchase the Language Merit for either of
recognition, or reputation within a confined these languages, replace the Multilingual
subculture. Two dots means regional recognition language. For example, if you have Multilingual
by a wide swath of people. Three dots means (French, Italian), and purchase Language:
worldwide recognition to anyone that might Italian, you may choose to take Multilingual
have been exposed to the source of the fame. (French, Portuguese).
Each dot adds a die to any Social rolls among
those who are impressed by your character’s Professional Training
celebrity. (• to •••••)
Drawback: Any rolls to find or identify the Effect: Your character has extensive training in a
character enjoy a +1 bonus per dot of the Merit. particular profession, which offers distinct
If the character has Alternate Identity, she can advantages in a handful of fields. When
mitigate this drawback. A character with Fame choosing this Merit, choose or create a
cannot have the Anonymity Merit. Profession for your character (see the sidebar).
Mark the two Asset Skills on your character
Giant (•••) sheet. The advantages of Professional Training
Effect: Your character is massive. She’s well relate directly to those Asset Skills.
over six feet tall, and crowds part when she • Networking: At the first level of Professional
approaches. She’s Size 6 and gains +1 Health. Training, your character builds connections
Available only at character creation. within her chosen field. Take two dots of
Drawback: Buying clothing is a nightmare. Contacts relating to that field.
Fitting in small spaces is difficult at best. •• Continuing Education: With the repeated
efforts in her field of choice, your character
Language (•) tends toward greater successes. When making a
Effect: Your character is skilled with an roll with her Asset Skills, she benefits from the
additional language, beyond her native tongue. 9-again quality.
Choose a language each time you buy this Merit. ••• Breadth of Knowledge: Due to her
Your character can speak, read, and write in that advancement in her field, she’s picked up a
language. number of particular bits of information and
skill unique to her work.
Library (• to •••) Choose a third Asset Skill and take two
Effect: Your character has access to a plethora Specialties in your character’s Asset Skills.
of information about a given topic. When •••• On the Job Training: With the resources at
purchasing this Merit, choose a Mental Skill. her disposal, your character has access to
The Library covers that purview. On any extensive educational tools and mentorship.
extended roll involving the Skill in question, add Take a Skill dot in an Asset Skill. Whenever you
the dots in this Merit. purchase a new Asset Skill dot, take a Beat.
••••• The Routine: With such extensive Effect: Each dot eliminates a negative modifier
experience in her field, her Asset Skills have (on a one-for-one basis) when resisting the
been honed to a fine edge, and she’s almost effects of fatigue or injury.
guaranteed at least a marginal success. Before For example: A character with Iron Stamina •• is
rolling, spend a Willpower point to apply the able to ignore up to a -2 modifier brought on by
rote action quality to an Asset Skill. This allows fatigue. The Merit also counteracts the effects of
you to reroll all the failed dice on the first roll. wound penalties. So, if all of your character’s
Health boxes are filled (which normally imposes
Tolerance for Biology (•) a -3 penalty to his actions) and he has Iron
Prerequisite: Resolve ••• Stamina •, those penalties are reduced to -2. This
Effect: Most people turn away at the sight of Merit cannot be used to gain positive modifiers
blood, other bodily fluids, or exotic biology. for actions, only to cancel out negative ones.
Your character has seen enough that nothing
turns her stomach. When other characters must Quick Draw (•)
resist shock or physical repulsion from the Prerequisites: Wits •••, a Specialty in the
disgusting and morbid, your character stands her weapon or fighting style chosen
ground. You do not need to make Composure, Effect: Choose a Specialty in Weaponry or
Stamina, or Resolve rolls to withstand the Firearms when you purchase this Merit. Your
biologically strange. This doesn’t mean she’s character has trained in that weapon or style
immune to fear; she’s just used to nature in all enough that pulling the weapon is his first
its nasty forms. reflex. Drawing or holstering that weapon is
considered a reflexive action and can be done
Trained Observer (•, or •••) any time his Defense applies.
Prerequisite: Wits ••• or Composure •••
Effect: Your character has spent years in the Small-Framed (••)
field, catching tiny details and digging for Effect: Your character is diminutive. He’s not
secrets. She might not have a better chance of five feet, and it’s easy to walk into him without
finding things, but she has a better chance of noticing. He’s Size 4, and thus has one fewer
finding important things. Any time you make a Health box. He gains +2 to any rolls to hide or
Perception roll (usually Wits + Composure), you go unnoticed, and this bonus might apply any
benefit from the 9-again quality. With the three- time being smaller would be an advantage, such
dot version, you get 8-again. as crawling through smaller spaces. Available
only at character creation.
Vice-Ridden (••) Drawback: In addition to the lower Health, your
Effect: Your character is one of the worst character might be overlooked or not taken
examples of humanity in the Chronicles of seriously by some people.
Darkness. He has two Vices, although he may
still only regain one Willpower per scene, he Mentor (• to •••••)
indulges himself Effect: This Merit gives your character a teacher
that provides advice and guidance. He acts on
Virtuous (••) your character’s behalf, often in the background,
Effect: Your character is a light of good in the and sometimes without your character’s
Chronicles of Darkness. She has two Virtues. knowledge. While Mentors can be highly
The limitations of how many times she may competent, they almost always want something
refresh Willpower using a Virtue remain the in return for their services. The dot rating
same, but it’s up to you which Virtue she uses determines the Mentor’s capabilities, and to
each time. what extent he’ll aid your character.
When establishing a Mentor, determine what the
Iron Stamina (• to •••) Mentor wants from your character. This should
Prerequisites: Stamina ••• or Resolve ••• be personally important to him, and it should
reflect on the dot rating chosen. A one-dot
Mentor might be incapable of dealing with Develop these as well. The following are
modern society and want to live vicariously guidelines; use them to craft your cults:
through your character. This might mean • A Skill Specialty or one-dot Merit, pertaining
coming to him and telling stories of her exploits. to the lessons taught to initiates.
A five-dot Mentor would want something •• A one-dot Merit.
astronomical, such as an oath to procure an ••• A Skill dot, or a two-dot Merit (often a
ancient, cursed artifact that may or may not supernatural Merit).
exist, in order to prevent a prophesized death. •••• A three-dot Merit, often supernatural in
Choose three Skills the Mentor possesses. You origin.
can substitute Resources for one of these Skills. ••••• A three-dot Merit, or a major advantage not
Once per session, the character may ask her reflected in game traits.
Mentor for a favor. The favor must involve one
of those Skills, or be within the scope of his Resources (• to •••••)
Resources. The Mentor commits to the favor Effect: This Merit reflects your character’s
(often asking for a commensurate favor in disposable income. She might live in an upscale
return), and if a roll is required, the Mentor is condo, but if her income is tied up in the
automatically considered to have successes mortgage and child support payments, she might
equal to his dot rating. Alternately, you may ask have little money to throw around. Characters
the Storyteller to have the Mentor act on your are assumed to have basic necessities without
character’s behalf, without her character Resources.
knowing or initiating the request. The dot rating determines the relative amount of
disposable funding the character has available,
Mystery Cult Initiation depending on your particular chronicle’s setting.
(• to •••••) The same amount of money means completely
Cults are far more common than people would different things in a game set in Silicon Valley
like to admit. “Mystery cult” is the catch-all compared to one set in the Detroit slums. One
term for a phenomenon ranging from secret dot is a little spending money here and there.
societies couched in fraternity houses, to Two is a comfortable, middle class wage. Three
scholarly cabals studying the magic of classical is a nicer, upper middle class life. Four is
symbolism, to mystical suicide cults to the God- moderately wealthy. Five is filthy rich. Every
Machine. item has an Availability rating. Once per
Mystery Cult Initiation reflects membership in chapter, your character can procure an item at
one of these esoteric groups. The dot rating her Resources level or lower, without issue. An
dictates standing. One dot is an initiate, two a item one Availability above her Resources
respected member, three a priest or organizer, reduces her effective Resources by one dot for a
four a decision-making leader, and five is a high full month, since she has to rapidly liquidate
priest or founder. If you wish your character to funds. She can procure items two Availability
begin play in a cult, work with your Storyteller below her Resources without limit (within
to develop the details. reason). For example, a character with
Designing a Mystery Cult requires three things, Resources •••• can procure as many Availability
at bare minimum. First is a Purpose. This is the •• disposable cellphones as she needs.
defining reason the cult exists. Usually it’s tied
in with the cult’s history and recent background. Retainer (• to •••••)
Second is a Relic. This is an item that grounds Effect: Your character has an assistant,
members’ faith. For example, a piece of the sycophant, servant, or follower on whom she
God-Machine, an ancient text bound in human can rely. Establish who this companion is, and
flesh, or the mummified flesh of a saint. The last how he was acquired. It may be as simple as a
is a Doctrine. Every cult is defined by its rules paycheck. He might owe your character his life.
and traditions. However it happened, your character has a hold
In addition to standing, a Mystery Cult Initiation on him. A Retainer is more reliable than a
Merit offers benefits at each level of influence. Mentor, and more loyal than an Ally. On the
other hand, a Retainer is a lone person, less matter the source, your character enjoys certain
capable and influential than the broader Merits. privileges within that structure. Each instance of
The Merit’s dot rating determines the relative this Merit reflects standing in a different group
competency of the Retainer. A one-dot Retainer or organization. Your character may have Status
is barely able to do anything of use, such as a pet (The Luck Gang) •••, Status (Drag Racing
that knows one useful trick, or a homeless old Circuit) ••, and Status (Police) •. Each affords its
man that does minor errands for food. A three- own unique benefits. As you increase dot
dot Retainer is a professional in their field, ratings, your character rises in prominence in the
someone capable in his line of work. A five-dot relevant group.
is one of the best in her class. If a Retainer needs Status only allows advantages within the
to make a roll, and it’s within her field, double confines of the group reflected in the Merit.
the dot rating and use it as a dice pool. For Status (Organized Crime) won’t help if your
anything else, use the dot rating as a dice pool. character wants an official concealed carry
This Merit can be purchased multiple times to firearms permit, for example.
represent multiple Retainers. Status provides a number of advantages:
First, your character can apply her Status to any
Safe Place (• to •••••) Social roll with those over which she has
Effect: Your character has somewhere she can authority or sway. Second, she has access to
go where she can feel secure. While she may group facilities, resources, and funding.
have enemies that could attack her there, she’s Depending on the group, this could be limited
prepared and has the upper hand. The dot rating by red tape and requisitioning processes. It’s
reflects the security of the place. The actual also dependent on the resources the particular
location, the luxury, and the size are represented group has available.
by equipment. A one-dot Safe Place might be Third, she has pull. If she knows a character’s
equipped with basic security systems or a booby Mentor, Resources, Retainer, Contacts, or
trap at the windows and door. A five-dot could Allies, she can block their usage. Once per
have a security crew, infrared scanners at every chapter, she can stop a single Merit from being
entrance, or trained dogs. Each place can be an used, if it’s of a lower dot rating than her Status,
apartment, a mansion, or a hidey-hole. Unlike and if it makes sense for her organization to
most Merits, multiple characters can contribute obstruct that type of person’s behavior. In our
dots to a single Safe Place, combining their dots Organized Crime example, if your character
into something greater. A Safe Place gives an knows that the chief of police has Contacts
Initiative bonus equal to the Merit dots. This (Criminal Informant), you may opt to block
only applies to a character with dots invested in usage by threatening the informant into silence.
the Safe Place. Drawback: Status requires upkeep, and often
Any efforts to breach the Safe Place suffer a regular duties. If these duties are not upheld, the
penalty equal to the Merit dots invested. If the Status may be lost. The dots will not be
character desires, the Safe Place can include accessible until the character re-establishes her
traps that cause intruders lethal damage equal to standing. In our Organized Crime example, your
a maximum of the Merit rating (player’s choice character may be expected to pay protection
as to how much damage a given trap inflicts). money, offer tribute to a higher authority, or
This requires that the character has at least one undertake felonious activities.
dot in Crafts. The traps may be avoided with a Striking Looks (• or ••)
Dexterity + Larceny roll, penalized by the Safe Effect: Your character is stunning, alarming,
Place dots. commanding, repulsive, threatening, charming,
or otherwise worthy of attention. Determine how
Status (• to •••••) your character looks and how people react to
Effect: Your character has standing, that. For one dot, your character gets a +1 bonus
membership, authority, control over, or respect on any Social rolls that would be influenced by
from a group or organization. This can reflect his looks.
official standing, or merely informal respect. No
For two dots, the benefit increases to +2. Your character can enter a trance of sorts, in
Depending on the particulars, this might which she’s temporarily overtaken by a spirit or
influence Expression, Intimidation, Persuasion, ghost and compelled to write mysterious things.
Subterfuge, or other rolls. Effect: Your character must meditate for at least
one minute. Spend a point of Willpower and roll
True Friend (•••) Wits + Composure to enter the trance. For every
Effect: Your character has a True Friend. While success, your character writes a single statement
that friend may have specific functions covered or clue about something occurring in the area or
by other Merits (Allies, Contacts, Retainer, relating to a pertinent issue. The Storyteller
Mentor, et cetera), True Friend represents a provides these clues, and they may at first seem
deeper, truly trusting relationship that cannot be completely nonsensical. Characters may attempt
breached. Unless your character does something to interpret the clues with Wits + Investigation
egregious to cause it, her True Friend will not or research efforts.
betray her. Additionally, the Storyteller cannot Drawback: If the roll fails, or the character does
kill her True Friend as part of a plot without not employ a personal item of a local spirit in
your express permission. Any rolls to influence the meditation, she’s haunted afterward. Any
a True Friend against your character suffer a time she fails a roll for the next week, it’s
five-die penalty. In addition, once per story, considered dramatic as the spirit intervenes in
your character can regain one spent Willpower complicating and sometimes dangerous ways.
by having a meaningful interaction with her
True Friend. Biokinesis (• to •••••)
Effect: Your character has the ability to
psychically alter his biological makeup. By
spending a Willpower point and concentrating
for a full minute, he can shift his Physical
Attributes, moving dots from one to another. He
Supernatural Merits can shift one dot in an Attribute per dot in this
These Merits require the character remain Merit. This shift lasts for one hour. This can
human (non-supernatural.) If the character shift an Attribute no higher than five dots.
becomes a vampire, ghoul, mage, or any other Also, the character heals quickly. Halve all
supernatural character type, these Merits healing times.
disappear. Per the Sanctity of Merits (see p. 43),
these Merits can be reallocated. Clairvoyance (•••)
These Merits each have a deeply mystical bent Effect: Your character can project her senses to
and may not be right for every chronicle. If another location. She sees, hears, smells, and
you’re allowing certain Supernatural Merits in otherwise experiences the other place as if she
your chronicle, discuss this with your players were there. This ability requires a point of
before they make their characters. Some Willpower to activate, successful meditation,
chronicles (including the God-Machine and a Wits + Occult roll.
Chronicles in this book) suggest certain Suggested Modifiers: Has an object important to
Supernatural Merits as part of their hooks. If this the place (+1), never been there (-3), scrying for
is the case mention them to your players and a person and not a place (-3), scrying for non-
encourage them to consider these Merits. specific location (-4), spent significant time
Supernatural merits cost double. So at character there (+2), touching someone with a strong
creation for every dot you have in the merit it connection to the place (+1)
cost two. When buying them later on the cost is Drawback: When choosing this ability,
also doubled. determine how your character is able to scry. It
may be through a crystal ball, through a drug-
Automatic Writing (••) induced trance, with esoteric computer models,
or any other reasonable method. She cannot scry
without that tool or methodology.
unseen, and succeeding at a Wits + Occult roll,
Cursed (••) he temporarily increases the relevant Condition
Effect: Your character has run afoul of fate. one step along the progression from nothing, to
Somewhere, somehow, he’s been cursed. Most Anchor, Resonance, or Infrastructure, to Open,
importantly, he’s aware of the curse. When and finally to Controlled (see p. 133 for more on
taking this Merit, define the limitations of the Conditions as they relate to spirits). The effect
curse. Usually, it’s expressed in the form of a lasts until he spends a Willpower point, but if an
single statement, such as, “On the eve of your Influence has been used to progress the
twenty-seventh birthday, you will feast upon Condition further, doing so only reduces it by
your doom.” It’s important to work out the one step.
details with the Storyteller. The curse must take Drawback: Speaking with ghosts can be a
effect within the scope of the planned chronicle. blessing, but your character cannot turn the
While he knows how he’ll die, this is a sense off, any more than he can turn off his
liberating experience. He’s confident of the hearing. The character hears the words of the
method of his death, so nothing else fazes him. dead any time they’re present. Once per game
Gain a +2 on any Resolve + Composure roll to session, usually in a time of extreme stress, the
face fear or self-doubt. Any time he takes lethal Storyteller may deliver a disturbing message to
damage in his last three health boxes take an your character from the other side.
additional Beat. You must succeed in a Resolve + Composure
roll or gain either the Shaken or Spooked
Laying on Hands (•••) Condition.
Your character’s faith or force of devotion
becomes a wholesome force that heals the sick Omen Sensitivity (•••)
and mends injuries. However, she takes some of Effect: Your character sees signs and patterns in
those injuries upon herself by proxy. everything. From the way the leaves fall, to the
Effect: By spending a Willpower point, touching spray of antifreeze when his radiator pops, to the
the sick or wounded, and rolling Presence + ratios of circumference on the shell he picked up
Empathy, your character may heal them. Every on the sidewalk, everything has meaning.
success heals two points of bashing damage, or With some consideration, he can interpret these
one level of lethal damage. Three successes meanings. This would be far better if he could
allows for a single point of aggravated damage. turn it off. Everything is important. Everything
Drawback: For every two points of damage could mean the end of the world, the deaths of
healed (rounded up), your character suffers a his friends, or other tragedies. If he misses an
single point of the same type of damage. omen, it might be the wrong one.
Additionally, your character may heal diseases Once per game session, you can make a Wits +
and other ailments. The Storyteller assigns a Occult roll for your character to interpret an
target number of successes between one (the omen in his surroundings.
common cold) and ten (flesh-eating bacteria). For every success, ask the Storyteller a yes or no
This takes an extended action, and the character question about your character’s life, his
suffers a minor version of the illness. surroundings, a task at hand, or the world at
large. The Storyteller must answer these
Medium (•••) questions truthfully.
Prerequisite: Empathy •• Drawback: His ability becomes an obsession.
Effect: Your character hears the words and Each time he reads a portent, he gains the
moans of the dead. If he takes the time to parse Obsession or Spooked Condition.
their words, he can interact with them verbally.
Your character has more than just a knack for Psychometry (•••)
knowing when ephemeral beings are lurking Effect: Psychometry is the psychic ability to
nearby, he can reach out and make contact with read impressions left on physical objects. Your
them. By conducting a ritual, meditating, or character can feel the emotional resonance left
otherwise preparing to commune with the on an item or can perceive important events tied
to a location with this ability. The ability used to grapple, with the Merit dots representing
automatically homes in on the most emotionally the Strength score of the psychic. Any
intense moment tied to the item. overpowering maneuvers require additional
Spend a Willpower point to activate Willpower points.
Psychometry. The successes scored on a Wits + Drawback: Any time your character suffers
Occult roll determine the clarity of the visions. injury or intense stimuli, the Storyteller may call
For each success, you may ask a single yes or no for a Resolve + Composure roll to resist
question of the Storyteller, or one of the activating Telekinesis at an inopportune time. If
following questions. For questions pertaining to the Storyteller calls for this roll and it fails, the
specific characters, if your character hasn’t met character activates Telekinesis in a quick,
the person in question, the Storyteller may impressive display of the power. That use of
simply describe them. Telekinesis is free. The player can choose to
• What’s the strongest emotion here? automatically fail the Resolve + Composure roll
• Who remembers this moment the most? and take a Beat.
• Am I missing something in this scene?
• Where was this object during the event? Telepathy (••• or •••••)
• What breaking point caused the event? Effect: Your character can hear surface thoughts
Suggested Modifiers: Character has read and read minds. With the five-dot version of this
impressions from this item before (-2), Merit, he can broadcast simple messages to
important event happened more than one day others’ minds. He hears these thoughts as if they
ago (-1), more than one week ago (-2), more were spoken, which means they can sometimes
than one month ago (-3), more than one year ago be distracting. He can only hear thoughts at the
(-5), item was used in a violent crime (+2), item range he can normal conversation, regardless of
is only vaguely tied to the event (-2), spirits any ambient noise (so a telepath can hear the
pertaining to the event are nearby (+3) thoughts of someone next to him at a loud
Drawback: Once per chapter, the Storyteller can concert, even though he can’t actually hear the
force a Psychometry vision any time an subject talk, but cannot hear the thoughts of
important place is visited, or an important item someone a football field away under quiet
is touched. This doesn’t require a roll or a conditions).
Willpower point to activate. The Storyteller can Spend a point of Willpower to activate
give any information pertaining to the event in Telepathy, and roll Wits + Empathy, minus the
question. Additionally, the Storyteller can subject’s Resolve if the subject is unwilling. If
impose one Condition relevant to the event. successful, the subject’s player must tell you the
foremost thought on the character’s mind.
Telekinesis (• to •••••) Additional successes allow you to ask the
Effect: Your character has a psychic ability to subject’s player additional questions from the
manipulate the physical world with her mind. following list. The questions can be asked at any
This means lifting, pushing, and pulling objects. time within the same scene. With the five-dot
Fine manipulation is beyond the scope of version, every success offers a single phrase the
Telekinesis. By spending a Willpower point, she subject hears as if your character said it. As
can activate before, these phrases can be communicated at
Telekinesis for the scene. Her dots in this Merit any time during the same scene.
determine her mind’s effective Strength for the • What does your character want right now?
purpose of lifting and otherwise influencing her • What does your character fear most right now?
environment. • What is your character hiding?
A Telekinetic can use her abilities to cause harm • What does your character want mine to do?
by lashing out at threats. Each such “attack” • What does your character know about [relevant
costs a point of Willpower. topic at hand]?
The dice pool to attack is Telekinesis + Occult, • What turns your character on right now?
penalized by the opponent’s Stamina. The attack • What’s something shameful or embarrassing
causes bashing damage. Alternatively, it can be about your character?
Drawback: Sometimes your character hears
things he probably shouldn’t. Once per chapter, Fighting Merits
the Storyteller can give your character a message Some Merits in this section have other Merits as
of terrible things to come. Perhaps he overhears prerequisites. These are refinements of form and
the mad, internal ramblings of a cultist in a additional areas of expertise. For example, Iron
crowd. Maybe he hears a plot to hijack a plane. Skin requires Martial Arts ••. This means you
Maybe, just maybe, he hears the incoherent must have two dots in Martial Arts before
thoughts of the God-Machine. These heard buying dots in Iron Skin.
thoughts never just occur. They always happen Many Fighting Style Merits require a character
when your character has something else, to sacrifice their Defense. Defense cannot be
something important and pressing going on. sacrificed multiple times in a turn; this prevents
When this happens, the Storyteller gives you a certain maneuvers from being used together.
Condition such as Spooked or Shaken.
Martial Arts (• to •••••; Style)
Thief of Fate (•••) Prerequisites: Resolve •••, Dexterity •••,
Effect: Your character is a magnet for fortune Athletics ••, Brawl ••
and fate. When she’s close to someone, she Effect: Your character is trained in one or more
unintentionally steals their good fortune. If she formal martial arts styles. This may have come
touches someone, this Merit takes effect unless from a personal mentor, adojo, or a self-defense
she spends a point of Willpower to curb the class. It may have been for exercise, protection,
effect for a scene. In the same day, any failures show, or tradition. These maneuvers may only
the subject makes are considered dramatic be used unarmed, or with weapons capable of
failures. If she’s used this Merit at any time in a using the Brawl Skill, such as a punch dagger, or
given day, she gains four dice any time she a weapon using the Shiv Merit (see below).
spends Willpower to increase a dice pool. Focused Attack (•): Your character has trained
Drawback: Once a victim of this Merit suffers a extensively in striking specific parts of an
dramatic failure, he hears your character’s name opponent’s body. Reduce penalties for hitting
in the back of his mind. This may inspire specific targets by one. Additionally, you may
scrutiny. ignore one point of armor on any opponent.
Defensive Strike (••): Your character excels in
Unseen Sense (••) defending herself while finding the best time to
Effect: Your character has a “sixth sense” for a strike. You can add 1 or 2 points to your
type of supernatural creature, chosen when you character’s Defense. For each Defense point you
buy the Merit. For example, you may choose take, subtract a die from any attacks you make.
Unseen Sense: Vampires, or Unseen Sense: This can only be used in a turn in which your
Fairies. The sense manifests differently for character intends to attack. It cannot be used
everyone. with a Dodge.
Her hair stands on end, she becomes physically Whirlwind Strike (•••): When engaged, your
ill, or perhaps she has a cold chill. Regardless, character becomes a storm of threatening kicks
she knows that something isn’t right when she is and punches; nothing close is safe. As long as
in the immediate proximity of the appropriate your character has her Defense available to her,
supernatural being. Once per chapter, the player and is not Dodging, any character coming into
can accept the Spooked Condition (p. 290), in arm’s reach takes one bashing damage. This
exchange for which the character can pinpoint damage continues once per turn as long as the
where the feeling is coming from. If the target is enemy stays within range and occurs on the
using a power that specifically cloaks its enemy’s turn. If you spend a point of Willpower,
supernatural nature, however, this does not work this damage becomes two bashing until your
(though the Condition remains until resolved as next turn.
usual). The Hand As Weapon (••••): With this degree of
training, your character’s limbs are hardened to
cause massive trauma. Her unarmed strikes • Twelfth Generation: 11 blood pool
cause lethal damage. can spend 1 blood point per turn
The Touch of Death (•••••): Your character’s Blood Potency Maximum 1
master y has brought with it the daunting power •• Eleventh Generation:
of causing lethal injury with a touch. If she Vitae Pool: 12
chooses, her unarmed strikes count as weapons Vitae per Turn: 1
with two damage rating. Blood Potency Maximum 2
••• Tenth Generation: 13 blood pool
Police Tactics can spend 1 blood point per turn
(• to •••; Style) Blood Potency: 3
Prerequisites: Brawl ••, Weaponry • •••• Ninth Generation: 14 blood pool, can spend
Effect: Your character is trained in restraint 2 blood points per turn
techniques, often used by law enforcement Blood Potency: 4
officers. This may reflect formal training, or ••••• Eighth Generation
lessons from a skilled practitioner. Vitae Pool: 15
Compliance Hold (•): Gain a +2 bonus to Vitae per Turn: 3
overpowering rolls to disarm or immobilize an Blood Potency Maximum: 5
Weapon Retention (• •): Opponents attempting Haven (• to •••••)
to disarm your character or turn his weapon Prerequisite: Safe Place •
against him must exceed your character’s Effect: A good haven is not only safe from the
Weaponry score in successes. sun, but also familiar and comforting. The dot
Speed Cuff (•••): Against an immobilized rating reflects your character’s affinity for his
opponent, your character may apply handcuffs, home and its defenses against the sun’s
cable ties, or similar restraints as a reflexive intrusion.
action. A low rating might mean an unreliable
apartment with boarded windows. A high rating
Vampire Merits may mean an ancestral home with no windows
Feeding Grounds and an extensive system of vaults.
(• to •••••) Add your Haven dots to any Humanity rolls to
Effect: Your character has fertile feeding notice danger while sleeping, and any Stamina +
grounds, whether officially granted or not. Dots Resolve rolls to remain awake.
in this Merit represent the ease of hunting in that As well, add it to any Kindred senses (see p. 90)
territory. Add the dot rating to any hunting rolls, rolls within.
and to starting Vitae rolls (see p. 95). In Drawback: Losing a Haven is a breaking point at
addition, add the dot rating to any predatory aura Humanity 8, minus its dot rating. A Haven must
conflicts on her territory. be tied to a Safe Place Merit (see p. 123). Like a
Drawback: Territory doesn’t maintain itself. Safe Place, a coterie may share a Haven Merit.
Trespassers must not go uncontested, or your Each member that wishes to benefit must invest
hold on the area falters. Merit dots in both the Safe Place and the Haven.

