The Reborn Clan Wanderers Illusionists Seekers Demon Hunters The Shattered (Derogatory) Shilmulo (Derogatory, Rare)

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The Reborn Clan

Demon Hunters
The Shattered
(derogatory, rare)
U nderstood to be tricksters and charlatans by
other Cainites, this represents only part of the
truth of Clan Ravnos. The full story of the Wanderer
ancient: Ravanna will awaken, the asuratizayya will
follow him, and there will come war the likes of
which have not been seen outside the walls of
Clan tells a tale of self-sacrifice and of loyalty to God, Heaven.
of lonely soldiers in a divine war for the souls of all
Tonight, though reduced to a fraction of their former
Mankind. Trickery and temptation are merely the
numbers, the wanderlust that sings in Ravnos blood is
necessary evils by which this war is fought. Long
not easily denied. Ravnos are striking out into the
divided into the western and eastern Ravnos, this
world once again, learning of the changes wrought by
changed when an event that would be remembered as
recent events that have so shaken Cainite society.
the “Week of Nightmares” drove the clan entire into a
They observe and plan, striving to be ready for
self- destructive frenzy. The western Ravnos were
Ravanna’s coming and the reckoning that will follow.
almost annihilated. The eastern Ravnos fared only
slightly better. Perhaps the Ravnos will be prepared by then, in these
new and changed Modern Nights.
But this calamity was a crucible, too, and by its heat
the Ravnos were reforged. Twenty years after the
Who are the Ravnos?
Week of Nightmares, the Ravnos have organized and
united their Clan to a degree not seen in millennia, Prior to the Week of Nightmares, Clan Ravnos was
driven by a looming threat posed by a sleeping much-derided and much-maligned due to the
perceptions of, and the actions of, their most visible larger numbers allowed them to come out better at
members in Kindred society. Known for being the end. However, many Ravnos tired of the fighting,
wandering vagabonds and hucksters, the most prolific and coupled with a sense of wonder in many (a
and public Ravnos were charlatans who pervaded wonder brought on by the existence of Cainites);
deception and theft. Misunderstood as the clan of some set out to see the world, fleeing the
gypsies and tricksters by Cainite society as a whole, overcrowded space and ever-escalating conflict.
the truth of the Ravnos is much more, for the These Ravnos quickly lost contact with their heritage
vagabonds were not truly the heart of the clan. as generations got further away from their traditions
and history, becoming the diaspora that would be the
The Indian subcontinent houses many supernaturals,
most public face of the Ravnos in Kindred society.
and it is from here that the Ravnos originate.
Subscribing to an origin unlike the Caine myth of Divided into castes (jati), the Ravnos of India
Noddist lore, a myth told by the epic poem continued their divine mandate, living as tempters of
Karavalanisha Vrana (Wounds of the Night's Sword), the unrighteous and pilgrims seeking their divine
which tells a story of their purpose. Their progenitor, purpose against the asuratizayya. After the Embrace,
Zapathasura, was a man terribly resurrected by the Eastern Ravnos is inducted into a caste based on their
gods and charged with a svadharma, a divine purpose: natural aptitudes. The four primary castes of the
to rid the world of the asuratizayya, demons that Ravnos are the Brahmin (priests who maintain
were once servants the gods created to protect mayaparisatya, the path of the divine purpose, and
mankind, who fell from grace and became destroyers advise the other castes), the Kshatriya (military
and tempters of men, brought low by the monsters leaders who run the war effort against the Ravnos'
they were created to destroy. The svadharma of enemies, primarily the asuratizayya), the Vaisya
Zapathusara is borne by all of his childer, burdening (who manage the Masquerade and mortal resources,
all Ravnos with a threefold mandate from the gods: often functioning as major-domos) and the Chandala
To destroy the asuratizayya. To safeguard Mankind (equivalent to Caitiff, with no specific role in Ravnos
from their foul temptations by becoming tempters society dictated by the svadharma). Ravnos ghouls are
themselves, to find the weak and the easily-swayed called the Shudra caste, servants to their vampiric
before the asuratizayya come for their souls. To masters, and other minor families existed (eventually
resist that same temptation as it courses through being large enough to be considered 'castes' among
their own Blood, calling them to vice, to corruption, the Western Ravnos.)
to the Fall.
The Eastern Ravnos kept to themselves, entertaining
Rising from this mythic origin, the Ravnos expanded the unusual Camarilla delegate, but otherwise rarely
