06 Project Curves

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Synchronous Modeling and Parametric Design

MT10043 – NX 9.0

Activity: Project curves

In this activity, you will project curves to create an associative seal groove on a non-
planar face.

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Synchronous Modeling and Parametric Design
MT10043 – NX 9.0

Examine the part

1. Open syn1_seal_groove_1.

2. Use the Part Navigator to become familiar with the existing geometry.

The curves you are going to project are associative offset curves created from
the Sketch (3) feature.

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Synchronous Modeling and Parametric Design
MT10043 – NX 9.0

Project the offset curves to define the groove centerline

1. Choose Curve tab→Derived Curve group→Project Curve .

2. In the Project Curve dialog box, click Reset .

3. With Select Curve or Point active, in the graphics window, select one of
the Offset Curves from the inner set of curves.

4. In the Objects to Project To group, click Select Object .

5. Select the top face of the solid body.

6. In the Projection Direction group, from the Direction list, select Along Vector.
7. In the graphics window, select the vertical vector.

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Synchronous Modeling and Parametric Design
MT10043 – NX 9.0

The curves project to the selected face as a preview.

8. In the Settings group, ensure that the Associative check box is selected.
9. From the Join Curves list, ensure that No is selected.
10. Click OK.

The projected curve feature is now listed in the Part Navigator.

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Synchronous Modeling and Parametric Design
MT10043 – NX 9.0

Create the seal groove

1. Choose Home tab→Feature group→Tube .

2. Select the projected curve on the top face of the solid as shown.

3. In the Cross Section group, in the Outer Diameter box, type 7 and press Enter.
4. Ensure that the Inner Diameter is set to 0.
5. In the Boolean group, from the list, select Subtract.
6. Select the solid body.
7. In the Settings group, from the Output list, ensure that Multiple Segments is
8. Click OK.

The tube follows the projected curve path and creates the groove on the top

Material for training use only

Prohibited total or partial reproduction without permission from Siemens [5 de 7]
Synchronous Modeling and Parametric Design
MT10043 – NX 9.0

Material for training use only

Prohibited total or partial reproduction without permission from Siemens [6 de 7]
Synchronous Modeling and Parametric Design
MT10043 – NX 9.0

Test the associativity

1. In the Part Navigator, select the Sketch (3) feature and expand
the Details panel.
2. Locate the expression p12 and double click the Expression box.

This expression defines the sketch length.

3. Type 152 and press Enter.

4. Edit the value of p14, the sketch width, to 140.

Notice that the sketch and the solid update in overall length and width.

5. Close the part.

You completed the activity.

Material for training use only

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