Generation (• to •••••) Herd (• to •••••)

This Merit represents your Generation: the Effect: Your character cultivates cliques of
purity of your blood, and your proximity to the mortals willing and eager for the Kiss. Each
First Vampire. A low Generation rating may week, you can draw on a number of Vitae equal
represent a powerful sire or a decidedly to twice the Merit’s dot rating. This requires no
dangerous taste for diablerie. If you don’t take roll, only a quick interlude. Taking more than
any dots in this Trait, you begin play as a that amount requires normal hunting rolls.
Thirteenth Generation vampire unless you Drawback: Addicts need their fix. Sometimes,
choose Caitiff. Caitiff cannot take Generation. they demand attention. If neglected, they’ll
Caitiffs have one point of Blood Potency.
withdraw. Your character must have at least
minor interactions with her Herd before they’ll DISCIPLINES
give blood freely.
The Beast gives the vampire great powers to use
Kindred Status to hunt and kill its prey.
Within Kindred society, there exist three types Animalism
of Status: City, Bloodline, and Covenant. Each
functions as the Status Merit, within its purview. A vampire’s Beast is not just a facet of her
City Status allows its advantages within the predatory nature, but a predator in and of itself
scope of the assigned city. Clan Status only — and it’s at the top of the food chain. A
functions within its designated clan, and vampire can slip the leash of her Beast just a
Covenant Status similarly within the chosen little to overpower weaker animals, forcing her
covenant. will on them. Most Animalism powers affect
City Status reflects a vampire’s sway in the city, predators and scavenging animals. In a city, the
whether official or unofficial. There’s no Kindred can call on feral cats and dogs, pigeons
specific dot rating tied to a given position. For and crows, foxes, and more rats than anyone
instance, a Prince may have three dots of wants to think about.
City Status, if the city doesn’t respect his Rural vampires can summon bats, wolves,
authority as much as the Sheriff with five dots. mountain lions, and even bears — any animal
Clan Status reflects notoriety and recognition that feasts on the flesh of another.
within the clan. Typically, a character with high
Clan Status is iconic within the clan. A character •Feral Whispers
with five dots of Ventrue Status is whom most A vampire using Feral Whispers overpowers the
Kindred think of when they speak of the clan animal’s instinctive reactions and forces it to
Ventrue. Kindred recognize a low-Status understand. She can ask questions of a creature
character as a frequent collaborator within clan and it must respond as best it can, and with a
circles. further slight nudge, she can compel it to obey
A character may not gain Status in a clan to her. A canny vampire can use magpies and
which she does not belong. crows to spy on her victims from above or
Covenant Status is generally tied to positions command a gangster’s mastiffs to savage their
and direct authority within covenant structure. A owner. The vampire talks to the animal, either
character with five dots of Covenant Status is a using human words or,
regional leader within the covenant, a character much more frequently, by making animal
with one dot has minor responsibilities to their sounds of her own. She can command groups of
organization of choice. Additionally, each animals, such
covenant has available Merits that scale as a flock of birds or a swarm of rats, as long as
depending on Covenant Status dots. she is close enough that the animals can all hear
A character could theoretically gain Status her, and she can see all of them.
within multiple covenants. Most of the Cost: None
covenants will allow members to dabble in other Dice Pool: Manipulation + Animal Ken
organizations, so long as they don’t share +Animalism
secrets. The Ordo Dracul, for example, will not Action: Instant
stop a member from attending Sanctified mass. Duration: Scene, command can persist up to a
But the moment she shares her knowledge of the night.
Coils, she’ll find her Requiem cut abruptly Roll Results
short. Her combined dots in one type of Status Dramatic Failure: The animal misunderstands
(City, Clan, or Covenant) cannot exceed five, the vampire’s command, giving false
and she may never have as many dots in her information when the vampire asks, or obeying a
affiliated group as she does to the group to twisted version of the vampire’s command.
which she belongs. Failure: The animals fear the Beast, fleeing
from a superior predator.
Success: The vampire can communicate with an Requirement: Feed 1 Vitae to the corpse
animal, asking it what it has perceived. Most (included in cost)
animals can remember what has happened over Dice Pool: None
the last night. Animals relate what they have Action: Instant
encountered through the lens of their own Duration: (Blood Potency * animal’s Stamina)
perceptions — dogs answer in terms of smell nights
and hearing, while birds relate what they could The vampire feeds one point of Vitae to the
see. The vampire can also give the victim a animal’s corpse.
simple command, equivalent to what the animal The animal returns to a semblance of life for a
could do on its own, such as “attack him,” number of nights equal to (Blood Potency *
“follow her then return here,” “chew through animal’s Stamina). Once she has raised a beast,
these cables.” The command doesn’t normally a vampire can feed it more Vitae, each point
persist for more than a night, but the vampire ensures the animal’s continued existence as
can add simple contingencies such as forcing the though the vampire had just raised it.
beast to go to ground if noticed, or to return The raised creature gains a semblance of
once the command is complete. intelligence and a certain low cunning, enough
Exceptional Success: The animal is to follow complex orders that most animals
exceptionally obedient to the vampire, could not understand, and to interpret the spirit
improvising to follow the spirit of the Kindred’s of commands rather than the letter. Treat the
command. familiar as having one dot of Intelligence.
Infused with Vitae, the familiar takes bashing
••Raise the Familiar damage from attacks like a vampire and does not
True beasts cannot be Embraced. They have fall unconscious or bleed out. The animal does
never had the necessary Humanity. With this not decompose.
power, though, the vampire can complete the The Vitae burning within the animal’s dead
process halfway. By feeding a drained animal veins forges a sympathetic link between it and
some of her Vitae, a vampire can infuse it with a the vampire. The vampire can use Feral
fragment of the Kindred’s twilight life. It looks Whispers on her familiar at any time, over any
as it did when it died, though if appropriate, it distance, communicating silently or issuing
might gain retractable fangs like a vampire. But commands at any range. Though she must still
the fangs are a lie — its true tragedy is that it roll to see if her familiar interpreted her
cannot transubstantiate blood into Vitae. If it command, the animal does not resist.
was wounded in death, it retains signs of the
injuries, but its body functions fully. A coyote
crushed by an SUV has a tire track running •••Summon the Hunt
across it but no crushed bones, and a crow with The vampire infuses some of her Vitae with the
a busted wing has bone jutting out of the wound essence of her prey, making it irresistible to
but can still fly It doesn’t act like a normal other predators and scavenging beasts.
animal — it doesn’t hunt for food, nor is it Wherever she spills her blood — on the ground,
spooked by loud noises. It sleeps throughout the over an object, or even splashing it on another
day but becomes active at night. A human person — the animals she calls will try to
observing such an animal might be able to tell consume it. Her blood only loses potency once
something’s wrong, but only the most grievous the summoned animals destroy whatever she
wounds usually make them take the time to poured it over or once the sun rises, at which
look. point the Vitae burns away as though it were
never present. She can focus her Beast’s call on
one kind of creature, for example summoning
just birds or rats. Prey animals in the affected
area rightly shy away, afraid of the power of a
vampire’s Beast.
Cost: 1 Vitae Cost: 2 Vitae
Requirement: Spill 1 Vitae upon the target Action: Instant
(included in cost). Duration: Scene
Dice Pool: Presence + Animal Ken + Roll Results
Animalism Dramatic Failure: The vampire loses hold of her
Action: Instant Beast, and it smashes past her. She is provoked
Duration: One night, or until the item marked to frenzy, though with a –2 die modifier on the
with blood is destroyed. roll to resist.
Roll Results Failure
Dramatic Failure: The animals follow the Affected animals display odd behavior —
Beast’s call but lash out against the vampire in chasing their tails or attacking their own limbs
fear. — but nothing drives them into a rage.
Failure: Animals within the Discipline’s range Success
feel their normal fear of the Kindred and stay Any animal that can smell the vampire’s blood
well away. enters a state of feral rage. It lashes out,
Success: The vampire chooses when spilling the attacking the nearest victim without a thought
Vitae whether to summon all predators and for its own safety. Once the victim is
scavengers, or whether to restrict herself to one unconscious or dead, the animal feeds on his
kind of animal. All animals that match her flesh. If the vampire wishes, she can direct the
request within (successes) city blocks in the city, mob of frenzied creatures towards a single target
or (successes* 100) yards (successes * 90 or goal. She can’t give complex instructions or a
meters) in the country respond to her call. Once direct command, but can point out targets to
they taste the spilled Vitae, the vampire can attack or the direction to move in.
imprint a command as though she had used Feral Humans and supernatural creatures must make a
Whispers on the animal. All animals receive the reflexive (Resolve + Composure – vampire’s
same command, but it persists even while the successes) roll to resist the vampire’s predatory
vampire slumbers; the animals follow her Aura. If the victim has touched or imbibed the
command for one night per success. vampire’s blood within the last night, they suffer
Exceptional Success: Animals that taste the a –3 die penalty. A failed roll puts the victim
vampire’s blood follow her command with under the vampire’s command. Vampires and
single-minded zeal. They do not stop to eat or werewolves frenzy, their victims dictated by the
sleep, deriving sustenance from the taste of Kindred who provoked them. Humans and other
Vitae alone. supernatural creatures fall into an atavistic state
where they must attack the target or move
••••Feral Infection towards it if they can’t reach it. If the vampire
The vampire floods the area with her predatory does not set a command, her victims turn upon
aura, infecting everything around her with the one another. A supernatural creature can spend a
ravings of her Beast. The scent of her blood point of Willpower to ignore the vampire’s
inspires rage in animals, and can drive men mad, commands, though she remains frenzied.
especially those who have recently touched her Exceptional Success
blood. Other Kindred witnessing the effects of Unleashing her Beast sates it temporarily. The
Feral Infection recognize the Beast unchained, vampire gains the Sated Condition (p. 305).
likening the victims’ actions to their own
moments of frenzy. The vampire using this Dark •••••Lord of the Land
gift can exert a measure of control over her The vampire marks her territory with Vitae, in
victims’ madness, focusing her own Beast much the same way that animals use urine or
against some victim she wants to crush, or a goal feces. She must encircle her territory in a ring of
she wants to conquer. Vitae, claiming it as her own — assuming has
Cost: 2 Vitae driven off any prior residents. When encircling
Requirement: Spill 1 Vitae upon the ground the territory, she must walk the whole border.
(included in cost). Once she has established her territory, the
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Animalism vampire is privy to everything that happens
within it. She can command animals, summon or suffer these penalties. Ghoul animals are also
banish people, and provoke other vampires to exempt.
leave her lair. Most vampires establish their When the vampire is within her territory, she
territory in small places, like a brownstone or can feel when a person or animal crosses into
small public garden. A powerful vampire might her territory; if an invader is a vampire, she
claim a whole public park or castle, but he must knows his general Blood Potency. She always
make sure that nothing interrupts his claim — has a rough idea of where everyone is within her
more than one vampire has discovered that his domain, and only supernatural means such as
territory is already claimed by an angry pack of Disciplines can cut through her awareness —
werewolves halfway through claiming it. triggering a
Cost: 3-9 Vitae and 1 Willpower Clash of Wills. As the undisputed master of her
Requirement territory, a frenzying creature cannot attack the
The vampire must walk a circuit around his new vampire, nor may they spend Willpower to resist
territory while marking it with Vitae. Three her commands delivered through Feral Infection.
Vitae is enough to secure a small house or Any commands given by Feral Whispers last
garden, six can secure a city block, while nine is indefinitely, or until the animal leaves the
enough to claim a castle. She must make sure vampire’s territory. Finally, the vampire can
that the area contains no other vampires; many snatch the senses of any animal she has raised
Kindred prefer to evict all supernatural denizens. with Raise the Familiar within her territory, and
While the Dark gift will still function if her use that animal to deliver commands using Feral
territory contains werewolves or other monsters, Whispers to other creatures.
they will suffer the effects — and will deduce
that the vampire is to blame.
Dice Pool: None
Action: Instant
Duration: One week per dot of Blood Potency,
longer if the vampire remains in his territory.
The vampire marks her territory. It remains
empowered for at least one week per dot of
Blood Potency, though the effects of this Dark
gift only end when the vampire leaves her
territory after the duration. Rumors speak of
ancient vampires lying in torpor whose
territories remain active to this day.
A vampire’s territory scares off most creatures.
Animals and wild beasts won’t enter, and will
fight to escape if forced inside, unless otherwise Auspex
affected by the vampire’s powers. Auspex turns the Beast’s predatory instincts
Humans and supernatural creatures, including loose on secrets, finding points of weakness and
other vampires, must succeed at a reflexive hidden gems that the vampire can exploit to his
Composure + Blood Potency roll to enter — or advantage. Auspex is an internal Discipline,
to stay in the area once it is created. Unless they revealing information to the Kindred through
roll an exceptional success, the feeling of visions that range from the direct to the
overwhelming dread inflicts a –3 die penalty on hallucinatory. Other vampires have no way to
all actions. For Kindred, simply being in another know when someone is using Auspex to
vampire’s territory is provocation to frenzy, and discover their secrets, and for that reason many
rolls to resist suffer a –2 die penalty. If a Mekhet feel the stares and whispered barbs of
vampire explicitly invites someone into his other vampires who worry what secrets the clan
territory — or uses Feral Whispers or Summon of Shadows will uncover next.
the Hunt in the case of animals — they do not •Beast’s Hackles
The Beast focuses on danger and weakness. A • Is a vampire here using Auspex 5? A pall of
vampire who borrows her Beast’s senses can use grey smoke hanging in the air. A feeling like
that focus to know if someone is about to attack someone walked over the vampire’s grave.
her, or to pinpoint the weakest person in the ••Uncanny Perception
room. The Beast is sensitive to things that other The Beast sniffs out the victim’s dark secrets,
people cannot normally perceive; using this things that she doesn’t want anyone else to
Dark gift can pierce Obfuscate (see “Clash of know. What the vampire does with that
Wills,” p.125). information is up to him.
Cost: Varies, as the Dark giftis slightly tiring; Cost: Varies; the first use in a scene is free, but
the first use in a scene is free, but subsequent subsequent uses against the same target that
uses in the same scene cost 1 Vitae each. scene cost 1 Vitae each.
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy + Auspex Dice Pool: Intelligence + Empathy + Auspex
Action: Instant Action: Instant
Roll Results Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The player asks a question as Dramatic Failure: The player asks a question as
though he had rolled a success; the Storyteller though he had rolled a success; the Storyteller
should either give false information or present a should give false or misleading information.
warped version of the truth. Failure: The Beast unveils no secrets. Does the
victim really have nothing to hide?
Success: The player can ask the Storyteller one
question per success. The Storyteller’s answer
Failure: The vampire’s senses cloud; his Beast should include the imagery conjured by the
doesn’t see any immediate point of weakness. Beast to convey the answer. This level of
Success: The player can ask one question of the Auspex focuses on questions concerning the
Storyteller. The Storyteller’s answer should secrets and weaknesses of a single character.
include the imagery conjured by the Beast to Exceptional Success: The images give the
convey the answer. This level of Auspex can vampire further insight into the questions asked.
only answer immediate questions about danger Sample Questions
or weakness. The sample questions below cover • What is this person’s mood? A flash of
much of the information the Beast can provide. emotion on the victim’s face. A smell that the
Exceptional Success: The player can ask two vampire associates with the emotion — the
questions. smell of fresh blood signifying rage, the sound
Sample Questions of grinding stone signifying isolation.
• Who here is the most likely to give me what I • What is this person afraid of right now? Shock
want? Blood throbbing through the victim’s as lights suddenly shine on the victim. The
jugular vein. The sound of jingling coins from sound of dogs barking.
the victim’s pocket. • What is this person’s Vice/Requiem? The
• Who/what here is most likely to lapse into sound of conspiratorial whispers. The smell of
violence? The victim’s hands stained with drugs wafting off a junkie.
blood. The smell of gunpowder wafting from the • What is one of this person’s psychological
victim. vulnerabilities? A sudden feeling of incredible
• Who here is most afraid? The smell of urine depression. Shifting walls and colors as if in a
from the victim’s pants. A whimpering sound hallucination.
from the victim. • Is this person a diablerist? The smell of
• Who/what here is most likely to hurt me? brimstone and clotted blood. Thick black blood
Blood drying on a car crusher. Waves of hot dripping off the victim’s chin.
rage boiling off the victim. • Is this person being controlled by someone
• Who here is closest to frenzy? The victim’s else? Marionette strings leading from the
face twists into a frenzied rictus. The taste of hot victim’s limbs up to the ceiling. A whispered
bile when facing the victim. voice that tells the victim what to do as she acts.
• Is this person a supernatural creature — and if thoughts, he can project ideas or memories into
I have seen them before, what is she? The taste the victim’s mind. With a little practice, the
of torn flesh. The glowing halo of a mage’s vampire can communicate without words, or
nimbus. project full memories to overwhelm the victim’s
• Who here does this person want to hurt most? senses. He can even stimulate memories by
A bloody dagger drops from the victim’s hand, thinking of a time, place, or emotion that causes
pointing to the answer. The taste of bile when the victim to remember — even if the victim had
looking at the target of the victim’s ire. blocked it out or had it removed by magic.
Cost: 1 Vitae
•••The Spirit’s Touch Dice Pool: Intelligence + Socialize + Auspex vs.
A vampire can turn his Beast’s senses on an Resolve + Blood Potency
object or place, uncovering secrets and Action: Instant
destroying lies just as surely as if he had focused Duration: Scene
on a person. A vampire can only use this Dark Roll Results
gift on a particular object once per scene. Dramatic Failure: The vampire aligns to the
Cost: None victim’s thoughts, but he cannot keep his
Dice Pool: Wits + Occult + Auspex thoughts separate from hers. He suffers the
Action: Instant Confused Condition (p. 302).
Roll Results Failure: The victim’s thoughts remain outside of
Dramatic Failure: The player asks a question as the vampire’s grasp.
though he had rolled a success; the Storyteller Success: The vampire’s thoughts align with the
should give false or misleading information. victim’s mind and remain connected for the rest
Failure: The object yields no secrets to the of the scene. He hears her thoughts as though
Kindred’s senses — this time. she were speaking them aloud. People don’t
Success: The player can ask the Storyteller one think in complete sentences, but the vampire can
question per success about the place or object. discern the victim’s precise mood and intention,
The Beast conjures images to answer rather than and some snippets of her current motivation and
just words. In addition to the sample questions considerations. He can also project thoughts,
below, the character can ask questions suggested either speaking directly into the victim’s
for Auspex 1 and 2 if they would be relevant. thoughts, or depositing a mental image or
Exceptional Success: The vampire can fully memory. By focusing, the vampire can drag up a
appreciate the object or place and gains a +1 die full memory from the victim, including things
bonus when using/interacting with it for the rest that the victim has forgotten or that were
of the scene. suppressed by magic (though doing so takes a
Sample Questions Clash of Wills). He experiences all of the
• Who last touched/owned this? A vision of the memory in an instant, with all five senses. If he
person holding the object. The sound of the chooses to transmit that memory to the victim,
victim’s voice, identifying herself. he can inflict a Condition like Guilty, Inspired,
• What is the strongest emotion associated with or Shaken as appropriate (p. 302 and p. 305).
this object? A hot flash of rage. A sudden flash Uncovering further memories costs 1 Vitae per
of serene clarity. memory.
• What was the object being used for at the point Exceptional Success: The vampire can retrieve
of strongest emotion? A vision of the vampire as many deep memories as he has dots in
using the object. Sounds and ghostly outlines of Auspex before paying Vitae to uncover more.
people walking through the room •••••Twilight Projection
. The vampire unshackles his mind, leaving his
••••Lay Open the Mind body and projecting his senses throughout the
The Mekhet focuses on bringing her thoughts in world. His astral form exists in a twilight state,
line with her victim. He begins to think like her, with no real physical or spiritual substance to it,
and soon hears her thoughts in his mind. By but still in the world and noticeable only by
concentrating and gently changing his own other vampires with Auspex. The vampire can
move at incredible speeds, traveling to any point Blood Magick
within the moon’s orbit — an area that some Blood Magic is unlike all other Disciplines in
Kindred call the “lunar sphere.” While his that it’s actually a combination of the special
senses and consciousness travel the world the properties of vampiric blood and the magic of
vampire’s body appears to be a normal corpse, Mages.
albeit one that does not decay.
Cost: 2 Vitae Level One Rituals
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Auspex Pangs of Proserpina (•)
Action: Instant Target number of successes: 6
Roll Results Contested by : Composure + Blood Potency
Dramatic Failure: The character’s senses part The victim suffers feelings of intense hunger,
from his body, but something sends his provoking frenzy in Kindred. The victim may be
consciousness far away. up to a mile away from the ritual during casting
Failure: The vampire cannot slip the bounds of and is starving for the purposes of the roll to
his dead flesh. resist frenzy, regardless of how much blood she
Success: The vampire’s senses part from his has consumed.
body and can travel the world. Multiply the
vampire’s Speed by his (Auspex + Rigor Mortis (•)
Blood Potency). The vampire is not bound by Target number of successes: 5
gravity and can travel through physical obstacles Resisted: by Composure
and even into the ground. He cannot interact The victim, who must be a vampire within a
with the physical world in any way when mile of the ritual, suffers the loss of the
separate from his body. He can see and hear as reanimating power of Vitae. His next physical
well as he can normally but cannot use action is penalized by a –3 die penalty.
Disciplines. The vampire’s body lies in a torpor-
like state, and he is unaware of anything that Blood Scourge (•)
happens to it — though if someone kills his Target number of successes: 6
body or drives him to torpor, his mind jumps The Tremere’s own blood — at least one Vitae
back to his body. Apart from that, the vampire the ritualist transforms a portion of his blood
must move his astral form back to his body to into a weapon. At any point until sunrise, he
awaken. Every sunrise that the vampire remains may create a stinging whip of Vitae (a 2L
separate from his body he loses a dot of Blood weapon). The whip crumbles to dust at the end
Potency — and suffers Final Death if his Blood of the scene in which it is used, or when the
Potency reaches 0. He regains any lost dots upon ritual’s effect ends with the sunrise.
returning to his body. He must still spend a point Vitae Reliquary (•)
of Vitae at the beginning of each night. Some Target number of successes: 5
vampires speak of strange magic that can The ritualist infuses an object with up to the
prevent a vampire from returning to his body, or ritual’s Potency in Vitae. The Vitae stored is
of his body walking around unbidden, with mystically transferred from The Tremere’s body,
yellow eyes the only sign that something might and can be retrieved by any vampire or ghoul
be wrong. who touches the object. The Vitae still causes
Exceptional Success: The vampire’s senses slip Vinculum and blood addiction in anyone
away easily, and he is left with a memory of drinking it. After one lunar month, the ritual
where his body is. He can reflexively spend a ends and the object crumbles to dust.
point of Vitae to instantly return to his body —
or to the edge of any mystic boundary that Blandishment of Sin (•)
prevents him from returning. Target number of successes: 5
Contested by: Resolve + Blood Potency
The next time any bashing damage is inflicted
on the victim, it is upgraded to lethal. The ritual
upgrades all damage from one single attack and The ritualist pours the consuming, tearing force
ends at sunrise if the victim is not injured that of his Beast into his hands. He may attempt to
night. A four-dot version of this ritual, requiring strike an opponent with his open palm
8 successes, upgrades damage from lethal to (Touching a Target requires a Dexterity + Brawl
aggravated. roll in combat). The first time he does so, the
victim suffers the ritual’s Potency in lethal
Level Two Rituals wounds. The ritual ends when it is first used, or
Cheval (••) at the next sunrise, whichever is sooner.
Target number of successes: 5 Malediction of Despair (•••)
Resisted: by Composure Target number of successes: 13
The subject of this ritual must be present at the Contested by: Resolve + Blood Potency
casting, being physically touched by the ritualist. Sacrament: a lock of the victim’s hair
For the rest of the night, the ritualist may see The ritualist curses her victim, who must be
and hear what the subject does, no matter how within one mile of the ritual, with regard to a
far away she is. specific action. The next time the victim engages
The Hydra’s Vitae (••) in that action, he suffers a –5 dice penalty.
Target number of successes: 5 This occurs only once. The effect of the ritual
The ritualist lays a curse on his own blood, ends if not used after a lunar month.
transforming it into poison. Vampires and Strix Level Four Rituals
drinking from the ritualist suffer one point of
lethal damage per Vitae taken and gains no Blood Price (••••)
nourishment from it. Mortals and ghouls Target number of successes: 8
drinking from the ritualist suffer two points of Contested by: Composure + Blood Potency
lethal damage. Blood is only venomous as long The ritualist claims blood consumed by his
as it’s in The Tremere’s system, and the effect ritual’s subject. The subject must be a vampire
ends at the next sunrise. or ghoul present for the casting. Every time the
subject drinks blood, Vitae up to and equal to
Curse of Babel (••) the ritual’s
Target number of successes: 6 Potency is gained by the ritualist instead of by
Resisted by: Resolve the subject. If the subject drinks more than the
The victim of this ritual, who must be within one ritual steals, she gains the balance. The effect of
mile of the ritual, is rendered unable to speak or the ritual ends at the next sunrise.
write until the next sunrise.
Willful Vitae (••••)
Liar’s Plague (••) Target number of successes: 7
Target number of successes: 5 The ritualist makes herself immune to Vinculum
Contested by: Resolve + Blood Potency and blood addiction for the remainder of the
The ritualist curses his victim, who must be night. The ritual does not counteract any
present for the ritual, to not tell any falsehoods. addiction or Vinculum that the ritualist already
If the victim lies over the course of the next has.
scene, beetles swarm from his mouth
Blood Blight (••••)
Target number of successes: 8
Level Three Rituals Contested by: Stamina + Blood Potency
Deflection of Wooden Doom (•••) The ritualist mystically destroys his victim’s
Target number of successes: 6 blood. Mortal victims suffer the ritual’s Potency
The ritualist wards himself from having his heart in lethal damage. Kindred, Strix, and ghoul
impaled. All attempts to stake the ritualist fail victims lose the ritual’s Potency in Vitae. This
until the next sunrise. will usually provoke a frenzy check in Kindred.
Touch of the Morrigan (•••)
Target number of successes: 6 Feeding the Crone (••••)
Target number of successes: 10 have found high-wattage incandescent lights to
The ritualist gains a maw of wicked, flesh- be just as effective.
tearing teeth. She gains no Vitae from feeding as The subject’s sleep cycle is reversed — he
long as the ritual remains in effect, but her bite wakes at dawn at though it were dusk, and
does +2 aggravated damage. The effect of the slumbers at night instead of during the day. The
ritual fades at the next sunrise, or if she uses one condition persists indefinitely, so long as the
Vitae to cancel it early, transforming her subject continues to slumber in a brightly lit
features back to normal. location every night. Failure to do so for more
than two days consecutively undoes the Scale’s