as Zapathasura created his own childer, and as his interacting with the rest of Kindred society, and
lineage expanded, the clan began to codify societal continued in the ways they had for centuries. Until
roles and duties as they sought out and battled with the Week of Nightmares, which upended everything
their enemies in the regions which would become the for all Ravnos the world over. The destructive
Indian subcontinent and in China, their destiny madness that brought low the Western Ravnos also
leading them into conflict with what they believed afflicted the Eastern Ravnos. Unlike their Western
were a current form of the asuratizayya -- the Kuei- cousins, however, the jati had support systems in
Jin – a conflict which has raged for centuries. place, as the Kindred rulers of the region, which
lessened the blow to their numbers significantly. As
Over the centuries, the Ravnos came into contact with
the Ravnos lost their minds and set upon each other,
other Cainites as well, ranging from the pilgrims of
the Shudra and other mortal servitors of the Ravnos
Zao-Lat seeking Enlightenment, to the warriors of the
worked to contain the madness. And while many died,
Eldest attempting to usurp via false divinity, and
many more were subdued and kept in torpor until the
Cainites coming on the heels of Alexander the Great.
madness had passed. And after the madness had
As is often the case when two predatory species come
passed, the Eastern Ravnos took stock of their
into contact with each other, conflict broke out. These
situation and drew their resources close, not only to
conflicts were eventually won by the Ravnos, whose
ensure their society would survive, but for protection Generation, sent into the world by their elders (or by
against their Cathayan enemies who might strike in their own wanderlust) to see exactly how Kindred
their hour of weakness. society fared in these nights. Though some Ravnos
have chosen to ally themselves with the various sects
The Eastern Ravnos spent just over a decade
of the Kindred, the Ravnos as a whole maintain their
rebuilding their numbers in India, led by a council of
independence, as they always have. Their historical
Brahmin under the watch of two of their eldest,
territories and the support network afford them the
survivors of the Week of Nightmares. The Ravnos had
opportunity to maintain independence, but the
lost time and resources, and a decision was made. A
biggest factor is that Kindred society has no
number of Ravnos were dispatched into the world,
knowledge of their true numbers. In this, the Ravnos
beginning to reintegrate slowly into Cainite society,
have an advantage, and keep those cards close to the
learning of what had happened and all the changes
that came after the Week of Nightmares. These
pilgrims – often in disguise, calling themselves Caitiff The majority of the Ravnos that are seen by
to not arouse the ire of the Clans of Caine – were Kindred society are independent, eschewing
charged with studying Cainite society as it exists now, membership in any of the sects in order to
to inform their future diplomatic reintroduction as perform their duties. These Ravnos engage
one of the thirteen Great Clans, and to inform their with the sects when and where they can, but
search for allies. A reckoning is coming, or so their are outsiders, viewed by much of modern
eldest have said, as the rise of their lost and fallen Kindred society as a curiosity. Still, many of these
sibling Ravanna is soon to happen. And with Ravnos have shown their usefulness in domains
Ravanna’s rise, the asuratizayya will move on the suffering from the taint of the infernal.
world, calling the Ravnos to fulfill their ancient
The Anarchs, accepting of Kindred from all
walks of life, have been accepting of those
Now, in the shadow of the Inquisition and the Ravnos that have chosen to throw in their lot.
Gehenna War, events have brought two of their Within the Anarchs, the Ravnos have begun
remaining eldest together, in search of a third to show their usefulness in a way that older
ancient, their sister, in order to combat the coming Kindred are often surprised by, with Vaisya keeping
asuratizayya and the fallen ancient, Ravanna. At the mortal herds in line or Kshatriya working tirelessly to
order of these ancients, the clan began to increase keep their fellow Anarchs in line and safe from
their numbers, even as some of their elders began to Camarilla pogroms or rival Anarch gangs and
succumb to a 'call' and disappear into the night. In factions.
the past decade, the eastern Ravnos have begun to
organize in an unprecedented manner due of this, and
are slowly becoming a more common sight in Cainite
society as their neonates and ancillae wander into the
world, their pilgrims and warriors venturing out into
the world looking for the Lost Sister and to see the
influence of the asuratizayya on the world.

