3ms Summary of Sequence Two

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: Lessons :
Sequence two: Me and lifestyles -- past and present -- Done by mr : Ghimouz Rabeh
1. The past simple tense ( Regular and Irregular verbs )
. Lifestyles : The ways that The past simple tense is used to talk about a finished action in the past.
you live ‫انماط الحياة‬ Time markers : Yesterday, last week, last month, last year, 2 days ago, a date in
. Farmhouse: The house the past ( 1939 – 1954 ).
on a farm where a farmer
A. Affirmative form :
live ‫بيت المزارع‬
. Live : To have your home
1. Regular verbs :
‫ يقيم‬/  ‫يسكن‬ We form the past simple ( Regular verbs ) by :
. Village : A group of
houses with other buildings Subject + Stem + Ed + Rest of the sentence.
. Born: To come into the
world by birth ‫يولد‬ Eg : . Elizabeth’s family boiled potato for lunch.
Subject stem+ ed Rest of the sentence
. Lake : A large area of
water that is surrounded by
land ‫بحيرة‬ - If the verb ends in ‘’e’’ we add only “d” : Like : liked. raise: raised.
. Raise : To make an use : used
animal / plant grow so that . Eg: . Elizabeth’s father raised some domestic animals.
you can use it ‫يربي‬
. Animals : Living - If the verb ends with ( consonant + y ) we change the ‘’y ‘’ by ‘’ i ‘’ and add
creatures which are not ‘’ ed ‘’ Study: studied.
humans or plants ‫حيوانات‬
. The Second World . Eg: . We studied the final “s’’ in sequence one.
War : ‫الحرب العالمية الثانية‬
. Share : To divide - If the verb ends in ( consonant + vowel + consonant ) we double the last
something ‫يقتسم‬ consonant and add “ ed “
. Farmyard : An outside . Travel : travelled. Knit : knitted .
area near the farmhouse .Eg: . Elizabeth’s mum knitted dresses and blouses.
surrounded by buildings or
walls ‫ساحة المزرعة‬ 2. Irregular verbs :
. Cowshed : A small
building that is used for We form the past simple ( irregular verbs ) by :
keeping cows ‫كوخ البقر‬ Subject + irregular verb + R.s ( Irregular Verbs ) p 147 school book )
. kitchen : A room where ( Buy : bought ) ( take : took ) ( make : made ) ( be : was / were ) ( do : did )
food is prepared or cooked
Eg: . Elizabeth’s father bought her clothes once a year.
. Bathroom : A room
where there is a bath ‫حمام‬ B. Negative form :
. Stove : A cooker ‫جهاز طبخ‬ We form the past simple negative form by :
. Boil : To heat ‫يغلي‬ Verb : ( To do )
. Help : To do something Subject + did not + Stem + Rest of the Sentence
for someone ‫يساعد‬ Eg : . They did not play rag dolls
. Housework : The work Subject did not Stem Rest of the Sentence
that is needed to keep a
house clean. ‫شغل البيت‬ Verb : ( To be )
. Tidy : To make Subject + was / were not + Rest of the Sentence
something tidy ‫يرتب‬ Eg: . He was not here yesterday.
. Feed : To give food to a .They were not my friends.
person or an animal ‫يطعم‬
. Milk : To take milk from
C. Interogtive form :
a cow / goat … ‫يحلب‬
. Used to : ‫اعتدت ان‬ We form the interogative of the past simple by :
. Hard work : ‫عمل شاق‬ 1. Yes/ No questions :
. Eat : To put food in your
mouth ‫يأكل‬ Verb : ( To do )
. Porridge : A food that is Did + Subject + Stem + Rest of the Sentence + ?
made from oats mixed with Eg: . Did Elizabeth like hopscotch ?
milk or water . ‫شوفان‬ Did Subject Stem R.S ?

. Breakfast : The The answer here is : Yes, she did / No, she did not
meal which we have Verb : ( To be )
when we get up . Was / were + subject + rest of the sentence + ?
‫وجبة الفطور‬ Eg :
.Gather : To come
. Was he your teacher ?
together in a group
The answer here is: Yes, he was / No, he was not.
. Table manners : . were they your friends ?
‫آداب الطاولة‬ The answers here is:
. Meal : Food ‫وجبة‬ . Yes they were / No they were not.
. Wear / Put on : To 2. “ Wh “ questions :
have clothes, jewelry
… ‫يرتدي‬ “Wh “ word + did + Subject + Stem + Rest of the Sentence + ?
. Formal clothes :
Eg: . Where did they live in 1940’s ?
‫مالبس رسمية‬ “ Wh word “ did Subject Stem Rest of the Sentence ?
. Casual clothes :
‫مالبس غير رسمية‬
. Cotton : ‫قطن‬
2. Describe past habit: ( the semi modal “ Used to ‘’:
. Wool : The soft We use “ Used to ‘’ to talk about past habits that we no longer do.
thick hair of sheep
… ‫صوف‬ A. Affirmative form :
. Buy : To get
something by paying Subject + Used to + Stem + Rest of the Sentence
money for it ‫يشتري‬ Eg: . Elizabeth used to milk the cows at the age of 12.
. Swap : To give Subject Used to Stem Rest of the Sentence
something for
something else ‫يقايض‬ B. Negative form :
. Play : To do
something to enjoy Subject + did not + Use to + Stem + Rest of the Sentence.
yourself ‫يلعب‬
. Game : A form of Eg: . Elizabeth did not use to play hide and seek.
Subject did not Use to Stem Rest of the Sentence
play or sport with
rules ‫لعبة‬
C. Interogative form :
. Rag dolls : Child’s
toys ‫دمى‬ 1. Yes / No questions :
. Cloth : A material
made of cotton, wool Did + Subject + Use to + Stem + Rest of the Sentence +?
… ‫قماش‬ Eg: . Did you use to help your mothers ?
. Stuff : To fill Did Sub Use to Stem Rest of the Sentence ?
something with
something ‫يحشو‬ 2. “ Wh ‘’ questions :
. Hide-and-seek : A
children’s game “ Wh ‘’ word + Did + Subject + Use to + Stem + Rest of the Sentence + ?
. Marbles : Eg: . When did they use to play tennis ?
Wh word did Sub use to Stem R.S ?
A children’s game
‫لعبة الكرات الصغيرة‬
. Hopscotch : ‫لعبة‬ 3. Pronunciation of the final “ ed ‘’ ( past simple regular verbs ): There
‫المربعات‬ are 03 pronunciations of the final “ ed ‘’. / id / . / t / . / d / .
. Chess : ‫لعبة الشطرنج‬ . “ ed ‘’ is pronounced / id / after the two sounds : / t . d / .
. Childhood . “ ed ‘’ is pronounced / t / after the seven sounds : / p . k . f . θ . s. ʃ . tʃ . /
memories : ‫دكريات‬
‫الطفولة‬ . “ ed ‘’ is pronounced / d / after the following sounds : / b. g . v . ð . z . ʒ . dʒ . m . n .
. Ago : In the past ‫مند‬ ŋ . r / + Vowels.
. Remind : ‫ ينبه الى‬... / id / /t/ /d/
. Made of : ‫ صنع من‬.. Knitted. Visited . Cooked . milked . Lived . boiled . Raised.
. Made in : ‫ صنع في‬... completed . demanded . laughed . Helped. Studied.
. Made with :
 ( food ingredients ) Done by mr ::::: Ghimouz Rabeh : Djaadi Omar Middle School ( Boumerdes ) ::::: Feb 04 th 2022
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