Level Five Rituals Flesh Graft Treatment (•••••)

Target number of Successes: 10
Augmented Vitae Draught (•••••) Using a system of skin grafts and mortal blood
Needles, glass tubing, and an air-tight container transfusions the Tremere coaxes dead flesh into
must be acquired and cleansed in an alchemical an almost-living state, allowing for the rapid
solution before performing this Scale. Once recovery of grievous wounds. Skin grafts are
ready, the Dragon inserts prepared 24 hours in advance and allowed to
the needles into key veins in his chest, arms and soak in fresh human blood during that time. To
legs. Then he spends a single action making his begin the treatment, she wraps the grafts tightly
blood f low, equivalent to using Physical around damaged regions, then injects them with
Intensity (p. 91). human blood no more than a minute old.
Outcome: The Dragon’s physical prowess The subject’s flesh is briefly reinvigorated to a
remains unaltered; instead the Vitae drains out near living state. In Kindred this allows for
through glass tubes and into the storage aggravated damage to be healed with Vitae as
container, where it remains potent for a number though it were lethal (p. 91). Mortals
of hours equal to his Blood Potency. If imbibed become able to recover lethal damage with the
by a mortal during this time the Vitae augments expenditure of Vitae. Of course, since most
her physical attributes in the same manner in humans do not possess Vitae to expend, the
which the Dragon would have augmented his Tremere must include it in the injection. In this
own. case the rite also induces a stage-two blood bond
In a human host, however, Vitae circulates and in the subject and may also use the process to
endures for a much longer period, bolstering her create a ghoul.
physique for an entire scene. There are some
side effects to this process. The solution is Kindred Sense Endowment (•••••)
extremely poisonous, and the augmentations The Tremere prepares a concoction of blood and
hazardous to bone, which is boiled and distilled over the
the mortal’s physical wellbeing. At the end of course of two hours into a noxious burnt sludge.
the scene the subject collapses and takes levels This substance is subsequently applied to a
of bashing damage equal to twice the Vitae mortal subject’s nose and eyes, with the rest
invested in the Scale. She also develops blood being ingested. This is a sickening procedure,
addiction (p. 99). soon after which the subject vomits out the
ingested portion of the draught.
Day-Wake Conditioning (•••••) The subject is sickened but gains the ability to
The subject, a vampire, must resist the Daysleep see and smell blood as though she were a
until the compounding penalties of the Lethargic vampire with two dots of Blood Potency . The
Condition (p. 305) reduce his resistance roll to a subject also acquires a hunger for human blood,
chance die. He may then slumber, but only at as a newly embraced vampire would, though it
dusk, and only in a brightly lit chamber. offers nothing more than the risk of Integrity
Traditionally this was accomplished with large loss and terrible sickness. All these effects
quantities of candles, but recent practitioners endure for approximately 24 hours.
Surgical Heart Removal (•••••) effects are reflexive and cost one Vitae per
Over the course of about six hours the Tremere effect.
suturally cuts out a kindred subject’s heart Persistent: Add the vampire’s dots in Celerity to
(which is customarily stored in a black onyx her Defense, or to her Dodge roll when
box) and re-binds the veins in a mockery of their defending actively. If a Firearms attack denies
original order. This process is both risky and her normal Defense, the attacker still takes a
demanding, requiring an extended Intelligence + penalty on his attack equal to the vampire’s dots
Medicine roll with a target of ten successes and in Celerity. A character must still be aware of
an interval of one hour. If successful, this incoming attacks to defend against them If she is
procedure can be reversed with an identical restrained, slumbering, or otherwise unable to
roll. respond, Celerity offers no advantage.
Dramatic Failure: The heart of the subject is Active: By spending Vitae Celerity allows for
destroyed in the process. The shock is so terrible bursts of speed faster than the eye can perceive.
and sudden that the subject flies instantly into a For each point of Vitae spent choose one effect
mindless frenzy before succumbing to Final from the following list. A vampire may spend
Death at the end of the scene. additional Vitae to invoke multiple effects
Failure: The heart of the subject is disconnected simultaneously, but no effect of Celerity may be
improperly. She immediately falls into torpor as used more than once per turn.
if staked and will not recover until her heart is • Immediately move to the head of the Initiative
returned to its proper location. queue.
Success: Without a heart the subject cannot be This boost in Initiative lasts only one turn, after
staked. She also cannot gain additional Vitae which all combatants return to acting in their
from feeding, though she may still spend Vitae rolled order. If multiple vampires attempt to
previously stored or gained through blood magic jump ahead simultaneously, they enter a Clash
rites. Should her body be destroyed, the subject of Wills (p. 125), the winner acts first.
will regenerate from the heart itself after the • Interrupt the action of another character with a
proper interval of torpor. Should the heart be brief action of her own.
destroyed she dies instantly. This could be an attack, making it possible to
Except ion a l Succe s s: A l l t he nor ma l benef disable an opponent in mid-action. It may be
it s of a n movement, avoiding harm by shifting out of
Exceptional Success on an extended roll, but reach. Or it could be any other instant action,
nothing more. like activating a Dark giftor dodging. However,
Celerity the vampire is still limited to one instant action.
Unleashing her Beast, a vampire can cross vast She cannot use Celerity to make two attacks, or
distances in the blink of an eye, catch a thrown an attack followed by another instant action.
punch before her attacker has even moved a Likewise she cannot move further in a single
muscle, or snatch a gun barrel away from a turn than her Speed would allow. The decision
man’s temple before he can pull the trigger. to interrupt is made after another character’s
Celerity makes a vampire so fast that it’s as if action is declared, but before it actually occurs
she never has to move at all. (before dice are rolled). Once interrupted, the
Cost: None or 1 Vitae per active effect other character must continue his declared
Dice Pool: None action, if it’s still possible. If the action is no
Action: None (for persistent effects) or longer possible, he takes no action.
Reflexive (for active effects) Alternatively, that character’s player may
Duration: Permanent (for persistent effects) or declare his action a dramatic failure and take a
one turn (for active effects) Beat. Celerity cannot interrupt reflexive actions
Like other physical Disciplines, Celerity has two or actions of which the character was unaware.
kinds of effects: persistent and active. Persistent Finally, using Celerity in this way is exhausting;
effects are always on and have no cost. Active a vampire may only interrupt as many actions in
a scene as she has dots in Celerity.
• Multiply her speed by her dots in Celerity plus want to do whatever the vampire says. The
one vampire can issue a command in the same action
Moving in this way is sudden, jarring, the as mesmerizing the victim. Once she has
vampire appears to shift from point to point inflicted the Mesmerized Condition, the vampire
without crossing the space in-between. She may can command the victim as an instant action.
use this to briefly avoid detection or launch Her commands can’t be longer than three or four
surprise attacks. words, and she has to be direct — her control
Dominate doesn’t extend to issuing vague commands.
The Beast demands obedience from lesser “Follow me,” “Shoot your husband,” and
creatures. It slips into the Kindred’s voice, “Repeat after me…” are all suitable commands,
modulating his tone and his words to express while “Forget,” “Submit,” and “Do my bidding”
absolute authority. It progresses from the simple have too much room for interpretation.
barked commands of a drill sergeant to creating She can even mess with the victim’s memory,
false memories of whatever the vampire desires making one statement about the current scene
— or letting her steal her victim’s body to walk that victim will remember as truth. While she
in the sunlight once again. can still only use simple and unambiguous
Eye Contact commands, she can pack a lot of changes into
Dominate requires a vampire make eye contact four words: “You killed that man” and “I was
with her victims in order to issue commands. not here” combine to frame the victim for
That contact is one-way — the victim needs to murder.
see the vampire’s eyes, but not vice versa. This ••Iron Edict
contact is possible through simple barriers like Once she’s got a hotline into her victim’s mind,
sunglasses (even mirrored) or tinted windows the vampire can take some time to play with his
but does not work when looking at a video feed thoughts and memories. While it takes more of
rather than the vampire herself. her power to relay complex commands, she goes
from jerking her victim’s strings to controlling
•Mesmerize him like a puppeteer, making his every
All a vampire has to do is meet her victim’s eye movement dance to her tune.
to catch him in her thrall. Her control isn’t Cost: 1 Vitae; none if victim is in Vinculum
obvious; she just asks him to do something and with the vampire
her victim acquiesces. He could unlock a door, Dice Pool: None
pass her a gun — or forget ever meeting her. Requirement: The vampire must have inflicted
Some cruel vampires mesmerize passers-by just the Mesmerized Condition on the victim
to take the rap for their crimes. Action: Instant
Cost: None The vampire can issue a longer command to a
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Expression + Mesmerized victim. This edict can be up to three
Dominate vs. Resolve + Blood Potency sentences long, and can include a successive
Action: Instant series of actions. The command takes two turns
Roll Results per sentence to convey. As with Mesmerize, the
Dramatic Failure: The victim sees through the vampire’s control doesn’t extend to commands
vampire’s attempt to control his mind; that rely on the victim’s interpretation. The
emboldened, he gains the Steadfast victim takes the Dominated Condition (p. 302)
Condition (p. 306). and will follow the vampire’s commands as
Failure: The vampire’s victim proves stronger- soon as she finishes speaking them. He
willed than she’d thought. continues to follow the order until he has
Success: The vampire holds her victim’s gaze completed his task, or the sun rises. Many
for just a second, but it’s enough to inflict the Kindred use Iron Edict to issue a simple
Mesmerized Condition (p. 305). command, such as “Obey my direct instructions
Exceptional Success: The vampire’s control f when I give them to you,” which effectively
lows over the victim’s brain like water. They gives them control over the minion until the sun
comes up — though it doesn’t extend the any number of triggers. Using Iron Edict in
duration of the Mesmerized Condition. conjunction with Entombed Command to force a
•••Entombed Command man to show up at a nightclub when he argues
The vampire has enough control over her meat- with his wife and making him fill a USB stick
puppet to implant a subconscious trigger, a with sensitive information from his workplace
specific set of conditions that will turn him into all costs only one point of Vitae. Describing
her slave when he encounters them. She can both the trigger and its specific effect on the
force her victim into a suggestible state when he victim takes about two turns per trigger.
points a gun at her, make him transfer all of his Other Dominate abilities work as follows when
money into her account when he hears channeled through Entombed Command:
Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, or only allow • Mesmerize: The victim gains the Mesmerized
him to remember his son when he smells lilacs. Condition when he encounters the trigger. If the
Cost: None; other Dominate powers may cost vampire isn’t present to capitalize on his state,
Vitae. the effects soon fade.
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Subterfuge + • Iron Edict: When the victim encounters the
Dominate – victim’s Resolve trigger, he immediately gains a Dominated
Requirement: The vampire must have inflicted Condition relating to the imprinted command.
the Mesmerized Condition on the victim As he is entirely under the vampire’s sway when
Action: Instant Dominated, he does not encounter other triggers
Duration: One week per success, or one month until he resolves the Condition.
per success (see below). • The Lying Mind: The trigger serves as a switch
Roll Results for memory alteration. Encountering it once
Dramatic Failure: The vampire’s attempt to set causes a memory to emerge (or to vanish), while
up a trigger backfires. The victim loses his encountering it again reverses the change.
Mesmerized Condition. For the next week when •••The Lying Mind
he encounters one trigger that the vampire A mistress of Dominate can dance through her
attempted to set he instead gains the Steadfast victim’s memories, sculpting them to her whims.
Condition (p. 306). He might not remember his family — or she
Failure: The attempt to set triggers in the might force him to remember the tragic death of
victim’s mind doesn’t take. Is he fighting back, a son who never existed. She can subtly alter his
or is there another reason? memories, replacing his wife’s face with her
Success: The vampire can implant a number of own, or moving his memory of a vacation from
subconscious triggers equal to the number of Paris to London. Beyond necessary generalities,
successes rolled to trigger specific effects of this does not allow the vampire to read the
other Dominate powers. She must pay any original memories.
Vitae cost for these powers as normal. These Cost: 2 Vitae
triggers remain in place for one week per Dice Pool: None
success, or one month per success if the victim Requirement: The vampire must have inflicted
is in any stage of Vinculum towards the the Mesmerized Condition on the victim; the
vampire. victim must consume or be anointed by 1 Vitae
During that time, the effects of the trigger (included in cost).
emerge each time the victim encounters the Action: Instant
stimulus. Duration: Permanent
Exceptional Success: The vampire’s commands While he remains Mesmerized, the vampire can
slip into the victim’s subconscious with ease. spin her victim’s memories like cotton candy,
Reduce the Vitae cost by one when implanting stretching far back into childhood. She must
Iron Edict and The Lying Mind. Each trigger is a either feed him some of her Vitae or drip it onto
specific event or sensory stimulus that causes his forehead. She can create memories of events
the linked effect to emerge. The vampire must from nothing, erase memories of an event or
pay any Vitae cost for other Dominate powers, person, or change the people, events, and
but only need do so once to attach that power to location of existing memories to serve her
purpose. As part of this alteration, she inflicts a does not spend Willpower, she returns to her
persistent Condition on the victim. If she deletes body. Each night, she must spend a point of
a broad swath of memories, the victim receives Vitae as normal. She cannot use Disciplines or
the Amnesia Condition (p. 301), otherwise he Blood Sorcery when possessing someone else,
takes the False Memories Condition (p. nor can she access any supernatural powers her
303).The vampire has to speak with her victim, victim may possess, but she otherwise controls
describing the changes she wants to make to his his body totally.
memories. Crude alterations — deleting a If she attempts to kill herself the victim may roll
swathe of his past or replacing his wife’s face Resolve + Blood Potency as a reflexive action,
with the vampire’s in all his memories — take on a success he evicts the vampire from his
about a minute to describe, but more detailed consciousness. Possessing a victim removes the
changes can take quite a bit longer. When Mesmerized and Dominated Conditions, and the
changing memories or creating new ones, the vampire is not subject to any triggers set on the
vampire can create the factual content of the victim by Entombed Command while she
memory, but the victim’s thoughts and feelings remains in control. Once she leaves the victim’s
remain out of her control. She can create an body, those triggers affect him as normal. While
environment that makes him predisposed to she commands the victim’s body, the vampire’s
certain reactions, but she can’t force him to love own form lies in a torpor-like state awaiting her
a son she’s just invented. The vampire’s changes return if she remains in the victim’s body for so
are permanent unless she used Entombed long that her body slips into torpor, she
Command to only reveal them on a trigger. immediately snaps back into her body.
•••••Possession Exceptional Success: The vampire slips into the
Controlling a victim’s memories and actions is victim’s body with ease and leaves her jaunt in
one thing, but for some vampires the truest another body with renewed purpose. Upon
expression of control comes from suppressing leaving the victim’s body, she regains a point of
the victim’s will entirely, taking complete Willpower.
control of his body. The vampire moves her
mind into the victim, using his body instead of Fortitude
her own. The Kindred are walking corpses, free of the
Cost: 1 Vitae and 1 Willpower frailties of a mortal form. Their bodies are
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Intimidation + capable of great endurance, but Fortitude
Dominate – victim’s Resolve harnesses the Beast to take that endurance
Requirement: The vampire must have inflicted beyond “great” and into “impossible.” With
the Mesmerized Condition on the victim. Fortitude, a vampire could continue to act even
Action: Reflexive when his body has been reduced to little more
Duration: 1 night per success than bone and tendon.
Roll Results Cost: None or 1 Vitae per effect
Dramatic Failure: The victim’s mind will not be Dice Pool: None
bound to the vampire’s control. He immediately Action: None (for persistent effects) or
resolves the Mesmerized Condition and regains Reflexive (for active effects)
a point of Willpower. Duration: Permanent (for persistent effects) or
Failure: The vampire cannot take total control of one turn (for active effects)
her victim just yet. Like other physical Disciplines, Resilience has
Success: The vampire takes over her victim’s two kinds of effects: persistent and active.
body for one night per success. While in this Persistent effects are always on and have no
new body, she uses her victim’s Physical cost. Active effects are Reflexive, and cost one
Attributes and Skills in place of her own and Vitae per effect.
gains any Physical or Combat Merits that the Persistent: Add the vampire’s dots in Fortitude
victim possessed. She can stay awake during the to his Stamina. This may raise a character’s
day by spending a point of Willpower at dawn Stamina above the normal limits imposed by his
and takes no damage from sunlight — if she
Blood Potency. Whenever he is dealt aggravated •Awe
damage, for each dot of Fortitude he possesses, Awe shines a spotlight on the vampire even in a
downgrade one point of aggravated damage to crowded room. He’s the most important person
lethal. This applies to damage from fire and all around and people want to be around him. Awe
acquired banes, but not sunlight. Fortitude offers creates an aura of power, a sense that the
no reprieve from the sun’s blazing eye. vampire’s important, like a billionaire playboy
Active: By spending Vitae a vampire can or a movie star. He could be wearing tattered
dismiss grievous wounds, even those from clothes, with open wounds and his face caked in
banes. For each point of Vitae spent, choose one shit but people still think he’s cooler than them,
effect from the following list. A vampire may and they want to be around him.
spend additional Vitae to invoke multiple effects Cost: None
simultaneously, but no effect of Resilience may Dice Pool: None
be used more than once per turn. Action: Instant
• Subtract his Fortitude dots plus one from all Duration: Scene
non-bane sources of damage. Mechanically this When he wills it, all eyes fall on the vampire
is similar to armor but does nothing to reduce and nobody cares what he’s doing. For the rest
the visual and superficial signs of injury. of the scene, he suffers no penalties to Social
Removed damage appears to be dealt, but rolls from his actions or appearance — even if
resisted wounds do not inhibit the vampire he’s just beaten another man to death or waved a
physically in any way, though in a social context gun in a crowded nightclub. Given a chance, he
they likely create some difficulties. can talk his way out of minor criminal offenses
All superficial wounds may be healed and almost any social faux pas.
completely for one Vitae whenever he next As the center of attention, he adds his Presence
slumbers. dots to any Presence rolls when talking to people
If an injury specifically removes a limb, an eye, around him. This bonus only applies when
or so on, the vampire does suffer logical talking to people normally, not to other uses of
impairments from the injuries. Presence . Anyone paying attention to him also
This method of reducing damage does make it subtracts his Presence dots from any Wits +
more difficult to stake a vampire. Composure rolls to notice anything other than
• Subtract his Fortitude dots from all damage the vampire. With a word, he can summon
from fire or other acquired banes. Sunlight still anyone in the room to his side — not by any
remains beyond the power of Resilience to mystical compulsion, but by making her aware
defend against. All superficial signs of damage that he wants her to approach. Another vampire
remain: Even if a vampire lost no Health while can fortify herself against Awe with her
dashing through an inferno, he still emerges a predatory aura (see Lashing Out, p. 92). If she
burnt corpse. succeeds, she is unaffected by Awe.
In this case, however, the visible damage is only ••Confidant
as severe as it would be for a mortal who’d The vampire doesn’t have to shout to be heard,
suffered the same level of harm. and in a crowd that he’s already Awed,
sometimes speaking quietly is the best way to
Presence get attention. With little more than a soft voice
Presence draws on the Beast’s animal and a knowing look, the vampire brings
magnetism to amplify a vampire’s force of someone new into the fold and becomes her
personality, making people like him and want to trusted confidant.
make him happy even though normally they Cost: None
wouldn’t give a shit about him. They like him Requirement: The vampire must use Awe on the
and want to be around him just because it makes victim.
them feel good. Using Presence isn’t like Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy + Presence vs.
leaning forward and slipping a command behind Resolve + Blood Potency
a human’s eyes, it’s arranging the world so that Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive
people will kill — or die — for his attention. Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The vampire slips up, letting An Enthralled victim is far more dangerous —
some of what he wants the victim to feel leak she won’t commit suicide for the vampire, but
back into himself. He’s affected by the anything else is fair game. If his victim would
Swooning Condition (p. 306) for the victim. hit a breaking point, she doesn’t notice (and
Failure: The victim doesn’t feel that she’s doesn’t roll for experiencing the breaking point)
worthy of joining the vampire’s inner circle just until the Enthralled Condition expires.
yet. ••••Loyalty
Success: The vampire successfully charms his Among his inner circle, the vampire praises
victim. She gains the Charmed Condition (p. some more than others, bringing them even
301). closer to him. With a few words he can inf lame
Exceptional Success: It’s incredibly hard to their love for him. Beyond jealousy and
resist the force of the vampire’s personality. The obsession comes complete loyalty. A victim will
victim’s Charmed Condition lasts for nights, do absolutely any thing for him — and just
rather than hours. thinking about crossing the vampire is traumatic.
•••Green Eyes She ignores her other friends and her family.
To a victim of this level of Presence , the Her vampire is all that matters.
vampire’s attention feels so good that it’s Cost: 2 Vitae
addictive. His inner circle craves his attention Requirement: The vampire must have inflicted
like a crackhead craves a rock or a writer needs the Charmed Condition on the target.
coffee. That craving first becomes desperation Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Presence
and then jealousy as other people attract the vs. Resolve + Blood Potency
vampire’s gaze, if only for a minute. Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive
Cost: 1 Vitae Roll Results
Requirement: The vampire must have inflicted Dramatic Failure: Something sets the victim on
the Charmed or Enthralled Condition on the edge; some discordant note forces her to rethink
target. her affection for the vampire. She immediately
Dice Pool: None resolves the Charmed Condition.
Action: Reflexive Failure: Though the victim remains devoted to
Duration: Scene the vampire, her loyalty does not flare into
His victim is now thoroughly obsessed with the fanaticism.
vampire, and he can play with her feelings and Success: The vampire inspires burning loyalty in
desires like they were a cheap harmonica. the victim. She’d do anything for him, giving up
With Green Eyes, he can shift the emotional her blood or organs — or taking a bullet for him.
state of anyone he’s Charmed, sending them into The victim gains the Enthralled Condition.
a violent rage (or even a frenzy, in the case of Exceptional Success: The Enthralled Condition
some supernatural creatures) or making them so lasts for one week per dot of Blood Potency.
depressed that they feel hollow without him. •••••Idol
Each shift costs him a point of Vitae, but he can More than just a celebrity, a vampire who can
instill the same emotion in any number of play with people’s desires becomes a king or a
victims at once. star, the kind of person who wouldn’t ever be so
The vampire can ask one of his Charmed crass as to demand people’s loyalty. People
minions to do something in such a way that they around him give it willingly, pledging to do
feel an obsessive need to accomplish it. He whatever he wants if he’ll only notice them,
could ask them to kill someone, to give him look at them, or smile in their direction.
money, or to perform debased and degrading Cost: 2 Vitae and 1 Willpower
acts for his amusement. A Charmed victim will Dice Pool: None
do whatever he wants within reason — if the Action: Reflexive
request would lead to the victim taking lethal Duration: Scene
damage or hitting a breaking point, the victim Idol enhances Awe’s aura of superiority to
will save her own skin. She resolves the divine (or blasphemous) levels. The vampire can
Charmed Condition immediately. wait until she’s established Awe and then
enhance it, or pay the price to immediately
establish her superiority over everyone else in
the room.
Anyone affected by the vampire’s Awe must
make a reflexive roll of Resolve + Blood
Potency minus the vampire’s Presence dots in
order to take an action that could harm or
embarrass the vampire in any way. Unless they
succeed, they can’t so much as crack a joke at
his expense. ••• Oblivion’s Dance
If the vampire has inflicted the Charmed The vampire swirls about, using her own body
Condition on anyone in his presence, she must as a conduit to bring forth the nothingness
make a reflexive Resolve + Blood Potency – energies of the Underworld into the Living
Presence dots roll when the vampire activates Lands. The energy pours from the vampire’s
Idol. If she fails, she acquires the Enthralled eyes, ears, nose and mouth and affects
Condition for the remainder of the scene. People everything in the vicinity.
who the vampire has already Enthralled cannot At this level of Mortis, the vampire looks like
spend Willpower to act against him nothing more than a pale corpse that is starting
to rot around the edges. The vampire cannot use
the blush of life anymore.