Ravnos in Kindred Society

The Ravnos have had next to no presence in Kindred
society since the Week of Nightmares; with time, the
Ravnos of the east began to grow their numbers and
reassert their control over India against the incurring
Wan Kuei and the Camarilla that had small footholds
in India. In the early 2010s, new pilgrimages began,
young Ravnos of Neonate and Ancilla age and
Very few Ravnos have been accepted into the the move, the Advance Soldier comes from modern
Camarilla; the few that have sought to join the military stock. Trained in both human military tactics
Ivory Tower have been exceptional members and in tactics to deal with Cainites, the Advance
of the Brahmin and Kshatriya, most often the Soldier seeks a domain where the influence of the
journeying Ancilla, offering their external asuratizayya is undeniable, and in that domain, the
knowledge as a new viewpoint on internal Ravnos plans to bring information back to the Clan as
conflicts, or their decades of military knowledge to a whole and, if possible, destroy the asuratizayya
deal with the Inquisitors and unruly Anarchs. where they are. Subtle and soft-spoken, the Advance
Soldier simply refers to themself as a traveling
The Ravnos have had an extraordinarily
Ravnos, in order to throw off suspicions and keep the
troubled past with the Ashirra due to the
truth of the rising numbers of the Clan from the
actions of the diaspora. In centuries
general Cainite populace.
past, three particular families of Ravnos
lived within the Ashirra's territory; one Aspiring Major-domo
known widely for their debauchery, one Insinuating themselves into a Domain, this well-read
for their evolution into a failed doomsday cult, and and well-educated Ravnos of the Vaisya jati has been
one known only through their entirely reasonable seeking a domain to ingratiate themselves into. Taken
dealings with the Ashirra's authorities. In the modern from mortal stock with strong political leanings and
nights, the Ashirra have been the first sect to really great training in oratory and business, the Embrace
have interaction with the new Ravnos expansion, as and being drawn into Cainite politics (both inside the
pilgrims ventured among them, presenting Ravnos clan and outside) has made this Ravnos an
themselves in a different manner than the Ashirra even more eloquent speaker, with a keen and
were familiar with. The Ravnos that have been discerning mind for political minutiae. This Ravnos
accepted into the Ashirra have been granted a form of seeks to find out the new state of affairs in Cainite
probation; Kindred are long-lived and many have long society, while using their political acumen to perhaps
memories, and those Ravnos are being watched set themselves, and their Eastern brethren, in a
carefully due to their sordid history. future position of usefulness or power.