•••• Dead Like Me

At this level of Mortis the vampire can not only
Mortis see and hear the dead, but interact with them,
Mortis connects a vampire’s Beast with the being able to touch and even feed from ghosts.
Ghostly Realm. It is considered a Bloodline Gift The vampire can even affect ghosts with other
for Mekhet and out of bloodline for all others. Dark Gifts.
While most know of this Dark Gift, very few Vitae Cost : See Below
actually use it for doing so means a pull down to Dice Pool: See below
Oblivion itself. Action: See below
• Death Sight Duration: See Below
This Dark Gift not only grants sight of Ghosts To touch and feed from Ghosts the vampire
but allows the vampire to hear them as long as must spend 2 vitae per scene and roll Perception
the Ghost(s) are not trying to hide from the + Occult.
vampire. To use Dark Gifts on a ghost, the vampire must
At this level using the Blush of Life cost 2 vitae also spend a willpower point.
instead of 1.
Vitae Cost : None (See Below) ••••• Storming the Avernian Gate
Dice Pool: None (See Below) The Vampire can now see and open Avernian
Action: Instant Gates, entrances to the Underworld.
Duration: One Scene Upon gaining this level of mastery, the
vampire’s flesh has all but fallen off or at the
very best, the flesh has pulled taunt against the
••The Dark Touch inner bones, giving the look of a walking
corpse .

Vitae Cost: 3 vitae + 1 willpower

Dice Pool: Stamina+ Mortis+ Blood Potency
Action: Extended, (five successes; each roll
represents one turn)
Duration: See Below Everyone around the vampire feels the world go
slightly wrong as she exudes a deeply unsettling
Dramatic Failure: The passage is one-way. aura. Even if they barely notice her, they feel a
Those who take it will be trapped on the wrong wave of fear and uncertainty. The world seems
side. The living can only pass to the Underworld colder, everything’s just that bit more distant.
— but not back — and the dead can only enter People feel like someone’s watching them even
the mortal world, not return. when they’re otherwise alone, and for just a
Failure: No passage is created. second, they see horrible truths manifest in the
Success: A passage, the size of a normal door, is world around them.
created between the land of the dead and the Cost: None
world of the living for one night. When the sun Dice Pool: None
first breaks the horizon in the mortal world, the Action: Instant
door shuts forever, and those on the wrong side Duration: Scene
of it will be trapped unless they find, or make, The vampire exudes an aura of fear for the rest
another exit. of the scene that gives her a number of benefits.
Exceptional Success: She adds her Nightmare dots to all mundane
The passage lasts for a lunar month. The dead Intimidate rolls. People around her
and living can cross over in this location for as subconsciously register her as the cause of their
long as the location remains intact. fear, and they shy away from her. Her victims
The vampire has no mystical control over who can act against her but their hearts aren’t in it —
uses this door; he can only control access in the they can’t spend Willpower to bolster their
usual fashion, by guarding it, locking it, bricking actions, though they can still use it defensively.
it up, etc. A vampire can lash out against this aura of fear
with his predatory aura (see Lashing Out, p. 92).
If he succeeds, he isn’t affected by Dread
As a reflexive action, the vampire can conjure
brief illusions.
One person’s food looks rotten and maggot-
ridden, another raises his steak-knife but sees a
Nightmare murder victim’s head on his plate. A woman
The Beast doesn’t need fear. Fear is rational, reaches for a doorknob but when she pulls her
understandable — a reaction to a presented hand back it’s covered in blood. These illusions
stimulus. Any idiot can make people fear him. can only affect two senses each and must be
Nightmare indulges the Beast’s desire to cause small — no larger than a small dog, and no
abject terror. It starts slowly at first: Just for a louder than a shout. They only last for a turn or
second, you see a human face in the path of a two at most, but they’re always unsettling. The
circular saw. Your keyboard feels unaccountably vampire chooses who can see each illusion, and
warm and fleshy, but when you look down its she can only project one at a time.
fine. Walking down the street the shadows fall at Though equal parts frightening and disgusting,
the wrong angles. You bump into someone, an the illusions cannot themselves cause any harm
old friend from your childhood, and all you can or significant pain.
do is run and scream. You fall into the arms of ••Face of the Beast
your wife, shaking and sobbing, but she’s All it takes is a glance, and the vampire can
holding you too tight and she smells wrong. magnify one of his victim’s fears to truly
Your daughter comes up behind you and sinks horrifying levels. If she knows what sort of
her teeth into your thigh. You scream in pain things her victim fears, she can choose to
and bolt out of the door. Looking back, you see enhance that fear specifically; otherwise she
your daughter’s face. Only then does the real inspires an unguided terror that flares up in the
terror begin. victim’s heart without her knowing precisely
•Dread Presence
what he’s afraid of. Whatever the case, the someone to believe that his friends hate him, but
victim f lees immediately. not that he must attack them.
Cost: 1 Vitae The delusion lasts for a night; if the vampire
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy + Nightmare vs. activates Dread Presence, it instead lasts for a
Composure + Blood Potency number of nights equal to the vampire’s Blood
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive Potency.
Dramatic Failure: Something goes wrong. Exceptional Success: The vampire sparks
Though the victim sees visions of his fear made intense delusions in the victim. The delusion
manifest, he stares them down. He regains a lasts for three nights; if the vampire activates
point of Willpower. Dread Presence, count her Blood Potency as two
Failure: The victim’s fear troubles him, but he higher than it is.
doesn’t f lee. ••••Waking Nightmare
Success: The victim gains the Frightened Having altered her victims’ beliefs and stoked
Condition (p. 303). If the vampire activates their fears, the vampire can now spark disturbing
Dread Presence, she can designate herself as the hallucinations of a kind that all vampires suffer
source of the victim’s fear. in torpor. These awful visions adhere to
Exceptional Success: The vampire gains a vision nightmarish logic, even the most apparently
of precisely what the victim is so afraid of. innocent vision turning sinister when the victim
While this has no mechanical advantage, it gives has time to focus on it.
her something else to exploit. Cost: 1 Vitae
•••The Grand Delusion Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy + Nightmare vs.
Touching her victim’s mind, the vampire sparks highest Composure + Blood Potency in group
a delusion that only she fully understands. What Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive
she makes him believe doesn’t match up with Duration: Scene
the world as he knows it, and that discrepancy Roll Results
sparks a gut-wrenching fear in her victim. Dramatic Failure: The vampire start s to
Cost: 2 Vitae hallucinate, perceiving something that only she
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + can see that terrifies her. She must immediately
Nightmare vs. Composure + Blood Potency roll to resist frenzy.
Action: Contested, resistance is reflexive Failure: The victims do not hallucinate, or it
Duration: 1 night does not particularly affect them.
Roll Results Success: The vampire inflicts a single
Dramatic Failure: While the victim doesn’t hallucination — a change or addition to what is
believe what the vampire wanted him to, she currently present in the scene — on her victims.
does. The vampire gains the Delusional The hallucination lasts for a scene.
Condition (p. 302) for the rest of the scene, her Exceptional Success: The victims suffer the
false belief being whatever she wanted the vampire’s version of reality for a full night.
victim to believe — This terrible hallucination manifests to all
if she wanted Daniel to believe his friends all senses, though it generally can’t change more
hated him, her delusion would be “Daniel’s than a single person, object, or feature of the
friends all hate him,” not “my friends all hate location. She could invert the colors in a
me.” building, create a shambling monster that stalks
Failure: The delusion sparks behind the victim’s her victims, or give herself a nightmarish
eyes, but then gutters and dies. appearance. The Storyteller should work with
Success: All it takes is a few words, and the the player to determine how big a change the
victim suffers the Delusional Condition (p. 302). vampire can make. Once created, the Nosferatu
The vampire defines his exact beliefs, but can’t can control how the vision reacts while it
control his reaction to these beliefs, nor can she remains in her presence; once she has separated
inspire a delusion that would make the victim from her victims, her creation takes on a life of
homicidal or self-destructive. She can force its own. The hallucination takes no effort to
maintain and will run its course even if the these lost dots heal at the same rate as lethal
vampire meets Final Death. damage.
Unleashing the fears of the Beast gives the Exceptional Success: The vampire can taste and
hallucination the taint of nightmares, even if the savor the victim’s fear. If her victim dies, she
Nosferatu doesn’t intend anything overtly regains a point of Willpower.
horrifying. A doll’s eyes follow the victims
around the room that nice man has too wide a Obfuscate
smile and it doesn’t touch his eyes, the gentle Hiding aspects of oneself, even one’s body
stream reflects the light wrong and something The Beast is a hidden killer. It lurks just below
strange is swimming in it. Nightmare cannot the surface, unnoticed by its prey until it’s too
create a pleasant image, though no matter how late. Just another man in the street, no different
awful the hallucinations can’t cause actual harm from anyone else. Just another woman passing
or inflict significant pain. by. Why can’t you remember what they looked
Alone, Waking Nightmare only affects one like? One of them turns, and you can’t quite see
person. Used with Dread Presence, it can affect his face, but he’s walking towards you. Another
any number of people in the vampire’s presence second and he’s grabbed you. His teeth sink into
— though they all suffer the same hallucination, your neck and all you can think is “why won’t
and while they are together their perceptions anyone do anything? Why won’t they help me?
remain roughly consistent. ”Obfuscate is the reason you’ll never be sure
•••••Mortal Terror that you’re alone again.
The Nosferatu can summon horrific visions from Mixed Signals
the depths of a victim’s soul. She twists Obfuscate tricks the victim’s mind directly,
everything around her victim to present one of removing traces of the vampire from the sensory
his worst fears made flesh. Her victim can’t information reaching her brain, rather than
sleep, his hair turns white from terror, and in fooling her senses directly. Obfuscate affects
some cases his heart stops dead. She can’t smell and taste as much as sight or hearing —
conjure pure fear out of nothing — her victim potentially useful if you’ve angered a pack of
must already be afraid. Some Kindred implant a werewolves, or a vampire with sharp Kindred
delusion, or summon an illusory terror to make senses.
the victim afraid.
Cost: 1 Vitae and 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Nightmare •Face in the Crowd
– victim’s Composure The vampire can walk through crowds of people
Condition: The vampire needs to have inflicted who pay him no heed. As long as he doesn’t do
the Frightened or Delusional Conditions on her anything to obviously draw attention to himself,
victim. nobody notices him. He’s just one more person
Action: Instant on the street, part of the city’s nightlife. People
Roll Results don’t shy away from him because of what he’s
Dramatic Failure: The victim faces his fears wearing or what he looks like. He’s just as much
down and doesn’t back away. He gains a +3 a fixture of the city as the rats and the graffiti.
bonus to resist Nightmare for the next week. Cost: None
Failure: The victim’s heart skips a beat and he Dice Pool: None
starts sweating badly, but he doesn’t falter. Action: Instant
Success: The fear reaction tears through the Duration: Scene
victim; he suffers one point of lethal damage per For the rest of the scene, people’s eyes just slide
success. If he survives, he bears a permanent off the vampire. People can tell that someone’s
mark of coming through his fear — a nervous there, but they don’t remember who he is or
twitch, or a sudden streak of white in his hair — what he looks like; he’s just “some guy,”
and takes the Broken Condition (p. 301). If the average height and build, average hair, average
vampire activates Dread Presence, the victim clothes. Unless the vampire’s doing something
also loses one point of Composure per success;
to draw people’s attention — pulling a gun or as Face in the Crowd — people subconsciously
screaming at people — or he’s in a place where register that the subject is present, but they’re
someone doesn’t expect anyone else to be, not actively aware of it. If an observer is forced
everyone around him ignores him. They don’t to deal with something affected by Touch of
care what he’s carrying; he could walk down the Shadow — being thrown into an occulted table
street with an assault rifle strapped across his or door or bitten by an occulted dog — that
back or a body slung over his shoulder, and as observer can then recognize the subject’s
long as he doesn’t use it to draw attention, existence. Since people have a hard time
nobody particularly cares or remembers. noticing occluded objects, the vampire can hide
If the vampire is violent towards someone — if behind an object affected by Touch of Shadow
he punches someone or starts feeding in a to remain unnoticed. In order to notice the
crowded subway station — his victim will occluded object, observers must succeed at a
automatically notice. If he’s doing something reflexive Wits + Composure penalized by the
that would draw attention, including but not vampire’s Obfuscate dots. A living creature
limited to being violent, everyone around him affected by Touch of Shadow can see anything
must make a reflexive Wits + Composure roll to else that the vampire has Obfuscated without a
notice the commotion, penalized by the roll.
vampire’s Exceptional Success: The victim of this power
Obfuscate dots. doesn’t stand out to any observer, even if they’re
••Touch of Shadow looking at photographs or video featuring him
With just a touch, the vampire can extend the when the power was active.
muted attentions of Face in the Crowd to an Suggested Modifiers
object or animal, rather than himself. His subject –1 Increase the maximum affected Size by 1
fades out — if he masks a desk, people –2 Increase the maximum affected Size by 2
subconsciously register that it’s there and won’t –3 Increase the maximum affected Size by 3
bump in to it, but they can’t recognize what’s
right in front of them unless the vampire forces
them to interact with it. Even a forensic team
would only remember seeing a desk if they
examined photos of the scene after the fact. •••Cloak of Night
Cost: 1 Vitae With but a thought, the vampire slips from both
Requirement: The vampire must touch the object sight and mind. He doesn’t just fade into the
he wants to hide; in the case of an unwilling background, he vanishes entirely. He leaves no
victim, the vampire must roll to touch his scent and makes no sound, though his passing
opponent. The animal or object cannot have Size leaves incidental signs, like drifting smoke or
greater than the vampire’s own (but see creaking floorboards. He can pass this part of
Suggested Modifiers). this effect on to others, even stealing people
Dice Pool: Wits + Larceny + Obfuscate from the world with Touch of Shadow.
Action: Reflexive Cost: 1 Vitae
Duration: Scene Dice Pool: None
Roll Results Action: None
Dramatic Failure: Something draws people’s Used with Cloak of Night, Touch of Shadow can
attention to whatever the vampire wanted to now affect other people. The normal rules for
hide. It’s the first thing they notice when they piercing Touch of Shadow apply. Some
come onto the scene, and they want to find out vampires steal their victims from the world,
more about it. feeding upon them as the mass of humanity
Failure: The object or creature doesn’t fade into walks on by.
the background. The vampire can also spend a point of Vitae
Success: For the rest of the scene, people’s eyes when activating Face in the Crowd to vanish
slide off the object. The vampire can affect an completely. Rather than being overlooked or
inanimate object or animal with the same effects “just an average person,” the vampire disappears
from the perception of everyone around him. If the original object and will pass most forms of
the vampire attacks someone or cries out, Cloak mundane inspection — though an illusory gun
of Night continues to obscure him, adding won’t fire, and an illusory knife won’t cut.
Obfuscate to the surprise roll. Simply discovering that the illusion won’t
Only the struck victim can perceive the vampire. function isn’t enough to break it, however —
If another vampire manages to perceive him, that only happens at the end of the scene.
through Auspex, attack, or any other means, she •••••Oubliette
can sense his predatory aura and lash out. If she The vampire creates a realm of his own, hiding a
wins the predatory aura contest, Cloak of Night place from mundane senses and scrambling the
shatters, as does any other use of Obfuscate the perceptions of everyone within. He can turn an
vampire made. The vampire can be tracked by alleyway into a maze that nobody can escape
indirect clues, as mentioned above. Tracking is from, or make a humble brownstone appear to
an extended action, with the observer rolling be a stately manor house. He must mark the
Wits + Resolve - Obfuscate. A vampire observer area’s boundary and exits with his Vitae,
can apply the impregnating the stones and soil with his blood
Blood Potency bonus from Kindred senses. Each and bending the location to his will. Once he has
roll takes one turn, and the observer must roll spread his blood, he slumbers there for one full
more successes than the vampire’s Wits + day before awakening as the master of his
Stealth + Obfuscate. Teamwork may be applied. abode.
••••The Familiar Stranger Cost: 3-9 Vitae and 1 Willpower
Rather than removing himself from the Requirement: The vampire must spread Vitae
perceptions of other people, the vampire can around the area he wishes to claim, marking the
instead adjust how they see him. He can either gateways, exits, and landmarks. Three Vitae is
appear as a subjective face, a “frail old woman,” enough to secure an apartment or small house,
or a “young lothario,” or as a specific person, six can Obfuscate a brownstone or alleyway, and
like “Tom’s friend Jason.” People perceive the nine is enough to hide a mansion or similarly
vampire as though he were who they’d expect to large building. After spreading blood, he must
see based on his chosen disguise — everyone slumber for a full day in the location. He can
has a different idea of what a frail old woman spread the bloodletting process over several
looks like, after all. nights, but he must spend every day asleep in the
Cost: 2 Vitae location until his work is complete. The
Dice Pool: none Oubliette absorbs the blood that he spills,
Action: None making it invisible to Kindred senses.
When using Face in the Crowd or affecting a Dice Pool: None
person with Touch of Shadow, the vampire can Action: Instant
spend the Vitae required to activate this power. Duration: 1 week per dot of Blood Potency
She can specify a particular image that she Once he has established an Oubliette, the
wants to project, either a subjective category or a vampire can use Touch of Shadow, Cloak of
specific person. If she takes on the form of a Night, and The Familiar Stranger at any
specific person, everyone sees and hears what distance, on anyone or anything within his
they would expect were that person present. haven. He can affect multiple different people or
He needs to know that the person exists, and he objects with a single activation of the power —
can’t use his description to influence people’s making the exits vanish with Cloak of Night, or
reactions — “the woman Tom will fall in love using The Familiar Stranger to make his ghouls
with,” or “a man Jennifer finds trustworthy” look like people his victims want to see. Using
both fail, as they rely on influencing the victim’s Touch of Shadow in the Oubliette requires only
thoughts and emotions about the person being one roll, and Cloak of Night and The Familiar
imitated. A vampire can also use The Familiar Stranger do not cost extra Vitae. The vampire
Stranger on objects through Touch of Shadow. can affect individual aspects of the area
He can redefine how people see the object. The separately,
illusory object must be roughly the same size as
making rifles look like snakes or making a invoke multiple effects simultaneously, but no
single door disappear, or he can make more effect of Vigor may be used more than once per
sweeping changes with just one use of The turn.
Familiar Stranger — making his run-down • Add her dots in Vigor as a weapon bonus to all
brownstone into a manor house with all the Athletics, Brawl, and Weaponry attacks made
appropriate trappings, while the vampire himself this turn. This puts enormous strain on weapons,
becomes a venerable old gentleman .Someone especially those not intended for heavy hitting.
interacting with elements of an Oubliette can see Improvised weapons take one point of damage
their true natures, but only for a few seconds. for every dot of Vigor over that tool’s durability
Since the Oubliette can cover a large area, and whenever they are used in this manner.
can change in the blink of an eye, most people • Lift and hurl objects normally far too unwieldy
shrug off minor changes as just a trick of the to use as weapons, such as boulders, cars, and
light. other people. Any object she can lift, with Size
A vampire’s Oubliette lasts for one week per dot no greater than her Strength, can be used as an
of Blood Potency, though she can reinforce the improvised melee or throwing weapon.
effect before it ends Improvised weapons have a weapon bonus equal
to the lower of their Size or Durability. Objects
Potence with Size greater than 5 deal lethal damage to
While all Kindred possess the power to bolster mortals, while those with Size 10 or more deal
their might in short bursts, Vigor allows some lethal even to vampires.
vampires to kick like a freight train or rend steel
with their bare hands. The Beast tunes every Protean
bone, tendon and muscle fiber to its highest Every vampire is one bad day away from giving
performance , allowing the night’s most in to the Beast. Some keep the creature leashed
fearsome predator to strut through the jungle of within, holding it back and only letting it out to
his choosing without fear of lesser, weaker prey on the weak. Others indulge their Beasts,
creatures. reveling in the descent from an undead thing
Cost: None or 1 Vitae per active effect yearning for its grave to a force of savage
Dice Pool: None power. A vampire who attains the pinnacle of
Action: None (for persistent effects) or Protean becomes a formless creature, nothing
Reflexive (for active effects) more than smoke and hunger.
Duration: Permanent (for persistent effects) or
one turn (for active effects) •Unmarked Grave
Like other physical Disciplines, Vigor has two With a silent command, the earth itself yawns
kinds of effects: persistent and active. Persistent open to embrace the vampire. She merges with
effects are always on and have no cost. Active the ground, becoming immune to almost any
effects are Reflexive, and cost one Vitae per harm. She can remain there indefinitely, waiting
effect. in a cocoon of soil until the time is right for her
Persistent: Add the vampire’s dots in Vigor to to emerge. She does not have to find stone or
her Strength. This can raise her Strength above mud; she can just as easily slip into concrete —
the normal limits imposed by her Blood as long as she has servants willing to feed her
Potency. Additionally, the vampire may make a while she rests.
Strength + Athletics roll to jump. The yards Cost: Varies; 0 for soil or earth, otherwise Vitae
(meters) jumped are equal to (successes) * equal to the Durability of the material.
(Vigor dots + 1). Requirement: The vampire’s hiding place must
Active: By spending Vitae a vampire can be at least the same Size as her.
energize her dead muscles, giving her a brief but Dice Pool: None
substantial burst of strength. For each point of Action: Instant
Vitae spent choose one effect from the following Duration: Indefinite
list. A vampire may spend additional Vitae to
The vampire sinks bodily into the earth, for as • Claws: Sharp claws grow from the vampire’s
long as she desires. Once interred, she’s mostly fingers. They are
insensible to the outside world, though she can 1L mundane weapons that use Brawl to attack.
remain conscious if she so wishes. • Extra Sense: The Kindred grows extra sensory
She has a sense of the ground above her — she’s organs, giving her tremor sense, echolocation, or
well aware if someone tries to concrete over her some other sense that allows her to “see”
hiding place. Her Kindred senses continue to without using her eyes. Using this sense, she has
function, and she remains capable of sensing the a 360-degree field of vision.
predatory aura even though her safe haven • Feral Senses: Taking on a hawk’s eyes or a
means another vampire’s predatory aura can’t dog’s sense of smell allows the vampire to hear
force her into a fight-or-f light reaction. Should heartbeats and see or smell blood as though her
someone spill blood or Vitae upon the ground, Blood Potency were two dots higher.
she can absorb it. The ground dilutes Vitae • Patagia: By growing a flap of leathery skin
enough that it can’t result in a blood bond, but to between her arms and torso, the vampire can
a Vitae-addicted vampire just the taste might be glide — as long as she falls at least ten yards
enough to drive her out of the ground, thirsty for (ten meters), she can travel thirty yards (thirty
more. meters) horizontally, and she takes no damage
The only way to harm the vampire is to damage from the fall.
or destroy the ground she resides in; she takes • Prehensile Tail: The vampire grows a long,
one point of bashing damage for each point of prehensile tail. She can use it to grab things as
Structure that her haven loses. When she takes though it were an extra arm, though it doesn’t
her first point of lethal damage she emerges have a hand and can’t be used for fine-motor
from the ground, unable to hold herself in. tasks like unlocking a door or firing a gun.
• Quadrupedal: Longer arms and shorter legs
••Predatory Aspect allow a vampire to run on all fours like a cheetah
All the vampire has to do is give in just a little or wolf. When running on all fours, add +4 to
bit, and her Beast can slip out through her flesh, her Speed and double all jump distances.
warping her body into a monstrous form. While • Wall Crawling: The vampire grows hundreds
every Gangrel’s Beast is different, its of tiny insect legs, claws on his feet, or barbed
manifestation usually takes inspiration from a hairs on his body that allow him to move freely
predatory or scavenging animal of some form. across walls and ceilings without an Athletics
Some twist their bodies to run on all fours like a roll.
wolf, while others take on the rough skin and A character can change her adaptations by
strange senses of a shark. spending a day in her Unmarked Grave and
Cost: 1 Vitae spending one point of Vitae for each adaptation
Dice Pool: None she wants to replace. When she changes
Action: Reflexive adaptation, the player should work to maintain
Duration: Scene the theme of a specific predatory creature —
By spending a point of Vitae, the vampire can though she may pick a different predator to copy
manifest a small host of bestial traits. When she when the vampire’s adaptations change.
first learns Predatory Aspect, she picks three
adaptations from the list below. From then on, •••Beast’s Skin
she can manifest any or all of these changes for The Beast can warp a vampire’s flesh, taking the
the rest of the scene by spending a point of form of an animal that she has consumed. Her
Vitae. If none of these adaptations make sense body warps and shifts, growing extra muscle or
for the character, the player and Storyteller folding in on itself until she fully resembles an
should work together to create new ones, using animal she has consumed. The Beast will not
these as guidelines. give her the form of prey — her new skin must
• Aquatic: Growing webbed hands or slick resonate with her predatory nature in some way.
scales, the vampire can swim at the same Speed Cost: 2 Vitae
she can run on land. Dice Pool: None
Action: Instant When choosing the Damage move in a grapple,
Duration: Indefinite the vampire deals lethal damage. These barbs
Her flesh ripples and warps as the vampire takes enable very gory feeding in the middle of a
on the form of an animal. She must have fight, tearing the victim’s skin as she bites him.
consumed the beast — killing it by feeding from • Hooked Hands: The vampire’s hands grow
it. She can only take on the form of predatory great hooked claws and other unnatural
animals, carrion-eaters, plague-carrying beasts, appendages that allow him to dig through soil
and parasites between Size 1 and 7. A vampire and rock at up to half his Speed.
can keep a number of forms ready equal to her • Horrid Talons: By growing giant fangs or
dots in Protean; to add or replace one she must serrated talons, the vampire can deal horrific
consume the appropriate beast then slumber for damage to anyone who gets in her way. These
a full day and night in her Unmarked Grave. weapons give a +2 lethal weapon modifier on all
In animal form, she takes on the beast’s Physical Brawl attacks, and armor piercing 2. The
Attributes and Skills, and its Size, Speed, and damage is lethal even to vampires.
Health. She can move and sense and attack in • Rubbery Flesh: Warping her flesh into a
any way that the animal can — a shark can swim rubbery substance and her bones into flexible
and bite and sense blood, while a rat can scurry cartilage, the vampire can stretch, condense, and
and bite, and a crow can fly. She may be unable contort her body in impossible ways. She can fit
to use some Physical Merits at the Storyteller’s through almost any gap more than an inch (two
discretion. She can remain in her animal form centimeters) across. If the contortion requires a
indefinitely, but she still feels the need for blood roll — such as squeezing through a drain cover
burning within her, and sunlight still harms her. while someone’s shooting at her — add the
While in animal form, the vampire can use her vampire’s Protean dots to her dice pool.
Disciplines as normal. • Wings: The vampire grows great wings of
sharp bone and pale leathery skin. The vampire
••••Unnatural Aspect can fly at up to her full running Speed.
With her Beast boiling in her blood, the pathetic The vampire can replace her chosen Unnatural
shell of the vampire’s human or animal form Aspect by sleeping for a full day and night in her
cannot contain it. Her flesh warps, twisting and Unmarked Grave and spending two points of
cracking under the pressure. She manifests truly Vitae.
horrific changes — though they may be inspired
by the animal kingdom, these features come
from the Beast itself, rather than the pale •••••Primeval Miasma
shadows that walk the world. The Beast bursts out from the vampire’s body,
Cost: 1 Vitae dissolving it into a cloud of hungry smoke.
Dice Pool: None Occasionally, her victims can see lashes of
Action: None yellow within the smoke, like the gleaming of
Duration: Scene eyes.
When manifesting her Predatory Aspect, the Nothing short of an airtight room can bar her
vampire can spend an extra point of Vitae to passage, and nothing physical can harm her.
produce a fourth feature, this one being her Cost: 3 Vitae
Beast made manifest. She can assume an Dice Pool: None
adaptation from the following list; if none of Action: Instant
these are suitable the player and Storyteller Taking on a smoke form gives the vampire a
should work together to create an appropriate number of advantages. She can condense herself
feature. down to her human Size or expand into a cloud
• Barbed Hands: Pushing out tiny barbs on her of up to (Protean + Blood Potency) yards
hands and arms, the vampire can grab her (meters) in diameter. She can move through
opponents with incredible ferocity. Add her pretty much anything that isn’t actively airtight,
Protean dots to all grappling dice pools. and floats at half her normal Speed. She can
perceive inside the cloud of smoke as clearly as
if she were looking with her human senses, but
the world outside her form is blurred and muted.
Her Kindred senses continue to function as
In her smoke form, the vampire is immune to all
harm that doesn’t come from fire, sunlight, or
other banes that deal damage. If her smoke form
is ever fully exposed to sunlight, she returns to
her human form. Nothing else can force her back
into her human form — as long as she avoids
sunlight, she can slumber in her Miasma form. It
has all the same benefits as her
Unmarked Grave, allowing the vampire to shift
her adaptations and animal forms.
Other beings pass right through the smoke. If a Devotions
victim has any open wounds, the vampire can
feed from them just by having them enter her Many vampires develop the abilities listed here
Miasma — the blood boils out of his wounds, for each Discipline, but some manifest new
evaporating in a flash of grey and yellow smoke. powers of the Blood. These new Dark gift
If she needs to feed and can’t find someone who techniques, called Devotions, can manifest
is already bleeding, the vampire can instead spontaneously in some Kindred, or can be
force herself into the victim’s lungs with strands developed by careful honing of Dark gift
of semi-tangible smoke, stealing her life-force abilities. Once a vampire knows a Devotion, she
along with her breath (grapple and “bite” using can teach it to another Kindred in much the same
her normal Physical Attributes). way as the standard Dark gift techniques. Any
vampire with the appropriate prerequisite Dark
gift dots can develop any Devotion for which
she has the dots — as long as she has a teacher
or has plenty of time to practice. Even so, most
Kindred keep the Devotions they know secret,
passing them along only when it suits their
purposes. Devotions are rare enough among the
Kindred population that they have intrinsic value
as secrets .A new Devotion usually costs one
Experience per dot in the Devotion, halved and
rounded down. Subsume the Lesser Beast,
which requires Animalism 4 and Dominate 2
costs three Experiences. Particularly specialized
Devotions may cost a point less, while wildly
versatile Devotions cost an extra Experience. All
of the Devotions in this section cost one
Experience per dot unless noted otherwise.

Body of Will
(Resilience •••, Vigor •)
Kindred trained in this Devotion can push
through pain and find strength in pain and
injury. On the outside, it looks like masochism;
crippling blows empower and invigorate the
vampire. But this Devotion transfers the energy can expand the effect of Touch of Shadow to
of a wounding attack into the fuel for the encompass a number of people equal to his
vampire’s Vigor. Blood Potency, though subject to the normal
Cost: 1 Vitae Size modifiers of Touch of Shadow. He can also
Dice Pool: Stamina + Survival + Resilience opt to activate Face in the Crowd at the same
Action: Reflexive time. If he also pays the extra cost for Cloak of
For one turn per success, the character suffers no Night to vanish completely rather than fading
wound penalties. As well, during any turn where into the background, the effect applies to
he takes damage, he does not need to spend everyone masked by Cloak the Gathering — so
Vitae to activate one effect of Vigor. for four points of Vitae total he can vanish from
This Devotion costs 2 Experiences to learn. sight along with a number of people equal to his
Blood Potency. The vampire doesn’t have to
Chain of Command touch everyone he takes with him, but they must
(Dominate •••, Vigor •) be within his (Obfuscate + Blood Potency) yards
Dominate masters can implant suggestions and (meters).
commands into their victims. With this This Devotion costs 2 Experiences to learn.
Devotion, the vampire can force more of her
own will into her victim, imparting a single use Conditioning
of her own Dominate for the victim to use later. (Dominate ••••)
She must clearly explain on whom he must use Over a period of weeks, the vampire pushes on
the gift, and how. She can give a general her victim’s will, forcing him to repeat the same
description, such as “the first person you see tasks over and over until he cannot resist her
wearing red.” Or, she can be very specific: “Tell voice. She slowly builds up control over her
this to Gregor at 11:45 P.M. sharp.” victim to the point where he can barely manifest
Cost: 2 Vitae his own thoughts or feelings. Instead he’s an
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Persuasion + empty shell, waiting for his mistress’ next
Dominate, vs. Resolve + Blood Potency command.
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive Cost: None
The victim does not have to resist if he so Dice Pool: Wits + Subterfuge + Dominate vs.
chooses. If successful, the vampire plants one of Resolve + Blood Potency
her Dominate effects deep within the victim. At Requirement: The vampire must have inflicted
the specified moment, he uses the Dominate the Mesmerized Condition on the victim.
command as directed. However, this uses the Conditioning can only be used on the same
vampire’s dice pool, not the victim’s. victim once every two nights.
This Devotion costs 2 Experiences to learn. Action: Instant
Roll Results
Cloak the Gathering Dramatic Failure: The victim reasserts his will
(Obfuscate •••••) in a dramatic fashion. He resolves the
The vampire slips from the mind as easily as Mesmerized Condition; he keeps the bonus to
easily as blood dripping from an open wound, resist further Mesmerize attempts for the next
though rather than picking off his victims, he week.
can make a whole group vanish at once. He
might obscure his comrades — or pluck a group
of unwilling victims from the minds of
onlookers, leaving them scared and isolated. Failure
Cost: 2 Vitae The vampire cannot get her victim to repeat
Dice Pool: None exactly the same tasks for now.
Action: None Success
Cloak the Gathering enhances the effect of The victim’s will bends before the vampire. He
Touch of Shadow and Cloak of Night. By gains the Subservient Condition (p. 306).
paying two extra points of Vitae, the vampire Exceptional Success
The victim’s will bends like grass before the presence. All but the strongest fall in line and
storm of the vampire’s commands. Mark an worship her.
extra cross when applying the Subservient Cost: 10 Vitae
Condition. Dice Pool: Presence + Socialize + Presence
Each time the vampire inf licts the Subservient Action: Instant
Condition on a character, his player should put a If successful, this Devotion washes the effects of
cross or other mark above one of his Willpower Loyalty over the crowd. It affects any character
dots, starting from the left. Each dot can only with fewer Composure + Blood Potency dots
have one mark. If the Subservient Condition is than the vampire has successes. Those afflicted
allowed to fade naturally, remove the rightmost gain the Enthralled Condition.
cross. When each of the character’s Willpower This Devotion costs 4 Experiences to learn.
dots has a mark above it, he exchanges the
Subservient Condition for the Enslaved •Dread Presence
Condition (p. 303). (Oblivion •)
This Devotion costs 2 Experiences to learn. Everyone around the vampire feels the world go
Cross-Contamination slightly wrong as she exudes a deeply unsettling
(Presence •, Nightmare •) aura. Even if they barely notice her, they feel a
Presence awes its victims; Nightmare unnerves wave of fear and uncertainty. The world seems
them. This Devotion blends the two effects, colder, everything’s just that bit more distant.
creating a confusing aura where those affected People feel like someone’s watching them even
rapidly shift between fear and elation. when they’re otherwise alone, and for just a
Cost: None second, they see horrible truths manifest in the
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy + Lower of world around them.
Presence or Nightmare Cost: None
Action: Instant Dice Pool: None
Once active, this Devotion confuses everyone in Action: Instant
the vampire’s immediate presence, forcing their Duration: Scene
emotions to swing between adoration and The vampire exudes an aura of fear for the rest
disgust. This causes a handful of effects: of the scene that gives her a number of benefits.
• They become confused and disoriented, not She adds her Nightmare dots to all mundane
sure what to think or feel. This reduces their Intimidate rolls. People around her
effective Composure by one dot. subconsciously register her as the cause of their
• The vampire becomes a beacon for the crowd’s fear, and they shy away from her. Her victims
attention. Looking away from her requires a can act against her but their hearts aren’t in it —
Composure + Blood Potency roll, contested they can’t spend Willpower to bolster their
against her successes. The victim must only actions, though they can still use it defensively.
meet the vampire’s successes. A vampire can lash out against this aura of fear
• Any rolls to resist Persuasion- or Intimidation- with his predatory aura (see Lashing Out, p. 92).
based Social maneuvers lose the 10-again If he succeeds, he isn’t affected by Dread
quality. Presence.
• A character may not have Awe or Dread As a reflexive action, the vampire can conjure
Presence active at the same time as Cross- brief illusions.
Contamination. One person’s food looks rotten and maggot-
This Devotion costs 1 Experience to learn. ridden, another raises his steak-knife but sees a
Cult of Personality murder victim’s head on his plate. A woman
(Presence ••••, Vigor •••) reaches for a doorknob but when she pulls her
Under normal circumstances, Loyalty inflict s a hand back it’s covered in blood. These illusions
deep, overbearing sense of obedience on a single can only affect two senses each and must be
victim. With this Devotion, the vampire small — no larger than a small dog, and no
broadcasts her charm and overwhelms all in her louder than a shout. They only last for a turn or
two at most, but they’re always unsettling. The
vampire chooses who can see each illusion, and one dot of Fortitude from her victim for the
she can only project one at a time. scene.
Though equal parts frightening and disgusting, This Devotion costs 3 Experiences to learn.
the illusions cannot themselves cause any harm Foul Grave
or significant pain. (Protean •, Nightmare •)
Usually, when interred in an Unmarked Grave,
Enchantment the vampire rests passively, barely aware of his
(Presence ••••, Obfuscate ••) surroundings, let alone able to influence them.
Presence is a gift that draws attention and bends With this Devotion, he can project his predatory
feelings toward the vampire. With this Devotion, aura on those near his resting place. Some
and a bit of Obfuscate, the vampire can deflect vampires use this ability to divert pursuers or
those feelings to another person, or to a place or even as a stalling tactic when confronted by a
thing. mob of attackers.
Cost: 1 Vitae Cost: 1 Vitae
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy + Presence Dice Pool: None
vs. Composure + Blood Potency Action: Reflexive
Action: Contested; resistance is ref lexive While the vampire does not fully maintain all his
If successful, this Devotion works as Loyalty, senses, he’s vaguely aware of those nearby. He
but the vampire can designate a source for the gets a brief mental glimpse of mortals in the
Enthralled Condition instead of focusing it on vicinity, and still feels the auras of Kindred.
herself. All the other parameters remain the While in his Unmarked Grave, he can activate
same, but the victim insists on defending and predatory aura normally, but it costs a point of
cherishing a different person, place, or thing. Vitae in addition to the Willpower required if
She has to somehow communicate the desired the victim is Kindred.
subject of the Enchantment to the victim for this This Devotion costs 1 Experiences to learn.
Devotion to work.
This Devotion costs 2 Experiences to learn. Force of Nature
(Protean ••••, Fortitude ••••, Potence ••)
Most of Protein’s gifts change the vampire
Enfeebling Aura subtly, or in small ways, in accordance with
(Presence •, Fortitude •) nature. Unnatural Aspect takes that a step
Many Daeva masters of Celerity and Potence further, moving into eldritch territory with a
claim that Presence means nothing when you’re single mutation. When the vampire activates
staring down a skull-crushing fist. This Force of Nature, her body becomes a mess of
Devotion seeks to disprove that notion. It brings rapid change. She grows and loses limbs in the
forth the vampire’s supernatural presence not to blink of an eye. Her skin becomes rock solid,
awe a crowd, but to cow and enfeeble a victim. then gelatinous within moments. She’s truly
While it won’t completely stop an assailant, it protean; she changes the way water f lows.
will even the playing field in a tussle. However, she needs the strength of Resilience to
Cost: 1 Vitae protect her form from collapsing in upon itself.
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Presence Cost: 8 Vitae
vs. Composure + Blood Potency Dice Pool: None
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive Action: Instant
If successful, this Devotion temporarily removes When activating Force of Nature, the vampire
dots of the victim’s Celerity, Fortitude, and gains as many of the advantages of Predatory
Potence, in whatever combination the vampire Aspect, Beast’s Skin, and Unnatural Aspect as
wishes. The vampire removes dots one-for-one she wishes, without Vitae costs. She can adopt
along with her Presence dots for the scene, up to additional modifications or shed existing ones as
her successes. For example, she can sacrifice a reflexive action. As well, with an instant
three dots of her Presence, losing access to them action, she can shift a number of Physical
for the scene, to remove two dots of Potence and Attribute dots equal to her Protean to other
Physical Attributes. These change derived traits Dice Pool: None, roll normally for Face of the
and can exceed her normal limitations. Beast
The effects of Force of Nature last for the scene. Action: Reflexive
This Devotion costs 5 Experiences to learn. This Devotion allows the vampire to use Face of
Gargoyle’s Vigilance the Beast as a reflexive action. This requires a
(Auspex •, Fortitude ••) second point of Vitae, so the vampire must be
This Devotion grants a patient and vigilant able to spend two vitae in a turn to use it without
vampire the ability to oversee her haven with preparation.
immense clarity. She becomes completely aware This Devotion costs 2 Experiences to learn.
of every single inch and can respond at a Juggernaut’s Gait
moment’s notice. When she moves against a (Resilience •••••, Vigor •••)
trespasser, nothing can stop her. Her Resilience With this rare Devotion, an elder Kindred can
affords her senses a stoic patience, so she can temporarily render herself completely immune
divide her attention throughout her resting place. to harm. Her blood f lows rapidly from her flesh
Cost: 1 Vitae and coats her body to defend her. Even the
Dice Pool: None strongest Kindred cannot maintain this ability
Action: Reflexive for more than a few seconds at a time, but for
This Devotion requires the vampire to remain those moments, they’re veritable gods of blood.
completely still, in a location reflected by the Cost: 5 Vitae per turn
Safe Place Merit (see p. 123). She has to be Dice Pool: None
stationary for at least ten minutes before this Action: Reflexive
Devotion offers its benefits. While stationary, This Devotion requires the vampire spend five
she has full use of her Auspex abilities, centered Vitae per turn she wishes to remain immune to
on any single spot of her choosing within the harm. During this time, all damage — bashing,
haven. Having full awareness, she may change lethal, aggravated, even damage caused by the
the spot at will. She receives +5 to any rolls to fire or by sunlight — is absorbed into her blood
detect intruders. before it reaches her skin. She takes no damage
If she decides to move against an intruder, she from any source.
gains +5 to her Initiative for the scene. As well, Note that this Devotion does not allow the
she does not need to spend Vitae to activate her vampire to spend additional Vitae; she must be
Resilience. able to spend five in a turn to use Juggernaut’s
With a point of Willpower, this Devotion may Gait without preparation. She can spend the first
be used while the vampire slumbers. four on preceding turns, and the fifth when she
This Devotion costs 1 Experiences to learn. An wishes to evoke the protection. However,
advanced version of this Devotion exists, invoking the Devotion is reflexive, and the
utilizing Protean 5, costing 4 Experiences. This Vitae may be spent after an opponent makes a
version allows the vampire to become a statue, successful attack roll.
immune to fire and sunlight while remaining This Devotion costs 4 Experiences to learn.
stationary. Quicken Sight
Hint of Fear (Auspex •, Celerity •)
(Celerity ••, Nightmare ••) With the preternatural awareness of Auspex and
Usually, using Face of the Beast takes extended the remarkable speed of Celerity, the vampire
eye contact, and none could confuse it for gains an exceptional sense of time and the space
anything but an attempt to invoke pure terror. around her. For a brief moment, she sees
With a subtle application of Celerity, this everything at a slow crawl, and can react thusly.
Devotion allows the vampire to use a rapid, Cost: 1 Vitae
unnoticeable look to bring the Face of the Beast Dice Pool: None
to bear. If the vampire doesn’t designate himself Action: Reflexive
as the source of the fear, onlookers will be none When activated, Quicken Sight lasts for a turn.
the wiser. The vampire can examine the details on fast-
Cost: 1 Vitae, plus one for Face of the Beast moving items and respond to things outside the
normal human spectrum. She can read multiple It causes a bloodbath of massive proportions.
pages of text in three seconds. She can apply her Use of this Devotion is considered a Humanity
Defense to ranged attacks and can benefit from breaking point.
aiming instantly. This Devotion costs 5 Experiences to learn.
This Devotion costs 1 Experiences to learn. Shared Sight
Reason’s Salon (Auspex ••••, Dominate •)
(Animalism ••••, Resilience ••) While employing Dominates trance, a
Animalism can draw bestial behavior out of a practitioner of this Devotion can extend to her
person, but with this Devotion, it can also subject some of her second sight. It’s a limited,
suppress those behaviors. By spreading his Vitae less effective version of her Auspex, but it opens
about a building or gathering place, the vampire an otherwise uninitiated mind.
can keep Kindred from losing control and Cost: 2 Vitae
unleashing their Beasts for a short time. For this Dice Pool: Intelligence + Empathy + Auspex
reason, it’s not uncommon to see a Gangrel Action: Instant
Master of Elysium. When activating this Devotion, your character
Cost: 5 Vitae may impart to another a number of dots of her
Dice Pool: None Auspex equal to or less than the successes
Action: Instant rolled. The recipient has full access to the
The vampire must spread his Vitae about the abilities granted but cannot use the lender’s dice
location (usually a building or clearing) he for activation. To the borrower must make rolls
wishes to calm. Throughout the evening, with just Attributes, Skills, and any Auspex dots
vampires within suffer the user’s Resilience dots he may have. The imparted dots last for the
as a penalty to all predatory aura rolls. As well, remainder of the scene. During this time, the
they add the same number to any rolls to resist lender loses that many dice from all Auspex
frenzy. rolls.
This Devotion costs 3 Experiences to learn. This Devotion costs 2 Experiences to learn.
Riot Shatter the Shroud
(Animalism ••••, Presence •••••) (Auspex ••, Vigor •)
Feral Infection gives an Animalism user the With Auspex, Kindred can see through the
power to move a small group of people to bestial shrouds of Obfuscate and other Dark gift effects
rampages. Coupled with the pinnacle ability of (and supernatural powers) that others use in
Presence , an elder can cause a large group of attempts to hide. This Devotion extends that
people to explode into complete bedlam, where ability with force, shattering those gifts and
they hurt each other, destroy property, and resort exposing their users for the world to see.
to other violent, antisocial behaviors. This Cost: 2 Vitae
Devotion brings the full weight of the vampire’s Dice Pool: None
predatory aura to bear on her surroundings. Action: Reflexive
Cost: 10 Vitae Activate this Devotion any time your character
Dice Pool: Presence + Animal Ken + Presence wins in a Clash of Wills roll (see p. 125) to
Action: Instant pierce a hiding ability. Not only does your
When activated, Riot overwhelms a wide area (a character win the Clash of Wills, but the
city block, or half mile), and everyone within it. victim’s hiding effect ends immediately. He can
Anyone with a lower Composure + Blood re-activate it normally on the next turn, if
Potency than the vampire’s successes suffers applicable.
from the Bestial, Competitive, and Wanton This Devotion costs 2 Experiences to learn.
Conditions. Stalwart Servant
The victims burst into aggressive, base (Dominate •••, Resilience •)
behaviors. This is not animalistic behavior; it’s This Devotion enables the Kindred to impart
destructive, short-sighted, and selfish. some of her preternatural toughness through her
blood, making for stronger servants and
bodyguards. The subject drinks of the Kindred’s
Vitae, with normal ghouling, addiction, and not spend the Willpower, she returns to her
blood bond effects, and then receives a hint of body.
the vampire’s Resilience. She cannot use any Disciplines or Blood Sorcery
Cost: 1 Vitae while in the animal’s body, but can use any of
Dice Pool: This power requires no roll to invoke its senses, natural weapons, or forms of
Action: Instant locomotion. While she commands the animal’s
Once the subject feeds, the vampire imparts her body, her own body lies in a torpor-like state,
own Resilience dots onto him. He still needs to awaiting her return — though she must spend a
spend Vitae to activate the Resilience, but he point of Vitae every night to remain active. If
receives one as part of the invocation. He cannot the vampire remains in the animal’s body for so
benefit from this Devotion if he already has long that her body slips into torpor, she
Resilience at an equal or higher level than the immediately snaps back into her body.
vampire. This Devotion lasts one night. The Exceptional Success: The vampire can still
vampire may maintain a number of subjects access some of the power of her blood even in
equal to her Blood Potency. The drinker gains the animal’s body. She keeps access to Auspex
the passive benefits of when in the animal’s body.
Resilience, and the vampire does not lose access This Devotion costs 3 Experiences to learn.
to the Discipline. Summoning
This Devotion costs 2 Experiences to learn. (Dominate •••• or Presence ••••)
Subsume the Lesser Beast The vampire reaches out to someone whom he
(Animalism ••••, Dominate ••) knows, anywhere in the world, and calls her to
The vampire locks eyes with an animal and his side. Somehow, the victim knows that the
forces her mind into its body. She can only vampire wants her to be with him, and she will
command a predator, a parasite, a carrion-eater, go to be by his side come hell or high water.
or a plague-bearer; she cannot affect a mere prey Summoning isn’t instant — it can’t account for
animal. She completely subsumes the animal’s natural disasters — but the victim will happily
consciousness, piloting it like a meat puppet. empty her bank accounts and steal from friends
Her body falls into a state of torpor while she or family to make the trip. She knows who has
controls the beast. called her and where to find him, but the urge to
Cost: 1 Vitae meet him is an emotional compulsion rather than
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Animal Ken + a supernatural command, and she won’t put
Animalism – animal’s Resolve herself in unnecessary danger to make the
Requirement: The vampire must feed 1 Vitae to journey — a vampire is still self-aware enough
the animal (included in cost). to seek shelter for the day even though he has
Action: Reflexive been summoned. At the time of summoning, the
Roll Results vampire can impress upon his victim the need to
Dramatic Failure: The animal throws off the bring something with her — weapons to defend
vampire’s attempt at control. For the rest of the her master from a nemesis, or a sacrifice for
night, the vampire manifests a number of some strange Blood Sorcery. Kindred can
physical tics akin to the animal’s behavior. Any develop this Devotion with the requisite level of
Social rolls suffer a –2 penalty. either Dominate or Presence . Its effects are the
Failure: The vampire cannot take total control of same, but the vampire must buy it related to one
the animal yet. Discipline. The requirement and dice pool are
Success: The vampire takes over the animal’s set when the vampire develops the Devotion.
body for one night per success. She uses the This Devotion costs 2 Experiences to learn.
animal’s Physical Attributes and Skills in place Cost: 1 Vitae
of her own, and cannot use her own Physical or Requirement: Dominate: The vampire must have
Combat Merits. She can stay awake during the inflicted the Mesmerized Condition on the
day by spending a point of Willpower at dawn, victim within the last year.
and takes no damage from sunlight; if she does Presence : The vampire must have used Awe on
the victim within the last year.
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion +
(Dominate or Presence ) vs. Composure + Blood
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive
Duration: 1 night
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The victim knows that the
vampire wants her to go to him and does
everything in her power to actively avoid him,
using her sense of where he is to aid her.
Failure: Something prevents the victim from
coming to the vampire’s side.
Success: The victim knows where the vampire is
and has a sudden compulsion to travel to him.
She will travel to meet him by the most direct
means available to her, stopping only for
necessities. The compulsion lasts for the rest of
the night from the vampire’s perspective — if
he’s calling someone from the other side of the
world, the effects last until sunrise wherever he
Exception a l Success: The victim’s compulsion
lasts throughout the day and for all of the next
night as well, long enough for many Sins of the Blood
international journeys — or at least for the
victim to find a way to smuggle herself
overseas. Vampire Anatomical
Suggested Modifiers Blush of Life
Modifier Situation Normally, a vampire looks the part of a corpse.
+1 The vampire knows exactly where his victim He’s pale. He registers no pulse. He exists at
is. slightly below room temperature. Food and
–1 The vampire has no idea where his victim is, drink taste terrible, and immediately cause
but knows that she is within the same domain. violent, bloody vomiting. However, with a bit of
–1 The victim dislikes the vampire and resents Vitae, he can fake life temporarily.
being summoned. By spending a point of Vitae, Kindred may
–3 The victim is over 500 miles away or invoke the blush of life for a scene. This makes
despises the vampire. them functionally human. They become warm to
–5 The victim is on the other side of the world. the touch, with a full, hearty pulse. They
produce natural bodily fluids. They function
sexually in the way a human can, becoming
physically aroused, erect, and lubricated.
They can keep food and drink down, ejecting it
later in the night. They’ll pass medical
inspection while the blush remains active
Kindred Senses
Kindred do not suffer normal vision penalties
for being in the dark and can compensate with
hearing. In full darkness, they only suffer a –2
die penalty to rolls that require vision. If they
encounter traces of blood, even if dried or
hidden (in a carpet, for example), they For this reason, many sires recommend their
immediately see even very small quantities. childer groom for the Embrace, as part of the
Vampire hearing becomes similarly enhanced. ritual of entering the Danse.
They can hear heartbeats at three yards or meters If an injury would require Vitae to heal
per dot of Blood Potency. Upon (represented by Health levels), the vampire will
Embrace, a vampire’s sense of smell attunes to unconsciously heal it during daysleep.
the scent of blood. Sometimes, this means the vampire will not
A vampire can smell the presence of blood from have the Vitae necessary to wake. As she falls to
about ten yards or meters per dot of Blood slumber, she may spend Willpower points to
Potency without rolling. Multiply this range by “preserve” wounds through her rest, to keep
her Auspex dots. If she’s tasted a particular herself from healing them and spending
human’s blood, she can add her Blood Potency excessive Vitae. This cost is one Willpower per
to any rolls to track him by scent. wound and makes the wound permanent.
Kindred blood does not offer this advantage, Sometimes, Kindred force other marks to
since it’s mostly old, dead, and its smell is a remain. For example, vampires often keep scars,
blend of all the vampire’s recent victims. If any tattoos, and piercings for spiritual reasons or just
of her Kindred senses apply, add her Blood to fit in with the flock. Many Kindred remove
Potency to any rolls to detect hidden people or long hair, in favor of wigs or cleaner, more
details by the traces of blood modern styles. The vampire spends Willpower
to fight the healing process while she sleeps.
Physical Augmentation After a day’s rest, any damage heals as normal,
Vampire tales speak of creatures stronger and but her body remains changed.
faster than anything human. With Vitae, any The Kiss
Kindred can accomplish massive bursts of Vampires have two traditional avenues of
physical prowess. By spending a point of Vitae, feeding. They can feed aggressively, or subtly.
he may add two dice to rolls involving his Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