Ravnos Archetypes Disciplines

Wandering Priest Animalism: As wanderers, the Ravnos are no
This Ravnos, a member of the Brahmin jati, is one of stranger to wild lands. Through the use of this
the first out into the world after the eastern Ravnos Discipline, the Ravnos has a two-fold capability; those
began their recovery. A wanderer who is often a new young enough to take sustenance from animals have
arrival in a given Domain, this Ravnos is relearning an easily-accessible emergency source of blood, and
Cainite society in the new nights. The Beckoning, the an easy method of information gathering (and
Second Inquisition, the Fall of the Sabbat, the defense, in a pinch).
Gehenna Crusade... the extent of much of this is
Fortitude: Many Ravnos claim that their mastery of
unknown to her, and she is taking it in stride. In
Fortitude is a gift from their progenitor, the strength
addition to learning, she is slowly attempting to
of their bodies supporting them in their battles
'advise' other Kindred of the eastern Ravnos in order
against the asuratizayya. And while this may be true,
to make her brethren's transition into Cainite society
Fortitude has borne up many Ravnos being driven out
proceed as smoothly as possible. And though she
of domains, weathering both the physical and mental
doesn't talk about it to many, if any, she is searching
assaults against their persons.
for information on their wayward ancient, the blood-
sister of Hazimel and Chandraputa, Marizhavashti. Obfuscate: Careful application of Obfuscate has given
the Ravnos their signature capability: the ability to
Advance Soldier
cloud the minds of others and make them see what
A member of the Kshatriya jati who was sent out into
they want, to the point of those 'illusions' being given
the world to see how the asuratizayya have been on
a 'physical' substance of a sort. Mastery of Obfuscate Conviction is most appropriate, though it mustn't
not only allows the Ravnos to travel undetected, but always be. Most Ravnos believe by overcoming this
to put these mental tricks to work in their 'duty' as temptation of their blood, they will come closer to
tempters, and in defense of themselves and their their mythic origin, bettering themselves and moving
allies. beyond their own limits, essentially 'purifying'
themselves and moving further along their svadharma
Ravnos often utilize the Amalgams Mithya, which
-- their divine purpose. The Ravnos takes penalties
allows them to project their Obfuscate as independent
equal to the Bane Severity to any pools involved in
illusions that affect all five senses, and Maya, which
avoiding indulging in this temptation.
takes the projected illusion and grants it a form of
substance by drawing on their Fortitude.
Clan Compulsion: Svadharma
Variants by Caste When this Compulsion is activated, the Ravnos' mind
aligns with their mythic origin as tempters of men,
The eastern Ravnos often (but not universally) have
sent down to see who is righteous and who is not. The
developed slight differences in the powers they
Ravnos must engage in attempts to coerce another
possess between the castes, due to the duties that
individual (vampire or mortal) to violate a Conviction
they naturally gravitate towards. At Storyteller
or Chronicle Tenet (most often using the powers of
discretion, a Ravnos of a specific caste may replace
Mithya to assist). Any action not taken towards
Disciplines as follows:
pushing someone to violate the Conviction/Tenet
 Brahmin may replace Animalism with Auspex suffers a -2 dice penalty, as the Beast fights against
 Kshatriya may replace Animalism with Protean their attempt to avoid their svadharma (and its own
 Vaisya may replace Animalism with Presence natural impulses). The Compulsion lasts until the end
of the scene, or until the target does something to
Bane definitively uphold Conviction or Tenet in the Ravnos'
The Ravnos believe that their Bane is not a
punishment so much as a trial. In their role as New Powers
tempters, they too are tempted; each Ravnos, upon
Embrace, becomes afflicted with a temptation. This Obfuscate
temptation should be discussed with the Storyteller; Level 3
often, something that would cause a character to
move towards violation of a Chronicle Tenet or
Amalgam: Fortitude 2 by Mithya is within unaided line of sight of the caster
(and the caster meets other limitations, such as if
Rather than using Obfuscate to mask themselves from
they can hear what is being asked of the cop), the
view or change their form, the Ravnos have developed
caster may actively control the illusion, such as
a method to project this mental manipulation on an
having the beat cop stop to have a conversation. To
area; rather than affecting only the Ravnos, Mithya
change the pattern of an illusion requires a round of
draws upon the Ravnos' Fortitude to allow the Ravnos
concentration in which the caster can take no other
to create illusory people and things with a semblance
action; to make changes while otherwise engaged
of life and substance; illusory people move or speak,
requires a Minor Action worth 3 dice.
illusory water drips and ripples, and illusory music
changes from song to song. Users of Sense the Unseen have the potential to see
through illusions, which trigger a contest of Resolve +
Cost: 1 Rouse Check
Auspex vs. Composure + Obfuscate when the user of
Dice Pool: Composure + Obfuscate Auspex interacts with the illusion.
System: Make a Composure + Obfuscate test to craft Illusions created by Mithya can be disbelieved if
the illusion; the Difficulty for this is variable and something is done to cause suspicion. To disbelieve an