choice of Strength, Dexterity, or Stamina for the Normally, a vampire’s fangs retract, only
turn. This does not increase traits derived from looking barely sharper than normal canines. At
these Attributes. However, it will increase will, a vampire can unsheathe them to bite, and
relevant resistances. to feed.
Healing • When feeding violently, a vampire’s fangs act
Kindred blood seeks to return a vampire to the as 0L weapons that use the Brawl Skill. That is
state of her Embrace. Her hair and fingernails to say, on a successful attack, they cause lethal
regrow as she sleeps. More importantly, Vitae damage equal to their successes, even to
can force her injured body to reconstruct, Kindred.
mending bones and knitting torn flesh in • As well, the attacker also takes one Vitae
seconds. In dramatic instances, severed limbs (which causes an additional point of lethal
regenerate or even simply reattach (if she’s able damage to mortals).
to heal the entire injury in a turn). • The drawback is that a bite must be performed
A single point of Vitae heals two points of as a Damage move as part of a grapple,
bashing damage, or one point of lethal damage. • . A mortal bitten violently gains the Scarred
A single aggravated wound requires five Vitae Condition.
and a full day’s sleep. Aggravated damage is the • While still grappling and after a violent bite,
only type of wound that leaves a scar on the vampire gains access to the Feed move.
Kindred. The scar appears natural, unlike the • When feeding non-violently, the vampire’s
original damage. fangs cause an enticing, invigorating sensation
The Cleansing that distracts the victim, to draw attention away
While Kindred sleep, they return to the time of from the reality of the feeding. Many Kindred
their Embrace. Anything that wouldn’t use this method as part of a seduction.
constitute a Health level of damage heals • A mortal bitten subtly gains the Swooning
automatically and returns to its original state. Condition (see p. 306). The bonuses and
penalties for Swooning apply to the vampire’s • Every point of Vitae she takes causes one point
Dark giftrolls. of lethal damage. If she takes more Vitae than
• With a subtle bite, the vampire can take one the human has dots of Stamina, he suffers the
Vitae per turn, and may lick the wound Drained Condition (see p. 303).
afterwards, leaving no trace of her feeding. • Once a vampire attains her sixth dot of Blood
• At Storyteller discretion, particularly dramatic Potency, she no longer finds human blood
feedings can cause Persistent Conditions. For nourishing.
this reason, many vampire hunters have the Cold blood from a corpse or kept outside the
Scarred or Swooning Conditions. On the other body for more than a few minutes (but no more
hand, so do many devoted blood dolls. than a night) is far less satisfying. To gain a
• In reference to the effects of a bite, the word single point of Vitae, a vampire must consume
“mortal” applies to humans, ghouls, mages, and as many pints of this blood as her Blood Potency
other things that are mostly human. times two.
• Vampires, werewolves, mummies, fairies, and • Technologically stored blood, for example in
other things far removed from humanity are not refrigerated plasma bags, is similarly
normally subject to the Assault and the Kiss. unpalatable to potent Kindred.
The bite is pleasurable or unsettling; just not • Kindred Vitae is a dangerous food. First off,
mechanically so. Vitae is addicting (see Vitae Addiction, p. 99).
• If the vampire knows she’s feeding from As well, it causes the blood bond (see Blood
something not human and knows that it is Bonds, p. 90). However, it’s efficient. Every
otherwise immune to the benefits of her bite, she Vitae taken is a Vitae earned, and this causes no
may spend a point of Willpower to give them additional damage to the victim. Stored Kindred
the Scarred or Swooning Conditions as normal. Vitae is effectively cold blood.
• Kindred are aware of this effect and see its use • Animal blood is a challenging meal that
as abhorrent and degrading. provides only limited sustenance for the
• Kindred who rely on it with their own kind youngest of Kindred. Size 0 animals provide no
often end up ostracized or worse. nourishment. Size 1 animals provide one point
Blood Supplies of Vitae. For example, a large rat will provide a
Vampires can find blood through numerous single point of Vitae. Size
sources. Most commonly, blood comes from 2-3 animals provide two Vitae each. Size 4-5
humans. They can also feed from stored blood, animals provide 3. Each point of Size above that
from animals, from other Kindred, and rarely adds one more Vitae available.
from other supernatural creatures. Note the Feeding Scenes
Blood Potency restrictions on what powerful Vampire characters will wander through their
Kindred can feed from . existences, feeding from countless vessels over
• Vitae is not blood. At least, not directly. Blood the years. This is the heart of the game. Clearly,
f lows through mortal veins; Vitae through we can’t portray every feeding situation over the
Kindred. However, when Kindred “spend” centuries. But every chapter should feature at
Vitae, their bodies do not lose the fluid that least one feeding scene. Feeding scenes are
animates them; it simply becomes inert. Picture much more abstract than most rules since every
Kindred blood as paint. Blood is the oil, the vampire feeds in different ways.
water, the vessel. You can’t paint with oil or As a rule, feeding scenes tend toward those
water. The Vitae is the pigment. It brings color, meals in a vampire’s Requiem that matter most.
it makes the paint vibrant. It’s only a small part When things go as intended, the vessels give
of the mixture. You could remove the pigment context for the vampire’s existence.
and still have a pail of fluid; it just wouldn’t be When things go wrong, they crash down (or
very useful on a canvas. inexorably fall like dominos) into grand
• Human blood is best warm, from the living. tragedies.
Kindred can pull a number of Vitae from a Since most feeding scenes will feature only one
mortal equal to the mortal’s unmodified Health character, use these opportunities to put a
dots. spotlight on her. Let her shine. Let her fall in the
mud with style. If the scene has multiple involvement. If you do so, take a Beat. This
speaking involvement may be abstract: for example, if
Storyteller characters don’t hesitate to pass their they’re dead, or if they gave a detailed
portrayal to the other players, so they can take description to the police.
ownership of the moment. To foster this Suggested Feeding Modifiers
participation, offer a Willpower point to players Situation Modifier
willing to adopt a bit part. We offer two options; Feeding Grounds Merit +1 to +5
with dice and without dice Hunting multiple vessels simultaneously −2
Dice Pool each
As determined by the action. For example, Additional hours of hunting in a night +2
seduction may require Manipulation + (cumulative)
Persuasion, and cornering and jumping someone Only hunting for one half hour −3
in an alley might be Strength + Streetwise. Use Dressed wrong for the hunt −2
the Attribute + Skill combination to encompass Hunting repeat prey +1
the whole, intended action into a single roll. By Hunting animal blood (urban) +1
spending a point of Vitae, you may add an Hunting animal blood (rural) +3
appropriate Dark gift rating to your roll. If you Hunting in the Rack +2
choose to do this, consider any failures dramatic Poaching −2
failures, and do not take the Beat for it. Hunting during a curfew −3
Action Hunting during a crime spree −3
Instant, roll represents one hour’s efforts Hunting a very specific vessel (for example, by
Roll Results hair color, by profession, or by age) −2 to −5
Dramatic Failure
Something happens beyond the realm of
expectation. Maybe the vessel wasn’t quite Example Dramatic Failures
human. Maybe another lick calls your meal his Note that not all these examples will work for
herd. Maybe she was out hunting for vampires. every character, or every feeding scene.
Maybe the vampire’s Touchstone watched the The Witness: One of the vampire’s Touchstones
whole thing by accident. Look to the sidebar for stumbles on the scene and witnesses everything.
examples of dramatic failures while feeding. The Inquisitive: Most meet the Kiss with rapture
This doesn’t necessarily prohibit feeding, but the and fascination. This vessel is curious and wants
vampire must deal with the inauspicious scene at to know more.
hand. The Hunter: A hunter led the vampire into a
Failure trap.
The stars just don’t align as intended. Crowds The Relatives: A mysterious vampire with a
appear in all the wrong places. Conversation blood tie enters the scene.
partners have wingmen ready to drag them away The Rival: The vessel just happens to be a
from private trysts. The hour is a wash. That is, member of a rival’s herd.
of course, unless you wish to take a Beat and The Wrong Turn: The hunt went down the
turn that failure into a dramatic failure.… wrong alley, and the vampire feeds in another’s
Success turf.
Things go as intended. Your character finds a The Resistant: The vessel is immune to the Kiss,
suitable vessel, and may feed freely, with for reasons unknown.
relative safety. Remember to pay attention to the The Affliction: The vessel has one of the rare
effects of feeding on the vessel. diseases that can plague the dead.
Exceptional Success The Anemic: The vessel dies unexpectedly after
Things go phenomenally well. During the scene, only a shallow feeding.
the Storyteller must give at least three important, The Nemesis: The vessel is merely a shell,
identifying features or personality traits about possessed by the Strix.
the vessel. Once, at an appropriate time in a later
scene, you may request the vessel’s
sympathy to another character who’s blood
Vitae you’ve tasted (see Blood Sympathy, p. 98). If
Vitae is not blood; at least, not directly. Kindred the donor is not human, your character detects
create Vitae as a byproduct of processing the what it is (if she’s tasted that type of creature’s
blood they absorb. There’s no digestion; the blood before).
blood seeps through the gullet and washes Exceptional Success
through decaying tissues. Vitae is the perverse You can discern extensive details from the
fuel that exists within the Kindred’s blood. blood. These include whether the blood is from
When Kindred use their Vitae, they do not a ghoul and to what clan, infections, what the
normally lose blood. The Beast is too selfish to vessel ate recently, hormones in the
let go of that fluid. However, certain Disciplines, bloodstream, diseases, some causes of death,
the act of creating a blood bond, and the and other fine details at Storyteller discretion.
Embrace require the vampire to contaminate the Suggested Modifiers
world around her with her Vitae. She does this Auspex active (+2), bloodtied (+2), currently
through blood. hungry (+2), hour-old blood (−1), day-old blood
Vampires do not naturally bleed when cut. The (−3), week or more old (−5)
Vitae is possessive; it pulls the blood back to the
body in the way a drop of mercury absorbs back Blood Sympathy
into a pool. When exhibiting the blush of life Blood calls to blood. Relatives by blood share a
(see p. 90), vampires will bleed normally, but certain amount of mystical sympathy; they can
still not lose Vitae. Some heinous injuries can feel one another at their most important
cause limited Vitae loss. For example, if the moments. They sometimes feel strong sensations
vampire loses a chunk of flesh or a limb, the and emotions from their relatives, including
blood will remain with the lost part, and pour frenzies, the pain of violent torpor, and the
out as the tissue and bone decays. Only in these shame of crushing defeat. This sensation is
terrible cases would blood loss equate with rarely clear; it comes in the form of cryptic
Vitae loss. symbols, daymares, and hallucinations. Only the
Blood bearing Vitae is slightly darker and has an strongest ties — such as those between sire and
almost syrupy quality. It has all the normal childe — result in clear messages.
metallic smells blood should, but also has a The various effects depend on how many steps
subtle, sweet smell, like a dessert wine. removed the two characters are.
Once Removed: This step is for sires and their
childer exclusively. Sires and childer enjoy a +3
A Taste of Blood on all sympathy-based rolls. This level of
In addition to being able to smell blood and to sympathy has no range limits; sires and childer
identify and track with blood, Kindred discern can feel each other from across the world. Twice
subtle cues from blood they taste. Removed: This step is for siblings, grandchilder,
Dice Pool: Wits + Composure and grandsires. Twice-removed Kindred receive
Dramatic Failure a +2 die bonus on all sympathy-based rolls.
The Storyteller gives two true statements about Sympathy affects any relative on the same
the blood, and one very dangerous lie. continent.
Failure Thrice Removed: This step is for cousins, a
The blood offers no insight. sire’s siblings, and great grandsires and great
Success grandchilder. Thrice-removed
You can discern basic details from the blood. Kindred receive a +1 die bonus on all sympathy-
These include blood type, clan, the presence of based rolls.
popular drugs, how long the blood has been out Sympathy affects any relative in the same city.
of the body, blood-borne diseases and poisons, if Four Times Removed: This final step is for all
you’ve tasted that person’s blood before, and if clanmates. They receive no modifiers for
the blood is human. It can also tell the number sympathy rolls. Sympathy affects any clanmate
of steps removed a character is in blood within a mile.
Sympathy comes into effect automatically any relative, add the blood sympathy bonus to the
time a vampire’s relative enters torpor or suffers roll. Rolls made to enact Blood Magic use
Final Death. The feeling washes over the double this modifier.
vampire and she senses her relative’s state in
vague, often symbolic terms. As well, characters Vitae Addiction
can initiate sympathy to communicate their Vitae is life. Life tastes very, very good. In fact,
states of being to their relatives once or twice it tastes so good, it’s highly addictive to both
removed. To do so, they must spend a mortal and Kindred alike. Vitae’s addictive
Willpower point and make a Blood Potency roll. quality is one of the strongest tools Kindred can
Each success allows them to contact a single bring to bear. Even ignoring the blood bond (see
relative; the relative must still make the roll to p. 90), Vitae is a remarkable bargaining chip.
detect sympathy. Just as in the mortal world, addiction’s a terrible
Any particularly powerful emotion can trigger thing when leveraged against a person.
sympathy, at Storyteller discretion. This is less a Vitae addiction feels very similar to addiction to
foolproof detective tool, and a more dramatic a strong drug. An addict does not have to see her
device. Any time a relative suffers a horrible vice to want it; she always wants it. It sits in the
fate, sympathy may cause frenzies. back of her mind, festering. An addict could just
Detecting Sympathy let her wound heal, but instead, she pokes at it,
When prompted, a character may roll to detect she tongues it, she just can’t let go. At any given
blood sympathy. She may also spend a point of time, no matter what she’s doing, she is also
Willpower to force sympathy and detect a thinking, “I could be getting my score instead of
specific relative, assuming they’re within the this.” Some blood addicts resort to attacking
range allotted by their tie. Some Kindred use other Kindred, or even committing Amaranth to
sympathy to track their family members. get a fix.
Dice Pool: Wits + Blood Potency + Blood Many seek out contaminated blood when they
Sympathy casually hunt, using hard drugs as a tepid
Action: Instant replacement for their true needs.
Dramatic Failure Any time a character drinks Kindred Vitae, he
Roll s to detect Sympathy cannot dramatically must roll Resolve + Composure, with a –1 die
fail. penalty for each point consumed. If he fails, he
Failure gains the Persistent Addicted Condition (see p.
The sympathetic tie fails. 301). Any time he’s faced with further
Success opportunities to drink Vitae, he must indulge,
The character connects with the relative. She succeed in a Resolve + Composure roll, or gain
gets a vague impression of the character’s the Deprived Condition. If a character tempts
mental state, and his general direction. If the him with Vitae, she may make a Contested roll
relative enters torpor or Final Death, his relative (usually Manipulation + Persuasion or
knows one of those two things has happened something similar) against his Resolve +
(but not which). Composure.
Exceptional Success Elders and Addiction
The character connects clearly. She understands Once Kindred reach a certain degree of power,
her relative’s mental state, his direction from blood addiction no longer threatens them. If a
her, and his rough distance from her. She knows vampire can only garner sustenance from
if he’s reached torpor or Final Death. In Kindred (at six dots or more of Blood Potency),
addition, he send a message of a single, short she is immune to blood addiction. This doesn’t
sentence that she hears through the blood tie. render her immune to blood bonds, however.
Dark Gift Sympathy Blood Bonds
As well as feeling the sensations of their While addictive, Vitae carries a far more sinister
relatives, vampires are more capable of using effect for those who drink it: the blood bond. A
their Disciplines on those with whom they share blood bond, also called a Vinculum, is a strand
blood ties. If a vampire uses a Dark gift on a of powerful, one-sided emotion borne of Vitae.
Someone subject to a blood bond finds himself Dark gift roll against the thrall. Causing direct or
drawn to, wanting, needing, devoted to, and indirect harm to one’s regnant constitutes a
even loving the one from whom he’s fed. breaking point at Humanity 5/Integrity -2.
While many Kindred expose humans to the Second Stage: Have you ever felt complete and
blood bond, often as part of creating ghouls, utter tension when simply thinking about
other Kindred are just as vulnerable to the someone? Have you ever made a stupid excuse
blood’s draw. Many sires bind their childer. to run off and touch yourself to get rid of that
Many Princes impose bonds on criminals. Every tension? Have you ever blushed when
city, every covenant, and indeed every vampire someone’s name came up, then lashed out when
views the bond differently. Some abhor it. Some someone accused you of having feelings for
find it a regrettable inevitability. Some revel in them? This is what the second stage of the bond
it. Most fear it. Some Kindred willingly feels like. It’s easy to confuse for love. It’s a
succumb to the bond with a trusted ally because strong, pervasive affection that makes you
a given Kindred may only be enthralled to a vulnerable, and keeps you persistently wanting
single vampire. This serves as a form of more. When taking a Social maneuver against
perverse protection against a less desirable bond. her thrall, the regnant’s impression is considered
Some mutually blood bond each other, to two steps higher (see p. 174). As well, she gains
heighten feelings of intimacy. A bound character a +2 die bonus on any Social action or
is called the thrall, the character he’s bound to is Dark gift roll against the thrall. Causing indirect
his regnant. or direct harm to one’s regnant constitutes a
The Bond in Play breaking point at Humanity 3, or on Integrity
Any time a character imbibes a point or more of with a penalty of –3.
Vitae, it creates or reinforces a blood bond. The Third Stage: Has someone’s name alone make
bond comes in three stages, usually at the first, you bite your lower lip in anticipation? Has it
second, and third drinks. Kindred characters can ever aroused you to imagine her reaction to
attempt to resist the bond by spending something you’ve done? Have you ever
Willpower. Make a Blood Potency roll, minus sabotaged something that could have been
the number of Vitae ingested. The Willpower special, for fear of its intrusion between you and
point does not add to this roll. If successful, that her? Has your brain gone wild, imagining the
drink does not add to the bond. However, the worst possible scenario when she meets
character suffers Vitae addiction normally. Any someone new? Have you ever thought to
further attempts to resist the bond from the same intervene in order to protect what you have?
vampire suffer a cumulative –1 die penalty; even Have you ever tried to agitate her because her
ancient Kindred cannot resist the bond forever. irritation is better than her neglect? This is the
Mortals have no such defense. feeling of a full blood bond. It’s nothing short of
First Stage: Have you ever felt a crush, that infatuation. It’s a tantalizing, forceful affection
butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling, but for that always eats at the back of your mind.
someone you know you shouldn’t want to have When taking a Social maneuver against her
anything to do with? Have you ever kissed thrall, the regnant’s impression is always
someone, and loved it at the time, then regretted considered perfect (see p. 174). As well, she
it later, only to know you were going to do it gains a +3 die penalty on any Social action or
again and love it just as much? That’s what the Dark gift roll against the thrall. Causing indirect
first stage of the bond feels like. It’s not love. It or direct harm to one’s regnant constitutes a
couldn’t convince anyone but maybe an breaking point at Humanity 1/Integrity -5.
inexperienced teen that he’s in love. But it pulls Lastly, all of the regnant’s lingering Dark gift
you and makes you want. It makes you want to effects gain additional duration. Any Dark gifts
be close to your regnant. It makes you want their that would last a scene lasts one night. Any that
approval. When taking a Social maneuver last a night instead last a week. One week
against her thrall, the regnant’s impression is becomes one month. One month becomes one
considered one step higher (see p. 174). As well, year.
she gains a +1 die bonus on any Social action or
Once the bond reaches the third stage, it shatters • At this point, the murderer’s player spends a
all other existing bonds, and prevents further point of Willpower and rolls Strength + Resolve.
bonds from forming. Vgormay add dice to this roll; the Willpower
The blood bond lasts a year from the most recent point does not. The murderer may continue to
drink. Full or partial, the bond disintegrates after roll, spending a point of Willpower each time, or
that time. she achieves a number of successes equal to the
Outside waiting out the year, methods for victim’s Blood Potency dots. Once she reaches
diffusing the bond — save for an overwhelming that mark, the diablerie is complete. If she
third-stage bond — are unreliable myths at best. abandons the task or runs out of Willpower,
The year limit isn’t quite on a calendar…it can there is no effect and she may not try again. The
vary by a few days or weeks. We simplify to a murderer immediately gains one Experience per
year for easy gameplay dot of the victim’s Blood Potency. This
Experience may only be used to purchase Blood
Potency dots. It can be saved if it’s not enough
to buy a dot. As well, the murderer gains a dot
of highest of the victim’s Disciplines that she
does not have herself. If she has all of the
victim’s Disciplines at equal or higher level, she
instead gains a Skill dot from her victim’s
repertoire. Diablerie is always a breaking point,
regardless of the vampire’s Humanity score. The
very act feels heinous.
• During and after the act, the murderer feels
dirty and wrong. She sometimes hears the
victim’s voice in the back of her mind, urging
her toward oblivion as penance for her crime.
Most Kindred will kill a human at some point
during her Requiem, but Amaranth is far more
than extinguishing a life: It’s the willful
destruction of a soul. While modern ,secular
minds often eschew the existence of a soul, a
Diablerie diablerist will never deny its existence. Diablerie
causes the Tainted Condition (see p. 306).
Diablerie, often called Amaranth in the old form, Diablerie Addiction
is the act of murdering another Kindred, and Diablerie, while perverse, is the greatest rush a
drinking the very essence that animated him. vampire can experience. The sensation and
Diablerie is seen as cannibalistic and is taboo in resulting power are utterly addictive. Do not roll
even the most lawless of cities. Only fringe to resist addiction; the addiction takes
groups within the covenants condone diablerie, automatically. Resisting a reasonable
and their parent covenants tend to root those opportunity to commit Amaranth in the future
groups out and disown them once uncovered. requires a Resolve + Composure roll, with a
• To commit diablerie, a vampire must drink penalty equal to the would-be victim’s Blood
from her victim beyond the point of Final Death. Potency dots. Failure results in the Persistent
• Once a Kindred victim is completely without Addicted Condition (see p. 301). At this point,
Vitae, each point that would otherwise be taken the murderer’s player spends a point of
becomes instead one point of lethal damage. Willpower and rolls Strength + Resolve.
• Once the victim’s Health boxes are full of Potency may add dice to this roll; the Willpower
aggravated damage, the victim’s very soul point does not. The murderer may continue to
struggles against his assailant as he reaches roll, spending a point of Willpower each time, or
Final Death. she achieves a number of successes equal to the
victim’s Blood Potency dots. Once she reaches
that mark, the diablerie is complete. If she
spending a point of Willpower each time, or she
achieves a number of successes equal to the
victim’s Blood Potency dots. Once she reaches
that mark, the diablerie is complete. If she
abandons the task or runs out of Willpower,
there is no effect and
she may not try again. The murderer
immediately gains one Experience per dot of the
victim’s Blood Potency. This Experience may
only be used to purchase Blood Potency dots. It
can be saved if it’s not enough to buy a dot. As
well, the murderer gains a dot of the highest of
the victim’s Disciplines that she does not have
herself. If she has all of the victim’s Disciplines
at equal or higher level, she instead gains a Skill
dot from her victim’s repertoire. Diablerie is
always a breaking point, regardless of the
vampire’s Humanity score. The very act feels Perversion
heinous. Sometimes — more often than Kindred like to
admit — two vampires will share from one
During and after the act, the murderer feels dirty another to the point of a full bond. They become
and wrong. She sometimes hears the victim’s hopelessly addicted to one another, and immune
voice in the back of her mind, urging her toward to outside bonds. They become self-absorbed.
oblivion as penance for her crime. Most Kindred To each other, they are everything. It’s the sort
will kill a human at some point during her of love that almost always ends in tragedy.
Requiem, but Amaranth is far more than Kindred call this phenomenon “perversion,” and
extinguishing a life: for good reason. In some cities, perversion is
illegal. Most couples committing the crime
believe they’ll be able to hide it, but the signs
are usually obvious. In most, it’s derided and
chastised. Of course, what petty, self-serving
society wouldn’t reject those able to rise above
childish bickering in favor of eternal
companionship and happiness? A couple that
doesn’t care about the barbed words of courtiers
or the protocols of Elysium is more dangerous to
the status quo than even the most anarchist
Unaligned Kindred.

behave, feel, and think. She manages to think
Kindred are not human. They were, once, but and act the way they do, in the way an expert
now they’re something entirely different. method actor would. She appears as an iconic,
However, to blend in with mortals, to walk idealized human.
among the flock, Kindred must maintain Gain a +2 die bonus to any rolls to relate to
perspective and understanding of their former humans.
lives. The Humanity trait reflects this Humane (Humanity 7- 8): A vampire in this
perspective. Vampires who maintain high range of Humanity is either very good at
Humanity scores live side-by-side with mortals maintaining her attachments, or she’s very new
and can relate to the living. Vampires with low to the Danse Macabre. She has little difficulty
Humanity scores grow distant and alien; they blending in with humans. She remembers with
lose sight of what they once were, and more perfectly clarity what mortal life was like. She
importantly, what they prey upon. For some remembers the way food tasted.
Kindred, Humanity is a downward spiral. It’s a She remembers the way sweat felt across her
great tragedy that ends in monstrosity and skin. She feels pain for those hurt by her actions
destruction. For some, it’s a constant struggle to and those of her kind.
maintain ties and never lose sight. Most Kindred Balanced (Humanity 5-6): At this point, she’s
find a range of Humanity that suits them, a been around the block. Most neonates and some
certain distance or closeness to the breathing ancilla fall into this range. She’s seen pain and
world. anguish as result of her condition and is
The Humanity Scale beginning to accept it as part of existence. She
Humanity exists as a continuum from zero to ten still has no issue relating to mortals; she just
dots. Vampire characters begin play with seven recognizes that she’s never going to be one
dots. Higher Humanity scores are possible, but again.
difficult to maintain. Humanity level is reflected She’s selfish and lies like second nature. She has
in a character’s behavior and appearance. As he a subtle, ashen pallor. Take a –1 die penalty on
sinks into depravity, he becomes less and less any roll to relate to humans.
like the mortals around him. He becomes more a Weathered (Humanity 4): A weathered vampire
monster, more focused on survival than on has seen more death and devastation than most
abiding by the societal norms of the herd. Often, mortals will in a lifetime. Most ancilla fall into
this presents as aloofness or detachment. this range of Humanity. While not spree killers,
The character simply ceases to relate to human a vampire at this level has taken lives, and
mores and expectations. These descriptions are understands that he probably will again in order
only guidelines; it’s up to you to determine how to guarantee continued survival.
your character exhibits the path he walks. He sees humans as fragile and temporary. He’s
Also, there are minor Social modifiers listed. calculating and cunning, having a mind attuned
These modifiers apply to rolls relating to to consequence. This shows in immediate
humans. Manipulating humans for food with behaviors. For example, he might avoid early
Subterfuge or frightening them with morning social functions to avoid worst-case
Intimidation are not affected; but trying to traffic on the way home. Take a –2 die penalty
understand a human’s emotional cues with the on any roll to relate to humans.
Empathy Skill would be affected. Note that Callous (Humanity 3): At this level, a callous
these penalties do apply with Touchstones; vampire maintains a cynical and jaded world
inhumane vampires find establishing perspective. He’ll step over anyone and anything
relationships with humans to be difficult, or in the name of survival. Most elders fall into this
even not worth the time. range. Typically, he’ll take the safe route for the
Ascetic (Humanity 9-10): A rare vampire with long haul. He’ll kill witnesses before risking
this degree of Humanity goes out of her way to their escape. By this point, Humanity takes its
immerse herself in mortal affairs, and to feed toll, and the vampire appears deathly or sickly.
sensibly. She’s poised and confident in her This appearance isn’t unnatural, per se, but it
dealings; she’s an expert in the way humans
makes humans uncomfortable. Take a –3 die Breaking Points
penalty on any roll to relate to humans. Breaking points are moments and experiences in
Monstrous (Humanity 2): A monstrous vampire a vampire’s Requiem that push her to risk
is barely recognizable as human unless he’s detachment. Any time she experiences
specifically acting the part and using the blush a breaking point roll to resist detachment. For an
of life. He looks like a moving corpse, with dry event to constitute a breaking point, it must be
flesh tightened over bones and a faint red hue to applicable to her Humanity level, or lower. For
his eyes. He’s short-tempered, selfish to a fault, example, a Humanity 5 character risks a
and will kill to suit minor interests and petty breaking point if she commits manslaughter
desires. Not only does he have difficulty dealing (Humanity 3 breaking point), but not if she’s
with people, he doesn’t want to. Most of the rejected by a human (Humanity 8 breaking
mortals in his life are servants and feeding stock, point).
viewed as resources at best. Take a –5 die The listed breaking points are examples only.
penalty on any roll to relate to humans. Add breaking points at Storyteller discretion or
Animalistic (Humanity 1): A vampire this close shift these up or down to fit the situation.
to the Beast exists in a state of animalistic Typically, the more personal the event is, the
stoicism. She can speak and interact just like lower level a breaking point it should be. If
anyone else but takes no action without intent. something is significantly distanced from the
Words are but tools for the hunt. Every action is character, or she had no way to prevent it, it
a step toward the next meal; nothing but blood is should be a Humanity level higher. Many reflect
worth her time. While she could fake humanity experiences that serve as reminders of the
with a bit of blood, she can’t be bothered, and vampire’s state. For example, watching mortals
instead looks like a corpse, a statue, a morbid eat a meal is a harsh reminder that mortal food
doll. Crowds part when she walks through; her no longer nourishes Kindred, and that it’s an
presence demands fright or obeisance. Your experience forever denied to the Damned.
character cannot relate to humankind. Any such Many breaking points reference human contact.
rolls use only a chance die. This refers to interaction, usually verbal. While
Draugr (Humanity 0): A character who reaches it does not have to be positive interaction, it
zero Humanity dots becomes draugr, lost to her should be human in nature, and meaningful.
Beast. She becomes a threat, no longer able to Jumping a derelict in an alley, feeding, and
interact with society productively — Kindred or fleeing is not interaction. Nor is tying up an
mortal. Nothing is sacred; draugr will not enemy’s ghoul and torturing her in a basement.
hesitate to shred the Traditions as a means of However, the act of feeding the captive or
escape. Draugr are forever lost to their finding the derelict shelter for the night could
monstrous natures; only the vaguest rumors be. Note that time unconscious in torpor does
suggest they can be redeemed. In most cities, not count as time without human contact; torpor
authorities kill draugr immediately and without is its own breaking point.
mercy. Breaking points don’t occur while a character is
Some draugr are careful predators, acting with in torpor. At the Storyteller’s discretion,
stealth and bestial cunning, or retaining discovering a missed breaking point could
ritualistic behaviors from their former lives. For trigger a detachment roll, but this is fairly rare,
example, a fallen Mekhet might set up clever as the experience of torpor prepares a vampire’s
ambushes and sleep in an old library, nesting mind for the shock of a new world upon waking.
among moldering books he can no longer read. Detachment
When reaching a breaking point, the character
faces potential detachment: the loss of a
Humanity dot. To resist detachment, roll the
number of dice associated with the breaking
point’s level. If the character has Touchstones,
she can draw on additional dice. Willpower may
not be spent to improve this dice pool. Any time
your character faces a breaking point, take a • Committing a superhuman feat of
Beat. physical prowess.
• Feeding from the unwilling or
• Urging another’s behavior with a
• Spending an hour in the sun.
Roll Results Humanity 8 (Four Dice)
Dramatic Failure • Creating a ghoul.
Not only does the character lose sight of her • Rejected by a human.
Humanity, but she also sees the breaking point • Riding the wave of frenzy.
as nothing of consequence whatsoever. In • Depriving another of consent with a
addition to losing a dot of Humanity, gain the Discipline.
Jaded Condition (see p. 304). • Spending most of a day in the sun.
Failure Humanity 7 (Four Dice)
Your character lets go of some of his mortal • One week active without human contact.
attachments and moves toward monstrosity. In • Surviving something that would
addition to losing a dot of Humanity, gain the hospitalize a human.
Bestial, Competitive, or Wanton Condition as he • Injuring someone over blood.
revels in his selfishness. Humanity 6 (Three Dice)
Success • Falling into torpor.
Your character holds onto a scrap of empathy, • Feeding from a child.
despite the urge to let go. She does not lose • Reading your own obituary.
Humanity, but gains the Bestial, Competitive, or • Experiencing a car crash or other
Wanton Condition as her nature pushes her to immense physical trauma.
Exceptional Success
Not only does your character hold onto her
concept of Humanity, but she also steps away
from the conflict with renewed vigor. She takes
the Inspired Condition . The inspiration relates Humanity 5 (Three Dice)
to her newfound affinity for mortality. • Two weeks active without human
• Reaching Blood Potency 3.
• Death of a mortal family member.
• Joining a covenant to the point of
gaining Status for it.
Humanity 4 (Two Dice)
• Learning a dot of Thaumaturgy
• Impassioned violence.
• Spending a year or more in torpor.
• Surviving a century.
• Accidentally killing.
Sample Breaking Points Humanity 3 (Two Dice)
Humanity 10 (Five Dice) • One month active without human
• One night without human contact. contact.
• Lying in defense of the Masquerade. • Reaching Blood Potency 6.
• Spending more than one Vitae in a • Death of a mortal spouse or child.
night. • Impassioned killing.
Humanity 9 (Five Dice) Humanity 2 (One Die)
• Watching humans eat a meal. • One year active without human contact.
• Premeditated killing. Your roll can succeed and fail in a few different
• Seeing a culture that didn’t exist when ways:
you were alive. Success: Your character’s action goes off as
• Surviving 500 years. planned. Achieved by having at least one
• Creating a revenant. success (a die showing 8, 9, or 10; or a chance
Humanity 1 (Zero Dice) die showing 10).
• One decade active without human Failure: Your character’s action fails. This
contact. doesn’t mean “nothing happens,” just that she
• Heinous, spree, or mass murder. doesn’t get what she wants and complications
• Killing your Touchstone. are headed her way. Occurs when you roll no
Exceptional Success: Your character’s action
succeeds beyond her expectations. Achieved by
Rules rolling five or more successes. Your character
gains a beneficial Condition. (See “Conditions,”
Rolling Dice p. 193.) Usually, the Inspired Condition is most
When your character is trying to accomplish appropriate. You can instead give this Condition
something and the outcome is in doubt, you roll to another character when it’s appropriate to the
a pool of ten-sided dice based on his relevant story.
traits and read the results to determine success. Dramatic Failure: Your character fails badly,
• Most of the time, you roll a number of dice and things are about to get a whole lot worse.
equal to an Attribute plus a Skill. Suffered when you roll a 1 on a chance die.
• For example, to get the cop off your back you Alternately, you can take a Beat in exchange for
use your character’s Manipulation Attribute of 4 turning a normal failure into a dramatic failure.
and Subterfuge Skill of 3, so you roll seven dice. When to Roll Dice
If you have a Specialty that’s relevant to the roll, You don’t need to roll dice for many actions. If
add an extra die to your pool. your character isn’t in a stressful situation —
• Each die that shows an 8, 9, or 10 is a success. nobody’s actively trying to tear his throat open,
Normally, you only need one success to achieve nor is the building being demolished as he works
your goal. — you don’t need to roll. When the dice hit the
• It’s always better to get more successes — table, the Storyteller should have some idea of
especially if you want to hurt someone, since what will happen if the roll fails as well as if it
your successes add to your damage in combat. succeeds.
• Every die that comes up 10 is a success. You Sometimes, that’s coded in the rules. If you fail
also roll the die again, potentially scoring on an attack roll, you don’t deal any damage.
another success. If this second roll comes up as Other times, it’s up to the Storyteller. If you fail
another 10, count the success and roll it again, a roll to jump between buildings with the
on until you roll a number other than 10. prince’s hit-squad on your tail, do you make it
• Many rolls have modifiers, either from but fall on the other side, grab the next building
equipment, circumstance, or someone working by your fingertips, or plummet to the alley
against your character. Most modifiers are below?
within the range of +3 to –3, though they can Circumstance and Equipment
range as low as –5 or as high as +5. Apply the Sometimes, fortune favors your character. Other
modifiers to your dice pool before you roll. Add times she gives it a helping hand by packing the
all the bonuses first, then apply penalties. right tools for the job. The Storyteller should
If your pool drops below one die, you instead weight how the circumstances affect a
roll a single chance die. The chance die only character’s chance of success. A slight
counts as a success if you roll a 10. Any other advantage — picking an old and damaged lock
result is a failure. If you roll a 1 on the chance — might be worth a bonus die, while a stressful
die, your character suffers a dramatic failure. situation — trying to pick a lock while people
Roll Results are shooting at you — might subtract three dice
from your pool. Most of the time, the modifier The majority of actions in the game are instant
from circumstances will be between +3 and –3, actions. They represent acts that only take a
though in very rare cases — picking a lock while couple of seconds. In combat, an instant action
your character is on fire — it can range from +5 takes up your turn.
to –5.Bringing the right equipment for a task A reflexive action is the sort of thing you don’t
also gives you extra dice to roll. A sharp suit even need to think about doing. Most rolls to
might give bonus dice when trying to convince resist supernatural powers are reflexive. You can
the CEO that your character knows the best plan, take a reflexive action at any time, and it doesn’t
while a good pair of running shoes will help her take your turn in combat.
escape from the things lurking in the shadows. When two people fight over a specific goal, they
Most equipment offers a +1 to +3 die bonus. A engage in a contested action. You roll your dice
top-of-the-line or custom item might give a +4 pool and the Storyteller (or other player) rolls
or +5 die bonus, but such items often cost more the dice pool for the other party. Whoever rolls
than just money. When a task is impossible the most successes is the victor. Note that you
without some kind of equipment — hacking a count the total number of successes rolled when
computer or driving a car — equipment bonuses working out if you scored an exceptional
indicate how far your tools are above the success — don’t subtract the other party’s
baseline. A beat-up old station wagon might not successes from yours. A contested action takes
add any dice to a Drive roll, but a top-of-the-line up the action of the person initiating the action;
sports car may add +4 or even +5 dice. resisting it is a reflexive action.