determined by the Storyteller, based on the specifics illusion, the character interacting with the illusion
of the illusion being crafted. A simple object such as a rolls a contest of Wits + Awareness vs. Wits +
sword or goblet might need 1 success, a more complex Obfuscate.
object like a gun that chambers might need 3, while
A win by any margin on either of the above causes the
an illusion of a specific individual or something such
illusion to be seen through; seeing through the
as a massive fire might need 6. On a win, the caster
illusion causes it to become semi-transparent; for
creates the illusion of their choice, with a size no
example, after disbelieving or sensing through a
larger than 10 yards per dot of Obfuscate; on a
chimerical wall, a character can see through it and
Critical Win the size can be doubled.
move through it without impediment.
An illusion has no physical substance, but it looks
Illusions cast by Mithya are immediately dissipated if
entirely real to observers unless disbelieved (see
exposed to natural sunlight. Illusions cast by Mithya
below) or seen through via powers. An illusory
can be recorded, but on recording they look or sound
policeman can appear to walk his beat around a block,
'off;' audio is tinny and illusions gain an overt
an illusory wall feels and looks like brick, a glass of
unnatural quality.
water could be made to be a fine wine, and so forth.
Illusory objects seem to fulfill their standard Duration: One scene, until dismissed, or until
functions; an illusory gun can cock its hammer or dispelled as above.
shoot an illusory bullet (which causes no harm), and
Level 5
an illusory engine can be taken apart.
The use of Mithya is very open-ended and effects of
the illusions should be discussed with the Storyteller; Prerequisite: Mithya
an illusory fire might trigger a low-Difficulty You can turn dreams into reality, lending genuine
Rotschreck test (no higher than Difficulty 2), or items verisimilitude to your imaginary creations. Your
used to assist actions (such as an illusory gun aiding phantasms gain tangible reality and are capable of
an intimidation attempt) might provide a dice bonus interacting with the real world in concrete ways, even
no higher than half the user's Obfuscate rating to an causing harm to your enemies, as you choose.
applicable situation.
Cost: 2 Rouse Checks
When Mithya is activated, the caster may (if
Dice Pool: Composure + Obfuscate; Manipulation +
appropriate) determine a simple pattern of actions
Obfuscate vs. appropriate dice pool
for that illusion to enact, such as the beat cop walking
a loop around the block. Further, if the illusion cast System: The Ravnos is able to use Maya to either
augment an existing illusion created by Mithya, or this manner must be discussed with the Storyteller.
summon a new illusion into being; to summon an
Duration: 5 minutes or 1 full combat, or until
illusion, the caster must win a Composure +
dispelled (see Mithya for the rules for dispelling an
Obfuscate test (see the rules for Mithya). Illusions
created with Maya (or upgraded from illusions
already cast via Mithya) have all the same limitations Credits
as Mithya (such as being dissipated by sunlight or By Night Studios for the original Chimerstry text
being off when recorded), but are unable to be altered for V5
disbelieved; the illusion has been given a form of Eunomiac for proofreading and editing
limited substance, making it much more tangible in
All art credit to the original artists, used for non-
the sense of reality.
profit purposes
Illusions created with, or augmented by, Maya cannot - Cover Image: Taapsee Panu, 'Pink' promotional
interact with inanimate objects, but can cause harm image, Rashmi Sharma Telefilms
to mortals, supernaturals and animals. Maya allows
- Image #1: Pandora, by Mahafsoun (https://
illusions to be used to attack and inflict temporary
real damage, either as a primary attacker (such as a
beat cop firing a gun) or by secondary means (the
Ravnos slashing with an illusory sword). Attacks - Image #2: Avan Jogia, 'Now Apocalypse'
made with Maya do Aggravated damage with a +2 promotional image, Starz
damage modifier, with a weapon type appropriate to
whatever form the illusion has been given.

To attack with Maya, the user must be concentrating

and actively directing the illusion (such as making an
illusory hunter swing an axe), or using the solid
illusion themselves (such as holding a phantom
sword); the user rolls a contest of Manipulation +
Obfuscate vs. the target's appropriate pool (a sword
duel would resolve as Manipulation + Obfuscate vs.
Dexterity + Melee, for example). This is treated as a
normal Conflict; if the target wins on a Conflict that
would deal damage back, the Ravnos takes the
appropriate damage (either beings truck themselves
or, with a controlled illusion, this is a sort of 'psychic
feedback'). Others may 'attack' a Maya illusion per
the normal Conflict rules, with the pool and damage
the same as above.

The harmful effects of Maya are fleeting, however, as

they are based on the substance of illusion, despite
the temporary solidity. Damage caused by Maya can
knock an individual unconscious or into torpor, but
cannot kill. Once Maya's duration has ended, the
harm it has inflicted fades after an additional 5
minutes; unconscious humans awaken, and torpid
vampires rise.

At Storyteller discretion, Maya can be used for other

combat effects, such as staking. Any use of Maya in

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