Willpower Extended Actions

A character’s Willpower represents her An extended action is an attempt to complete a
determination and her ability to go above and complex task. You roll your dice pool multiple
beyond what should be possible to achieve her times. Each roll takes a certain amount of time
goals. Spending a point of Willpower adds a +3 and represents a step in the process — your
die bonus to most dice pools, or +2 to a character either makes significant progress or
Resistance trait. You can only spend one point faces a setback.
of Willpower per action. You determine your dice pool for the action as
normal — Attribute + Skill + Modifiers. Make a
Attribute Tasks note of your Attribute + Skill + Specialty (if
Some actions require no special expertise to any); that’s the maximum number of times you
perform. Mostly, these come in the form of Wits can roll before the action fails.
+ Composure rolls to notice something that When you take an extended action, the
doesn’t seem right or using Strength + Stamina Storyteller determines how many successes you
rolls to lift something. In these rolls, you add require. Most actions require between five and
two different Attributes together to make your twenty successes. Five reflects a reasonable
dice pool. If an action doesn’t seem to involve action that competent characters can achieve
any particular Skill, it can be handled by an with the right tools and knowledge. Ten
Attribute Task. represents a difficult action that’s still realistic
Muddling Through for a professional in a field. Twenty represents a
If your character has no dots in an applicable very difficult action that even a particularly
Skill, the Storyteller may allow you to roll your skilled character will have trouble pulling off.
Attribute as a dice pool. The Storyteller also determines the interval
Your character’s dice pool suffers a penalty for between rolls.
being untrained: if the roll would involve a If an action would take weeks to complete, she
Mental Skill, you take a –3 die penalty, while a might consider one roll per week. If it’s likely to
Physical or Social Skill applies a –1 die penalty. take a day’s work, one roll per hour makes for a
solid timeframe.
Actions Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: In addition to the effects of a • 9-Again: You re-roll any die that shows 9 or
failure, the first roll on a further attempt suffers 10, take a success, taking a success and re-
a –2 die penalty. rolling until you get a result that isn’t 9 or 10.
Failure: You face a setback. The Storyteller will • 8-Again: You re-roll any that show 8, 9 or 10
offer you a choice: take a Condition of her — any successful die — taking a success and re-
choice or abandon the action. rolling as long as the die shows a success.
You can offer a different Condition if you think • Extra Successes: Assuming your roll succeeds,
it makes sense. If you refuse or cannot agree on you get a number of extra successes added to
a Condition, you lose all accumulated successes your total. This permutation mostly applies to
(see “Conditions,” p. 193). weapons, which add their damage bonus as extra
Success: Add the successes scored on the roll to successes on your attack roll.
your running total. Work with the Storyteller to • Rote Actions: When you’ve got plenty of
determine what steps your character has taken training and the steps you need to follow are laid
towards his goal. out in front of you, you’ve got a significant
Exceptional Success: Choose one of: Reduce the chance of success. When you make a roll, you
number of successes required by your can re-roll any dice that do not show an 8, 9, or
character’s Skill dots, reduce the time on each 10. If you’re reduced to a chance die on a rote
following roll by a quarter, or apply the action, don’t re-roll
exceptional success result of the action when a dramatic failure. You may only re-roll each die
you complete your goal. once.
• Successive Attempts: When you fail a roll, you
Resistance may be able to try again. If time is not an issue
Sometimes, an action is resisted. You roll your and your character is under no pressure to
Attribute + Skill, but apply a penalty of one of perform, you may make successive attempts
your opponent’s Resistance with your full dice pool. In the far more likely
Attribute s (Resolve, Stamina, or Composure), situation that time is short and the situation is
or your opponent’s Defense. This resistance is tense, each subsequent attempt has a cumulative
over and above any other modifiers applied to –1 die penalty — so the third time a character
the dice pool. tries to break down the door that’s keeping her
If you’re not sure whether to use resistance or a inside a burning building, her roll has a –2 die
contested action, use this guideline: Resistance penalty. Successive attempts do not apply to
applies in situations where the number of extended actions.
successes on the roll is an important factor. If • Teamwork: When two or more people work
what matters is just whether the roll succeeds or together, one person takes the lead. He’s the
not, use a contested action. For example, combat primary actor, and his player assembles his dice
applies Defense as a resistance because the pool as normal. Anyone assisting rolls the same
number of successes on the roll determines how pool before the primary actor. Each success
badly the attacker messes up his victim. A gives the primary actor a bonus die. If one of the
supernatural power that puts a victim in your secondary actors rolls a dramatic failure, the
thrall uses a contested action, because the primary actor gets a –4 die penalty
number of successes that you roll doesn’t matter
to the power. Time
When uncanny powers are involved, When you’re playing Vampire: The Requiem,
supernatural creatures can sometimes add an time in the story can speed past or slow to a
additional trait, called Supernatural Tolerance. crawl compared to time in the real world.
The Supernatural Tolerance trait for Kindred is Weeks or months might pass in the space of few
Blood Potency. words, while a tense negotiation plays out in
real-time — or takes even longer.
Permutations In addition to years, nights, and hours, Vampire
The Storytelling System has a few variations in also uses five units of dramatic time. These
how dice rolls work. build upon one another, from shortest to longest.
• Turn — A turn lasts for about three seconds. A
character can perform a single instant action in a
turn. Turns normally only matter in combat or
other dramatic and stressful situations.
• Scene — Much like a scene in a play, a scene
in a roleplaying game is the time spent dealing
with a single, specific event. The Storyteller
frames the scene, describing what’s going on,
and it’s up to the players to resolve the event or
conflict. A scene might be played out in turns,
progress in real-time, or skip forward depending
on dramatic necessity.
• Chapter — A chapter is the collection of
scenes that happen during one game session.
From the moment you sit down and start playing
to the point where you pack up your dice, you’re
playing out a chapter of your story.
• Story — A story tells an entire tale, following
the dramatic arc of a related series of events. It
might comprise several chapters or be completed
in just one. It has an introduction, rising tension,
a number of twists, and a climax that brings
things to a conclusion.
• Chronicle — The big picture, a chronicle is the
collection of interlinked stories that involve your
characters. They might be linked by a common
theme or overarching plotline, or they may only
share characters and locations. As your story
progresses, the players and Storyteller work
together to create an ongoing chronicle.
Success: The character wins the contest. She
deals damage equal to the difference in
successes plus her weapon modifier and
achieves her intent — if her intent includes
killing her opponents, then she does so.
Exceptional Success: As a success, and the
character also gains a point of Willpower from
the rush of inflicting violence on an inferior

At the start of combat, determine your
Combat character’s Initiative by rolling one die and
adding her Initiative Modifier .When your
character is using a weapon, apply its Initiative
Down and Dirty Combat penalty for as long as she’s got the weapon
The Storyteller might decide that your character ready. The only way to avoid this modifier is to
can get what she wants without focusing on the sling it or drop it. Dropping a weapon is a
details of the fight. reflexive action, but picking it back up takes an
Maybe she’s picking on people weaker than her. instant action. A character wielding two
Maybe she’s internalized the mechanics of weapons subtracts the largest Initiative penalty
violence. Or maybe the fight’s not the important from her score, and then reduces it by a further
thing going on with regards to the character’s one. Wielding a baton (Initiative penalty –2) and
intent. If that’s the case, the Storyteller can opt a riot shield (Initiative penalty –4) thus applies a
to use a Down and Dirty Combat. This system –5 die penalty
resolves the entire fight in a single roll. Surprise
Storyteller characters might deal some damage, Characters who don’t realize that they’re about
but they’re never able to initiate a Down and to be on the receiving end of bloody violence
Dirty Combat. have a chance to notice the ambush by rolling
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive Wits + Composure, contested by the attacker’s
Dice Pool: Combat pool (Dexterity + Firearms, Dexterity + Stealth. Any character who fails the
Strength + Brawl, or Strength + Weaponry) roll cannot take an action in the first turn of
versus either the opponent’s combat pool (as combat and can’t apply Defense for that turn.
above) or an attempt to escape (Strength or Determine Initiative in the second turn as
Dexterity + Athletics). Ignore Defense on this normal.
roll. Attack On your turn, your character can attack
Roll Results using one of the following dice pools:
Dramatic Failure: The character’s opponent gets • Unarmed Combat: Strength + Brawl – Defense
the upper hand. This usually includes the • Melee Combat: Strength + Weaponry –
opposite of the character’s intent — if she Defense
wanted to disable the guards so she could • Ranged Combat: Dexterity + Firearms
escape, she is stunned instead. • Thrown Weapons: Dexterity + Athletics – .

Failure: The opponent wins the contest. If the Subtract your character’s Defense from any
opponent used a combat pool, deal damage unarmed, melee, or thrown attacks that the
equal character is aware of. Every time your character
applies his Defense against an attack, reduce his
to the difference in successes plus weapon Defense by one until the start of the next turn.
modifier. Also, the opponent escapes unless he Spending a point of Willpower increases her
wants to press the combat. Defense by two, but only against one attacker.
You can choose not to apply your character’s wounds, no longer age, and exhibit increased
Defense against some attacks. If two unarmed physical potency.
gangbangers attack before a chainsaw-wielding If a ghoul goes without vampire blood for a
lunatic, you might want to let the gangbangers month, she loses all these gifts as if she never
get their blows in and apply your full Defense had them.
against the maniac swinging a chainsaw at your This phenomenon serves as a great advantage to
head. Kindred; it’s a powerful tool for tempting
You cannot apply your character’s Defense mortals into the blood bond, and thus helping to
against firearms attacks. maintain the Masquerade in their servants.
Dodge Ghouls make for loyal and effective aides; their
At any point before your action, your character ability to maneuver uninhibited during the day
can choose to Dodge. Doing so gives up her means that many Kindred use them to maintain
normal action. When Dodging, double your their mortal personas or watch over their havens
character’s Defense but do not subtract it from Most cities see ghouls as a necessary burden.
attack rolls. Instead, roll Defense as a dice pool, Some Princes outlaw the practice of ghouling, as
and subtract each success from the attacker’s a ghoul is arguably not “of the Blood.” In many
successes. If this reduces the attacker’s cities, ghouls are even welcome on Elysium
successes to 0, the attack does no damage. grounds. Typically, a ghoul is considered
Apply successes from Dodging before adding slightly more significant than a mortal, but less
any weapon bonus. than Kindred. Trespasses and transgressions
against ghouls are generally allowed, and ghouls
are expected to respect “their superiors.” Most
cities treat killing or maiming a ghoul identically
to attacking the owner’s haven, as older Kindred
see ghouls as valuable property.
On an individual level, Kindred defend their
ghouls fiercely. Even an abusive regnant will
grow violently defensive over his ghouls; after
all, a ghoul is an investment of Vitae, the very
thing that keeps the vampire rising from night to
night. An underground initiative within the
Carthian Movement — the Anti-Obstructionist
Army — dedicates itself to eliminating Kindred
interference into the lives of humans. Generally,
this means eliminating those Kindred who
maintain large stables of ghouls. The Movement
publicly eschews this philosophy but has made
no major steps to eradicate it from their ranks.
Creating a ghoul requires one point of Vitae, and
  a dot of Willpower. A ghoul needs further Vitae
monthly, but no further Willpower. To make a
ghoul simply create a human character and give
them a dot in Potence. Note that ghouls don’t
Ghouls spend Vitae so they can only use the Persistent
aspect of Potence.
When mortals taste Kindred blood, Kindred can Markings
give them a hint of their power. These mortals Most vampires will mark their ghouls with a
are called ghouls. They enjoy limited access to very small tattoo placed behind the left ear that
certain Kindred advantages. They quickly heal can only be seen if the ear is pulled back. This
marking is the vampire’s bloodline and name
using pictorials of the First City.

Ashwood Abby
The Long Night
Loyalist of Thule
Network Zero
Cheiron Group
Task Force: VALKERIE


Common Parlance
These words are in common use among all
echelons of Kindred society.
Any Kindred rebel who opposes the tyranny of
Barrens, The
The areas of a city unfit for life, including
graveyards, abandoned buildings, industrial
wastelands, and areas of irreversible urban
Becoming, The
The moment one passes from being a fledgling A vampire who has experienced at least two or
into “full” vampire status as a neonate. In the more centuries of unlife. Elders are the most
Camarilla, one may not Become until her sire active
deems her ready and gains the Prince’s approval. participants in the Jyhad.
Book of Nod, The Elysium
A collection of Kindred legend A place where vampires may gather without fear
and history. of harm.
Beast, The Elysium is commonly established in opera
The inchoate drives and urges that houses, theaters, museums, and other locations
threaten to turn a vampire into a mindless, of culture.
ravening monster. Embrace, The
Blood The act of transforming a mortal into
A vampire’s heritage: that which makes a a vampire. The Embrace requires the vampire to
vampire a vampire. Usage: I doubt her claims to drain her victim and then replace that victim’s
such esteemed Blood. blood with a
blood bond bit of her own.
A mystical power over another individual Final Death, The
engendered by partaking of a particular When a vampire ceases to exist,
vampire’s blood thrice; accepting blood from a crossing the line from undeath into death.
The rumored Armageddon when the
vampire is an acknowledgment of her mastery. Antediluvians will rise from their torpor and
devour the race of vampires and the world.
Caitiff Generation
A vampire that does not reflect it’s bloodline, The number of “steps” between a vampire and
not sharing it’s weaknesses nor disciplines due the mythical Caine; how far descended from the
to some break in blood. Also all members of the First Vampire a given vampire is.
14th Generation. Both types cannot sire Ghoul
vampires. A minion created by giving a bit of vampiric
Childe vitae to a mortal without draining her of blood
A vampire created through the Embrace — the first (which would create a vampire instead).
childe is the progeny of her sire. This term is Haven
often used derogatorily, indicating inexperience. A vampire’s “home”; where she finds sanctuary
Plural childer. from the sun.
Coterie Hunger, The
A small group of Kindred, united by the need for The urge to feed. For vampires, the
support and sometimes common interests. Hunger replaces all other drives with its own
Diablerie powerful call.
The consumption of another Kindred’s blood, to Jyhad, The
the point of the victim’s Final Death. Vampires The secret, self-destructive war waged between
may lower their Generation permanently through the Generations. Elder vampires manipulate
this abhorrent practice. their lessers, using them as pawns in a terrible
Domain game whose rules defy comprehension.
The area of a particular vampire’s influence. Kindred
Princes claim entire cities as their domains, The race of vampires as a whole, or a single
sometimes vampire.
allowing lesser vampires to claim domain Kiss, The
within. To drink blood, especially from a mortal. The
Elder Kiss causes feelings of ecstasy in those who
receive it.
A werewolf, the natural and mortal enemy of the Kine
vampire race. Plural Lupines. A term for mortals, largely contemptuous.
Masquerade, The Leech
The habit (or Tradition) of hiding the existence A human who drinks vampire blood yet
of vampires from humanity. Designed to protect acknowledges no master.
vampires from destruction at the hands of lineage
mankind, the Masquerade was adopted after the A vampire’s bloodline; the Kindred’s sire, sire’s
Inquisition claimed many Kindred unlives. sire, etc.
Prince Methuselah
A vampire who has claimed a given expanse of A vampire who has existed for a millennium or
domain as her own, generally a city, and more; an elder who no longer participates in
supports that claim against all others. Kindred society. Methuselahs are rumored to
Rogue hail from the Fourth and Fifth Generations.
A vampire who feeds upon the vitae of other Neonate
Cainites, out of necessity or depravity. A young Kindred recently Embraced.
Old Form All of a given vampire’s childer, collectively.
The elders typically use these turns of phrase, Praxis
which have existed since long before the modern The right of Princes to govern, the Prince’s
nights. One claim to domain. This term also refers to the
is advised to use these words carefully — in Prince’s matters of policy and individual edicts
some company, their use may be seen as and motions.
humorously anachronistic, while in the company Regnant
of Anarchs, for example, they may be A Kindred who holds a blood bond over
misconstrued as elders’ propaganda. another.
A human who serves a vampiric master.
Amaranth A vampire who seduces mortals in order to drink
The act of consuming another Kindred’s blood, from them, and then only takes a small quantity
q.v. diablerie. of blood, so as to avoid killing them.
Ancilla Third Mortal, The
A “proven” vampire, between the elders and the Caine, who was cast out and
neonates. Plural ancillae. became the First Vampire.
Antediluvian Thrall
A member of the dreaded Third Generation, one A vampire under the effects of a blood bond,
of the eldest Kindred in existence. having drunk another Kindred’s blood thrice.
Cainite Vitae
A vampire; a member of the race of Caine. Blood.
Canaille Whelp
The bovine masses of humanity, especially the A derogatory term for a young Kindred,
uncultured and unsavory. The Canaille are originally used with exclusive reference to one’s
viewed primarily as a source of sustenance. own progeny.
Golconda Witch-hunter
A fabled state of vampiric transcendence; the A mortal who searches out and destroys
true mastery of the Beast and balance of vampires.
opposing urges and principles. Rumored to be
similar to mortal nirvana, Golconda is greatly
touted but rarely achieved. Vulgar Argot
Humanitas: The extent to which a Kindred still
maintains her humanity.
These terms are slang, the modern equivalents of Farmer
older turns of phrase which have fallen out of A term of mockery for vampires who refuse to
favor due feed on human blood, instead taking sustenance
to their association with the elder ranks. These from animals.
words are associated with the younger Kindred, Fief
who seek to establish their own vampiric A sarcastic term for a vampire’s domain or
cultures. claim thereof, most commonly used in reference
Alleycat to a Prince.
A vampire who keeps no permanent haven but Head
sleeps in a different location each night. This A Kindred who feeds upon those who have
term also refers to a vampire who feeds imbibed alcohol or drugs, so as to vicariously
exclusively from the homeless, vagrants, and experience
other elements of low society. the same sensations. Those Kindred who prefer
Banking individual drugs have their “poison” prefixed to
The practice of “withdrawing” blood from blood the term
banks and hospital reserves. This blood has little head (e.g., meth head, dopehead, smackhead).
taste, though it will sustain a vampire, and elder Headhunter
Kindred eschew this base indulgence. A Kindred A vampire who hunts and feeds from
who engages in this practice is known as a other Kindred (see Rogue).
Banker. Juice bag
Blister A contemptuous term for mortals, indicating that
A vampire “Typhoid Mary” who contracts a their sole use is for sustenance. Also “juice
mortal disease and spreads it to each vessel upon box.”
he feeds. Lick
bloodline: A vampire; one of the race of Kindred.
Blood doll Rack, The
A mortal who freely gives her blood to a The hunting ground of choice, including bars,
vampire. Most blood dolls gain a perverse nightclubs, drug dens, whorehouses and other
satisfaction from the Kiss, and actively seek out bacchanalian locales, where mortals go missing
vampires who will take their vitae. all the
Butterfly time (see Papillon).
One who mingles among the mortal high-society Rake
element and feeds exclusively from the famous A habitual visitor to the Rack, especially in the
and wealthy. interests of feeding (see Gentry).
A vampire who feeds only upon sleeping
Casanova Slumming
A vampire who seduces mortals to take their The practice of feeding from derelicts, the
blood but does not kill them. Casanovas homeless, and other dregs of society; one who
typically erase the memory of their presence does
from their this regularly is known as a Slummer.
vessels’ minds. Stalker
Change, The A mortal who hunts down and destroys Kindred
The moment an individual ceases to (see Witch-hunter).
be a mortal and becomes one of the Kindred. Tease
Damned, The A term for a female Casanova.
The race of Cainites; all vampires. Turf
Donor 1) A modern affectation used in reference to a
A sarcastic term for a vessel, typically human.
domain. 2) The area under a given gang’s
A term of contempt for one who drinks
exclusively from animals (see Farmer).

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